Kiako High School

Story by Kalto on SoFurry

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Thanks to a wonderful fan of my stories, Fang, I was able to recover my original Kiako High School least the first 5 chapters of it..this really was my first story...I wrote it a while ago when I was cut me some slack..^.^...I hope you enjoy it as much as my other stories.

Chapter 1 "so it begins"

"Kal..." Someone shouted "Kal...come on, were gonna be late"

"Alright sis, jeez.." A young man said, he opened the door to his bedroom and then sighed. "Man Kalashall chill out, I was getting dressed."

"Whatever, I doubt that, besides I've seen you in your boxers plenty of times, Kalasoul." She said, Kalasoul was a fox furry and so was his sister, Kalashall. Kalasoul had a very good relationship with his sister, he had seen her topless, it was how she preferred to walk around the house, and Kalasoul walked around in a pair of shorts or sometimes just his boxers on really hot days. Kalasoul was wearing a white T-shirt with a red and white plaid over-shirt and black pants. Kalashall was wearing a red tank top with a velvet short skirt. Kalasoul started walking and Kalashall was a few steps behind him.

"Aren't you nervous, Kal?" Kalashall said as she caught up with him. "Yeah, I guess so....are you?" he replied. Kalashall nodded

"Yeah, a little...actually a lot, I hope we fit in at this new high school, Kal." She said quietly.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine...hmm, I hope there are some cute girls there...though I doubt any of them would want to go out with me." He said half to himself.

"Kal, quit putting yourself down, your very cute." Kalashall smiled as she spoke to him. Kalasoul turned to his sister and smiled back.

"Thanks sis.." He said. "I hope there are some cute guys there." Kalashall said.

"I'm sure there are." Kalasoul said.

Kalasoul and Kalashall arrived at the school a few minutes later. As they walked onto the parking lot they noticed all the different furries. They saw foxes, cats, wolves, tigers, raccoons, and dogs. They continued walking and Kalasoul was looking at some of the fox and cat girls as he walked by. They were all very cute and many of them wore short skirts and shirts. He also noticed there were a lot of cute furry guys too. Kalasoul looked over at his sister and saw she was talking to a handsome cat boy. He smiled seeing his sister was already fitting in. Kalasoul looked around again and then saw a handsome wolf boy approach him.

"Hey there, I'm Karim, what's your name?" The wolf boy asked.

"I'm Kalasoul." Kalasoul said.

"Oh, may I call you Kal?" Karim said.

"Uh...I don't mind." Kal said. Karim smiled and looked around and then looked back at Kal.

"'re a new student here, huh?" Karim said. Kal nodded.

" old are you?" Karim asked.

"I'm old are you?" Kal replied.

"I'm 17." Karim answered.

"Oh, are you a junior?" Kal said.

"No, I'm a sophomore too." Karim said.

" you have your schedule yet?" Karim said. Kal shook his head.

"No, me and my sister need to go up and get them at the office." Kal said. Karim blinked and then smiled.

"Your sister?" Karim asked.

"Yeah, my sister." Kal said. He pointed to Kalashall who was still talking to with the cat boy. Karim looked at where Kal was pointing and then looked back at Kal.

"Hmm...she's pretty cute...and so are you." Karim said with a smile. Kal blinked.

"Uh...thanks...are you bi?.." Kal asked. Karim nodded.

"Yeah, everyone I know is bi..this kinda like a bi school...only a few people are openly Dante..and Vash.." Karim said. Kal blinked.

"Uh..who are they?.." He said. Karim looked around and then pointed to a fox furry in a red open trench coat that exposed his torso, he was very well cut and had a nice six pack, he had white hair that hung down in front of his face and black pants and black boots on, he also had on a black cat collar.

"That's Dante..and Vash...I don't see Vash...but he's Dante's cousin." Karim said. Kal looked over at Dante, he heard a bell ring and looked back at Karim. "Oh shit...that's the to go Kal, I'll talk to you later.." Karim said.

"Uh..ok..bye Karim." Kal said. Karim waved to Kal and then left for his class. Kal looked over at his sister and saw she was walking toward him. "Hey..who was that you were talking to, sis?" Kalasoul said.

"Oh..that was Cerin, he's a junior like me." Kalashall said as she walked beside him.

"" They both headed toward what they thought was the front office.

"Hey Kal...I think this is the front office." Kalashall said. They were standing in front of a door with a large sign above it that said Front Office. Kalasoul looked at his sister in amazement.

"Holy shit sis...are you serious?..." Kalasoul said sarcastically. Kalashall looked at her brother.

"Ugh..shut up Kal." They both walked into the front office.

Chapter 2 "First hour and then some"

Kal and his sister Kalashall, who from now on shall be known as Shalla, because people are getting confused with the names...and I am too honestly, so now Kalasoul shall be known as Kal unless further stated and the same applies for Kalashall being Shalla.

Kal and Shalla both looked around and saw the office was rather small, though it looked large from the outside. Kal saw Shalla walk up to the front office and give the cat lady behind the desk both their names and she told Shalla to hold on a minute. Kal sighed again and looked around, he blinked noticing a very attractive looking wolf girl who seemed to be having trouble with her books and other papers. Kal slowly walked over to her, then quickened his pace as he saw she was about to drop everything. Kal knelt and managed to catch one of her books in his left paw and gathered up her papers with his right. The wolf was blushing a little, having not noticed at first that Kal was there, she smiled and knelt down beside him, picking up the rest of her papers.

"Thank you...they really do give too much work in this least for me it seems." The wolf girl said. Kal smiled up at her and handed the rest of her books and papers to her.

"I'm the way..." He said to her. The wolf girl slowly stood up and smiled down at him.

"I'm Lupa...nice to meet you Kalasoul..." The wolf girl told Kal. Kal blinked and then smiled.

" me Kal..all my friends do.." He said to her. Lupa smiled back and nodded.

"Ok Kal.." She said to him, then blinked and ran for the door. "Oh man...I'm so late..bye Kal.." Lupa called to him as she left, her voice somewhat trailing off. Kal was about to tell her bye but stopped when he had seen she was already out the door and well gone before he could even open his mouth. Kal sighed and stood up and then turned to his sister and saw she was staring at him, a wide grin on her face.

"Who was that lover boy?" Shalla asked him as she walked toward him, both their schedules in hand. Kal blinked and then blushed brightly.

"Uh..that was Lupa..I just figured I'd help her out.." Kal said, his voice a little shaky. Shalla blinked and then grinned widely again.

"Yeah...I noticed you get her number?.." Shalla teased her brother. Kal blushed even brighter at his sister's words.

"Shalla...come on..." Kal said wishing his sister would leave him alone. Shalla simply shrugged and handed Kal a blue piece of paper. Kal took it and looked it over, seeing his schedule, he read aloud what classes he had. "Hmm...let's see here...Math...Biology..PE...Sex?..hey Shalla..there's a sex class..." Kal said surprised, he was still blushing.

"So I noticed...except I have Sex II...must be because I'm a is a class too...I only have 4 classes.." Shalla said to her brother. Kal blinked, looking his schedule over again. He had five classes, Math, Biology, Sex, PE, and Lunch, not in that order. Kal looked over at his sister's schedule seeing she had PE, Lunch, Sex II, and Math. Kal sighed and looked up at Shalla. "Well...I'm gonna go to first hour, Kal...have fun.." She said and walked through the door and out onto the campus, heading toward her first class. Kal sighed again and looked at his schedule, his first class being Biology, in room 313. Kal walked out of the door and then headed toward the 300's building and then made his was down the hall way to room 313. Kal placed his hand on the door handle and gulped. -Well, here goes nothing- Kal thought to himself. He slowly opened the door and walked in. The first person he recognized was Karim. He smiled seeing his wolf friend in the same class with him, feeling a little better and less nervous. As he continued to look around, the next person he recognized was the fox Karim pointed out to him, Dante. He blinked for a moment as Dante stared at him intensely, not taking his eyes off him.

"Hey Kal..over here." Karim shouted to him. Kal nodded and walked over to Karim and sat at the empty desk next to him. Kal set down his backpack underneath the desk and looked over at Dante, curious to see if he was still staring at him, and he was, his arms folded over his chest. Kal blinked and looked away, he leaned over next to Karim and whispered to him.

