New Beginnings: Chapter Four: Ice Cream and Heat

Story by Yukigo Kurosaki on SoFurry

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#4 of New Beginnings

The next day is where things really started to heat up for me. I was awoken the next day and I noticed that for once I did not have morning wood, which was a definite sign that my female cycle was starting to take over. The scent was beginning to show, it hung heavy in my isolated room before I opened a window; Moonbeam sported an emerged tip as shi walked out of my room after waking me, shaking hir head quickly to drive the thoughts out of hir mind.

Rosecoat was awake as well, I saw hir brushing hir teeth with one paw, and hir hair with the other. Shi snuck an eye to me and nodded once before returning to hir duties. Nightstreak stood by the table, reading the paper; or rather, not so much reading the paper as staring blankly at the page. Shi looked up from hir failed attempt to comprehend current events and smiled, rubbing one eye, letting out the loudest yawn possible. "Good morning my sweet."

I stepped over and hugged hir tightly. "You look tired Nightstreak."

"That's because I am Silver..." Shi stretched, arching hir back and scratching the floor much like a housecat. "I didn't get home until an hour ago, I'm beat."

"Looks like the move isn't treating you well, is it?"

Shi just smiled. "No Silverpaw, it is treating me quite well in fact. I'm making more money than I ever could have dreamed of. Only downside is that a couple times a week I have to supervise the night shift and I really don't get any sleep." Shi cracked hir neck, taking a cup of coffee. Shi never drank coffee in the past, and I could tell shi was still getting used to it, there was so much milk in it that the colour was a light beige rather than brown or black. Shi scrunched hir face a little, wiggling hir whiskers and then noticed me staring at the cup. "Not the greatest thing in the world, but it keeps me awake."

"You should sleep Night..."

"I will, as soon as I put Windsoul on the bus. Family before sleep."

I smiled proudly at hir. If there's one thing I never want to give up about being a chakat, it's the tight family bond we all have. "Just promise me you won't stress yourself out to death."

"I won't, don't worry." Shi kissed my cheek. "So, let's talk about you. Moon tells me that you're getting to your time."

"I'll manage, I've got somebody to help me."

"Ah yes... your boyfriend that Rosecoat mentioned." Shi gave an innocent look to me. "Tyler sounds like a wonderful boy."

"He's something else, whenever I'm around him, I just want to curl up around him and cuddle him all day long." I cleared my throat. "That's probably just my heat talking though."

"If it was your heat talking, you'd want him to curl up around you and be taken by him all day long." Shi grinned. "Moonbeam has probably told you this already, but remember to follow your heart. If he makes you feel that way, it's a sign something's meant to be with you." Shi giggled. "I'm looking forward to the wedding."

I blushed. "Nightstreak... that's not going to happen yet."

"I know it isn't, just teasing." Shi mussed up my fur and gave me one last hug. Suddenly, shi leaned forward and whispered in my ear "I also hear he's Christian. Be careful, I know you're trying to tread lightly, but you may do something wrong even if you don't think you are, remember that Anthros are very different from us." Shi pulled away. With that afterthought making my stomach a bit queasy shi exclaimed brightly. "Now, who wants some cereal?"


In a way though, shi was more than right. The paths of our lives, Tyler's and mine, were meandering and crossed at several occasions; if I wasn't careful, there would be some ugly collisions. I had almost knocked him way off course by asking him to relieve my heat, which of course was a very intimate matter. Luckily he'd managed to take it in stride, and now... there we were.

Tyler knew that he didn't have to take care of me in my heat, that it was an irrational request brought about by frustration, yet he wanted to anyway. Was he curious to see what mating was like? Was he in a sort of rebellious phase? Was he just sexually frustrated? I did not know, I only knew that he was adamant on keeping his promise even though I'd given plenty of opportunities for retraction. Of course, I didn't mind the thought of him mating with me, no, of course not. He was handsome, gentle and shy; it would be an amazing bonding experience for the both of us.

At least, it would be a bonding experience for me. I just couldn't shake the feeling that Tyler just wanted to do it to make me happy. I wanted him to be happy more than anything, I had my methods if he couldn't do it. I would make sure to talk to him after school to give him a few more opportunities to retract his promise.

Rosecoat trotted up next to me, grabbing some juice from the fridge for hir breakfast. Shi smirked, hir tail waving wildly behind hir. "My god sis, you smell delicious, it's going to be hard to keep my paws off you tomorrow."

I looked back worriedly. "Is it that noticeable? Fuck... I don't want every guy in the school after me."

"Well, I'd be bad to ask, I've got a chakat nose here, I can smell something a click away. I barely smell it though, so I think you're doing a good job at hiding it."

"Okay, that's good." I poured myself a bowl of cereal. "Hey, Rose, toss me the milk." My ears twitched when I heard an extremely low pitched whistle behind me. I turned my upper torso just in time, catching the jug of milk in both paws. "Christ! I didn't mean that literally you dope." I looked down at it, the open top was what produced the whistle when it was thrown. "And without the cap! Are you insane?"

"I wouldn't have lobbed it if I knew you couldn't catch it." Shi grinned.

"Yeah, and what're you gonna do when my hearing goes cactus? You'd have to clean it all up and we'd have no milk."

"I'd just buy more later on, I can't think of anything that requires milk on a life or death basis. And if I did find something, well, I'd just substitute my own then." Shi patted her bust with a smirk. "It's probably healthier anyway."

"You're disgusting!" I exclaimed.

"Oh come on now, I know you love the taste of your own milk, I've seen you take a taste when you think nobody's watching."

I blushed deeply as Nightstreak laughed, setting down the paper. "Girls, girls!" Shi turned to each of us in turn. "Rose, don't throw stuff, Silverpaw, that's normal."

"It is?" I asked, bewildered.

"Sure, I do it all the time when I'm thirsty and there's nothing nearby." Shi folded out the paper again. "Just don't do it in public, it's quite rude and improper, quite possibly illegal."

I stared blankly with the new information and shi glanced back up again. "Ask any chakat, they all do it at least once." Shi winked. "Don't forget that we're quite the kinky creatures."

Rosecoat licked hir lips, looking down at hir chest. "Hey... serious question Nightstreak. I've been having a serious craving for my milk lately... is that normal, or is there something wrong with me?"

Night got up to examine hir. As far as I could see, there was nothing wrong with hir physically. "I don't know, maybe it's just a phase. What's your next cycle?"

"Rut, three days I think."

