Sake of Argument

Story by K.M. Hirosaki on SoFurry

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"Sake of Argument"

by K.M. Hirosaki ([email protected])

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story is dedicated to someone who will probably never know that I'm dedicating it to them. With that being said, I hope it's okay.

Let me know what you think! Feedback makes me love you forever.

[email protected]

[email protected]-

Halsey's pulse was loud enough to reach his ears as his body surged with excitement. The folf's back was facing the door, in through which any one of his three other friends might enter at any moment. The fourth of his friends, a tall, sporty fox named Linford, currently had his cock wrapped up in Halsey's muzzle.

"Ooh, Hal," Linford gasped in a voice that was forced into quietness. "Come on... just a little bit more."

For some reason, Halsey wasn't too keen on Linford calling him 'Hal.' He didn't think that he and the fox were close enough for little nicknames like that. They may have been close enough for the folf to very cheerfully suck his dick, but that was a different matter entirely.

Regardless, with a mouthful of cock to tend to, Halsey wasn't about to complain. He and Linford had been turning each other on all night, for some reason, and now that they had even just a few minutes alone, the folf was going to make damn good use of his time. Over the past couple of hours, the fox had gotten himself to a point where he seemed almost painfully worked up, and so luckily, a few minutes seemed to be all that Halsey needed.

Linford's hands went to Halsey's ears and scrunched them down against his skull, as the fox's body tensed. What should have been an orgasmic yelp was reduced to a mere heated rasp for breath, and Halsey was more than ready for the subsequent rush of semen. All night long, the folf had been wondering what his friend tasted like; he made a note to ask him later about what he'd been eating.

Halsey looked up into Linford's face with a satisfied smile, framed around the tip of the fox's cock. It made him so happy to see looks like the one that was on Linford's face right then. Knowing that he could make his friends feel that good made the folf feel a strong sense of content. Knowing that they could have been walked in on during a quick-and-dirty five minute blowjob session just made him hotter than he already was.

The folf gave Linford's glans a tiny lick before he stood up. He winked and grinned, knowing that he didn't have to say a word. Even though the room was only partly lit, Halsey knew a blushing face when he saw one.

Nobody was in the hallway -- good. The folf scampered down to the bathroom, flushed the toilet, and then headed back for the living room where everyone else was watching the movie. Halsey had already seen it in theaters, so he didn't feel bad about missing a few minutes.

In truth, even if he hadn't seen it already, he probably still wouldn't have been able to resist the temptation to sneak off. His fate had been sealed from the time that he got to sneak a grope in on Linford in the kitchen when they each got up to grab some sodas. The fox had felt so hard and eager behind all that denim, and so Halsey whispered, "Derek's room, five minutes," into his ear.

Derek was the cougar whose condo this was. When Halsey stepped out into the next room, the big cat was sprawled across most of the couch, with his boyfriend resting his head on his chest. Toby was a heavy-set wallaby, but his short height made him look pudgy in a cute way. He was almost the antithesis to Derek's hard-earned toned physique, which just went to prove how much opposites did attract, sometimes.

Sitting on the other part of the L-shaped sectional couch was Mitch. The tiger was the one "straight" friend at the condo tonight, but Halsey found that label a bit suspect. He admitted to at least being "bi-curious," but in Halsey's opinion, refusing to accept a no-strings-attached blowjob unless he got to simultaneously return the favor counted as a bit more. Mitch had shown a clumsy hesitancy with things, but he had also let the folf get off in his mouth. Halsey decided it wasn't his place to slap labels on other people.

Tonight, though, Mitch was sitting a bit far away from the male-male couple snuggling together. He was definitely no homophobe; perhaps things hit a bit too close to home for him?

Halsey hopped over the back of the couch and sat in the corner nook, between Mitch and Toby. Linford was being smart, apparently, hanging back in the other room so that the timing didn't look too suspicious. The folf restrained his grin of perverse triumph for his surreptitious naughtiness.

A few moments passed before he noticed that Mitch's eyes weren't on the television screen, but rather on him. It wasn't like Mitch to stare, either, being the well-spoken, polite individual that he tended to be. Halsey turned to look back at him.

"What's up, man? Something on my face?" he asked, teasingly.

The tiger didn't seem to get Halsey's sense of humor, though, because he just nodded. "Yeah," he replied, tapping a finger at his own check. "Right about here or so." His eyes were squinting to focus.

Halsey reached up, surprised. Just before his fingers touched down at his fur on the right side of his face, his heart slammed hard inside his chest, flushing up instantly with absolute mortification once he realized what it was. Quickly, he took his hand and started dabbing his fuzzy fingers at his face, but it was too late.

