May I have This Dance

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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May I have this dance?

By Apollo Wolf

The following story contains clichés, typos, and bad grammar. Not to mention transformations, yiff, sex between two guys and all that good stuff. So if any of that bothers you I suggest you read no further. For those of you who enjoy, tolerate, or are of legal viewing age to do so... read on.

Lance was in a dazed state of shock. The dress rehearsal was in less than thirty minutes and his duffle bag with all of his clothes had been stolen. His best friend Cole was probably near panic though seeing as he was in the same position with the addition of it being his car that was broken into. They had only parked outside the restaurant for a couple of minutes, long enough to order and get their meal to go, but that's all it took. When they returned, the rear passenger window was shattered and Cole's stereo and GPS were torn out and both of their bags gone. Of course the crooks would be rather disappointed when they open the bags and all they get for their trouble is a couple of changes of clothes, a few pairs of ballet slippers and some tights.

"Son of bitch!" Cole exclaimed as he slammed both of his fists against the windshield. A little harder and he might have ended up with another broken window.

"Shit bro, sorry about your car." Lance tried to calm him down.

"Fuck the car! What the hell are we going to do for wardrobe today?"

Leave it to Cole to be more concerned about his dance career than his personal property Lance thought. While Lance committed himself to endless hours of practice, workouts, and auditions for the fun of it and to support his best friend, Cole was in it for the long haul and he had the talent to back it up. A clumsy and awkward child, Lance's parents had signed him up for dance lessons to improve his agility and confidence back in fifth grade. He begrudgingly tolerated it at the start since at the time he didn't have too many friends to worry about being embarrassed in front of. He discovered he had some aptitude for it though and actually started to enjoy it. But then came puberty and the joys that came with it, both physically and socially. In fact he would have dropped it all together before entering high school if he hadn't met Cole in the eighth grade. The two quickly became inseparable and through a combination of friendship and competition spurred each other on to become two of the better dancers in the small art school they attended three times a week.

Now in their second year of junior college Lance and Cole were still the best of friends, mostly because they had so much in common. Both were a little short at just under 5'9" with the build that went along with being dancers. Lean and trim neither would tip the scales over 140 soaking wet though they worked out regularly and had excellent muscle definition as a result. Cole had shoulder length jet black hair and a dark complexion in stark contrast to his light blue eyes while Lance was fair skinned with strawberry blond hair that was cut short and glinting hazel eyes. They shared not only a love for dance but, as they found out early in high school, a love for other guys. They never really had to come out to one another, they both just kinda knew what the score was. While the attraction was always there just beneath the surface, neither felt the need to take the friendship into that territory. Instead they went to the bars together, double dated, and generally just had a great time together.

"So should we call the cops or something?"

"No way, that'd take forever; we need to get back to the theater right now especially if we're going to find some new clothes."

"How are we going to do that?"

"We'll just have to ask around, there has to be another guy or two we can bum some stuff off of."

"I don't know. There didn't seem to be that many guys when we checked in earlier."

Cole just grunted as they hopped in the car, leaving tiny bits of glass spraying across the parking lot as they pealed out a little faster than was necessary.

Sadly Lance was right and there weren't that many other guys around when they got to the theater, and the ones they did find were way too young and way too small. Time was running out as the clock edged closer to the rehearsal. Finally they came across a group of guys their age and, despite a few muttered comments and silent chuckles, Lance and Cole's humble begging paid off. Well, sort of. All they could come up with were two pairs of slippers that would fit reasonably well and a couple of dance belts (blessedly clean). Unfortunately, none of their fellow dancers possessed or even thought to bring along extra costumes.

Eventually they found themselves backstage sitting behind curtain in their borrowed clothes and their sweats. The laughs and snickers they had heard while they warmed up were annoying enough but the reaction of the director when they went on in the next act was probably going to be even less amusing. Lance was pretty calm about the whole situation but Cole was feeling rather distraught. This show could be the stepping stone to much larger productions and this was not a good start. Figuring he would give his friend a little space to calm down, Lance got up to fetch a couple of sodas.

After poking around a bit Lance managed to find an empty dressing room with a fully stocked fridge. He grabbed two cans of diet soda and was about to leave when something stopped him. In the corner of the room, on a small overstuffed leather chair, some brightly colored fabric caught his eye. Moving in for a closer look he could see that they were two neatly folded spandex unitards. One a deep scarlet red and the other a light powder blue, they were a perfect match for the colors he and Cole needed for tonight's performance. He picked up the blue one and turned it over in his hands. It seemed like a nicely assembled garment, the lycra was a nice heavy weight. He couldn't find a tag for the size so he just held it up against his body and it looked like it should fit.

He was about to strip down and pull on the costume when he heard voices out in the hallway and getting closer. Now Lance wasn't usually the deviant type but he knew how happy a set of unitards would make Cole, so in a split second he grabbed the other one and dove behind a nearby dressing screen. He pulled the screen closer, sandwiching himself between it and the wall, mere moments before two guys entered the room already in the middle of an argument.

"Ok, so where are they?"

"Damn it Unger! I told you I left the prototypes sitting right here."

"Well obviously they aren't here any more, Frank. Why would you leave those just sitting around? They haven't even been tested yet!"

"What's the big deal; they're just a couple of stupid ballet leotards. Right? I mean they can make more."

"Wait one fucking minute! I know you're new to Gene-Pool but this isn't your first assignment is it?"

"Well, kinda, yeah. I fly to the London office next week for the training course but the recruiter told me to report to you first. Said you needed an assistant for a couple of days."

"Christ I don't know why they keep sending me these goddamn rookies. Didn't you even watch any of the orientation videos?"

"Not yet, why?"

"Never mind that now, we need to find those tights. Come on we better look for them. If we loose them, those pricks at R&D will nail both our asses to the wall."

Peering around the screen Lance stole a glimpse of the two guys. One was obviously older , through as trim and fit as his companion, he was balding and what remained of his hair was streaked with grey. The younger one looked to be no older than Lance was, his frosted blond hair gelled up into spikes. Both guys wore similar khakis and red polo shirts with some kind of logo over the breast pocket.

Lance remained hidden as the two guys tossed the cushions on the chair and sofa before leaving the room. He waited a few extra minutes before he crept out of his hiding spot. Tiptoeing softly out to the hall he spotted the two guys as they went into another dressing room. Lance quickly ran down the hall in the opposite direction swiftly ducking around corners until he made it backstage to find Cole pacing behind the curtain with a look that said the next person to cross him would quickly find a ballet slipper lodged in their teeth.

"Where in the hell have you been? We go on in five!" he growled when he spotted Lance.

"Relax will ya, I've got a surprise for you." Lance responded grinning wide.

"We don't have time for this. Will you get over here and help me stretch. I swear, if it-" The last bit of his comment was muffled as a ball of red spandex hit him in the face.

"What the...? Holy shit, where did, how could...?" he stuttered as his eyes bulged in shock and surprise.

He panted and gasped as he stretched out the garment in his hands, running his fingers through the soft slippery material. The storm clouds that had hovered over his mood since the break-in instantly dissolved and Cole was smiling ear to ear as he looked up and saw Lance holding up an identical blue outfit.

"I'll tell you later. Let's just get changed quickly, we only have another minute or two."

Cole didn't have to be told twice. Soon both of their sweats were flying through the air as they tossed them aside. Fortunately they were the only ones on their side of the stage and the other two dancers off stage left were not paying any attention. Lance sat down first as he untied his shoes and slipped them off. He pointed his toes and slid his feet into the legs of the leotard. Cole gave him a hand as he smoothed out the shiny fabric with his hands as they pulled it up and along his thighs. He stood up and adjusted his crotch and the dance belt covering it, the thong riding deeper into his ass as he checked to make sure everything looked right beneath the spandex. The shimmering blue material sparkled in the stage lights as he covered his torso. His hands dove through the shoulder straps as he brought the rest of the material up to cover his chest and stomach. Together they got his shoes back on and laced before swapping places to get Cole dressed.

