Baltimore Blues - Fated to Be Together

Story by Lannius Drasec on SoFurry

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#1 of Baltimore Blues

Fated to Be Together

By: Lannius Drasec

A Young Rabbit sits in his car, it was not a very good one, just to get him from Home to Work, with the recent rise in gas prices he was happy to have such a good mileage in his Pontiac Grand-Am. His name is Nemron, or Nem as his co-workers called him. He looked around the parking lot, his eyes roaming around from person to person, he was always interested in who was entering the store he sat outside right now, he didn't have to go inside for another five minutes and they usually work him pretty hard.

Nem was a small rabbit, but he thought of himself as formidable, even though he had never really been in a fight. His work kept him active and therefore offered plenty of cardio to keep his lithe but shapely appearance. He was considered average in looks, perhaps on the brighter side of that coin as he had his share of experiences throughout high school. Now he sat in his own car, outside his own job, with high hopes that in the weeks to come he would land the Assistant Managers position. He had his own place and his own responsibilities, making him quite the guy, the only thing he lacked overall was a highly social life.

He wasn't by any means a shut in, but he had never been too confident around clubs or bars, the few and far in between relationships he had after high school had been internet initiated, usually ending in drama or lack of feeling. He had recently given up on finding his soul mate or even the next good girl in his life in cyberspace, turning to more realistic ventures, keeping in his mind that when the right girl appeared, he would seize the opportunity.

He kept up this very thought as he heard a familiar rumbling in the distance, a vibration of such magnitude it made his heart feel like it rumbled in his chest. The screeching of rubber meeting Asphalt confirmed what was about to happen as a 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge was seen barreling down between the rows of cars in the parking lot, this was usually what Nem was waiting for when he was relaxing for a few minutes outside the store. The car skidded into a parking space almost directly in front of his car and let the engine rumble on, that loud, intimidating sound of a giant V8 quaking beneath the hood, for a moment the sun shone off the gloss black paintjob and blinded the rabbit's view of the true prize.

After Nem's eyes adjusted he didn't see what he wanted, the usual outline of black locks of boyishly messy hair was seen from the drivers seat. His name was Lann, a White Wolf whom Nem had seen around the store, normally he wore black, but not in a Gothic way, just theatrical. His fur was always displayed under an open jacket made of pure black leather, not heavy on zippers or buttons, just slick leather, and the fur displayed was inked with Tribal Markings all down the left side of him, while the right side of his chest displayed a black inking of a Spiked Cross. The Black hair falling down his muzzle was about lower neck length and always messy in the same fashion, and the long bangs falling over his muzzle did well to conceal one of his two blood red irised eyes.

Then the rabbit saw what he was looking for and his heart sank at the realization of where she had been, the second head lifting from it's position in the driver's lap and back upright. An arm raised up and she wiped her own mouth before kissing the wolf's lips and exiting the car. She was a gorgeous Vixen, a bit taller then Nemron, her hair and fur were matching vibrant purple, often vixens were born of all mixed colors and pigmentations, it was rare to ever see two vixen girls the exact same colors, much like Dragons and their scale patterns. Her hair was tossed over her shoulder and her beautiful eyes shone as bright as the car she stood next to.

Nem knew this girl fondly, they had been friends for weeks, both working in Electronics, they had talked numerous times about life and the events of the store. Nem consciously tried to hide his apparent attraction for the girl, partially because he figured she was out of his league romantically, and partially out of fearing her intimidating boyfriend. Her name was Psycho, strange name for such a gorgeous girl but traditional names were normally held for human's. She patted the car and that massive engine roared once more before the car sped off into the distance and Psycho, or Psy as her friends called her, wandered into the store, and Nem shortly thereafter.


"No Ma'am.... We don't carry the Kinect, we are sold out" Nem repeated to a Otter Woman who wouldn't get the point, she must have kids to spoil at home.

"Are you sure? Can you check in the back please?" The woman asked, she may have thought she sounded polite but her questions were very demanding and said in quite the irritating fashion, especially repeated throughout the week. Nem did his best to keep calm, somehow he always got stuck helping this same woman day after day the past two weeks.

"Ma'am.... As I explained to you last time we do not get shipments in till the first and third Friday of the month, and these items sell out quickly, we already have your request to hold one for you when they come in but it won't be for a few more days." He explained to her as he had day after day. The woman always understood after twenty minutes of explanation but then awoke the next morning to completely forget, he silently wondered if she had short term memory loss.

"Oh... well if you have one already on hold for me I want it now." she said in the same annoying fashion. Nem restrained his paw from rubbing his temples in a physical display of irritation and said yet again "It's not here, when it gets here we will have it ready for your purchase, but we do not have any in stock at this time."

Across the department near the movies and TV's were Psy and two other females, one a slender Wolfess with long black hair and the other a Panda Girl with a bit of weight to her body as most bears had, but in such proportions that gave her all the right curves. "Poor Nemmy, we always stick him with that bitch." Psy points out and the girls giggle a bit, Psy amongst the small giggling.

"Well what do ye expect, the little guy is such a softie, we bat our eyelashes and tell him to take care of her and he does it." The black haired Wolfess says, her cobalt blue eyes shimmering amongst her traditional Timber patterned coat of fur. "But I will admit some girl would be lucky to have such a Gentlemale."

