[com] Her Majesty's Royal Pet

Story by Bunny Hops on SoFurry

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Her Majesty's Royal Pet

DecafJava Commission

By Bunny Hops





Cpt. Jeremy Mahoney, a male human; 6'1" 145 lbs; although he trained for the Earth mission, he is still fairly feeble from a lifetime living with the moon's low gravity.

Princess Toliara, a female lemurian;4'1" 140lbs; C-cup breasts, according to her size

Menabe, a female pterosaurs; 7'2", 210lbs; the princess's pterosaur; D-cup breasts, according to her size


Thousands of years in the future, earth is covered in rain-forest, savage beast run wild, and the last full-blooded humans live in cities on the Moon and Mars. Humans had abandoned the Earth allowing it to recover. An expedition by the moon nations was sent to study the feasibility of colonizing Earth, but it ends in disaster.

Captain Jeremy Mahoney rolled back into consciousness. The air around him was warm, humid, and fresh-completely opposite from the atmosphere he was used to. It whipped around his head, ruffling his flight suit and making it difficult for him to get his bearings.

The captain went to shield his face from the wind, but he found his hands restrained, unable to move. Looking down he noticed he was tied by the wrists to a leather strap that reached around a brown, smooth scaled beast. He suddenly noticed that the beast was flapping its wings and for the first time he realized he was soaring with the reptile above the tree tops.

Tree tops, Mahoney thought, so much foliage it covered all the eye could see, blocking out the ground in a green flowing pattern.

He knew he should have been frightened, but the sight was too much for him. He only snapped back into reality once he took notice of the other flying beasts around him and their furry, naked riders keeping an eye on him. They had spears and bows poised at the ready, but somehow they no longer looked as menacing as they had when he was on the ground with them.

He didn't belong here. He was born and raised on Luna, Earth's one and only moon. Hell, he didn't even have the muscle tone required to reside on this planet and the gravity was already dragging him down.

There hadn't been humans living on Earth for thousands of years, but there had been select groups sent to Earth for observation and exploration. Captain Mahoney had been on one of these. His unit was sent to study the feasibility of humans returning to Earth, now that the forests had returned and the air was once again breathable. Over two years had been spent training for this mission, but the one thing they didn't account for turned out to be their downfall: the new indigenous population.

The nation states on Luna and Mars knew that a new race had emerged-the lemurians-but were never aware, or at least it was never made public, that these lemurians had obtained some sort of symbiotic relationship with another species, pterosaurs. That's what he was on right now-a pterosaur-and that species is what allowed the lemurians to come out from over the trees and swoop down on him and his unit before they ever got off the landing zone.

The lemurians had archaic weaponry, but what little weapons the explorers had been giving for protection from the wild feral beasts that reclaimed Earth were still packed uselessly in the back of the landing ship.

It had been a slaughter, plain and simple. Mahoney didn't recall everything that happened in those moments. A sharp blow to the side of his head, most likely from a launched rock, knocked him out cold. The moments from that battle to him flying high over the canopy were lost forever for him.

He craned his head around and looked down past the pterosaur's long, thick tail. It moved so effortlessly, so gracefully, despite its large size. The creature wasn't too much taller than a normal human, but the wingspan was pretty impressive.

The pterosaur cocked its hind legs out wider, spreading them away from its central mass. The captain braced himself by his straps, readying himself for an in-flight maneuver, but nothing happened. He looked back at the hind legs, then down between them. At first he was confused, but quickly realized what was going on: the pterosaur was relieving itself. While still in flight, the reptile's anus widened, allowing for a brown lumpy cylinder to slowly squeeze by. Once the piece of poop was far enough out of the creature it fell out of view into the rainforest below.

Suddenly the formation curved down, wings screeching in defiance as the group aimed for a patch of forest. Mahoney grabbed onto his straps and hunkered down low on the pterosaur to keep the wind from pulling at him. From just over the top of the reptile's boney head he could make out structures between the overlapping limbs. A village. Their village.

They landed rather gracefully, but soon the pterosaur stood up abruptly and flicked off the leather restraint, causing Mahoney to crash hard to the ground. The lizard turned around, exposing her luscious D-cup tits to the human for the first time. He was a little captivated, but the gravity of the situation snapped he back into reality.

Staring down at him, she said one word, "Up."