Glistening red lycra soon encased Cole's legs as he pulled the unitard on. Lance helped make sure the seams and lines were right, his fingers massaging the costume into place. They soon ran into a problem though. The red leotard must have been an additional size smaller because Cole was having trouble pulling it up over his dance thong. He tugged at it several times before out of frustration and maybe a bit of desperation peeled the spandex back down his legs and then removed the thong altogether. He stood back up as straight and as tall as he could, trying to stretch himself out as Lance pulled the singlet back up along his body. With a quick tug and a few extra adjustments Cole was fully dressed, though his bulge was quite a bit more noticeably male without the aid of a dance belt like Lance's.

Lance started to notice the tightness of his own suit as he stood up and looked himself over, especially the growing tightness in his crotch. That wasn't completely uncommon for him, in fact much of the reason he continued to dance was the use of the outfits they wore. It was always a bit of a turn on for him and this leotard seemed better suited to him than most. It moved with him with ease, cradling and hugging his body while not constricting in the least. He ran his hands across his taught lean muscles, enjoying the slippery feeling of the spandex.

"Wait a minute... you've got a problem." Cole's voice whispered, snapping Lance out of his almost hypnotic trance.

"What is it?" What's wrong?"

"There's a hole in your leotard, here just above your butt." Cole poked him, just about waist high, maybe an inch above his ass crack.

"Is it a tear?" Lance asked as he reached his hand back. Sure enough there was a small hole that his middle and index finger just barely fit through.

"No it doesn't look like it. More like it's sewn into the fabric. It's only about the size of a quarter, but it will definitely be visible."

"Hey there's one in yours too!" Lance exclaimed as he looked over at Cole's perfectly rounded ass. The red spandex stretched tight over the globe of his but and there just above it was another small hole. Lance probed it with his finger and found that the hole was snug against Cole's skin, the thick lycra strapping his fingers against the smooth surface of his back as he wiggled them around.

"Shit, I forgot about the silk belts, we're supposed to have them on too. Quick, grab one and tie it around your waist, that aught to cover up the holes."

The four foot long lengths of silk were piled in a basket in the corner. They each grabbed one of a matching color and knotted them around their hips. Cole even took the time to arrange his cock so that it pointed up and was covered as well. Not a moment too soon as the crescendo of the music gave them their cue.

Lance and Cole leapt onto the stage, quickly settling into the routine they had spent so many hours practicing. They hit all their marks as their bodies twisted and turned in time with the music. Cole found his leaps were coming off better than usual and even Lance had noticed that his own movements were much more fluid. After several minutes the act ended and they retreated backstage to await their next scene.

Cole found a towel and started to dab away the sweat that was dripping down his face. As they usually did, the director had all of the stage lights on for dress rehearsal and as a result being on stage was like noon on the Sahara. All in all though, he couldn't say that he was that uncomfortable. The initial tight feeling of the small leotard had given way to a comfortable snugness and the and now damp spandex fabric was wicking away the sweat much better than the ones he usually wore. In fact he was feeling so good he only then realized the way his cock had become semi rigid and was now pressing back against the lycra and the silk belt tying him down.

Lance was not so slow to notice however. He had felt his own prick stiffening even before they had gone out on stage. The movements of the leotard against his skin only heightened his arousal. It's just that his dance belt was doing a much better job of concealing his current state. When he spotted Cole's growing erection mid-way through the scene it nearly caused him to trip on three separate occasions. Even though he was just as warm and sweaty, he walked right up to stand behind and slightly to the side of his friend, close enough that the occasional touch of their spandex covered bodies sent shivers down his spine. He massaged Cole's shoulders a bit and even helped pull his long black hair back into the pony tail that had come slightly undone. He slowly let his leg slide against the backside of Cole's, nudging him gently. After a minute or two Cole shifted slightly and, weather by accident or by design, Lance found his bulging groin nestled comfortably between two tight powerful gluteus.

In fact, Cole wasn't really paying attention. He was too busy concentrating on the upcoming routine with the occasional distraction of how great he felt. The energy coursing through his muscles made him wish he were back out on stage already. He was also a little confused about his aroused state. He couldn't remember ever getting a hard-on in the middle of a performance before. Sure he had gotten off before or after a show, but never in the middle of one. Suddenly he was aware of the soothing rubbing sensation against his backside, without thinking he found his eyes drifting shut as he leaned back into the sensual touch, just a thin layer of spandex slowing the heat of Lance's body from soaking into his own. Even the music from the stage faded away as he lost himself in the pleasurable grinding of their forms. Arms snaked their way around his waist and Cole was quickly snapped out of his revere when he felt two strong hands press on his rigid and straining cock.

"Lance! What are you doing?" He yelped softly.

"What does it feel like?" Lance replied, slipping his hands under the silk belt and squeezing Cole's swollen prick through the leotard.

Cole moaned in frustration. On one hand he was thoroughly enjoying the sensation; on the other hand they were in the middle of a rehearsal. "Knock it of bro you're going to make me cum!"

"That's the general idea," came the whispered reply as Lance leaned in close, pulling back a curtain of black hair from his undone pony tail and uncovering the side of Cole's face, exposing his ear so he could nibble on it.

"Don't... come on, we're back on stage in just a minute! Not now, not even for you. Dancing is my life and I'm not going to mess this up!"

His dick surged, sliding upward against the spandex fabric. He was already supremely aroused and knew with this new stimulation he was only seconds away from an orgasm. Cole was actually shocked by Lance's behavior, he was usually so low key with his sexual interests, he didn't even like to kiss in public. There was no denying the sexual desire of his body pressed up close against his own though. Cole's breath was coming in ragged bursts as he tried to resist. The first few bars of their second scene drifted up from the orchestra and Cole nearly missed the cue. Slightly off balance he managed to tear himself away from Lance's touch, fortunately reflex took over in his routine as his mind was clearly preoccupied.

Lance watched as Cole leapt away, bighting his lip and resisting the urge to grab him and pull him back. His own cock fairly pounded in need, slowly leaking pre into his borrowed dance thong. He shook his head and soon followed out on stage. Throughout the entire number he didn't take his eyes off of Cole as they bounded across the stage. Every line and curve of every muscle seemed to be accented by the skintight fabric. Though hugely distracted, Lance still worked his way through the routine flawlessly, hitting every mark, every jump and every hold directly on point. The best part of this scene was the mock fight all of the male dancers were to have. The close hand to hand style where he was able to grapple, squeeze, and move against them. He had practiced this more then a dozen times but never before did he pay as close attention to the feel of his body sliding against the other guys, sliding along their hard taut forms, let alone the sensations that were continuing to swell in his groin.

Each jump, every twisting, jarring motion and every pronounced thrust only served to remind Cole of exactly how turned on he was at the moment. His rigid prick continued to rub freely against the inside of his unitard only held back by the silk tied around his waist, and if he weren't already dripping with sweat he was sure a large wet stain would have been visible spreading from his crotch. As much as he loved dancing and performing, for the first time he found himself wishing the rehearsal was over so he could get back to feeling Lance's hands caressing his spandex covered dick.

He got his wish soon enough as the scene concluded. The rest of the dance company gathered out on the stage and Lance found his way over to stand beside Cole. The director delivered her criticism with her usual tact, screaming at most of the dancers that they needed to perform much better tonight. But then in a most uncharacteristic move she actually singled out Lance and Cole and complimented them on their near flawless performances. They were all soon dismissed and told to report back in 6 hours for the performance that night.

Cole was his usual smug self backstage; as he was always convinced his performances were flawless. He and Lance received their fair share of scandalized looks from some of the other dancers as they both toweled off their sweat. They sat together backstage, Lance leaning against Cole still enjoying the feeling of his spandex clad body sliding against his friend's with every slight shifting movement. He quickly found his hand in Cole's lap gently stroking the mound of red spandex that covered his swollen cock.

"So what do you say Cole, you want to get changed out of these clothes and go and relax for a bit?"

Cole snorted, "No way man."

"What do you mean no?!" Lance pleaded.

"There's no way I'm taking off this unitard until after the performance tonight, I'm not taking another chance on loosing this one and screwing this up."

