Strange Seeds: Diary of a Lizard Queen

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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Strange Seeds: Diary of a Lizard Queen

By Von Krieger

Day 1

Entry 1

I don't remember anything, of who I am, or what I was before last night. I remember how to do things, I know about things, I just don't remember a scrap of information about myself, about my past, or about anybody associated with it. All I can remember from before I woke up this morning are the dreams.

You can barely call them dreams, just intense bursts of emotion in sequence. Fear fading into intense lust fading into incredible sexual satisfaction. The bed was absolutely covered with spots of dried sexual fluids, more of which appear to have dried to a crust on the scales of my thighs, belly, tail, and muzzle.

I've gotten the sense that my body isn't quite right somehow, but I don't remember ever being different. Of course I can't remember anything at all. I know that ought to bother me, but it doesn't for some reason.

I'm writing this down on a tablet of paper that I found, no idea why, but for some reason I feel better putting this down in written form. Writing things down seems to put it into perspective and make it feel real, rather than just a dream.

You can't read very well in a dream, I remember that factoid from somewhere. If you look away from the page and look back, the letters shift. Since the words I've written have seen fit to remain stationary, it appears that this is indeed reality. Which of course leaves me the task of trying to figure out what it is that's happened to me.

I'm going to take a look around the apartment to see if I can find anything that might clue me in as to who I am, where I am, or what's happened.

Entry 2

Well, I took a quick look around. The power's out, so that means no TV and no Internet to check out the news. No newspaper outside my door either, though I kept the look outside brief.

I think I'm Erin Anderson, or at least that this is her apartment. The name is on the magazines I found in the living room and on some bottles of medication in the bathroom closet.

I'm not at all sure; none of the clothes in the closet fit me, for one thing. For another all the pictures featuring the same female lack scales. For a third, I don't think Erin Anderson had a penis. She has breasts, though.

From a look at the magazines, I don't think that I started out being like I am now. I remember that the pink skinned, thin furred species shown in the magazine photos are called humans. The picture of Erin Anderson and her friends and family are most decidedly of humans. Unfortunately aside from the bipedal stance and general body shape, I don't resemble one very much.

I looked around for a tape measure, but I couldn't find one. I think I'm tall in comparison to a human, but that just might be because I stand on the balls of my feet rather than all of my foot like they do.

I have five toes, like humans, but they're arranged a little oddly in comparison. I have four in front, and one in the back. But the innermost toe on each foot is located a bit back from the others and sporting a rather large curved claw. The other three in front also have claws, but nowhere near that size or shape. The fifth toe is in the back and also sports a large claw; it looks to serve more for gripping than anything else.

My feet are very dexterous, and my sense of balance is quite keen. I'm perched on the bar at the foot of Erin Anderson's bed, writing with the tablet across my knees. I couldn't find a stool, none of the chairs have room for my tail, and the spikes on my back would likely make a mess of Erin Anderson's upholstery. I don't want her to be mad at me if indeed I'm not her and she comes back.

Anyway, my body is covered in smooth, emerald green scales, lightening to a green-yellow on my belly, chin, thighs, and the underside of my tail, which is about as long as I am tall. It's almost as thick as my torso when it starts, and it tapes down to a number of bone-looking spikes making kind of a W shape; two little ones on the inside, two big ones on the outside.

They're quite sharp and pointy; I got a small cut on my finger from feeling them. On the topic of fingers, I have three of them on each hand, and one thumb. All are tipped with claws that apparently were sharp enough to cut a few gashes in the bedclothes while I was sleeping, or while I was having sex, or both.

Speaking of sex, I'm not exactly sure what gender I am. Overall I look female; I have quite large breasts, which have nipples so I don't think I'm entirely reptilian, and a slit between my legs. But then again I also have a rather large and prominent scrotum, pair of balls, and sheath. And a rather large cock as well, but it's retracted into my body after I got over my initial morning wood.