"Maybe that's got something to do with it, your male side might be taking over and making you subconsciously want milk, which comes from a female organ. I'm pretty sure it's normal, I don't think it's anything to be concerned about."

Rose breathed a small sigh of relief and nodded. "Okay, I just wanted to make sure. Thanks for the advice."

"Of course! Remember you two, don't be afraid to ask and explore your bodies, you're both beginning to fully mature, and that means that many things you may not understand will start to happen."

I rolled my eyes. "Night, you don't have to talk to us like we're ten, we're both 16, most of our maturing has already happened."

Shi gave a soft smile. "You guys grow up so fast... sometimes I forget." Shi pointed to the unused milk. "Shouldn't you be eating?"

"Oh! Right, I almost forgot, got way off track there." I poured a healthy serving of milk onto my cereal and carried it back to the fridge. We ate silently for a few minutes while Nightstreak made hirself another pot of coffee. It occurred to me that it had been quite a long while since Nightstreak and us had had a serious conversation. Rosecoat realised this too, and shi began to shyly look to Nightstreak as shi waited for the pot to fill.

Nightstreak glanced over, saw us staring at hir, and turned with a smirk on hir face. "Well? What, are you expecting something from me?"

Rose shrugged a little. "Well... this is the first time we've been alone together in months really."

"What about your last heat? Come on, that wasn't that long ago."

"No, no, I don't mean like that... I mean like talking about stuff."

Shi held a finger to hir mouth as shi was lost in thought. "Damn, it has been quite a time, hasn't it?" Shi strolled over to us. "Well, what did you want to talk about? I'm free for now."

I was content on just being with hir, but Rosecoat always had been the more curious and impulsive one, so shi asked. "How did you and Moonbeam meet?"

Shi leaned against the wall. "I never did tell you guys that story, did I?" Shi smiled and laughed a little. "It's really clichéd. Moon and I grew up in the same town. One day, I was about eight I think, I'd been messing around in the long paddock a bit too long, trying to race with roos, I'd gotten all dusty. I knew that Leafheart would've been in my face about that if I came home like that, so I just headed over to the watering hole to take a quick dip. That was when I first saw hir. Shi was standing on the edge of the water, just staring down at the water, studying hir reflection.

"I thought shi looked really... really cute, so I sat down next to hir. Shi saw me and asked who I was - shi'd never seen me either. So, I introduced myself like a good chakat. Then shi shyly admitted that shi liked my brown fur. I explained that my fur was actually black and that I was just dirty. So, we laughed for a little while at the misunderstanding and then shi asked me if shi wanted me to swim with hir. Obviously, I couldn't say no to an offer like that, and we played for a good couple hours in the water, splashing each other, holding races, stuff like that. We only stopped when it got dark, and shi asked me if we could see each other again other time.

"After that, we started to see each other more and more every day. We became Companions after a few weeks after we both admitted we really liked each other and after our oldies got to know each other. We had our first times with each other when we started to mature. We stayed Companions for... several years really, until we hit our twenties. When we reached that age and we'd still stayed together, we realized we needed to be more, so we became Denmates and Moon moved in with me. Another few blissful years passed by and then... it happened."

Rose; who had been on hir heels, paying attention to every word, tilted hir head. "What happened?"

Nightstreak chuckled, pulling off hir coffee. "Well, Silverpaw happened. Moon was in heat, pretty badly too, and shi was begging me to mate hir. So I did, thing is, I forgot that I had never sterilized myself since my last rut, so I had live sperm in me. We were both 28 then... and we decided that maybe it was time anyway. That was the day we cemented ourselves as Lifemates, I mean, it wasn't even worth it being Denmates, Moon and I had only mated with one other person each, so it's not like we were very open in our relationship to begin with. A few days later, my heat came and Moon impregnated me too, and that's the story of you two."

"Best mistake we ever made." Moonbeam stood in the doorway, glistening lily white with the water from a recent shower. "You two made our life perfect, it was close to it before, but we were missing the last element: children." Shi smiled warmly at us. "You two are getting to that age already, it seems like just yesterday that I was cradling you two in my arms." Shi gestured to the table. "Now eat your breakfast you two, it's almost time for you to start walking to school."

I was eating my breakfast while shi was talking, so I was almost done. I had to wait for Rose however, who'd been absorbed in the story and hadn't bothered to even pour in hir milk yet; fortunately, shi was a fast eater and we were out in only a few minutes. We walked side by side for a long time. Without Tyler there to keep us in conversation, the trek was actually rather boring, despite the fascinating scenery.

After a while, Rose spoke up just so we wouldn't go insane. "You think I'll find someone in the same way that Nightstreak did?"

"Well, it's a bit late in life to meet someone in the 'childhood friend' fashion."

"I mean like... what if I meet someone cool at the school and we get to be good friends. Then we could do stuff together and then maybe later on we could get it on and stuff..."

"Rose, that's what you've been doing for every person for the last six years, what makes you think that will ever turn out in more than a meet-and-fuck-then-stay-friends relationship?"

Shi groaned and slapped hirself on the forehead with hir paw. "You're right... Damn, I hate rut sometimes more than I hate heat."

"Why do you say that? Rut's not anywhere near as bad, I mean, all you feel is a bit of an attraction to girls."

"See! And that's what I hate about it! With heat, you see a guy and you're like 'Oh dear god, you have a penis, fuck me.' But with rut, you pass a cute sheila and you're like 'Allo...' all quietlike, but then you don't have the balls to ask her out. You just stand there and watch her tail sway as she walks away. You can't decide if you want to make the effort to impress her because you're a little horny, but not enough that you're out of your mind, it's just a constant little nagging."

"That must be just you, because I've never had that problem." I responded to hir.

"Well, when was the last time you used your male side on a girl?"

"I have no clue... must have been at least a half a year ago, really."

"See, that's the thing, you prefer your female side more, I like my male side, so rut feels a little different with me." The walk was silent again, save for our steps crunching leaves underfoot. The silence was maddening, so Rosecoat broached another subject, one much more personal to me. "So... how do you think you're going to do it with Tyler?"

I turned sharply. "What makes you think you can ask that question?!" I fired angrily to hir.

"Jesus! I was just curious, you've never been mad at those kind of questions in the past, but if you don't want to answer it, that's fine I guess."

