An Unlikely Relationship: Chapter 5

Story by kody180 on SoFurry

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#5 of An Unlikely Relationship

YAY! Chapter 5 you guys! As always please comment on what you think about our story, Shadow loves reading them and so do I.


"I thought you didn't get sick." Aaron said teasing Cody.

"Leave me alone." Cody said while laying in bed, whimpering and holding his head.

"I'm sorry babe, do you need anything?" Aaron asked.

"Yes I need you, over here." Cody said holding out his arms.

"Okay babe." Aaron said then he went over to Cody "Yes master?" Aaron asked playfully, laying in Cody's arms.

"I need you softness hehe." Cody said snuggling to Aaron's chest and holding him.

"What ever you wish." Aaron said holding Cody.

"Yay! Soo soft." Aaron just smiled and held Cody.

"So what's the plan for today wuff?" Cody asked nuzzling Aaron's chest.

"Well, first I was going to let you sober up then I was going to let you choose today." Aaron said petting Cody's head. "Hmm well all your sweet softness has made me feel wonderful, so I'm game for anything." Cody said smiling up at Aaron. Aaron blushed still not used to getting complimented all the time. "Thanks babe, I mean I'll do anything you want. I messed up last weekend." Aaron said folding his ears back. Cody looked up at Aaron and saw he was still beating himself up about what happened last weekend. "Aaron, what did I say before, I forgave you and I want you to forget about." Cody said looking up at Aaron with a serious face and squeezing him tight.

"What's done is done." Aaron said.

"Yes, that's exactly right."

"I know. I'm trying not to screw this up." Aaron said.

"Screw what up wuff." Cody asked in slight confusion.

"Us, our relationship," Aaron said then he paused "Our future."

"Aw, Aaron I love you and nothing will change that, ever." Cody said, kissing Aaron and hugging him tight.

Aaron then hugged Cody back and kissed him, when the kiss ended Aaron said I love you too babe, no matter what others say."

"That's good to know wuff."

"Thanks babe, I won't ever leave you." Aaron said.

"I'll never leave you either, and I will never do anything to hurt you, I swear." Cody said in a sincere voice.

Aaron just held Cody closes trying not cry because he'd hurt Cody so much and yet he was still here

Cody didn't notice Aaron tearing up, he just buried his head in Aaron's chest fur and whispered to him. "I love you Aaron."

"I love you too." Aaron managed to get out. Cody hugged Aaron close as his tail swayed behind him. So Aaron wiped the tears and looked at Cody. "What do you want to do? My treat I'm paying and driving." Aaron said.

"Well, I really do need some new clothes and stuff."

"Okay, I think you'd look good in some tight clothing."

"Hm well since your paying and driving, I think I'll let you pick out my clothes." Cody said licking Aaron's nose and climbing out of bed. "Okay babe." Aaron said as he tried to lick back but Cody had moved to quickly.

"Wow wuff, you really did a number on me last night, I seriously need a shower." Cody said looking at all of his matted down fur. "No, you did that you fell in your own cum." Aaron said. Cody blushed a little. "Yea well that doesnt explain why my tail hole is so sore."

"You asked for that too." Aaron said.

"I know it's totally worth it hehe." Cody said giggling.

"It was." Aaron said.

"Yup I would have never guessed that would be so good before I met you wuff." Cody said smiling at Aaron.

"I don't know what to say since I haven't felt it yet." Aaron said blushing

"Heh well um.. Maybe I could try to top you sometime." Cody said blushing also.

"I'd like that." Aaron said. "So lets go shop then we can."

"Ok, that works for me."

"Okay." Aaron said as they headed for the shower.

"I'm sorry sir, did I say you could shower with me?" Cody said playfully, as he stepped into the shower.

"No, I just figured you'd want help getting the cum off."