I have a number of large, white, conical spikes on my back, which is covered by a thick, smooth, rounded shell; quite turtle-like and oddly bright red in color. I have a short muzzle and a wide mouth. Some of my teeth are sharp and pointed, some are flat and wide, others are kind of thin. I think they're like normal human teeth, I just have a different configuration, and I have more of them.

I have two thick, but short, horns growing from my temples. They come to points, but not nearly as sharp as my claws or the blades on my tail. I have eyebrows and hair, which is odd for a scaly thing as well. My eyebrows are red, and so is half of my hair, the other half is a metallic silver, which I think is kind of strange. And my eyes have round pupils and purple irises, which is a strange color for eyes to have. I think.

I think I look quite sexy, to tell the truth. I certainly feel sexy, and powerful. I'm well muscled, I rather like my body, even if it's not the one I originally had.

Anyway, my tummy's rumbling, so I'm going to make myself some breakfast. There's a propane grill on the balcony, and I might as well cook the meat in my freezer. I have no idea when the power is going to come back on, or even if it's going to come back on, so I might as well not waste food.

Entry 3

Well, I think I'm Erin Anderson. Pretty sure of it. My hair looks about the same length as in the photos, and can easily be styled in the way it is in the pictures. I also looked around and found a large number of drawings, and with a few minutes of work I managed to sketch out a drawing of myself in the same general style. It's a bit different having claws and the pencil being a bit smaller, but I managed.

What's interesting is that I found a few drawings of myself in the collection; drawings of myself as I am now, rather than as a human. So that's a comfort, knowing I have a name and that this is indeed my apartment.

Breakfast was pretty yummy; I made myself two pounds of meat's worth of hamburgers and ate them all.

I saw some lizard-like creatures snuffling around the dumpster in the parking lot, so I'm pretty sure that I'm okay with going outside. Aside from the quadrupedal lizards I haven't seen much of anything else around. A few birds and some bugs, but no humans. No even a car driving down the street.

The parking lot is full of cars, however, so there ought to be some people around here. I'm not going to go knocking on doors or anything. If I'm the only one this has happened to, I might freak some people out. If I'm not, they won't remember how things happened either.

But I know, somehow, that we don't normally have lizards the size of large dogs walking the streets. Especially ones that walk like dogs, after all lizards mostly walk splay-legged, don't they, with the limbs out at right angles from the body?

Anyway, they look kind of cute, even if some of them seem a little stupid. I saw one try and hop into a car, and smack head first into the windshield. A couple of the others found a car with the window rolled down and crawled inside that way. They're reptiles; after all, the heat inside a parked car on a sunny day would probably be something they enjoy.

I found a cooler in my closet, so I'm going to walk down to the gas station down on the corner and get some ice so I can pack up some of my more perishable food items. Even with my appetite I'm not going to be able to finish it all in one day.

Entry 4

Writing this down at the gas station, where I picked up a proper notebook to chronicle everything in, rather than an art tablet.

I still haven't seen anybody, the stores and shops are totally abandoned and there's nobody out driving on the roads, not even on the highways. The roads are almost completely devoid of cars, so whatever happened yesterday, it happened while most people were asleep.

And while the power is out here as well, the ice cooler wasn't locked, and will likely remain cold on it's own for quite awhile.

Like in my apartment, the phones here aren't getting a dial tone.

I just realized that I've walked out of the house completely naked from head to toe. It feels completely normal to me, and if there's a cop out to arrest me for indecent exposure, he'll be the first person I've seen today. A bit of a fine or something would be worth it, I think.

Besides, I rather like the feel of the sunshine on my scaly body. It feels great, so warm and wonderful. Unless it gets cold, I don't think I'm going to wear clothes again, ever. This makes finding things that fit my decidedly non-human body much easier.

I had the idea of looking over the surveillance tapes for the gas station here, but then again there's no power.

I poked around the employee lounge in the back and found a set of car keys that go to an SUV parked out front, or at least I assume so as pressing the lock button on the keychain makes the thing chirp.

