A Gryphon's Heart

Story by DekaFox on SoFurry

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A friend's comment got some gears turning, and though the original idea didn't make it in, I'm fairly happy with what came out. Anyways, hope you all enjoy!

"Life ordinary? Boring? Try NuLife Systems today, and we'll guarantee you'll never look at yourself the same! In fact-"

With a click, I turned off the smiling face of the announcer and tossed the remote on the couch. Originally the whole thing had started with a breakthrough in trying to help paraplegics to walk again. Then an entertainment company had gotten ahold of the technology and meshed it with an online world. It had been a huge hit, and now advertising for it was everywhere I turned. With how expensive it was, I'd figured I'd never even get to try it out. At least, I had until the box came in the mail today from my boyfriend.

We'd met face-to-face a few times, but mostly we kept in touch online, which was how we had met. I had never had much of a taste for nightclubs or bars, so most of my socializing was in the wide world of the internet. Despite the stereo types, I do happen to think I clean up real well. Average build; just enough of a tummy to avoid looking like the typical starved models that seem to be coming back into fashion; fair skin that matched fairly well with my dark red hair and green eyes; and B-cup breasts that could still draw mens' eyes with the right outfit. It wasn't our looks that had drawn us together however, but personality.

We'd been planning on trying to move in together for a while, but because of his job he was still stuck halfway across the country for another six months. It paid well however, as the big box sitting in my bedroom near my computer table could attest to.

Speaking of which, now seemed as good a time as any to go open it up. Grabbing a knife from the table, I headed back to my room and made short work of the packing tape sealing it shut. After carefully setting the blade on the dresser, I reached in, lifting out a strange purple helmet which was held between two pieces of styrofoam. Tossing the foam aside, I set it gently on the bed, then returned to the box. Underneath it was the body suit that kept the user from trying to walk off while he was walking in game, and- unf- it was heavier than I'd expected.

Once I'd dragged it out, it unfolded rather neatly into a pinkish-purple suit with red stripes running all along it. It definitely wouldn't win any fashion awards, but it wasn't like anyone else would see me wearing it.

A little further rummaging through the packaging turned up the power cord, and shortly after, I was sitting in front of the computer, the powered-up suit warm against my bare skin. To keep from sweating all over the thing I'd gone with their recommendation to just wear underwear, and honestly, it hadn't been as uncomfortable as I'd been afraid it would be.

A few clicks of the mouse, and my monitor was flashing "Waiting for connection..." at me. Reaching for the helmet, I slipped it carefully over my head, a peculiar tingling sensation running over my head and down my spine as it settled into place, leaving me in darkness. Tapping the power button on the side, I lowered my hand to the armrest and waited for the connection process to finish. Was he already in there, I wondered, and if he was, how would I recognize him...


I blinked a moment in the darkness. The voice of the computer didn't seem to be coming from my speakers, but... in my head?


Mind scan? Now hold on a flipping minute! What the heck was this doing? I tried to reach for the controls, but my arm didn't seem to want to move at all, no matter how hard I tried.


Appropriate form selected? What does-

My thoughts vanished in a whirl of confusion as sudden light flooded my eyes. Blinking away the sudden change in brightness, I found myself staring at an open clearing with a few scattered statues, and a forest in the distance. My body felt different as well, though I couldn't quite put a finger on it, other than I seemed a bit lower to the ground than I expected.

I felt my ears perk as I heard the beating of large wings, and looked up to see what looked to be a gold dragon circling the clearing. I- wait, my ears perked?

Suddenly, I realized I was feeling cool ground under both my hands and feet, but I didn't feel like I was kneeling. Slowly, I lifted a hand in front of my face, balancing on three limbs, noting with growing surprise that I was feeling another limb behind me adjusting to help me balance, almost like a tail.

My eyes widened, ears folding back a bit as instead of an arm, I saw a scaled foreleg, almost like a bird's in shape, with black talons on the fingers, er toes now I guess. Looking around quickly, I spotted what appeared to be a lake and ran towards it. I was starting to feel a bit numb with all these changes as I realized I was running on all fours, talons and claws digging into the dirt as I bounded over to the water.

