The Woodland Visitor Ch 3: Mother Part II

Story by Duvalio Profaneth on SoFurry

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#4 of The Woodland Visitor

The Woodland Visitor Pt 3A

Mother (Cont.)

Yea I know but chapter three originally had way too many pages and I had to split it up some. So here's the other half.

Sienna put the cloak back on and while I checked to make sure no one was around she said goodbye to her mother. We went back to my house and I sat down on the couch with Sienna curled under my arm when she looked up at me.

"You surprise me."

"Yes, I wanted to give you a big surprise."

"Did, like it."

"I'm glad you liked it."

"Like you...Love you."

"And I love you too."

"Go house tomorrow?"

"I have one thing to do tomorrow then we can go."

"Nother surprise?"

"Kinda, but I don't want to give it away."

Sienna slowly turned and climbed onto my lap. She began kissing my ear and neck then whispered, "Sure?"

"Yes I'm sure, but don't let that stop you."

"I not." And she continued to kiss and lick my neck.

I picked her up and carried her up to my room. Once there I laid her down on the bed and proceeded to remove her clothes. She stood back up and grabbing my hands stopped me from undressing myself. Slowly she took my clothes off and caressed my body while she did it. Then with a little giggle she jumped up and wrapped her arms and legs around me.

I leaned my head in and began to kiss her as she slowly slid down. My cock, which was now erect, found its own way into her and she slowly slid down onto its length. She looked into my eyes and with a smile said, "Mmm, nice."

I put my hands under her ass and slowly started to raise and lower her onto my cock. She leaned her head back and I could hear her grunting every time I impaled her. Soon she was bucking her hips harder against me. I moved over and set her down on the edge of the desk and began pumping into her harder.

Her head rolled back and she began grunting louder and soon was moaning non stop. When I felt her cunt contracting around my cock, it was enough to set me off. I buried myself deep inside her and with her legs locked around me pumped her full of cum.

When we calmed down I carried her over to the cushioned chair and sat down without even pulling out. I pulled a blanket around us and after she made herself comfortable, she put her head on my chest and fell asleep with me still buried inside her.

It was a little later that I woke to movement. When I opened my eyes, Sienna was sitting in my lap slowly riding me again. When I went to hold her she grabbed my arms and pinned them against the chair above my head. Smiling at me she said, "My turn," And continued to slowly ride me.

That little vixen knew what she was doing too. She would ride me slowly sliding up and down the entire length of my cock and just before I would cum she would stop and contract her cunt muscles. This stopped me from cumming and after a minute she would begin riding me again. She kept this up for about an hour before she started slamming into me faster and faster. Releasing my hands she grabbed the arms of the chair and continued to ride my cock. I grabbed her tits which were bouncing in front of my face and popped a nipple into my mouth. I gently nipped at it as my hand rolled her other nipple. She squealed and began to shutter. I watched as she began to orgasm and held her through it as I again shot another load into her. When she calmed down she looked into my eyes then leaning down she kissed me.

When we parted she stood up and pulled me into the shower. I watched as she adjusted the water and then began washing me up. When I was clean she took the soap and washed herself up.

She looked at me slyly as she ran the soap across her tits making her nipples hard. Then with slow circles moved the soap down her belly to her mound. She began to run the soap back and forth across her mound and soon leaned her head back. I watched as the soap slipped from her fingers and fell to the shower floor. I watched her fingers as they slid between the folds of her mound and gently began to rub her clit.

I moved around behind her and began nibbling lightly on her neck. She leaned back into me and started breathing harder. Slowly I slid my hands around and began massaging her tits playing with her nipples and squeezing them. I could hear her moaning and they were getting louder and louder by the minute. It wasn't long before she reached orgasm and started shaking uncontrollably. I wrapped my arms around her and held her up as her body shook from the force of the orgasm. When she calmed down she just laid in my arms limply, too weak to move.

I rinsed off the all the soap and shut the shower off. Picking her up in my arms I carried her out to the bed and dried her off. She was asleep before I even finished. Then curling up against her I wrapped my arms around her naked body and fell asleep.

The next morning she acted kinda shy until I asked her what was up.


"What are you sorry for?"


"Why are you sorry for that?"

"Me do, not you."

"Don't be sorry, that turned me on more than you could ever know."

Her ears perked up at hearing that. "Did?"

"Oh yea."

"Not upset?"

I wrapped my arms around her neck and looking right into her eyes I said, "No, I was very horny, but not upset."

She wrapped her hands around me and laid her head against my chest. "Glad you liked. Me like too."

Smiling I held her tight. We got dressed and I was getting ready to leave when the doorbell rang. Sierra jumped and looked around wildly. I ran to her and she clung to me tightly. "It's ok, it's just the doorbell. It means there's someone outside who wants to see me." I walked to the door and looked through the peep hole. Outside stood Amanda, Siennas mother. I stood Sienna behind the door and opened it.