"Ah yes that sounds very helpful, now get in here and clean your mess hehe." Cody said pulling Aaron in and cutting on the shower. Okay fine." Aaron said as he got in the shower. Cody let the water rush over his fur and matt it down as he looked over to Aaron and kissed him letting his tongue slide into Aaron's muzzle. Aaron wrapped his arms around Cody then slide his tongue into Cody's muzzle and he started to suck on Cody's. Cody murred and nibbled on Aaron's tongue wrapping his tail around Aaron. Aaron then wrapped his tail around Cody and started to rub his back. Cody pulled away and smiled at Aaron. Aaron smiled right back at Cody "Well we better stop playing around even tough it is fun." Aaron said. "Hehe yea I guess your right." Cody said blushing. Lathering soap up in his paw Aaron washed over Cody's chest running his paws through the matted up fur and cleaning it. As Aaron finished washing Cody's upper body he asked. "Do you want me to wash you down there or can you get it?"

"Hm I'll let you decide on that one." Cody said blushing. Okay." Aaron started to rub Cody's sheath with out trying to make it to intiment. Cody murred a little then relaxed himself and let Aaron wash him. Aaron then got on his knees and started to clean under Cody's sheath and in between his legs. It took all of Cody's concentration to keep from becoming aroused as Aaron washed his. Aaron just smiled as he watched Cody squirm.

"Your enjoying yourself a little too much there." Cody said looking down to Aaron.

"Maybe I like the view."

"Hm I'm glad you like it." Cody said laughing.

"Well it is cute." Aaron said "Now turn around so I can clean under your tail."

"Heh ok." Cody turned around and lifted his tail. Aaron started to clean the area around Cody's hole and his hole.

Cody let out a small moan and raised his tail a little higher. "Sorry, wasn't expecting that." He said blushing.

"Its okay babe." Aaron said as he finished washing Cody's tail and ass. "Alrighty then." Cody said letting Aaron finish then moving under the water and washing off.

A bit later they finished the show. "That felt good." Aaron said.

"Yea it really did." Cody said hugging Aaron. So they dried off their fur and got dressed. "Here you go." Aaron said as he threw a pair of shorts at Cody. "Which one?" Aaron asked holding a thong and a pair of boxers. "Hey that's my thong." Cody said pointing at Aaron's paw. "Oh it is, I thought it'd look cute on me." Aaron said. "You can have it wuff, I bet it does look really good on you, but you have to buy me a new one." Cody said giving a toothy grin. "YAY!" Aaron pulling on the thong then a pair of shorts "I will babe, I'll buy you a few if you want."Aaron said. Cody blushed and hugged Aaron. "Thanks wuff, your sweet."

"No problem babe." Aaron said as he finished getting ready. "Alright let's get going." Cody said walking out the door with his tail wagging behind him. Aaron then grabbed Cody's paw and then hooked their tails together. Cody leaned over and kissed Aaron before they split and got into Aaron's car.

"You can," Aaron said then he hesitated, "You can play with the radio."

"Why did you hesitate on saying that?" Cody asked tilting his head at Aaron.

"Just ask my friends, I don't let any of them touch the radio, music is my life next to you babe." Aaron said.

"Your so silly sometimes, you know that?" Cody said playfully.

So they arrived at the mall, when they got out the instantly held paws. Cody leaned his head over on Aaron's shoulder and smiled. So wuff, where shall we start. Aaron laid his head on Cody's head. "I don't know but your choosing." Aaron said opening the door for Cody. "Hm, well how about Hot Topic?" Cody suggested. Okay babe." Aaron said as they headed for the store. As the two walked into the store Cody was caught in awe at everything they had. "Wow, they have way more stuff here than they did back where I use to live." Cody said looking around.

"That's cool."

"Yea It is."

"So a few weeks ago I saw this amazing stripped dark purple and pink shirt here, I think it'd look amazing on you."

"Alright wuff I'm sure it's cute."

"Oh yeah, I've seen a few girls wearing it and it looked amazing on them." Aaron said smiling.

"Girls?" Cody asked tilting his head."Yeah, it was so cute. Why do think I didn't get it? My body frame is to big but, with your cute frame I think you could wear it."

"Well, if you say so, I'll check it out." Cody said slightly blushing.

"Thank you, if you don't like it I won't make you get it." Aaron said as they walked in the store.

"As long as you like it I will wear it wuff."

"Awesome, I love you." Aaron said then he stopped then hugged and kissed Cody.