I squeezed between my eyes. "Sorry, sorry, I'm just tired of all the prying questions I've been getting lately. It's been a long week. I didn't mean to bitch at you." I shrugged a little. "I'm not sure really how I'm going to do it with him. I'm caught between just offering myself to him and getting it over with or actually teasing and cuddling and making love to him."

"Why would you do the first thing?" Shi asked. "I mean, you love him, right? And he gave up a hell of a lot for you, wouldn't it seem kind of... out of place to just fuck and go?"

I rubbed my chin. "Well, that's what I've been thinking about really; obviously, it seems more fitting to make love with passion in a case like his, but like you said, he gave up a lot, and he's trying to reserve himself for marriage. It would be weird for him to truly make love. It would be better off if he just did it and got out and we'll never speak of it again until he's ready."

Rose walked a little closer, hir voice softer. "The opposite is true Silverpaw, he gave up a lot for you... shouldn't you show him all you can be? Sure, he's saving himself, but he gave you the greatest gift anybody could ever give: his trust. Shouldn't you give it back by showing him that you love him enough to make an effort? Tyler didn't agree to this because he wanted to get his rocks off or because he feels an obligation to help you, he did it because you actually paid attention to him, you listened to his problems, and because you did that for him, he loves you with all his heart. Show him you love him back."

We stopped dead there for a minute, Rosecoat turned to face me directly. "Look, I'm no relationship expert, but I know you two have something very special. I'm rooting for you Silverpaw, I would want nothing more than to see you two happy." Shi put a paw on my shoulder. "We fight a lot, but that's all a joke, no matter what, you're my bond sister, we grew up together. Anything you need, I'll give it to you, but don't let him, you or I down by making him feel guilty about his first experience." Shi leaned in and kissed my lips for a second. "You're a chakat for God's sake, show him what we can do, make him shout your name to the heavens!" Shi grinned toothily to me.

I blushed softly but smiled back at hir. "You sure are convincing Rosecoat." Shi beamed. "I'll just ask him after school what he wants." We started back along the path, not saying anything for the rest of the trip. Before long, we arrived at the school and shi and I went our separate ways.

Tyler was waiting for me, a careless smile on his face. "Heya Sylvia, about time you got here." He leaned in and gave me a tight hug. "You ready to spend the day over at my house after school?"

"Sure am, looking forward to seeing your father, I've also got some questions to ask you there too about our... day to ourselves."

He chuckled nervously. "Oh boy... that should be fun." He wiped off his brow, smiling up at me. Suddenly his whiskers twitched once, then again, then several times in series, his face scrunching up. "What's that smell?"

I tensed up, I knew the feeling already, it was starting, the burning was intensifying at a record rate. "Uh... what smell?"

He sniffed a few times. "I... have no idea honestly, all I know is that it's freakishly strong... and... and very nice smelling." He blinked. "Oh man... I feel light... is there some kind of solvent spilled somewhere?"

I looked back, wincing, whispering under my breath. "No... it's my heat... fuck! How bad is it?"

"Bad? Well it smells actually pretty good really, I'd better get away though... I'm starting to feel really lightheaded and it's doing weird things to... other parts of my body." His eyes drifted between my breasts then suddenly snapped away. "Holy shit... I cannot believe I just thought that." His face turned bright red.

I nodded quickly, pacing nervously, wondering if other people could smell it too or just him because he was a feline like me. "Don't feel bad, the smell of heat's only purpose is to get people aroused... seems like it's working, fuck!" I brushed back my hair a little. "Tyler, get away from me. Don't take it personally, I just don't want to tempt you into doing something you'd regret. Just... go to homeroom, I'll talk with you after school. I swear." He nodded, kissed me and walked away, going to his homeroom. I trudged my way there myself, trying not to look at guys. Even making eye contact made me weak, fighting an instinct to stop walking, turn around and offer myself.

I finally made it to Goldman's homeroom. I shuddered, not only from the heat, but just from the thought of having to deal with that intolerable man. I filed in and took my spot immediately, putting my head down. I considered making a "do not disturb" sign and hanging it around my neck, but knowing anthro nature, that would've only piqued people's curiosity. I just hoped people would pick today to leave me alone. Valentina came in soon after, but I hardly noticed, everything fading into a jumble of voices. Suddenly I was snapped - literally - from this stupor by Valentina, who snapped her index finger and thumb in front of my face. "Yo, Earth to Silverpaw..."

I looked up, kneading my paws against the desk a little. "Y-yes?"

"Ah, there you are, you sure are distracted today, I was calling you for like two minutes."

"Oh... yeah" I responded stupidly, not able to think of much more to say.

"You have a late night? You look haggard." She sniffed. "And dear God! When was the last time you took a shower?"

"I'm not dirty." I responded lamely, closing my eyes and let out a whine. "Ffffuuuck..."

Valentina scrambled out of her seat, turning quickly to another classmate. "You'd better call the nurse."

"That's not needed, just going through heat..."

"You came to school... with heat?! Jesus Christ, that takes commitment."

"It wasn't supposed to start until tomorrow... I must have been off on my cycle..."

"Aw! That's terrible!" She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me. "I'll keep people off you in Bio." I didn't respond except for a couple short gasps, tail completely erect and stationary behind me. "Silverpaw? You with me?"

"T-tender." Her arms were squeezing around my oversensitive breasts.

"Oh jeez! Sorry!" She pulled back and I heaved a sigh of relief. "You'll make it through." She assured me. "Hey Jane, Violet, come over here you two, stand and talk with me, stand so you block Mr. Goldman's line of vision to Silverpaw, the last thing we need is him asking hir questions."

I watched them have a completely normal teenage conversation, something about a TV show which I had never even heard of. Their plan had worked, however.Mr. Goldman never bothered me even once.

Valentina escorted me to Biology, which, fortunately, had a substitute. She handed us worksheets to do and left us to our own devices. Valentina was kind enough to keep the guys off of me and make it look like I was doing work. I was getting used to the sensation, thankfully and my conversations became less strained, but it still was debilitating to me.

"You've got to take the day off tomorrow, Silverpaw." She told me. "The school gives girls their heat days off. You don't want to be in hell for seven hours with nothing you can do about it, do you?"

"I guess not... I just wish I would have known my heat was going to come on this quickly, I wouldn't have come." I filled in some answers on my worksheet, but I was very inefficient, it was hard to concentrate on my work, my mind just kept drifting to thoughts of men. I kept my head down low, I didn't even dare look at some of the guys in my class for fear of making it worse.

