Dragon Ranch: Yellowtail Fever
#4 of Dragon Ranch
He's climbin in your stables, he's snatchin your dragons up. Tryna rape em so y'all need to hide your eggs, hide your wyverns and hide your drakes cuz they're rapin errbody out here.
This story has hawt, steamy human-on-dragon sex in it. So don't read it. Yea, that's right.... I'm talking to you. YOU sitting in front of the computer.
Ok. Good.
_ Now..._
_ Things get interesting a little past mid-way though the story, so now you know where to skip to if you just want to get to the good part. :P_
EDIT: Cleared up a few grammatical mistakes, expanded the adolescent's scene a bit, fixed a few weakly worded sentences and what-not... and added over a paragraph of the dragon's perspective on the licking scene. Cause... well, why not? That s**t's hot.
Kyle opened the door to his room and fell face down into his bed with an exhausted sigh. He had just come from the shower and the linen bed sheets felt cool to the touch against his warm skin. He ran his arms and legs across the sheets several times, taking in the chilling sensation. Turning his head, he looked out the open window into the night sky, and took a slow, deep breath.
A lot had happened in just 24 hours.
"Ok, today was a hell of a crazy day" Kyle thought to himself. "... Lemme review what happened..."
_"Woke up late. Skipped shower and breakfast. Got to work late.
Screwed a dragon.
Shoveled dragon poo.
Had lunch.
Cleaned out dragon pens 13 through 18.
Screwed another dragon.
Finally fixed that damn broken latch to stable door 15.
Did a few more miscellaneous chores.
Helped out at feeding time. Got bit. Again.
Dinner. Lost to Ethan at Poker. Again.
Went home. Finally took a shower. Got ready for bed."_
"Yea... nothing out of the ordinary, there." Kyle rolled his eyes at his own sarcasm.
He rolled onto his back and closed his eyes, thoughts of his little "escapades" stuck in his mind. "... It was definitely one hell of a day".
Kyle was still coming to terms with what had happened. A large dragon named Relia was in heat, and forced herself on him until he had no choice but to screw her. She wouldn't let him leave until he had done it. And that's how it happened.... He had had sex with a dragon. Later in the day, he was accosted by a completely different dragon and ended up screwing that one as well. And... at the end of it all, Kyle had enjoyed it just as much as they did.
That's the part that he kept on replaying in his mind... the fact that he enjoyed having sex with these creatures. He never would have considered it normal. Can he really blame himself for it, though? These creatures, these dragons.... he always considered them to be stern and serious creatures. But today Kyle found that dragons were horny little bastards, and had no qualms about their willingness. If they wanted sex, they were gonna get it, and if they wanted it from you, they... well... they were probably gonna get it. Furthermore Kyle found out that these creatures went way beyond simple instinct when it came to sex. They loved physical touch, the thrill of pleasuring another, and the intimacy of sharing the personal experience.... It went beyond the simple action of mating. Clearly, they mated for pleasure just like people. And they loved it. Just like people. They apparently even liked to tease and engage in what Kyle thought was foreplay.
"Teasing, foreplay.... can I really call those things 'human' anymore?" Kyle's thought trailed off, unable to give himself an answer.
As he lay in bed, his mind traced back to what happened after his first encounter with the dragon named Relia. He had to finish his dragon poo pickup duty. In the process he had gotten near every one of the dragons on the ranch. Relia's scent was all over him... the scent of her in heat. Kyle had figured that the rest of the dragons were intelligent enough to figure out what happened, and as far as he could tell, he was right. Nearly all the dragons that day were a bit more interested in him than normal. He was sniffed, prodded, and poked multiple times. By and large, different dragons seemed, for whatever reason, excited by the situation, regardless if they were male or female... although the males of Relia's species seemed visibly agitated and at one point Kyle thought that he might have been attacked.
