Classtime, Part 1

Story by Ridayah on SoFurry

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Author's Note: It's been a while! I'm working on sequels, but until they're done, enjoy some older stuff. :)

Lelyiah tapped on the door to the classroom with her claw lightly. She had come a bit earlier to class than necessary but she had to have a talk with her professor.

The young dragoness swayed her tail out behind her, the green length slender and lithe. The sight of it had attracted more than one admiring eye on the campus this year so far. Following up the tail's length to the body, it disappeared up inside a light pink skirt, from which shapely legs came down. The legs were bare hide all the way down to her paws, where clever sandals protected the dragon paws from the ground. As Lelyiah came to the classroom, she leaned her body forward to look in the window, causing the dragoness's small but pert chest to press against the white fabric of her shirt. They were framed by the soft green wings that partially covered her from the sides, and from the lustrious black mane and dark brown horns protruding from her head keeping attention elsewhere. With bated breath she attempted to peer inside the room.

The door opened before she could take a good look however, and Lelyiah nearly fell backwards in surprise. Only the surprise appearance of a white and crimson paw shooting out and grabbing her arm kept the dragoness from finding herself on her rump on the floor.

"Careful!" Professor Ridayah said, and pulled her into his classroom. Inside was decorated with cheesy posters of math symbols and physics equations, with a large desk in the back seperated from the rest of the room by a ceiling high partition. Once Lelyiah was inside, the Professor slowly closed the door.

"Th-thanks, Professor Ridayah, wasn't expecting you to open it so quickly!" Lelyiah blurted out with a bit of stammering. She stood at attention and blushed as Ridayah turned his gaze to her.

Ridayah just nodded, a slight smile on his muzzle. "I figured you were coming today, since it is the last day before teachers decide which students to accept into their study programs and which fail out. And since you wish to enter my program, you're hoping to check and see if you are in shape to enter correct?"

As he inquired of her, Ridayah sat back against the desk. Dressed in dark tan slacks and a white sweatervest he looked nearer to Lelyiah's own age, instead of twice that. His white hide was still strong and sleek, and the feathers adorning his neck and wings showed no signs of fading, and his tailfeathers coming out the rear of the pants were in just as good of shape. Even being nearly forty he was a prime specimen of male, something which Lelyiah had never forgotten.

Lelyiah blushed and lowered her muzzle a bit. "More than that, I..." She shook her head slightly before continuing. "I know I'm going to fail out, with how my grades have been. I don't know why but it doesn't seem to help no matter what I do in your class, I can't remember much of what you teach." She kept her gaze down, embarassed to admit that much.

With a short nod, her professor looked down. "You are correct, your grades are below what I'd normally consider acceptable for getting into the program. But I'm certain that you didn't come here to tell me what I already knew. So what is it you really want to say or ask?" At his gentle tone, Lelyiah looked up into his amber eyes.

"Well, I know even if students get poor grades sometimes professors for special reasons let them in. I want to see if I can get in that way, it's not as if I don't know how to study or anything, but with your explicit approval I can get in," Lelyiah said in a rush, her body quivering a bit. "I don't want to be like half of the dragonesses I know, wanting nothing more than to find a good mate to settle down and make young with. I want to adventure, go out and do things, and the program for physics exploration does that."

"I know that it's not a case of you can't study; for you recieve A's in all your other classes," Ridayah responded. "And you are right, we can do special acceptances, but those are rare cases." His tone implied she had little case before him for her request to be authorized.

Lelyiah knew deep down why she couldn't work in his class. She had gotten a crush and fallen hard for her Professor. Even now, being with him alone in his office, she could feel her heartbeat pulse just a bit faster. Her eyes never left him during class, and all of his teachings went in one ear and out the other. She lowered her gaze again and murmured, "Please... I'll do anything, I don't want to wind up just a homebound egg-heavy dragoness. I want to do programs like yours, spend time with you --" Lelyiah gasped and then clapped one of her paws to her muzzle.