"What's with that fox?..Dante?.." He asked Karim. Karim looked over at Dante and then looked back at Kal. He smiled and Kal blinked.

"He's just worried....there aren't many foxes here and everytime a new one shows up, he keeps watch over them." Karim said quietly back to Kal. Kal blinked again and glanced up at Dante then looked back at Karim.

"He looks like he wants to beat the shit out of me..." Kal said nervously. Karim chuckled lightly.

"On the contrary, he'll actually look out for I said there aren't many foxes and I guess Dante thinks it's his job to protect them." Karim told Kal. Kal nodded slowly and looked around the room again. He saw a very beautiful cat girl was looking at him, she had on a red tank top with a matching short skirt. Kal couldn't take his eyes off her, she was astonishingly beautiful. Not sure if it was love or lust, Kal immediately felt an attraction toward the beautiful cat girl. He finally managed to take his eyes off her only to look at Karim.

"Hey...who is that?.." He said pointing to the cat girl. Karim blinked and then looked over at her.

"Oh...that's Kitty..." He said quietly to Kal. Kal looked at her and then looked back at Karim, he opened his mouth to speak but Karim cut him off, already knowing what he was going ask. "Don't even think about it...she was with Dante 4 I don't think she likes foxes anymore.." Karim told Kal. Kal blinked and looked over at Dante, who was a few seats away from Kitty. He turned back to Karim.

"She went out with Dante 4 times?" Kal asked, a little surprised. Karim let out a small cough and blinked and stared at Kal.

" had sex with Dante 4 times..." Karim told him. Kal's eyes widened and he looked back at Dante, then at Kitty, then at Karim.

"What?...are you serious?.." Kal asked his wolf friend. Karim blinked, not sure if Kal was kidding or not.

"Of course I'm serious..." Karim said. Kal blushed.

"Have you had sex yet Karim?.." Kal asked him quietly. Karim blinked and almost started to laugh.

"Of course I have...haven't you?...wait...don't tell me.." Karim said, his voice beginning rise. Kal blushed brighter and couldn't think quick enough to lie.

"Uh..." was all he got out before Karim's green eyes widened.

"HOLY SHIT KAL...YOU'RE A VIRGIN??!!!" Karim shouted loudly. Kal blushed brighter than he had ever before in his life, the heat he felt in his deep red cheeks almost hurt. Karim blinked and blushed as well, not meaning to embarrass his friend like that, especially on his first day. Kal looked around the class seeing nearly everyone was laughing, the only ones who weren't were asleep on their desk, their heads buried in their arms. Kal looked over at Kitty and saw she was laughing as well. His fox ears drooped down and he looked over at Dante, who was chuckling. Amid the laughter he could hear Dante speak.

"Hmm....and to think I was worried..." Kal heard Dante say to himself. Kal sighed and sank down in his chair, wishing he could disappear. (ever have one of those days?..yeah...) Kal blinked and looked over at Karim next to him and gave him an angry look. His attention was distracted as he heard the teacher talk.

"Enough class...settle down...Mr. can discuss Mr. Kalasoul's virginity statistics in sex not interrupt again.." The male wolf said to the younger. Karim nodded slowly and looked at Kal. Kal didn't look back and they didn't speak for the rest of the class. When the bell finally rang, Kal stood up and grabbed his backpack and slung it over his arm and onto his back. Karim slowly stood up and was looking down.

"I..I'm sorry Kal...I didn't mean to embarrass you like that..." Karim said softly to him. Kal sighed lightly and put a hand on Karim's shoulder.

"It's didn't mean to...just...don't do it again.." Kal told Karim. Karim smiled and nodded.

"So...what's your next class?.." Karim asked the fox. Kal blinked and pulled out his schedule and looked down at it.

"Uh...Sex?.." He said slowly. Karim's smile widened as he saw the confused expression on Kal's face.

"Oh..that's a fun class, you'll like it.." Karim told him. Kal didn't say anything and just sort of nodded.

"Well..I got to go to Math now...bye Kal.." Karim said to him as he started to leave.

"Bye Karim.." Kal said back to him. Kal sighed and looked around the room. Other than the teacher, he was the only student in the room, save for one person, Dante. -Oh great...what does he want?- Kal thought.

"Well...Mr. Kalasoul...or should I call you Kal?.." Dante asked Kal rhetorically, not giving him time to answer.

"Quite a show you put on a few minutes ago...I don't think I've ever seen anyone blush that looked like you pissed your pants.." Dante told him. Kal blushed brightly recalling what had happened only minutes ago. He reached his paws into his pockets. He blinked and blushed even brighter, feeling his pants were a little damp. -Holy shit...I did piss my pants- He thought to himself again. Kal quickly pulled his paws out of his pockets and wiped them together, trying to get out the slight moistness on his paws. Dante blinked watching him and chuckled lightly. Kal watched as Dante placed one hand into his deep red trench coat pocket. He heard a sudden blast of music and a very familiar electric guitar riff. The music was coming from earphones around Dante's neck that were hidden by his trench coat. Kal assumed that the CD Player or MP3 or IPOD or whatever it was was in Dante's pocket. Kal leaned closer to Dante and almost had his head up against Dante's chest, trying to hear the music. Dante blinked and looked down at Kal, his head was slowly bobbing up and down in rhythm with the music as he sung the lyrics to the song.

"Everybody's going to the party, have a real good time...Dancing in the desert, blowing up the sunshine." Kal sang softly. He lifted his head slowly away from Dante's chest and smiled at him. "B.Y.O.B...System of a favorite.." Kal said to him. Dante smiled back and nodded.

"Mine too...System fuckin rocks.." He said to Kal. Kal nodded and blinked as the song suddenly stopped and a new sound, a light melody came from the earphones around Dante's neck, exactly 16 seconds later the light melody faded and heavy guitar kicked in. Kal instantly recognized the song as Question! by System of a Down, track 8 on the Mesmerize CD. Kal was a huge System of a Down fan and he had all their CD's. System being his favorite band, he liked other bands as well such as Linkin Park and Lifehouse and Slipknot, though he listened to System of a Down the most, he had become increasingly more interested in Slipknot, always listening to Duality and Opium of the People, Vermillion, Before I Forget, Vermillion Part 2, The Nameless, and The Virus of Life, at least once a day, soon after he would listen to whatever seemed to fit his mood, usually Lifehouse if he was having a good day, listening to Hanging By A Moment and You And Me, every song he listened to he knew all the lyrics to, actually he usually didn't listen to a song unless he did know the lyrics. Kal found he had a knack for singing and wanted to do some Karaoke somewhere around town, but was always too nervous. Kal blinked coming back to reality, and he noticed Dante was walking down the hall toward the door and then out of the building.

"Hey...what's your next class?" Kal asked him. Dante turned to him.

"Sex...the same right?.." Dante said, again he didn't bother to wait for Kal to answer as he already knew his class was the same.

"Well...don't should be pretty fun since it's your first time...heh.." Dante said with a sly grin. Kal blinked and looked at Dante. -What the hell does that mean?- Kal thought.

Chapter 3 "Second

Kal gave Dante a strange look, then sighed, thinking about what Sex class could possibly be about -Do people in the class have sex? they learn about sex?...this is too crazy- Kal though to himself. Dante looked back at him and chuckled, seeing Kal was sweating. "Don't be so wont be like what your least I don't think it will...not today anyway...shouldn't be...heh.." Dante told Kal, half to himself. They both finally got to a door leading to a hall way, once in the hall way Dante walked over to a large door and opened it. Kal blinked seeing the door led to a large auditorium and there were both boys and girls sitting down in front of the stage, where a very attractive fox lady was standing. Kal assumed that was the teacher and followed Dante down to the front row of the stage, and took a seat next to him.

" must be the new student...Kalasoul right?.." The fox lady said. Kal simply nodded. "Hmm...pretty cute for a fox.." She said quietly. "I'm Ms. Roxx..your sex teacher." She finished. Kal blinked and blushed a little -Sex teacher?...that's a new one...heh..- He thought. Ms. Roxx looked at Dante and smiled, then looked at Kal. "Come up here know the drill..." She said while still looking at Kal. Kal blinked and looked over at Dante who had gotten up and jumped up onto the stage. "Up here to Dante.." Ms. Roxx said pointing over to Dante. Kal nodded and got up and walked over to the stage and jumped up on it. "Dante, please remove your trench coat." Ms Roxx told him.