The captain was obviously confused, but the lemurians around him were not. In no time at all they surrounded him, grabbing him with their furry fingers and dragging him up a stairway to his right. To fight them would have been in vain: he was too tired and too weak in this gravity. Nonviolent protest was his only weapon, so he made the short lemurians drag him up the ornate wooden staircase.

At the top the captain was amazed by the vast open space allotted in the canopy for this room. Fancy furniture and ornaments did their best to clutter up the place, but a beacon shined in the center of the room. Her appeal and glamour was unquestionable even as she sat with poise and grace in a cushioned chair, naked as the day she was born.

Her fur gleaned in the natural light. It almost seemed as if she lit up the room with her radiance. She tried to be nonchalant about the human entering what was obviously her personal room, but a slight smile betrayed her.

Something shoved him into the room from behind, causing him to stumble forward. He turned around and the pterosaur he had ridden was behind him, following him into the room as the lemurian guards stayed at the entranceway.

"Her, princess," the dinosaur squawked, popping her head in the direction of the furry woman in the center of the room. "You hers."

While the latter part of the words she spoke confused him, he didn't require any more explanation for the first part. She was undoubtedly royalty, now that he thought about it. This whole setup was a royal chambers, through and through, complete with a gluttony of wealth unseen in the village outside. Humans may be gone from this planet, but their traditions of monarchy lived on.

Another prod from the pterosaur urged the human forward. He walked with tentative steps towards the princess; with each step he was unsure if he should continue or pause. When was only a few meters from her, the pterosaur put a hand on his shoulder and gently pressed him down. He knew what was asked of him and kneeled in front of the princess. Only then did the princess acknowledge his presence.

"I see you've been introduced to my pterosaur Menabe," she said with an elegantly smooth voice as rich as butter and as smooth as silk. "I am Princess Toliara, and you, human, are my captive. If you're nice enough to oblige, you'll be my pet. If not, well, then you're nothing to me and I'll leave you to the wilderness."

Well, that explains the pterosaur's-Menabe's-exclamation of "you hers." He was apparently the princess's pet now. At least the lemurians will keep him safe from the wild beasts roaming the Earth.

The princess stood up off her throne, revealing the full beauty of her slender, curvaceous frame to the human. Her large breasts hung high without any extraneous sag. She was fairly tall for a lemurian-albeit short if she was a human-but the aura she gave off made her seem so much taller.

"I've always wanted a pet human, you should know," she said elegantly as she took a series of slow paces. "They had all left before we came to roam the Earth, and the ones that stayed didn't stay alive too long after their idea of civilization crumbled."

Princess Toliara paced behind the captain's back, but he respectfully stayed looking forward as she spoke.

"As far as anyone knows, you're the lone human on Earth," she walked back into his view, "and you're mine."

She stopped in the distance between her throne and her pet, standing tall and straight, saying with authority, but not with any forcefulness, "Take off your false furs."

His pause earned him an annoyed glance by the princess and a tapping nudge by Menabe until he slowly got up from his kneeling position. He fingered the buttons of his shirt, thinking for a couple of seconds before just giving in to his situation.

He quickly unbuttoned and disrobed his shirt, tossing it to the floor where a lemurian guard quickly scooped it up. He yanked his undershirt over his head and handed it to the lemurain before unbuckling his belt. He dropped his pants to the floor and stepped out of them, leaving him standing in front of royalty in nothing but his boxers.

He stopped there, finding himself too uncomfortable to strip any further. He realized is embarrassment was ungrounded, but the ideas of modesty instilled in him for years overcame his desire to fit in with the indigenous population.

The princess gave one of her servants a look that could have well been a silent sigh. The servant quickly grabbed Mahoney's boxers with two paws and pulled them to the ground. The human didn't fight it, and even stepped out of his last bit of clothing without being told. He looked straight at the lemurian princess's eyes and spread his arms slightly to the side, conveying "There you go," without a word.

Before he realized what was going on, servants to either side of him grabbed his wrists with surprisingly firm grips. Thick leather straps were slipped over his hands and tightened around his wrists. As they were locking the leather straps in place, Menabe wrapped a collar made from the same thick leather around his neck, locking it in place with a metal rung. They had all moved in expert fashion, making the ordeal last less than a moment.

The princess gave a flick of her wrist and the servants shuffled out of the royal chambers. Menabe stepped forward to be next to the princess, who flicked her long bushy tail around behind her, obviously pleased.