"Holy shit!" Mitch exclaimed, holding in a very nervous chuckle. "Is that really what I think it is?" That managed to tear Toby and Derek out of their content little cuddly microcosm, and both of them looked back over at Halsey as well. From their angle, they couldn't see anything, but the damage was done now that they'd noticed anything at all.

Halsey shrunk back into the couch cushions, knowing that it wouldn't do any good. "No, it's not," he said in halfhearted denial. The panic he was feeling was overwhelming his ability to be creative enough to defend himself.

The tiger leaned over and took a sniff closer to the folf's face. "Oh, jeez, it is!" He sounded like a junior high school student who had found dirty words scrawled inside of a previously used textbook.

By now, Halsey could literally feel the burning in his ears. The cougar and wallaby had both sat up now and scooted closer. Toby still looked confused, but the other feline seemed to have caught on to what Mitch had. Then, to make matters worse, it was at that moment that Linford finally came through the doorway into the living room.

"So," Derek crooned, drawing the word out into several syllables as he looked over at Linford, who stopped dead in his tracks. The tone in that voice was unmistakable, and the summary look of panic on the fox's face mirrored Halsey's own.

Linford looked back at the grinning cougar. Halsey wanted to look away, but he may as well have been paralyzed. "What?" the fox asked, and the hint of squeak in his voice gave away his guilt.

"So," Derek repeated, flashing his teeth. "Tell us how good it was."

That was the final straw. Halsey took a sudden interest in his hands, which he folded down in his lap. He wondered what Linford's reaction was, too, but he was too struck with embarrassment to look at anyone.

Toby poked the big cat in the ribs. "Hey, come on," he said. "That's not very nice." The wallaby had always been sensitive to teasing, even if he wasn't the target of it. Halsey guessed that it had a lot to do with the fact that Toby had probably been on the overweight side.

"Well it's not very nice to give out free blowjobs if you haven't brought enough for everyone, either," Derek said. The shit-eating grin on his face showed that he thought he was pretty funny, but Toby definitely wasn't amused. He elbowed the cat a bit harder. Meanwhile, Mitch had shrunk up into his own corner of the couch.

The suggestion wasn't a bad one, Halsey mused for a moment. He had sucked off Derek a few times before, for starters, and he'd be lying if he tried to say that he wouldn't like to do so again. Toby seemed to be a bit more of a monogamous type, though, and ever since the cougar and wallaby had begun dating, the fooling around had stopped.

Come to think of it, Halsey remembered, there had been that one time he had gone down on Toby, too, back near when they had first met. Chubby or no, Toby certainly wasn't a bad looking fellow, and, more importantly than that, he'd been very friendly from the outset. After the fact, the wallaby had always seemed a fair bit more self-confident. Probably, it had been an ego boost in the area of appearance-consciousness.

"Look," Toby said, giving Derek one of the sternest looks Halsey had ever seen on him. "They're both embarrassed enough as it is. Just let it go." He paused, and then his face cracked a smirk. "Besides, it's not like you've been lacking in that department, yourself."

Halsey appreciated Toby's little joke, and it did alleviate things, if only a little. Derek looked the tiniest bit embarrassed by his boyfriend's comment, but for him, that was impressive. Even Mitch was laughing things off now, with a minor nervous edge.

"Anyway," Linford said, looking at Derek, "to answer your question: yes." He flashed Halsey a smile, and the folf felt his face heat up anew with a blush that was almost as deep as the first.

The big cat whistled and clapped his hands together in applause, while Toby just shook his head in resigned exasperation. Halsey started to curl back up on himself, tail turning in against his back, and he saw Mitch mouth the words "I'm sorry" to him.

Linford stepped over toward the couch and looked down at the folf. "Sorry, man," he said, shrugging. "I mean, if they already know, they already know. It's not like -- "

"No, it's okay," Halsey said, sitting back upright and meeting everyone's eyes again, finally. It was his turn to help laugh things off. "I mean, at this point, all of you know how good I am, anyway, so..."

The moment of dumbfounded shock that settled over the room at then came as a big surprise to Halsey. It was meant to have been a joke (and the funniest jokes were always the ones that were true), but he hadn't quite expected them all to react like this. Four sets of eyes blinked in near-unison, as everyone looked at the folf in clear, stark disbelief.

"Wait, are you serious?" It was Toby who asked it, which only served to shock Halsey even more. Even Derek was still speechless from what shouldn't have been too surprising of a revelation, really. The wallaby leaned forward, and he looked like he was trying to read the folf's eyes.