"I love you too." Cody said as they ended the kiss.

They walked to the shirts. "What's your size?" Aaron asked.

"I usually wear a medium."

"Otay." Aaron said, as he looked for the right size "Here it is." Aaron said as he held it up to Cody.

Cody blushed as he looked at the small, pink, striped shirt. "Is that it?"

"Yes it and from what I see it looks fabulous." Aaron said

"Well I guess it is really cute..Ok I'll where it." Cody said smiling at Aaron.

"YAY! I love you." Aaron said hugging Cody.

"Heh I love you too wuff." Cody said hugging back.

"So do you see anything else?" Aaron asked.

"Hey whats this?" Cody said running over to a counter. Aaron just laughed and followed Cody. Cody turned around to Aaron and held up a purple leather, collar and leash. "This would be so cute on you!" Cody said smiling at Aaron.

"Ah hell no." Aaron said.

"Pwease wuff, If you get wear this I will wear anything you pick out."

"Okay fine babe, but I hope you like skirts." Aaron said.

Cody put his ears back and looked at Aaron. "Skirts?" He asked blushing.

"Oh I was kidding, but this one looks so cute." Aaron said going up to one. "I'm getting this. " Aaron said then he went to the pants "Babe come here."

"He's goanna have to tie me down to get me to wear that skirt, hmm I really hope he tries." Cody thought to himself, smiling, as he walked over to where Aaron was standing. "Yea wuff what is it?" Cody asked looking over Aaron's shoulder. First do you think this skirt would be cute on me?" Aaron asked showing Cody a mini skirt. "Second, what do you think about these Capris?" Aaron asked showing Cody a pair of black Capris?

Cody giggled as Aaron held up the skirt. "First, you in a skirt? Second I love them!" Cody said eyeing the pants. "What, I like the skirt. Then I'm getting them for you." Aaron said.

"Ok you can get the skirt, It'll go good with your leash and collar." Cody said teasing Aaron. "Yay thanks wuff." Cody said hugging Aaron. "I was going to get any ways." Aaron said blushing. "No problem babe." Aaron hugging Cody."Ok hehe, well is there any thing else you would want me to wear. " Cody asked.

"Not really, I say we pay for these then go thong shopping." Aaron said.

"Sound's good since you took my purple one." Cody said reaching behind Aaron and pulling on his thong. Aaron just giggled and let out a slight moan when Cody did that. "Please don't tease babe." Aaron said.

"Hehe why am I that irresistible?" Cody said stepping in front of Aaron and bending over, putting his tail in the air. "Found a quarter." Cody said giggleing."Maybe." Aaron said "Sure you did." Aaron said as they went to pay for the stuff. "I did hehe." Cody said playing with Aaron's tail while he paid. Okay well I need that quarter." Aaron said. "Here you go wuff." Cody handed Aaron a quarter. "Thanks babe." Aaron said then they paid for the stuff and left. "No problem wuff." Cody said smiling.

"So where did you get this thong?" Aaron asked.

"I bought it at the Spencers back where I used to live."

"To Spencers we go." Aaron said.

"Hehe I love this place." Cody said as they walked into the store. They walked in and found the thongs. Aaron picked up a black lace one "Yeah?" he asked holding up the thong.

"Hmm foxy like." Cody said looking at the thong."YAY! What about this one?" he asked picking up the same but in purple. Sexy, your not taking this one hehe." Cody said taking it away and looking at it.

"Okay babe, we can buy two." Aaron said taking another. "Now which ones do you like?"

"Well, how bout this one?" Cody asked holding up a hot pink thong.

"Yes, it so cute." Aaron said.

"Yay! You'll look so cute in it." Cody said wrapping his arms around Aaron's neck and kissing him. Aaron blushed then he kissed him back "Thanks babe."

"No problem, so see anything else you would want while we're here?

"You." Aaron said kissing Cody.

"Well you always have me wuff." Cody said after he ended the kiss.

"Thanks babe. I saw we go eat then we go home and do some stuff." Aaron said.