There's a set of car keys in my apartment, but unfortunately they don't have any identifying marks that might lead me to my car. I'll leave a note when I borrow it tomorrow, just in case the owner comes back.

Right now I'm going to take the bags of ice, and a few snacks, back to my apartment and then have some fun in the apartment complex's pool. The water looks so inviting.

And yes, I did leave some money to cover my purchases. Judging from the way the plants outside are overgrowing their planters, it looks like this place doesn't see much business. Or at least no one cares enough to make it look presentable.

Entry 5

Spent the last few hours in the pool, enjoying the cool water, the bright sunshine, and the investigations of the lizard creatures I saw running around earlier.

Interestingly they kind of look like me. In a general sense at least, with the smooth shell on the back, the green scales and yellow underbelly, and the configuration of digits on their forepaws and hindpaws, they don't have horns or spikes or anything like I do, though.

But they are well trained and obedient. When the first one approached me, I made a shooing motion with my hands and told it to go away. It whimpered, and then slunk off.

After a few laps, I found about a dozen of them watching me through the fence. They are rather dog-like, in the way that their tails wagged with excitement when I let them in. They too enjoyed the pool, as well as the pats, scratches, and belly rubs that I gave them.

I think they might have been turned dogs before they were changed into these lizard things, just like I was probably a human before it happened to me as well. Whatever happened apparently has affected larger animals as well. The birds, squirrels, and rabbits don't appear to have been altered.

I brought them up to my apartment and fed them most of the perishable food items that were left over once I had filled the cooler to capacity.

It's nice to have company, even if it is a bunch of dog-like lizards. They're very snuggly and playful though, I have one resting across my lap as I write this.

Anyway, the sun set awhile ago and it's pretty dark. I can still see to write, but something in my mind tells me that I shouldn't be able to. A definite improvement from my human form, I would wager.

I'm going to hop into bed and snuggle up with my new pets; it's another thing that feels natural to me. Like a pack of wolves, except in this the alpha is a completely different creature entirely. Something instinctual tells me that this is completely normal.

My first day, that I can remember at least, was quite fun. Hopefully tomorrow I can find out what happened. That is, of course, if it doesn't happen again tonight and I wake up looking totally different in the morning with no memory of today. I'm leaving my journal on the nightstand with a note, just in case.

Day 2

Entry 1

Well, I don't have to worry about memory loss or waking up in a different form every day. Nothing strange happened overnight. It was upon the waking that the oddness happened. Well, maybe not odd to me, but it might seem strange to most people.

I woke up horny as hell this morning, and so did my pack of pets. It was a virtual lizard orgy when I opened my eyes. Another thing that they share with me is that they're hermaphrodites, sporting male and female genitals.

I found the display incredibly arousing, all the licking, sucking, fucking... I wanted to join in so badly, but I know I shouldn't be doing that sort of thing with, well... animals.

So I went in the bathroom, sat on the toilet, and jerked off. All the while I was wishing to be out in the bedroom joining in the orgy with my lizards. I kept imagining one on top of me, cock buried in my pussy while I thrust into the muzzle of another.

I ended up with one hand around my cock, stroking it rapidly, while I frantically fingered myself with the other. I'm not sure what sex was like before my change, when I was solely female, but this felt absolutely amazing. I can't describe it too clearly; my mind was too filled with pleasure to compare it to anything.

Anyway, I sent the lizards outside while I tried to regain my composure. It hasn't helped. Nor has writing it down. Fuck. I'm hard as a rock again. Back to the bathroom...

PS: I don't think semen is supposed to: A, be orange, or B, glow in the dark.

Entry 2

Boy, did I ever make a mess. I think I spent at least an hour in there. Started out on the toilet again, but move to the floor so I could thrust against my hand, and then from the floor to the bathtub when I realized that it was going EVERYWHERE.

There are glowing orange droplets and spatters all over the place, I should have cleaned it up, but then again I've lost some time that I was going to originally have spent looking around the city.