"Then go pounce him," The Panda Bear chimed in, the Wolfess responding with a shake of her head. "Well why not? I thought you bitches enjoyed Rabbit Meat." They all giggled again and the Wolfess stuck her tongue out in a playful manner to the Panda Girl.

"I don't mind a Jack now and then, but I need a Male, not a Gentlemale. Like what Psy has." She grins at Psy and Psy blushes, her fur color doing absolutely nothing to hide the new found redness in her cheeks.

"Keep dreaming Sissy, My wolf is mine... if ye want him you'll have to share." Psy grins and the other females join in a chorus of 'Ooooohhh' as if surprised at her saying such a thing.

"Damn girl, what's gotten into you?" The Panda asks Psy but then quickly responds before an answer could be dealt "Wait.... Don't answer that!" and all the girls burst out into a giggle that attracts a bit too much attention, they part ways from one another before being noticed by a Manager and each go to their Tagging and Register and Customer Service. Nem was finally done with the pressing Otter woman who wandered off to other sections of the store and Psy walked over to the Video Game section.

"Hey Nemmy, she finally get the point?" She asked him, playfully pushing on his shoulder, he responded with a smile and a nod of his head.

"Yea, for at least the next twenty-four hours, she'll be back but I'm off tomorrow." he said, raising a paw to slick back his floppy ears and shuffle his short hair about some.

Psy smiled that radiant smile she gave, unsuspecting to her that such smiles could make a Male melt in his place. "That's good then, you have any plans for tomorrow?"

Nem felt his heart leap up and without giving much thought he blurted out "No! I mean uhm... no, not really, why?" He asked in a slightly less elevated voice, trying to hide his excitement at her possibly asking him to get together after work.

Psy obviously saw the context of her question and spoke to repair the intentions of her question "Oh, well no real reason, I was just wondering, I mean because I don't know what you do outside this store very much, I'm sure you have lots of friends to entertain."

The rabbit fell back down with the help of emotional gravity and realized she didn't mean to say what she said how she said it. He nodded and remained chipper in his words "Well I have a few friends wanting to hang out, but no solid plans just yet, might head out to the Movies this weekend to see The Adjustment Bureau."

Psy perks up at that and smiles "Oh! I've been seeing previews for that... with Matt Damon right?" Nem smiles and nods his head, the two of them loved to talk about movies, and working in an Electronics department helped them find topics of discussion.

"Well you know, if you want to see it so bad... uhm..." he suddenly got nervous and a bit chocked up, but carried on with the words already set in motion. "Maybe... you and I could-" he was cut short by a sudden pat on his back, making him cough a bit and stumble in his place, from behind him walked the tall, ripped Wolf, shirtless as always under his jacket, he walked around the rabbit and caressed his Vixen's hips before planting a kiss on her lips. Nem recovered from the stumble and saw the extremely ill timed arrival of his least favorite person.

The wolf walked around his Vixen and hugged her from behind. "Hey Nemmy, how's it going?" he always spoke polite, but with a cocky edge that made Nem grow sick of pleasantries with the Male, and it always ended in the Wolf being degrading and sarcastic, as if you were talking with a superior intellect to a small child.

"I'm doing fine... busy day." he said, even though he didn't like the wolf, the Vixen he liked was into him and he'd maintain his politeness.

Lann on the other paw had no such feelings of dread towards the Rabbit and found him pleasant to talk to, almost like a little buddy he saw around his girl, he wasn't threatened and never got jealous so hence no worries ever became of him. The Wolf's father had the same crude humor of dishing out small insults and comments that made people feel uncomfortable that was installed into his own actions. "Well I'm glad you're working hard to help out my girl here." he gets his lips closer to her ear "Wouldn't want her too tired when she got home." he chuckled and the Vixen giggled a bit, whipping his leg with her tail.

"Hey now Stud, if you get my Manager on my tail about PDA again you're not getting any for a week." Psy said, which made Nem's heart sink a bit, every reminder that they do things sent a jolt of jealousy up the Lapine's spine. Lann backed off the Vixen and smiles at her.

"I wouldn't want to get my sexy bitch in trouble now would I?" he snaps his teeth playfully at her and Nem looked to her for an expression of outrage for being claimed as such a vulgar thing, but on the contrary, she seemed to shiver at the comment and blush a bit, not saying anything. Lann grinned at her and added in "That's what I thought." and winked at her before looking to Nem "So did the Kinect Otter show up yet?"

Nem nodded his head and was about to speak the tale yet again when Lann spotted the Wolfess on the register eyeing him up but then quickly turning her attention back to the register. "Hold that thought Nemmy" He said as he gave the Vixen a grope and walked towards the register. Psy giggled a bit and watched him walk away as if in a trance, Nem couldn't believe how she reacted to his treatment of her, how any girl could just brush such behavior aside was beyond him.

"Why do you let him treat you like that?" he found himself thinking out loud and Psy turned to him and tilted her head.

"What? Oh, well he's just his own Male, he jokes around and I guess in a way he brightens my day." he says in honesty to the Lapine. Then he looks to the register where the Timber Wolfess was smiling at the White Wolf, she seemed to be blushing as he held some sort of conversation with her, she was even neglecting the like of three people trying to check out.

