Twice Bitten, Once Shy: Chapter 7

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#7 of Bitten

This story contains explicit adult content yada yada yada. PLEASE don't take stuff from Sofurry and post it other places! This story is a Sofurry exclusive and the author is ME FOXMUSCLE! And if you get caught by me or any of my rabid werewolf fans posting this story elsewhere we're going to KICK YOUR BUTT! Also Tormal will kick you butt too! So there! Ha!

Otherwise please enjoy the story! It's super long and took a loooong time to write so sorry to everyone who was waiting! I hope to have the next chapter up soon!

Part 7

Harry Young watched from the shadows of an abandoned house just down the street from where the events of the night before had happened. Rick's red sports car was gone and thankfully it seemed that nobody remembered it being there earlier that night. At first it had just been police, but now there were two news stations here and the crowd was growing with each passing moment.

It had been a long night and Harry had other places to be, but part of him thought he owed it to the two young werewolves somewhere in the woods outside of town to stay and see this through. As more people showed up Harry ventured out of his hiding spot and towards the lines of yellow tape and the crowds of people milling about. Most of the people were the poor residents that lived along the road, but others were just people who had stopped by to see what was going on.

Thankfully the body had already been removed from the scene, but to Harry's sensitive nose the irony smell of blood hung heavy in the air. It was hard to believe it, but Harry knew Dustin had killed his father. Weather or not it was on purpose remained to be seen, but since Harry and Rick had every intention of forming a pack with the two boys; Dustin would have to deal with the murder as a wolf and ultimately as a man.

Rick had already made some 'special' calls to some of his friends in high places and Lex's parents had been told most of what was going on, minus the part where their son was chased out of town by a twelve foot tall horny werewolf. It would take some huge favors to cover up the murder of Brian Parks. Harry wasn't looking forward to laying low for the next couple of months, but what he would be dealing with was nothing compared to what Lex would have on his hands. Harry grinned when he thought about the two and how wild a romp they must have had the night before. It almost reminded him of a time when he and Rick were younger.


Something solid and very warm was wrapped around Lex and a low rumbling snore was disturbing his slumber. A cool breeze swept through the small clearing where the two young men lay entwined in gentle repose. Lex sleepily looked at the massive arm holding him against a very solid mass of muscle that felt a lot like somebody's chest. His back was to whoever was holding him and for a moment Lex just sighed as he enjoyed being held by another man.

He would have gone back to sleep but his brain picked that moment to remember everything that had happened the night before. Lex was suddenly very awake as he realized this must be the werewolf that chased him into the forest and...

Lex looked back at the arm wrapped around him. It was certainly a human arm despite how large and muscular it was. He felt the chest behind him and sighed when he felt no fur, only a thick wall of solid muscle. So whoever had raped him last night was clearly a large muscular man. Lex thought he could live with that, but he at least wanted to see who it was before they woke up.

It took a while and quite a bit of squirming, but Lex managed to free himself from the arms of the man who was holding him. Even better the guy hadn't woke up so if Lex needed to make a mad dash he could. As soon as he was free Lex noticed he was completely naked, but then again it made sense considering he had shredded his clothes last night. On top of that he was sore all over and without even looking at himself Lex could tell he was a lot bigger than he had been the night before.

Lex put his self exploration aside for the moment and looked back at the man laying on the ground. He was huge, probably pushing seven feet tall and quite possibly the biggest man Lex had ever seen. He was defiantly the biggest Lex had seen naked, but then again even that list was pretty small regardless. Lex inspected the guy's junk and gawked when he noticed a lack of a cock, instead there was a long tube of black furred flesh attached to the guy's waist. The set up reminded Lex of his own junk the night before, and when Lex looked to check out his own set up he realized he had the same gear. At least Lex still had balls, even if they were much larger than before and covered in dense black fur.

Lastly Lex looked at the guy's face. He was pretty scruffy and looked like he hadn't shaved in at least a month. Lex wasn't surprised considering the guy was a werewolf. His eyebrows had fused together into one large mono brow and it gave his face a funny look. Lex couldn't shake the feeling though that the guy looked familiar, but it wasn't until he growled in his sleep and scowled as some figment of his imagination that Lex finally recognized him. "Holy Shit! Dustin!?" Lex gasped.