80 torturous minutes later, I was out of that class, and away from the protection of Valentina and her friends. I was just glad it was Mr. Wells, he would understand. At least that is, if I could remember to tell him through my twisted thoughts. I was a little early, so I opened the door to the empty room. He looked up and waved. "Hey Silverpaw."

The words didn't register to me, they were just white noise. I took my seat without answering, drumming my fingers on the desk, fighting to keep my tail down. He walked over to my desk, trying again. "Hello Silverpaw." Once again, I ignored him unintentionally, looking out the window, watching rustling leaves try to wiggle off the trees.

I started to pant a little, digging my claws into the desk more and more by the second, permanently marring the wood with long scratches. Mr. Wells's face suddenly popped up in my vision. "Silverpaw?" He asked.

"H-huh?" I suddenly noticed him and I blinked a few times.

"You're acting weird, something wrong?" His eyes met mine... his clear, sparkling brown eyes. Suddenly everything else completely disappeared in my life. Here was a man, standing in front of me, bending to eye level. His spotted face was staring straight at mine, a kindly smile on his lips.

I'd never taken as close of a look at him as I did when I was in heat. For his age, he was in wonderful shape, well built, slightly muscular. I could tell he worked out a lot more often than most people did. His tail swayed seductively behind him, connected to his shaped ass. He was hot, and this caught my attention almost immediately. "Come on Silverpaw, joke's over." He said, still unaware.

"Come here!" I shouted suddenly and lustily at him, springing off my back feet, tackling him against the wall¸ pinning him there, pressing my lips passionately against his. I held him against the wall with my weight and forepaws while my actual paws - or my hands as they were - lifted his shirt and stroked his chest. I had no clue what I was doing, all that was going through my mind was getting him out of those clothes as quickly as possible.

His eyes widened with utter shock and he pushed hard against my chest to free himself. He pressed up against my swollen breasts and my body mistook this as a sign of compliance. I moaned happily and wrapped my arms around him, pulling his head closer and locking him into a deep kiss.

I felt him resist a little less when I did this, closing his eyes just a little, but this lasted only a second. Soon after, he placed one foot against the wall and propelled his entire weight against the wall, pushing me forward with his shoulder extended: the tackling position. He hit me hard and knocked me onto my full back, splayed out on the floor. I groaned a little as I regained my senses, my head spinning. I turned back and forth, seeing the class divided, some staring with their mouths wide open with shock, others rolling in laughter. I blushed deeply, scrambling to my feet, backing into the corner.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!? Not only did you just try and get me to have sex with you, but you just tackled me, a teacher. I'm a married man Silverpaw, and your teacher! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"I-I d-didn't mean to!"

"What do you mean you didn't mean to? You tackled me and kissed me! I'm pretty sure that was intentional. Are you out of goddamn mind?!"

"Mr. Wells! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, it's just so hard, I lost my head, I-I... couldn't control my body, I... don't know what to say!" Tears streamed down my cheeks. "I'm in heat! When I saw your body and your eyes staring into mine, my body freaked out. I never would do that if in my own mind, never!" I sobbed into my paws, feeling like a failure and a freak.

His mouth dropped open a little, and then he frowned, apparently feeling a little guilty himself. He stepped closer and then kneeled down. "Oh my God... you're in heat? And you came to school? You're insane Silverpaw!" I whimpered and looked down at the ground. His face softened a little. "Hey... hey... it'll be alright. I'm amazed that you lasted this long really." He lifted my head and I saw his speckled face take on a caring countenance. His eyes still looked wonderful to me. I leaned in again but he pressed his finger to my lips, stopping me halfway. "Silverpaw, get a hold of yourself. I know you want to make out with me, but you can't do that for a variety of reasons. Come on, I'll walk you to the nurse." He hooked his arm underneath mine before looking around at the class. "Stop laughing! You wouldn't be laughing if you were in heat and this was happening to you!" The class quieted instantly, save for an occasional snicker. I heard some people whispering to each other.

"Did you get a photo of that?" One said. I didn't get to get to hear the response because Mr. Wells ushered me out. He walked slowly with me around his arm down to the nurse's office. It wasn't hard to walk, if I could muster the will, my legs could move easily, it was more a matter of willing my legs to move and not kneel or put my ass into the air. I panted deeply, biting my lower lip. If I had the proper glands to sweat, I'd have had a puddle underneath me by now.

We finally reached the office and he led me in. A white furred female rabbit stood up immediately upon noticing us, walking rapidly over. "Dear lord, shi looks horrible! What the hell happened, John?"

"Long story... in short, shi's in heat and needs some serious help."

The rabbit nodded and looked around in some cupboards. "Heat? In school? You're insane!" She laughed. "You're a very brave girl Silverpaw, but next time, don't come to school in the middle of heat. The boys around here have enough eye candy." She pulled out a bottle, looked at it quickly, then put it back, shaking her head.

"How'd you know my name?" I asked weakly.

She didn't even look at me. "There's exactly two chakats in this school, you have silver paws, logic would tell me your name is Silverpaw, or, as it appears on the attendance sheet: 'Silverpaw DaughterofMoonbeamandNightstreak' She smiled a little and handed me a sheet. "Here, look for yourself. Apparently the system had to have some last name on file, or else it wouldn't work right." I looked down and read my name. Sure enough it was there, and I couldn't help but laugh a little at the sheer stupidity. I then read down a little more, my eyes meeting with the gender column.

"Gender... other?!" I said angrily, paws clenching the sheet, almost tearing a hole in the paper. "OTHER?!"

The nurse raised an eyebrow. "What?" She took the file back and looked at it with a slight gasp of shock. "Oh my lord! Those idiots! They could have at least said Hermaphrodite." She set it down. "I'll have to talk to them about that sometime, right now, let's get to the matter at paw. I'm afraid to tell you I don't have any Chakat heat suppression drugs. I could give you some feline ones, that might keep you stable for long enough to get you home. It's possible that a double or triple dose would accomplish its purpose fully in you, but I'm not going to even dare take the chance of deadly overdoses." She held out a pair of pills and a glass of water. "Here, take these."

I looked down at them curiously and then downed them both with a swig of water. "Good job Silverpaw, that'll take effect in about fifteen minutes." She took out a thermometer. "I'm going to run some tests on you, nothing painful, just some basic stuff, is that alright?" I nodded to her and she smiled. "Okay... let's take your temperature." She glanced to Mr. Wells. "I've got it now, thank you for bringing hir here." He nodded and walked out. I turned to look at him and the nurse tapped my shoulder. "This way sweetie." I looked back and she stuck the probe under my tongue. I waited patiently, shifting uncomfortably as the sensation at my backside now began to uncontrollably tingle. She pulled the probe back and read the screen. "Ohhhh yeah... I'd say that's a positive."