I'm making a note here to pick up some condoms so I don't make such a mess again if I'm overcome with lust like that, and I'm pretty sure I will. I'm going to stop writing about that before I get myself worked up again.

Also a note to pick up bagged dry dog food for the lizards.

Entry 3

I think I misspoke yesterday when I said that the gas station employees were lazy or didn't care how the place looked. The plants have grown a great deal since I was here yesterday. Some flowers grew so big and heavy that the weight imbalance tipped the planted over and sent it onto the sidewalk. I think the roots have managed to pierce the concrete.

At least I think they're flowers. They have long stems topped with round bulbs. They don't look like they've come into bloom yet, as they're still green. They might have some sort of infection or something, as they have white spots growing on them.

The white ones in the next planter look like they're about to come into bloom, however. Maybe in a day or two?

Looking around I can see that it's not just these particular plants; a lot of the flora around here looks a bit larger and thicker, or a little odd. The grass is a few inches high, but the blades look thicker than they're supposed to. The bark on a number of trees seems to be turning green, and every vine type plant that I see appears to have overgrown its trellis, or in some cases has climbed the entire telephone pole and is making its way across the wires.

Weird. Not only are the people missing, and several creatures transformed, but the plants are growing like mad. This keeps getting stranger and stranger.

Should I be frightened? For some reason I'm more curious and excited than scared. It's like I've got a city sized puzzle for me to solve.

I've left a note to the owner of the SUV with my apartment number on it in the unlikely circumstance that they show up.

I'm going to see if I can find a store that sells generators. I'm not going to leave money this time, since at the moment it seems kind of silly. There's no one else around, and for all I know, there may never be.

Things to get:

Dog food


Gas cans


Charcoal Briquettes

Entry 4

After a few minutes inside one of the big chain stores, I managed to quickly snag most of what I needed and got out. Things were... weird in there. It smells weird, like sex, plants, and fruit for some reason. I found scraps of shredded clothes, blue vests, and dried puddles on the floor in strange colors in several places.

I also found something even stranger, huge plants that appear to have grown down through the floor. The 'bud' and 'stem' of the things are most definitely large enough to hold a person. So either some people got eaten by those plants, or changed into them. Either way, I'm avoiding them. I prefer scaly and ambulatory to spending the rest of my life growing inside a Mall*Mart, thank you very much.

I couldn't find a generator, though. Then again, I didn't look all that hard once I saw the plants. I'll try the big farm supply place I passed just off the exit ramp.

It's really creepy; I haven't seen a single person. The highway was totally empty, and I don't hear the sound of any other motors at all.

I've found more lizards out here, though they're different colored. They have more brownish scales and yellow shells, as opposed to the reddish-brown, bright greens, and one blue that comprise my 'pack.'

The increased growth of plants isn't a localized phenomenon either, it's happening here as well, a couple of miles from my apartment. Not only are the plants growing larger, but new varieties seem to be appearing as well.

The ones with the round, spotted buds I saw at the gas station are present in large amounts. There are a few of the white, fleshy petalled flowers growing in large bunches, also like at the gas station. Some new plant varieties appear with regularity, but not frequency. Large, orange flowers have begun to sprout in places and red capped mushrooms, also with white spots, appear in most shady, dark places close to standing water.

Maybe it's a sort of terraforming? Some sort of alien culture adapting our world to more closely match their own?

Hold on, the lizards are making a racket; they've never done that before.

Entry 5

Something weird just happened to me. The lizards were scratching and clawing at an 'adult goods' store, like they were drawn to something in there, and the moment I started heading towards the place, I felt it too.

I was drawn to it, I needed to go inside. There was something in there I had to see.

Unfortunately, I don't have a damned clue what it was. I started getting aroused the moment I was 30 feet from the store.

I have no idea how long I was in there, but it was a damned long time, the sun started setting when I got out. Boy, did I ever make a mess. I can't see how there could possibly be that much fluid in me. It made what I did in the bathroom look like a little spill. Geez.