"You are my pet, now, human," the princess said as she walked to the edge of her chambers, Manabe walking to the other edge. "Nothing more, nothing less. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to take care of you, but if you don't cooperate, then you're nothing."

The princess bent slightly up against a wall. Turning his head he saw the pterosaur was doing the same thing. A trickle started flowing out of both of their naked loins and onto the wall. The fluid snaked ribbons across the surface until it pooled at the floor. The pterosaur spread her legs wider to avoid getting urine on his feet, but the princess let the puddle reach her.

At first Mahoney was confused, but he quickly put it all together: they were marking their territory, and making it clear that, while he was living here now, none of this was his.

They finished and stood up straight. As the ammonia laced musk reached his nostrils, the princess asked, "What do you think of that?"

Not knowing what else to say, the former captain simple bowed slightly and said, "Your Majesty."


It had already been almost a month, and Mahoney was already enjoying his life as a royal pet. Sure, his freedoms had diminished, but it was the life of luxury. At first he had been weary of his place in the lemurians and pterosaur society, but he eventually learned what to expect and what was expected of him. Of course, there still thoughts of rescue swirling in the back of his mind.

Basically, he was royal decoration, another knickknack in the princess's collection of extravagant and rare objects. Aside from being another object of adoration for the princess, he was well taken care of much better than he had on the harsh climes of the moon.

He enjoyed being served the most delectably fresh foods. The exotic meats and vegetables did wonders to build up his strength, giving him the energy to go on long walks around the village center. He would have gone farther into the forest, but he was forbidden to leave the main parts of the village. He hadn't yet figured whether that was to keep him from trying to escape, or to keep the wild beasts roaming the earth from making a quick meal out of him.

The despair at knowing he was the last and lone human on Earth was a dominate trait in those first few days, but the lemurians and pterosaurs that lived in a symbiosis lifestyle in the village did their best to keep him preoccupied and entertained.

He played games-mostly those that did not require strenuous exercise since the gravity was still making it hard for him to move about-and had some fun conversations with the denizens, but there was still parts of this society that confused him.

The lemurians are definitely not the shy type. At first he refused their sexual advances, but eventually accepted them for what they were: a form of entertainment and raw pleasure. The princess had given the go ahead for her servants to give him sexual release, at first in the form of hand jobs but eventually ramping up to sloppy blows.

These weren't encounters done in the semi-private room he had on the ground floor underneath the princess's chambers, either. These sexual releases were mostly done out in public, but no one seemed to take much notice in it. Then again, he noticed lemurians having explicit sex out in the open all the time: lemurians and lemurians, pterosaurs and pterosaurs, and even lemurians paired with their pterosaur mates. Nothing was evidently taboo.

Sex wasn't the only thing that these citizens did often out in public. One time, early on in his capture, Mahoney saw Princess Toliara lift her tail, squat, and defecate right there in the village on the outskirts of a major open area. No one looked twice except the human.

He wondered if this uninhibited nature was due to their nudist tendencies or was the nudity just another exhibit of it. In any case, he was naked alongside them.

One day, about a month or so since his disastrous landing on Earth and subsequent capture, Mahoney was enjoying the rich, humid evening air outside his room as the sun crept down to the thick tree line. He was enjoying the freedom and serenity of lounging naked in a well travel promenade watching the sun go down.

Out of the corner of his eye he sees Princess Toliara and her pterosaur Menabe come down the stairs leading up to the privacy of the royal chambers. Only for the fact that the two moved with purpose did Mahoney pay the two of them any attention. He didn't want to let his intrigue known, so he just kept his attention at the corner of his eye as the two made a beeline straight to him and stopped.

The human slowly-consciously-turned his head to meet the gaze of the princess. She had a determined look in her eye than made him automatically bow his head slightly, despite already lounging on the ground beneath her.

She motioned with a quick paw movement for him to stand up and he did so readily.

The village was full of commotion in the twilight, but everything was silent for Mahoney. He didn't know what was going on. He couldn't think on any reason why the princess should be mad at him: he obeyed all her orders and tried to anticipate any decree she might have for him, he kept out of her way unless she expressed interest in being entertained by him, and he tried his might to blend in with the lemurian society as much as possible. So then why did she stand before him with her tall pterosaur Menabe at her side and a stance that, if human, would be tapping her feet in impatience?