"Hmm sounds like a plan." Cody said blushing. Awesome." Aaron said then he paid for the stuff. "Where do you want to go?" Aaron asked as they left. "Doesn't matter to me, we can just get something quick."

"Just want to go to Taco Bell then go home?" Aaron asked.

"Ok that sounds good to me, I think you're in for a rough night anyways." Cody said teasingly

"Is that so?" Aaron asked.

"Hehe maybe."

So Aaron grabbed Cody's paw and they ran out the store and went to Taco Bell, then headed home for some fun. After the two went and got something to eat from Taco Bell, Aaron and Cody pulled into the driveway of Aaron's house and walked inside. "You ready for some fun?" Aaron asked.

"Yup are you?"

"Oh yes." Aaron said as he put the stuff down. "Get out for a minute I'm going to go change and I want to surprise you."

"Um..Ok." Cody said as he walked out of the room.

When Cody left Aaron look off all his clothes, he got into the Hot Topic bag and got out the skirt and the collar, then he got out his new black thong then put it on then the skirt, which fit him pretty good then the collar. "UGH, I don't want to but it'll make Cody happy." he said to him self. "Okay come back in!" Aaron yelled.

Cody walked back in and jumped with glee. "Oh my gosh! You look so cute!" Cody said giggling at the dressed up wolf. Im loving this skirt, the collar, eh. But as long as you like it." Aaron said.

"Hehe well I love it all." Cody said tackling Aaron onto the bed and snuggling to him like he was a stuffed animal. Aaron just smiled seeing Cody happy. After a while Aaron suddenly flipped Cody on his back. Cody went to open his mouth but Aaron covered his mouth "SHHH." Aaron said then he pulled off Cody's shirt then his shorts. Leaving him in just his boxers. Aaron then put his nose against Cody's crotch and took in a big sniff. Then he slowly pulled off the boxers and threw them to the ground. When the sheath was exposed Aaron started kissing it and sucking on it. Cody relaxed and murred as Aaron played with his sheath. Aaron kept his mouth busy with Cody's sheath and he used his paws to fondle Cody's balls. Cody's ears laid back as he moaned and watched Aaron. As Cody's cock slowly slid out Aaron started to slow suck on it while marring and moaning around the cock. Cody closed his eyes and put a paw on Aaron's head. Aaron started using his tongue on the cock and then he slowly deep throated it then acted as if he was trying to swallow the cock. Cody started making yipping noises and thrusting into Aaron's mouth. "Wow wuff you've gotten really good." Cody said panting.

"Thank you." Aaron said as he pulled off then cock "Want me to continue?" he asked

"Only if you decided against me topping tonight." Aaron backed away and sat back and looked at Cody's cock.

"So um. Are you sure you want to do this?" Cody asked.

"Yes, I want to." Aaron replied.

"Ok, well what position do you want?" Aaron then got on all fours and raised his ass.

"Hmm good choice." Cody said blushing and moving behind Aaron

"Oh yes." Aaron said.

"Do you have lube or anything." Cody asked while rubbing his paws over Aaron's ass.

"No." Aaron said.

"Guess I'm trying more than one new thing tonight." Cody said raising Aaron's tail and licking his hole.

"Oh yes." Aaron let out a small moan.

Cody kept licking Aaron's tail hole until it was lubed up enough, then he got behind him and slid in the tip of his cock. "Ok, get ready." Cody slid in about half way and stopped letting Aaron get used to it."Oh my." was Aaron said after the cock entered him. Tell me if you need me to lighten up." Cody said before pushing more and hilting Aaron. Okay master." Aaron said then he quickly covered his mouth and blushed. Cody giggled at how he had made the wolf ,who had always protected him, call him master. Then he slowly started pulling his cock out then pushing back in and hilting Aaron again. All Aaron could was moan as the cock entered him again. "Oh yes." Cody began to growl as he picked up a faster pace and started slamming into Aaron."Oh yes." Aaron moaned as the pain started to go away. Cody was lost in the lust as he kept pounding Aaron, leaning over and nipping at Aaron's neck. Aaron just moaned out in pleasure "I'm such a slut." he said quietly. Cody's ears perked up. "Such a tight slut at that." He growled out pushing into Aaron."Oh I such a slut, oh fuck me harder." Aaron moaned. Cody moaned out as his thrust became harder and more erratic. "I..I'm not going to last much longer."