"Oh come on your being stupid, there's no way that could happen again, it's not like there's a rash of leotard thefts out there."

"Really? These two outfits just drop out of the sky then?" Cole asked in mock accusation.

Lance continued his pleading, rubbing Cole's dick even harder and feeling his own erection surge. He desperately wanted to get off with Cole and the sooner the better. He was just about to lunge at him when a shadow crossed over them both.

They quickly scooted apart and looked up to find the director peering down at them.

"You two really did shine out there. Do that tonight and you guys will really impress some people." She said.

"Thanks, we'll do our best," Lance and Cole echoed each other.

"Anyway I have another production tomorrow night and two of my dancers are hurt. Is there any chance the two of you could stick around and fill in?"

Cole of course jumped up. "Sure, that'd be great!"

"Ummm Cole, are you sure..." Lance tried to interrupt.

"Excellent, come back here first thing tomorrow morning, you'll need all day to learn the routine."

"We'll be here; we shouldn't have any problem learning whatever you need us to do."

"Cole, wait a minute. Aren't you forgetting something? We were supposed to head back tonight, we don't have a place to stay and we don't have any money left!" Lance hissed to him.

"Oh well don't worry about that boys, I can make arrangements for a room at the Pinnacle Suites for you. I'll take care of the charges since you'll be helping me out of a jam tomorrow. If you head over there now I'll give them a call and let them know you're on the way. Ask for Tiffany at the desk. Just don't be late getting back here."

Lance would have continued to argue staying longer but Cole would here none of it. He was determined to be as helpful as he could for the director and make the best impression possible. They walked to one of the changing rooms back stage where Lance started to strip off the leotard but stopped in mid-motion. He looked over at Cole and noticed that after untying the silk scarf he was just pulling on his sweat pants over the lycra unitard.

"What are you doing Cole?" Lance chuckled.

"I told you, I'm not taking this costume off until after the performance tonight and I mean it," He said as he sat down and began pulling on his socks and street shoes on over his spandex covered feet.

Lance just smiled and shrugged and proceeded to pull on his sweats over his borrowed unitard as well. The only difference was that he bothered to pull on his sweatshirt, too. Cole seemed satisfied to just wear the pants leaving his spandex covered chest exposed to the world. Lance had to admit the effect was rather striking. No detail of Cole's handsomely defined chest was hidden by the skin tight fabric, and the combination of grey sweats and his dark black hair really made the red unitard shine.

Secretly Cole was rather disappointed that Lance didn't forego the sweatshirt as well. He was really becoming accustomed to the sight of broad powerful pecs stretching out that thin skintight material. It was amazing, after all these years Cole was used to the sight of his friend in various states of dress and undress but here he was getting as hard as ever over him. In the wide variety of ballet outfits they had worn in numerous productions these unitards were hardly the most revealing but there was just something about him this afternoon. The way the deep blue spandex stood out against his milky white skin, his reddish blond hair looking even starker in contrast as it stood up slightly in sweaty spikes. Ultimately Cole just had to keep his feelings in check; it was the performance that mattered most right now. As a result the short drive to the hotel was a silent one.

It felt a little odd to Lance to be walking into such a fancy hotel in noting but sweatpants and a sweatshirt, he felt vastly underdressed compared to the other men and women in much more formal attire and business suits. All in all he had to suppress a chuckle every time he looked over at Cole striding confidently alongside him in what amounted to a bright red spandex tank top, ignoring the strange looks people were given them both. Lance had to step away from the desk clutching his side when he laughed so hard at the petite blond desk clerk who goggled at Cole as he asked to check-in; of course he found the lustful looks the bell boy gave him much less amusing though. Any other time he and Cole probably would have flipped a coin to see who should hit on him.

The room they were appointed was a very nice one with a wonderful view of the city skyline however Lance was paying much more attention to the lines, dips, and curves of Cole's body as he kicked off his shoes stripped down his sweats before laying out on the one queen size bed. His obvious erection had not subsided in the least since leaving the theater and now as he stretched out across the bed the bulging red ridge emanating from his groin looked even larger and more tantalizing than ever.

"So what, you're going to take a nap in that now too?" Lance asked as he stripped down to his own blue unitard.

"I told you, this isn't coming off till after the show. Besides its fucking comfortable and I don't see you taking yours off either." Cole shot back tossing his long black hair out of his face.

Lance smiled at his friend, he had to admit the leotard was comfortable but he was feeling very confined by the dance belt he wore, every pulse of his increasingly hard cock only wedged the thong back deeper into his ass.

"Well I bet I can get you to take it off." Lance smirked as he stepped up to the foot of the bed.

"Take your best shot big boy," was the reply as Cole smiled back, scooting further up the bed but spreading his legs wide apart and groping himself to adjust his ever expanding package.

Lance laughed as he knelt up on the bed between Cole's long muscular legs. He gently caressed his calves before slowly moving his hands along the slippery insides of his spandex coated thighs. He marveled as the smooth sensuous feeling of the material covering his hard taut musculature. Eventually his hands reached the crevasse of Cole's groin, gently slipping beneath and grasping his buttocks before gliding upward to cup the massive set of balls bulging under red lycra. He felt his nuts pulse and contract at his touch and Lance swore he could feel the churning of Cole's seed surging through the thin spandex material.

His entire body seemed to go limp with pleasure as Cole felt the gentle touch of Lance's powerful hands moving up his body. Every part of his body except for his cock that is. His rigid member throbbed as he felt it grow to full arousal; it strained beneath the tights aching to be freed. He could detect a hot puddle forming over his stomach as his dick began to leak with pre, especially after he felt Lance's hot hands squeezing down on his balls. It took every ounce of his will not to reach down and grab his meat through his unitard and start pounding on it like a jack hammer. He didn't have to resist long though before Lance suddenly leaned forward and placed his mouth over his rigid shaft.

The heat of his breath seeped through the insubstantial tights as Lance pressed his face against Cole's crotch, his lips wrapping gently around the shaft of his cock. Cole had experienced his share of blow jobs before but this seemed a million times hotter. He could swear Lance's entire jaw was stretching to more fully encompass his dick through the spandex. Moist streams of his saliva mingled with Cole's own sweat and pre further expanding the dark, damp circle that was radiating outward. He was near enough to orgasm when Lance suddenly withdrew, a cool draft of air across his damp prick sending shivers up his spine.

If he could have found a way Lance would have sucked Cole's cock all the way through his leotard. His entire face seemed to ache with a throbbing need to have his friend's dick in his mouth. His own cock was exquisitely and painfully trapped beneath his dance belt, the thin thong back digging into his crack and feeling like it would split him in half from the base of his spine. Eventually he decided he would have to give up on sucking Cole's hard piece though, he panted heavily as he backed away. The anguished look of desire only lasted a second as it flashed across his buddy's face before Lance dove forward. His slippery spandex body rubbing deliciously over Cole's.

Lance could feel the powerful mound of Cole's manhood bulging against his chest as he slowly slid across it. His own sweat soaked unitard clung tightly against his skin transmitting every sensation, every bump, curve, and ridge of Cole's muscles as he ground against him. He soon found himself with his face nuzzled against Cole's broad chest, his pecs stood out as glistening red mounds surmounted by gorgeous hardened nipples. Lance silently wished for two mouths as he suckled one teat while fondling the other in his free hand before switching. The minutes ticking by as he serviced his friend's chest, all the while the heated steamy pre from Cole's cock gradually wicked between the singlets, spreading a wide damp stain across Lance's abs as they lay on top of Coles' dick.

Cole moaned aloud as he felt the weight of his friend's body press against his own. His hips thrust upwards trying to increase the sliding sensation of Lance's stomach gliding across his prick, the friction and heat between them rising as he did so. His own hands found their way across his buddy's shoulders, sliding beneath the straps of the spandex garment and kneading his solid musculature. Just when he thought it could feel no better Lance once again slid forward, every inch of movement creating ripples of pleasure across their lycra encased forms, until he was finally lined up perfectly over Cole. Their lips met as breath and taste was shared. Their straining manhood now mated together with a few damp layers of spandex separating them.