"What, what did I get?"

She showed me the screen. "106.4, you're definitely in heat there kiddo."

I tilted my head, feeling over my body. "You sure your meter is accurate? Last I checked, my blood wasn't boiling."

She chuckled. "Of course it's accurate, this is calibrated medical equipment. Thought it probably feels like your blood is boiling for you, I've never seen such a dramatic increase in body temperature in heat, you're running a pretty high fever."

"Pretty high? I'm over double my normal temperature!"

She tilted her head, giving me a look like I'd gone nuts. "What? OH!" She laughed. "I see what you're saying, no no, this is Fahrenheit sweetie. A normal chakat body temperature if I remember correctly is somewhere around 101.5 to 102 in Fahrenheit." I realised my mistake and blushed. I'd been so distracted that I couldn't even remember there was a different temperature system here overseas.

"It's a forgivable mistake sweetie, I wouldn't expect you to remember about Fahrenheit when your mind is obsessed like this. Those pills helping any?"

"A tad..." I said, looking back. "It doesn't really burn anymore, it's just starting to tickle like mad."

She put down a few notes. "That's good, in a little while, you won't be able to feel anything outside of the ordinary back there. It'll only last for a couple hours though with someone of your size, then it will be back with a vengeance, so be prepared." I nodded shyly as she took out an inflatable cuff. "Okay then, let's take your blood pressure." I feet a Velcro strap attached to my arm before she started to squeeze the little ball at the end, inflating the cuff to uncomfortable pressures. I could feel my every heartbeat pulse through my fingers, I counted it to distract myself, without much success. I counted 14 beats in the short span it was inflated, I think there were more definitely more than that. The cuff deflated with a hiss. "173 over 104, that's really up there, but you seem to be completely fine. What's your normal?"

"150 over 90." I responded.

"Is that Hypertension for your species?"

"No, we have two hearts, it tends to create more blood pressure in our body."

"Logical." She scribbled down a few more notes. "Alright, last thing, pulse." She put two fingers on my neck calmly, looking down at her watch on the other arm. "27 times four is... 108, a bit high, but if your heat is this bad, I'm not surprised." She set her clipboard down. "That's it, you're free to go home whenever you feel strong enough, take tomorrow off too. If you have any more questions or you feel anything out of the ordinary for this time, please ask, and I'll check it out."

"How do you know so much about Chakats?" I asked curiously.

She pointed to a diploma behind her desk, which read 'Rebecca Keller, M.D.' "I earned that degree, part of my doctoring course was learning the physiology of all major species of animals, whether that be the common fox and wolf to the obscure Chakat and Crux."

"Well, looking at your diploma there answers my second question."

"What was that?"

"You never told me your name"

She slapped her paw against her forehead. "I'm sorry, I would have told you, but you looked like you needed help right away. I'm Dr. Keller, well, I guess you know now."

"It's alright, I appreciate your help. I think I've got it covered from here, it's only a bit of a buzz right now, I think I can think a bit more clearly now."

"Alright Silverpaw, I would say I hope to see you again soon, but I don't want to wish sickness on you." She smiled a little.

"I get what you mean." I said with a soft chuckle. "I'd like to see you again soon as well." I stepped out with a soft bow and went straight for the exit as she waved goodbye.

I wasn't sure what to do now, should I go home? I didn't know Tyler's address, and even if I did, I wouldn't know how to get there, nor would I want to show up uninvited. It wasn't as if I could go to Tyler's class and pull him out to go home with me, he wasn't sick. I could wait for the end of the day perhaps? I checked the clock, 9:45. There was no way I could wait for that long, not only would the boredom kill me, but my heat wouldn't stay suppressed for long. I had no choice but to go home, but how would Tyler get in contact with me and tell me where he lived? He had no cell phone, and outside of school I was out of contact with him.

I couldn't just not go to his house, he'd wanted me to meet his father, part of me knew this was really, really important if I was going to get close to him; besides this, I wanted Tyler and I to get to know each other a bit more intimately before we finally did the act, maybe a bit of foreplay to get him more comfortable with the idea. And of course I would also offer the final opportunity for retraction of his promise, for I still couldn't get that guilt out of my head.

I took my phone out of my belt pocket, quickly dialing up our house's number. It rang a few times before there was a click and Moonbeam answered. "Allo?"

"Yeah... Moonbeam, hi..." I bit my lip, embarrassed.

"What's wrong? Something happen? Why'd you ring me at this hour? Shouldn't you be in school?"

"Er... it seems we were a bit... off on our predictions. My heat came much earlier than we thought it was going to, so they let me off.Could you bring me home, please?"

"You've been suffering through heat on a school day? Oh my! Of course Silverpaw, I'll be there in about 15 minutes, you're lucky I didn't have to go to work at all today."

I nodded. "Yeah... it would suck to walk home in this condition."

"Well, like I said, I'm coming for you, so don't worry too much about it. I'm starting up the car, I'll be there in a bit." Shi hung up and I put my phone away. I wriggled my flanks, but I didn't feel anything except for a sort of numbness, like somebody had applied an anesthetic to my nethers. The smell was also much reduced; I could only detect it if I really tried, using a deep sniff, scrunching my nose to have it wash over all my receptors.

I would still need relief very soon, I knew that. When I went home, I could easily paw off to help relieve some of the pain, but that would only be very temporary.If I had sex, but my womb wasn't filled, that would help more; that would probably hold me for a good half of a day if I was satisfied enough. But it wouldn't go away until somebody actually came in me, and that would have to be my sister's job.

As I thought of sex (well, actually, I'd been thinking about sex all day, I mean from a more rational standpoint) I realized I still needed a way to get over to Tyler's house. I briskly trotted back into the school, to Dr. Keller's office. "Um... Dr. Keller, can I ask a favor?"

"Depends, shoot." She looked up from her desk. She was playing Solitaire, slow day it seemed.

"Um, could you possibly contact Tyler Hawke, or a teacher that has him, and relay the message for him to give me a call at 857-2932?"

Dr. Keller scribbled something down on a Post-It note. "Tyler Hawke... 29...32" She mumbled to herself before she put the pen down. "I can do that" She said as she looked back up, giving a gentle smile. "Why are you still here anyway?"