The professor simply nodded and looked at her again with his amber eyes. "I understand. Now here is my dilemma. I can see that when you discuss the material with your classmates, you know what we are being tested on and what I'm giving you for notes. But you aren't learning to deal with yourself under the pressure of tests and the in-class assignments we do. That is a great part of the discipline needed to be a physics field researcher in my program. And you need to learn it before I make the evaluations tomorrow morning." His voice hardened a bit as he looked at the gradebook. "Otherwise you will be dropped from consideration."

The green dragoness blanched slightly at his tone, glancing first at him then at the gradebook. She shivered and then whispered, "I'll do anything, anything if it will teach me and get me ready by then."

Ridayah put his paw under her muzzle and made her look up at him. "There is a way. But it will not be easy, and you will have much embarassment if you choose this route. You might find yourself exposing more of your true self than you care to admit. Is that a risk you are willing to take, to stay?" His voice was odd in her ears, as if he had his own problems with being 'exposed'.

Lelyiah wasted no time and nodded. "Yes, I said I would do anything!" She felt her body shiver and looked up at him. "Please, whatever it is, I'll do it if it means I can stay in the program." Her voice nearly cracked with eagerness, tailtip flicking a bit faster behind her.

"Then your task will be simple, but extremely hard. In the field sometimes you must be still and silent. There cannot be any hesitation when you make discoveries either, for any exclamation could throw off results. Movement could shatter years of experimentation if the worst were to happen. And your mind must be able to concentrate even at the most difficult of times. So this will be your test. Can you be still, can you be silent, and can you concentrate?" Professor Ridayah said softly. He looked down at her eyes and took her hand in his own, pulling her towards the desk.

"Yes, I can..." Lelyiah said, a bit confused. "But how can you test me on that? I mean it's not like there's an endurance test or stress test or something..." She trailed off at his expression.

Ridayah grinned slightly, a devious smile. "This is where that 'expose more of your true self' comes into play, Lelyiah. Let me show you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a keyring with a number of oddly shaped keys on it. He selected a small one and turned to his filing cabinet. In a moment he had unlocked one of the drawers and out came a lumpy bundle. It unfolded into something that made Lelyiah gasp. "This is how you will be tested. If you can get through my class with this remaining silent, still, and still concentrate, then you are worthy of the program. Any slipup and you're out. Now if you want you can still drop out..."

It was an exit from what was sure to be Lelyiah's most interesting and hardest hour of class in her life. But she didn't take it.

The dragoness felt her mane brush against her neck as she swayed, and blushed hotly. She stammered out, "N-no, I will take your test if I can stay in." She took glances at what her teacher held, feeling her loins contract.

"Then get on the desk, and relax," Ridayah ordered. He moved his chair and his person out of the way, and Lelyiah hopped up onto it. She blushed before lifting her legs and awaited the physical part of her test.

Ridayah took his time. Held in his hand was a modified harness used in sex play. It was designed to strap around the waist, around a tail and then between the legs. But from there the similarities ended, as there were three devices attached to the strip of black leather between the legs. Held in place by metal studs, there was a large tapered vibrator in the back near the tail-side of the harness. In the middle stood another vibrator, this one slightly shorter but far thicker, looking something like a canine's penis, knot included. And lastly at the very front was a specialized vibrator: A butterfly, designed to attach and press against a clitoris for pleasure. This butterfly included a vibrating ring that would press around the clit, and a small wheel with soft bristles that held against the top. He set it on the desk beside Lelyiah and looked at the dragoness.

She had propped her legs up on the desk and wide apart, tail curled around her right side against the screen. The skirt had invariably come upwards, exposing the body between the young student's legs. She wore a set of plain white panties covering her nethers, although it could not hide the pale blue-green coming out above her mound at the top of the pantie's hem. And only a fool could miss the small but prominent damp spot right between Lelyiah's thighs.