One species of dragon took a particular interest in him... They were one of the smaller types, about the size of a large dog, with banded blue and green scales and a long tail that ended in a golden yellow-orange color. These little guys would not leave him alone today, prodding and sniffing him as he was trying to work. One even climbed into his cart as he drove past them. They followed Kyle everywhere he went, annoying him thoroughly. Kyle was familiar with these dragons, but couldn't remember their name. After he had finished casing the ranch for dragon poo, he went back to the ranch house for lunch. As he was washing up, he asked Emily about the name for these dragons.
"Oh..." she said. "They're called 'Yellowtail Garls'. You know, they're quite rare nowadays."
Kyle smacked his forehead, the name coming back to him. A yellow tailed dragon, called a Yellowtail.
"How original. How could I forget a name so obvious as that?"
Kyle just remembered: "Oh hey... um... what about the names of those larger dark grey dragons, too?"
She just laughed and said "Here, let me just write all of the species names down for you."
After she had finished a few minutes later he glanced at the paper, and then carefully folded it up into his pocket. "She's a 'Black Crested Sabel'" Kyle muttered to himself. "I'll have to remember that."
Emily returned to some form that she was filling out. She continued talking without looking up. "You know Kyle, you've been here for a few weeks... you should know these by now."
Kyle shrugged. "Hey, cut me a break, here. The last time you ran through the names with me... that was my first day!"
His cousin bit her lower lip. "Okay, fine... but no excuses from now on. I'm gonna quiz you later." She gave him a look, and Kyle chuckled, knowing that despite her tone she was completely serious.
After lunch, Kyle left the ranch house. He still was in need of a proper shower, but he was trying to put it off for a time when Emily was out of the house. In the mean time, he went out to clean out some of the stable pens. The pens got cleaned in groups of 5 on a bi-weekly schedule, and it just so happened that Kyle got lucky numbers 13 though 18 that day. These belonged to the Yellowtails. Their pens had to be cleaned twice on the schedule, because they loved to play with the water troughs. The water they would splash would fall to the dirt floor, so mud tended to get everywhere. Emily still hadn't figured out a good way to keep them out of the troughs yet, but couldn't just take away their water either, so the ranch was stuck with the problem for the moment.
Yellowtails were expressive, playful, and energetic creatures... Kyle loved them. They were his favorite kind of dragon on the ranch. These small dragons were typically about 6 feet long or more. Their banded blue and green scales gave way to a golden-yellow tip on their very long tails. They had spiny, webbed frills on their head and neck, and their feet had large, webbed toes. Their tails also had spiny webbing on the tip. They loved water and were great swimmers; Kyle often found them around the large pond near the supply sheds. They love to chase (and sometimes eat) ducks and geese, and occasionally would hide in the brush waiting for them to appear. Whenever Kyle was out in the cart and near the pond, one or more Yellowtails would playfully chase him, sometimes landing on the roof of the cart and bending their head underneath to squawk at him. They would make great pets, Kyle thought... if it wasn't for the fact that they were dragons. As much as Kyle liked them, they were still aggressive and hard-to-tame creatures and Kyle was quick to remember that his first bite came from a Yellowtail.
Kyle gathered up his cleaning supplies and tossed them in the back of his cart. Whistling, he turned the ignition and made his way to the pens. It was late in the afternoon, and most of the dragons were still outside. However, when Kyle opened the first pen, he was surprised to see a small dragon inside pick up its head and let out a questioning warble.
"Oh, hey, Kobal!" Kyle recognized the dragon immediately. It was one of the few on the ranch that Kyle knew by name. Kobal was Kyle's favorite dragon, and he played with the creature whenever he could. Kobal was the only adolescent Yellowtail on the ranch, being only about 5 feet long. Due to his youth, he was a bit more exuberant and playful than the rest of his brethren, a trait that Kyle loved. Many of the dragons had toys of some sort to keep them preoccupied when inside, and Kobal's was large, red rubber ball with knobs on it. Sometimes, Kyle would play with Kobal by throwing the ball into the pond and watch the dragon fly out and dive for it in the water. Presently, the dragon was gnawing on the ball when Kyle had come in. He went up to the dragon and scratched behind his head, and the dragon stretched out its neck and chirped.