Nem pointed at the Male's actions and says "And that brightens your day?" Psy turned to see what Lann was so openly doing and she smiles, shaking her head "As I said, he's his own Male, I know he has a Flirty streak, and I know in the end he'd never hurt me." she looks back at Nem "I know you don't like him very much, but you should give him more credit, he makes me happy you know." she says in a calm manner, she didn't' mind Nem delving his opinion into her personal business, they have been friends too long for that to matter to her.

Nem still didn't understand and just decided to nod it off and smile at her "Well, I'd better get back to work... I'll see you at Lunch." and turns to walk away.


Nem halted in place and turned back around to stare at her curiously.

"What was it you wanted to ask me?" Psy asked curiously, that same melting smile on her face.

Nem blinked a few times before it came back to him, he quickly changed his story around "Just wanted to know if ye wanted me to tell you how it was?"

Psy smiled at him and giggled "Well of course silly." and turned to walk away, Nem watched her walk along the rows before she disappeared behind a rack, but as she disappeared Nem saw the red eye that seemed to glow through the black locks of hair, the white wolf leaning on the counter as the Timber Wolfess dreamily babbled away, the wolf's attentions focused on the Rabbit eyeing up his Female.


A few days had gone by as normal, work, lunch, more work, home, play video games, check e-mail, masturbate, watch movies, further masturbation, fall asleep, Dream of Psy, Alarm. Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep. Nem's paw jetted out from under the covers to smack the bedside alarm, unfortunately when he looked up he realized the bedside alarm was next to his bed, he was confused for a moment before he tried to roll closer to the alarm and fell off the side of his couch, landing with a cushioned 'oomph' on the carpet. He rolled around and saw it was 8AM, getting to his feet he quickly hit the alarm and it ceased to beep.

Walking into the bathroom he looked at himself in the mirror, his hair covering his scalp in all different directions, his cream colored fur in jagged waves across his small body. Instinctively he fondled his sheath and furry sac, letting them roll around between his fingers, giving himself a groan as he could feel himself stir within his sheath, he had morning wood, it was just still concealed from sight, a rather annoying feeling, but he stepped over to the toilet and let the tip of his lapine cock stick out to take a piss.

He stepped into the shower after brushing his teeth, the warm water cascading over his fur, making him groan in one of those priceless morning pleasures once more. He let the steamy waters soak into his fur and lathered it about with his paw, making it all ruffle up so it would fall in one direction as the water ran it down with gravity. After soaping up he washed it all down and as he was scrubbing his balls he noticed his shaft still poking out, a small groan if irritation escaped his throat as he wasn't just hard from the nights sleep but from his young hormones as well. He gripped the tip of his shaft and stroked a bit, leaning against the warm tile wall as he caressed his member, his breath rising in volume.

He continued this until he was fully erect, for his species he was averagely endowed, but compared to other species overall, he was nothing impressive, a good catch for a Rabbit Boy, but paling in comparison to Equines or Dragons.... Or even Wolves. The thought of wolves in his head always turned his attention to Psy, but only after a brief glimpse of her intimidating male, not the image he wants in his head while his paw strokes along his cock.

Psy's beautiful purple hair was thrown over her shoulder, her breasts were exposed, such voluptuous breasts she had, he had only ever seen them concealed behind a shirt and bra, but had often imagined they were much greater while released. Her flawless curved hips leading down to those just thick enough thighs, her cute slit nestled between them as her paws were roaming her body as the dreamy look of lust controlled her face. Her legs would spread, that lighter shade of vibrant purple giving way and revealing the tight slit of pink, parting with the help of her fingers as she leaned against the wall behind her and opened her eyes to look at Nem "Nemmy.... Please..... Take me" she would speak out in soft moans as she toyed with her wet slit.

Nem could see the vision clear as day while his paw pumped his shaft in the shower. He was panting and groaning out soft words, none very meaningful except the name 'Psy'. He could feel his mind clouding with only her face and her gorgeous body as he was ready to shoot his load, when suddenly she turned a pale blue, not quite registering with Nem's mind at first, but when she faded like a mist before his eyelids he then opened his eyes and the cold water of the shower hit him like a ton of bricks. He yelped out and almost instantly lost his hard on. Jumping out of the shower in a very bad mood now he grabbed the towel off the rack and proceeded to furiously clean and dry his fur.

Upon entering the kitchen he was in higher spirits as he saw his automatic coffee pot he bought last week was working like a charm, at 8:30AM he had a full pot of coffee just sitting there for him. Retrieving a cup he fills it up with cream and sugar, the light brown liquid working to cleanse his anxiety from the shower debacle. Grabbing a carrot he went to his front doorstep, he had a good hour before he had to be at work and enjoyed his downtime until then.

Retrieving a newspaper from his small townhouse doorstep he looked around the neighborhood, not much going on, so he stepped back inside. Walking to the table with the carrot in his mouth he began to munch on it while occasionally sipping his coffee, he knew the carrot thing was a cliché amongst his species, but he couldn't help that he enjoyed them. Flipping through the pages he was looking at the different stories for a while until something started to bother him, like that tingle in the back of your mind telling you to check something.

He flipped back to the front page and looked around for something to remind him of what was so bothering, until he looked at the Date of the paper 'Feb. 19, 2011' he blinked to himself a few times before mumbling "Saturday...." he then put the paper down and grabbed his forehead, letting out an even more frustrated groan, the cold, upsetting shower, the morning grogginess, all avoidable if he had just remembered it was his god damn day off.