In the past Cole would never have settled for a simple bit of humping and grinding for his sexual gratification but there was something so extraordinary about this experience. Maybe it was the fact that it was his best friend, maybe the adrenaline for the upcoming show, but much more likely it was the spandex. The sensation of their thinly coated bodies rubbing and pumping against each other was pure ecstasy. He had wrapped his arms around Lance, and soon found his legs similarly entwined around his hips. He licked and nipped at the full lips presented to him and once again had the sensation that Lance's entire face was stretching to make contact with his own. The minutes ticked onward as they rolled about on the bed and thrust against one another.

Cole's member strained outward in his tented costume further and harder than he would have thought possible while Lance's doubly restrained bulge distended into an enormously mounded package. He built to a climax much sooner than he would have hoped but he could no longer hold back. Once more beneath his friend his low guttural scream broke the rhythm of their panting and moaning. Cole's hips bucked as he arched his back, lifting Lance into the air as his cock started spraying his seed. Massive globs of his jizz streamed into and through his unitard, the red fabric darkening under the deluge of glistening white cream. Lance continued to pound into him smearing his gift between their bodies with wet slapping thuds, until Cole finally sank back against the bed fully spent.

The frustration hadn't subsided in Lance though. While he still felt near his peak he wasn't quite able to orgasm. He could feel the exquisite pressure building his cock and even when Cole collapsed and he lay atop him it was not receding in the slightest. He could feel the intense heat of his friend's cum burning against his stomach as it soaked into his own leotard. He rolled off of him, their bodies peeling away from one another. He glanced over at his friend and watched his chest rise and fall with his labored breathing. His gaze shifted down his smooth and tapered body, the red spandex now noticeably discolored from the combination of sweat, spunk, and saliva, especially across his rippled stomach and down into his groin.

"See, you'll have to take it off now." Lance said smugly rubbing his hand over his cum plastered stomach.

"Perhaps, but your just as big a mess. And seeing as how this is your fault maybe I should make you help clean it up a bit."

Lance smiled as he leaned in close the musky male scent of Cole's spent fluids tickling at his nose. The damp sticky fabric clung to his face as he pressed in against the ridges of Cole's abs. Feeling the wetness coat his skin as he nuzzled in close deftly using his tongue to take in rich globs of cum. His nose was soon bumping the ridge of Cole's semi-hard dick and in one swift motion he sucked the bulge of the swollen head into his mouth, suctioning the jizz from the spandex as he worked his cock with his lips. His own need to cum had not subsided but he was becoming accustomed to the sensation and now wanted to see how long it could continue. He finished his ministrations of cleaning Cole's body as best he could, when the only sign left was a deep reddening of the spandex over a large area of his crotch and stomach. He was about to ask to have the favor returned when he sat back and noticed Cole's slow relaxed breathing. He seemed to have drifted to sleep; his eyes closed a blissful expression still etched upon his face.

Sighing a bit Lance got up off the bed and strode over to the mirror. His own unitard was just as darkly stained as Cole's, the blue deepening to almost black. He silently padded over to the bathroom to clean himself up a bit. The hiss of the shower and the pulsing of his continually hard prick drowned out all other thoughts and distractions. In fact he was half-way through soaping up in the hot water when he realized he never bothered to take off the bodysuit. His hands ran over his spandex clad body, sliding easily over the suds and water slicked fabric, his fingers caressing and prodding every muscular curve and indentation. Soon one hand found his bulging groin while the other groped at his buns, and yet again he could feel the back of the thong work itself harder against his tender flesh as his cock and balls pulsed and throbbed. It never even occurred to him to take off the leotard until he finished his shower, Lance simply continued to soap up and rinse off all the while enjoying the sensation of fondling his lycra covered form.

Once out of the tub Lance took exquisite pleasure in pealing the wet spandex off his body. It suctioned to his skin in spots and slid away in damp sheets that sent shivers though his spine. For some reason though he decided to leave the thong on. When he looked at it seemed as though some of the color had bled off the unitard and had dyed the dance belt a pale blue. He was becoming accustomed to the sensation of it riding into his crack and fondled himself a bit making his already ample package swell that much further in its confinement. He hung the unitard over the shower rod to dry and went back to drying himself. While toweling off, Lance glanced at himself through the fogged up bathroom mirror and paused. Something didn't seem quite right. He wiped his hand across the glass and looked closer; there was something off about his face. It looked a little swollen in spots, especially around his mouth and nose. While he has always had a slightly upturned nose, now it seemed even more bent back and smaller too. He ran a hand over his chin and grunted, it didn't fell swollen or even hurt. Actually it didn't look bad, jut different, like he had a more pronounced mouth and bone structure. Eventually he just shrugged it off though and silently padded back into the bedroom where he joined Cole, still in his dark stained leotard, on the bed for a quick nap.

The phone rang loudly a few hours later and Cole groggily reached out to answer the wake-up call he had requested. Flopping back down on his stomach he fought against drifting back to sleep. It was hard though as he felt so relaxed and euphoric in his post nap state. His entire body felt a bit numb and tingly but pleasantly so, however he became increasingly aware of a throbbing or pulsing sensation down his back and in his ass. He rolled over and idly scratched an itch over his chest and remembered that he was still wearing the dance singlet. He opened his eyes and propped himself up to look down his body. To his mild surprise he noted that the fabric had almost completely dried from the afternoon's activities with Lance. Only a small and slightly crusty white outline encircling his abs and down to his thighs remained. He glanced across at Lance who had pulled a pillow down over his head when the phone had rung mumbling about 'too soon.' Despite himself Cole felt himself gasp. His buddy's form looked so impressive lying atop the sheets. His pale white skin glistened ever so slightly, every muscle popping into definition. Most of all was the sizeable mound in his groin still covered by the skimpy pale blue dance thong. Fighting hard against the urge to dive down and burry his face in that beautiful sight Cole got up and staggered to the bathroom, now with a resurgent erection prodding at his own tights.

Standing at the sink he splashed some water in his face. He had just looked back up into the mirror when a pitiful little moan escaped his lips. The dull throbbing in his back and ass suddenly escalated. Far from painful though, he found it immensely pleasurable. Pulsating waves radiated out from his spine and made his entire body quiver. Cole had to grasp the sink with both hands to keep from falling over. His breath came in ragged pants as the blissful sensation grew in intensity. Unable to control himself, Cole as soon bent over, his hips thrusting backwards into the unseen force that racked his body. He couldn't quite place he sensation that he was experiencing. It felt as though he was being fucked, but in reverse somehow, instead of someone pounding a thick cock into his ass, something seemed to be writhing its way outward, just above his crack. Just when he felt he could handle no more, he felt himself orgasm except he wasn't cuming. His toes curled, knees buckled, and every muscle contracted in an ecstasy that centered on his rear and he grunted and moaned louder with each building jolt.

Lance sat bolt upright in bed, tossing aside the pillow he had buried himself under. He heard the guttural scream and knew something wasn't right. He looked around franticly for Cole before he spotted him in the bathroom. His first thought on seeing him nearly double over was that Cole was sick and about to throw-up but the look on his face quickly dispelled that notion. Purely contented enjoyment was etched on his features as his pants and moans grew more pronounced. Lance was about to ask what was wrong when he felt his jaw drop open. Something was happening to Cole's unitard, or more precisely, something was happening beneath it. The shiny red fabric was suddenly pushing outward directly above Cole's butt. In time with each thrust of his hips and each loud grunt of pleasure the mass extended further, first three inches, then six, twelve inches. There was no way the skin tight spandex fabric could hold much more, however before any audible sign of tearing the new growth found the small sewn hole in the back of the leotard. Quickly thrusting out to over three feet in length, a long black fuzzy appendage fell silently to the floor. Draped over the spandex covered globes of his ass, Cole had grown a tail.

Cole fell to his knees on the hard tile floor, his head resting on the cool marble of the sink. The heavenly throbbing was receding and he was at least able to take a few deep breaths now. He stood back up and sighed when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Holy shit Cole, how did you do that? What's going on" Lance all but yelped out.