"Looks like you anticipated this," Ridayah marked dryly. Blushing Lelyiah looked up, and then down. She shook her head a bit and clenched at the hem of her skirt, whispering, "I can't help it... you're doing... this, and even if it's wrong it feels so arousing. But I'll be quiet no matter what."

To this her professor just nodded, and without any delay his claws delicately pulled down her panties along her thighs. He took a moment to admire her slit as it glistened there, the blue-green hide ending at the tip of her slit but the color passing all the way down to her anus. He let out a low murr, and unhooked the straps for around the tail. With a speed and deftness that left Lelyiah amazed, he had it hooked and adjusted right at her tailbase, snug but not tight upon her hide.

"Now, you need to relax for this. I will insert them, and once done we will pull your panties back up, and you will go to your seat. I will have a controller for these and will test every ounce of your control. So relax and... here we go!" Ridayah said. As he had been talking his paws had positioned the long and slender vibrator against Lelyiah's backdoor, and finally with a deft press, it made its way in and spread her opening. Within seconds the slick device had entered competely, Lelyiah's muscular anal ring contracting around the impression at the bottom locking it in place. Ridayah flicked a switch on its underside, and then took the dog-shaped one and repeated the process with her sex. Although she whimpered as the large knot pressed pass her pussy's opening, it was soon in place. Flicking the on switch on its base, Ridayah moved to the last one.

He surveyed Lelyiah's clitoris for a minute. It hid inside her folds and the nub itself within its hood. The best course of action, Ridayah decided, was to attach as per normal. He loosened the band for the vibration up and carefully wedged it down between her folds around the clitoris and tightened it, so that it would not come off her button. The pressure would also have the added effect of trapping bloodflow within it, keeping her aroused.

Lelyiah let out a blush at feeling her professor's hands on her groin, thinking back to how much she had ached for this. She wasn't ashamed to let him see her wet slit, and couldn't help but stifle gasps as he fitted the butterfly. Finally he was done and she looked up at him.

"Now go to your seat and wait for class to start. You should prepare yourself," Ridayah said sternly. He turned around and rummaged in the open drawer.

Now Lelyiah quickly pulled her panties back up, blushing as she felt the fabric press the leather straps of the harness into her sensitive nether flesh. A bit awkwardly she made her way over to desk. She had to keep shifting her hips from the unusual sensations within her openings. It wasn't unusual because they had the vibrators in them, she had stuffed her fingers inside often enough to enjoy the feeling. What made it unusual was the fact that it was solidly within her, not questing about, and cool. Her fingers were warm and squirmed when she had fingered her body. This was far, far different.

Gingerly taking her seat, she saw Professor Ridayah slip something into his pocket and go to open the door. Once he did, a couple of other students wandered in chatting with each other and sat down. Lelyiah made a point of reaching under her desk for her notebook and set it on her desk, reading some of the notes she had sporadically taken earlier in the semester. It at least helped distract her from the sex toys firmly attached to her body.

Not much later the class was filled with happily chattering classmates. Lelyiah sat a bit off to the side, still as a statue but glancing at her notes. She kept her muzzle shut, just waiting for class to start.

"As most of you know," Ridayah barked from the front of the room, "Final evaluations are tomorrow. I expect each of you to do your best today, because we're going to quiz on the material." The students went quiet in a second, setting aside phones and grabbing pencils from their bags. Ridayah looked at them and reached into his pocket. "No, you won't need that, it's just verbal testing today. We'll have some fun."

And right on the word fun, he pressed the first button on the small controller hidden in his pocket.

Lelyiah felt it instantly. The vibrator in her rump went from still to suddenly quivering lowly. Lelyiah blushed hotly, afraid it would make a sound but after a moment without a noise she understood: It was a perfectly silent motor, so as long as she was quiet, no one would know. But oh how it teased her! She felt it rub against the sensitive inner walls of her ass, and her body responded with more slickness around the dog-vibrator. She squirmed her hips a moment and then remembered to stay still.