Uncertainly, I leaned over to look at my reflection. What looked back at me wasn't what I had expected. Rather than a human face, what was looking back was the head of a gryphon, and not just a standard, run-of-the-mill gryphon. Despite all that, it still felt somehow familiar.

The head itself was slightly different from the typical image one conjures up; more of a falcon than an eagle, I guess you could say. Blue feathers covered most of what I could see, framing surprised-looking golden eyes over a black-colored beak. A pair of furred feline ears the same blue as the feathers rose out of the top of the head as well, swiveling slightly as I felt my ears move to catch the sounds around me better.

I walked forward a bit, turning so I was lengthwise along the edge of the water, to look at the rest of me. More blue feathers continued down over the first third of my body, going halfway down my forelegs before giving way to the dark scaled forelegs I'd already seen.

Large wings were folded against my side, more dark blue feathers giving way first to a lighter blue, then finally to long white feathers on the ends. Curiously, I raised one without any more effort than lifting an arm, though I'd never had this many limbs before, and watched my reflection do the same. Adding that oddity to the rest, I saw that the feathers on my chest gave way to white fur that continued down over the rest of my body to powerful, feline legs and a long tufted tail.

"Is that who I think it is?" I heard in a VERY familiar voice. Carefully, I turned around, and found myself beak-to-snout with the golden dragon I'd seen a few minutes ago. The head was a typical Western dragon style, with a long reptilian muzzle, two horns that arced back from his skull, and fins where ears would be on other creatures. Slitted eyes like molten gold glinted with amusement as he watched me.

A row of spines, joined by more webbed fins, started at the top of his skull, continuing down along his back and on to his tail, tipped in a spade. The dark golden scales covering most of his body shimmered in the sun as he folded large golden wings against his side, while lighter-colored bellyscales started just under his jaw, continuing down what I saw of his underside.

The voice gave it away, but honestly, looking at him practically shouted who he was to me. Though the features were slightly different, I'd seen plenty of the commissions he'd gotten in the past.

"Jacob? is that... you?"

"Sara! You made it!" I found myself surrounded by huge sail-like golden wings as he rubbed his scaled cheek against my feathered one. "I'd gotten the delivery confirmation, but I wasn't sure how soon you'd try it out, or what starter area you'd end up in."

I returned the nuzzle, letting out a soft purr without any thought. "Thank you for the gift, love, though I didn't quite expect to end up like this on login."

A deep throaty chuckle rumbled from my boyfriend's draconic maw as he drew back again to get a good look at me. "Tell me about it. When I first logged in, I'd been expecting to have to customize my in-game form.. I never expected it to pluck this one right out of my mind."

Lifting a forepaw, I looked at the dark-scaled foreleg again. "Is that was the scan was about?"

Jacob nodded, sitting back on his haunches and curling his spaded tail around his legs. "On first log-in, it scans the user's mind to find the form most appropriate for them. I don't know what criteria it uses, but I've yet to meet anyone that's been dissatisfied with the selection."

I nodded a bit, realizing that though I was still somewhat surprised by the change, I didn't find the idea of walking around as a blue-feathered, white-furred gryph a bad one at all. "And there's some sort of movement translation going on, I'm guessing?" I raised a forepaw, spreading my wings for emphasis. "Cause I certainly wouldn't know how to handle all these limbs on my own!"

Jacob nodded again, reaching up to scratch carefully behind one silver horn with his claws. "Human brains are more flexible than people used to think, and certain types of brains can handle this stuff more naturally. Like yours, and mine, apparently."

Folding my wings against my side again, I glanced around, digging my foretalons into the dirt. "It all seems so real... I can feel the dirt under me, and that gentle breeze that blew past. Everything looks solid, and I can..." I paused a second as I took a sniff, "smell something interesting?"

He grinned. "Probably me. Like you said, it all feels real, and well, I got a little curious about what it'd be like to... er.. ahem... as a dragon."

I tilted my head at him, taking another good whiff as I found a few... interesting... images entering my mind. They might not have done anything for me before now, but as a gryphon, they were starting to make me feel a little... randy, I guess is the best way to put it. It didn't help either that this dragon was the guy I was planning to spend my life with. "Oh, really..." I said, licking my black beak, "so you really can feel everything in this?"

