Path of a Legend Chapter 1

Story by Lunar Stargazer on SoFurry

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The year is 3952 of the fifth age. Peace has reigned for over a millennia. Roads that were once covered in the blood of hundreds of fallen warriors are now being traveled by commoners and royalty alike. Many have taken this time of peace as the coming of a golden age of prosperity. But buried deep in the bowels of the earth, a lingering shadow sleeps. It has been patiently biding its time, waiting for the most opportune moment to strike back against those that had nearly destroyed it so long ago.


The sun slowly rose up into the heavens and its ever warming light peeks into a window of a rather large bedroom. The room itself is well furnished; a large fireplace sits against the front wall, to the right of the entry door. A nice size sofa sits just before it. A queen sized bed sat against the back wall, propped up by a shallow landing. A desk was situated just adjacent to the bed, near the double glass doors that opened up onto the balcony that overlooked the estate grounds. A soft moan emanated from bed as the rays of sunlight streamed through the glass doors and landed upon a face before it was shortly covered over with the blanket.

A light knock came to the entry door to the bedroom which brought forth a groan of discomfort from the occupant of the bedroom. "Young master, are you awake yet?" The voice from the other side of the door was female in tone. The door slowly turned and the door opened with a creak. "Young master?" It was a female wolf dressed in a tan dress and white apron front. The shirt she wore was light blue in color and was covered by the top of the apron. She walked over to the glass doors and pulled open the curtains to allow the full force of sunlight into the room. Another groan comes from the bed before the one whom slept in it sat up. His fur was the color of the darkest sky. Yellow bands circle around his ears; a circle lies upon his forehead but was hidden thanks to his black hair. His eyes were the deepest shade of crimson. Upon his back he bore golden feathered wings. The male rubbed the sleep from his eyes and yawned deeply. "Oh good morning master Star. I see you slept in again today. Lady Tide asked that I come to check on you and make sure that you are up. "

Saying nothing but a grunt to the maid he removed the covers and slid out of bed. The maid did not take her eyes off him till she realized he was stark naked. With a flustered face she quickly turned around so as not to look at him "She... She said you promised to take her to the royal city today and was hoping you would be getting ready soon." Her voice softly shook with her embarrassment. Star yawned again as he had pulled his boxers and jeans on. "Ok tell her I'll be down in a moment." The maid had turned around and saw that he was now dressed and bowed slightly. "As you wish young master." With that she walked out of the room, leaving Star alone.

Star walked around the bed to the desk and grabbed a chain and wrapped it around his neck, hanging from the chain was a crystal with an ominous dark swirl moving around inside it. "Good morning master Stargazer." The voice reverberated throughout the room as if it were coming from everywhere. "Good morning Sheila, sleep well?"

"Of course, did you think I wouldn't otherwise? I am after all a Malice and as such have no true form so I am comfortable no matter where I am." Shelia responded.

"Well that's understandable." Star smiled once he left the room, closing the door behind himself. The place in which he slept and stayed was Torrent Manor. It was owned by his father's friend Rain Torrent and his family. They were fairly wealthy thanks to Rain's father Argus Torrent. Argus was once a knight charged with protecting the royal family, and as such his son now took up his father's place as a guardian to the royal family. But in this time of peace and prosperity, Rain's responsibilities where small. The king no longer needed the tight protection as he did in years passed, so he found to have a lot of time on his hands.

The manor was just outside the small village of Andorhal, the village was safely nestled within the protection of the Great Forest, just west of the royal city of Orisi, this was also known as the High Kingdom to which all others were bound. All that aside it was just another day on the world of Avalon Prime.

