Servicing a Trombonist

Story by isthisagoodname on SoFurry

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#6 of A Slice of Jake and Toki

The brown bear put down his trombone case by the door to his roommate's bedroom. Opening the door, he instantly heard the light snore of his friend.

The panda's snore was almost endearing. Ted could see the sweet smile on his face. Oh, how the panda loved his sleep, he thought.

"GET THE FUCK UP! We have classes, man. Theory, orchestra, we have finals to study for! Also don't you have a Japanese final?"

Jake's eyes instantly shot open.

"...Man, don't wake me up like that! My dad used to do that, it just made me want to sleep more."

Ted laughed.

"My dad would throw a bucket of water on me. Some days he'd take his crash cymbals when he was feeling extra evil." The bear replied.

"Oh man, that sucks." Jake said. He leaned up in his bed.

"Well, classes start in about half an hour, so come on, get up." The bear went and grabbed the sheets of Jake's bed, removing them.

He then noticed Jake's lack of underwear.

" sleep bottomless?"

"Yeah. So? It's comfortable."

Ted wasn't paying attention to Jake's response.

"Heh, dude...your dick is TINY! Is there even a shaft on that thing?" The brown bear asked.

"Ted, life is too short to worry about how big your penis is." Jake replied, getting off his bed. "...Besides...I like it this way."

Ted watched as Jake removed his shirt.

"How can you enjoy a penis your size?"

"'s cute." Jake responded, grabbing a clean shirt and putting it on.


"Also, it's not exactly this size when hard. It grows." Jake grabbed a couple of undergarments from his drawer and showed them to Ted. "What do you think, boxers or briefs today?"

The brown bear rolled his eyes. "What do I care?"

Jake shrugged and chose the briefs. "...Also, it's not in the way of my nice big sack." The panda stepped into his briefs and pulled them up to his waist, patting his scrotum within them.

Once the panda finished putting on his clothing, he and Ted drove off to school. The conversation about Jake's penis continued in the car.

"...Can you have sex with it?"

"Of course I can. Just had it the other night with that cellist." Jake responded.

"Weren't you on the bottom?"

"We switched it up. That's normally what I do, because both roles are fun."


The car went silent.

Jake saw the slightly depressed look on Ted's face.

"Not getting much sex with your girlfriend huh?" He asked.

"Hopefully we'll do it tonight. We've been planning a bunch of times but something always comes up for her."

"Sounds like she may just be making excuses..." Jake said.

"I don't know...I think tonight will be the night, though."

" any case, I don't know if I ever told you this, but if you're getting a little...pent up, I can offer you a service or two. Your girlfriend doesn't have to know. I've done it with a few of my friends."

Jake smiled.

Ted looked at the panda and raised his eyebrow.

"...Thanks, but no thanks. I'll stick to sex with women."

"Just putting the offer on the table, in case your girlfriend has yet another thing come up tonight."

The two got out of the car and entered the college's music building. The two walked down the hallways, hearing people singing songs, performing études, and tuning their instruments within their practice rooms. They eventually arrived at their classroom, and had their class.

After class, Jake's mobile phone started to ring.

"Oop." He said out loud to no one, and took the bulky phone out of his pocket. He flipped it open.


"Hey, Jake." The aging voice on the other end responded.

"Oh, dad. Hi. What's up?" The panda asked.

"I was wondering if you were going to be home for awhile before you leave."

"Oh, yeah. I'll be home for a couple of weeks, I won't be leaving the country until mid-June. At least, that's what I was told in the interview." Jake replied.

"Ah, that's good. I miss you, you know. The house has been very empty and lonely since you left for college, and your mother moved out..."

"Yeah, I know, dad. You know, it's not like I can't come to visit you, they allow us to fly home during holidays and such."

"Yeah...I just wish I could come with you. I want you to be safe there."

"I know, dad."

"I don't want you getting in trouble there. I can't come bail you out if you get arrested."

"Dad, for the millionth time, they can't arrest you in another country simply because you're foreign, as much as you want to think that."

"...Okay, Jake."

"...Listen, I've got another class coming up that I have to head to. I have to hang up now."

"Alright, Jake. Have a good day."

"You too, dad." Jake hung up.