"What are you talking abou... Oh my god Lance! What's wrong with your face? Did you get stung by a bee or something?" Cole yelled back, his eyes wide with shock as he turned to look at his friend.

"What do you mean my face, look at your..." Lance turned to look in the mirror and clapped both hands over his mouth. The swelling changes he noted on his face before the nap were even more pronounced now. His mouth, jaw, and cheekbones had distended outward by several inches in what could only be described as a muzzle. His nose had shrunk further and now was pressed flat into this new muzzle and seemed a touch darker in color too. Looking at his reflection Lance could see that his ears were much larger now as well, rounding out in shape and sticking out by several more inches than before. He ran his hands across his features and on closer inspection he could detect a very fine layer of fuzz covering his skin, even in areas he had never had to shave previously. Lance looked back over at Cole dumbfounded. Cole had erstwhile continued to stare back at him and had not even taken note of the black furred tail that was flicking back and forth behind him. That is until he tried to sit down on the toilet seat.

"Son of a bitch!" Cole yelped jumping back to his feet. "Oh my god! It's a... I've got a - this is a tail! I've got a tail!" He yowled twisting about to try and get a better look, finally grabbing it in his hands.

"I know, I saw it, it just sort of shot out of your ass!" Lance said leaning in close to the mirror and poking at his face.

"Oh man this is wild," Cole said, still tugging on his new extremity.

"Yeah and what about my face, I can't believe this. What should we do Cole? Do you think we should go see a doctor or something?"

"Are you kidding, we can't go to a doctor now! We've got to be back at the theater in forty minutes. Besides, your face isn't that noticeable, if I didn't know you that could jus be the way you look." Cole shook his head adamantly.

"Would you forget about the show dude, I look like some sort of animal man freak! This is serious, we need some help." Lance pleaded with him.

"No way bro, I'm not gonna blow this opportunity just because we've had some sort of- some sort of allergic reaction."

"Allergic reaction?! You grew a fucking tail!" Lance exclaimed, grabbing a hold of the appendage.

Cole pulled his tail away from him and shrugged, "Ok well that is a little hard to explain, but we're just going to have to try and hide it till later, then we can get this sorted out."

"I don't know about this man, I think we should get this checked out. "

"We will, but later. Right now you need to get dressed," Cole snatched up the blue leotard still hanging over the shower curtain rod and tossed it to Lance.

"And what exactly are you going to do with that?" he asked pointing at the black furry rope hanging down from his ass.

"Well let's see." Cole furrowed his brow in concentration and the tail whipped upwards before wrapping itself around his waist a couple of times. "See that's got it and the silk belt will cover it the rest of the way."

Lance glared at him both furious about and in awe of the way Cole was handling this. He knew his friend was obsessed with the ballet but to grow a tail and not even let it faze you was beyond extraordinary. He slipped his legs back into his tights and started to pull them up as Cole made his way back into the bedroom.

In fact Cole was anything but calm. His mind was racing as his tail uncoiled from his waist and flicked about behind his body. He kept wincing at the odd sensations produced as it slapped against the bed or brushed along the carpeted floor. This was beyond the capabilities of his rational mind to deal with so the only logical conclusion was to just accept it. He looked at himself sidelong in the mirror and felt a twinge in his dick as he gazed at his spandex clad body. The thought that he looked kinda hot with a tail crept unbidden into his mind.

The car ride back to the theater was an uncomfortable one. Cole wouldn't even talk about the changes; only ways to make sure their performance was spot on. Lance took turns glaring daggers at Cole or staring at his own reflection in the rearview mirror. They snuck back stage and stripped off their sweats and got their slippers on. They tried to stay away from the other dancers so nobody would pay too close attention to them, still a few of the other performers would stop and stare at them if they came close by. Lance helped tie a length of the silk around Cole's waist helping to conceal his new tail as well as the large outline of his cock in the front and despite himself Lance felt himself getting hard again. All while they were limbering up He kept glancing at Cole's ass and picturing that tail erupting from his rear end. His own bulge was readily concealed by his dance belt but it continued to feel tighter and more confined and he swore the mound of his crotch was even larger than before.

Cole was much quicker to notice the increasing size of his friend's package; it seemed to have swollen more than his face had. There was also something about his appearance that Cole found irresistible. Lance was right he did look more animalistic, stronger, but he still retained his slight and handsome lines. Whatever the bulging growth in his crotch was doing it was having the opposite effect on his rear. Lance's borrowed dance thong must have been working itself deeper into his ass and pulling the leotard along with it. Cole had never seen such a perfectly defined butt covered in spandex. The two clefts were perfectly formed and the thin fabric looked like nothing more than sleek blue skin. Cole felt guilty about having to cover it up with the silk as he tied it around his partner's hips.

By the time the performance started Cole and Lance were both rock hard again. Cole's cock pulsed steadily against the spandex unitard and the silk helping to tie it down, every throbbing beat sent tingles along the entire length of his new tail. He was finding increasingly difficult to keep his focus on the routine as his gaze kept wandering over to the lycra clad bodies of his fellow dancers, especially Lance. He watched as his friend's body twisted and turned across the stage, his entire form radiating grace and power. Cole could see the strained look of concentration playing across his face as beads of sweat welled up and rolled down his slightly altered face. He could also see how powerfully turned on he was, his groin was positively obscene in its endowment now, his bulge jutting out in front of him like a ship's rudder. Cole caught himself as he stumbled slightly, catching a fleeting glimpse of his friend's ass when he made a bowing motion. There was something new there, a small but growing protrusion that pushed back against the spandex and slowly extended downward between the fissure of his twin glutes.

Lance was straining to concentrate, but not on his dance routine. Instead all of his intense focus was centered on his throbbing cock and trying to keep himself from having an orgasm right there in the middle of the stage. His nuts felt like they were on fire and he ached for release in the tight confines of his dance belt. Every movement was exquisite torture, every dance step a new sexual plateau. He could feel the spandex leotard squeezing down on his sweat soaked body, rubbing sensually across his swollen manhood. With each pirouetting leap the strap of the thong worked its way deeper into his crack and create a glorious friction across his sensitive hole.

Through this haze of stifled gratification Lance experienced a new sensation. While his pulsing cock continued to thrust into the dance belt pulling the thong down across his budded flesh, a new throb forced the fabric back up. It took him a moment to sort out the distinct sensations of his stimulated asshole and this different experience. It centered on the base of his spine just above his ass and grew outward from there. In a moment he felt a disconnected snap as his new appendage slipped out from underneath his thong. The strange sensations continued as it slithered down the leg of his tights, across the back of his thigh, and wrapping around the calf of his right leg. A stifled moan inadvertently escaped his lips, drawing a surprised and scornful look from the next closest dancer to him. In moments it was over and so was the first act. Lance quickly made his exit stage right, now with a long thick tail pinned down against his leg by the skimpy unitard.

"Oh my god Lance that was so hot! Come here and let me look at you!"

Cole had rushed over to Lance backstage and grabbed him by the shoulder. He had watched in fascination during the performance as the ridge grew down the back of his buddy's leg. It took him a few moments to realize what was actually happening but when he figured out that Lance had grown a long sexy tail just like his. He reached out and ran his hands over the back of his leg, rubbing the slick fabric and grasping the rounded tail in his fist.

Shuddering at the contact Lance felt his breath become even more ragged and he shoved Cole away from him.

"Damn it Cole! Stop that or I'm gonna shoot my wad right here, right now!"

"So what, I want to see it. Go ahead and cream your tights right here for me!"

Cole stood back, a wicked grin across his face, his own tail around his waist now visibly quivering with excitement beneath the sweaty red spandex. He reached down and groped his own swollen crotch before sliding his hand up his abs and across his chest, his gentle rub slowly turning into an aggressive scratching.

"Get real man," Lance hissed, "you expect me to go back out there on stage in a few minutes with cum dripping down my legs? Don't think that will help our chances of impressing anybody do you Mr. 'dancing is my life'?"