Star descended the central staircase to the first floor, he was not looking in front of himself otherwise he would have seen Tide standing there tapping her foot. The female stood five feet four inches tall. Her fur was a light shade of blue and was sleek, seemingly scale-like. Her head adorned three fins, one on either side of her head where her ears would be and a single solitary fin on the top of her head. She wore a knee high skirt with a pink tank top. Her violet eyes narrowed as Star drew closer. "It's about time your sleepy ass woke up." Star looked her right in her eyes when his head turned from where he was looking. "Oh give me a break Tide, I didn't get much sleep last night on account of these nightmares I have been having." Her angered demeanor seemed to soften upon hearing this. "Is it the same one as before?" Star nodded to her question. "I don't understand its meaning and every time I have it, I am terrified. My body freezes and I feel short of breath. I wake up screaming."

"Star I don't mean to pry or anything but maybe you should talk to mom or dad about it. I'm sure they would be more helpful in figuring this out then I am." Tide said.

"I don't know sis, I mean what makes you think they would know anything about it?" Tide is not actually Star's sister though they did grow up together. Even though blood related they still think each other as siblings. "It's better than just trying to wait it out and hope it goes away. I mean it's been over two weeks. Ever since you found that sword you seem to be having the same dream over and over." Tide was fairly concerned for her brother; ever since they were children they have always been close.

As the two continued to conversed, they were joined by Tide's mother Storm. In case you have not guessed it yet, the Torrents are a family of Vaporeons. By this time however their conversation had strayed away from Star's dream and more to the route they would take once they set out for the royal city. Star had suggested that they take the south road; it was open and more traveled by merchants and the like. Tide had suggested the more scenic north road through the denser part of the forest. It would lead them right to Orisi's western gate and thus right into Merchants row. Plus it was less traveled. "I will have to agree with Star on this one sweetheart." Storm said.

"But mother, the south road is no fun. I mean it's nothing but boring farmland." Tide whined.

"No buts young lady Just because there is peace does not mean that crime does not exist. There are still those out there looking for a quick coin. And an even quicker lay." He mother gave her a stern look, as if to say you will do as you are told. Tide sighed in defeat. "Yes ma'am." Her mother did have a point though even though it was boring to her, it was very well protected from highwaymen and rapists. Still that would not stop Tide from doing what she wanted and what she wanted, Star had. Even though she would not admit it, even to herself. Still it was nice to leave the house once in a while and the fact that Star was taking her was all the more reason to go.

It was still morning after Star and Tide had left the manor and started down the road leading into the village. Star had to make a quick stop at the blacksmith's shop before they continued on. The sword Tide had spoken of he left with the blacksmith Grimwold to clean it up and resharpen it if need be. The village was small in comparison to the royal city but it was quaint in that they had a central plaza with a large fountain in the middle. Stores and houses circled around the plaza and fanned out in all directions. To the north there was Holse bakery. To the west Silverfeather's library. The east Kathyrn's Red Dragon Inn and Pub. Grimwold's shop was to the south. The square was lined with vendors and merchants from all over the region, selling their wares at what some thought to be a cheap price but then that was just the kind of world they lived in, money had little meaning in the society. Things would go for as low as three gold coins.

Loud clanging came from the blacksmith's shop as the two neared it. "Is that my sword there Grimwold?" A large muscular figure stood up and strode to them, upon entering the sunlight, the visage of a well-aged lion comes into view. His mane was a shade of orange with gray mixed in. His voice boomed as he spoke. To those that did not know him would think him intimidating but this large feline would not even hurt a fly. "Actually no young Star. You see when I went to clean it, the corrosion that was on it just seemed to wipe right off. It was odd but after that it was as if the sword was just forged. It even retained its edge. I mean, I'm an expert when it comes to weapons like this but I have to say with a sword like this I have no idea. By all rights it should have been falling apart the moment you touched it. With the corrosion build up I would have to have guess the sword is over a thousand years old. Not to mention that it has odd writing on the blade."

"I would take it to the library in the royal city. I am sure they would know more about the script written on the sword." The large lion then took the sword and wrapped it in a light blanket; he then strapped with a small piece of rope then handed it to Star. "Thanks, I'll consider that. But still it's odd that something this old would still have an edge to it."

"Indeed, well I had best get back to work. The wife will scold me if I don't finish the fence she has been whimpering to me about." He said as he went back to his work. "Take care of yourselves out there on the roads." With that the two Eons left the village, taking the south road as they told Storm they would.