Her arm stretched out from her side and prodded at Menabe. It took to pokes, but the pterosaur eventually took a step toward the human with reservation. He flinched instinctively as the reptile got near him. He didn't know their motive and the worst case scenarios all of a sudden ran through his brain. Was he always destined to be fattened up for a meal? Did the princess grow bored with him and now wanted him dead? Did he offend Her Highness in some way?

As these thoughts still coursed through him, the pterosaur laid her wing tip on his crotch with a surprising gentleness. All of a sudden all the fear drained out of him. This was just another sexual release, and the princess had come to watch.

Menabe seemed shy, almost reluctant, but she began massaging at his limp loins up and down without any more provocation from the princess. He leaned into it and let the physical pleasure wash over him like it had been done throughout the past month.

As be began to get hard, amplifying the radiant sensuality emanating from his dick, the princess spoke to Menabe, "Kneel and present yourself."

Before Mahoney knew what was going on the pterosaur pulled away from him. Very slowly, but incredibly smoothly, the reptile swung her body around and went to all fours, lifting her thick tail high revealing her puckered ass and swollen pussy. Both holes were at perfect height for the human to sidle up against the meaty thighs and slide his hard dick right in. His concentration narrowed, but as he stepped forward he was stopped by the voice of Princess Toliara.

"Go for the upper hole, not the slit below," she said meaningfully. "We wouldn't want anyone pregnant, now would we?"

He nodded; thinking better of himself gave a quick bow and added, "No, ma'am, we wouldn't."

Taking his attention back to the pterosaur he closed the distance and laid his hands on her hips, letting his fingers press into the thick hid to depress the supple flesh below. He wondered if this was considered bestiality. She was a different species from him, yes, but the pterosaurs were an intelligent race. Not as intelligent as the lemurians, but still capable of speech and understanding: traits centuries ago deemed only attainable to humans.

He looked around and noticed the foot traffic out and about in the village. A few glances came his way, but it was more likely they were looking at their beautiful princess and her equally attractive pterosaur. He was a lowly pet who just happened to be about to have sex with one of them.

"What are you waiting for human," the princess said with a twinge of expectation in her voice. "I came to see a show, now perform."

He didn't need to be told twice. His cock was hard and leading him forward. He pressed his crotch up against the backside of Menabe, letting the pressure excite him more. He rubbed his hand on her ass and petted up the tail, letting her warm transfer into him.

He could smell her. The tangy sent of her swollen labia wafted around her, sending tingles of anticipation down his spine.

He couldn't resist the temptation any longer, nor did he want to. Mahoney leaned his hips back, pulling himself off of the pterosaur so he could push himself into her. The tip of his cock dragged on Menabe's backside, leaving a snail-trail of slick precum like an arrow to her tailhole.

He pressed himself gently forward, using his body weight to break the seal on her puckered anus. Once he was in, he slammed himself forward, soliciting a gasp from the pterosaur as his pelvis hit the base of her tail. Exhaling, he dug his fingers into the reptile's hips and shut his eyes.

As he slowly pulled himself out he let the warm pressure surrounding his member. The tantalizing electricity coursing through him made him speed up his pace. The human let his body press closer to the pterosaur, practically leaning over her as he fucked her doggy-style. His arms found their way around to her front; one went for her abundant breasts while the other went lower.

It didn't take much searching for a finger to land on her clit. The feeling of her wetness added to his excitement, eliciting him to hump her harder and faster. As he pressed her pleasure button her whole body tensed and she gave an involuntary shutter that was pure arousal. He let his finger slide farther down her slit, gently rubbing her clit as he did so.

Not knowing if he was allowed to play with Menabe's vag, the human gave the princess a quick glance. A smile crept across his face as he saw Princess Toliara with a paw on her own crotch, slowly rubbing herself up and down at the spectacle of her human pet having his way with her pterosaur.

The princess was a marvelously beautiful creature, he had to admit. She had a rack that human breasts just paled in comparison to; they were large, abundant, yet pert and very complimentary to her frame. Her tail was like a furry backdrop that followed her wherever she went.

He turned his attention back to the pterosaur, who was beautiful in her own right as well. Fit to be royalty. He felt his time coming as the pressure and fluid built up in his balls. His feet dug into the ground as he pressed his hips up against the reptile, trying to go harder and farther into Menabe with each thrust.