"Oh please tie make me your slut." Aaron moaned out. Cody let out a moan mixed with a howl as he thrust his knot into Aaron tying him and filling him with his cum. "OH YES!" Aaron yelled as the cum filled him. "Oh god yes!" Cody moaned as he fell onto Aaron's back."Oh you feel so good." Aaron said.

"Thats what I was goanna say wuff." Cody said panting.

"I want to do it again."

"What do you mean?"

"Like pull out right now and fuck me." Aaron said.

"We're tied wuff I can't."

"Fine, but I need to cum so bad." Aaron said squirming around.

"Give me a second and I'll take care of that." Cody said licking Aaron's ear. Yes mas, sir." Aaron said catching him self. Cody giggled again. A little bit later Cody's knot went down enough so he could pull out. Then he flipped Aaron onto his back. "Oh yes." was all Aaron could. Cody went up to Aaron and kissed him. "As fun as that was don't forget who the bottom is here."

"Okay, I haven't" Aaron said.

"Soo I want to hear you say it again." Cody said rubbing his paw over Aaron's cock.

"Say what?" Aaron asked as he softly humped the paw

"You know what I'm talking about, you called me it when we first started." Cody said still teasing Aaron's cock with his paw. Please master." Aaron said quietly.

Cody giggled at Aaron. "Hehe good pup, now you get your reward." Cody said licking Aaron on the nose then moving down to Aaron's cock and sliding it all the way in his mouth and sucking it. "Oh yes!" Aaron said humping into Cody's mouth "I'm gonn" was all he said before he came down Cody's throat. Cody pulled off and gasped for air letting the last few strings of cum land on his muzzle. He clean off Aaron's sheath then moved up and cuddle to Aaron. Amazing babe." Aaron said.

"Mhm it really was." Cody said kissing Aaron and pulling the covers over them. Aaron wrapped an arm around and smiled. "School's goanna be fun tomorrow." Cody said giggling to himself.

"Mhm." Aaron said not paying attention. Cody kissed Aaron and fell asleep in his arms. Aaron returned the kiss and fell asleep also.

The next morning Cody still laid in bed asleep as Aaron walked into the room after he had gotten out of the shower. Come babe wake, we gots school." Aaron said gently shaking Cody.

"Yea, I'm getting up." Cody said falling back to sleep.

"Come on babe." Aaron said said shaking Cody, who just mumbled. Then Aaron leaned in and kissed Cody. Cody's ears perked up as he murred into the kiss. "Ok now I'm really up." He said setting up and hugging Aaron.

"Good foxy, now go jump in the shower and get ready, I'm going to make coffee."

"Ok wuff will do." Cody said jumping up and kissing Aaron one more time before walking to the bathroom.

"Okay." Aaron said, when Cody left Aaron took off the collar and threw it on the bed. "That's better." he said to himself. Cody finished up his shower, dried off his fur and picked up the clothes Aaron had picked out for him. He held up the pink striped shirt and looked at it. "Hm I guess it is a really cute shirt and Aaron likes it, so I'll wear it." Cody thought to himself. Cody finished dressing and walked into the kitchen.

"Hi babe." Aaron said when heard Cody walk in the kitchen

"Hi wuff." Cody said walking up to Aaron and kissing him. Aaron put and arm around Cody and kissed him back. Cody looked at Aaron and smiled at him deviously. "Wuff wheres your collar at?"

"Really?" Aaron asked

"Yup, you got to wear it to school." Cody said giggling.

"You're kidding aren't you?" Aaron asked.

"Nope." Cody said with a toothy grin.

Aaron then blushed and went to the room and got the collar and put it on. Then he went back to the kitchen "Happy?" Aaron asked.

"I'm always happy when I gots you." Cody said jumping to Aaron and hugging him.

Aaron just blushed and hugged Cody. "Thanks babe."

"So are you ready to go?" Cody asked walking to the door.

"I guess." Aaron said.

"I'm not happy to go either but it's better to just get it over with."