Lex stood there for a while before the shock finally faded. It just had to be him, but damn! Since when had Dustin been so big? Lex had seen him just the other day and now he was like freaking huge! On top of that he had a thick black stubble covering half his face and there was just no way Dustin could be the werewolf from last night! Lex was so confused that he didn't even hear Dustin as he began waking up. "Ugh" Dustin said from below Lex; startling the young man.

Lex jumped back and stared at Dustin as he rolled onto his back and sat up. "Where the hell am I?" Dustin said more to himself than anyone around him.

Lex watched for a moment as Dustin became more aware of his surroundings. Eventually Dustin noticed Lex and seemed to smile just before he frowned. "Um, Lex? Is that you?" Dustin asked as he scowled, noting how different Lex looked. Not only was Lex taller, but he looked a lot more muscular too.

"Hey Dustin! What's up?" Lex asked as he tried to sound as cheerful and normal as possible. "Um, why are we naked in the middle of the forest?"

"You mean... you don't remember last night?" Lex asked in confusion.

"All I remember is fighting with my dad just before..." A look of pure horror crossed over Dustin's face as memories from the night before came crashing over him like a wave on a beach. "Oh... Oh shit! What did I... NO!" Dustin screamed and Lex noticed his voice drop and octave as he screamed. A deep rumbling growl shook the peaceful forest grove and Lex noticed that Dustin's beard seemed to be getting thicker. A shadow began to crawl across his face as it contorted in rage and his muscles seemed to bulge just a bit bigger. Lex didn't know what to do, but he knew something bad was happening.

"Dustin!" Lex said and rushed forward and knelt beside the young man sitting on the ground. Dustin snapped his head towards Lex frightening the other young man. His eyes were a fierce feral yellow and most of his face was covered in thin fur. His mouth and nose had pushed forward to form a short snout and he was currently growling through his very large and very sharp teeth. "Dustin you have to calm down man" Lex said and placed a hand on Dustin's shoulder despite how frightened he was right now.

Weather it was the sound of Lex's voice or his cool hand on Dustin's hot shoulder Lex didn't know, but the snarl on Dustin's face faded into a mournful frown. Tears welled up in his half canine eyes and Lex felt Dustin fall into him burying his face into Lex's chest. Dustin sobbed and mumbled broken words that Lex could not understand. It seemed talking with a half snout was just as hard as talking with a full sized one. Lex just held Dustin in stunned awe and tried to remain collected.

Had Lex really just seen what he thought he saw? Had Dustin really grown a snout and fur? A quick check confirmed it because Dustin's face hadn't changed any except the wet trails through his face fur from his tears. Lex was honestly to shocked by the sudden transformation and Dustin's behavior to do anything more than hold him.

After about three minutes Lex pulled Dustin's face up and looked into his yellow eyes, "Dustin, I don't know what happened last night, but we're here right now, and we can't change anything. We need to do something about what's going on right now and we can worry about last night later" Lex said. Dustin nodded as Lex stood. "Come on now, let's get you up and moving"

Lex watched as Dustin stood and was once again shocked at how big he was. Dustin had to be pushing seven feet tall and he had the body of a Greek god. Every muscle seemed to bulge and twitch with just the slightest movement. Lex realized that even though he was a few inches taller himself he was still nowhere near the size of the man standing before him. Lex was drawn to Dustin's package next. Two massive balls hung below a huge sheath that looked thick and heavy. Whatever lay waiting in that sheath had to be massive.

Lex was a little worried at their change in anatomy, but truthfully their body hair in that region had gotten so thick that he didn't think anyone would notice. The sheath looked funny and everything, but it wasn't any worse than having a big flaccid cock hanging between his legs. Actually it was a little more comfortable than before. Having always been an unnaturally big guy Lex was a little glad for his change in equipment.

