Discovering what it's for... (Resubmission)

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Arianna was bustling about the house, hurrying to clean before she had to leave. She had a very important business meeting to attend and she had to straighten the house before her son got home from school.

She had been dreading this day for many months. She thought back to the dinner conversation a few days ago when her ten year old son, Paul, had found out about her meeting. She wished her husband was still around, but how would a normal wolf know how to raise a child with macro wolf blood. Paul was large for his age and most people thought he was fourteen because of him standing five foot six. Her mind began to wander to when the doctor said that with her being five foot ten, and her late husband standing eight foot five, that Paul would not grow much taller. , maybe maturing at around six foot ten or so. God how she missed Damien and all the fun they had together. Maybe Paul would not have been able to talk her into leaving him home alone for an hour. For being ten, Paul was quite intelligent and able to put up a good debate over why he could be left alone. Not to mention there was Arisha around. Hell that was part of Paul's argument, which their female lab would be around to protect him. Arianna had to admit that Arisha was protecting of Paul ever since they had brought him home as a baby.

Suddenly she was snapped from her wandering mind by her cell phone ringing. It was work they needed her in sooner! She quickly scratched a note and ran out the door. She prayed that Damien would watch over Paul...


Paul unlocked the door and waived to the bus driver. He was glad that Ms. Fairchild, the kind elephant lady who drove the bus, had waited for him to get to the door. He was proud, his Mom was at work and he had the place to himself. Well not exactly. As if on cue Arisha came bounding around the corner and began to lick Paul like crazy.

"He he he, stop it Arisha. Down girl." Paul liked how excited she was, it was like he was gone for years.

As Arisha settled down, Paul's nose picked up an odd scent. He had never smelt anything like it. Slowly he began to walk around the house, Arisha following him everywhere. He stopped and picked up the note on the coffee table...

Dear Paul,

I'm sorry honey but they need me to stay at work a little longer. I'll be back home at five and I'll bring pizza!



He looked up at the clock, it was two now. He now had three hours alone! This was becoming a great day! He was being a big boy! His thoughts were interrupted by the smell again, it was getting stronger.

He went up the stairs and into his room, no matter where he went he could smell it. He then decided to check his Mom's room. As he walked in, he shut the door behind him. The smell was even stronger in here! He turned to leave and saw that Arisha had followed him into the room. He may have been young but he knew that Arisha was the cause for the smell.

"Come here girl" he said as he patted his Mom's bed.

Arisha obliged and leapt onto the bed. Paul took a moment and saw spots on the floor. He looked at Arisha and saw she had something on her... what did his Mom call it? Oh, her lady hole. Then he remembered boy's at school saying that girls had pussies, this must have been it! He placed his finger into the opening and pulled it back. Something sticky was on it. Carefully he raised it to his nose. The smell shot through his body, making his boy pole feel tingly. No not his pole, but a cock like the other boy's called theirs. Not thinking his tongue darted out and he tasted it. It was rich and spicy. He decided to try more.

Carefully he moved Arisha around and lowered his muzzle to her lady pussy. He slowly put the tip of his tongue into Arisha. As his tongue slid in he felt Arisha shake a little. His mind began to blur a little as he began to put his tongue in farther and lap at her. Arisha let out small soft sounds and began to rock against his face, sending his tongue in deeper. Paul began to wonder why he was doing this, but something stronger told him to go on, something older than him deep inside.

After about twenty minutes, Paul pulled himself away from Arisha, whom let out a small whine, as his pants were tight. Rolled over on the bed and lowered his shorts. He noticed he had a large wet spot on his boxers and his cock was standing straight up. He looked in shock at his cock and how big it was. He looked around the room and saw the clock, it was only two thirty, and he had plenty of time to see how big his cock was.

Carefully he got up and walked to his room, grateful his Mom had not opened his curtains. He looked through his drawers and found thee fabric ruler his Mom had given him. She told him to measure his inseam for her without his pants on and he wanted to do it himself, and he kept the ruler. He thought about it and wasted to see how long it was, and placing the ruler he saw it said nine inches. Paul wondered if that was big but decided to see how thick it was, and wrapping it around once found it to be five and a quarter. He stood there and as he was placing the ruler back in the drawer, he let out a moan as something warm and wet moved across his cock.

As he tried to control himself he looked down and saw Arisha was returning the favor. He stuttered at her to stop but it did not stop her energetic licks. Slowly Paul made it back to his Mom's room as the bed was softer than his. He lay back as Arisha kept licking, he felt like he was in heaven. But as quickly as it had started, Arisha stopped.

Paul looked up and saw Arisha with her tail in the air. He looked at her pussy and then at his cock. That voice deep inside him was telling him to put it in her. Paul inched closer and as he moved closer the top of his cock, no it's head, brushed against Arisha's pussy. Both let out small moans.

Paul did not even have to move, as soon as his cock head went into Arisha's pussy, she moved back, sliding all of his cock deep inside. He let out a moan as he was encased in firm softness, the moist warmth gently moving as Arisha shook. His instincts took over and Paul began to thrust. Slowly at first, just to feel the movement, but soon he was thrusting faster. He kept a good pace, like his instincts told him, as he felt something bumping against him.

He looked down and saw something wasn't bumping against him, he had grown a knot! Paul knew from some of the boys that canines had things called knots, which boys used when mating. So he was mating with Arisha! His instincts told him yes and it felt good! His knot was the size of a softball and it felt good having pressure against it!

Paul knew what he had to do. He began to thrust harder, each time feeling Arisha stretch over his knot. She whimpered and whined, but kept thrusting back against him. Suddenly Paul felt himself go into Arisha, his instincts took over completely as he growled and bit onto Arisha's neck as he had his first orgasm. He felt his seed shoot deep into Arisha; he was claiming her as his mate.

In his post-ejaculation haze, Paul let go of Arisha and cuddled with her. He looked at the clock and saw it was now three fifteen, he had been mating for forty-five minutes! He began to move and noticed he was stuck! He had time, so he lay there as he felt more of his seed pass into Arisha. Slowly he dozed off.

After what seemed an eternity, Paul awoke from his knot being tugged on. He looked at the clock and it was four fifty-five! He was tied for an hour and forty minutes, and his Mom would be home soon! He moaned as Arisha's tugging finally gave way, and they were both free. Paul look at Arisha in amazement as nothing leaked out and she trotted away. Paul knew he had just enough time to shower before his Mom came home!

Luckily everything worked out fine for Paul. It was the greatest day of his life: he got laid for the first time, his Mom never caught him, and when Arisha went into heat again Paul was ready...

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