Cole felt himself torn, the rational side of his brain demanding he get his focus back on dancing, his emotions and desires telling him to give in to his lust. He scratched at his stomach and hips as he stood their staring into Lance's eyes. The turmoil on his mind betrayed by the incessant throbbing of his own cock. Eventually he was able to tear himself away, turning his back to Lance and facing the stage.

Lance breathed something of a sigh of relief. While he very much wanted to continue to explore the feelings emanating from his body he didn't think he could handle the embarrassment of publicly displaying himself like that. Cole's lithe form swayed seductively before his eyes, he continued to scratch himself, groping firmly at his bubble shaped butt and down his thighs.

"Cole, what are you doing?"

"Getting ready to dance, isn't that what you wanted?"

"No, I mean yes, but not that. I mean why are you digging into your leotard like that?"

"Huh?" he grunted turning to face Lance, "Oh, well I just got real itchy all of a sudden, probably just adrenaline."

With that the music changed pace and reached a crescendo and both Lance and Cole forcibly hurled themselves back out on stage. The third act was nearly as excruciatingly frustrating as he first for Lance, this time the full impact of having a tail running down his leg and trapped beneath his tights making it even more difficult to concentrate. Especially during the fight sequence. At several spots the other dancers would have to grab a hold of his leg and their fleeting startled looks at the odd lump in his tights and the sensation of their hands on his new appendage was again nearly enough to make him climax. As it was he found the delay an exquisite torture and wanted the heightened arousal to continue as long as possible.

Cole too found the performance to be an interesting one. His skin continued to crawl beneath his taut garment and he constantly had to fend off his own hands to keep his composure. For him, each grasp of another performer's fingers, every brush against their own spandex clad bodies, was a short lived relief for him. Blissfully the itching had started to subside just as they neared the final scene and never in his life was he so happy that a performance had at last ended. All through the curtain call Cole's eyes never left Lance's backside and that tantalizing new bulge as he knew they would soon be able to head back to the hotel. They both hugged each other tight once backstage and nearly started grinding right there despite the other dancer's astonished reactions, their lycra clad bodies dripping with sweat from exertion and anticipation. Barely hearing the director call out to them to be back by nine the next morning, Cole and Lance scooped up their sweats and dashed out to Cole's car.

This time Lance couldn't keep his hands to himself in the car as he continued to stroke and grope at his friends taught muscular body. His fingers probed at the slick spandex bulge that burgeoned in his groin as well as at the thick ropey tail still looped around his waist. They whipped into the parking garage at the hotel and only paused long enough to smile at the scandalized looks the both of them received in their lycra bodysuits as they waited for the elevator in the hotel lobby. The door to their room hadn't even closed all the way when Lance propelled himself onto Cole, their bodies crashing together as their lips met.

Lance smiled hungrily as he admired the mop of thick black hair that had come undone from its tie again. He brushed Cole's long sweat soaked hair from his face and moved in close to suck at his strong lower lip. Their tongues flashed over one another's skin tasting the salty tang of their exertion. Lance backed Cole towards the bed grinding into him with his crotch, aching for some kind of release. The back of Cole's legs hit the mattress and before he could give way onto the bed Lance slid down along his body, scraping their spandex forms together as he moved lower until, with his face nuzzled into Cole's hot red groin, he reached for the shoulder straps of the unitard his friend wore and began to tug it forcefully downward. He had it almost down to his waist when he heard Cole gasp and knock Lance away. Startled and confused he looked up at his partner and joined in his shock. From his waist to just above his pecs, Cole's body was black!

At first Cole's head was lolling back in extreme pleasure as Lance nibbled at his dick through the spandex. His eyes rolled back into his head and his eyelids fluttered at the ceiling as he had never imagined anything so pleasurable. The spandex sliding off his body was nothing short of exquisite but when he looked down everything froze in time. He gazed across his once smooth and hairless chest and stomach to find it completely matted with dark black hair. Reflexively, he found himself pushing Lance away even though every fiber of his being wanted him to continue. Cole's hands soon found purchase in the soft sweat soaked fur that so densely covered his skin that his flesh wasn't even visible. When his fingers came to his waist he discovered that the fur didn't stop and he quickly pushed the unitard the rest of the way down to his ankles.

Lance felt as though his eyes would burst from his skull from staring so hard at Cole. He couldn't get over the appearance of the sleek black fur running down his body. He wasn't sure if the inky coat across his legs made them look more supple or more powerful but he knew the sight of them along with the matching tail swinging behind him made his mouth water with desire. It actually took Lance a moment to come to the conclusion that it looked like something was missing though, Cole's dick! Getting back to his knees and leaning in close he realized it wasn't missing, it was just camouflaged. In fact his cock now appeared as jet black as his new fur to the point of blending in. It was only up close the Lance could again make out its smoothly veined length which itself seemed to have grown thicker and longer. He felt his nose bump along it, smearing gobs of pre juice over his face as he nuzzled the throbbing python before wrapping his tongue around its swollen head and plunging its length deep into the back of his throat.

Without warning Cole was jerked from his shocked stupor as he felt his cock enveloped inside Lance's warm mouth. Suddenly it was all about pleasure again and Cole could care less that short black fur covered his body like a second skin, or that it seemed to continue to creep up across his shoulders and onto his neck. He found that the dexterity of his tail had increased as well and he brought his new appendage up between his legs and stroked it across Lance's blue lycra covered chest before wrapping it around his head a couple of times, effectively lashing his friends face onto his groin.

Not missing a beat though, Lance continued to suck at the cock deep in his maw even as he felt the velvety rope of Cole's tail wrap around his head. His nose crushed into the fur at the base of that thick meaty organ, his chin nestled against his heavy and low-hanging balls, even as the tail strapped down his ears and squeezed the sides of his head. His pulse pounded in his veins and he felt its rhythmic throbbing from the top of his head to the tip of his toes and certainly through his own rock hard dick. With one hand Lance gripped and prodded his own swollen member in its spandex prison while using his other hand to caress the fur covered legs and ass of his friend.

All the while Cole continued to pound into his face, fucking his mouth as his hips rocked faster and faster. Lance felt his head forced back by the thrusts as the tail tightened its quivering grip on his skull. The pace quickened and both boys found their breathing becoming ragged, Cole as his imminent orgasm grew closer, and Lance as he tried to keep up with the increasing stream of pre flowing form the rod spearing his throat. Finally the damn broke and a torrent of molten manhood unleashed across Lance's waiting tongue. The massive salty load flaring in his senses as Cole's hands joined his tail in pressing down on around Lance's pulsating head. When the flow of spunk eventually stemmed, and the grip on his head slackened, Lance fell backwards onto the floor grunting as he mashed his new tail beneath him while Cole flopped down onto the bed. Unbelievably Lance felt physically drained as he lay on the floor gulping for air as he swallowed the last of Cole's sticky fluid and yet he had still yet to cum and the need of it was nearly blinding him.

Cole was definitely spent, his orgasm was absolutely mind-blowing. He had never had a more powerful or more satisfying experience in his life. He lay back against the cool sheets of the bed and sighed, feeling his heart slow back to a normal pace. When he was finally able to roll over and look down at Lance on the floor he did a double take. The face smiling back up at him was not that of his close friend, or least not as it should have been. While his nose and mouth had been slightly swollen before, he looked completely different now. His nose had further flattened into his face and taken on a black triangular appearance. His mouth had pushed outward more into what was definitely a muzzle punctuated by larger more pronounced front teeth. His ears had also expanded outwards to the size of small plates roughly equal in size to the rest of his head. In all he looked more rodent like than anything, like a large man-sized mouse in fact. He eventually fully opened his fluttering eyelids and looked back at Cole, his jaw dropping in astonishment.

"Holy shit!" both boys exclaimed at once, "check out your face!"