Seeming to catch my drift, he glanced around quickly. "Yeah, you could say that, though if we're going to... er, 'talk' about it, we might want to find someplace a bit more private, before another new user logs in."

Beak-grinning, I spread my wings, tilting my head towards the distant trees. Though I hadn't tried flying yet, I had a feeling that I'd have no problem doing it. "Meet you over in that forest?"

"You're on," he said with a close-lipped smile, rising to all fours again and taking to the air with strong beats of those golden-scaled wings. I waited a moment, watching his muscles flexing under his shiny scales, before gracefully wheeling around to head off towards that forest. Beating my blue-feathered wings a bit more vigorously than he had, I rose up as well, then with a flick of my tail angled around to chase after my golden dragon.

I'd never felt as free as I did now, with the cool air rushing over my feathers and fur, nothing but sky above, below, and around me. On a whim, I folded my wings against my side and dove at the ground. I heard a rawr of alarm from above, but I knew what I was doing and moments before reaching the ground, I spread my wings wide. As I caught the wind again, I skimmed over the grass, talons and claws brushing through it as I dove back up with a trilling call of happiness.

Flying back up, I tossed Jacob another beak-grin, while he just shook his draconic head a little, laughing while beating his wings to keep in place. "It definitely chose the right form for you, love. You're a natural at this."

Stiffening my wings, I playfully waggled them a second at him as we resumed gliding, traveling over tree after tree, eyes turning to the ground rushing past us as... there!

Neither of us needed to say anything, as we banked left and right at the exact same time. Jacob landed first with strong wingbeats that threw up a small cloud of dust, while I glided into a running walk, the last few steps placing me right at the edge of the clearing we'd found.

"So," I said as I circled around to my draconic boyfriend's spot, folding my wings against my sides. "Where were we?"

Jacob let out a deep rumbling chuckle as he lowered his head to give my beak a lick. "We were discussing about how real everything feels. And yes, that includes 'that.'"

I parted my black beak to lick back at that long draconic tongue, ears perking forward as I idly let my tail swish from side to side. "Mmm.. that sounds like it deserves further experimentation."

"You'll hear no argument from me," he said with a murring sound that seemed to be the draconic equivalent of a purr. Pulling away from the tongue-licking slightly, he gave my ear a gentle nip. "Just remember you may want to clean the suit afterwards."

"Speaking from experience?" I said with a purring chuckle as I flicked that ear, my gaze running along his underside. I furrowed my brow slightly, an ear angling off to the side as I didn't see what I was looking for. "Alright, how'd you hide it?"

That got another laugh from my dragon. "Dragons aren't built quite like humans. Having my manhood dangling in the wind while flying around would be pretty unpleasant so we have a sheath of sorts inside to hide it in."

"But then how- ooo..." I cut myself off as I saw a split in his bellyplates open and thick dragonmeat start to slide out, and I couldn't help but lick my beakedges as I watched more and more pink dragonflesh drop out to hang under him.

"We just have to 'force it out' when we want to uuuooooohhhh...." Not caring to listen too much to the explanation with that big dragon cock hanging in front of me, I darted forward under him and began to lap at the warm flesh, distracting Jacob from whatever he had been about to say. "Mmm... that feels nice," he murred, and I could feel his shaft heating up and stiffening against my warm, wet tongue, thickening a bit more and rising up as it throbbed with his heartbeats.

"You taste delicious, love," I purred as I ran my tongue along the thick length of his shaft, noting with a little surprise that they really had gone all-out in designing this thing. Rather than human-shaped like a lot would have expected, it also matched certain.. ahem.. pictures that he'd comissioned. The head rather than bulbous, came to a point, while the underside was ridged. Idly, I wondered if it also had the knot that he'd had in the same pictures, and I felt warmth flooding my rear hips at the thought.

"You- oohhh... smell pretty good.. mmmm... yourself, hon," he murred as I teased my tonguetip over the pointed head, lapping at the slit on it just a tiny bit. I cocked my head mid-lick, taking another sniff. There was a new scent in the air, besides the thickening dragon musk, and with how I could feel my netherlips starting to pout just a bit under my tail, it had to be from me. I wiggled my rear hips just a little as I opened my beak wide, taking that thick, meaty shaft into my mouth and running my tongue over each and every ridge.