Halsey tucked his shoulders in, but he didn't flinch inward enough that he averted his eyes again. "Well, yeah," he admitted. "I figured that you two at least knew about each other," he said, wagging a finger between the couple. "And so, I mean, with Linford here, I guess -- "

"Wait, though," Toby interrupted, leaning forward like he was on the edge of his seat. His enthusiasm was almost scientific, and it would have probably been funnier in different circumstances. "When you say all of us, do you actually mean... you know, all of us?" His eyes were shifting toward Mitch, and Halsey could see that he was trying hard to keep them from doing so.

The shy, quiet coughing coming from Mitch showed that the tiger noticed Toby's implications even despite any efforts. Suddenly, all eyes were off Halsey and right on their supposedly heterosexual friend. As much as the folf had been embarrassed just now, it almost felt worse to see poor Mitch under scrutiny.

"Well, er..." Mitch was fumbling about for words. "It was just once, and... it... it felt good." He looked to be embarrassed at having this information outed to everyone present, but he didn't seem ashamed. That was a good sign. The folf exchanged a subtle nod with the tiger; the other half of information about their little rendezvous could remain secret in light of everything else.

Halsey had a delayed reaction, but he finally realized that Linford was and had been laughing quite hysterically, though he was trying to stifle it to the best of his ability. "S-sorry," he tried to get out through his chuckling. "It's... it's not really 'funny,' but... oh, man." The way he was laughing made Halsey think that the fox did think it was funny, but the surreality of the situation had taken hold to a point where the folf wasn't going to chastise anyone for anything. "It just blows my mind that you've managed to suck every dick in this room."

"'Managed?'" Halsey replied, without thinking. "You say 'managed' like it was a struggle to accomplish or something. I don't seem to recall you trying to stop me." Okay, so maybe the folf wouldn't let everything slide.

Linford bit his lip and shook his head as the group of friends took their turn to look at him, now. "That's not what I meant," he refuted. "I just mean... well, you've never even been dating anyone here -- at least not to my knowledge -- and yet you still seem to not have any problem being... you know..."

"Slutty?" Derek offered. Toby smacked him on the leg.

Both Halsey and Mitch winced at the same time. "I'm not slutty!" the folf insisted. "It's not like I'm going around letting people fuck me left and right. I'm just... friendly, that's all."

"Hmm," Toby hummed, pondering with a few fingers on his chin. Everyone else (save Mitch, who looked way too embarrassed) seemed dubious, but the wallaby at least seemed willing to be able to give Halsey the benefit of the doubt. "I'm definitely not going to call you a slut, Halsey," he said, "but I think that 'friendly' downplays things too much."

At least one of his friends was on his side. "Well, I don't know what else to call it," the folf said. "I won't go down on just anyone. That has to count for something."

"It counts for something," Derek agreed. "But you don't do it just to be friendly. If you did, you probably would go down on just anyone."

Linford showed a bemused smile. "Okay, so wait," he said, raising a hand as if to hold a though. "So, like... what was I, then, just now?"

The way that the attention in the room kept shifting was almost a tangible thing, by this point. Halsey scratched his claws at his chest while he was scrutinized as he thought of how to put it. "Well... I mean, we're really good friends, right?" he said, and the fox nodded. "And we were both pretty obviously in the mood, tonight, and so I don't see anything wrong with going through with that. Do you?"

After a pause, Linford shook his head. "No, I don't see anything wrong with it at all," he responded. His jibing sense of humor was gone. "But I agree with Toby that it's definitely more than 'friendly.'"

"Fine," Halsey said, adjusting his posture and squaring his shoulders. "For the sake of argument, let's say that it's not just friendly. Does that mean it's necessarily slutty?"

Everyone lowered their heads a bit in thought for a moment as Halsey watched and waiting. He didn't much relish the thought of being slurred by people for being free with physical favors when they were the ones accepting them. It was all so hypocritical.

"Okay. You're not a slut," Derek said, finally conceding. "But even you've got to admit that you're pretty... easy."

Was that supposed to be better? "Wait, what's the difference?" Mitch asked, piping up, voicing Halsey's own question. Could it be that he was just as concerned about being labeled?

"There's a big difference," the cougar explained. "Especially in our little Halsey's case. He might not go around sucking off complete strangers, but if he likes you, then he's got no qualms."

Toby's eyes went wide. "Wait just a second, there!" he said, sounding a bit flamey in his indignation. "And you're trying to say that's not an insult?"

"It's not an insult," Derek insisted. "It's just a statement. Folf likes to suck cock, plain and simple."

It was certainly true. Halsey couldn't argue with that. Linford suddenly made a throat-clearing sound. "Okay," the fox chimed in again. "But I mean, heck, I like to suck cock, too, and I've never tried to fool around with any of you guys -- well, except for tonight, I guess."