He was already awake though, so he might as well make the best of it. He went through his normal morning process of checking his e-mail, checking his real mail, by popular demand he yet again masturbated, and then bided his time until about 4PM with video Games and miscellaneous hobbies around the house like Cleaning and Eating Lunch. When 4PM rolled around he plopped in front of the couch and turned on the TV, putting channel 245 on and watching the 3 hour marathon of Law and Order.

Nem led such a fulfilling life, but he enjoyed the life he led, it was simple, not much room for spontaneity, but it kept things easy to deal with. Rabbits normally led the quieter lives because of the high risk of Anxiety Attacks giving them heart problems and sometimes heart failures, he had very few advantages given to him by his species. The only truly known advantage he could think of was that a gorgeous girl like Psy would see he was well put together and actually had a future, unlike her wolf toy, no responsibilities and no manners only gets so far with girls, and soon Nem knew he would hold Psy in his arms and make her truly happy. Perhaps even sooner then he thought.

The Phone rang throughout the house and Nem looked around, it was past 6:30 and he was on the last episode of the marathon, but he had seen it before so he got up and answered the phone. "Hello?" Nem could hear a bit of crying on the other end, a few sniffles and small gasps, he waited a few seconds and asked again "Hello? Anyone there?"

"Nemmy?" The angelic voice echoed out through his ears, almost sending a chill along his spine as he recognized Psy's voice. He couldn't believe she was calling him, he gave her his number a few weeks back just as a friendly exchange, but never thought she'd actually call. Furthermore.... She was in tears... why would she call him in tears?

"Psy? What's up? Are you okay?" he asked her concerned.

"Yea... I just uhm... well.... I'm in trouble... I need help." Nem's heart sank at hearing her say this.

"Can you drive? Are you hurt?" He asked rapidly. Psy answered both questions with a small sobbing yes and then no. "Okay... meet me at the store, I'll be there in ten minutes." Psy agreed and then Nem said goodbye before hanging up the phone, he was frantic about her being in pain or something, what if Lann had hit her? He quickly hopped into his pants and jumped in his Grand-Am, zooming off towards the store.

Upon his arrival he noticed Psy had gotten there first. He hopped out of his car and jogged up to her, she had stopped crying but tears were still evident on her face, she looked at him and immediately hugged him close "Thank you" she said as if he had just rescued her from a Mugger. He wrapped his arms around her and comforted her.

"What happened?" He asked her while they hugged.

She parted the hug and looked down at him "Well... I don't have a place to stay anymore... Lann kicked me out." she said, fighting back tears. Nem was outraged at this but kept it in check and out of sight from Psy.

"But... why?"

"Because I... I wouldn't... wouldn't do something for him... in bed I mean..." she sniffled out, Nem blinked and just stared at her

"Wouldn't do what?" he found it irresistible to ask but immediately regretted it as she looked at him with an expression of annoyance.

"What does it matter!?" she yelped out at Nem and he quickly took it back.

"Look, look, Psy... he's not worth it.... I mean the guy kicked you out for asking you to do something that was probably extremely disgusting... you deserve better then him." Nem smiles at her, knowing his small words of encouragement wouldn't do much to fix things but surprisingly she responded well to them, smiling a bit and nodding her head.

"You're right Nemmy... he's not worth my time... it's just hard to believe I mean... he was my first... I've never been with another Man and I really believed he was the one..." she started to sniffle again and Nem just stroked her back, he really hated Lann right now.

"C'mon.... you need a place to stay and so long as I'm around my home is your home" he smiles up at her, she seemed to have her spirits lifted from the news and walked along with him. He looked around to check where her car was but didn't' see it in the illuminated lot of the store, late evening stars twinkling above them. "Where's your car?"

"I Depended on Lanny for rides... he always gave them to me..." she said quietly, Nem's mind immediately skipping to a dirtier version of what she said, but keeping such thoughts away as she was now where she would be happier, in his arms.


A week had passed since Nem took Psy in, they were having a blast living together, like a perpetual slumber party, Nem decided early on that while he wanted a relationship with her, she had just gotten out of what SHE thought was a serious one and wouldn't pursue her just yet, for now he was the support.

They had played Wii together, she was deceptively good at bowling. They had watched movies together, he couldn't believe she had never seen Scott Pilgrim, and after she saw it she couldn't believe it herself. They spent hours talking and sharing stories like they would at work but without the pressure of a Manager watching over them. They were slowly becoming the best of friends, which Nem both enjoyed and feared, what if she just wanted to stay friends after he did such a good job at it?

He tried not to think about it and started to give her small signals, like a hug here and a supportive listener there. He was the worlds perfect gentleman to her. He gave er rides to and from work when they worked on separate days, and carpooled on days they worked together. He had given her the bedroom while he slept on the couch, waking up with her there every morning was a bit unnerving at first but he quickly grew a custom to it.

Once he was at home while she was at work and he got a very wrong idea, but as wrong as he found it he still walked into the bedroom and dared it, how would she know? He laid down in the bed she'd been sleeping in for a week and took in her wonderful scent, rolling around in the sheets for a while as if he was being playful with her in bed. Then he found himself unbuttoning his pants and grabbing his cock, groaning deeply as her scent filled his nose and possessed his paw to start stroking himself fast. He looked up with closed eyes and could almost see and feel her on top him, straddling his lap and riding him hard, her breasts bouncing around in the air with the movement of her hips.