Up at the front of the classroom, Ridayah began calling out questions. He would then look forward and choose a student at random and have them answer. If they got it right he would put a mark by their name in his gradebook, and if not he simply put his hand back in his pocket.

And he would twist one of three dials on the controller.

The first time he did this Lelyiah hadn't been paying attention to his hand. So it had come as a shock as the vibrator sped up inside her rear, vibrating with more intensity. Her jaw dropped slightly, and she looked forward as her body pulsed around the intrusion. Her eyes settled on him.

"Lelyiah. Tell me how to find the length of a hypotenuse of a triangle," He said smartly, his hand in his pocket again. He had changed speeds a few times to which Lelyiah had been able to stay still, with nothing more of an outward sign than the twitch of her hand lightly on the desk, a sign of the pleasure she was experiencing.

When she opened her mouth to answer, Ridayah pressed the second switch.

Within the green dragoness's pussy the dog-dildo came alive. At the knot it began wriggling against her body, and its size placed part of that massive bulb against her g-spot. The intensity of the pleasure caused her entire body to quiver and open her mouth more, but not a sound came out. Her claws dug into the wood desk.

"Well?" Ridayah asked. "Do you know?" He tapped his foot lightly.

Lelyiah gulped, struggling against the arousal and vibrations in her body. "Umm... ah..." Her mind flashed back and quickly she saw in her mind the page of notes. "You can find it by adding the squares of the other two sides, and taking the square root of that result." She nodded and lowered her muzzle a bit.

"Correct!" Ridayah said, and marked a note for her in his gradebook. "Good job. Now that was an easy round everyone, in reality though things are much harder, so from now on I'll ask you real questions, and no the answers will not have come from your notes, so you'll have to think fast as in real life. This is where the real test begins." With his last words he looked straight at Lelyiah.

She gulped.

Rapidly he began calling out questions of a much harder nature. Lelyiah could feel a trickle of sweat running down the back of her neck, as the two toys vibrated slowly within her body. Then she heard what she feared.

"Good try, Haren, but that's not the answer," Ridayah said, and after sticking his paw into his pocket he told her the correct solution. But not before pressing another button on the little remote. In a split second the harness in Lelyiah's groin responded.

The two vibrators began to pulse. First the one in her ass would shake itself violently, and after a second it would stop still. At that point the dog-vibrator filling her vent would come to life, repeating the vibrations against her g-spot. Lelyiah could feel an orgasm rising within her, between the sensitive spot being teased and the feeling of the two dildos pressing each other through the thin wall of flesh between her orifices, Lelyiah knew it was only a matter of time now. She gritted her teeth and dared her best to remain still. She knew even if it didn't look as so, Ridayah's eyes were on her.

Three more correct answers later, Lelyiah knew she couldn't contain her orgasm. The vibrations were too strong, the pulsing from her loins made every muscle in her abdomen tighten up with need. She closed her eyes a second and bit her tongue to stifle a gasp. She tried holding off but it was no use, her body wouldn't be denied. With a tight clench of both vaginal and anal muscles, her body let loose with an unbeleivably intense orgasm. Her mind amplified it from her being surrounded by classmates who were unaware, and from knowing she was under the control of her crush-professor.

Ridayah didn't miss the signs. Lelyiah had tried her best but still a squirm escaped as she orgasmed. He figured it might be from feeling her fluids soak enough of her panties to even dampen the skirt underneath. But he let it slide, and simple changed patterns on the vibrators.

Now instead of pulsing back and forth, the two buzzed constantly. But their rates of vibrations varied drastically, from so slow as to be nearly off, all the way up to a level that Lelyiah was sure left it a blur. Her body still weak from the orgasm was unable to fight and clench, and she simply slouched a bit, listening to Ridayah ask questions.