When the moment came he slammed his cock as far into her ass as he could. His fingers dug into her breast and slide into her pussy as his muscles tensed at the onslaught of climax. Jizz gushed into her, pulsating uncontrollably as the orgasm came over him.

When his muscles relaxed and the spooge stopped pouring out of him he let himself off of her back, but stayed connected.

"Thank you," he said to the pterosaur. "That was great. I came so hard."

"Was good," she agreed with him.

When he pulled out a wade of jizz came out as well, splashing onto the floor. Menabe cooed and buckled her knees, helping the seed dribble out of her. It didn't stop with just his milky white fluid however; her relaxed anus let her own poop slide out as well. It landed with a thump at the human's feet in a pool of his sperm. The piercing aroma immediately filled the vicinity. He found the brown log, tipped with white at one end, a little odd to be looking at right after coitus, so he returned his attention to Menabe.

The pterosaur seemed rather indifferent to the whole proceedings and stood up right. She went back to be at the princess's side.

"Thank you, human," the lemurian said. "That'll do for now."


Captain Mahoney woke the next morning in his room below the princess's royal chambers to Her Highness standing above him. He briefly wondered if she had woken him with her presence or if she had been standing over him for a long time.

He sat up straight, but the princess stopped him from fully standing up with an upturned paw.

"Smell me," she said simply.

Mahoney didn't budge. Even rolling the question around in his head he was still confused by its meaning. He didn't have to wait long, as the impatient princess grabbed a metal rung in his leather collar pulled him to her. His forehead came to a rest on her soft pelvic triangle, linking his nose and mouth up with her swollen vulva. The sweet musky odor coming from her groin came full force into his face. The smell was off putting at first, but it seemed to have tendril that passed through his nose and mouth to set the seeds of pleasure in his brain. Despite being from two separate species, the smell was arousing.

"This is the first time since having my daughter that I've been in heat," she explained. "I've been with lemurians and pterosaurs, but I have never mated with a human. Last night I wanted to see how well you performed. Needless to say you performed quite well, so I'm inviting you now to the big show, as it were."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Is that an acknowledgement of the offer, or an agreement?"

The human looked down at his crotch and saw his dick was growing with anticipation, "I would love to mate with you, princess."

She let him get up and lead him outside to be among the general populace. Before he could collect himself, the princess once again used his collar to press him up against her. This time, however, he smashed up against her soft and luscious furry breasts. He wrapped his arms around the princess and licked at a nipple.

Her areola tasted milky and sweet, prompting the human to begin suckling at it. The lemurian princess was still lactating from having a child, and the sweet milk made Mahoney voraciously suck and lick at her breast.

All the attention toward her breasts made Princess Toliara squeal with pleasure. Not to be selfish, the human slipped his arm down from her back and groped for her pussy. He dragged his leather cuff along her belly until he reached the warm wet slit.

Her whole body twitched not unpleasantly. She pushed the human back gently. He looked at her smiling face and noticed an almost childlike happiness in her eyes. At this point he also noticed the pterosaur Menabe, as well as a handful of lemurians and pterosaurs, looking on in his direction. Again he corrected himself: they were most likely looking at the beautiful princess, not at the lowly human pet.

The princess turned around and quickly dropped to all fours. She turned her head and gave a slow nod, but all the human was interested in was her swollen red pussy, already gleaming with slick moisture.

He didn't need to be told twice. He closed the distance and without much thought brushed her swishing tail to the side and entered the princess. Inside she was so wet, smooth, and warm; it was almost automatically unbearable.

Wanted more, he leaned his body on top of the lemurian's back, careful to not allow all of his weight to fall on her. His arms found their way around to her breasts, where his groping and pinching drained rivulets of lactation from her. Still fucking her hard, he let a hand slide down her stomach until it reached her clit. He fished his fingers around until they were wet and began massaging at the princess's clit.

Her legs trembled as his hips moved in and out and his hands tantalized her sensitive regions. He was fucking royalty out in public amidst a beautifully humid rainforest, and yet his mind was clear of any distractions.

A driving force in his arousal was the scent of her cunt wafting aromatically around him with every forceful thrust. It danced in his mind, sparking primal urges.

Before he could slow his roll and drag the sex out longer he felt the pressure build exponentially. The swirling in his balls begged to be released and he wasn't in the mindset to tell it no.

He found himself gritting his teeth and gripping Princess Toliara's breast with surprising force. His other hand slipped away from her groin and rested on her lower abs; he used it to pull her closer to him with every ramping thrust.