Jake and Ted continued to go about their day with their classes, preparing for the finals, their juries, and getting some lunch. Sushi.

The two got their meals and sat at a table.

"So, my dad called me earlier. He wanted to know if I was staying at the house after we graduate. He seems really convinced that me going to Japan is a bad idea."

"Well, he's your dad. He's always going to worry about you like that. I'm sure he doesn't like being alone either, he wants your company." Ted responded.

"Yeah, I know...There's only so much of him I can take, though. When mom left he shifted whatever anger he had from her to me. I don't think I'd ever want to permanently move back in with dad. He was never great with money. We'd always be on the verge of bankruptcy and foreclosure. I don't want that. That's why I want to teach English AND perform professionally."

"Why would he be angry with you?"

"His anger was usually related to his wallet. If it had money in it he would be very easy-going and nice. Of course, that situation was a rare one. I never considered an empty wallet to be a good reason for him to yell at me."

"That sucks, man." The bear replied. He then got a call on his mobile phone. Jake started to eat his sushi while Ted answered.

"Hello? ...Oh, hey babe! What's up? Getting ready for tonight?" It was his girlfriend, Jake concluded to himself.

"....Wait....So...what's this mean for us tonight?" Jake looked back up at the bear again.

"...Oh come on! Babe, that's like, the 7th or 8th time you've had to cancel this! Are you just making these bogus excuses so we don't get to fuck? What's wrong?"

The panda looked unfazed, taking another bite of his sushi roll.

"Ugh....fine. I'll see you whenever, I guess. Bye, hon."

"I don't think I even HAVE to take a guess at what that conversation was about." Jake said between bites.

"....Fuckin' girls, man..."

"I know right? That's another reason I'm glad I'm a fag. I get to have sex with people who actually want to have sex." Jake smiled.

Ted gave Jake a dirty look for the response, but went back to eating.

The bear broke the silence after awhile.

"So...what'cha doing after classes?" Ted asked.

"...Dunno, after I finish my homework I'm probably just going to stay in the apartment. Watch some TV. Why?"

"Eh, well I guess since I'm not going out with my girlfriend yet again I'll want some company. That okay?"

"Sure, Ted." Jake smiled again, this time a bit more innocently.

After their classes, the two friends went back to their apartment. They set down their book bags and their instruments and took it easy for the night.

Jake thought about his phone conversation with his father earlier in the day once he finished his homework. His dad wasn't the greatest of dads, but he was still a good guy, and always wanted to help Jake. The two would always grow frustrated with each other, dad's eating habits, his financial woes, and Jake's apathy towards his mother leaving them, and his distant personality.

The panda decided to call his father back. He picked up the phone at his desk.


"Hey dad, it's Jake."

"Jake, what's up?"

"Well...I kinda wanted to apologize for the conversation earlier. It's just that, you know, you've told me these weird things day in and day out back when I lived at home. I'd always get frustrated with it, and you calling me at school to remind me these things yet again was just very annoying. I'm sorry for being abrupt and ending the call."

"Oh, that's fine, Jake."

"I'm going to ask you to not do that while I'm actually IN Japan, dad...that, and long distance calls are expensive and I don't want you to pay a huge bill just for telling me to be careful. I know to be careful. I'm already being careful having moved out of the house and having a life away from you. You know you're not the greatest with money, what with how many years you've told us about losing our home and not being able to pay bills."

"I know, Jake. But I'm your father. It's my job to worry about you."

"Yeah, my friend Ted told me the same thing earlier...but, dad...I heard you the first time you said it, back when I was still a kid heading off to school every day. Do you think I haven't been listening this whole time?" His father chuckled over the phone.

"No, I know you've been listening, Jake."

"Okay, dad. You know I'll visit you during the holidays and such. You'll always be welcome to visit if you can."

"That's good to know. I will definitely try to visit you, Jake."

"Alright, good. I'm going to be heading off to shower now, dad. I love you."

"I love you too, Jake."

"Good night."


The two hung up, and Jake went off to his bathroom to shower.

Ted opened the door to Jake's room. He saw that the panda was not in it. The bear heard the sound of the shower going in the other room though.

"You in there, Jake?" He asked, loud enough for the panda to hear.