"Waiting for a ride, my oldies live way out in the back blocks."

"Ahhh, okay. Well, good luck with the heat! Remember, nobody judges you if you need to... ahem... help yourself through it."

I smirked. "I'm well aware, I'm a chakat, I'm not afraid of a bit of fingering."

She chuckled. "Figured not, but you never know." She looked off sort of pensively. "I remember my first heat... dear lord, I was a wreck. I beat the crap out of my mean big brother because I thought he'd stuck a hot coal inside me while I slept." She shook her head with a smile before going back to her game.

I tilted my head, I couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Really?"

She nodded and shrugged. "Well, I was young, what do you expect?" She smiled. "Come on, out you go, you don't want to wait any longer than you have to." I nodded and went outside, impatiently tapping my foot, waiting for Moonbeam to come. I silently cursed myself for not bringing anything along with me to cure my boredom in situations like this.

Somewhere around 20 torturous minutes later I heard Moonbeam's modified Hummer - the only thing in this country that would fit a full sized standing chakat. As soon as I saw the beast of a machine pull up, I strolled over. The driver door opened, the silky white form of Moonbeam jumping out gracefully, wearing something I saw rarely from her: a top. Albeit shi was still not wearing a bra and it wouldn't be difficult to see her cleavage if one tried, maybe even her fur mounds that hid her nipples when they weren't aroused and, consequentially, erected. Maybe shi was just trying not to make my desires any worse, or perhaps shi didn't want to offend the anthros nearby. Of course shi didn't seem like the type for that, shi'd gone topless almost everywhere back in Oz.

I shrugged as shi stepped over to me, not a word was said as shi pressed the back of hir paw to my forehead. The differences in our temperatures caused an icy chill to me as hir paw rested against me. "Poor sheila! You're burning up, no wonder you couldn't take it!"

"Eh... heh... I'm okay Moonbeam... really."

"For now you are, they probably gave you something to make it go away, but nothing ever lasts long on us. Come on then, let's head home." Shi helped me into the converted SUV and I closed the door as shi got into the driver seat. It wasn't exactly a seat, more like a booth, but I digress. Shi pointed down to a plastic sac lying between us, oddly enough with a spoon atop it. "I got you some ice cream to cool you off." I lifted the bag, peeling it away to reveal a gigantic five litre pail of vanilla ice cream. "Eat as much as you desire, Silverpaw." Shi said to me as we turned onto the road to go home.

I was more than happy to oblige to this request. It was almost time to where I would normally be eating lunch, so a sort of circadian rhythm of hunger had been built into my body. I also knew that the cold ice cream would be instrumental in quenching my internal fires, even if it was just a psychosis. I ripped off the lid and dug the spoon in, taking big scoops of my treat. It'd been ages since I last had ice cream, and I purred throatily. They say denial makes the final prize that much sweeter, they weren't joking. Scoop after scoop went straight to my maw, licking my lips. A soothing cold collected around the inside of my maw, esophagus and my abdominal cavities. I was in heaven.

"Easy Silverpaw! You're gonna get-" I squealed, feeling an unpleasant stinging pain as the blood vessels in my pallet constricted to conserve heat, brain crying out in distress as sensitive receptor nerves fired randomly. I held my head, the spoon clattering into the half empty pail."...brain freeze." Shi shook hir head, stifling a deep laugh, instead patting me on my back. "Alright there mate?"

I nodded, a deep blush collecting on my cheeks. "Y-yes, I'm fine, guess I just went a bit overboard there." I continued eating, this time making sure to slow down a bit. I glanced over to Moonbeam, wearing hir mysterious top. "So... Moon, what's with the top?"

Shi glanced down. "Oh, this? I almost forgot I was wearing it. Normally, I wouldn't have this on, I was only picking you up after all. However, your principal told you that you have to wear "decent" attire at the school, so it's only polite that I, your oldie, do the same. Yes, you hate it, and I do too, but we've got to abide by whatever the anthros want us to do... within reason of course. Remember, anthros were kind enough to give us this home, this job, this car even. They've made concessions for us, and now we must do the same. If that means wearing clothes where I would normally not, then so be it."

"Odd, I never thought you'd be the type to sell out to the Man."

"It's not selling out, it's called etiquette. You have to understand that here, in the antipodes of the world, the rules and what people expect is much different from back in Oz. Nudity doesn't exactly go over well here, and though I'd much rather be going au Naturel for sure, it's very rude to disobey the rules of those who host you." Shi reached over, resting a paw on my shoulder. "Look, you're frustrated, you've been thrusted..." I shivered with a gasp. "Sorry, bad word to use in your condition... you've been placed into a situation you've never had to deal with before, it's a lot to handle."

"Isn't it supposed to work both ways? Aren't people supposed to cut me some slack because I'm not from these parts of the world too?"

Shi sighed. "Is this about people who consider you a symbol of sexuality?" I nodded softly as a response. "I know, that's always hard to get over. Look, people aren't always going to treat you as fairly as you treat them, but that's no reason to act as crude as them. Be the bigger woman, in any society there will always be assholes and root rats, the important thing is that you don't turn into them." Shi pointed to hirself. "I'm a professional, working around people my age, which, mind you is about midlife for an anthro, but they still hit on me. Some of them are even married, married, Silverpaw. Men are drawn by the exotic, it's just nature. A cruel joke on Nature's part, but it's something we have to live with. Rest with consolation that at least you can kick their bigoted asses." Shi smirked and I laughed happily with hir.

We were about half home now, and the pail was getting lower and lower. Moonbeam spoke up again. "Do you want me to help you when we get home?"

My promise to Tyler sprung to mind. "No." I said immediately. "I made an outlandish and brutish request to Tyler, the least I can do is honor it. Besides myself, he will be the first to relieve me."

"Say no more." Moonbeam said with a nod. "You made a promise, and you're keeping it. That's my girl."

It was silent once again, I hated these awkward moments, I always felt like I had to say something. I thought of my luggage, I'd unpacked them and I'd found no signs of my more... personal effects. "Um... Moon? Did you pack along my... er..."

Shi raised an eyebrow. "Your..." Shi fished the next words out of me with a rolling motion of her outstretched paw.

"My... my..." I whispered the next word. "" I don't know why it was so hard to say, back in Oz, I could have said that with as much casualty as asking someone to pass the salt. Maybe this new environment -where such topics were taboos- was affecting me.