Savage drool dripped from his mouth to pool serenely into the fur by her shoulder blades. He smelled the fresh scent of her fur as he closed his eyes, blocking out the rest of the universe. All he needed right now was within his reach, surrounding him body, mind, and soul.

He felt the blood rushing away from his head and extremities as his body braced for climax. In once last hurrah he rocked his body as far forward as he could, pushing the princess hard enough to make her almost lose her grip with the ground. He screamed with gritted teeth as he let out a gasping moan. Princess Toliara squealed delightfully as her human pet gushed into her with a thick shot of jizz.

His seed filled her up as he pulled back slightly only to push harder into her as he continued to pulse thickly into her. Each uncontrollable rhythm sobered his mind until the world came rushing back into him.

He looked around and saw Menabe, as well as other villagers, looking on in his direction. He pulled out of the princess and she elegantly stood up. Almost immediately her scent-combined with the scent of his ejaculate-filled his nostrils again. The tendrils of passion were still effective.

"That look fun," Menabe said with a shy longing.

"Oh, it was," the princess said, brushing herself off. She wiped a glob of cum from the side of her vag and stuck the finger in her mouth. "You should try it."

"I'll give her something to try," Mahoney said, creeping closer to the pterosaur.

She didn't back away, but she didn't go to the human, either. When he gets to her he wastes no time and immediately starts biting at her nipples. She cooed lightly. Taking this encouragement, the human started to grind his body up against her hips as his dick started to harden again. Normally he wasn't so quick to begin responding so soon after an orgasm, but the princess's heat was truly magical stuff.

He let his face press up against her succulent bosoms, licking tenderly at the hard nipples. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her tight. He felt his dick rub up against her pussy. It was wet, warm, and inviting. He didn't want to fight his temptation, and since he hadn't been stopped from going this far, the human bent his back, pushed his ass out, then went for the plunge.

As he entered her, the pterosaur leaned her head back half way and sent a riveting gasp into the air. He couldn't have asked for a more pleasing encouragement. With his head still pressed against her breasts, he saw Menabe spread her wings outs to the side. She had a mighty wingspan, which she then used to curl around the human.

Even in his haze he heard the princess say, "That'a girl. Have some fun."

The pterosaur pushed on his ass, thrusting him in farther with every hump. She was so wet the fluid began dripping down the inside of his thigh. She must have been extremely aroused by the site of him and the princess. He knew his own precum was dribbling inside her even as his balls began calling for another release.

He wanted to cum so badly, but he was in the mindset to fight it this time. He gave her breast one long lick, making sure to give her nipple a little nibble.

Menabe cried out again, but this time her pussy contracted around his dick, increasing the pleasure tenfold. He kept at it, licking and biting at her nipples as she screamed in ecstasy. She was climaxing all around him, gushing with warm fluids and tightening her vag.

Her body was practically begging him to orgasm with her and he didn't want to fight it any more. He increased his pace and almost immediately felt the point of no return reach him. He pushed into her and she hugged him tighter.

They both moaned out as he released inside of her, shooting his seed deep inside of her. He came almost as hard as he had with the princess, but the pterosaur's grip around him kept him from thrusting with each pulsating spooge.

Once he was done and the two of them calmed down he was able to pull away from her. The princess came over to her and whispered something softly to her.

Princess Toliara and Menabe walked about the general area, squatting at the outskirts to release a hot stream of odorous piss. He knew what they were doing: the area smell of his jizz, and they had to make sure that they marked the area to let everyone know it was theirs and not his. He watched with curiosity as the two of them dribbled streams of yellow urine about the area, leaving wet puddles to claim their territory.


Three months had passed since he was invited to have sex with the princess and her pterosaur. Something had happened that day that made him feel so much more content with his role in the lemurian and pterosaur society. The thoughts of rescue that were deeply seeded in his mind were no longer there, which surprised him. He no longer considered himself a stranger in a strange land.

He was outside in the common area, Menabe at his left, and the princess on the other side of her. Both were supporting nice round bellies. Mahoney figured that the gestation period for lemurians and pterosaurs was rather short, especially considering the princess's belly had dropped recently, indicating she was ready to give birth.

He was proud to soon be a father and was eager to see what his children would look like. However, he was going to miss the voracious sexual appetite of the pregnant women.