But it felt GREAT! I think I sampled just about every toy that the place had to offer. It's kind of hazy, but I distinctly remember having one toy in my rump, one in my cunny, one in my mouth, and somehow I managed to shove one into my cock and I had two pressed up against my nipples.

I came so hard the damned thing broke a display case halfway across the room. Glowing orange goop everywhere, on everything, yuck.

I'm not sure what to think about all of that. The loss of control was kind of scary, but it felt incredible. There's a warm ache over my entire body right now, especially in my loins that feels kind of nice. I'm feeling incredibly euphoric right now.

I also feel kind of sleepy, I think I'm going to find myself a room at the motel nearby and take a nap.

I just wish I knew what it was that drew me to the store in the first place.

I also picked up a few toys to use later.

PS: The lizards in this area are following me to the motel. Apparently there's something about me that makes all of them follow and obey me. It's kind of neat.

Maybe I'll try partaking in the pack orgy in the morning...

Day 3

Entry 1

Woke up to find my lizard troop gone, so no morning orgy. Which is okay, since I'm not feeling extraordinarily horny after waking up today. After what I did in the sex shop yesterday, I'm not surprised either.

I took a look out the window just after I woke up and had a bit of a shock. It's not only the plants and animals that are changing. The buildings are beginning to alter. I don't have any idea of how that works like I can with plants and animals.

I have no idea what the buildings are becoming, but they're intact and bulging in places, and have pieces that have gone missing. The roads are cracking as well, some of them, and have water burbling out. It's kind of interesting.

The plants have continued to grow, and are beginning to take over the outsides of buildings, and some of the sidewalks. Hedges have become tangled thorn bushes, trees have become giant stalked flowers.

A few questing vines appear to have grown in through the area around the window and appear to have taken root in the wall. It's strange, but somehow comforting to me. I can't even begin to fathom what's going on with the world around me, but each bit of weirdness and change makes me feel more and more at home, like this was the way I was always meant to be and that the world is transforming around me in order to suit my new self.

I can hear my lizard making noise outside. I'm going to go see what they're snarling and yipping at.

Entry 2

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Apparently the lizards and I are not alone in being pack creatures of the altering world. I went out to find that my pack was fighting with a bunch of what I can only describe as sphinxes, winged cats with human-ish faces. If that's what happened to the house cats, I'm not surprised that they're fighting with my lizards. It's just a new form of cats and dogs after all.

Being a good deal bigger than any of them, I walked out to break it up, and I got a fireball to the belly for my troubles. The sphinxes spit fire, for future reference. Though the weird thing is that the fire hit me, and it stung a little, but it didn't actually burn. It made my muscles feel like I'd been doing sit ups all day, but there were no burns inflicted on me or anything.

Even so, it made me angry. So I did something instinctive, I took in a big deep breath, and well... I spit a bigger fireball back. So apparently I'm not only some mixing of turtle, lizard, and dinosaur, but I'm also kind of a dragon as well.

I managed to take out three of the sphinxes with my flame, and unfortunately a couple of my lizards. They weren't burned either, just knocked unconscious it seems.

The sphinxes and lizards seemed perfectly okay with one another when they woke up, and the kitties are quite friendly to me now as well, rubbing against my legs, hopping up in my lap, attempting to become the center of my attention over my journal; normal kitty-type things to do.

Oddly enough, some of my lizards have sprouted wings as well. The reds and blues seem to be taking to them fine, but the greens have crashed head first into windows several times, though they weren't hurt at all. The windows were, unfortunately.

I'm going to pick up a few more things here and then head back to my apartment before the roads get too broken or covered with water to make such a trip impossible. Come to think of it, the SUV itself might start to change sometime soon.

Entry 3

I'm not alone anymore. Well, I had the lizards and sphinxes, but I mean that I'm no longer the only sentient biped in the group. I don't know her name, and she's not really able to give it, but it's nice to have company anyway.

I passed by the sex shop again, and once more felt drawn to the place. I think I know the reason why now, it's because she was in there. I think I'm drawn to unchanged humans as a part of what's happened to me, drawn to them in order to change them and make them 'fit' with the new world that's sprouting up around us.