Dustin was ironically taking everything pretty well, he seemed pretty calm altogether, but Lex wondered how much of that was his own emotional state reflecting on Dustin. Just to experiment a little Lex began to focus on being calm and relaxed. Like magic Dustin's face shortened and his fur un-grew. At least it looked less furry, but was still thicker than it had been before. "So..." Lex said now that he felt like they were relaxed enough to think about their current predicament, "How do we get out of here?"

Dustin didn't respond, but instead sniffed the air like a dog. Lex was confused at his actions, but like lightning Dustin was looming over Lex and had pulled him against him. A deep rumbling growl echoed out and into the forest. Lex wanted to sooth Dustin, but honestly he was too scared to do anything. Dustin's chest was solid and hard; Lex felt oddly safe pushed against that wall of strength and power.

"What's wrong?" Lex asked in confusion.

"Something is coming towards us" Dustin growled out through his teeth, "Something not human"

After a while Lex could smell it too, but something in his brain told him it wasn't an enemy. Oddly enough Dustin seemed to sense that Lex recognized the approaching person and his loud growl softened. "I think I know who it is" Lex said and placed a calming hand on Dustin's chest.

After a few moments a familiar man pushed through the underbrush and into the clearing, stopping short at the sight of the two naked young men. Coach Rick frowned at what he saw. "I thought I smelled wolf" He said and reached into the pack on his back. Rick tossed two blankets at the boys. "Cover those up boys, we don't want to advertise the merchandise" He said gruffly and Lex thought it might have been a joke.

Dustin wrapped his blanket around Lex and took the smaller one for himself. Lex was a little surprised, but he just went with it. Rick led them out of the woods and to a pick up truck that Lex recognized as Coach Young's. Lex was going to ask about it, but instead he kept quiet. Coach Rick didn't seem to want to talk, despite how he had said the night before that he had a lot to tell Lex.

After a long ride back into town Lex was dropped off at his house. Dustin didn't seem to want to let him go, but Rick insisted. Lex made his way inside and met his mom and dad sitting at the breakfast table. "Hey" Lex said as he walked into the kitchen, trying to pretend like he hadn't turned into a werewolf last night or anything else like that.

"Morning honey" Lex's mom said and for a minute Lex thought he might just get away with everything.

"Lex, when you get a chance there are still some things we need to talk about" Lex's dad said and Lex froze mid-step.

"Um, like what exactly?" Lex said casually and turned to his parents.

"I know we didn't get much of a chance to talk last night bud, but now that you are a werewolf we have some new house rules" Lex's dad said as he read over the newspaper on the table. "No changing in the house, and no visitors or plans on the night of the full moon. You remember your brothers had to exercise a lot and do other things to keep themselves in line so I expect for you to take care of your needs on your own. Alright son?"

"Yes sir" Lex said as he thought about how his brothers must have gotten this same speech.

Lex hurried up stairs to get showered and dressed. After locating some clothes he inspected himself in the bathroom. Thankfully most of the damage he had caused in the bathroom was already fixed. Lex's parents must have some awesome repair friends who didn't ask many question because this was just stupid fast.

For the second time in the last two days Lex stared at himself in the bathroom mirror in shock and awe. At first he though something was wrong when he had first looked at himself in the mirror, but after a closer inspection he realized what was going on. Lex could only describe what was growing on him as stubble. A solid carpet of stubby black hairs were pushing out of Lex's skin all over his body. This was going to be a shaving nightmare, but after discovering how much spread his new body hair had he decided he would just deal with being hairy.

On the other hand Lex had put on about twenty pounds of solid muscle, making his formerly shredded form look more like an armature body builder. He wasn't anywhere as big as Dustin, but he wasn't complaining at all. Lex was too scared to explore his new equipment, but as he cleaned his furry sheath and balls a large red tip pushed out to peek at him. Lex fought the surge of Canine emotions in his brain. He was more than a little proud of himself as he noticed the hairs on his arm getting longer, but then shrinking back down as he calmed down.

Lex figured out pretty fast that he had a good handle on his emotions. He could change ever so slightly, but still keep calm. Even stranger though was how some things never seemed to be entirely human. Most of all Lex was much stronger, but his senses were much stronger too. Lex discovered that he grew claws and fangs pretty fast. The fangs would revert to a point, but the claws had to be clipped.