"Mmmm... careful with that beak..." my golden dragon murred as he felt my warm and wet mouth surround his sensitive flesh, but I'd noticed with all our talking that my beak wasn't hard like real birds, but more flexible, like lips almost. Carefully, I closed it around that thick meaty dragoncock, giving it a few warm suckles that made him lash his tail and murrroan softly into the afternoon sky. Grinning around the heated dragonflesh, I began to softly bob my head along the throbbing length, sucking gently at it like a popsicle as I slowly felt myself start to grow wetter at the thought of this wonderful cock filling me.

"Nnngg... damn, that feels... mmmmm..." My ears swiveled at the pleased sounds of my dragon boy, already breathing heavier from my gentle teasing. A small part of me wished that he had balls I could play with too, but I suppose with my talons that might not be the best of ideas anyways. When I felt the first drops of his salty pre hit my tongue though, I reluctantly pulled off. I had plans for that load of his and I didn't want him going off too early. The few times we'd done it in RL, we'd used a condom to avoid getting me pregnant, and this time I wanted to feel that hot seed of his splashing inside me.

As I slid off that massive shaft, leaving my draconic lover panting, I couldn't help staring at the dangling dragoncock. It was bigger than I'd realized, and I couldn't help a slight shiver as I wondered if it'd all fit my my heated gryphon body. "Well," I said with a rumbling purr as I eyed that throbbing meat, "I'd say that definitely felt real." Flashing a beak-grin again, I turned myself around, lowering my front as I stretched out my scaled forelegs and hiked my rear to let him see my glistening netherlips, framed by soft white fur. "Now leeEEEEEEOOooohhmmmmmm...."

My sentence and train of thought was cut off as his snout dove under my tail like a fat kid after a storeful of candy. His tongue darted out, giving long, slow licks over my heated cuntlips that made me shiver and purr deeply, pressing my gryphonrump back against his muzzle as my tail curled around his long draconic neck. "Turnabout is fair play," he rumbled out, before nudging his muscular dragontongue between my slickened netherlips and into my heated gryphoncunny, a drop of my honey slipping out and rolling down over the fur of my rear.

All I could do was pant and murroan as that long flexible tongue of his slid deep into my heated body and began to lap and tease all over my tight inner walls. Instinctively I tried to squeeze down on that exploring dragontongue, but it still wasn't as thick as that drooling cock hanging under his belly, and it seemed to just inspire him to tease even more. I let my own tongue hang out of my beak as I purred my pleasure, my passage quivering around that warm tongue and teasing tonguetip as he lapped deep inside my heated body.

As more of my slick gryphonjuice began to flow, he pulled back just a bit to lap at my pouting entrance, drinking up my sweet honey and making me shiver as the feelings washed across my body. "Ahhhh... that tongue... mmmm... of yours is... ooohhh...." I moaned out as I pushed back against his licks, dribbles of my juice still leaking out and matting my fur.

After a few more licks and laps, Jacob pulled back, my tail sliding off his neck as he licked his snout like he'd just eaten a delicious meal. "I'd say that felt real, and tasted great," he said with a wink, and I giggled a little through my purrs.

"You bet that wonderful cock of yours it did," I said as I looked back at him, and wiggled my rear hips, keeping my tail hiked to show off my dripping gryphonsnatch. "Now when are you gonna fill me with it?"

"How about right now?" he said with a draconic smirk as he climbed over top of me, bringing that pointed head to press gently against my glistening cuntlips while his forelegs rested on either side of me. I could feel his weight shift above me as he slowly slid that large monster of a cock between aching cuntlips and into my tight, hot gryphoncunt, forcing a warm, purrring moan from my throat as I felt my inner walls stretch to accommodate that thick flesh.

"God, that... feels so... biiig....." I panted out as I gave that thick draconic shaft a welcoming squeeze that made my dragon moan softly. I clawed at the ground a bit as I felt every inch spreading me so wide, the throbbing hot dragonflesh rubbing so nicely against every bit of my passage, and I instinctively spread my wings under him as I took every bit of him into me.

