a white christmas part two

Story by drake pleasurepaw on SoFurry

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Seth woke up on Christmas Eve morning, looking forward today's plans. David had given him his address and invited him to come over and celebrate Christmas with him. Seth got up and padded into his bathroom. He took a shower and got dressed up for today's plans. He looked at himself in the body mirror and smiled at himself. Seth wore a white dress shirt with black cargo pants, no tie because he was not going to work for a week thanks to the holiday. As he looked at himself, he couldn't help but remember what happened to him yesterday. the way he meet a new co-worker and was struck by how cute the fox was, and then on top of that, kissing the fox outside in front of his work in the cold weather.

Seth was planning to leave at noon so it wouldn't seem to early when he arrived. Seth padded into his blank living room and sat down on his couch, turning on the TV. He turned it to the weather channel and looked for anything serious that might come up. As it would seem, a large front was going to come through and the weather would get worse, probably snowing in furs for the night and the next day or so. Seth thought of the luck, being snowed in with a cute fox seemed to make Seth giggle with excitement. Seth begin to think into the future... would anything happen between the two? Seth shook his head; there was no way anything would happen because this would be the second time they met.

Seth looked at the time and panicked a bit, he saw that he never got a present for David! Seth thought for a moment.... they only met yesterday, but David could have gotten him a present and Seth would feel bad for not getting him one. Seeing it was only nine o' clock, Seth got up and grabbed his coat and car keys and left.

As Seth drove out of town, he thought about going to the mall, browsing a bit and finding a present for David in till noon. About a half an hour later he pulled up into the vast white parking lot that was dosed till you could barely see the pavement in the fluffy white snow.

Seth got out and walking into the building, stopping at a map. There were a few stores open and barely any furs there. Seth began to think, (what would David like?)

As Seth walked around, he pondered what life was like outside of work for David. Was he a Goth, a prep, or a just a normal guy? Seth looked in various stores but found nothing of interest. He stopped at hot topic, which surprised Seth that the store was still open. Seth walked in the dark store for Goths, emo's, or kids who just hate their parents. Seth looked around and something caught his eye, a heart shape locket. Seth thought for a moment, a heart shape locket.... for a fox he just met? there was no way that there was any love in between the two but Seth shrugged his shoulders and got it, seeing it was a very nice present anyways. He walked up to the register and put the locket down and pulled out his wallet.

"Last minute shopping, huh?" a female feline said from behind the counter.

"Yeah, seeing that I almost forgot to get a present for my friend"

"A friend? Why a locket?"

"Well... I don't know... maybe he could use it for someone else"

"or maybe you love him" the feline said smiling from behind the counter.

"Me love him?... I do not..."Seth said, blushing.

"please, I can see it in your red cheeks, you like him"

"Well... we just met and well... I don't know..."

"Hey I have an idea, come with me"

Seth shrugged and followed the feline in the back. The feline pulled out a camera and said "smile!". Seth smiled seeing there was no way out of getting his picture taken. The feline took the camera to a nearby picture printer, it was small and had note card size paper in it. She plugged up the camera and printed out the picture that she had just taken. She then took out a pair of scissors and cut the picture down to size, till only Seth's face was showing. She then walked out and Seth followed her, watching as she put the picture into the locket and took out a piece of paper and wrote something down on it. She put the paper in the locket as well and shut it.

"That should do it"

"What did you write down?"

"Look for yourself"

Seth took the locket into his paws and held it, wanting to open it but couldn't get himself to.

"I think I'll wait"

"Well I hope it works"

"As do I... so how much?"

"Nothing at all"

"Really? Thank you so much!"

"Hey, it's that time of the year"

The feline took the locket and wrapped it, lacing a pink bow on top .Seth walked out with a smile on his face, what luck and what generosity he had received. Seth found a clock and saw that it was almost noon. He walked out of the mall, got into his car and drove off.


Seth pulled up to an apartment building and got out of his car. He took out the piece of paper that David gave him and opened it. It said to go to third floor and knock on room thirty-two. Seth entered the building and began climbing stairs. He reached the third floor and found the door with a thirty-two above it. Seth hesitated abit before he knocked on the door three times. He watched the doorknob turn and the door open. Seth was face to face with a nicely dressed up fox... who was wearing all black. David squeaked as he saw Seth standing there with a present in his paws.

"Seth! I thought you would never come!"

"Well I am here now aren't I?"

"Come in come in!!!"

David moved out of the way and Seth walked in, David shutting the door behind him.