Its then that the dragon began to sniff at his crotch.
"Oh.... right." he muttered. Kyle frowned, having forgotten about the scent of Relia's heat on him.
He brushed the dragon aside and it warbled in response. Kyle looked around. Sure enough, the pen was muddy and wet. He sighed, and went to go get his broom and rags.
Coming back, he set to work sweeping the floor of the pen. Kyle quickly found out that this was much harder to do because of the dragon inside. Kobal would not leave him alone. He would follow Kyle with every step he took, sniffing excitedly and giving the occasional snort, getting in his way, knocking over Kyle's buckets, and stepping in the piles of debris that Kyle would sweep up. Trying his best to ignore the dragon, Kyle ran through the usual gamut of cleaning routines for the pen: sweep the floor, clean out the trough, replace the bedding, refill the water jugs, wipe down any dirty surfaces... the works. Kyle tried to finish as quick as he could, but Kobal was insufferable.
"Kobal, get down!" Kyle yelled. The dragon had quite literally jumped on him, nearly dragging Kyle to the ground. He wrestled with the dragon a bit before untangling himself from the scaly bundle of limbs and wings. After getting the dragon off of him, Kyle glared at the dragon, but Kobal cocked his head and gave him a cute look, unaware of any wrongdoing. His innocence caused Kyle to smile in spite of himself. Dusting himself off, Kyle went back to work, relieved he was almost done. The dragon, however, was unfazed. It wasn't long before Kobal latched on to Kyle's leg.
"Kobal, stop! Cut it-"
Kyle stopped in mid-sentence. The dragon was humping his leg. Like a dog. Kyle felt immensely awkward.
"Oh, for crying out loud... Ok, that's it. I'm out of here." The dragon let out a disappointed sounding squawk. Kyle pushed the dragon off of him, gathered up his cleaning supplies, and left. As he closed the door behind him Kyle saw the dragon staring at him with a sad look on his face, it's head hanging low and tail drooping to the floor. The dragon made Kyle feel a twinge of guilt, but he shook it off and closed the door. With the latch locked again, he turned his back to it and leaned against the wood, relieved that he had gotten out.
Kyle looked up into the clear sky. "Of course" Kyle grumbled "... all of the Yellowtails were put in their pens... and now I have to deal with 5 horny dragons in a row without getting raped." His forehead wrinkled as he considered the idea of just letting them loose, but decided against it, in case they were in there for a reason. He was already chastised for taking one dragon into her pen... and didn't want to upset Emily again by taking five more out. "But why were they in there, anyway?" he wondered.
At that moment, Kyle realized that he still had no idea about the majority of what goes on in the ranch.... despite being there for 2 weeks now. Most of his time was spent cleaning or doing other utility jobs. Aside from his first day here on Emily's little tour, he had not once been in the training bunkers, exercise pens, and a few other buildings. Kyle shrugged, knowing he could always ask Emily more about them later. Right now he had to get back too cleaning the stables.
The next thee pens were no easier. Each one had an energetic Yellowtail inside that was ready to jump him. The female dragon in pen 14 actually managed to pull his pants down with her teeth once, by latching on and pulling forcefully. Thanks to her he now had a rip in his right pant leg. Kyle was annoyed. He did not want to have sex with another dragon... He still didn't even know what to think of himself over the first time, and although he knew he enjoyed it, he put that thought in the back of his mind and reminded himself that dragons were animals first and foremost. He was more than fine to label what happened with Relia as "a strange incident" and leave it at that. But all sniffing and prodding and poking and groping he was getting gave Kyle an unwelcome erection by the time he had one pen left to go. The last one left was was pen 15.... Kyle had a reason he saved for it last.
Kyle feared pen 15.