It didn't take the rabbit long to arch his back and moan deeply as he shot his load into the imaginary vixen. After the waves of pleasure hit him, he faded into afterglow, looking around and realizing with slight dread it was just a fantasy, a fantasy that he wanted all the harder to fulfill.

He realized not only his scent was once again heavily on the sheets but the smell of his arousal was too, he hopped up and saw he had an hour before he had to pick Psy up from work. He went into the bathroom and opened the closet, working quickly to change the sheets and throw the old ones in the hamper, putting fresh sheets down and grabbing his keys as he went out to pick up the girl of his dreams.


It was March, the month of Luck, and Psy had been living with him for 3 weeks. He saw her giving him little glances over her shoulder at times, before bed when he slipped his shirt off, in the morning just before the bathroom door closed for a shower, almost as if she was hoping to gain a peak of what he looked like beneath the clothing. He wondered if it was just his imagination.

He was restocking the shelves with the new bestseller in the videogame section, Bulletstorm, a game he was looking forward to trying when his next paycheck came in. Psy was talking with her usual little Posse of the Raven Haired Timber wolfess and the curvy Panda Girl. They were often caught doing those small things girls did when they heard about something heart warming, as if someone had described a box of kittens to them, and then they would all look in Nem's directions, his only conclusion was Psy was relaying the stories about the time they spent together and how he saved her from the clutches of the Evil White Wolf.

He chuckled to himself and went back to working hard when he felt a familiar presence around, he wasn't quite sure how he knew, things just seemed to get a bit darker and gloomier around him. He lifted his hears and looked up around the electronics section to see the messy black locks of hair pouring over the white muzzle. The wolf walked over to the trio of girls and Psy immediately left them. Lann looked after her and started walking in pursuit, he seemed to be saying something but Psy wasn't' listening.

Nem decided he had to intervene and got up to walk around to where she was, Psy walked around Nem and stood behind him as if he were some impassable barrier. Lann stopped and looked down at Nem with a small smile "Hey little buddy." he said casually, but Nem just looked at him coldly. Lann saw he wasn't going to get a very warm response from the Lapine so he just looked up to Psy "Listen... can't we just talk?"

Nem interrupted him with a snappy retort of "She doesn't have a thing to say to you..."

Lann looked down at the Rabbit and Nem could feel fear rising in his throat, but knew that the Vixen he defended was worth being brave for. "You speak for her now?" Lann asked Nem.

"You certainly don't... she told me what you did... you're despicable."

Lann chuckled out a bit and looked from Psy to Nemmy "I thought only Ducks said Despicable... not Wabbits... today opposite day?" Lann joked as he normally did, somehow trying to cover up his awful deeds with his nice guy humor routine.

Nem stood his ground and looked the wolf in the eyes "You're not funny... You threw this Angel out on the streets cause she wouldn't bend to your sick will... you're not even a Male." Nem was cut short by a massive paw grasping his throat, the wolf's eyes seem to glow with rage, he picked the smaller lapine off his feet and held him suspended by his throat.

"Big Male... letting his balls drop for this bitch... didn't your mother teach you to respect your superior species?" Lann said in a deep growling voice. Psy quickly ran to grab Lann's arm and shake it to make him release Nem.

"Stop it Lann!" She shouted, but Lann kept a firm grip on the bunny's throat. Nem's eyes began to roll into the back of his head as he felt weak and deprived of oxygen, and finally Lann let his grip loosen and the Rabbit tumbled to the ground. "Nemmy!" Psy shouted as she crouched down and checked him, putting her ear to his chest, he was still breathing, just exhausted, he groaned out to let her know he would be okay.

Lann watched the scene and just chuckled lightly, looking at Psy "Quite the Male ye chose... Ya'll deserve each other" he said as he walked back towards the two remaining girls. Psy watched as he slipped a piece of paper into the Timber Wolfess' Paw. She seemed a bit frightened by his presence now but also flustered as if she had just been flirted with. Lann made a swift exit before Security could get on his case.

Nem gasped for air and finally stood up, Psy hugged him close and planted a kiss on his cheek. Everyone who witnessed the event was applauding Nem for standing up and protecting the girl. If Nem wasn't so disoriented he would be proud of himself for gaining such approval. The sobering element was the kiss on his cheek that made him snap fully back to reality.

He got up and the Manager quickly walked over from the department he was overseeing when he heard about the incident. "Nemron.... You okay son?" the old Badger asked him, Nem coughed a few times before nodding his head. Nem was offered a break but he didn't take it, feeling okay to proceed the day. He went back to work and the Manager spoke to him later on. "Ye got a mile and a half of Guts son... reminds me of myself when I was in your position.... Just wanted you to know that defending an Employee in your department and driving off the disruptor yourself is quite impressive... and a nice big leap towards that Assistant Managers Position."

Nem smiled and nodded to the old Badger. He received a Pat on the shoulder before the Badger walked away. Nem started to Price Label all the videogames again with pride.

Elsewhere, in the back of the store near the loading docks, Psy exited the building and fished in her purse for a Cigarette, grasping one from the pack and lighting it up she started taking a few drags of it. After she made it through half of the cigarette she noticed a weird shadow in the alleyway of the store, walking towards it curiously she saw a familiar piece of Metal on four wheels. Lann's Black GTO sat there in the dark corner behind the store where no one could see it. The car was rocking and the windows were fogged up.