"So Seth... you got me a present, just set it over there with the other one." David said pointing to a single present sitting on an end table under a small tree. Seth put the present under the tree and looked at the other one. On the sticker of the other it said ' lots of love to Seth'. Seth blushed as he stared at his present, wondering whets in it.

"Hey, do you like wine?" David asked, startling Seth.

"Uhh, yeah"

David nodded and disappeared. Seth looked around and saw nothing special about this room he was in. just a normal living room with no decorations except the tree that was sitting on the end table. Seth sat down and waited for David to return.

David returned with a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses. He set the wine and the glasses on the table and disappeared again. Seth took the wine bottle and popped the cork. He poured the wine in the glasses and took a sip out of his, admiring the flavor and age of the wine. David returned with a plate of cookies and sat down, setting the cookies on the table.

"Try one, there homemade snicker doodles"

Seth took one and bit into it and breaking a piece off. Seth tasted cinnamon... and a whole bunch of it.

"Their tasty, but I want to know how old this wine is"

"My mom had it for twelve years before she gave it to me five years ago"

"Eighteen years... it tastes excellent"

"I'm glad you like it"

David took his wine glass into his paw and drank abit of it as he nomed on a cookie. Seth and David began talking, learning new things and hearing funny stories about each other. As they were talking, Seth looked out the window in the room. Seeing the snow come down hard made Seth smile, he was going to stay the night. He looked at the clock ad saw that it was only five o' clock. He looked at David who was still rambling on in his past, trying to get everything out at once.

"hey, why don't we take a break... imp tired of sitting" Seth said.

"I have nothing to do around here."

"Then what to you do for fun?"

"Nothing really... I just lay in my bed till I fall asleep"

"You don't even watch TV?"

"no, not really"

"I see... then why do you lay in your bed all the time?"

"Because I have nothing better to do"

"Do you even have a hobby?"


"Huh... well if you do anything, what do you do?"

"Well... I write poems"

"Really? Can I read one?"

"I rather not bring them out..."

"Why not?"


"Okay" Seth said looking at the fox.

There was a long silence as Seth looked at the fox. Seth looked out the window and saw that the sun was going down. Seth got up and looked out the window, looking down. Seth saw that no cars were going down the roads and it looked like the snow was so deep that it would be suicide if he tried to drive home.

"hey what do you think of me staying the night?"

"I would love it if you could stay the night!"

"Well I am... I can't go home.... the snow is too deep for me to drive home"

"Yay!! A sleep over!"

"You could put it that way.... I just have to crash here for the night"

Seth sat down next to the fox, who was blushing at the idea of Seth staying the night.

"Why are you blushing?"

"I'm n-not blushing... I'm just excited... it's been a long time since I had any one stay over for a night."

"Well, me staying with a cute fox like you, I don't think I would give up the opportunity to stay with you." Seth said, trying to see how much flirting the fox could take before anything serious happened... if it were to happen tonight.

David blushed even more." I'm not cute... you sexy wolf"

Seth blushed, getting smacked in the face with the complement. "Please... I'm not sexy..."

"yes you are... you're so tempting, so hot, so... big..."

Seth heart began to beat faster and his sheath began to stir as he heard what the fox said. David leaned over and lay on Seth shoulder, his paw on Seth's belly. Seth looked down at the fox, who in turn was looking up at Seth.

"Seth... I want you in me..." the fox said.

Seth's heart started racing and his sheath stirred even more. David looked down at Seth's mid-section and placed his paw on Seth's crotch. Seth murred a bit as his cock protruded from its sheath and begins to grow in his pants. David felt this and smiled, his paw fiddling with Seth's pants, trying to get them undone. Seth was more than nervous as he watched the fox unbutton his pants and pull them down, along with his boxers. As his cock came into view, Seth was shaking a bit as he let his nervousness get the better of him.

"d-David... uhh... ummm..."

"Shhhh... you'll enjoy this" the fox said, licking the wolven member from bottom to top.

Seth let out a light moan as he felt the wet muscle run up his cock, his pre dribbling out of his phallus. Seth's cock was completely red due to the erection, and his knot was growing at the bake. Seth clenched the fabric of the couch as David took his cock into his muzzle, sucking ever so slowly. David reached his paw under Seth's dress shirt and rubbed Seth's chest. Seth unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside, and then he made David sit up. Seth pounced on David and kissed him deeply as they laid there on the couch, a naked wolf on top of a still dressed fox. Seth broke the kiss and sat on his knees, in between David's legs. Seth could see David's erection poking the fabric of his pants.