Confused, they both scrambled to their feet and hopped over to the mirror by the closet. Cole quickly realized that Lance wasn't the only one experiencing changes. The dark black fur that had covered him from the chest down now enveloped his entire body. His arms and hands were as just as fury as his stomach and legs and the fine hair did not stop at his neck. His face had a thorough coat of fur too his bright blue eyes shining out like stars on a clear night. He still retained the length of hair on his head tied back in a pony-tail but it seemed thicker and softer somehow. Lance ran his hands over his smooth mouse-like face and tugged on his ears which hurt enough to tell him he wasn't dreaming. At the same time he looked over at Cole who was bending over to look at himself closely in the mirror, and his gaze drifted down to his rounded bubble butt now covered with smooth black fur and trailing a long thick tail the bobbed and dipped seductively. He quietly stepped up behind him and grabbed him by the waist, slamming his swollen lycra covered crotch against the cleft of his ass.

The powerful touch of strong hands on Cole's hips and the not so subtle rubbing of Lance's bulging crotch against his rear end caused Cole to moan with ecstasy and his ebony cock was re-energized into full erection. He could tell Lance's need was making him frantic as his gyrations became more random and sporadic. He watched him though the mirror as he backed away and began to pull down the shoulder straps of his blue unitard, sliding it down his pale skin. He stopped at his waist and had to yank forcefully to stretch the fabric over his massively swollen bulge. His now powder blue dance belt appeared to be soaked through and dripping with pre. His new tail was finally visible as the spandex peeled away from his legs and unlike Cole's own tail his buddy's was a bright snowy white. It was still held down a bit by the thong back though and seemed nestled in tightly between his ass cheeks. His blue spandex bodysuit was tossed aside to land in a heap atop of Cole's discarded red one. At last Lance moved to free his entrapped tool and his hands gently pried away the damp spandex fabric freeing his cock and Cole quickly felt a surge of awe and even some apprehension at what was unveiled.

Lance experienced an enormous sense of satisfaction as he stripped away the thong that had been constraining him for the better part of two days. The sensation of the fabric pulling free from his puckered hole was heavenly but no more so than feeling his cock fall freely from his groin. It was the weight of his organ that first drew his attention after he kicked the thong dance belt off his foot and sent it careening across the room. He glanced downward and gulped as his manhood was gargantuan. As thick as a rolling pin and easily fourteen inches long his heavy drooling meat dwarfed his old equipment by an order of magnitude. It was easy to see why Cole would appear hesitant at the sight of this python yet there was little possibility that Lance could have held off from his goal even if he had wanted to.

His hard throbbing cock zeroed in on Cole's backside making contact just beneath his tail. Dexterously the thick black rope wrapped around his shaft and actually stroked him a few times pulling great spurts of clear fluid that matted Cole's fur and drenched his ass. Sparks seemed to fly in Lance's vision as he rubbed his dick through that dark fur, until he eventually found him thrusting inward and impaling Cole on his massive prick. Their moans echoed in harmony as Lance enjoyed the tight confining embrace of his friend's body. He never would have though Cole capable of accepting such a large endowment and yet even as Lance hesitated Cole scooted backwards forcing him deeper inside.

For Cole he wasn't sure that he wouldn't be torn apart by that mammoth cock, but he also knew he couldn't resist the temptation of having it fill him to the core. He groaned as he backed onto it and felt Lance thrust forward, his breath fogging the mirror as he pressed his face against it. The pressure within him was nearly unbearable but at the same time inescapably pleasurable. Together they discovered a rhythm of pushing and pulling that satisfied them both and Cole could swear with each passing second he could feel himself stretching to accommodate more of that blessed girth.

His hands slapped against the mirror leaving sweaty handprints as they picked up steam, each thrust left Cole breathless and wanting more. He looked his reflection in the eyes before he noticed that his face looked as though it were moving beneath the black fur that obscured his skin. A wide grin broke across his mug as it dawned on him what was happening and the fact that he couldn't care less. His nose flattened as he pressed against the mirror, his jaw and cheek bones extending forward. Cole noticed his ears growing bigger as his lengthening teeth flashed white in his smile. He quickly stole a glance at the reflection of Lance over his shoulder and saw that he too was continue to change even as he hammered away with his mighty cock.

Lance was breathing very heavily now and his entire body burned with passion and arousal. It was only a matter of minutes before he would unleash a flood from his inflated balls. He held on tight to Cole's furry shoulders to brace himself and he could scarcely keep his eyes open from the strain of gyrating his hips so quickly.

"Uh, uh, oh god. Mmmm." he grunted as he bombarded Cole's tail hole.

A brief glance down told him that the burning and itching beneath his skin wasn't only the passion he felt in the moment. Gradually at first, but with increasing rapidity, short white fur was spreading down his fingertips and across the back of his hands. The glistening white shone out like a beacon against the dark black of Cole's shoulders. The fur swarmed up his arms past his elbows and over his shoulders. Lance could feel the furry advance creeping up his legs as well. The entire time he never faltered, never missed a stroke, as he continued his lustful assault on Cole's rear and seconds later he felt his entire body lock up as every muscle clenched down hard upon releasing a torrent of seed. His toes balled up on the carpet and his eyes went slightly crossed as he felt release like never before in his life. Jet after jet of roiling cum poured into Cole's ass. For a second Lance thought he had pumped Cole so full he was expelling it from his mouth until he realized that in fact Cole was cuming for a second time, sending a coat of liquid white across the face of the mirror in front of them.

Utterly spent, Lance collapsed against Cole's furry back, his dick still tightly sheathed in his friend's burning buttocks. He was eventually able to raise his head slightly and gaze at the image behind the oozing white mass sliding down the face of the mirror. Cole's panting muzzle stared back at him, his glittering eyes sparkling above his short muzzle covered in black fur. His ponytail hung down gracefully between his saucer-sized ears. Over his shoulder stood another creature that Lance took a few moments to recognize as himself. His already muzzled face now glowed with a coat of bright white fur. The crop of strawberry blond hair on top of his head still remained and stood out vibrantly against the stark white. The rest of his body was similarly adorned in colorless fuzz. Several seconds of confusing and erotic thoughts passed until he realized they looked like mice.

Cole was a bit quicker to attribute his new appearance to becoming a giant mouse-boy though neither less confused nor any less turned on by it. In due course Lance was able to extract himself from Cole's rear and Cole was able to stand up straight and take full stock of his body. He still retained his lithe dancer body though he might have lost a few inches in height. His musculature seemed even more defined and enhanced than before as every line of sinewy muscle stood out clearly beneath the short black fur. His face still retained something of his former self, in his slightly toothier smile and bright eyes, but otherwise he looked completely changed. Large ears framed his face while a blunt protrusion of mouth and nose extended outward in the front.

He glanced over at Lance who was wiping away some of the spunk on the mirror with his hand while leaning in for a closer look at himself. His body was an almost negative image copy of his own. A bit shorter, more buff, and every bit as white as Cole was black. The biggest difference, in every sense of the word, was his cock, now pale white and massive. Still dripping with spent fluids, it easily hung midway down his thigh as it softened, this magnificent hunk of meat was still every bit of two inches wide and ten inches long in its slightly softened state. Cole had no idea how he was ever able to accept such an incredible organ into his body. Just then Lance looked up and smiled, tracing the path of Cole's fixed stare.

"So now what do we do?"

Cole grimaced, "Oh, come on Lance I'm too tired for another go around. Can't we rest first?"

Lance grinned and slapped Cole upside the head, "Ha ha, very funny bro, but I was referring to the bigger picture. You have noticed that we're five foot tall mice, right?"

"Oh that," Cole said, finally tearing his eyes of Lance's mighty prick, "Yeah, weird isn't it? You think they'll notice when we take the stage tomorrow?"

Lance couldn't believe his new larger ears and he stared wide-eyed at his friend; Cole was still more worried about his dance career! Sure a part of him was thrilled about his now furry form and especially the heavy weight he could feel hanging from his groin, but how on Earth we the going to cover this up, or at least blend in?

"Come on Lance, it's not bad. We already know we can hide the tails, maybe we can get some hats to come down over our ears."

"And the fur? The muzzles? Maybe we can just wear ski masks, I'm sure the director won't mind!" Lance shouted in exasperation.