She's so beautiful, and becoming even more so as she continues to change. Her skin is a wonderful shade of red-orange, her hair shimmers through the colors of flame, she's got the cutest little stubby lizard tail, a well built body, and a very generous bust.

The moment I stepped into the shop and saw her, dressed in a cute red latex skirt, an abbreviated shirt that showed her midriff, and a pair of matching high heeled, opened toed boot that showed off her cute claws, I knew I had to fuck her.

My mess was still present, still orange, still glowing, still warm and gooey even. She had added a few drips and splatters or her own pink-purple essence to it. She was, much as I had, sampling the wares the store had once offered. One large vibrator had been stuffed into her rump and she had taken to sucking on another as she frantically jerked off.

I think the term for what she is, is along the lines of something like shemale. Female body with only the male bits between the legs. I felt my arousal growing with each passing moment, and she was oblivious to my presence, caught up in her haze of self-pleasure.

Instinctual, animalistic lust, that's the only way I can describe what happened to me. Like a sexual version of a berserker rage. I growled, stomped over, and yanked the vibe from her hands and gave her my own member to suckle on.

Her mouth and throat have been altered to also serve function as a sexual organ considering the way she was nearly swallowing a vibrator on the highest setting, as well as the feel of rippling muscle that surrounded my member. She also seems to salivate the same pink-purple goo that gushes from her cock as well. I'm pretty sure that it's not fully semen, as the amount we give off when we climax is of a greater volume than ought to be possible. I can fill my cupped hands with one jet of cum.

Whatever it is, she slurped it down eagerly, snuggled up against me, and went to sleep. She's the only other person I've seen so far, so I brought her back to my apartment and set her on my bed. She's been making pleasurable noises as she changes, so I don't think I've hurt her in any way.

Her skin has begun to alter into smooth scales, her underbelly areas have turned white. Her claws have grown thicker, and while I haven't been looking, she's lost a finger on each hand and two toes on each foot.

Her tail is coming along nicely and she has a row of orange scutes running along her spine. Her face has begun to reshape into a bit of a muzzle, a rounded form around the tunnel of her altered mouth and throat.

She's so beautiful.

Entry 4

Her name is Katie, well, it is now. Like me, she doesn't remember much about herself from before. She remembers something happening in the night, and having to run and hide from something. She remembers spending most of yesterday trying to keep away from the lizards, some sphinxes, as well as some ambulatory plants that I haven't seen yet.

She ducked into that shop when she heard the pack of lizards scrambling around down the block, trying to remain hidden. She remembers being afraid of something that would happen to her if one of the lizards got a hold of her, but isn't quite sure what that something was.

"If it was being changed into this," she says, "I don't see why I was so frightened."

She'd hidden herself in one of the booths in the back of the store, and had hidden there for quite some time. She spent the night in there and when she tried to sneak out, avoiding all my glowing orange goop, the fight between the sphinxes and lizards had just begun and startled her with the noise, causing her to come into contact with the goo. That started her transformation and her horniness.

She says that she found her clothes to be unsuitable and took them off, finding a proper outfit before the need to slake her sexual lusts overwhelmed her. Which is where I came in and added to the fun.

We talked for a bit, and are pretty sure that whatever happened to us is obviously contagious. Considering that Katie's sexual secretions glow and remain a liquid the same way mine do, I think that she would experience the same incredible desire to fuck that I felt when she was nearby as her human self. Unless there was a cure we'd be a hazard to anyone from the outside world. So we're going to stay here.

We don't want to be cured, to go back to the way we were. Neither of us remembers our human lives, but then again, we don't really need to.

We've become adapted for life in the environment that the city is transforming into, and we're quite content with our bodies as they are now.

Speaking of which, Katie's eager to explore more of my body that just my member.

And I'm eager to feel her soft, sexy, smooth-scaled body against mine.

Day 4

Entry 1

Good news, strange news, and REALLY strange news.