"Yeah! I'm just about done, I'll be out in a minute." Jake replied.

Ted sat on Jake's bed. He laid back on it, wondering why his girlfriend kept making these excuses. The two of them were growing distant for awhile, he wondered if they should just break things off some time soon. She was beginning to take a toll on his time, his patience, and his wallet.

The bear heard the sound of the shower turning off. A minute or so later, the panda opened the door, and came out, with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Oh, hey." The panda greeted Ted.

"Should I break up with her?" The bear asked.

"Hm, I don't know. How long has she been blowing you off like this?" Jake asked, reaching for his glasses on his dresser and putting them on.

"I dunno...maybe a couple of months now."

"Ugh. No good. When was the last time, besides sex, that you two were together just enjoying each other?"

"Hmm...about the same time. We still talk on the phone, but she seems a little distracted every so often."

"Well...all I can say is just that you should try and sit her down and ask her what's going on. If things won't change after that, I'd say you should end it. There'll be plenty of others out there for you."

"Yeah, I guess..." Ted responded. "It'll be hard, though."

"Has anything ever been easy for us in the past couple of years?" Jake asked, temporarily removing his glasses to put on a shirt.

"Well, no..."

"Well then you'll get through it fine. Whatever pain you'll have will go away with time."

"...Thanks for the talk, Jake." Ted smiled.

"Of course, man." The panda responded. He removed the towel around his waist, and dropped it in his dirty clothes bin. With just the shirt and his glasses, Jake got onto his bed and sat next to his friend, not caring to put on any more garments. He put his arm around him, in an embrace of sorts.

"You're a good-looking guy, Ted. There's bound to be one other girl who'll find you interesting enough to be with you. Hell, if you were gay...I'm sure I'd try to be your mate."

Ted turned to see Jake with a sincere smile on his face.

"You'd make a great boyfriend, Jake." The bear smiled back.

"Thanks." Jake got out of the embrace and laid on his bed. Ted didn't notice his bottomless state again until now.

"Heh, letting your dick hang out again, huh." Ted chuckled.

"As I said, it's comfortable." Jake smiled. The smile was short-lived, though.

"Hey, don't really think my penis is inadequate, do you?"

The bear looked back down at it. The flaccid member sat on top of the panda's scrotum, rather than hanging in front of it, and there was some remains of foreskin covering some of its head. The little hole looked like it was staring at him.

"...Naw, man. I was just messing with you this morning. Looks alright to me."

Jake smiled again.

"...Jake, those that...offer...still...?" Ted was a little nervous asking the question.

"You want a blowjob, Ted?" Jake chuckled. "If you want, I'll definitely give you one."

"Heh....okay." Ted was reluctant a bit. "I'm...a little nervous."

"Don't be, Ted. We're good friends. We've been friends since we met here, that's about...4, 5 years? I'll keep this secret. You won't catch my gay either. Promise." Jake held his hand up, swearing to his word.

"Heh." Ted was a little relieved. "'s kinda weird another guy my penis."

"You're seeing mine right now. How much weirder can it get?" Jake asked, pointing down at his own member.

The bear was reluctant, but he eventually started unzipping his pants. He also removed his shoes and socks.

"I think I'll try this bottomless thing you're touting. Is it as comfortable as you say it is?" Ted asked.

"Very. You'll like everything that's about to happen, trust me." Jake responded.

Ted was slow, but eventually removed his boxers, revealing his own penis, which was only a bit longer than Jake's in its flaccid state. Jake could see the bear's nervousness.

"Have you ever heard the saying, 'it's only gay if your balls touch', Ted?"


Jake immediately thrust forward onto Ted, allowing their scrota to make physical contact.

"Hey!" Ted yelled.

"Do you feel gay?" The panda asked.

"Well...not really." Ted replied.

"See? The saying's full of shit. You're still straight, I'm still gay. I want you to relax, man." Jake hugged his friend. "You won't enjoy yourself until you calm down." The panda slyly smiled. "Besides...rub them together again?"

The panda again thrust his scrotum against Ted's.


The bear started to laugh. The panda joined in.

"Heh heh...okay, I'm better now." Ted said.

"Alright, let's start then. Lay back a bit."