"Exactly!" Derek said, showing a lot of tooth in his grin. "You've never tried. How do you know we wouldn't let you? Halsey here has the guts to go for it. It's not a bad thing. Like he pointed out: do any of us really have any complaints about his ability?"

Sheepish grins sprung up on everyone's faces -- including Derek's. Halsey couldn't help but smile back. He knew that -- at least in a sense -- that sort of appreciation was genuine, and he liked it.

"Anyways, I think we've teased poor Halsey enough for now," the cougar said, breaking the silence he'd caused. "I bet we've worked him into an awful bout of cock-lust."

Linford and -- to Halsey's surprise -- Mitch giggled at that. Toby had his "We Are Not Amused" face on. The folf just responded by waving a hand dismissively, and he then reached for the remote control in order to rewind the movie a few minutes. The cougar had a point in that talking about his little 'hobby' was kindling his interest, and a distraction would be most helpful.

"Halsey, look at me and let everyone see your eyes," Derek said. The folf turned his head, confused. Linford padded around the couch so that he could see, too. For a moment, Halsey was afraid that his face had gotten more messed-up than he'd though, but he knew what was really up the moment he saw the movements of the cougar's hands.

The big feline had stealthily unzipped his pants already, and so all that he needed to do was pop the button on them. Three fingers sprung the catch, and then they pulled out his dark, halfway hard shaft. There was no grin on the cat's face; rather the look on his face was one of keen speculation. Halsey felt his pulse drive upward in an instant, and his throat fluttered while his eyebrows lifted up.

"See that!" Derek pointed out, focusing attention onto the folf even as he held on his member in his hand out in plain sight. "Look at the way his eyes just lit up. I bet he wants nothing more right now than to crawl over here and -- "

"You're terrible, you know that?" Toby said, turning to glare right into his lover's eyes. "You talk about not wanting to tease him and not wanting to call him a slut, and then you pull something like this!"

Halsey looked quickly around the room. Mitch was (predictably) averting his eyes, and Linford was staring, slack-jawed in disbelief. The folf didn't let his gaze wander too long. His eyes went instinctively back to the exposed flesh of Derek's member.

"You're one to talk, honey," Derek said back. The sound of his voice made him sound sincere about wanting to make his point. He took one of his wide hands, pressed it flat against the wallaby's chest, and pushed back. Toby, who had been sitting hunched over, now had his back upright against the couch cushions, and it was plainly obvious why Derek had done it.

The wallaby was wearing a pair of shorts that could barely be truly called 'shorts' and not 'boxers.' A very stiff hard-on was poking up inside of them, and the material was thin enough that the very tip was already soaked through damp. He let out a yelp of protest when his boyfriend pushed him back, but once the game was up, he made no attempt to weasel his way out.

Meanwhile, Halsey's brain was only somewhat registering that. Too much of his attention was on Derek at the moment. He was aware that Linford was chuckling a foxish chuckle, and the folf shared in the humorous irony of everything, but it wasn't important.

"Don't try to tell me that you weren't thinking about little Halsey sucking your cock," the cougar said, reaching over to squeeze the marsupial's erection through his shorts.

Again, Toby made a pathetic sound of defiance. His stoic air of propriety had been broken, and he wasn't going to get it back anytime soon now that Derek was on the case. "Fine, fine. For the sake of argument, let's say that I was. That doesn't mean I was going to whip my dick out in front of everyone."

"And just why not?" the cougar asked. "You'd love it, he'd love it, and you know I wouldn't mind." Halsey was pleased, for some bizarre reason, by how frank he was being. The folf had already forgiven him for calling him a slut, earlier, and he was willing to forgive a whole lot more if things kept on heading in the direction that he was hoping they would.

Toby shook his head, but his voice showed a lack of certainty. "Yeah, but you're just assuming that he'd go for that without your even asking." Halsey couldn't be sure if the wavering was because the wallaby was afraid to do it, or because he was afraid to let himself do it.

"I don't need to ask," Derek said flatly. He raised a finger and pointed back at the folf. "The look in his face says that he really, really wants to."

Halsey tried to feel what his face looked like. He could be one hundred percent sure, but he'd stake just about anything that the aforementioned 'cock-lust' was brutally apparent. Almost (but not quite) against his will, the folf used the very tip of his to wet his lips in anticipation.

Pushing the coffee table out of the way, Derek stood up. He let his pants fall, and he tugged his underwear down his legs, and then began to stroke himself, working his way toward full hardness. The tiger sitting next to Halsey let out a meowed cry of subdued fear. "Y-y-you guys are really seriously honestly going to do this?" His neck must have been getting sore from the way that he kept shifting his gaze between everybody's faces.