Shi nodded. "Oh! Yeah, Night and I washed them before we packed them along. They're in the box in our room, I haven't gotten the chance to give yours back yet."

"Ah, alright then, I... may need those later on."

"Of course of course, no need to be embarrassed about it, I'm your mother for God's sake, I'm a chakat, not a nun." Shi patted my head. "I'll crank up the music, feel free to be as loud as you want." Shi grinned while I purred, thinking of the pleasure I'd receive already. The smooth hum from the road turned to the crunch of gravel and I was brought back to reality, we were in front of the house already. "We're here!" Moon exclaimed, opening the door, withdrawing the keys. "If you need me, I'll be listening to music in Rosecoat's bedroom, I don't want to wake Nightstreak, shi had a rough night."

"Wait! My..." I coughed, mouthing "toys"

Shi looked back to me. "Oh, oh right! I almost forgot. Let me get those, I'll just grab the whole box to make it easy, follow me.

I was lead to the master's chambers, carrying my dwindling bucket of ice cream and Moon quickly put a finger to hir lips, shushing quickly as a symbolic gesture, as I wasn't making any sound. Shi edged the door open and I saw Nightstreak curled up on the bedroll - at least, as close to curled up as a creature with multiple backs could be. Shi snored gently, both chests rising and falling in unison. Moon tip-toed to a box on the floor, it's actually quite comical to watch a chakat tip-toe, they look like they are stalking imaginary prey, lower back hunched, tail moving with precise swings for balance, arms outstretched to act as a further counterweight, a couple hundred kilograms resting on a few delicate toes. Shi reached the box, bending low, hir rear and tail rising to compensate. I saw the pink tip of hir sheath, a couple of centemetres sticking out. Apparently some of my smell had gone to hir head.

My body, though subdued for now, couldn't help but have a sense of longing for that phallus of hirs. I did my best to keep my thoughts on a leash as shi picked the box up. A rustling and rolling sound emanated from the box as the many various objects shifted. Shi tip-toed back over, then closed the door. "Success!" She exclaimed in a whisper once the door was safely closed. "Come on, let's get these to your room." We walked down the hall normally now that the package was safely extracted. The naughty objects shifted and rolled with each step, the recoiling force that the floor imparted to Moon when shi took hir steps making them bounce. Shi entered my room and dropped the box on my bed, a loud, cumulative thud as the toys leaped high then rested. "They're all yours, anything else before I shut the bunker?" Shi joked to me.

"Well, in fact, there is one thing. I wasn't able to make plans with Tyler... so I left a note with the nurse to have him call us. If I'm... engaged at that moment, would you take down his number and address so I can call him back and get there?"

"Of course, Silverpaw."

"Thank you very much." I bowed gently to hir and shi nodded back, turning and heading to Rose's room nearby. I shut the door, quickly engaging the lock. The feline heat suppressers seemed to be working fairly well, I wasn't in any terrible need yet, so the box remained unopened atop my bedroll. As I waited for the inevitable, I finished the rest of the ice cream, setting aside the empty bucket on my desk. I'd actually eaten 5 whole litres by myself, that could not be good for me; however, I ran how many clicks per day in the morning? A few thousand calories wouldn't kill me.

I found myself incredibly bored. I actually wanted my heat to come back, at least then it would have been something to do. I paced my room endlessly, the excess sugar energy did not help. What to do, watch a movie, attempt a drawing, write a story? The list was endless yet barren. I could not think of a damn thing that I felt like doing. Everything that I could do required standing still, a virtue I did not have at the moment. Finally I sighed and looked over to the box of toys. I may as well do an inventory on what I had to work with, I did not honestly know what sort of aids I had, I'd never done a full count on them.

I knelt down and popped the box open. A potpourri of faux phalluses, voluptuous vibrators and lascivious lotions greeted me. I grinned, tail flickering behind me. "Well g'day all of you! I haven't seen you old mates in quite some time." I picked some up. There were obviously some that belonged to my parents, I knew this because they were quite... advanced, so to speak. I had fun sorting through them, quite shocked at what I found sometimes. "Well! Somebody's been having fantasies." I removed a quite large kangaroo penis replica, a rather unusual specimen due to the superior (rather than the normal inferior) placement of their testicles and their curved length. "I wonder which one wants the boomer to do hir."

I set that one aside and I found many other curious dildos. There were some normal ones (at least to my standards), such as a stallion and a knotting dog cock, but there were many other ones that I had never even seen or thought of in my life. A dolphin, then orca, followed by an enormous tongue. I experimented with that one more, using my fingers to flex and feel it. It was quite long, seemed somewhere around 20 centemetres when fully stretched out, maybe slightly more, the tongue obviously belonged to some kind of reptile, as it was slightly pointed, not flat. It was covered in slightly raised bumps like taste buds and it was very flexible, as a tongue should be. I wondered just how often my parents went to Bad Dragon.

What I saw next though was the Coup de Grâce. It made me throw every one of the other specialty dildos aside. I pulled it from the bottom as if it was the last artifact from a lost civilization. It was enormous, it had to have been close to 25 centemetres! Jet black, it was certainly the most intricately crafted length I'd ever had the pleasure of seeing. I examined every detail of its endowment. It had a spaded tip, like some kind of exotic glans, and it had varying textures depending on the way I stroked it: rough from base to tip but silky smooth the other way. When I ran my finger from the base to tip, I noticed another one of it its features: scales. They flared out ever so slightly when pulling back, but were flat and smooth upon thrusting in. The bottom was free of these scales, but instead was bulbous and ridged. Finally, about three fourths of the way down the shaft was a thick, hard knot, almost double the width of the shaft, which in of itself was amazing already. As if all these incredible tools of pleasure wasn't enough, I noticed a wide suction cup on the back, I could put it on a wall and rut myself like mad with it!

I shuddered, my heat returning with a furious fire, certainly not helped by viewing this heavenly phallus. I had no doubt that this dildo was modeled after a dragon, a breeder dragon. I purred lustily, if this dragon was a real person, I'd offer myself to him in a heartbeat. I wondered in amazement how much this toy had cost, it had to be thousands. I brought it up to my eyes and gave it one last inspection. This would give me pleasure in ways I could scarcely imagine. My paws shook uncontrollably, every cell in my body begging me to use that tool to help me through my heat. I whimpered and whined, my body nearly overpowering me, forcing me to squeeze the false member in my paws.