Kyle looked at the door in front of him. The sign on the door had a 15 with the name "Nixi" hand painted underneath. Kyle gulped. He knew this dragon. Nixi was the matriarch of her species, just as Relia was to her own kind, and Kyle disliked Nixi because she was aggressive. Furthermore, what scared Kyle further was that he knew pen 15 had a broken latch and could only be opened from the outside. Like all the other stable doors, it also automatically locked when closed. It had been like that since who knows when and none of the ranch-hands had really bothered to fix it. Usually when someone goes inside, the door is kept propped open with a rock or something so it isn't normally a problem. But by now, Kyle knew that "normally" wasn't really a word that applied to him this day.... For some reason, Kyle felt that something would go wrong in here... the thought sounded weird to himself, but was just a hunch. Despite knowing that there was a very little chance of it, he feared the possibility of being trapped in the pen with the dragon. Kyle swallowed, and placed a hand on the frame. Flipping the latch, he gently pulled, slowly opening the large wooden door. Gingerly, he peeked in.
Inside, Nixi sat on her haunches, staring, as if waiting for him. She licked her lips once and gave an inquisitive squawk. Her behavior made Kyle feel uneasy... he felt like she was sizing him up, as if he was nothing but a piece of meat to her. Her look immediately made Kyle want to turn around and leave; he did not want to take another step.
"Nixi... I remember you, girl. I also remember being bitten by you." Kyle's eyes narrowed. It was his third day here, and he had just gotten to play with Kobal for the first time. They were running past Nixi, and she got up, growling, and chased Kyle, aggressively biting his arm out of the blue. Fortunately she did not bite too deeply, but he still vividly remembered the blood trickling down his arm and dripping from his elbow. He still had no idea what made her attack him, and it caused Kyle to have a dislike for the Yellowtail ever since.
"It's gonna be okay if I just keep the door open" he told himself. He tried to sound reassuring, but his words did little to convince himself. He opened the door up wide and placed his bucket of water in front of it. The bucket held the door open easily. He tested the door by pushing on it a few times, to make sure the bucket did not tip. When he saw that it held fast, Kyle was pleased at his little door stop. Then, looking up at the dragon inside, he slowly stepped forward, crossing the threshold to the inside of her pen.
"No turning back now..."
He went up to the dragon and offered his hand to sniff. She accepted, giving his hand a once over, followed by his crotch. "Of course..." Kyle was now used to the routine. The Yellowtail gave a curious warble and licked his fabric once, and Kyle gently pushed her away. Indignant at the rejection, she retreated to the corner and sat down, letting Kyle begin his duties. Kyle breathed easily, fearing that she would have been more agressive. He was relieved that their little greeting went over rather smoothly compared to the rest of her kind.
Picking up the broom, Kyle turned an eye towards the quiet Yellowtail as he swept. The little dragon did not act excited or playful like the previous four. It only watched him silently, content to sit at a distance. As time passed, the unexpected behavior only began to unsettle Kyle a little. He felt like he was waiting for a bomb to drop. "All the other dragons had taken an immediate interest in me... why not her?" He tried to not be bothered by it and focused on his sweeping.
Several more minutes went by. He waited for the dragon to make a move, but she never did. Kyle's uneasiness began to change into relief, thinking that maybe he was in the clear for this one. He stepped out with the broom and returned with a bucket of cleaning supplies and some old rags. Leaving the pen again, he returned this time with new bedding for the dragon. He traveled across the pen to the far corner and bent down to gather the old bedding up.
Just then he heard a loud splash and the sound of water spilling. Kyle's heart jumped in his chest and whirled around. He saw everything at once.
A giant puddle of water on the floor. Nixi, with an empty bucket in her mouth. And the door to the pen slowly closing on him.
"The door.... HEY, THE DOOR!"
Kyle sprang up and dashed to the enterance, but it was too late. He heard the loud clank of the latch automatically securing its self from outside just before he reached it, and he frantically jiggled the inside handle to no effect. He beat his fist on the door once and yelled.
He heard no one outside.
Kyle closed his eyes and sighed, acknowledging defeat. "I've been outsmarted by a dragon... that conniving little lizard!" Kyle kicked the door in frustration.
Suddenly he felt a tug on his pant leg. Kyle looked over his shoulder.