"You've.. got all of me," my draconic love panted as he stopped moving, letting me adjust to the feel of being filled with so much fat cocklength. "D-damn, you're tight.... don't know... how long I'll be able to last..."

I turned my head to look back at my gold dragon, curling my tail around the base of his. "Then fuck me," I purrred, giving that thick cock filling me another squeeze on the word 'fuck' for emphasis. Honestly, between his gifted tongue a few moments ago and the way his thick cock was stretching me, I didn't think I'd be able to last too long either.

"Yes ma'am," he said with a grin, and a moment later I felt one of his rear paws press against my flank, and he started to withdraw with a wet schlup. The feeling of that heated flesh sliding along my heated passage drew another warm purrring moan from me, and I could only imagine how it looked to see those widespread netherlips gliding along that thick piece of hot dragonmeat stretching me so wide.

About halfway out he reversed the motion, plunging that drooling dragoncock back into my dripping gryphoncunny, and I found my head tilting back as the pleasure of that large piece of dragonmeat filling me washed across my body. "Doo-ooon't stooop," I pant-purred as he started to withdraw again, "Pound me niiiiiice.. and haaaaarrd...."

It was nothing like I'd ever felt as he started to quicken those slow strokes of that massive shaft, that drooling draconic dick filling me with each deep thrust into my needy body, and I found myself rocking back to quicken the motions of that pumping cock within me. Hopefully we'd gone far enough away no one would catch us, but I found I didn't care as we panted and murrroaned our pleasure into the sky above. All I wanted and all I needed was my strong dragon above me plowing my hot, hungry body with that wonderfully huge dragoncock of his, my tight passage quivering around his heated flesh.

There was something more there, and my eyes opened wide as I felt a even thicker knob of flesh starting to press between my already stretched netherlips. "G-god... Jacob, is thaaaAAAaat..."

He'd spread his wings as well, his muzzle hanging open as he pounded away at my raised rump, one rear paw on the ground while the other held my flank in place as he thrust quickly into my grasping gryphoncunt. "Y-yess... haaaa... I can tie if-"

"DoooOOOooo iiit..." I moaned out as I felt that knot press against my drooling entrance, my juices completely matting my bellyfur and dripping onto the ground. "Tie meeee... and fill me with cummmmmrrrrrr...."

Licking his lips, he mashed his rear hips firmly against mine, and with a wet pop, I felt that knot slide in and trap that massive shaft inside me, stretching my tight gryphoncunny to the limit as my netherlips gaped around the swelling knob of hot dragonflesh. "Fuuuuck..." I moaned out as I ground up against him, every bit of me aching to be filled with rich dragoncream. "Fillll meee.... give me yourrrrr cummmmrrrrr...."

"G-god, Sara..." he murred heatedly as he gave little thrusts that sent growing waves of pleasure through me. "I.. I think I'm... gonna-" and his words became a roar as he slammed his hips fully against my hiked rear, pushing my front down firmly against the ground as I felt that glorious eruption inside my grasping, squeezing gryphoncunt.

"YEEEEESSSSSSS!!!" I roared out as I felt the hot jets of his rich seed spray so powerfully into me, the feeling of his sticky dragoncream flooding me setting me off as well. I cried my rapture into the blue sky above as my hungry gryphoncunny milked and grasped at that pulsing dragonmeat, milking it for every drop of his pearly cum as he flooded my womb with so much thick dragonseed.

As the flow of his hot cream slowed, he half-collapsed against me, barely remaining standing above me while I felt the intensity of the waves of my own climax beginning to fade. Lowering my head to the ground, contented purrs rumbled through me while my dragon rested above and within me, and I felt a tired smile make it's way to my beak as he lowered his golden snout to nuzzle gently at my cheek.

I turned my head to give his muzzle a gentle lap in return. "That was... intense..." I purred as I felt that wonderful warmth he'd flooded me with, trapped within me by his swollen knot. "It definitely feels real."