"With pleasure..heh." Dante said as he removed his large red trench coat, completely exposing his well cut body and large biceps. Dante chuckled lightly and flexed a little for the crowd. Most of the girls in the audience were cheering and some guys were cheering too.

"Well Kal...let's see what you've got.." Dante said looking over at him.

"Kalasoul...please remove your shirts." Ms. Roxx told Kal. Kal blushed a little, and then nodded and slipped off his red plaid over-shirt and dropped it on the ground. -This shouldn't be too bad...good thing I started doing those crunches and push ups every night- Kal thought, feeling a little nervous. He lifted his plain white shirt over his head and took it off, dropping it next to his over-shirt. Dante looked over at Kal and blinked, then blinked again when he looked out into the audience. Nearly as many girls and guys were cheering for Kal now. Kal blushed a little, but still smiled. He had a well developed six pack but his arms weren't very big, though apparently his tight abs made up for it.

"Heh...not bad Kal.." Dante said quietly to him.

"Well...that's impressive eh ladies?" Ms. Roxx said. "Well...what should we do with these two sexy foxes?.." Ms. Roxx asked the audience. Kal blinked and blushed brightly at some of the answers the girls in the crowd were saying, from an orgy to a fox fuck fest. -I must be fucking dreaming- He thought, shaking his head quickly as if to wake himself up. Kal blinked again when he heard one guy call out for a gay fox fucking and he looked over at Dante. Dante laughed and gave the kid the middle paw. "Alright...that's enough...well...we have 3 choices...we could get some fine ladies up here to take care of our boys..." Ms. Roxx said, and most of the girls raised their hands, wanting to volunteer. Kal blushed a little, and smiled seeing that all the volunteers were pretty cute and he wouldn't mind being with any of them. "Or we could get a few more sexy guys to take off their clothes for us eh ladies?.." Ms Roxx said and practically all the girls in the class and even some guys too cheered. "Or we could have our two boys up here strip down and we could see some nice fox cock I'm sure.." Ms. Roxx continued. Kal blinked and blushed extremely brightly and looked over at Dante, somewhat surprising, he was blushing too. "Or 1 and 2...or maybe all 3..." Ms Roxx ended, letting the cheers and shouts of numbers let her know what the answer was. "Alright...1 and 2 it is...I need 2 more guys...and 8 girls..." Ms Roxx said.

Kal couldn't help but smile, he was actually looking forward to whatever would happen next, wondering what girl he would be with, or in this case, what two girls he would be with. Ms. Roxx pointed out the two boys first, one was a very handsome wolf boy and the other was a large, buff tiger. They both ran up onto the stage and the wolf stood next to Dante while the tiger was on the opposite side of Kal. "Well...let's see who we have here... " Ms. Roxx said walking over to the tiger. "Mmm...the very sexy Jesse...doesn't he look good ladies?.." Ms. Roxx said as Jesse took off his muscle shirt, revealing his large strong body. Kal noticed that all the tigers he had seen were pretty well built. Kal looked over at the wolf and saw he was talking to Dante about something and laughing. Ms. Roxx walked past Jesse, Kal and Dante stood infront of the wolf, who was wearing a buttoned over red trench coat. "Ah...a special treat ladies...the cousin of our very own Dante...Vash!!.." Ms. Roxx announced. Kal blinked and looked at the wolf who was unbuttoning his trench coat and took it off. that's Kal thought, seeing Vash's body looked even better than Dante's. Ms. Roxx pointed out 8 girls and they all quickly ran up on stage. Kal smiled again seeing they were all cute. 1 girl walked over to Vash, 4 walked over to Jesse, 2 walked over to Dante and 1 walked over to Kal. Kal blinked and looked down, seeing that the girl in front of him was very beautiful, she was a cat furry wearing a black shirt with fish nets on her arms and a black short skirt and she had a choker collar on.

"Hello.." She said shyly. Kal blushed a little.

"Hello..." He said back to her quietly, also feeling shy.

"What's your name?..." Kal asked her. The cat girl looked up at him and smiled.

"Nikki..." She said, feeling a little more comfortable.

"Nice to meet you Nikki...I like your outfit.." Kal said to her. Nikki blushed a little.

"Thanks...your cute have a nice body.." She said to him. Kal blushed as well, a little at first, then he blushed brightly when he felt Nikki wrap her arms around his waist, and she slowly ran one paw up and down his chest. Kal wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. He looked around slowly and saw Vash was kissing a very beautiful wolf girl dressed similar to Nikki. He looked back down at Nikki and saw she was looking up at him, staring into his hazel eyes. Kal smiled and looked deeply into Nikki's blue eyes. As Kal leaned down, Nikki leaned up and they both closed their eyes as their lips met. Kal couldn't believe on his first day he was already making out with a beautiful cat girl. He gasped a little when he felt Nikki slide her hand down onto the crotch of his pants. Nikki slipped her tongue into Kal's open mouth and slowly ran her tongue up and down his. Kal slowly pulled away, feeling very nervous, though to hide it from Nikki he leaned down and kissed her neck, as if wanting to advance farther. He heard Nikki moan lightly and she grabbed Kal's paw and placed it over her breast. Still holding his hand, Nikki moved Kal's paw up and down slowly, making him massage her breast. After a few moments Nikki let go of Kal's paw but Kal continued to massage her breast. Kal felt her paw on his cheek and she brought his head down to hers and kissed him again. Kal closed his eyes.

"And I think that was enough time to get to know your partners." Kal barely heard Ms. Roxx say. He leaned in more to deepen the kiss with Nikki and he could feel her lean up to him. "Well...looks like Vash scored with...who else?...his girlfriend Raven.." Ms. Roxx said. Kal slowly pulled away from Nikki and looked over at Vash and Raven, who were kissing as well, ignoring what the teacher had to say. Nikki turned so her back was to him and she leaned up against him. Kal smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist again and leaned down, kissing her neck from behind. "And Dante managed to get...Brooke and Sabrina..." Ms. Roxx said. Kal looked up for a moment to see a cute cat girl and a very pretty wolf girl, both with their arms wrapped around Dante. Nikki leaned her head back and looked up at Kal, her lips once again meeting his in a soft kiss. Kal closed his eyes and returned her kiss gently. He slowly took one paw off her waist and placed it back over her breast and started to massage her breast again. Nikki moaned lightly and wrapped her arms around Kal's neck. "And Kal hooked up with...Nikki..." Ms. Roxx had said but Kal didn't even hear it, he was too caught up with Nikki, the only sound he could hear were her soft moans she was making from him pleasing her. Nikki slowly pulled away from the kiss and turned around started to kiss Kal's neck. Kal blinked and then smiled and nuzzled his head against Nikki's gently. "And Jesse will probably end up sleeping with...Kayla, Erica, Michelle, and Stephanie.." Ms. Roxx finished. Kal lifted his head up to see Jesse was with 2 attractive cat girls, a fox girl and a wolf girl. Nikki slowly pulled away and gave Kal a quick kiss. Kal smiled and then blinked, hearing a bell ring, he saw Nikki start to leave. "Bye Kal.." Was all she said before she grabbed her belongings, leaving the auditorium. Kal sighed, once again not being able to tell someone he felt an attraction to a proper goodbye, or really anything. He saw Dante was already dressed again and had jumped off the stage, heading toward his next class. Kal shrugged and leaned down and picked up his white shirt and put it on, then grabbed his plaid over shirt and slipped it back on as well. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his schedule and looked at his next class.

"Math...oh great....I suck at math." He said as he jumped down from the stage and headed toward the door.

Chapter 4 "Math..Lunch..and some surprises"

Kal blinked and turned around and went over to his seat and picked up his backpack and put it on.."Damn...almost forgot this.." He said to himself. He looked at his schedule again. " 212..." Still talking to himself. He headed out of the auditorium and looked around. The campus was empty except for a few people heading toward a large building at the front. Kal noticed it was the library. He shrugged and walked around till he found the 200's building. He opened the door and noticed that the first room on his right was number 251. "Guess the lower numbers are upstairs.." Kal said quietly. He headed toward the stairs and walked up them and made a right, leading down to another hall way. He blinked seeing a drinking fountain and walked over to it , pressing in the button on the front of it. He leaned down and took a drink from it then licked his lips. "Man...I needed that.." He said, having felt pretty thirsty ever since first hour was over. He continued walking down the hall and finally got to room 212. He opened the door and stepped inside. Kal blinked as he noticed Dante was also in this class as well, sitting next to the wolf from sex class, his cousin Vash.