Ted leaned back, to the edge of Jake's bed frame, leaning on it a bit.

The panda moved downward, laying on his belly a bit, and took Ted's member in his hand.

"It's nice." Jake complimented.

"Thanks." The bear responded.

Jake started to stroke it a bit, to allow it to harden. It started to grow in his hand.

"Mmmph." Ted grunted a bit.

The panda started to lick the underside of the head of Ted's member. Each lick caused it to twitch. Jake smiled as it twitched.

Jake then put Ted's dick into his mouth, and started to suck on it. He slowly sunk into the bear's crotch, content.

The member got harder the more his tongue tickled the head.

"Oh, dude...." Ted sighed in bliss.

The panda removed himself from Ted.

"Liking it so far?" Jake asked his friend while continuing to stroke the bear's member.

"Yeah...keep going, dude."

The panda resumed blowing the bear. Ted didn't know how experienced his friend was with this. As he got closer and closer to climax he wondered how he'd ever return the favor to the panda. Being straight, it would be difficult for him to do the same act on Jake. He also immediately dismissed the idea of allowing Jake to perform anal on him in his head.

Jake, on the other hand, had been quietly anticipating this. The day he met Ted he immediately liked the idea of rooming up with him for college. He loved his company, and thought he was a great guy who deserved better than the girlfriend he had. He did not say anything though, not because Ted was straight, but because the two had fairly different aspirations, Jake going to Japan, and Ted doing touring jazz gigs. A relationship with him would've been too painful.

The panda could taste the more and more frequent pre oozing out of his friend's dick. He knew his friend was going to burst.

"Oh man...Jake...I'm go...ahh..." Ted said, breathy.

Bear jizz started to fill up Jake's mouth. He swallowed every bit of it as it shot out. There was quite a bit more than a friend would normally give Jake.

The panda slowly took his friend's dick out of his mouth.

"How was it?" He asked.

"Honest?" Ted replied.

"Yeah, good?"

"...mmbet..girlfr..." Ted mumbled.

"What was that?"

Ted sighed. "...Better than my girlfriend ever gave...Don't tell her I said that."

Jake laughed. "Sure, that will stay secret...Oh, Ted, when was the last time you jacked off? That was a lot of jizz."

"I dunno...not in awhile. I think I kinda stopped when I got together with my girlfriend."

The two chuckled, and went silent for a bit.

The bear then spoke up.

"So...I want to return the favor...but I don't know how. I'm not gay..."

Jake smiled.

"Well, for now, you just wanna hang out with me in here and watch TV? We'll think of something."


The two laid in Jake's bed for awhile with the TV going. Ted noticed how much bigger and harder Jake's dick was than before.

"Hey, wow." The bear pointed at it.

Jake looked down and saw he still had an erection.

"Oh, heh. Now you see that it's not always as small as you've seen it."

"Yeah...maybe I..."

"You want to give me a handjob, Ted? I don't think it would make you gay."

Ted hesitated a bit. "...Sure."

Ted moved his arm to his friend's penis, and started to stroke him.

Besides a few instructions on how to jack Jake off, and some passing comments about what was on TV, there was pretty much quiet as Ted masturbated the panda.

"It...feels to touch." Ted uttered.

"Yeah, a lot of my friends who like fooling around have said they liked touching my penis."

Jake smiled contently, the feel of another hand on him, he could feel himself getting close to making a mess in his friend's hand.

The bear felt quite a bit of twitching in his hand, as well as the clear liquid that was coming out of the little hole on the head.

Ted looked up and saw that Jake sighed in content and just smiled. Not a moment later, the panda started to ejaculate in the bear's hand. The bear didn't notice until he started to feel it.

Ted took his hand off the panda and looked at his hand, covered in panda jizz. Jake looked at it as well, and smiled at Ted.

"Way to alert me, dummy."

Jake started to burst out in laughter. Ted joined in as well. The panda apologized for not telling Ted he was going to climax and handed him his box of tissues.

After awhile, the two continued to lay in Jake's bed. Ted broke the silence yet again.

"I'm going to miss you, man."

Jake hugged his friend.

"I'll miss you too."

The two smiled at each other, and watched TV together for the rest of the night.