He chuckled as he nuzzled through my blue feathers, folding his wings down around us to hide us from any prying eyes attracted by the sounds we'd been making. "It'll be almost a shame to go back to our normal selves, after this."

I let out a soft sigh as I recalled that it was all still nothing but a simulation, however good it felt. "Let's consider it a challenge," I said, forcing myself to perk up. "Next time we can meet up, let's try to make it as good in the real world as this was... though I get the feeling we're gonna be doing this more often," I finished with a wink and beakgrin.

"Sounds like fun," Jacob said, returning the grin in a draconic fashion. "Though we should probably hop back off and clean our suits before I show you around any further. To log off, just think whatever command you had set as the logoff command in the program. That's the reason they ask you to set it to something unusual, so that you don't accidentally activate it with a stray thought."

I pouted, or at least I pouted as much as I could with my beak, letting my tail droop and ears fold back just a tad. "Can't we just stay like this a while longer?"

"I suppose," he said in a tone of voice that let me know he didn't feel like leaving either. "I'm not sure what it would feel like anyways if I logged off while still tied with you." on the last bit of the sentence he shifted his hips a little, making us both gasp a bit as the slowly shrinking knob tugged on my stretched netherlips.

Once that little shock was past, I tilted my head back to lick at the underside of his snout, a gentle purr rumbling in my chest. "Sounds like a reason to wait. And besides, I like having you in me."

It felt like it took forever, but at the same it was almost too soon when I felt his softening dragonhood finally slip free of my well-used passage, a few globs of our mixed cum following it. I shivered slightly with how empty I felt now, but I slid out from under my draconic boyfriend and rose up on my hind legs to give him a hug with scaled forelimbs and wings. "I'll talk with you in a bit, love," I murmured as he returned the hug with golden-scaled wings and tail.

"Likewise," he rumbled. As I backed away afterwards, he seemed to look off past me into the distance, and vanished without a sound, just leaving the matted grass where we'd had our 'fun.' Welp, time for me to do the same.

Closing my eyes, I recalled the sequence I'd put in as a joke. I didn't know where it'd come from, other than it originated with some game from before I was born, but everyone knew it regardless. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, the letter B, and the letter A.


Status save? Does that mean that when I log back in, I'll still have cum-matted fur? I might have to go take a dip in a lake when I log back in, then.


I felt a moment of disorientation as I flew from a four-legged blue-feathered and white-furred gryphon body back to my ordinary human self. For a few moments everything felt weird; I tried to move limbs that weren't there, but the rigid suit held me in my computer chair and kept me from hurting myself. Gradually, my brain began to readjust as the suit began to soften, and I could feel my normal human arms and legs again, with the usual five fingers and five toes. Tentatively I reached up to remove the helmet, my human body feeling like an ill-fitting suit after the experience of the past... however long it was.

As I lifted the helmet off, I finally noticed how sticky my crotch felt within the suit. Quickly, I unzipped the plasticy fabric and saw that I'd completely soaked through my panties with my juices when I came. At least I wasn't a guy, cause I'd hate to imagine how big a mess Jacob had made inside his suit during our 'play.'

I licked my lips a little at that thought, and was surprised at how unnatural it felt to not see my beak sticking out from my face. Going back and forth was going to take some getting used to, I could see, and... holy heck, I'd been in there an hour and a half?

Sliding out of the body suit, I stood on unsteady legs, and using the walls to keep from falling over, made my way towards the bathroom. By the time I got there I'd recovered my balance, and was starting to feel like my old self again, rather than my gryphon self crammed into a human body.

Shaking my head a moment to clear any lingering mental cobwebs, I turned on the water and let it warm up while slipping out of my bra and my ruined panties. I looked at the latter garment a moment and sighed, before tossing both in the laundry basket. Looks like I'll have to keep an extra pair or three around just for NuLife, I thought as I checked the water, then stepped in to wash off the sweat and the mess I'd made of my nethers.

Though I couldn't help wondering about it all, as I let the water sluice over my skin. Jacob had said the system picks the form most appropriate to the user when they log in. Rather than anything human however, I'd become a gryphon, and it'd felt completely natural.

So, was I a human who'd pretended to be a gryphon, or was I actually a gryphon who was pretending to be human?