"Okay." Aaron said as they went to the room and got their bags. Cody looked over and slipped the leash he bought yesterday in his bag without Aaron noticing.

So they go their stuff and headed to the car then they arrived at school. "Stupid school, giving us math first period." Aaron said mumbling.

"Yup it sucks thats why I have to find ways to amuse myself." Cody said as they walked to the main building of the school. That is why I sleep." Aaron said then he giggled.

"Yea it's like not even having you there half the time." Cody said laughing to himself as he slipped the leash out of his bag. Nice." Aaron said then he kissed Cody. "What the hell babe?" Aaron asked after the kiss ended and saw the leash. "Hehe I gots you now." Cody said wagging his tail and gently pulling on the leash. Aaron still shocked just walked behind Cody and blushed. Cody walked through the halls with his tail wagging behind him and smiling to himself as he pull the leash making Aaron follow him. Aaron then walked beside Cody and said "I better get something out of this."

"Oh you will don't worry." Cody said smiling and moving his tail in Aaron's face. Aaron just blushed as they saw more furs they knew.

Cody walked through the halls with his head held high with Aaron blushing and walking beside him, when they stopped at Aaron's locker, Aaron saw his friend Derek."Hi Derek." Aaron said.

"What?" Cody asked not paying attention.

"Oh babe, this is my friend Derek." Aaron said.

"Oh hi." Cody said looking at the otter and blushing.

"Hey Aaron who's this." Derek asked looking at Cody. "

"Oh, Derek this is my boyfriend Cody." Aaron said putting an arm around Cody.

"What your gay?!" Derek asked surprised. Derek had been on an important trip with his family and hadn't been at school for a while."Yeah, I tried telling you at least three times and not once you believed me." Aaron said.

"I never thought you were serious." Derek said looking over to Cody who was just staring at him blankly.

"Yeah, that's why I said not once you believed me." Aaron said getting annoyed and slammed his locker.

"I'm sorry man, I should of took you seriously." Derek said looking away.

"Yeah, just maybe." Aaron said.

"Well this doesn't change anything between me and you. Your still my best friend." Derek said trying to get back on Aaron's good side. Okay." Aaron said unsure. "Look let me make it up to you, lets hang out Friday and you can let me in on everything that's happened." Derek said to Aaron and then looked over to Cody who was still staring off into his own little world. "If thats ok with you?" Derek asked Cody. "Huh? Oh yea sure I'm ok with it." Cody said snapping back to reality. I guess that's cool" Aaron said. "Babe, did you even hear what he said?"

"Uhh yea. You guys hanging out this weekend, I'm ok with it just don't do anything stupid." Cody said looking into Aaron's eyes. "Don't worry babe, I won't babe. I promise." Aaron said holding Cody. "Good, I trust you." Cody said pulling Aaron's leash and kissing him. Aaron yelped then he kissed Cody. "I forgot about that and give a wolf a warning next time." Aaron said after the kiss ended. "Hehe I'll think about it." Cody said letting up on the leash as Derek stood laughing at Aaron. Okay, babe." Aaron said then he turned to Derek. "Every one know if you were gay you'd be the bitch." Aaron said.

"Oh so your saying you're the bitch in the relationship?" Derek asked teasingly.

"At the moment, yes. Maybe permanently." Aaron said excitedly.

"Yea you wish." Cody said to him self. Derek heard it and started laughing.