"Well Kal...looks like we have yet another class together..." Dante said to him from his seat. Kal sighed and nodded. -Man..this guy is freakin everywhere..- Kal thought. Dante chuckled and looked over to his right. Kal blinked and looked over at where Dante was looking. He blushed brightly seeing the amazingly beautiful cat girl from first hour as well, Kitty. He stared at her for a moment, then looked at Dante and blushed even brighter. -Uh oh...I think he knows I like her..shit- Kal thought to himself.

"Take a seat anywhere Mr. Kalasoul, class is about to begin.." The teacher said, a tiger furry. Kal looked at the teacher and blinked, seeing him in a brown suit and wearing glasses. As with all tigers they had very large bodies and Kal tried to hold back laughter from seeing such a tiger dressed all sophisticated. Kal walked past Dante and took an empty seat behind him, setting down his backpack underneath the desk. Dante leaned back in his seat and turned his head, so he could see Kal, but was still sort of facing forward.

"'s your first day been so far?.." Dante asked Kal. Kal blinked and then leaned up closer to Dante to better talk to him.

"You should know...your in all my classes thus far.." Kal whispered back to him. Dante blinked and then chuckled lightly.

"Yeah...kinda ironic isn't it?.." Dante asked him again. This time Kal blinked and tilted his head a little.

"Ironic?..what do you mean?.." Kal said to him. Dante turned all the way around so he was looking at Kal.

"Were both foxes and we both have all our classes together...irony no?" Dante said to him. Kal leaned back a little.

"Well not all our classes ..I st-" Kal started to say but Dante cut him off.

"We go to lunch after this and then your last class is PE right?...right.." Dante said, not letting Kal answer once again. Kal blinked and nodded slowly.

"Guess so..." He said quietly.

"How old are you Kal?.." Dante said.

"" Kal said.

"16..." Dante replied. Kal nodded again and leaned back in his seat. He looked over at Kitty and she was looking at him, but she quickly looked away as soon as she saw his glance toward her. Kal blinked as Dante laid his head down on his desk, burring his face in his arms, as if trying to fall asleep. Kal looked over at Vash and saw he was doing the same thing, as well as nearly everyone else. Kal sighed as the teacher talked about parallel and perpendicular angles. Kal quickly found his eye-lids start to become heavy, feeling very bored with this class and rather tired as well. He laid his head down on his desk, burring his face in his arms to block out the light of the room. He could still hear the teacher faintly talk but within a few minutes he was soon asleep. Kal didn't dream of anything, his eyes just closed and then he heard a bell ring, waking him up. Kal slowly lifted his head up and rubbed his eyes. He blinked a few times and then saw Kitty heading out the door. He leaned down and grabbed his backpack and stood up and stretched. Dante was still asleep and so was Vash. As Kal headed toward the door, he turned back to see Vash had woken up and he hit Dante in the arm to wake him up. Dante slowly lifted his head as well and stood up, waiting for Vash to stand too. As soon as Vash got to his feet, Dante quickly punched him in the arm back.

"Bitch.." Kal heard Vash say and then Vash and Dante both walked by him and headed out the door. Kal walked out of the room and headed in the general direction everyone else was, seeing as how it was lunch time, he figured everyone would go to the same spot to get food. (makes sense right?..) Kal walked out of the 200's building and followed everyone to the center of the campus where there was another large building and many tables outside.

"Hey Kal.." Kal turned to see Karim calling his name and heading toward him. Kal met Karim half way.

"What's up man?.." Karim asked Kal. Kal blinked and shrugged.

"Nothing much..." He said quietly. Karim started walking toward the large building and Kal followed next to him.

" was sex class?.." Karim asked Kal with a grin on his face.

" to hang out with a cute cat girl..Nikki.." Kal said and then yawned, still feeling kinda sleepy. Karim blinked and looked around for a moment.

"Nikki?...I thought...whatever" Karim said to himself aloud. Kal hadn't heard what Karim said and shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

They both headed into the large building, Kal now seeing it was a very big cafeteria. Tables and booths all around and there were 4 lines to get food. Kal blinked seeing the lines were already packed full. He followed Karim to a table and blinked seeing a fox with white hair that hung down in front of his eyes, exactly like Dante's hair. He also had on a white open trench coat and dark purple, almost black pants and black boots on. Kal also noticed he was wearing a dark purple cat collar.

"Hey Karim.." The fox called to the wolf. Karim waved to him and sat down at the table next to the fox. "Oh this is Kalasoul..Kal for short...Kal..this is Fydoe.." Karim told Kal. Kal blinked and sat down across from Fydoe.

"Nice to meet you Fydoe..." Kal said. (By the way...Fydoe is pronounced like Fido, I just spell it differently.) Fydoe nodded.

"Ditto.." He said.

"You know you look a lot like Da-" Kal started but Fydoe cut him off.

"Dante..I know...He's my twin brother.." Fydoe said to Kal. Kal nodded and looked around. The lines were a little shorter now, but not much. He saw a few people from some of his earlier classes, including Kitty who was sitting with a bunch of other girls, all very beautiful as well, though Kal still thought Kitty looked by far the most beautiful. Kal noticed Dante was sitting a few tables away next to Vash and a wolf girl that looked somewhat familiar. Kal blinked and then he saw the wolf girl get up and walk over towards their table and stand next to Fydoe. "Hey....what's up sis?.." Fydoe said to the wolf. Kal blinked a little confused. -Sis?...but she's a does that work?- Kal thought as he watched them.

"Hey Fydoe...who's your friend?.." The wolf girl said pointing to Kal.

"Oh that's Kal...Kal this is Brooke, my sister.." Fydoe said to him. Kal blinked again. -Brooke?..wait..Brooke from sex class?...the same one that was with Dante?..that's...weird- He thought blushing a little.

"Nice to meet you Brooke..." Kal managed to say. Brooke smiled at him and nodded.

"Nice to meet you too..well...gotta go get some food now...bye Kal..bye Fydoe..bye Karim." Brooke said to them.

"Bye.." Kal, Fydoe, and Karim all said at the same time. Kal looked and saw the lines were pretty short now. Karim and Fydoe got up and Kal did as well. They headed to the third line and waited, slowly moving forward up to where they got their food.

" is Brooke your sister?...she's a wolf.." Kal asked Fydoe.

"Adopted sister..." Fydoe told Kal. Kal nodded and looked over at Brooke who was in the second line a few people ahead of them. Kal noticed she looked pretty young, though still very beautiful. Brooke was wearing dark blue pants and a white tank top that seemed to suit her pretty well.

"How old is she?.." Kal said. "She's 14...a freshman..." Fydoe said. Kal nodded.

"Pizza..." He heard Fydoe say to the wolf who was back behind the counter serving food. The wolf grabbed a brown plastic tray and put a slice of pizza on it and then handed it to Fydoe. Fydoe took the tray and then moved farther down the line to where the drinks were and grabbed a styrofoam cup and filled it a little bit with ice and then poured orange soda into it and stood aside, waiting for Kal and Karim to get their food and drinks as well. Kal looked at the wolf.

"" He said. The wolf got the food and handed it to Kal. Kal moved along down the line, grabbing a styrofoam cup and pouring some ice into it, he grabbed some lemonade and poured it into the cup and almost poured too much. He quickly took a small drink to keep the lemonade from spilling and walked over to Fydoe. Kal and Fydoe both waited for Karim, who had gotten a cheeseburger and pink lemonade. They headed back to their table and sat down. Kal took a bite of pizza and looked around again, seeing pretty much everybody now had food.

"So's your first day at Kiako High School been?.." Fydoe asked Kal. Kal swallowed his food looked at Fydoe, who was sitting to the left of him, Karim on the right sitting across from Fydoe.

"Uh..pretty good I guess...not quite what I expected it to be..."Kal said. Fydoe nodded and took a drink of orange soda, then pointed past Kal.

"Yeah it's not like other schools...there really isn't anything you can't do here.." Fydoe said. Kal looked at where Fydoe was pointing and blinked when he saw a cat girl and a wolf girl kissing each other. Kal looked back at Fydoe.