Throughout all of this, Lelyiah was just waiting for someone to smell her, or hear her. She knew her bodily fluids wouldn't be stopped, and if she concentrated she knew it could be smelled. But after so many questions, class would soon be over. She was almost through this tortuous class.

Without warning Ridayah turned to Lelyiah. "Your turn again Lelyiah." He quickly spouted off a question, but his hand was already in his pocket.

He flipped the last button.

The butterfly sprung to life, vibrating with full intensity against Lelyiah's sensitive clit. It had become engorged with blood from the earlier orgasm that hadn't faded, and now the pulsing of the butterfly made her muzzle open. The third and final device activated sent her body spiraling to new heights.

She was dead silent for a moment as Ridayah waited. It was that silence which brought her out of her pleasure-induced haze enough to murmur the correct response. With that he nodded and turned to another student. But the vibrators didn't stop. Lelyiah knew now with such intensity it would only be a matter of time before she would squeal. Her next orgasm was coming, there was nothing she could do to stop it, and when she did everyone would find out. Despair filled her heart as her loins pulsed with the heat of arousal.

Her body responded exactly as Ridayah could have wished. Her rump and sex were clenched tightly about the intruders, holding fast and feeling each wriggle of the toys. Her clitoris was being rubbed by the butterfly, its sensitive surface being teased from sides and top. Not even her clothing at this point was a resistance, for her fluids dribbling copiously from Lelyiah's vagina had soaked the panties thoroughly and even the bottom of the skirt, making it stick to the desk. He continued asking questions.

Until one last question was answered wrong.

Ridayah triggered the final button on the remote.

Between Lelyiah's legs the vibrators stopped. Then in a split second, from ass to pussy to clit it pulsed. The timing of each run forward matched her rapid heartbeat, making the young dragoness bite her tongue from the pleasure. Having all three spots teased in sequence was rapidly pulling forward another climax, and even with biting her tongue she squirmed in her seat.

"Is something the matter, miss Lelyiah?" the green dragoness heard Professor Ridayah ask. She opened her eyes and looked right at his stern expression. She knew he would tease her, and that would be the end of it--

But luck was on her side. As powerful as the toys inside her were, they couldn't run forever. Without a sound she felt their vibrating pulses stop and the urge to scream subsided. She quickly regained her compsure and sat up a bit straighter; much more in control now that she only had the devices inside her and not vibrating. "No, Professor, just felt eager about your questions."

"Well is that the case?" Ridayah said. His hand was in his pocket and he had an odd expression on, but then he heard the ring of a bell in the hallway. He grimaced and looked out at the class. "Well then I guess that is enough for now. Everyone, good job today, and I will have the results posted tomorrow outside my door. Dismissed!"

The room emptied very quickly, save for two. Lelyiah sat in her seat and slumped a bit, while Ridayah stood at the front of the classroom. Once the last student was out he walked over to the door, closed and locked it, and pulled the shade over the tiny window.

He returned his attention to Lelyiah.

She sat there, panting, and then slowly stood up. Her skirt stuck to the seat of the chair so damp with her fluids it was, and her panties were thoroughly soaked. Lelyiah looked at the closed window and in a heartbeat, pulled both wet garments down to her ankles and off. She blushed knowing she was stripping before her teacher, but turned around to face him.

Ridayah stood behind Lelyiah until she was done and then turned around. "Luck was with you," he said quietly.

"Yeah," Lelyiah whispered, looking down. "I think the batteries died. Otherwise I would have squealed out."

"And had you, you would have failed," observed the drake. He took her hand and led her back to his desk. "But I have good news for you." At her inquisitive expression, he smiled. "You're in."

"I am?!" Lelyiah squealed out, and in her happiness jumped up and hugged Ridayah. She completely forgot about her soaked nethers and the harness still attached to her body, but Ridayah did not as it pressed against his very full sheath. He coughed and nodded, easing her off his neck. "Yes, you have. But there is one more test you are needed to take. Discretion."