Aaron just blushed and looked down but when he looked up he got very serious."Yea I didn't the I'd ever see mister hard ass wolf being drug around on a leash by a little fox." Derek said teasingly. Aaron ignored what Derek just said and started growling. Cody looked at Aaron with a confused look. "Wuff what's wrong?" He asked in a concerned voice. Get away." Aaron growled then Cody heard a small dark chuckle behind him. Cody let out a small whimper as he turned around and say Seth standing there with the scratches still on his face from where Cody had hit him. Aaron undid the leash and got beside Cody. "Get away now." Aaron said. "Or what? Seeing you being pulled the fosky makes you seem so much less threatening." Seth said as he gently pushed Cody's shoulder "Don't call him that and I said don't touch him." Aaron said, he was about the go after Seth but Derek held him back. "Now being held back by an otter." Seth said "You think your so tough, you me after school and I swear by ever thing holy that your dead family will feel it." Aaron said growling. "Bring it on bitch." Seth said then he walked away. "FUCK YOU!" Aaron yelled. Cody held tight onto Aaron's arm, not saying anything. "Dude what the hell is his problem?" Derek asked letting go of Aaron. "Me.." Was all Cody said before he left and walked to class alone with his tail between his legs. Not this again." Aaron said then he went after Cody. "Babe come back." Aaron said chasing after Cody. "Hey just call me later." Derek yelled as he turned away. Cody kept walking even as Aaron called for him. Aaron just ignored Derek and went after Cody, when he got to him he stopped in front of Cody and wrapped his arms around and held him close, the bell rang and the hallways emptied leave Aaron and Cody alone.

"I'm so sorry." Aaron whispered in Cody's ears. "Don't be this is all my fault. Cody said looking away.

Aaron then made Cody look at him "No its not, forget Seth, I shouldn't have over reacted like I did." Aaron said Aaron. "Yes it is, Seth hates me and your getting caught in the middle of it all and now he's going to be looking for you after school."

"Its my fault, I turned down his sister and he's taking out his anger on you. After today he's never going to mess with you I'll remind him who your mate is. I'll make him regret his sister ever asking me out." Aaron said.

"No! I don't want you to fight!" Cody yelled with tears in his eyes. Aaron the pulled Cody's head to his chest and laid his head on Cody's. "Then I won't babe, if you don't want me to, I won't." Aaron said trying not to cry. "I won't lose you again." Aaron said crying. Cody hugged Aaron tight and didn't say anything for a minute. "thank you, and lose me again?" Cody said after wiping his face off. "That night when your parents kicked you, you didn't even acknowledge me, you walked right past me, I though I lost you. I won't let that happen again." Aaron said "I know you keep saying I need to forget it, I can't because I almost lost you." Aaron said. Cody put his ears back not realizing until now how much that night was really eating away at Aaron. "you'll never lose me Aaron. I was so confused that night I didn't know what I was doing, I was lost, until you stopped me and showed me how sorry you were, which made me realize how much I love you and that you love me also." Cody said looking into Aaron's eyes.

"Okay babe." was all he said he held Cody close and tried to stop crying. "I love you more than anything." he said

"I love you more than you know." Cody said looking up to Aaron and lightly kissing him. Aaron kept kissing Cody, then he ended the kiss. "Lets just go home." Aaron said.

"But we can't just leave school." Cody said looking at Aaron.

"Why not? I have furs who deal with attendance who can make it look like we were here all day." Aaron said.

"Uh well ok wuff we can go if you want."

"I say yes, I'll make sure we get the home work too." Aaron said.

"Ok, that sounds good to me." Cody said holding Aaron's paw tight.

"Hold on." he said then he reattached the leash and gave it to Cody "Now we can go." Aaron said smiling.

"Heh you don't have to do this any more." Cody said as he lightly held the leash.

"But I like it master." Aaron said rubbing his head against Cody. Cody let out a faint giggle as his tail began to wag. "Your too much wuff."

"Anything to see master happy." Aaron said. Cody laid his head on Aaron's shoulder as they walked. Aaron laid his head on Cody and wrapped his tail around Cody's. Cody murred and smiled as he walked beside Aaron. Aaron murred and smiled, as he walked with Cody.

An Unlikely Relationship: Chapter 6

Another chapter is up! Our little series has come a pretty far way in such a short time so I have to thank everyone who has faved these story and comment on them. It means a lot to me and to Shadow. Anyways please enjoy and comment on what you...

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An Unlikely Relationship: Chapter 4

Yay! Another chapter! This took a little while to post mainly because my upload page wouldn't come up and I have been to sick to try and fix it. Any ways I hope you guys enjoy it and please comment on what you...

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An Unlikely Relationship: Chapter 3

Another chapter already!? Me and Shadow are spoiling you guys i swear but please leave comments and tell us what you think! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aaron and Cody pulled into the club...

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