Patience was a virtue that Halsey no longer had, and with everything staring him in the face, he decided to just answer everyone's doubts at once. He slipped off of the couch, and crawled forward a few feet, then got up onto his knees in front of Derek. The folf didn't even look into his eyes for confirmation; he set his hands right at the cougar's hips, and leaned forward, bringing his lips forward. Just before he made contact, though, he stopped. He turned his head to the side, and looked over to Toby, who was still sitting on the couch, and still sporting a full erection.

"Can I?" Halsey asked him. More than just wanting to be polite, he had no desire to let his selfish urges come between a couple who seemed to be very much in love.

The wallaby looked back up at Derek. "Are you sure about this, dear?" he asked. The expression on his face and his tone of voice were guarded, but Halsey could hear the subtext. Toby wanted this; the folf was willing to bet that the pair had had discussions, probably recently, about group play or exhibitionist sessions or something along those lines.

"I'm sure," the cougar responded, with an unusual, loving tone. As he said that, one of his meaty paws put itself at the back of Halsey's head and tugged it forward. The folf lost his balance, but he recovered due to having already placed his hands on Derek's hips. In response, he pressed the side of his fuzzy face firmly against the length of the cougar's warm shaft and nuzzled it like it was something precious. With that first actual physical contact, the moment finally became real, and Halsey was lost to it.

The folf could feel a thick wetness seeping in a thin trail through his fur as he rubbed his cheek and snout back and forth, using the soft hairs to tickle and entice the cougar's erection to leak more. The cat's fingers pressed their way through the fur on the back and top of Halsey's head, scratching at his scalp and massaging behind his ears. Acquiescing, Halsey let Derek palm the back of his head fully, allowing the cougar to 'steer' him from side to side as he moved his neck back and forth.

"Holy shit. I cannot believe this is happening," Halsey heard Linford say. The fox's voice sounded like it was coming from the other side of a closed door; such was the folf's focus on the more direct matter at hand. He turned and twisted his head, forcing Derek's damp, leaking tip through the fuzz on the other side of his face, and matting down little furrows along his cheek.

Derek's fingers tugged at the top of the scruff of Halsey's neck, and he pulled the folf's head back away a little bit, angling it up so that he could grin down at him. Making eye contact broke the canid's trance for only a fleeting moment, but it was long enough that he yipped in surprised when his chin was bumped with the cougar's swollen glans. "Looks like tonight's your lucky night," the feline murmured.

At the word 'lucky,' Halsey was already in action. His jaw had dropped so that he could get his lips around the fat crest of Derek's drizzling head. The cougar's familiar taste soaked into his taste buds, and he closed his eyes while he hummed to himself with that warm, rigid flesh grasped between his lips. A quarter of an inch at a time, the folf took more of it into his muzzle, letting his tongue crawl along it as his urges battled with each other. Part of him wanted to savor things, to best appreciate them for what they were, if this was a one-time-only chance. Another part of him told him that there'd be plenty to around tonight, and that he may as well not hold back.

The latter won out. After getting barely a quarter of the way down the length of Derek's shaft, Halsey suddenly opened his mouth further and shoved his face forward. His nose first pushed into the trimmed fur on the feline's crotch, and then he pressed his muzzle in further still, forcing that hot tip into the top of his throat. The need was driving him crazy right now. He assaulted his senses with every subtle contour, every musky whiff of air, and every warm, sweep droplet. Derek grunted, took in a deep breath, and tenderly patted Halsey on the back of the head. "That's a good little puppy. You know how I like it."

Praise was key in magnifying the intensity of damn near everything in Halsey's little world. It was like every sense and perception had jumped to a whole new level. In and of itself, all that Halsey needed for a reward was the incomparable texture of a hard cock filling his slender muzzle. Here he was, on his knees, pleasuring somebody who wanted to be pleasured, and an entire group of his closest friends got to hear his deeds extolled while watching him in eager action.

Just as Halsey was thinking that nothing could possibly give him a bigger rush, Derek pulled himself out the folf's mouth. It made an obscene wet slurping sound as the canid crossbreed's tight suction was broken. Halsey's eyes reopened, and they weren't focused enough to see what was happening as the cougar pulled his member back by the tip and let it go, making his cock slap against the side of the folf's snout, splattering his face with a light spray of saliva and other fluids.

"Mmf," the cat hissed. "Someone else give this little feller something to play with. He's gonna finish me off too soon at this rate." He sounded so much like he was enjoying himself, and Halsey beamed with pride back up at him.