" I noticed..." Kal said quietly.

"That can be bad'd be amazed at how many fights break out in this school, usually 3 or 4 a week." Fydoe continued to inform Kal.

"They don't have any rules against fighting?.." Kal asked.

"No...people pretty much do what they want when they want, save for going to classes, but at times like this, like lunch and before and after school...anything goes." Karim told Kal. Kal looked over at Karim and blinked.

"The only real rule is you cant kill anyone...put em into a coma..fine...just cant kill anyone." Fydoe added. Kal nodded and took another bite of pizza. -Damn..that's kinda scary to think piss off the wrong person and end up in the hospital...jeez- Kal thought. "So what's your next class Kal?.." Fydoe questioned him.

"Boys P.E." Kal said.

"Oh..mine too.." Karim said. Kal looked at Karim and smiled.

"Cool..." He said.

"You got clothes to dress out in?" Fydoe said to Kal. Kal blinked.

"" He said, blushing a little.

"Well..go up to the office and ask for some dress out clothes, they should be able to hook you up." Fydoe said just before he took the last bite of his pizza. Kal took a drink of lemonade. Karim was done with his food as well and Kal finished his pizza. Karim sighed and then stood up.

"Well...I'm gonna head to the boy's locker room, I'll catch you later Fydoe...See ya in a few minutes Kal."

"Ok..bye Karim." Fydoe said as Karim started to walk off.

"Well...I gotta go to sex class now...I'll see ya tomorrow Kal...bye." Fydoe said to Kal waving to him.

"See ya tomorrow Fydoe." Kal said waving back. Kal blinked and sighed, being alone now. -Guess I should go get my P.E. clothes.- He thought to himself. Kal walked out of the cafeteria and headed toward the building where he had previously gotten his schedule.

"Hey you little shit.." Kal heard someone say, ignoring it having assumed they weren't talking to him. He groaned when he felt a strong pair of paws grab him and turn him around. Kal blinked seeing a large wolf in front of him, well over 6 feet tall. The wolf grabbed Kal by the collar of his shirts and lifted him up off the ground, Kal only being 5 foot 10 inches. "You little fuck...what the hell you think your doing trying to steal my girl?" The wolf said to Kal. Kal blinked, not understanding.

"What the hell are you talking about?.." Kal asked the wolf.

"Don't play dumb with me you smart ass fox dick...I got plenty of witnesses in sex class that saw you hitting on my girl." The wolf growled at Kal.

"You mean Nikki?...I wasn't-" Kal started to tell the wolf what had happened but the wolf shook Kal once and lifted him higher off the ground.

"You don't even deserve to say her name, you piece of shit." The wolf said, and with that he lifted Kal up higher and threw him. Kal hit the pavement a few feet away, he landed hard on his back and the momentum of the throw made him roll backwards onto his stomach. Kal groaned in pain and got to his knees, and looked up at the wolf. Kal's eyes widened as the wolf began to walk toward him.-Oh I'm gonna end up in a coma- Kal thought, remembering what Fydoe had said earlier. Suddenly the wolf dropped down to one knee and Dante stepped out from behind him, holding an open switchblade knife to the wolf's throat.

"Come on know better than that..." Dante said to the kneeled wolf with a grin.

"Fuck you Dante...that little shit was hitting on my girl in sex class.." Pamire said. Dante blinked and looked at Kal, then looked back at Pamire and laughed.

"Yeah right...Nikki practically threw herself at Kal...I have sex class the same time he does, and I was standing right next to him.." Dante assured Pamire. Pamire growled and pushed Dante's hand out of the way and tried to tackle him. Dante side stepped and wrapped his arm around the wolf's neck from behind and then put his switchblade to Pamire's temple. "Alright...your pissing me you can either believe me...or you can have this switchblade stuck in your head...what's it gonna be?.." Dante told Pamire, struggling somewhat to hold him still.

"Fine...I'll leave that asshole alone...but you better watch your back Dante...cause one day YOU might piss of the wrong person..." Pamire said to him. Dante laughed and pushed Pamire away from him and spun his switchblade around his fingers.

"Yeah get the fuck outta my sight." Dante warned Pamire. Pamire nodded and walked past Kal and into the 300's building. Dante sighed and pushed the blade back into the handle of his knife and slipped the weapon back into his trench coat, walking over to Kal, extending a paw to help him up. Kal took Dante's paw and stood up, letting go.

"Thanks saved my life..." Kal said gratefully.

"I wouldn't say I saved your life....just kept you from getting your face knocked in...that's all.." Dante said with a smile. He and Kal both laughed a little. "You gotta watch yourself Kal...were in the" Dante said pulling out a different switchblade from his pocket he threw it to Kal. Kal blinked and caught it cautiously. "Learn to use it's a lot more dangerous than it looks." Dante told him. Kal nodded and slipped the knife into his right pants pocket.

"Thanks again..." Kal said to Dante. Dante nodded and then blinked.

"You got any brothers or sisters Kal?.." Dante asked him. Kal nodded slowly.

" sister Kalashall...she's a junior.." Kal said, wondering why Dante asked him that.

"Well when you see her..tell her to be careful..foxes aren't liked much at this school cause were minority and your sister could end up hurt or even raped if she hangs out with the wrong people..." Dante advised Kal. Kal nodded.

"Thanks, I'll remember that and tell her to be careful.." Kal said. Dante nodded in agreement.

" be careful too...I don't want any of my own kind getting hurt or killed.." Dante said.

"I will.." Kal said nodding again.

"Well...gotta go to P.E. now...see ya in a few minutes Kal...I know it's your next class.." Dante said as he started to head toward the boy's locker room.

"Ok..I gotta get my dress out clothes...I'll be there in a little bit...see ya Dante.." Kal said. He headed toward the front office once again and walked inside, heading over to the cat lady that was behind the counter. "I need some dress out clothes for P.E." Kal said to her. The elderly cat lady nodded and went into the back. Kal blinked and winced as he felt a pain rush up into his back. He pulled back his over shirt and lifted up his white shirt and looked at his back. It was all scrapped up and he was bleeding a little. He let his shirts fall back down and cover him. He lifted up his right arm and saw that his shoulder was scrapped too. -Damn..that hurt- Kal thought, the pain in his back increasing.

"Here you go.." The cat lady said. Kal blinked and looked up at her.

"Thanks..." He said grabbing his clothes and walking out of the office. Kal blinked when he saw Dante was waiting outside for him.

"I'll show you where the boy's locker room is..." Dante said as he started to walk towards the cafeteria building.

"Thanks.."Kal said quietly.

"No problem.." Dante said to him. They both walked past the cafeteria and then headed down some stairs outside that led to a door. The door led to a long hall way and a few doors later on the left was a door with a sign that said Boy's Locker Room. Kal followed Dante in.

Chapter 5 " P.E....amoung other things"

As Kal walked into the locker room he looked around. It was filled with lockers that ran up against the walls in the front and back of the room, with benches in the middle. Kal also noticed that each lock was a different color on either side of the room, red and blue. He watched Dante walk over to a locker and quickly put in the combination and open it, taking out a black shirt and with matching gym shorts. Kal saw Dante pull an IPOD out of his trench coat pocket and place it into the locker.

"Hey Kal...glad you could make it.." Karim said as he walked up to Kal.

"Yeah..." Kal said as he turned to Karim. Kal blinked seeing Karim wasn't wearing a shirt and he noticed the wolf had a pretty well cut body. Kal looked over at Dante to see him slipping off his trench coat and stuffing it into the locker, the large coat barely fitting.

"Hey can share lockers with me.." Karim said, walking over to a locker.

"Thanks.." Kal said walking a little ways behind Karim. Kal saw something out of the corner of his eye that got his attention, a raccoon boy and a cat boy were kissing, both of them shirtless. Kal stared at them for a moment, then blinked when he ran into the back Karim and blushed a little.

"Oh...sorry Karim.." He said. Karim shook his head.

