In Love and In lust, Chapter one: The Truth About Us

Story by Willace Diamond on SoFurry

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Author's note: Well, this is an 'outing' story about a young teenage wolf named Taurn. Yes I know strange name. That stated, he is one of my favorite character's so far. I didn't really go into full detail about him in the story but he's just your basic timber wolf. Light brown fur with patches of white and still in high-school. Sadly this little pup is still in the closet around his family but has taken his best friend, an orange fox named Jieraco as his secret lover. There is no actual yiffing in this chapter but if you keep your furrie little rumps on the edge of your seats asking for more I will happily deliver the next chapter. In which I assure at least two very naughty scenes. So enjoy and as always COMMENT!!!! For the love of all that is furry, please don't hold back! I love reading any little bit about what you, the reader, may think about what I've written. With that little rant finished, I give you fond wishes and hope you enjoy! =3

-Willace Diamond


~In love and In Lust~

Chapter One: The truth About Us


Taurn walked into the his room, a long day of school finally behind him, and threw his back-pack onto the bed. As collapsed into his desk chair his cell-phone began to ring. Checking the caller Id. a flutter started in his chest. Clicking the green button, the teenage timber wolf smiled ecstatically "Hey, Jieraco, what's up?"

"Not much, Taurn. Just got home and I wanted to ask a favor, if I could," Jieraco paused trying to be tactful "Did you happen to take notes in science class today?" It was painfully obvious to Taurn that studying was just an excuse for him to visit, but a welcomed one none the less. "Of course,I'd be happy to share them with you. And hey, if you wanted to come over we could totally 'study' together." He Looked at his nails and took an audible sigh. Being sure of what his best friend's response would be Taurn waited for the expected answer.

"Study, huh? Like how we studied last time? Hmm, I wonder if I should even bring a shirt then." Jieraco asked trying to sound seductive. It work and really well too. He was just one of those people who was naturally sexy, a lusty undertone constantly in his voice. "Yeah, you have to forget something here, otherwise I won't have an excuse to come over to your house." Taurn retorted, still examining his newly manicured nails

"Alright see you at five then?" Jieraco asked his friend, hoping for a 'yes.' Taurn glanced over to the clock reclined in his seat even further. "Sounds great, if you want to stay for supper," he proposed as he shuffled his paws "I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind. Another mouth is always welcome when it comes to Mom's cooking."

"I don't know about that but I was hopping to have some of your dessert." The young fox joked, making Taurn blush a little and his ears timidly perked up. "Alright, see you then" Taurn lowered the volume of his voice and cradled the phone closer to his muzzle. "Love you, Jieraco." Blowing a kiss into the receiver, Jieraco whispered back. "Love you too, see you then."

"Bye boo, can't wait." With a beep Taurn hung up the phone. Setting it on the desk, he leaned forward turned on his computer. "Let's check some mail."A blue flicker reflected on his glasses and the desktop made a low hum. Nassie, Taurn's mother, walked down the hall carrying the laundry and looked into Taurn's room "Taurn, no computer until you finish your homework." Taurn gave an apathetic sigh and turned it off again. Normally he would have fought his mother's order but he needed to win some sway. "Hey can a friend of mine come over tonight, we have some studying to do." Taurn did his best to play it down. Taurn's mother was already slightly suspicious of Taurn's actions towards his 'friend.'

Folding her arms Nassie shook her head in disapproval. "I don't like the boys you've been hanging out with lately, there's something off about them. They just seem way too different than you." She walked over to Taurn, a concerned look on her face. "I have to ask, are you dating?"

"MOM! please, not what I want to talk about." Taurn exclaimed feeling a mixture of discomfort and anger. she waved her arms and shook her head clearly a private subject for her son. "Alright, alright. I just wish you'd ask me earlier, I have to make another round of burgers." She started to walk back down the hall and then called out "Be a dear and help me set the table." It was basic chore, but one Taurn always got stuck with. He got up from his chair and mumbled something underneath his breath. As he walked to the dinning-room Nassie walked back into Taurn's room to put the laundry away.

Noticing an un-open condom partly hidden under a book half a smirk formed on her face. "Well, guess he Is dating, at least he's being safe. Wonder what her name is..." She thought opening the dresser droor. Dropping the basket of freshly washed clothes, she was shocked by what is inside. "Oh my God!" Nassie gasped out, seeing a vibrator inside. A moment passed by before the startled mother regained her composure and hastily picked up the clothes from the floor. Once the mess was straightened she shut the door and shudderd. Tuarn returned back inside his room and Nassie tries not to stare. "Ta... Taurn can I ask you something. You didn't... I mean... are you... 'with' anyone?"