Good news is that the power is back on.

Strange news is that it looks like everything of an electrical nature has altered itself quite a bit.

Really strange news is that so has my apartment building. Suffice to say I don't have an apartment to live in anymore.

I have a castle.

Got up and looked out the window to find that my room is a good six stories higher than it was before, and a hell of a lot larger than before.

Everything is different, and yet the same. The place is still laid out like it was before, just on a larger scale.

The bedroom is massive and my bed has changed into this huge, four poster, gargantuan, wrought iron and steel monstrosity with an image of what rather looks like my snarling face on the footboard, and thorny steel 'vines' around the four posts.

I think it suits me. Apparently I'm supposed to be the ruler of the transformed city. A look out the window, and later a stride out onto my now much larger balcony shows off my beautiful realm.

The buildings are done changing; most have become massive trellises made of green or purple piping for the plants that populate most of the area. They also grow all over my castle, as well as on the rooftop garden.

They're beautiful, and they move. They're like part plant and part animal. The 'flowers' don't have eyes or noses or anything like that. They're just round red buds with white spots, white lips, and have purple mouths and tongues, and feature rather sharp teeth. They adore me and not one has even tried to bite. They adore being petted and scratched.

The pool has also been moved to my balcony/rooftop garden, and it's now a pond with a waterfall. It also looks quite deep; I think it goes down quite a ways. I'll investigate it later.

Some of the roads are still intact, but most seem to have become waterways, leaving the area as a series of islands. The air is warm and humid, which is normal for a Minnesota summertime, but I have a feeling that the climate is permanent.

I don't see any cars anywhere, odds are that they've been altered into something else, and considering the plant like, biological nature of most of my appliances, they might have become some sort of creature.

I'm so excited; I can't wait to explore it all.

I've got to go wake up Katie and show her what's happened!

Entry 2

Suffice to say, Katie loves it. We had a quick breakfast and have gone out to explore my new kingdom. Couldn't find any stairs, but we did find a few rather large, green pipes that somewhat resembled waterslides without the water, though the ride down went a great deal smoother than one would expect.

We both seem to have an instinctive knowledge of where each pipe goes, and boy, are there ever a lot of them. They go all over the place. I'm not sure how they work, either, and I know that any pipe I go down, I can also use to go back up.

The lizards are more plentiful now, and there are other creatures. There are white flowers with eyes that hop around, they seem to stay still for awhile, and then pounce on a bird, or a frog or something. There are also ambulatory versions of the red and white plants that grow all over everything. Also there are a great number of comical looking waddling mushroom shaped brown creatures. No idea what any of them are, or what they're for, but I know instinctively that they're supposed to be here.

I feel a gentle tugging in my mind, guiding me somewhere. A place I need to be. Katie doesn't feel it, but I do. My kingdom needs its queen somewhere...

Entry 3

And that somewhere is, if I'm remembering right, about where the Museum of Natural History used to be. Specifically one of those large plants that looked big enough to have a person inside, which is actually what they're for.

Katie and I watched as my newest subject emerged from her transformative chrysalis, spilling out into the new world. She emerged confused, frightened, and able to knock me across the interior of one of the trellises and sent me crashing into the wall with her tail.

Thankfully my plants caught me and gently lowered me to the ground.

Her name is Jeshi, and she's some sort of dinosaur, rather like a T-rex. While bipedal, she's not quite humanoid, as she walks hunched forward with her long, thick tail acting as a counterweight. She's also bigger than I am by a great deal. That was until the plants pushed one of those mushrooms into my hands.

The moment it touched me, a jolt of power went through my body and I found myself growing, doubling in size.

While she may look like a dinosaur, Jeshi has a tongue like a frog, and used it to snag one of my lizards, one of the blue ones. Much like the mushroom with me, simply having the blue shelled lizard in her mouth gave her an ability as well, wings. Though she didn't use them, she spit him at me instead.

I managed to catch him, and while soggy, he was no worse for the wear. I tried to tackle her, but she sidestepped and made a break for it. She also ate Katie.