Psy could see a silhouetted form of a Wolfess with Dark Raven Hair straddling what was sure to be Lann's lap, bucking furiously into him and fucking him with wild ambition. Psy watched the scene while she finished her cigarette, perhaps to torture herself in remembering what that use to feel like, watching her own friend now riding her ex-boyfriend hard in the dirty back loading docks of her work place. She flicked her cigarette onto the concrete and left the scene with a sting in her heart, she couldn't place it as Hatred, or Jealousy.


The next morning, Nem opened his eyes, and immediately regretted it. The room was spinning, his head pounding furiously. He could only groan in pain as the alarm clock sounded off for 8AM. He grabbed at his bedside table and slapped the wood a few times before he finally hit the alarm. As the beeping ceased so did some of the pounding in his head. He just relaxed in bed for a while, trying to recollect what had happened. 'Let's see'

He said to himself in his head 'Me and Psy went out to celebrate the events at work.... We went to a bar... got a few drinks... god I can't remember anything after that" he rubs his head and then that bothersome feeling returns to him as he opens his eyes 'Wait..... Did I just turn off the alarm.... The alarm by my bed?'

He looked to his side and saw the alarm, big red numbers displaying 8:02AM, and then he felt warm fur cuddled up to him as the realization hit him, he looked down and saw the purple vixen cuddled against his chest, she was only wearing a bra and a pair of panties as she cuddled the lapine only in his boxers. Psy murred a bit and without opening her eyes she said "Morning lightweight"

"Uhm.... Yea.... G'morning" he said, rubbing his head still. He looked down at her and wanted to ask, but he wasn't sure how to phrase the question, did he just have a drunken night of sex with his dream girl?

Psy cracked an eye and looked up to him with a smile "You don't remember much about last night do you?" Nem swallowed before shaking his head a bit, she giggled and leaned up to speak directly in his ear "I'll bet your wondering what we id last night." she said slow and seductively, making Nem shiver under the covers. Was it true? Did he sleep with her and not even remember it? "Well.... We didn't do anything but cuddle." she says while giggling and cuddling back into him.

He was so let down and at the same time his spirits were lifted, he didn't want his first time with her to be a drunken black out event. He looked down at her and spoke. "Well... uhm... I'm glad then... I wouldn't wanna make you feel uncom-"

Psy put a finger to his lips and smiled "Save it.... You confessed everything last night... your feelings, your desires, your fantasies..." with each word he felt his heart sink into his chest, how drunk can one guy get? Psy leaned in and kisses his cute little nose before smiling at him "Lightweight" she teased again and nuzzled her face into his chest hair.

"So uhm..... What are your thoughts on..... My feelings" he asked, still processing the events unfolding before him, half expecting to wake up from some wonderful dream or horrible nightmare.

Psy opened her eyes and slid her paw along his furry chest, rubbing up along his lapine coat. "I like you.... I have for a while...." Nem paid close attention to her words. "When you confessed your feelings for me... or at least when I deciphered that's what you were confessing" she giggles again "I was actually flattered and knew that the male I deserve was you...." she looked up at him "Nem, you're a great friend..."

Here it goes, the great friend, but I don't' have those feelings for you, it was all crashing down around him. "But I want us to hold off on having sex until we are both ready." Nem's mind did a full airbrakes halt as she said that, his mind working overtime to process all of what was occurring, he had one too many drinks and confessed his undying love to the girl of his dreams only to wake up in bed with her and she tells him she wants to wait to have sex.... HOW much can ONE male Drink!?

Nem just let it all sink in and smiled down at Psy "However long we need... I don't want you in my life for sex... I want you because you make me feel complete." Nem said to her, and Psy smiled brightly and leaned up, locking her muzzle against his own, kissing him deeply.


A week or so later Nem was driving Psy to the store for work, as they pulled up and both got ready to get out, Psy grabbed Nem's shoulder and smiled at him "We have a few minutes" before pressing her lips against his, he groans deeply and leans into the kiss, making out in his car for a few moments before he hears a familiar rumble in the distance, screeching rubber confirming the suspicions as Lann's GTO skids into the lot, Nem cringes as he sees the Wolf park into a spot within view but not a very good view.

Out steps the Raven Haired Timber Wolfess in her usual glory. Psy sees this and sighs to herself. "Fucking Milia.... She's such a slut..." Psy observes and Nem nods in response. As they watch Milia walk towards the store they also notice she isn't strutting her usual walk, she was rather walking as if to suppress pain. Psy giggled a bit as if she knew what that meant, Nem didn't have to think long to know what it meant. They then both noticed that Lann hadn't left yet, and looked back to his car, to both their surprises they saw the Curvy Panda girl step out of his car too!

Psy just grunted in irritation as she saw both her friends exit her ex-boyfriends car, knowing full well what had occurred. The Panda Girl jogged slightly to catch up with the wolfess before they both disappeared into the store and then Psy just shook her head. "Bitches" she said, Nem once again nodded in agreement. They both exited his car and gathered their things. Before walking to the store, Nem saw something in Lann's paw from a distance.