Nixi had a mouthful of mesh pants in her mouth. She gave a little growl as his eyes met hers and she tugged again, this time, harder. Suddenly they dropped a couple inches.
"Hey!" Kyle angrily snatched his pants back up, and kept a firm grip on them this time. He began to pace, trying to think of how to get out. The dragon sat down and watched, apparently content to wait.
"Lets see.... what about the window? No... it's been barred to prevent the dragons from escaping. Hmm... How can I open this latch? I still got a bucket of cleaning supplies with me. I know I have a couple of screwdrivers thrown in there too.... if I can just pry or unscrew the latch off, or somehow flip open the lock from the inside, I should be good...."
Kyle felt another tug at his pants from behind. Instantly, they fell down and gathered around his knees, exposing his manhood to the warm air.
"What a horrible day for me to forget underwear..."
He pulled them back up quickly, turning to face the dragon so he could give a reprimand. In response, she only growled at him.
Nixi did not want to wait any longer. She knew from his smell that this human had mated with the Black Crested Sabel named Relia: she had first noticed it when they had been outside earlier in the day; it was something that made her very curious. The Yellowtail was in heat as well, and although she had been sated by her mate this morning, being cooped in her pen had gotten the dragon antsy. Relia's scent on him indicated his status as a potential mate, and the fact that he was not of Relia's species meant that the Sabel had no claim to him. However, the fact that he appeared to be unwilling annoyed her, and as time went on she became peeved that she had not been mounted by him yet. She did not know why he waited. Couldn't this stupid human tell she was in heat? Even after trapping him inside he did not make a move to mount her... so she decided that he merely needed a bit of convincing. Slowly, methodically, she coaxed him, and if that did not work, she simply would resort to more drastic measures.
One way or another, she was having him as a mate.
Kyle felt another tug and swore again. He was slowly becoming more and more aware of the realization that he could not win this battle. Begrudgingly, he turned around and found the dragon pulling at his pants again. She growled softly and retreated to the back of the room, beckoning Kyle to follow. Kyle did so reluctantly.
He went up to her and immediately the dragon's snout went to his crotch. She inhaled deeply several times and licked across his the fabric of his crotch, then followed with another tug, this time more gently, at his pant leg. It was obvious what she wanted.
Kyle tensed at her forwardness, and suddenly the recent memories of Relia's pen flooded back to him. "Well... maybe it wasn't such a bad thing to be stuck in here after all." In spite of himself, he began to get a bit excited at what could happen next. However, Kyle still had his doubts, as he did not trust this dragon. The scars from her teeth were still visible on his arm. So, half out of arousal, half out of fear of being bitten, he submitted to the dragon's will: Kyle wrapped his thumbs under the waistband of his pants and tugged downward, his manhood already slightly erect and popping free in the cool air of the pen.
Immediately he was greeted with a dragon's lick across his member. The Yellowtail trilled in approval, and sat down, giving him a few more licks.
The sensation caused Kyle to inhale sharply. After giving her a couple minutes to explore his crotch, he sat down to give her better access. Not wanting to waste time by fully stripping down, he merely stretched his pants around his boots and removed them, sitting open-legged on the cool dirt floor. The dragon then chirped and bent down to sniffed at his sack, taking in the scent of his musk. She thrust her snout into his crotch and sniffed deeply, taking in the smell. "Relia had done this too..." Kyle mused. " Its like there's just something about the way I smell that dragons seem to like." The Yellowtail snorted, and gave an experimental lap at his balls. The muscular tongue began softly prodding, caressing the orbs beneath Kyle's skin. Kyle loved the sensation.
The dragon let out a purring growl-like sound as she continued to lap. The feeling of her warm, wet tongue on his balls was a big turn on, and his shaft was beginning to harden. Even though he had already came twice today, he found himself surprised at his body's reaction, figuring his previous orgasms might have made him done for the day. The dragon took a forepaw and placed it right on the base of his shaft and flexed her toes, letting him feel her sharp claws. Kyle jumped at the sensation, as he still didn't really trust the dragon to not hurt him. However, she stopped short of poking him, and flexed again, pressing her paw against the base of his shaft.
