The Hidden Ones: Final

Story by Dragonizu on SoFurry

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One more chapter to go until the new Series that takes after DBB. To answer someone's email they sent me, this was showing the other side of the coin of BBD. It may be a darker version. If it is, it was completely unintentional. I swear. _>

The battle between the Angels and Demons, as well as Urath and the other 3 characters theme is 'Consecration of the Desecration.'

Both my characters and Tim's are ours by copywright law (C). We will not tolerate any unauthorized theft or anything of the sort.

To the story!

Tim slashed at the lycan with his sword, cutting him deep in the chest. The Lycan roared with anger, and put his paws together "Bao Baruk Brisingr!" Fire crackled in his paws and it flashed one way and the other. It materialized in black fire (Dark Fire Blade). Tim gasped put his sword at his side, ready to dodge the attack when Urath swung. The black wolf raised his black sword high, and John put his hands together. They crackled with lightning and suddenly died out. "What--" It flared up again with such force and words leapt unbidden to his lips, and this time black electricity sparked. "Bao Baruk Sakaira!" (Dark Lightning blade) Out of surprise at hearing the spell, Urath whirled around and their spells collided together. The result was a massive black explosion of fire and electricity, expanding the entire realm of hell. Smoke and fire touched everthing, and luckily for Tim, he was fireproof.

A surprised Urath jumped back and drew the Fenrisulfur Hiruq and Excalibur. Tim ran at him through the smoke and fire. He blasted his sword into the ground, causing a wall of rock to blast at the lycan, and also swung his sword mercilessly, causing huge gusts of thick smoke and fierce winds to go at Urath as well.

The black Lycan clashed with Tim, John, and the amount of force they were fighting with. Swinging the sword at an angle, he had one blade at John, the other at Tim. Both brunettes clashed with their former sword the Excalibur and Fenrisulfur Hiruq. .Urath snarled and ducked, wrenching the Occuli Infernus out of Tim's hand with his muzzle. Tim used telekinesis to cause the lycan to freeze in place, than sliced his arm off. Urath roared in pain, scooped up the swords with one of his feet, and disappeared. "This isn't over, human!"

Tim put his sword away. "You got any idea where he might have gone?"

John sheathed both his swords, and replied "I might have an idea. He has all 3 swords."

"Lead the way."

John nodded, and followed the trail of blood and fur. The trail ends at a gate with demons clawing at the glass, and 3 crevices that resemble keyholes underneath it in a stone.

"You think there might be a way to destroy the keyholes?"

"Not that I know--" Urath hopped out of nowhere and put the Excalibur in the first keyhole.

Tim spun about and slashed at the lycan, driving his sword deep into his tummy. "Your too late, human." He snaked his hand and put in the Fenrisulfur Hiruq. "As we speak, this gate is weakening. Even if you beat me, these demons will be set free."

Tim thrust his sword out and looked at the demons. They looked like overly-exaggerated locusts, with fangs for teeth, dragon wings, and skin thick as armor. They also rode strange beasts that looked like pitch-black people made out of smoke and fire. "And now--" He took out the Occuli Infernus "The final key."

"If you got any tricks up your sleeve, I suggest you use them now. I am out of ideas, except for one..." Tim said and got out a rosary. He wrapped it around his hand and said a silent little prayer. John wasn't listening, he was transforming into a Lycan. A pain shot through his arm and he opened his eyes. His form's legs looked almost the mirror image of Urath's body. Urath was about to insert the key, and John howl a completely unearthly howl that made Urath accidently drop the sword and it slipped into the rock. "..Damn."

Tim continued to pray the rosary. A voice that shook Hell itself yelled "STOP!" the demons poured out of the vortex, but didn't go any further or attack anyone. An army of angels were on the other side of the room that the 4 were in. Ruby gasped, they all had blonde hair, white wings and shining halos. The angels rode on top of white horses, and carried with them swords and shields. One fully robed and hooded man, his facing shining brighter than the angels', dazzling white, who's name is Faithful and True. "Charge!" all the Angels gave a heavenly battle cry and ran to attack the Fallen Ones. The heavenly hosts, led by the spotless Lamb, clashed with the demons, swords piercing their bodies, not one angel touched or hurt, decapitating the demons, cutting off limbs, and slicing them through and through. A surprised Tim, Ruby, and John watched as the angels of God drove back the demons into the vortex. They chanted a Holy spell and the Fallen Ones were sealed once more. 3 angels took the swords, and left Hell. Except for the True One. The man gripped Tim's shoulder "Be at peace. Your faith hath saved you."

"Gloria Dei."

The One nodded and they were back at their own home. In their own bodies. Urath was there but it was obvious that he was dead.

"So what do we do now with the lycan?"

Urath disappeared in black smoke. "...You were saying?"

"Nice anime effect."

Ruby cocked her head. "Eh?"

"Nothing," Tim said, "Well, one more day of fighting evil. And there's always tomorrow. Take care, everyone," Tim said and hopped on Hana's back, taking off into the sky. Most likely onto their afternoon sessions.

"No.." John looked at his hand, it had a swirling vortex on it. The power inside wasn't good or evil, but an ancient presence was there. "This is the beginning of the end." Ruby looked at her husband for a moment. He was staring at his hand, it looked just fine to her; But nothing out of the ordinary. She gave John a lick and whispered "You know, its another hour until the kids get home."

John nodded and followed Ruby into the bedroom. She was moving her ass in circular motions, his mind was elsewhere but his gaze never left her moving bottom. She picked him up and put him on the bed, and purred loudly. John was still thinking, but still moved himself over to Ruby's clitoris and licking it absently. She moaned and played with her breasts. Milk lactated slowly onto her stomach as John moved even deeper in. Ruby gasped and roared; His tongue was touching the G-Spot, and tickling her to no end. She orgasmed with alot of force, sending her husband over to her knees. In his head, something screamed to take her. He went over lustfully and thrust himself into her. Her sex clenched tightly, almost cutting off John's legs if he hadn't muttered a protection spell right then. He orgasmed into her and she brought him up to her breast. The Lyun bit down on her breast and she roared as she pressed him into her. A searing pain went through his arm and neck as she touched something. He cried out in pain and her cries stopped abruptly. "Are you alright?" John looked at his neck, the black mark spread to his neck and he clenched tightly.


Ruby licked her husband "I love you, you know.

"And I you."

The red dragoness curled up into a ball and wrapped her tail and wing around John, giving him once more the best blanket he ever had..


John raised his sword to his opponents dragon head "Get ready to die, Tim." the black marks on his face moved with intensity, sending powerful shockwaves throughout the Lyun's body. The battle of all time is coming here...

The End and Rebirth is almost here!!

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