Lann was still sitting in his car and when he saw Psy exit Nem's car, something shifted around in his paw. Nem didn't want to jump to conclusions but he thought he saw a revolver, he wasn't big on guns, but he had a revolver himself at home for protection in case he ever needed it. Seeing Lann with one filled him with dread as he turned and walked into the store. Lann revved his engine and peeled off out of the parking lot.

Only an hour had passed into the day when Nem saw Psy talking with Milia the Wolfess and Kate the Panda Girl, she looked as if she was furious but was keeping herself down, and the two girls just looked impassive, as if they hadn't done anything wrong. The silent exchange went on for a while as Nem was organizing Laptop bags.

Finally Psy walked away from the girls and the two girls just giggled to each other and exchanged a few silent whispers before breaking away from each other. Psy came back maybe fifteen minutes later and walked up to Nem, smiling at him "Hey Nemmy.... I'm going to head home... not feeling too well today and already talked to the Boss about it." Nem then blinked and stood up from his work.

"Oh? Well do you want me to take off as well and drive you home?"

Psy giggled and smiled brightly as she stroked his ears "Such a Gentlemale... No, you stay here and work hard.... I called a Cab." he then nods and smiles to her.

"Well get home and be safe, I'll be home in about 4 or 5 hours and we'll go to dinner." she smiles and leans down, kissing his lips and whispering in his ear.

"Or maybe we can stay in tonight... I'm feeling like I'm ready for a certain someone to take the next step" she teases in his ear before she leaves. Nem is stuck in place for a few moments, she had just told him point blank that tonight was the night they were going to have sex. He felt excited and for a few minutes had to hide his erection while at work.

He bounced around the electronics department for the rest of the day, finishing up projects and smiling to everyone. He gave his old Badger Manager a high five as he passed by and the Badger just paused and watched after him curiously. Epi had nearly finished what would have been two days worth of work in the 4 hours he spent working.

Out the doors of the store he practically jogged and got to his car, firing up the engine and pulling out of the lot. He passed by a few stores as he headed home and noticed a Florist shop he'd seed but never gone into. He went inside and bought a bouquet of purple roses.

Hopping back into his car he drove home. As he passed through his neighborhood he was looking around at all the other townhouses. He rounded the corner that took him towards his house and he noticed something strange. He saw what looked remarkably like Lann's car parked a few houses away. Nem got a start from that, but then why would Lann be in his neighborhood, he didn't know where Nem lived.

'But what if he followed the Cab that brought Psy home?' he thought in his mind. 'He saw Psy get out of my car... what if he got jealous? But why would he... the gun' Nem remember swiftly seeing what he thought was a gun in Lann's paw and he drove a bit quicker home. He pulled up into his parking space and saw his door still open.

"No!" He yelled out in his car and jumped out, not even closing the car door as he ran into his house, no one on the bottom floor, and when he ran up to the second floor he heard noise in his bedroom, he ran to the door and opened it.

Lann was laying on Nem's bed, groaning and panting deeply, Psy straddling his lap, putting claw marks in the bed post as she bucked her hips into Lann's groin, his hard cock disappearing into her depths. Nem's first thought was Rape, but he saw the euphoric look in Psy's gorgeous eyes as she herself rode Lann's cock like there was no tomorrow. Her breasts were exposed and bouncing in the air, and Lann's paws slid up her gyrating sides and yanked her shoulders down, burying his face into her breasts and suckling at them.

Psy closed her eyes tight and yelped out in lust as she rocked harder onto Lann's shaft. "Lanny! Oh fuck.... Lanny... mmmm..... Fuck me you fucking Stud!" she yelled out as Lann's teeth clamped around her nipple, suckling expertly. Both seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact that Nem had just opened the door and stood there watching the horrific scene.

Psy then turned her attention to Nem, seeing him standing there. He expected her to suddenly cover herself up, to hide the shameful act she was committing, but she at first smiled to him, then she began to laugh. Lann peaked out from between her breasts and sat her up straight on his lap, groaning and placing his paws behind his head as Psy kept her paws on his chest and rocked away "Mmmmm.... Hey there buddy." Lann said to Nem, but Nem couldn't respond. "Nice place ye got here.... I especially like your Roommate..." Lann grins at Nem, mocking him, making Nem watch as he fucks the girl of his dreams in his own bed, Nem wasn't thinking straight, he ran to the closet and retrieved a Black Steel .357 Revolver, holding it up to the bed and it's occupants, Lann kept rolling his hips into Psy's spread thighs, neither of them even concerned he had a gun on them. Nem had tears flowing down his cheeks as he pulled the trigger, aiming to hit Lann in the face first, but instead the gun never fired, only a small click of the hammer into an empty chamber.

Nem held the gun up and opened the Cylinder, finding no bullets inside, and looking down in the closet to see all the bullets were gone. Nem then realized the gun Lann had in his car was in fact Nem's gun, he had taken all the bullets and hidden them... but that meant he knew where Nem lived, someone would have told him... where he slept, where the gun and bullets were... someone who went home sick to wait for him. "You fucking bitch..." Nem said quietly, looking at Psy, who turned her head, still rolling her hips along Lann's pelvis, moaning softly and giggling at Nem.