Nixi then lifted her head, and moved in to begin lapping at Kyle's shaft. Kyle let out a quiet moan, the new sensation on his skin thrilling him. He leaned back on his elbows and watched. Seeing that she had his complete attention, Nixi let out a growl and stood over Kyle's legs, giving him a show. The Yellowtail stared into his eyes while she licked his member slowly, gradually drawing her long tongue over his shaft and head. With each lick Kyle's erection grew firmer. She gave him another flex with her toes, causing Kyle to tense up. He initially did not like her paw on his crotch.... especially with her claws pressing against his skin. However, Kyle began to trust her when she showed her gentleness.
After a moment, the dragon stopped her licking and stared a Kyle, vocalizing a warble. She laid down between his legs and placed both paws at either side of the base of his erection. She then slowly and deliberately drew her tongue up the bottom of his shaft, flicking her tongue at the tip, staring at him the entire time.
At this point Kyle couldn't care if the room was on fire and door had no lock at all... She had him with that lick: he wasn't going anywhere.
Nixi was clearly teasing him. While the Yellowtail was just as aggressive as Relia was, if not a bit more, she certainly was much less direct in her advances. The Black crested Sable was pretty up-front about her desires and the way she pleasured Kyle: She serviced him orally and then demanded to be penetrated in return. In contrast, this Yellowtail seemed to enjoy the roundabout way of pleasuring and foreplay a bit more. Kyle loved it. He leaned all the way back and placed a hand on her head.
Nixi's stimulation was beginning to have its effect on Kyle, and his erection was stirring with arousal. His shaft throbbed and a tiny bit of precum pooled at the tip. The Yellowtail found it in no time, and as her tongue drew across the head of his shaft she savored the taste and let out a trill, letting a small shiver escape her and flexing the spines on the back of her head. Licking her lips a few times, she chirped and went right back to the tip, hoping to coax more out of the human. She gave a soft squeeze of Kyle's base with her paws while she licked, and Kyle tensed again. The treatment worked, and she eagerly lapped up the small bit of pre that oozed from Kyle's member.
Kyle gasped at the special attention she was giving to his manhood. She was acting just like Relia had. The sniffing, snorting, and smelling of his crotch, taking in the scent of his musk... the way she absolutely loved the taste of his cock and its juices... It was something that he had no control over yet Kyle felt empowered over the way he could make this dragon feel. He wondered if it was all humans that had this effect on dragons or if he was just one really lucky bastard.
"Yea... I'm gonna go with 'one really lucky bastard' for now." Kyle smiled and closed his eyes, content to enjoy the feeling of her warm tongue and her occasional squeezes for the next few minutes.
Nixi was surprised at her own actions. She had originally intended to lick him to full erection and be done with it, so he could mount her.... however, she found that the human's taste and smell were so intoxicating that she found she could barely control herself. His cock was unlike any dragon's she had mated with before, and she was intrigued by the soft foreskin and flared head. However what interested her the most was the human's taste. Nixi closed her eyes and found herself lingering over his shaft, eagerly waiting for his pre to gather at his tip so she could savor his fluids. It was something she could not get enough of, and in spite of the aching heat in her loins she lapped at his flesh repeatedly, enjoying her the feeling of her tongue wrapping around this toy in front of her. She found that the human reacted favorably to her forepaws around the base of his shaft, and she squeezed him between her paws with methodical practice in order to coax out a bit more of the human's fluids.
Kyle could hardly ask for more. The pleasure she gave him was making it hard for him to focus. He caressed her cheeks and forehead with his hands, eager to let the dragon know how good of a job she was doing. Nixi looked up at Kyle and then began to twirl her tongue over every inch of Kyle's shaft, bathing his cock in her saliva. Nothing could be heard except the soft lapping noise and the occasional trill the dragon was making as she serviced the human before her.