Toby shuffled his feet, and it drew the folf's attention to the side. The wallaby had, at some point, gotten his shorts down around his knees, and he was stroking himself with a pair of fingers as he watched his boyfriend getting tended to. "Okay," he said, brimming with all of the trembling excitement and trepidation of a young child on the first day of school. He stood up, shimmied out of his shorts, and stepped out of them as he walked over next to Derek. Looking down at Halsey, he asked, "So, you sure you -- "

Halsey didn't give him the chance to answer; his cock was too close to be ignored. The folf leaned his head in, extended his tongue, and lapped at the wet underside of the wallaby's penis. He pressed his tongue flush against the twitching shaft, making the top of it push into the fur of Toby's groin and the lower part of his pudgy stomach. Derek stroked a trio of fingertips down the back of Halsey's neck, sending a jolt down his spine from the touch.

"Oh... oh... should I even be watching this?" Mitch cheeped from behind. That told Halsey that the tiger was, at least, watching. It'd do him some good, the folf figured. Maybe getting to be an eyewitness to such an intense homoerotic display would dispel any latent doubts about his sexuality.

Without any decorum, Halsey just slurped Toby's chubby hard-on into his mouth. It wasn't anywhere near as long as his boyfriend's, but it had a bit more width to it, and so it was pleasantly different to suck on. Toby's fluids mingled with the flavors that had already permeated Halsey's mouth, and the mix was pleasant. The very notion of having two hard guys standing here, both for him to tend to, was making the folf's flesh crawl with excitement. He realized, to his own surprise, now, that he'd actually never done this before. The phrase "kid in a candy shop" came to mind, and it provided him brief amusement.

As he bobbed his head back and forth, Halsey's careful rhythm missed a beat as his muzzle was tapped again. Not wanting to lose more momentum than was necessary, he only opened one eye to see what it was, but even before his vision registered, he caught the smell. Derek was rubbing his cock back and forth along the top corner of the folf's muzzle as he rolled his hips. "Look at you down there," the cougar said. "You're just a natural cocksucking pro, aren't you?" Halsey nodded in assent, making the feline's shaft wiggle up and down in front of his eyes.

Toby reached down and started to pet and stroke one of Halsey's ears. Taking a cue from that, Derek took the other, and the couple created a strange juxtaposition, doting on the little folf with their hands while they kept their crotches in his face. Halsey mentally filed that away for any future arguments involving the whole 'friendly' thing, but he wasn't about to worry about it then and there.

Mentally, his senses had been overwhelmed long ago, but now, they were starting to hit that point physically, too. Having one stiff and ready penis inside his muzzle while the other merely rubbed against it felt too damn unfair to Halsey, and so he decided to take action. He pulled back, letting most of Toby's length slip free from the purse of his lips, and he slid his tongue out in an attempt to ensnare his lover's along with it. With no small amount of very practiced oral dexterity, the folf succeeded in bringing the pair of glandes into the front of his mouth.

Overjoyed with his own success, Halsey just barely managed to hold back a happy squeak, and instead, he went right about batting and flicking his tongue between the two warm, drizzly tips of flesh. At the top of his field of vision, Halsey could see that Toby and Derek had their free arms interlocked, and were embraced, kissing one another. The moment of comfort and content must have been heartwarming for them, and it was a source of personal achievement in the folf's own mind.

"This is not happening," Linford said. He was entirely monotone as he spoke out his disbelief. The undertone of his voice carried the thinnest trace of arousal, however.

Unfortunately for Halsey, the folf discovered that his muzzle wasn't wide enough for practical application in bobbing along two shafts at once. He tried to move a few times, but he was too afraid of grazing sensitive parts with his sharp teeth, or possibly bruising things if he clenched his jaw. So, not wanting to have to choose between on or the other, he let both erections go, and then started to lick at them both. His tongue slid around in long, fluid motions from Toby's cock to Derek's, and back again, sometimes looping, sometimes spiraling, and sometimes making little figure eights.

It was then that Halsey thanked his instinctual logic for taking accidental jaw clenching into account. A spasm of pleasure went up through the kneeling canid's body as his orgasm hit suddenly and unexpectedly. His underwear and dungaree shorts were soaked from the inside as Halsey's uncontainable excitement went and let itself out. He didn't let it stop him, though; if anything, it just provided him for more hot, heavy breath to let out onto the damp, straining members pointing in his face.

The folf heard an exchange of words take place above him, but he didn't register any content, nor who had even spoken. His tongue didn't let up one bit, and he smooched his lips at the ridges at the bottoms of both leaking slits, in turn. Even as his own orgasm was subsiding, he barely gave it any heed. All that was important now was finishing the wonderful task he'd started of getting his friends off.