"Awww, poor Nemmy, did you think you could really compete with a Male like Lanny?" She asked, this crushed Nem inside, he dropped the gun and let the tears flow freely as Lann grinned at him, enjoying the carnal pleasures of the girl who was faithful to him all along. Nem ran out of the room and locked himself in the bathroom, crouching down and leaning against the door, sobbing his eyes out as he heard the moans and grunts and his own bed banging against his bedroom wall.

Back in the bedroom, Psy and Lann were both laughing to themselves, Psy still riding Lann's cock good and hard, pumping rhythmically along his throbbing shaft, looking down into his eyes "Fuck... mmm.... It's been fucking torture living with that cream-puff and away from you my love."

Lann caressed her hips and then trailed a paw up her body to caress her cheek, smiling deeply "Darling, you've made one of my biggest fantasies come true... I wasn't' sure you'd go for it when I first said it though." He groaned out a bit, having such a casual conversation in such an intimate embrace. Psy leaned down and kissed his lips deeply while rutting his cock so deep he started to slam at her cervix, his canine knot fully plump but not yet inside her. As she rode him she leaned up and gave his face a firm slap. "Ah! Damn.... Bitch" he said, spanking her ass in turn as she grinned down at him.

"That's for getting Kate and Milia Pregnant you insatiable bastard!" she yelled at him, but never ceased her rough riding, only until he gripped her hips and rolled her onto her back, pinning her down and grabbing her wrists, holding them like fur covered shackles above her head, she closed her eyes and yelped in bliss as he pounded his hard cock between her legs from above, his nude, muscular form ravaging her into Nem's clean sheets, marking them with his alpha scent.

Lann growls into Psy's ear as he rutts into her body, speaking deep and clear so the sobbing bunny in the bathroom could hear his words as well "Grrrr.... And what do ye propose I do to make it up to ye?"

Psy yelled and moaned and wrapped her legs around Lann's waist as he took her like his own private property "Oh GOD! Lanny!! Just do It! BREED ME! Fuck...... I Want Children!" She finally called out in utter ecstasy. Nem heard these words and pinned his ears close to his scalp, tears still flooding down his face as the love of his life begged for her ex's seed, Lann was going to impregnate her in his own bed and he couldn't do a thing about it.

Lann let go of Psy's wrists and she clutched at his back, burying her muzzle into his shoulder as he grabbed the bed post, squeezing the wood in his grip as he supported his lower body with his knees and hammered his knot into his heat driven bitch beneath him. His furry sac was spanking her exposed ass cheeks as his cock plowed so deep it broke the barrier of her cervix. Psy screamed out in pleasure and pain at being so completely filled by her wolf once again and dug her claws into his back and her teeth into his shoulder as she came hard around his throbbing dick.

The hot convulsing velvet vice around his cock made it impossible to hold on any longer, he squeezed the bed post so hard it started to splinter under his grip, his hips worked so furiously into his lover that they made a hot, wet spanking noise with each contact, sweat poured down his back and along his brow as he fucked the purple vixen into submission, then he felt warm trickles of blood roll down his white furred back from her claws holding on too tight, but it didn't bother him as he finished the carnal breeding session with a howl of pleasure and let his cock erupt with seed into the womb of his true girlfriend.

He orgasmed for nearly an entire minute inside his bitch vixen, making her have another, smaller orgasm while he pumped her body full of his seed. Nem was still in the bathroom, hearing every single detail, knowing that howl and unrythmic slamming of his bed against the wall meant what he feared, the wolf he hated had planted his seed inside the Vixen he loved.

He stayed in that bathroom for an hour or so while the couple in his bed enjoyed their afterglow. He stopped crying about ten minutes after Lann seeded his bitch and waited until he heard their footsteps and laughter fade downstairs and out the door. He opened his door and looked around, everything in the room appeared surreal and distant to him now. His heart was broken, and in one hour he went from living the dream to being in this hellish nightmare. The rest of the day was just a daze to him, as was the week and the month.

His performance at work had dwindled because of the events, his work conduct, appearance, all ramping down since the event. He had to keep working in the department where the three girls spent the weeks talking and giggling, occasionally sneaking breaks over to the Baby Section to look at clothes and accessories.

Psy never talked to Nem again, he watched her from a distance as her and her friends belly's grew bigger and bigger. He looked to Psy's belly as the most painful reminder, and then as if by insult of the universe, the White wolf himself came strolling into the department, he gave a wave to Nem as if he'd never screwed him over, Nem hated the wolf, hated him for being what Nem could never be. The Wolf just casually walked over to the three girls, giving Psy a kiss first before hugging and kissing Kate and Milia, then he took them all out for lunch, but Nem knew where they were really going. Nem watched them leave and just stayed there, when a middle aged Otter woman came over to him. "Excuse me... do you have any of those Kinect things for the X-Box?"

To be Continued...

Lanny and Mugsy

Wow O.O After over 3 years i finally write another story worthy of posting! It's been so long, i had a bad case of Writers Block, but my bestest friend ever Mugsaith Perun got a comission of me and him together. I was so flattered that i...

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The Change

WOW, that last story got me like...UBER comments, by far the most I've ever had. Thanks for everyone that has commented, and it's with them comments that I decided to hurry up with my next chapter of White Wolf. I really hope all you furs out there...

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Sorry bout the delay to this cahpter, I've been working on my other most recent series soo much that this one was hard to get the story going again, but I have, so ya'll enjoy. Hatchlings, Cubs, and Human Lovers, outies. Deal Lannius Drasec...

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