Suddenly, Nixi stopped and stood up. She had definitely been enjoying herself, but the dragon could ignore her aching vent no more. The Yellowtail needed satisfaction, and at this point she could not even wait for him to mount her.
Kyle frowned as he felt her stop, his eyes opening and his mind suddenly snapping back to the present. Nixi's eyes narrowed and she growled as she slowly climbed on top of him, eventually straddling his hips. Kyle jumped. Granted, the smaller Yellowtail was a much more comfortable choice for this situation than Relia was, but he still didn't like the idea of this aggressive animal standing over him.
However, his mind suddenly changed as she brought her face up to his and started grinding her hips against his erection, letting out a small growl. He could feel her warm breath on his face. She looked down at him, her face full of lust.
Kyle gasped at her aggressiveness, and brought a hand down to the base of his shaft, holding it for her. He felt her backside slide over his tip repeatedly, occasionally running across a rather wet and warm spot, which Kyle knew was the entrance to her vent. He brought another hand to her hips and steadied them, preparing her for what was to come.
Kyle then shifted his position slightly, searching until the tip of his erection found that wet spot once again. Her warm lips felt immensely warm against his cock, and her breathing increased in pace. The dragon above him bowed her head, squatted, and lifted her long tail, swaying it gently in the air.
She was ready.
Kyle was as well. He shifted his hips as she leaned down, causing the tip of his shaft to penetrate her vent, spreading her lips open. The dragon cried out as Kyle stretched her a bit. The males of her species were endowed with a similar size, but Kyle had a different shape than what she was used to. She planted each forelimb firmly on the ground beside Kyle and flapped her wings once in reflex as she adjusted to the feeling of being penetrated by the uniquely human organ. The dragon looked over her shoulder to watch herself as she brought her hips down further.
Kyle, trapped underneath the squirming dragon, moaned as he felt her warmth and slickness envelope the first few inches of his member. Staring up at the beautiful scaly creature above him, knowing that the lips of her passage was stretched over his shaft... it gave him a rather exotic feeling, and the added intimacy of the face-to-face position was a turn on for Kyle. He brought a hand to her chest and gently explored her scales. They felt much smoother compared to the roughness of a Black Crested Sabel, almost reminding Kyle of snakeskin. The large scales were far more vivid and colorful than any snake, though, and his eyes followed the subtle banding of the blue and green hues as they trailed down her body.
The dragon then stopped and lifted off Kyle a bit, and he felt her smooth walls slide over his shaft until only the tip remained nestled between her folds. The Yellowtail then started to softly rock against Kyle, bringing herself down on the human's shaft repeatedly. Kyle instinctively brought his hands down to her hips and squeezed them gently, guiding her as the dragon rode his shaft.
Kyle was surprised as the dragon quickly became acclimated to her position and started to hump him more aggressively, and he felt that with each push a little bit more of his member penetrated her vent. The Yellowtail let out a trill of pleasure as she gradually leaned farther and farther back into a sitting position, and Kyle looked down to watch the dragon as his shaft repeatedly disappeared into her depths. With a grunt, she pressed back one more time, and hilted herself on Kyle's shaft, giving him a squeeze with her internal muscles. Kyle relished the moment: the pressure and warmth she put on his cock, the weight of her body on him, the steady rocking of her hips.... the entire experience felt incredible to him, and he caressed the dragon's scaly body with his hands, whispering a few sweet nothings into her ear.
Nixi was hardly a dragon that needed encouragement, however she did enjoy the exotic feel of a human's hands running across her body and his uniquely human-shaped organ pressing against her walls. She brought her hips all the way down to the base of Kyle's shaft once again, and began to grind her hips on his. She cooed and licked her lips, immensely enjoying that she finally had claimed the human as her mate. The Yellowtail curled her long neck down to watch herself as she lifted off him and trilled, the view being quite arousing to her.