Toby was the first, far sooner than expected; the psychological thrill of the situation was probably turning him on too much. Halsey felt the warmth spill across his lips, down his chin, and over the tip of his tongue. Quickly, he seized the spurting tip into his mouth and hungrily swallowed the rest that the wallaby had to offer, faintly aware that his ear was being clenched in the marsupial's hand.

With his boyfriend well and finished from Halsey's talented tongue, Derek started rubbing the sides of his shaft against the folf's lips and chops, smearing the seed around. The wallaby staggered back half a step, coming free of Halsey's muzzle, and the cougar stepped around to the direct front again with the newfound room. Clutching the sides of the folf's head, the big cat pushed forward, and shoved his whole length deep into that needy muzzle.

When Halsey tried to begin moving his neck back, he found that he was still being held quite firmly in place. His eyes tilted back to find Derek with a smug, smug grin on his face. The folf had just enough time to brace himself, knowing what was coming next, before the feline pulled back and shoved back in nice and hard, and then immediately repeated the motion again and again, wasting literally no time in setting up a rhythm. "That's it, little Halsey," Derek said condescendingly though his panting. "You just hold nice and still so that I can fuck your face real good."

A spectacular sense of bliss came over the folf, then. He felt so immensely needed on that raw, carnal level -- needed by someone because they knew what he could do. That satisfaction stayed firm in his consciousness even as his mind registered the lightning-quick sensation changing as the cougar's thick, meaty erection alternately filled and emptied his snout. He thought that he heard Mitch say something about not hurting him, but it may have just been his imagination. In either event, Derek didn't seem to care, and neither did Halsey.

The folf gave a cough and a sputter, and he realized that it had been caused by a thick wad of seed being released into the back of his mouth. He started swallowing down his third load of semen for the evening, and reveled in his gluttony. Most of it was lost to him, though, because Derek kept right on pumping his hips, making a lot of his seed leak out from the front of Halsey's mouth, down the underside of his muzzle, and over the front of his throat. Since the cat was still holding the sides of his head, Halsey couldn't do anything but remain motionless, feeling the warm and sticky fluid slide down his skin and fur.

Derek pulled Halsey's head back with a smooth, gentle motion, letting his spent member free. The folf fixed his eyes on it as it flopped down in front of him, losing its hardness quickly. He licked at it once more, and then smiled up at Derek. The big cat released his grip, and patted the folf on the top of the head, between his ears.

Swirling his tongue around within his mouth, Halsey scooped up whatever he might have missed, allowing for a few seconds' worth of nausea to finally have their way as his pulse and breathing staggered their way back closer to normal. He looked down at the carpeted floor as the feeling passed, and then looked back up. Derek was rubbing Toby on the shoulder reassuringly, and the wallaby had a giddy smile on his snout.

His attention was snapped sideways due to a blur of motion and a fluffy slap at the back of his head. Linford was standing there, having just batted his tail at the dazed little folf. Just like Halsey had been hoping, the attractive athletic fox had been worked back into an aroused state in the interim. He was standing with his pants still on, but open, displaying himself in offering.

If Linford said anything to give the go-ahead, then Halsey didn't hear it. He just lunged himself forward, planting his hands down on the rug, opting to clear the distance by diving onto all fours rather than crawling clumsily on his knees. Being in that position meant that he needed to arch his neck back in order to get his mouth around the fox's shaft, but it had saved an entire precious second or two. He let his tongue swirl around slowly, his saliva bringing out the stale (but not unpleasant) taste of Linford's previous release.

The fox was reeling in surprise from Halsey's sudden spring forward, and his reaction time was lagged even more as his cock was treated to the warm, damp caress of the folf's mouth, but his wits eventually came back to him. Gripping his shaft by the base, he pulled himself out from the grip of Halsey's lips, and started to chuckle. "Whoa, hey, easy boy!" he teased. He shifted back and held his tip up just in front of the folf's nose. "Don't rush. It's not going anywhere."

Everyone laughed a little, except for Halsey. He just pulled himself back to his knees and tried to get his mouth back into place, but Linford just tapped the folf on the nose with his glans. Halsey was not amused; the fox tried to pull his cock away again, but this time, the folf was too quick and desperate. He caught Linford by the hips, using weight and leverage to keep the fox from squirming back any more, and trapped the vulpine's member with his mouth.

Linford whined in reluctant pleasure as his attempts at teasing were thwarted, and his arms went limp and sagged. Halsey ran his hands up past the fox's hips, over this stomach, and then down the fronts of his thighs as he nestled in to get more comfortable. For a few moments, he was actually able to pace himself.