Changing, even slightly, made Lex hungry. It was a terrible hunger that hurt inside him and was hard to control, but on the plus side eating made controlling himself even easier. Lex did some exercises in the garage, but he was having a hard time focusing on the exercises even if he could bench and squat more than quadruple what he had been doing before the change.

The day seemed to drag on and on until about five when Lex heard, from the other side of the house, a familiar truck engine. Lex raced to the front room arriving in time to watch as a huge shape got something out of the back of the truck. Lex stepped away from the door not wanting the young man outside to see him peaking out at him. It seemed like an unnaturally long time before a loud ring came from the door bell. Lex's mom and dad both came into the room. "It think it's for you dear" Lex's mom said and smiled at her son and looked at the door.


Dustin held what remained of his life in the ragged suitcase he had pulled out of the wreckage of his room. He hadn't bothered with clothes or even pictures. All he took were some old foot balls and a few trophies from when he was a kid. It took a huge effort for Dustin to push the door bell beside the huge oak portal leading into Lex's house. A big angry part of Dustin was so mad at Lex, but after talking to both Rick and Harry Dustin had already forgiven Lex.

How could Lex have known? Dustin knew he was just as much to blame anyways. He had raped Lex and done terrible things to him all because he liked to feel powerful and strong, but now that he was strong enough to rip the door off the house and more than powerful enough to have his way with anyone he wanted all Dustin could think about was Lex.

Would Lex be mad at him? He hadn't seemed angry that morning, but Dustin just didn't know. He had tried so hard not to think about how Lex felt before that now he was having a hard time thinking about what Lex would be thinking. When the door finally swung open and Lex was standing there with his parents behind him Dustin was ready for whatever was waiting for him. Dustin knew, whether he liked it or not, Lex was all he had left in the world.


Lex looked at the giant standing in doorway and for just a moment he was scared. Dustin looked awful! His eyes were bloodshot and he still hadn't shaved yet. A carpet of dense stubble had sprouted from the bottom of Dustin's short beard and crept down past the buttons of his barrowed polo shirt. Lex wanted to reach up and comfort the distressed giant, but he found himself at a loss for words. On top of all that Dustin had a suit case beside him. What did it all mean?

"Um... Hi Dustin" Lex said as he looked up.

"Lex..." Dustin said in a strangely deep voice.

There was a long silence before Lex's mom sighed and walked past her husband and son. "Why don't you go ahead and come inside" She said as she reached around Dustin and pulled his suitcase into the house. "We can talk about things over dinner" She said and wheeled the huge ragged thing into the house and parked it next to the stair case.

Dustin came inside and was led to the kitchen where Lex's mom busily instructed him in the basic arts of helping in the kitchen. To Lex cooking came natural so he just did what needed to be done, but Dustin was so awkward in the kitchen and seemed to just get in the way. Lex's mom didn't give up easily though and after a few minutes she had regained control of the kitchen.

When dinner was ready and served everyone sat down and ate in silence until Mr. Long finally shattered the mood. "So you two know what happens when a werewolf fucks a human right?" He asked and Lex's mom looked like she was about to faint. Lex blushed a bright red and he thought he felt the pricking of fur on the back of his hands. Dustin's grip on his fork was making his knuckles turn white and the poor fork was probably bent into a very un fork like shape.

"Colby!" Lex's mom said and flashed a deadly look at her husband.

"Mary, we can't keep dancing around it all night. The boys need to know the consequences of their actions!" Mr. Long said and turned back to the two young men sitting opposite of him at the table. "When a werewolf screws a human they infect that human with lycanthropy. Even worse the more times the human is exposed to the virus the more powerful the thrall becomes" he said and frowned. "And judging by the size of your thrall Lex you two had plenty of time to horse around"

"Dad I know how this looks..." Lex said and looked at Dustin with sympathy in his eyes.