Lelyiah blinked, her elation fading a bit. "How do I take that?" She asked, her paws coming down and lightly covering her blue-green mound.

With a wide, devious grin, Ridayah whispered, "Get on the desk. It starts now, you shall understand." As Lelyiah carefully got up on the desk, his claws reached down to his waist and began undoing the beige trousers, getting at the belt and then the zipper and button. He let them open in the front. "Oh, and remove the harness."

He focused on himself as Lelyiah with minor gasps tugged off first the butterfly, and then both dildoes. The clasp in the back took her a moment longer, but once she got it off the harness fell to the floor, and her eyes settled on her teacher. He stood before her in full glory, his cock aroused to full length and sticking out between the zipper in the pants and barely-visible crimson colored boxers. Her mind fluttered and she leaned back against the partition lightly, exposing her still-dripping and needy sex. "I understand," she whispered.

"Good. I've needed this release all class now," Ridayah murmured, and in a split second was atop her.

His hands held onto the desk as he kissed her passionately. Without needing to guide it his shaft had found its way to her pussy lips and once in place, he thrust savagely in. With little regard to the sound or her safety, the drake began thrusting his rigid penis deep within her folds.

Lelyiah gasped at the sudden intensity. Her body quivered, finally feeling a full drake's penis. It wasn't her first, but it was one she had desired more than anything and to now have it within her sent her mind away. She lost herself and wrapped her arms about the drake's neck, Lelyiah simply submitting happily to the attention. She murred and cooed at him, bouncing her hips onto her professor's shaft.

Neither one lasted long under such rough conditions. Lelyiah having been teased all class came first, her body clenching once more in a tight spasm. Electric jolts ran through her body from the build and finally with a spasm that set every muscle twitching, she came loudly, squealing. Her fingertips dug into the sweater on Ridayah's back, and with need she pressed her hips upward trying to get every inch of that cock buried inside. Both consciously and unconsciously she clenched down, wanting to feel his seed within her.

Luck was once again on her side. Ridayah eagerly drove down into her clenching body and that pushed his own orgasm out. With a soft growl he came, the hot spooge quickly filling Lelyiah's flower and bubbling out about his intrusion, dripping down over her anus and onto the desk.

They held close for a few minutes, their climaxes fading and their bodies losing the intense arousal. Ridayah slipped out and quickly cleaned his shaft off and tucked it back within his pants. Lelyiah simply sat there without skirt or panties in the cum-puddle on the desk, wriggling and eagerly looking at her professor.

"Well I should congratulate you on your acceptance," He said after a moment. His paws carefully picked Lelyiah up off the desk and set her down where she stood before him with a shy smile. "Come to my place tomorrow evening for supper, will you? And oh, do you have anything to wear right now?"

With a bit of a blush Lelyiah nodded, feeling some of the cum dribble out of her pussy and down her thighs. "Yes, I keep an extra skirt in my bag usually, I'll just throw that on til I get home... and I'll be there." Her heart leaped at the prospect.

"Oh, and wear something nice... you'll be getting more preparation for the program." Ridayah simply grinned and began packing up his bag. Lelyiah hurriedly pulled on her spare skirt, stuffing the wet garments inside her bag, and then made for the door.

"I'll be there, without a doubt," she whispered, and exited into the packed hallway.

Classtime, Part 2

Author's Note: In case you hadn't guessed, I do enjoy some very naughty things. I hope you enjoy these stories! Please comment if you did enjoy; it helps encourage me to write more. ---- Lelyiah pressed down the edges of her skirt and looked...

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On The Dance Floor

Authors Note: Sorry about the first upload; apparently it didn't take because I did it slightly differently! Silly Rida, I apologize, here you all go. This is the sequel....

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Night At The Club

Author's Note: It's been quite a while since my last story, but I got the urge this morning and all you get to share! Please let me know what you think, I love feedback! Thanks! -------------------------------- Shora hadn't...

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