Thankfully, however, Katie wasn't hurt. Jeshi laid an egg a moment later, and used her tail to toss it at me.

I hadn't been expecting that, and it almost knocked the wind out of me. The shell shattered, and Katie landed on the floor, covered in green goop and a little dizzy, but otherwise okay.

I charged after Jeshi, and this time managed to tackle her. I wrapped my legs around her to keep her from wriggling away, and for some reason this seemed to calm her. She struggled less and less, calming down in the presence of her mistress.

I stroked her head and scratched her underneath her chin, which she rather liked, and gave my hand a friendly like.

Unlike Katie and me, her change has altered her intellect a great deal. She's not particularly bright and needs to concentrate hard in order to form legible sentences; otherwise she just makes animals noises, or says her name over and over again.

She doesn't remember her human life clearly, but she remembers a bit of her change. There were a large number of plant-women that came during the night, and that they're the ones that caused all the changes.

Jeshi remembers working at the museum and loving dinosaurs. She also remembers that one of the plant-women swallowed her.

She fell asleep and had just woken up and struggled free of her cocoon and broke out into the world.

She's such a sweet creature. Jeshi told me how this is what she's always wanted, being a big, scaly dinosaur with a kind, caring mistress.

We found a few metal containers in one corner of the trellis, some of Jeshi's things. Her name was Jessie Cole as, though she prefers Jeshi, since it sounds like more of a pet's name. She's a natural submissive and loves bondage and to be dominated, as I could see from the collection of magazines and photos of her tied up in precarious positions.

She's living her own fantasies, being essentially a smart animal and a beast of burden. We found some leather items that looked to be made to fit Jeshi's saurian frame.

My sweet dino-pet had tears in her eyes and a smile on her face as Katie and I helped her dress, strapping the half fingerless gloves/half boots on her feet, lacing her corset to make her large, still human breasts stand out, slipping the bondage mask over her head and neck and slipping the bit into her mouth, placing the saddle on her back and strapping it into place, and finally attaching a complicated rig to her legs and tail that will piston a dildo in and out of her sex every time she moves her legs.

She's made me promise to try and find some equipment so that I can give her proper piercings, since her transformation removed her previous ones and sealed them shut.

Jeshi is very strong, and serves as a good mount even doubled in size as I am.

Riding Jeshi is much more fun than driving the SUV, especially with Katie sitting in my lap.

My shemale lover was quite eager to have a little fun before the effects of the magic mushroom wore off.

We took a little break to allow Jeshi to catch her breath after a long ride. Though to be truthful, it's meant to be more of a breather for me so I can write in my journal. Though she gulped down a few mouthfuls of water, Jeshi is more than eager to continue, and Katie is still as horny as ever. I figured I'd let the two of them play with one another for a bit while I sat down to write.

Unlike Katie or me, Jeshi is completely knowledgeable about her special abilities. She can quickly swallow just about any creature and pop them out again in an egg shell, which she can fling as a weapon.

She can also fly by swallowing a blue shelled lizard, spit fire with a red one, and cause small tremors with a yellow one. The green ones don't do anything special, and considering how dumb they are, I'm not surprised.

Jeshi has a second stomach for swallowed creatures, and the process doesn't hurt them at all. She doesn't eat meat, only fruits and vegetables, which makes sense, as she doesn't have any sharp teeth at all.

I'm still curious as to how all this happened, and I seem to 'know' where to find the information, and it's not far; maybe 30 minutes worth of Jeshi riding and pipe hopping to reach it. Less if I spy a blue lizard to let Jeshi slurp down.

One possibly problem, though. It's not in the area that I know is 'my' domain. There's a definite boundary. On my side of the river it's all plants and grass, and on the other side is a dry, desolate desert, probably where the sphinxes came from.

I know deep down that there's someone like me over there, whom the land recognizes as its master.

Hopefully they're in the mood for guests.

Sekhmet Reborn: Cerberus

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