"No, no. Werewolves are a-sexual Lex, there are only male werewolves. One day you two could even give us grand pups, but everything in good time" Mr. Long said and looked at his wife who only glared at him. "More importantly is that you have a fully grown thrall on your hands Lex, and Dustin here hasn't even gone through werewolf puberty yet"

"Whoa, whoa!" Lex said in shock, "Werewolf puberty?"

"Don't change the subject Alexander Long!" Mr. Long said and pointed an angry finger at Lex "Thralls are dangerous to themselves and to everyone around them. Dustin has already..."

"Cullen! This is not the time to talk about that" Mary said and looked at Dustin as she put a hand on his clenched fists. "We're not here to judge you dear, but there are some things you need to know" she said and looked back at her husband before continuing. "When a werewolf eats human flesh they loose part of their human self. Each time it happens the werewolf becomes more wolf and less human" She explained. "The mark usually takes a few days to manifest, but it will come regardless" She said sadly.

"How do you know about all this" Lex asked.

"You're brother Jack, he killed on his first night. He changed in a bad place and ended up killing the girl he was with at the time. After that he changed. We had to work with him a lot to control his changes, but he eventually learned to adapt" she said and looked at Colby.

"What Marry is saying is that Dustin will be even more difficult to teach. He's not only a thrall, but he's already killed once" Mr. Long looked at Colby and frowned. "If Dustin kills again he might not be able to turn into a human anymore. We're lucky he's even sitting at the table with us right now"

Dustin had turned white on the other side of the table and Lex looked at him sadly. Lex wanted so bad to comfort Dustin, but his parents had him nailed to the wall. "I'll take responsibility for him dad, I think I can control him if we can learn to work together"

"For his sake I hope you are right. Dustin is the first Thrall any of our sons have made. If you can't control him we're going to have to ask you two to leave... for good" Mr. Long said and gave them both a serious look.

After that the dinner table was silent again. Dustin didn't look very hungry any more, but he sure ate like he was. Lex decided that he would have to be proactive from now on, but unfortunately it was only the second night of the full moon. According to his dad it is impossible for Lex and Dustin to be human when the moon is full and the full moon lasts three days according to werewolf legend.


After Dinner Lex and Dustin were supposed to meet up with Coach Young and Coach Rick. The two older men, who Lex and Dustin were told were also werewolves, came at about seven and picked the boys up in their truck. Everyone seemed pretty somber until Coach Young finally broke the silence, "So, have you boys patched everything up yet?"

Lex and Dustin both looked at each other nervously in the back of the truck before Lex spoke up, "We haven't exactly had much time to talk about things"

"Well seeing as you two probably mated the other night you'd better work things out while you have the chance. Thralls aren't known to take kindly to mixed emotions from their parent wolf" Harry said.

Lex thought about things as the truck flew down the highway. As fast as things were going he honestly hadn't had much time to think about what was going on in his life up until now. As much as he hated to admit it he and Dustin were together now one way or the other. After thinking about it Lex turned and looked at Dustin who was sitting beside him in the back seat of the truck.

The larger male was currently staring out the widow of the truck at the trees as they whizzed by in the fading afternoon light. Lex smiled as he looked at Dustin. He needed to shave really bad by now. He almost had a full beard going on. Dustin had a ruggedly handsome face and if he didn't look angry all the time than he might have even looked cute. Lex had never thought about them being together but if werewolves were anything like wolves than the bite marks on Lex's neck and upper back proved that they were indeed mated.

Lex finally decided that Dustin looked sad instead of angry. He knew the other male had a mean streak a few miles wide. Dustin also had a bad temper and he was known for being a bully too. On second thought Lex felt a little guilty. What had he unleashed upon the world?

Eventually the truck pulled off the road and started down a rough trail. Lex checked his watch and frowned at the time. It was getting close to nine o'clock. Thankfully though they arrived at their destination a good thirty minutes before nine. It was just enough time for Rick and Harry to explain some werewolf essentials to the two young wolves.

"First things first" Rick said and frowned, "You two need to get undressed before you ruin another set of clothes"

Neither Lex or Dustin wanted to undress in front of Harry and Rick, but when the two coaches started taking their clothes off the boys followed suit pretty quickly. Once everyone was good and naked standing in the large empty field Rick continued.