The Southland road was as Tide had described it, boring. The forest to one side and nothing but open farmland to the other. "Star this is boring and it will take us half a day to get there. Couldn't we have just taken the northern road through the forest?"

"Now Tide you know what mother said. She did not want us walking through there for fear of us getting robbed." Star replied.

"I know but still, this is dull." Tide huffed. She was more of an independent woman, never really liking to follow anyone or take orders. She would rather do her own thing and take the north road through the forest. It would have gotten them there in half the time. "So where DID you find that sword anyway?" Tide asked trying to past the time. "It's odd, I was walking through the woods like I normally did and came upon a grove."

"A grove? In the middle of the forest?" She responded.

"Like I said it was odd, anyway it was covered in a faint mist. The trees all seemed as though they were there since the beginning of time. I made my way through when I saw this one tree in particular had a sword sticking out of it. As I drew closer to it, a strange force seemed to guide my hand towards the hilt of the blade. When I touched it, a strong power just flowed into me. Upon pulling it out a voice echoed through the trees."

"What did it say?" She was bewildered. As many times as she herself had gone through the forest that surrounded their home, never had she come upon a grove like the one Star had described. "I can remember it as if it were spoken right this very moment. I have kept safe your sword O great one. Now is the time that master and servant are together once more."

Tide gave star and odd look as if to convey her confusion. It was not something just anyone would experience. With her quick wit however Tide went ahead and changed the subject. "Hey I know, you can fly us there, I'm sure it will take only half the time to get there by air." Star thought for a moment and had to agree with her but the fact that he would be carrying her would put his wing muscles into overtime. But one of the local innkeepers was a close friend of Rain's and he was sure they would give them a room if need be. "Well alright but don't expect me to be full of energy once we get there." Tide nodded and hopped into his arms. She had always like flying with Star ever since they were kids. In fact it's how his wing muscles were so strong.

Star had bent his knees just slight the vaulted himself and Tide into the air. With a few beats of his wings, the two were airborne and headed straight for the city. It would take Star three hours to reach the city gates; in that time he and tide took in the many sights as they flew past. Following the Snake River, Star was sure to come upon the city's eastern gates which then lead out towards the Sand Sea, a desert the stretch on for miles. "Star there is something I been meaning to talk to you about." Trying not to lose focus of where they were, the flying umbreon kept his eyes forward but shortly spoke. "About what Tide?"

"Well as you know there has been this one guy that has been coming around and asking me out, you remember right?" Tide asked.

"Yes I remember, what of him?

"Well I don't have the feelings for him like he would want me to. I sort of have a crush on someone else." Soon her cheeks would go from their natural blue to a rosy pink. "Oh and who is this unknown person, perhaps I have met him."

"No, I won't say till we reach the city. At least that way you won't freak and suddenly drop from the sky." She said hiding her face in his shoulder.

"Well alright sister if that how you fell." Of course that was not how she felt, she wanted to tell Star then and there that she had fallen in love with him. That she wanted to have sex with him even. "What if he dose not feel the same way?" She thought to herself. "What if I lose him because of it?" Those and dozens of other questions flew through her mind as the two of them continued on their way towards the royal city.

Path of a Legend Chapter 2

The winds blew ever so sweetly as the two siblings flew through the air towards their destination of Orisi City. Tide had been wanting to go there for some time now but Star was unwilling to do so till now, being that it was her birthday gift. In that...

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Path of a legend teaser

The year is 3952 of the fifth age. Peace has reigned for over a millennia. Roads that were once covered in the blood of hundreds of fallen warriors are now being traveled by commoners and royalty alike. Many have taken this time of peace as the coming...

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Kitsuyamon- THe Return- Chapt 2

Hey everyone sorry for the long wait. I have been a bit busy what with my vet courses and all. And before you ask. No I did not decide to be a vet because I like this. I did it because...well...I want to work in a zoo. Anyway onto the story. ...

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