Cole scratched one of his ears, "Ok, that may be a bit of a problem but we'll figure something out."

Throwing his arms up in disgust Lance turned his back to Cole, he didn't know how else to get through to him. Suddenly he realized he didn't even want to try. He felt happier like this, and more attracted to Cole than he had ever felt before. It didn't really matter what happened, so long as they were together. The touch of hands across his back drew his attention and turned back to look into Cole's glistening blue eyes.

Tracing a black finger down that snow white chest, Cole tried to reassure Lance, "Don't worry about it bro, I have a feeling everything will work out. Let's say we get cleaned up a bit and get some rest, maybe you'll feel better about it once we've had a chance to sleep on it."

Though Lance had already accepted it in his mind he just nodded and went along. He took Cole's hand and led him to the bathroom. The warm water of the shower matted down their fur and made them look even sleeker as they held and caressed one another. The small bottle of shampoo provided in the room was scarcely enough to do the job; however they economized by constantly rubbing their furry bodies together. It was a miracle neither of them had started to cum again since when they stepped from the shower both were completely erect. They toweled each other off before climbing under the covers of the bed, Lance spooning in close behind Cole, their legs and tails becoming tangled together. Lance lay there awake for several hours just stroking Cole's soft black fur as his partner quietly slept, thinking about how right he felt before he finally drifted off to sleep.

The next morning they awoke slowly to the ringing of the telephone. Lance actually found himself pleased when the telephone receiver bumped his larger ear and he realized it wasn't just a dream. He rolled Cole over and pressed his muzzle to his own sharing a deep kiss good morning while idly fondling his cock and balls. His own morning wood was rather more prodigious than he could ever recall before and Cole didn't fail to notice as he used his nimble tail to lasso it.

"Good morning, Mickey." Lance smiled before being hit in the face with a pillow.

"Oh shut up." Cole laughed.

Cole swung his feet off the bed, stretched and yawned, and grabbed the red leotard from off the floor.

"Guess we'd better get dressed if we're going to make it back to the theater by nine."

Pulling the slinky spandex garment back on seemed a bit easier this time to Cole. It didn't go on as smoothly as before because of the fur but the end result was the same when he was left with a sleek shiny silhouette. While still tight it felt like a better fit. Lance helped guide his tail through the hole in the back and he made no effort to conceal it with either the silk belt he still had or his sweats which he folded up and placed in a laundry bag.

Lance couldn't believe how hot Cole looked in his unitard. The shiny red fabric stood out brightly against the black fur on his shoulders, chest, and arms. In all the effect of black and red made it the perfect pair, as if it were designed that way. He found his own costume in a heap in the corner and held the blue lycra against his fur and felt a shudder go through his spine. Again the blue and white complimented each other so perfectly it couldn't just be chance. He slipped it on and felt it embrace his body just as tightly as before, this time with his tail on the outside, though it still lay flatter against his butt crack than did Cole's. He adjusted himself slightly and stood before the spattered mirror, grinning from ear to ear. If Cole's dick stood out in his unitard, then Lance was a billboard of masculinity. The thick outline standing out sharply as it curved down his left leg. Just the sight of himself in the spandex caused him to stiffen slightly, his cock throbbing visibly beneath the thin material.

Cole noticed this and laughed, "Easy there big fella, we don't have time now and you wouldn't want to make a mess of yourself."

"Oh sure, now you want to practice restraint." Lance said feeling more sure of himself.

Together they bagged up the rest of Lance's clothes and left wearing nothing but their matching leotards. They laughed and joked as they strode through the hotel lobby, ignoring the shocked looks and whispers of the people they passed. Even the two police officers outside on the street said nothing, though the older one frowned in confused disapproval and the younger cop dropped his donut as his mouth fell open in bewilderment at the two mouse-like men. Dimly Lance wondered how they would fit in during dance rehearsals let alone at a show tonight, but he was feeling so fantastic with his new body wrapped in skintight spandex that he didn't care.

It turned out neither of them had to worry. The walked backstage but nobody had batted an eye at them, except for maybe a couple of the guys who stole lingering glances at their swollen groins. Heading into make-up they ran into the director who looked them both up and down and smiled broadly.

"Great, you guys are right on time. Wow, wardrobe did a great job on you guys. Copies of the choreography are posted, so take a quick look at them and we'll get started."

Cole and Lance exchanged bewildered looks and strolled into the room and realized why nobody much cared what they looked like. All the other dancers were busy applying make-up and putting on furry masks with large ears. Every performer was also decked out in a sleek red or blue spandex bodysuit with a long tail hanging limply from their rears. Soon the room was full of large mice, though none looked as realistic (or aroused) as Cole and Lance.

"What the..." Lance mumbled.

"Wonder how long this show is set to run for?" Cole mused, smiling.

Out on stage both boys loitered with the rest of the cast, playfully smacking nearby dancers with their tails before dropping them to hang innocently behind them as if nothing happened. Eventually the director came out to get things started.

"Ok everybody, as you know this is a newly commissioned ballet. Our corporate patron provided us with this piece. It is set up essentially as a prequel to The Nutcracker, focusing on the Mouse King's rise to power."

Sharing a look, Cole and Lance smiled.

"We also have two new members joining us today for the leads, Monsieur's Evans," Cole gave a slight nod," and Winters." Lance gave a little wave. "I'm sure if you all give them a hand; we'll have them up to speed in no time so lets get started."

Breaking into groups for rehearsal Lance nudged Cole, "You think the mouse prince over there would be interested in giving us a hand?"

Cole looked over at the tall muscular blond in the red leotard as he replaced the gray furry mask on his head. "We can certainly see if he's the cooperative sort."

They got to work and soon had the routine down cold. The rest of rehearsal went smoothly and a certain blond dancer was all too happy to join the pair for a bite to eat when they broke for lunch. That evening the performance went off without a hitch and when the final overture rang out it was replaced by thunderous applause. Glancing down into the audience as they made their curtain call Lance was taken back a bit when he spotted two guys in red polo shirts sitting in the front row. The younger of the two was staring slack jawed at Lance and Cole clearly astonished at the sight of the two spandex clad dancers. The older fellow with the balding gray hair was smiling in a smug and self-satisfied sort of way. He was still smirking at Lance as the curtain closed and Lance was certain he saw him wink.


It was easy to say that Sebastian hated his job. However, between the economy and his school schedule this was the best he could do right now. At least it paid descent, because otherwise cleaning up after other people was on the bottom of his list of enjoyable things to do. He was the only male housekeeper on the staff at the Pinnacle he also considered himself one of the best; he did his work thoroughly and in half the time of the others. Today he had a light schedule and was on his last room. Overall the room wasn't too dirty though the sheets and blankets were strewn all over the place and it looked like somebody had a massive sneezing fit on the mirror. He shook out the bedspread and stopped when something fell out onto the floor at his feet. Bending over he picked up the light blue scrap of material then suddenly realized it was a pair of underwear. But there was something different about this garment. It was a very light spandex material and was definitely a thong. Sebastian's eyebrows rose slightly as he considered the piece of clothing, he had always wanted to try out a thong but never could get up the courage to actually buy one. This one seemed in decent enough shape even if it did feel rather warm. A powerfully masculine scent was rising from it and Sebastian felt himself involuntarily stiffen in his boxers. Now he should have turned it in to the lost and found but after only a moment's hesitation he stuffed it into his pocket instead. Perhaps he's try it out tonight when he went out to the bars with his friends.

Project Proteus

Author's Note: The following story contains descriptions of situations that some individuals may consider objectionable. Themes such as bondage, torture, and homosexuality are used and should not be read by those not of the age of consent. The entire...

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Danny's Task

Danny's Task Tails from Arden's Woods By Apollo Wolf [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) Today's story is brought to you by the letter S, as in sex. Lots of it and between guys no less. I assume that is why you are here...

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Arden's Woods

Arden's Woods A gift for a friend. By Apollo Wolf [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) A whole lot of yiffin going on here. Any materials contained herein that one would find objectionable should not be viewed by those...

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