Kyle chuckled as the dragon watched herself hump against him, and he couldn't help but start to push back every time she came down on his shaft. Kyle was enjoying every second of their passion, the whole experience was very different from his first time earlier that day. Her vent definitely gave a different feel from Relia's and it made the feeling of her squeezing muscles all the more intense. He ran his hands up to her head, feeling her webbed frills and massaging her neck and cheeks. In return the dragon stared straight into Kyle's eyes, and he could feel her breath wash over him, becoming more ragged and excited as the time passed. He loved the feeling of the weight of her body pressing against him and let out a small moan. He shifted his position, bending his knees and bringing his legs up so he could thrust back into her more easily. Bringing his hands down, he felt her toned legs and how they flexed as she brought herself down onto his crotch repeatedly. The dragon's long, golden tail was in constant motion, occasionally slapping against his leg with a twitch.
Nixi's passion was growing with each passing second, and she began to pick up her pace. She placed her forepaws on Kyle's chest and rocked against him at a steady rate. The Yellowtail unconsciously dug her claws into Kyle's skin a bit, causing the human to wince. She squealed loudly as her movements became a bit more rough and unrefined, and Kyle took the hint that she was approaching her orgasm. Looking up, he saw her eyes closed, focused on the pleasure, and her mouth was open, panting loudly. He could feel his own passion building up as well, and sped up his thrusts. He reached one hand up to her back and steadied her as she began to bounce on top of him, his shaft moving in and out of her warm vent easily.
Kyle moaned. He loved the feeling of this dragon on top of him, humping him like mad and driving herself crazy on his rod. The whole experience was electrifying. He could feel her inner muscles start to rhythmically clamp down on his shaft, and he held the dragon firmly in his arms as she pushed back with her legs and growled.
Suddenly, the dragon's whole body stiffened as her climax hit. She let out a high pitched yowl and shivered in Kyle's hands as her orgasm traveled through her body. He felt her muscles clamp down on his member repeatedly, giving him just enough to send the human over the edge. He thrust up into her repeatedly, feeling the build up of his cum increase until he could hold it no longer. With one massive thrust, he came inside of her, Kyle gasping in pleasure as waves of pleasure ran through his body. The Yellowtail accepted his fluids eagerly, lost in the satisfaction of fulfilling her desire to mate.
As both human and dragon rode out their orgasms, the Yellowtail collapsed on Kyle's chest, her legs weak from riding the human's shaft to fulfillment. Kyle wrapped an arm around Nixi and caressed her head with his other hand. This was his third climax in a day... Kyle was quite exhausted as well, and was content to enjoy a little intimacy for the moment. The two stayed like that for a couple moments before Kyle gently nudged her, signaling the dragon to get off. She reluctantly moved, allowing Kyle to stand up.
The human didn't know it, but although Nixi immensely enjoyed their mating, her heat was still not fully satisfied.
She wanted more.
The only question was how to get the human to comply. And as long as he was trapped in here she knew she could take her time figuring it out.
So, there you go. Another chapter. Does it compare to the previous ones? I hope... the writing was a bit more forced this time (I had to make myself finish it), so maybe it won't come off as interesting....
I started this out thinking "Hmm... Maybe I'll take this oppurtunity to expand the story's universe a bit, cause the part with Relia has ended and this is a new chapter and all..." Well, things got out of hand (again, lol) and the first half is just about Kyle continuing his day on the ranch. I added a few things like the names of dragon species, and other tidbits of info, as well as having Kyle relive some memories of his first 2 weeks on the ranch. I tried to keep it interesting and set the tone for the rest of the story. I also added a nifty (read: cliche and cheezy) little plot device that lets me introduce new kinds of dragons on the fly!
Too bad poor Kyle isn't even done yet. I tried to make this a very intimate scene, due to the position he and the dragon take. I'm a little excited for the next scene.... though I'm starting to wonder if Kyle can physically perform after all he's been through already, lol.
I've also started writing a completely different story, but its unfinished because I am having trouble trying to justify the sex scenes I want to write. It also has (bum-da da dum!) character development.... or what I'd like to think is character development, anyway. Haha. I'm sure it will come together eventually.
Why the hell am I posting this on a friday night? I swear I have a real life.... don't look at me like that.