"I'm sorry to bother you Tom, but you said you had to do some running this morning. I was wondering if I could see Sienna while you were gone."

"Of course you can, come in please."

She entered and when I got the door closed Sienna gave her mother a big hug. "Mom."

I smiled as I watched them. Then I led them into the living room and told them I would be back later.

I headed down to the courthouse and spent the next three hours looking through the public records. When they asked me what I was doing I told them I was thinking on buying one of the other houses near mine and the receptionist helped me find the information I needed. She even made copies of it for me.

I left the courthouse with a folder full of paper work proving the truth. I just hoped that I could convince one person that it was.

When I got back to the house Sienna and her mother were looking through the photos I had printed out of Sienna. When I entered they looked up and smiled at me.

Amanda held up the photo of Sienna in the red dress and said, "I didn't know that you were so good at photography. This picture is absolutely gorgeous."

"Thank you."

"I would love to have some of these but I don't want anyone to accidentally find them. Too many awkward questions would be asked."

I suddenly had an Idea, going over to the computer I brought up that picture. "Is this the picture you liked?"

"Yes. It makes her look so beautiful."

I opened one of my photo editors and did a little work on it. When I was done I had modified the photo enough that it looked like an expensive oil painting. When I showed this to Amanda she went wild. I printed out a copy and finding an antique looking frame I mounted the picture and gave it to her.

"Now if someone asks, it's a photo that you found attractive. No one will be the wiser."

"Oh my god, thank you so much."

I smiled slyly and said, "By the time I'm done you can have all the photos you want of her."

She bid us goodbye and headed home. Sienna hurried me along and soon we were heading through the woods to their village.

We arrived at her house and I went about hanging the pictures for her. I took her favorite picture of me and hung that above her bed. Then I hung the large picture in the living room. I hung a smaller picture of her on one side and one of me on the other.

Picking up the pack I took it to the bathroom and pulled out the stack of towels putting them up on a shelf. Then put a stack of washcloths beside them. She smiled and followed me into the bedroom. There I pulled out some sheets and stripping her bed I put one set on. She lay across them and looked up at me.

"Like you bed."

"Yes like mine."

Going back out to the living room I pulled out several candles and placed them on the fireplace along with the new lighters. Sienna was curious about the lighters and looked at one in fascination.

"What this?"

"It's a new present for you." I showed her how to hold it and light it. She lit it a few times then looked at the candles.

"Like, no hurt."

"I thought you would like that one better. I would rather that you didn't burn your pretty fur."

She looked at the candles sniffing them. "Different from ours, these smell."

"Yes they are different. They are called scented. The smell gets a little stronger when you light them."


"They're yours, go ahead."

She lit the one that smelled like pine and I could see her sniffing the air as the scent became stronger. "Trees?"

"Yes, that one is pine scented. I thought you might like the smell."

"What you like?"

"I like the strawberry."


"The red one here."

She blew out the pine candle and lit the strawberry one, then sniffed the air. "Me like too."

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to me. With a big grin I said, "I could say that I liked the cow manure one and you would agree, wouldn't you?"

"You have manure scent?"

"No they don't make one that smells like that, only good smells."


She pulled away and pointed to the wrapped picture. "What that?"

"That is for your father, I was hoping to see him today."

"Let's go, in office."

We left her house and went down to Brenah's office. Walking in, I saw Ariana setting behind the desk. She looked up as we entered. Jumping up she came around the desk and gave us both a hug. My mind wondered how she would be in bed before I snapped back to reality and saw her waiting for me.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?"

"I just asked, to what do we owe this pleasure?"

"I have something for Brenah."

"He's in his office, go on down."

We turned and went down to his office. Knocking on the door I heard him say come in. I opened the door and with Sienna ahead of me, we entered.

"Sweetheart, Tom. What's up?"

Sienna looked at me and said, "Tom gift."

He looked to me and I handed him the picture. "I work as a photographer and I thought you might like this."

He pulled the paper off and looked at the photo. It was the photo of Sienna in jeans and the black vest. He stared at it for a wile then looked up at me.

"This is beautiful. I know just where I'm going to put it." He stood up and taking a map off the wall behind his desk he hung the photo up there. After staring at it for a little bit he turned back to me. "Photographing has come a long way since I knew it. This is beautiful." He came around the desk and gave his daughter a big hug then looked at me. "How can I ever repay you?"

I had him right then, my plan would work perfectly. "I would like you to come to my house in, oh lets say seven days. I want to take some photos of you for your daughter. I gave her some of us already. I would like some of you to go with them."

"You got it, any specific time?"

"I'll send Sienna to get you."

"I'll be waiting."

We left his office and went back to her house. Once inside she turned to me. "Pik-tur dad?"

"We might not get any photos that day. The reason I want him to come over is..." I explained what I was going to do to him and she said she would help me. She wanted that too.