Soon, I could take it no longer. I unbuttoned my shirt and disrobed with extreme frustration and desire, throwing the shirt aside, then my torso cover. The smell of heat hung almost chokingly in the air as my lips were now free to disseminate their scent.I reached for my new favorite toy, then stopped, holding my paw clenched in midair. I didn't want to spoil my first time with Tyler by using a dildo designed for nothing but pure pleasure, it would make his length pale in comparison. It would be disappointing to the both of us if I didn't get the most out of his sacrifice, and it would be insulting to fake it.

So, with great distress and an anguished shout of effort I tossed the toy I had found back into the box. I would have to use something else. My body had high hopes for the dragon cock, and now with that out of the option it screamed for something, anything. I looked to all the other dildos, but I ruled those out in addition, for they would cause a similar pleasure tolerance.

Fortunately, I had many other things I could use. A white, elliptical object glinted in the light and I snatched it eagerly, pulling it up for my viewing. It was shaped much like an egg and it was about Jumbo size, speaking in egg terms. I nodded with approval. An egg vibrator like this would do nicely. I grabbed the matching remote from the box and ran to the mirror, a giddy giggle escaping my maw. I turned around and lifted my tail, turning my anthro torso backwards as much as I could manage to sneak a look at my pussy. Now I could see how far I really was, the lips had swollen almost painfully, bright pink, protruding from my body slightly. They scintillated with sticky, clear lubricants born deeper inside my tunnel. A single drop collected at the bottom and suddenly broke away from the mass, running down my thigh.

I grunted softly as I leaned back, my body stretching at a barely sustainable angle, the vibrator in one paw. I just barely reached back to my snatch. I was roasting, I could feel the warmth radiating off of it like an oven. I winced and shivered, my legs quivering, pussy sending more lubricants out, matting my thighs. "Three... Two... One!" I smacked my outstretched paw to my nethers and the egg shot in deep. The sudden intrusion caused a reflex tightening, my walls embracing the foreign invader, massaging and contracting around it like a penis. I reacted quickly with a short cry of bliss, closing my eyes, clenching the remote.

I went back over to the box, shuffling awkwardly with the vibrator now nestled in my pussy. I removed a rather curious object which did not seem to fit with the other items in the box: a cutting board. However this did have a rather important purpose, one that could not be ignored: a place to rest my claws when I was in the throes of pleasure. It seemed that the board had fulfilled its purpose well, for it was peppered with scratches and gouges all over. It had saved the finish on several dressers and stopped me from tearing holes in countless pillows and bedrolls, and it had only cost me $4 Austrailan! I set my trusty board down onto a desk and looked down at the remote. I felt as though the thing was about to break from how hard my canal was milking it, but it seemed to be holding under the pressure. "Alright, work your magic." I turned the dial up to "2" and it sprung to life, buzzing around inside me mildly; however, in this condition, the slightest vibration drove me nuts and I squeezed my eyes shut with a mew of approval, legs buckling, my weight shifting down a little. "Ooooohh..."

Working to only a fifth of its capacity wasn't going to please me for very long however and soon my body upped the ante, contractions racking the entire length of my tunnel. Soon, I felt something breach my lips: the end of the vibrator. My body was trying to push it out! "N-no!" I shouted, cranking it to "6." The reaction was immediate, my body could no longer stand to squeeze it hard enough to push it out and it was sucked back in, causing a rolling purr to emanate from my throat. A constant hum was now loud enough to be heard faintly. My claws tightened on the board, my legs standing apart to try and support me under their weakened state. Electric bursts fired through my entire body, fur standing on end, whiskers twitching. I began to moan lewdly, juices squirting in sort spurts from my slit. My tail swashed to and fro behind me, knocking over various knick-knacks from my dresser, but I didn't care in the slightest. "OHHHHHHH GOD!"

"6" was one hell of a setting, but I needed more for my final objective of an orgasm. With shaky paws I tweaked the dial up to a blistering "8." My eyes shot open and I threw my head back with a sharp gasp. I whimpered and babbled to myself, grabbing the board and falling onto my ass in a heap as my back legs failed. I just lied like a wounded animal on the carpet, hyperventilating as the buzzing inside me became angry. I pawed at the air with all of my limbs, unable to stay still with the incredible feelings of rapture coursing through me. Whenever I caught a large enough breath I gave a high pitched yelp and a deep, lascivious moan. The moans turned into a nonstop wail of bliss, my mouth hanging wide open as saliva dripped from my maw and pooled on the carpet beneath me. A spring inside me was tensing, building up pressure higher and higher and higher by the second, as well as the pitch of my moans. By the time I was getting to my peak I was practically squealing. Finally, the "spring" snapped and I howled to the ceiling, writhing furiously in every direction, jets of my fluids gushing almost a metre from their source, landing all over my carpet. I jerked the remote to its maximum and forced my eyes shut, an intense pleasure melting my veins, vision popping with sparks. I stopped breathing for a few seconds, gasping dryly for breath, raising my shaking paw to the air, choking on my own saliva.

After a few seconds, my passionate climax faded enough where I could fumble with the "Stop" button on the remote and the buzzing stopped instantly. A severe sense of lethargy poured through me and I could do little but twitch and moan weakly. I took deep breaths, stretching my neck a little so I could see my work. My inner thighs were utterly soaked with vaginal secretions, still more trickling down between my lips, and parts of my carpet were dotted with small puddles of my honey. I giggled softly. "Another day's work..." I blinked a few times, falling back to the carpet as a soporific effect washed over me. My tail switched back and forth and I cooed gently, body beckoning me to close my eyes. I did so and before I knew it, I was peacefully asleep.


New Beginnings Chapter Three: The Three Promises

Tyler flailed a bit as he was kissed. His eyes dilated to dinnerplates and he blushed a red that would make a tomato jealous. I refused to let him go, I wrapped my arms around his neck to prevent him from going anywhere and licked his lips. Our tails,...

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Forbidden Love Chapter 3

Disclaimer: You know the drill, don't read this if you're under 18. I'd also recommend not reading this if you don't like incest, as this story contains a lot of it. The house was eerily empty when the party cleared out at midnight, leaving only a few...

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New Beginnings: Chapter Two: Following My Heart

# New Beginnings ## Chapter Two: Following my Heart Sleep came fitfully on me for that second night, the day after school had started for me. My day only instilled fear of tomorrow in me, as if I knew that if I fell asleep the next day of...

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