Taurn blushed and scratched his head as Nassie puts the pieces together "Well, I kinda' maybe..." She had always assumed he just hadn't ever made it to that point in his life where he could have slept with a girl. Nassie had never guessed that he was into other guys. "Never mind, I realize it's not what you want to talk about with your mother." Nassie gave Taurn his clothing hastily. "Here, make sure to to fold them." She instructed before quickly leaving, feeling rather discomforted by what she had just seen.

"What was that about?" Taurn asked himself and closed his door. He sat back down at his desk after cramming his clothes into a droor "Now let's check the mail." Turning his computer back on and he gave it a few seconds to power up. It was a hand-down from the family, but it worked well enough to check email and the basic tasks a teenager needed. He spent the next half-hour simply surfing the web. When Door bell rang around Five o'clock Taurn race down the hall and skidded to a stop at the front door. "Yes yes yes he's here! alright stay calm," Running his paw over his head and slicking his ears back Taurn took a deep breath and sigh happily. "Whew, okay, okay stop wagging your tail and just open the door" He told himself and opened the door, welcoming Jieraco into the living room. As he did Nassie walked into the living room from the kitchen.

"Ha... Hello Jieraco, welcome. We're having cheeseburgers tonight, so I hope you're hungry." She greeted the young fox, trying to seem a good hostess. "Always hungry for some meat, isn't that Right Taurn?" Jieraco gave Taurn a suggestive look while walking in and Nassie shakes uneasly making the connection in her head. "Well I gotta' go put them on the grill, see you boys in a little bit." Nassie announced and left feeling uneasy with meeting her son's gay lover. Being raised in a different generation, that type of thing botherd her a little.

After Nassie had left, Taurn glanced at his best friend and smiled seductively Tonight was the night for sure. He was definitely going to loose his virginity. "I 've got the notes for you up in my bed-room, you ready to go?"

"One sec," Jieraco laughed catching onto Taurn's mood and pretended to unzip his pants. "Now I'm ready. Whadaya say you study this? There's gonna' be a test ya' know?" Sarcastically posed The young fox wiggled his hips and traced his figure in the air. "How's this for a subject to learn about?"

"Hey!" Taurn exclaimed and took his vest off, throwing it at Jieraco "Stop that or else they'll catch on!" Taurn gave a taunting look. "Now come-on, lets go stuuuu-daih..." he whined playfully.

"Oh, it's on now!" Jieraco perked his ears up and chased Taurn down the hall-way, nearly tripping over an end-table. Taurn swung a hard turn in to his bedroom and Jieraco tackled him against the bed "Gotcha!" He exclaimed feeling pleased with his minor victory. As Jieraco held onto the wriggling body, Kline', Taurn's sister walked down the hall eating yogurt. She stopped infront the doorway with the spoon in her mouth. Taurn, rendered speechless by the situation simply gaped his muzzle in worry. Fortunately Jieraco managed to drum up an excuse for the awkward situation. "Umm hi...totally not what it looks..."

"Whatever..." kline' remarked indifferently, not allowing the fox to finish his half-baked excuse." Don't care" She huffed and shifted the spoon around in her mouth, continuing her walk to the next room. Apparently she couldn't really care less what her brother did with who. Thankfully Jieraco wasn't disheartend by the odd interaction. "Well that was awkward" he remarked the two still staring at the door. Taurn grinned and bounced his weight against his friend's chest " Ya' think?" he asked, bursting into laughter and he looks back at his lover "Now do you mind letting me up, you knocked my glasses onto the floor."

"I dunno, maybe I like being here pressed up against you back" Jieraco wrapped his arm around taurn chest and nuzzled in. "Love you, Taurn." Amazed by the tenderness of his lover's voice, Taurn stopped his struggling for a moment and sighed."I love Jieraco, I really do, but we both know you're not about to deflower me here." tugging at Taurns shirt and pressing his body closer, Jieraco let his anatomy speak for him. He was hard and wanted his boyfriend to know it. Further more he wanted to let the world know he'd give it to him right there and then, should Taurn ask him to. "Wait just a bit Babe, we need to get supper out of the way first..."

The two of them exchanged on last hug and then made their way out of the bedroom and down the hall. Jieraco had waited this long for his love, surly an hour more wouldn't strain him so much. Despite the initial shock it would bring, not to mention Jieraco's arousal, the two walked down the hallway, paw in paw. Upon reaching the kitchen, Taurn looked over at his lover. "I think it's about time they know the truth about us." Jieraco nodded and Taurn slid open the glass door to the patio where his family waited for their arrival outside.

The young wolf gulped, looked deeply into his lover's eyes and then back at his family and the other guest assembled for the meal. "Guys I have a confession to make..." he announced shakily, his paw tightly gripping tightly to his best friend. "This is Jieraco, and he's... He's my boyfriend."

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Sugar After Sunset

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