"Don't worry about your clothes in there.."Karim said pointing at the locker that had his dark blue shirt in it. Kal nodded and slipped off his over-shirt putting it into the locker on top of Karim's shirt. As Kal took off his white shirt and placed it in the locker he glanced over to see Karim unbuttoning his blue jeans and pulling them down. Kal blushed as he watched Karim undress. Karim put his pants into the locker and then looked over at Kal and grinned widely. Kal blushed even brighter and turned around so his back was toward Karim as he bent down and grabbed dress out shirt. Karim smiled seeing Kal bend over and placed a paw on his fluffy fox tail and gave it a playful tug. Kal yelped a little and blushed brightly and turned to Karim. Karim only smiled at him and then went back to dressing out, slipping on his green gym shorts. Kal sighed quietly and grabbed his green gym shorts. He looked over at Karim and saw he was sitting on one of the benches talking to a cat boy. Kal quickly unbuttoned his black pants and slipped them off stuffing them into the locker and he slipped on his gym shorts and sat down next to Karim.

"So Kal...ready for some fun?.." Karim asked, a smile still on his face. Kal blinked.

"Uh...sure.." He said, not quite understanding what Karim meant by fun.

"Alright the gym.." The P.E. teacher said, a fairly well built cat man. Everyone got to their feet and headed toward the locker room door.

"What are we doing?.." Kal asked Karim as they walked toward the door and then out of the locker room and across the hall to a large gym room.

"Basketball man..." Karim said. Kal blinked and then smiled. -Basketball? Kal thought. He was fairly decent at basketball, other than skateboarding it was the only sport he played.

"I need 4 captains..." The teacher said as soon as everybody was inside the gym. Immediately 4 boys walked out, Dante, 2 cats and a tiger. " get first pick..." The teacher said.

"Vash.." Dante said. Kal blinked having not even noticed Vash was in here as well.

"Your next Maran..." The teacher said pointing to one of the cats.

"Scott..." Maran said, and a raccoon a walked over to him. "Orion.." The other cat said as a wolf walked toward him, obviously already knowing he was going to be picked.

"Kyle.." The tiger said and another tiger walked over toward him. Kal looked over at Dante and then blinked when he saw him smiling at him.

"Kal..." Dante said, pointing at him. Kal blinked again, a little surprised he was picked at all, since at his other schools he was usually last. He walked over to Dante and stood in line behind Vash.

"You any good at basketball Kal?.." Dante asked him. Kal nodded slowly.

"It's one of the few sports I play." Kal told him. Dante blinked and then laughed a little.

"Yeah...that doesn't mean anything to me...but whatever...I'll assume your good..." Dante said.

"Never assume..." Vash said, grinning at Dante.

"Cause if you assume, it makes an ass out of you and me?.." Dante told his cousin. Vash nodded.

"Damn skippy..." He said. Kal blinked and then looked over at Karim, who still hadn't been picked yet and it was Dante's turn again to choose.

"Hmm...Karim..." He said. Kal blinked again, having not seen that coming. Karim made his way over to Kal and Dante and Vash.

"Whats up guys?...ready to kick some ass?.." Karim said to them. Dante nodded.

"Hell yeah..." He said and looked over at Vash. Kal gulped nervously, suddenly feeling he was way out of his league.

"Alright...let's do this..." The cat teacher said and threw one basketball to Dante and another to the tiger.

"Dante..your team is playing against Maran's...Ryan...your team is against Jesse's." He finished and the 4 teams split up. Dante and Maran's teams were on the west court and Ryan and Jesse's teams were on the east court. Dante spun the ball on the tip of his finger and then dribbled it twice and went to the far south side of the court and stood just out of bounds.

"Alright..let's play some ball baby.." He said. Kal examined the opposing team for a moment. They were playing against 2 cats, a raccoon and a wolf. Kal focused his attention back on the game and saw Dante pass-in the ball to Vash. Vash quickly ran his way down court and everybody followed, trying to keep up. -Damn he's fast.- Kal thought as he saw Vash go for a lay-up. The ball bounced off the backboard and hit the rim. Kal made his way up to rebound it as fast as he could but Karim beat him to it and grabbed the ball, then immediately went for another shot, the ball going in perfectly with a quiet swish. The cat Kal noticed as Maran grabbed the ball and took it out of bounds. Kal decided to block the raccoon Scott and ran over to him. Dante stood in front of Maran, trying to block him from passing it in. Maran managed to slip the ball pass Dante and he had passed it Scott. Kal jumped in front of Scott and smacked the ball out of the way. The ball flew right toward Dante and he caught it and went for a fade-away shot. It hit the back board and then went into the hoop.

"Alright...thats how it's done.." Dante said, looking at Kal. Kal smiled and walked back over to where Scott was. Kal blinked as he saw Maran throw the ball down the court as hard as he could. The wolf on Maran's team was already underneath the hoop and he ran forward and caught the ball. As the wolf shot the ball, Vash jumped into the air and grabbed it.

"Thank you..." He said, dribbling the ball back down to the north end of the court. Vash passed the ball to Kal and Kal went for a shot as soon as he got it. The ball went into the hoop with another swish.

"Nice shot Kal..." Karim said to him. Kal nodded.

"Thanks." He said, making his way over to Scott. Maran dribbled the ball out of bounds and then tossed it backward not even looking, though he was aiming for the wolf again. Vash ran and jumped into the air and grabbed the ball. At the same time Karim jumped for the ball as well and he collided into Vash and they both fell hard on the wooden gym floor. The ball flew out of Vash's hands and Dante caught it and went for a shot, making it as he turned to Vash and Karim.

"Damn...that must have hurt....Vash, try not to do that again.." Dante told his cousin. Vash blinked and quickly got to his feet.

"Shut the hell up Dante...he ran into me.." Vash said accusingly, pointing at Karim.

"Whatever...let's just keep playing.." Karim said, wanting to get back to the game. Kal blinked as he saw Maran run down the south end of the court and make the ball into the hoop, finally scoring. -Heh...the only way they can score is if were distracted.- Kal thought.

"ROTATE!!!" The cat teacher said. Kal blinked and looked around, Maran's team was going to the east court and Jesse's team was coming to their court.

"Oh shit...we don't stand a chance." Dante said from behind Kal. Kal looked at Dante then looked at Jesse's team. Jesse's whole team was tigers, all of them the biggest Kal had ever seen.

"You guys get the ball first..." Jesse said with a sly grin.

"Fine with me.." Dante said grabbing the ball from Jesse and taking it out of bounds. Dante dribbled the ball twice and then bounced the ball to Jesse. "Check.." Dante said. Jesse bounced the ball back to Dante and Dante quickly passed the ball to Vash. Vash ran down the court and then was body checked hard by Jesse. Vash grunted as he slid a few feet across the wooden floor.

"Thanks man.." Jesse said grabbing the ball from Vash. Vash quickly got to his feet and ran up to Jesse and slammed into him with his shoulder and then stuck his foot out, tripping Jesse. As Jesse fell Dante ran past him and grabbed the ball and shot it from half court, making the shot.

"Well...that was a good shot...what?.." Kal said to Dante, then blinked when he saw Vash and Jesse having a stare-down.

"You little wolf shit..I'm gonna beat the crap out of you.." Jesse said, pushing Vash back.

"Hey.. back the fuck up.." Dante said, pushing Jesse.

"Stay out of this...Shit Vash..your cousin gotta fight all your battles for you?.." Jesse said.

"Hell no he doesn't." Vash said as he punched Jesse on the right side of his cheek. Jesse took a step back and then blinked.

"Your fucking dead.." Jesse warned Vash.

"Hey..come on guys..let's not fight..." Karim said. Everybody looked at Karim and gave him a threatening look. Karim blinked and took a step back. "On second thought, go ahead and fight..." He said, slowly backing away. Dante took the opportunity to punch Jesse in the stomach. Vash uppercut Jesse and knocked him onto the ground.

"Ok...who's next?.." Vash said to the other tigers. Dante stood next to Vash and grinned at the other 3 remaining members of Jesse's team.

"Hey...what the hell is going on over here?.." The cat teacher yelled to everyone on the west court. Kal blinked and walked over toward Dante and Vash and stood by them. Karim came running up and stood by them as well.

"Well...did you guys have fun double teaming that tiger?.." The teacher asked Dante and Vash. They both nodded.

"Yeah...could have been worse though." Dante said. The teacher blinked and then shrugged.