"See that?" Derek pointed out. "Isn't that the happiest little face you've ever seen?" As he said it, Halsey figured it wasn't just mere flattery. The folf looked up into Linford's face as he slowly bobbed his head, letting his eyes smile for him while his lips kept a tight seal. Smiling back down at him, Linford patted him on the cheek, and the folf nuzzled that hand back.

Everything was perfect, then. As he kept right on tending to Linford's slender shaft, Halsey finally slowed his brain down enough to think cohesively, and he liked where his thoughts took him. In a very real sense, Halsey felt like he'd forged a bond tonight, here, with his friends, through this. It felt good to know that his friends were comfortable sharing him like this, and he knew deep down that they weren't just doing it because they were enjoying it, but because they knew that he was enjoying it, too. He at last accepted the notion that what he was doing went past 'friendly.' Maybe he didn't know what to call it, just yet, but he didn't doubt that it was something good.

Along that train of though, time had lost a key component of meaning, and instinct and skill had carried the folf unconsciously. The hot, straining sounds of Linford's panting pulled his attention back, and he figured that his foxy friend was very close. When he went to pull his tongue down around the fox's tip, though, it slipped away from that flexible muscle and escaped the warmth of his lips.

"Nuh-uh, Hal. Swallow too much more tonight and you'll get a stomachache," Linford teased. The folf didn't mind the nickname this time around. He was, however, about to mind having his tasty treat taken away, until he saw that the fox was busily stroking himself with blurry motions of his paw. Recognizing what that was signaling, Halsey sunk further onto his knees and angled his head with his eyes closed.

Since Linford had already gotten off earlier, he didn't have much to give, but it was enough to do the trick. Two quick spurts shot out from his twitching pink tip, streaking across the rusty-colored fur over the bridge of Halsey's muzzle and up between his eyes. A delayed moment later, a third hit him square on the cheek and clung there wetly. After the quick release was over, the folf opened his eyes and looked up, wearing proudly the badge of a good little cocksucker.

Nobody said anything for what felt like several minutes, but what had in reality probably been a matter of seconds. Halsey couldn't keep the beaming smile off his face, and he was beginning to giggle. He looked around at the three guys standing by him, and just before he turned around, Derek broke the silence.

"Well, I guess that means it's ol' Mitch's turn," the cougar said, rubbing his hands together. It wasn't the first time during the course of the night that Halsey had forgotten about the quiet tiger's presence, and when he looked over at him, the look on his face said that he'd have been just fine staying hidden.

Halsey opened his mouth to speak; he wasn't going to do anything if Mitch didn't want him to. The tiger spoke first, though. "I can't," he said, quietly.

Probably, nobody had actually expected the guy to refuse. "Aww, sure you can!" Derek coaxed, motioning to everyone else present. "There's no shame to be had in this here room!"

Mitch shook his head a few times. "No, that's not it," he said, louder. "I mean, like, I literally can't. I sort of... well..." He sat back and stretched himself out, and the front of his neat white slacks was dark and wet in the front.

The subtle laughter that followed was definitely the well-intentioned kind, and Mitch seemed to recognize that. He and Halsey exchanged smiles while the others were distracted making a few light quips at everyone's expense. The folf nodded; he wasn't sure what he meant by the nod itself, but Mitch seemed satisfied with it, and nodded back.

"Hey, Derek," Halsey said, getting to his feet. His knees crackled a little when his limbs straightened. "I'm going to go use your shower. I take it you don't mind?"

The cougar flashed a grin with his response. "Well, I only mind in that I sort of like how the way you look like that."

The folf winked before he turned around with a faux-indignant flick of his tail. "Yeah, whatever," he jibed. "You'll probably get to see it again before too long, anyway." Halsey's ears were primed and ready for the laughter he knew would ensure.

"Anyway!" he said, looking back from around the doorframe. "Don't worry about waiting for me. Cue the movie back up -- it's almost at a really good part."

Maerchentic Identity

"Maerchentic Identity" by K.M. Hirosaki ([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)) AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story and all characters within are copyright (c) 2004 K.M. Hirosaki. This is the eight installment of "Maerchentic." The...

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Maerchentic Superiority

"Maerchentic Superiority" by K.M. Hirosaki ([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)) AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story and all characters and places within are copyright (c) 2004 K.M. Hirosaki. This is the seventh installment of my...

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Maerchentic Eternity

"Maerchentic Eternity" by K.M. Hirosaki ([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)) AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story and all characters therein are copyright (c) 2004 K.M. Hirosaki. This story is the sixth installment in my...

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