"Now, I want you two to change before the moon does it for you" He said and crossed his arms over his impressive chest. Lex was finding it hard not to look at the two men standing naked before him.

Coach Rick was already an impressive man. His whole body was covered in thick grey body hair and under that was stone solid muscle. Lex had always thought he was a little overweight, but his gut was actually solid muscle that was so built up that it looked like a gut. Rick had thick cords of muscle all over his body but his arms were easily his biggest feature. If he hadn't had body hair so thick that you couldn't make out the skin underneath it Lex thought he might have been able to see Rick's blood vessels pulled taunt against his skin. Rick's chest and back hair was a darker gray than the rest of his body and from what Lex remembered from the other night it must follow the pattern of his werewolf fur.

Coach Harry lived up to his name. He was slightly taller than Rick and a lot more muscular when he was naked like this. He wasn't as bulky as Rick but overall he seemed to be larger than the smaller man. His defining feature though was the super thick reddish brown hair that covered nearly every exposed inch of his skin. On his chest and back it was almost like fur. The body hair was so thick around his crotch that Lex couldn't even see his sheath and balls hidden in the super thick man fur. Another thing about both Rick and Harry that Lex noticed was the additional nipples on their chest and lower abdomen. As strange as they looked Lex had to admit that he almost found the nipples arousing.

Lex looked over at Dustin before blushing and looking back at himself. Up until now Lex hadn't realized how short he was compared to the other guys. Even though he was a few inches taller now he was still shorter than Rick who was at least six five. "How exactly do we change?" Lex asked nervously.

"Concentrate on the wolf inside. Will it to come forward and it should be simple from there" Harry said and smiled encouragingly.

To everyone's surprise Dustin suddenly let out a savage and angry growl as he dropped to all fours and a faint popping sound came from his changing body. In a few short seconds fur swept across his growing form. Lex watched in mute fascination as Dust's body changed shape. His body seemed to explode as his muscles tripled in size and he grew to about the size of a large pick up truck. In a few short seconds Dustin was finished and he towered above the three humans.

Lex felt a chill go up his spine as the wolf inside him bubbled up from his subconscious. Lex felt something like a pleasurable stretching sensation and the dull heat of his fur growing in. While Dustin had taken almost a full minute to change Lex took only a few seconds. He did note that he was around six feet tall when his expanding form stopped growing, but he was still dwarfed by the massive black monster beside him.

Across from Lex and Dustin a thickly muscled gray wolf and a reddish brown wolf watched them cautiously. They were both looking at Dustin nervously, but to Lex's surprise Dustin didn't seem interested in them at all. Instead almost as soon as Lex finished changing the truck sized werewolf turned to Lex and started to sniff him furiously.

Lex exchanged a nervous look with the two older wolves as his thrall reared up and growled softly. Lex looked up at the mountain of muscle standing before him. Was Dustin really in there? If he was than what was he thinking as he growled down at Lex?

Before any of the three werewolves could do much more than gasp Dustin dropped to all fours almost on top of Lex. The impact of all that muscle hitting the ground made the ground shake and Lex lost his footing. As he tumbled backwards Dustin reached out and caught him with a massive paw. Lex looked into the fierce yellow eyes of the wolf standing before him and for just a moment he knew Dustin was in there somewhere.

The moment passed as quickly as it had happened and Dustin turned his attention to something other than Lex's balance. The massive werewolf stuck his nose right up against Lex's crotch and preceded to sniff and then lick the other young wolf in a very private area. Almost immediately a musky odor seemed to roll off the horny werewolf and Lex remembered the smell from the night before. It was the smell of pure sexual arousal.

"Well it looks like you have things under control Lex!" A familiar werewolf voice called out as it's owner made his way back to the truck.

"We'll be back to get you two in the morning!" Another wolf voice called out.

"Hey! You're not just leaving me... Coach? Rick... Harry!" Lex called out after them.

"Ah... good boy Dustin" Lex said and took a step backwards from the massive werewolf.


It didn't take long for Rick and Harry to make their escape in the truck. Lex looked nervously at Dustin before sighing. Oddly enough instead of acting aggressive like the last time they had fucked Dustin seemed to be desiring an entirely different sort of sexual contact.