"Don't get smart with me Mr. Dante...just get your ass back into the locker room...NOW!!" The cat ordered. Dante nodded and him and Vash went to the locker room. "ALRIGHT...EVERYBODY BACK IN!!" The cat teacher yelled to everyone. Kal headed toward the locker room and glanced back at Jesse. The other tigers were helping him up and he seemed to be alright. Kal headed into the lock room and noticed Dante just slipping on his trench coat as he walked in. Kal walked over to Karim's locker and opened it. He blinked noticing there was no lock on it, though all his clothes were still inside, as were Karim's. Kal grabbed his black pants and slipped off his green gym shorts and put them into the locker. He slipped on his black pants and took off his white gym shirt, putting it into the locker as well. Kal yelped again as he felt another playful tug on his fox tail and blushed brightly as he turned to see Karim behind him. Karim smiled and took off his shirt and put it into the locker. Kal grabbed a white shirt from the locker and put it on and then grabbed his red plaid over-shirt and slipped it on as well.

Kal then heard a bell ring and he watched everyone rush out of the locker room except Karim who was still getting dressed. Karim blinked seeing he and Kal were the only ones in the locker room now and he was only wearing a pair of pants. "Hey Kal...your wearing my shirt.." Karim told Kal. Kal blinked and looked down. He indeed was wearing Karim's white gym shirt which was inside-out. Kal blushed brightly and slipped off his over-shirt and then took off Karim's gym shirt and put it into the locker. Karim smiled and wrapped his arms around Kal's waist and kissed him deeply. Kal blinked as Karim kissed him and the much stronger wolf was pushing up him against the lockers. -What the hell am I doing?...I'm not gay...this is so wrong...but..Karim does seem to know what he's doing...maybe he can help me- Kal thought, deciding to go along with it, closing his eyes and kissing Karim back. Karim smiled feeling Kal kiss back and slowly pulled away, and started to unbutton his dark blue pants.

"Karim..." Kal spoke softly. Karim smiled and nodded slowly, as if knowing Kal wanted him to be gentle. He slipped off his pants and boxers to reveal his already erect 8 inch cock. Kal blinked seeing how big Karim's shaft was. Kal nervously unbuttoned his black pants and slipped them off with his boxers, his cock starting to unsheathe itself as he got hard, it finally reaching a full 6 inches. Karim smiled and kneeled down, slowly and placed one hand on Kal's cock and began to move his hand up and down, gently stroking Kal's length. Kal gasp as he felt Karim start to paw him off. Karim began to stroke Kal a little faster and rubbed his own length with his free hand. Kal groaned loudly with pleasure, almost feeling himself about to burst so soon.

"Karim...I...uhn...I'm gonna...CUM!!" Kal screamed as he thrust his cock forward out of Karim's grip and into the wolf's hot mouth. Karim blinked and then closed his eyes, swallowing all the hot, sticky seed Kal's foxhood was pumping into his mouth. Karim slowly pulled away and licked his lips. Kal was still squirting his juices, some of it landing on Karim's face and onto the floor. Kal suddenly collapsed onto the floor as his legs went numb and gave out. Karim smiled and crawled over to Kal. Kal leaned down and quickly took 5 inches of Karim's member into his mouth. Karim gasped at how eager Kal seemed to be to taste him. Kal slowly lifted his head up, and brought it back down, this time pushing another inch of Karim's cock into his mouth. Karim gasped as Kal began to bob his head up and down faster. He couldn't take it any longer, he had cum inside the fox now. Karim grabbed Kal's head and pulled him off of his long shaft, he grabbed Kal by his shoulders and turned him around and pushed him forward, making him bend over. Kal gasp and then grunted as he felt Karim force him to bend over. Karim moved Kal's tail out of the way with one hand and then with his free hand positioned his cock up against Kal's tail-hole. Kal screamed in pain as Karim wasted no time ramming his full 8 inches into the young fox's ass. Karim groaned with pleasure feeling how tight Kal's tail-hole was, almost too tight. He continued to thrust in and out of Kal and then slammed into Kal as he hit his peak, filling Kal's tail-hole with his wolf seed. Kal screamed in pain, and pleasure as the feeling of Karim cumming in him made him burst again, making him squirt his cum onto his chest and the floor. Karim slowly pulled out of Kal and shot the rest of his cum onto the fox's tail and back. Kal collapsed onto the floor, feeling very exhausted. Karim sighed feeling quite tired as well, he grabbed his boxers and slipped them on as well as his pants and he put his matching shirt on.

Kal slowly sat up and grabbed his boxers and fumbled a bit, trying to put them on sitting down. After a few moments he finally got them on and just laid on the ground, leaning against the lockers, trying to recover his strength. He felt so dizzy and tired, what had happened was unlike anything he could have imagined. It felt way better than he thought it would have.

"God...I've never came like that before Karim..." Kal said weakly. Karim only nodded and smiled, crawling over to the fatigued fox once again and he wrapped his arms around him, embracing him gently. Kal smiled and hugged Karim back and kissed him lightly. Karim kissed him back and then laid his head on the fox's soft chest. After a few minutes of simply enjoying each other's company, Karim got to his feet and extended a paw to Kal, helping him up as well. Kal stood up and grabbed his clothes and put them on, though he could feel they were rather sticky, Kal ignored it and decided he would change when he got home.

Kal and Karim walked out of the locker room and headed outside. "Hmm...guess I better get home now..." Kal said to Karim. Karim blinked and then smiled.

"You walk home?.." Karim asked him. Kal nodded.

"Hey...I'll give you a ride.." Karim said, heading toward the parking lot. Kal smiled and followed him. "It's this one.." Karim said a few moments later, arriving at his black 2003 Mustang GT.

"Damn..nice.." Kal said, admiring the car.

"Thanks." Karim spoke, a faint popping noise indicating he had unlocked the car. Kal opened the passenger side door and got in. The car was spacious and he noticed there were empty coca-cola cans in the back seat. Karim got in and put the keys into the ignition and turned it, the car starting with a low growl of the motor. He backed out of the parking lot and then followed Kal's directions to his house. They arrived in a few minutes and Kal thanked Karim for the ride and stepped out.

"No problem man, I'll see you tomorrow at school." Karim told him.

"Yeah...see ya later." Kal said, shutting the passenger door. Karim nodded and drove off, then made a quick U-turn and sped by Kal, waving to him. Kal laughed and waved back, seeing the wolf trying to show off his driving skills. Kal sighed lightly, and then walked over to his garage and lifted up the cover to the panel that required a numeric code to put in, in order to open the garage. -What a stupid code- Kal thought, entering in the numbers 12345187, the dull humming of the garage opening being heard. He opened the door in the garage that led into the laundry room of the house and exited it, making a right and heading into his room. "Shalla..I'm home." Kal shouted to her, wherever she might be in the house. He shut the door and removed his over-shirt and under-shirt and then unbuttoned his black pants and took them off. Kal walked over to his closet and grabbed a pair of denim shorts and put them on, he opened the door and stepped out of his room, not wanting to wear a shirt because it was too hot. He went across the hall way from his room and into the bathroom and shut the door. He walked over to the toilet and lifted up the seat, and unbuttoned his denim shorts and slid down his boxers, urinating into the toilet, he flushed it and then pulled his boxers back up with his pants and buttoned them.

Kal walked over to the sink and turned on the water and soaked his paws, then applied soap and finished cleansing his paws. He looked at the soap for a moment and blinked, thinking about pawing off to what had happened with Karim earlier, but chose not to since his sister was here and she would probably interrogate him about his first day at school. Kal sighed and looked at himself in the mirror, he was glad the way his body looked, having a rather nice six pack, but overall, he didn't like what he saw. He turned around and noticed a few white spots on his back and tail, he blinked and quickly washed them off of his fur and dried it. He opened the door and then jumped back a little seeing Shalla standing right in front the door, topless and only wearing white panties. Kal blinked again, seeing his sister almost completely naked, he was starting to get hard and he quickly stepped by her as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

Kal walked into his room and sat down in the chair that was at his computer, he scooted the chair over to his cd player that was on his dresser and turned it on, and pressed play. The light music of "Come Back Down" by Lifehouse playing. Kal turned up the volume and then scooted the chair back over to his computer and got up, jumping onto his bed and laying down on it.

"Staring right back in the face, a memory can't be erased, I know...because I tried." Kal sang softly with the voice of Jason Wade, the lead singer of Lifehouse. Kal noticed he could sing Lifehouse the best.

"Hey was school?" Shalla asked him. Kal looked up at her from the bed and shrugged.