Seth looked at the fox, which was looking back with pleading eyes, wanting to be pounded by the bigger wolf. Seth unbuttoned David's pants and pulled them down along with the fox's boxers. David had taken his shirt off and tossed it aside, still looking at the wolf with pleading eyes. As David's cock came into view, Seth was so out of breath he could barely keep himself up as the moment took all of his breath. Seth was so worried about performance anxiety that it made his cock soften a bit.

"Seth... be my Christmas wish and take me"

Those words seem to reassure Seth as his cock hardened again. Seth looked down at David's mid-section and grabbed himself, guiding his cock to David's tail hole. Seth leaned over the fox on one paw and rubbed the phallus of his cock onto David's tail hole, making David's tail hole slick with precum. Seth pushed in and began to slide into the fox, his paws now resting on the couch on both sides of the fox's head. David gasped as he felt the wolven meat slide into him, letting out low moans as Seth continued to sink deeper into him.

Seth looked down at the fox, whose face was distort with pleasure and his eyes closed as Seth's fully engorged knot bumped up against David's tail hole. Seth let out a slight murr as he felt his cock surrounded by the warmth of the fox.

"Seth... you're so.... big" David said in between breaths

Seth smiled as he pulled out halfway and pushed back in, watching David open his muzzle to let out a moan. As Seth began a slow pace with his fucking, David was in total bliss. As Seth sped up abit, David clawed the couch in pleasure, loving every moment that Seth's meat was inside of him. Seth sped up even more, making David moan louder as he took the fox faster. David let go of the couch and wrapped his arms around Seth's neck, pulling the wolf down. Seth's head now at level with David's, Seth lapped at the fox's neck, loving the soft fur that surrounded his muzzle. Seth sped up more, feeling his orgasm beginning to rise from the pleasure he was taking. David gasped, moaned, and clutched Seth's back, digging his claws in as the wolf sped up.

David couldn't take much more of this wonderful feeling as he felt his climax come close to exploding. Seth pounded the fox harder as his climax neared its release, wanting to be free from the clutches of the wolf. David moaned as his orgasm caught him and he exploded all over himself and hitting Seth's chest and belly in three waves of cum. Seth leaned up and looked at the cum covered fox. The sight of the fox in his own spooge was enough for Seth to give one last thrust and tie with the fox, howling as he expelled his seed. As he filled the fox up with his cum, Seth collapsed on top of David, out of breath. As the rest of Seth's energy was drained from the forceful cumming, he laid there listening to the breathing of the fox, which was at a fast pace.

There was a long silence as Seth lay on top of the fox. David stirred under Seth and broke the silence.

"Seth... that was spectacular"

Seth smiled and replied back "well... I did my best"

"You know what?" David asked


"I... love you Seth"

Seth blushed " I love you too David"

They laid there for abit more before the position they were in had cut the circulation off to David's right arm. They shifted around a bit, Seth pulling out his knot and releasing a wave of cum from the fox's tail hole. They sat up and sat together, David's head on Seth's shoulder and their paws in twined.

"hey Seth..."


"Since its Christmas eve, do you want to open our presents?"

"I don't see why not"

David smiled and stood up. Seth got up and got dressed again because the cold was getting to him. David got dressed also and grabbed the presents from under the tree that was on the end table. David handed Seth his present and held his in his paws.

"go on, open it" David said

Seth tore off the wrapping to the medium sized present. As Seth opened the box, he pulled out a red camcorder.

"Awesome! Now I can record you"

David smiled and looked at the small present that was in his paws. David undid the bow and took off the wrapping. David stared at the locket that Seth had gotten for him. Seth watched David open the locket up and look inside. Seth watched David smile, tears running down his cheeks.

"Seth... I love you so much" David said looking at the wolf

David clutched the locket and cried, Seth holding him in his arms.

"Hey it's okay... I love you too"

David stopped crying and sat there in Seth's arms. Seth took the locket from David as David hugged him. Seth opened the locket and read the message that was written inside.

'To the one I love the most' the massage said

Seth smiled at the message... it was the truth. Seth held the fox in his arms and David stopped sniffling, looking at the wolf. David and Seth kissed deeply, then loosened their embrace, but still held each other. Seth smiled as he looked out the window, begging to wonder if the was a Christmas miracle.



those who have been following my "werewolf king" series will be disappointed. my computer was on the fritz one day and almost deleted everything i had, even my whole series... and i had just finished chapter fifteen too!!