Lex gasped as Dustin's huge tongue pushed into his sheath. Not only did it feel sinfully good but Lex felt his own personal monster stirring to life. Dustin couldn't have been happier judging by the excited grunts and low moaning growls coming from him. Every inch of wolf meat the pushed out of Lex's sheath made the huge werewolf more and more excited. Thirty two inches of wolf meat stood between Lex and Dustin glistening in the light of the full moon.

Dustin growled as Lex shuddered and a small geyser of pre erupted from the tip of his cock. As crazy as it looked Lex realized that a thirty two inch cock was just about right for a wolf Dustin's size. As if on cue the monster werewolf reached out and wrapped his paw around the thick slab of wolf meat. Dustin ravaged Lex as he pulled him into his arms. Every minute or so Lex would moan and growl as his cock would flex and spasm shooting pre into his mate's hungry maw.

It seemed impossible, but was Dustin actually hungry for cum? It made sense when Lex thought about it. A huge werewolf like Dustin could eat all day and not get full. If that was the case than Lex was going to have his hands full feeding his new thrall! Dustin on the other hand was too distracted by the massive cock in his snout to think much beyond the cumming meal of his mate's delicious juices.

Lex had to admit that Dustin was getting progressively better at this whole blow job thing. It turned out that muzzles made giving a blow job much more pleasurable. On top of that Dustin had a huge hot tongue that he would wrap around Lex's cock as he hungrily slurped down the stream of pre Lex was shooting into his mouth. On the other hand Humans have supple lips that could apply pressure and cause the sucking sensation that made a blowjob so damn pleasurable. Fortunately Dustin was a werewolf so he had all those things and as he practiced servicing Lex he was getting progressively better at extracting grunts, growls, yips, and howls from Lex. Lex was also pumping a huge amount of pre into the wolf, but that wasn't what Dustin was hungry for.

Sure pre tasted great but Dustin was hungry for the thick ropy juice that had made him the beast he was now. A part of the monster inside him only understood sex and everything about Lex screamed sex to the wolf inside Dustin. Lex's body was more than willing to provide and as the pleasure built higher and higher Lex knew he was eventually going to give Dustin exactly what he wanted.

Lex couldn't help the howl that escaped his wolf lips as he felt the gallons of cum shooting up all thirty two inches of his cock and into the hungry mouth on top of him. Lex's eyes rolled back in his head as he bucked every five seconds or so in rhythm with his cock. His orgasm seemed to go on and on as Dustin hungrily drank from the seemingly endless fountain of wolf cum. Each clench of his balls, each pump of his cock, every second of this sexual bliss seemed to push him a little further over the edge.

Somehow after a full mind-blowing three minutes of gushing into Dustin's snout Lex felt something inside him snap as he experienced a new explosion of pleasure. It was like his whole body exploded with pleasure as his cock and balls went into double time. The stream of cum became a river of cum as Lex's entire body convulsed in pleasure. Dustin supported Lex with his left paw as he continued to work the cock in his mouth and slurp down more and more cum.

After about a minuet of super orgasm Lex felt himself start to slow. At long last he lay spent in Dustin's arms as his cock sputtered the last remains of his orgasm into his mate's mouth. Lex was lost in the haze of his glorious afterglow. He only distantly remembered the sensation of his cock pulling back into his sheath. Dustin seemed to relax now that he was full and for a while Lex and Dustin laid together in the cool night air. Dustin curled protectively around Lex as the smaller wolf slipped into a peaceful slumber.

As Lex slept Dustin watched him as he lay peacefully in his arms. Now that the insane need to feed and have sex had passed Dustin could almost think straight. A sense of calmness radiated outwards from Lex and for the first time since the night before Dustin felt at ease. Holding Lex like this almost made the werewolf feel less like a monster and more like a man. Eventually Dustin lay his head against Lex's and he dozed off as well. The moon smiled down at the two werewolves as they lay together in peaceful repose. For the first time that day everything felt right again and for a while at least the two young wolves could be at peace.