"It was about you?" Kal asked her back.

"Fine..." She said. Kal nodded.

"When you come around..I'll be there for you, don't have to be alone with what you're going through." Kal continued to sing. Shalla smiled hearing Kal, she loved it when he sang, especially Lifehouse, it was one of her favorite bands and he sounded just like the lead singer. She walked over to Kal's bed and sat down on it, watching him and listening to him sing. "When you come back down..if you land on your feet, I hope you find a way to make it back to me..when you come around, I'll be there for you, don't have to be alone with one your going through." Kal finished singing as the song ended. Kal got up off the bed and walked over to the cd player to turn it off.

"Wait...I love this song..please sing it to me, Kal." Shalla asked him softly. Kal nodded and let the cd player keep going and walked back over to the bed and laid down on it. The acoustic guitar intro of "You And Me" by Lifehouse playing.

"What day is it..and in what month this clock never seemed so alive..I can't keep up, and I can't back down, I've been much time....cause it's you and me...and all of the people with nothing to do...nothing to lose, and it's you and me, and all of the people and I don't know why...I cant keep my eyes off of you." Kal sang almost perfectly. Shalla smiled again and laid down next to her brother on the bed and wrapped her arms around him, she had noticed Kal sang You And Me the best out of all the songs he knew and it was her favorite, the fact that her brother could sing nearly perfectly made her love him more. Shalla hoped to meet a guy exactly like Kal. She was quite surprised that Kal had never had a girlfriend, though she was certain that if they knew him the way she did, they wouldn't be able to stay away from him.

"All of the things...that I want to say..just aren't coming out right....I'm tripping on words, you got my head spinning, I don't know where to go from here...cause it's you and me..and all of the people with nothing to lose, nothing to prove..and it's you and me..and all of the people and I don't know why..I cant keep my eyes off of you....there's something about you now..I can't quite figure out...everything she does is beautiful..everything she does is right...cause it's you and me..and all of the people with nothing to do...nothing to lose..and it's you and me..and all of the people and I don't know why...I can't keep my eyes off of you and me..and all of the people with nothing to lose, and nothing to prove..and it's you and me..and I don't know why..I can't keep my eyes off of you......what day is it...and in what month, this clock never seemed so alive." Kal ended. Shalla looked up at her brother and then leaned over him and kissed his lips lightly for a few moments before pulling away.

"Thank you for singing to me Kal.." She said as she got up from his bed and walked toward the door.

"No problem, sis.." Kal said to her as she left and went into her own room, blushing a little. Kal sighed again and got up from his bed and turned off the cd player and walked past Shalla's room into the kitchen. He opened the pantry door and looked down where their parents had bought some snacks to eat after school. Kal knelt down and grabbed a chocolate brownie and tore the plastic wrapping off of it and threw it in the garbage. He took a bite of the brownie and then noticed Shalla walking toward him in the kitchen out of the corner of his eye. He looked over at her and she looked like she had been crying. Kal took a step back from the pantry and let his sister get a snack as well. He finished his brownie in a few more bites and then jumped up onto the kitchen counter, watching Shalla for a few moments.

"So...find any cute girls Kal?.." Shalla asked Kal, tearing the plastic wrapping from a brownie and disposing of it. Kal blinked and then remembered Nikki and Kitty and shook his head.

"No.." He said, looking down. Shalla look at her brother and blinked.

"Oh...I'm sorry Kal.." She said, her fox ears drooping down.

"It's ok....nothing new to me..." Kal said weakly. Shalla finished her brownie and then grabbed Kal's paw and tugged on it, wanting him to get off the counter. Kal sighed and jumped down off the counter landing on the kitchen tile floor with a soft pat. Shalla blinked as she noticed the large cut Kal had on his back as he was heading towards his room.

"Oh my god...Kal what happened?" She asked him, a sound of worry in her voice. Kal blinked realizing that she had seen his back and was referring to it.

"It's nothing..don't worry about it.." He said.

"Well..are you okay?.." She asked, her eyes widening a little as she noticed another cut on his elbow. Kal nodded.

"Yeah...I'm fine.." He said to her. Shalla walked by him and grabbed his hand once again and led him into her room.

"Follow me Kal...sit down please." She said once they were both in her room, pointing to her bed. Kal sighed and sat down on her bed, he wasn't sure why, but he suddenly felt very tired, and his sister's bed was very comfortable, a lot more so than his. Shalla got onto the bed and moved behind Kal, starting to gently rub her little brother's back, trying to make him feel better. She hated seeing Kal hurt and wanted to make him feel better and forget about his pain. Kal winced a little feeling Shalla touch his wounds, but the pain soon subsided and became rather soothing. Shalla slid her paws up from Kal's back onto his shoulders and started to gently massage his shoulders.

"Shalla..." Kal groaned weakly.

"Shh...please Kal.." She leaned down and whispered in his ear. Kal sighed and looked up at the ceiling, then closed his eyes, trying to relax. Shalla massaged Kal's shoulders a little harder, but still gently, the groans Kal was making let her know she was doing it just right. Kal loved it when his sister gave him a shoulder massage, she always did whenever he was hurt or felt bad, and he would do the same for her, though no matter what happened, Shalla was always there for him, taking care of him, being with him, helping him. Kal felt Shalla almost more like his mom than his sister and he loved her more than anyone, even his parents. Their mother had divorced their birth father and married a cat. Their cat step-father Ron, was mean at times, but tried to get along with the kids, though it never seemed to work. Kal and Shalla both tried to avoid their step-father since all he did was nag them about their chores and homework, never actually having a real conversation with them. Their mother was easier to get along with, though she was always gone at work, staying late and having to close the store, since she was the manager.

Kal gasped as he felt Shalla press her body against his, feeling her soft breasts against his back. Shalla smiled hearing Kal gasp and leaned down and kissed his neck. Kal tilted his head to one side to give Shalla better access to his neck and he almost fell asleep. He suddenly collapsed onto the bed and rolled over onto his back. Shalla giggled quietly and then crawled ontop of Kal and kissed him passionately. Kal closed his eyes and barely kissed back. Shalla slowly pulled away and ran her hands down her brother's chest, feeling his tight abs. She slid her hands farther down, and began to undo his belt. Kal opened his eyes a little and just watched her, feeling too tired to stop her, though not wanting to. Shalla unbuttoned his shorts and pulled them down with his boxers. Kal lifted his feet up and Shalla dropped his clothes onto the ground. Shalla stared at her brother's hardening cock for a few moments before slipping off her panties and dropping them ontop Kal's clothes. Kal smiled and looked at his sister's pussy, feeling himself become completely hard.

Shalla laid down next to Kal and gripped his hard foxhood with one paw, she slowly began to paw him off. Kal gasped and Shalla kissed his neck, and then kissed him, slipping her tongue into his open mouth. Still kissing him, Shalla crawled ontop of Kal, pushing his 6 inch cock into her virgin pussy. She pulled away and gasped feeling Kal inside her. Kal sat up and wrapped his arms around her and rolled over, now laying ontop of her. Kal pulled his length out of her, then thrust it back in hard. Shalla screamed in pain as her brother took her virginity, she shivered weakly and could feel blood drip from her pussy. She looked into Kal's hazel eyes.

"I love you Kalasoul.." She said to him. Kal smiled and leaned down, kissing her for a second then pulling away and looking deeply into her beautiful dark blue eyes.

"I love you too Kalashall.." He said back to her. Shalla smiled back at him, and then moaned with pleasure as Kal went back to thrusting into her, she dug her nails into her brother's back, making his previous wounds bleed again. Kal gasped feeling how tight Shalla's pussy was, he already felt he was gonna cum and feeling Shalla tear his back apart hurt, but at the same time he loved the way it felt. He managed to hold out for a few more minutes before finally reaching his climax. Kal gave one final hard thrust into Shalla's wet pussy, filling her with his fox seed. Shalla screamed as her brother's orgasm made her own hit, her juices dripping from her sex and soaking Kal's length, as well as dripping onto the bed, mixing with the blood. She grabbed Kal's shoulders and rolled him over, laying ontop of him now, she rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes. Kal wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes too, both of them soon falling asleep together.

And there you have it, folks...the end of chapter 5..I'm not sure if chapter 6 was recovered or not..but either way it's a rather decent ending...thanks again for reading..^.^