Old Friends - New Lovers

Story by DekaFox on SoFurry

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Not a terribly complicated story. It started as me wanting to play with the popular misconception that all vixens have to have a large bust, and then it struck me that if fennecs have those large ears, they're bound to be good for something besides hearing...

Hope you enjoy!

"Why, hello there! So what's a nice guy like you doing in a place like this?"

I sighed, brushing a bit of hair out of my eyes and giving the male panther in ragged jeans and a 'Some Like It Hard' T-shirt a short glare. "Guy?"

I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying anything at the quick expression of shock before the panther reasserted himself. "Sorry, I, er, I'll be on my way. I thought you were someone else."

As he walked away again, I rested my forehead against my hand and sighed, rubbing my temples. For probably the millionth time I found myself wishing I really was a guy, or at least better endowed.

You see, I happen to be a fennec fox, of the female variety, but unlike most vixens I don't have that massive chest that men seem to drool over. I stand maybe 5'6" if you don't include my ears, with shoulder-length brown hair that offsets my cinnimon fur nicely, I think. In build I'm fairly slim; still curvy, but less obviously so than many others. And, as I said, rather than the C and D cups most other vixens sport, my breasts are a small B cup, at least when I bother to wear a bra.

This wasn't the first time I'd been mistaken or a guy, nor will it be the last either. Most guys see a fox, then look at the chest, and when they don't see huge balloons jutting out under the shirt, they assume it's a guy. I suppose I could start wearing dresses too, but I've never felt comfortable in them. Jeans and T-shirt have always been more my style, even if they make what curves I do have less obvious.

Either way, that was the 5th gay guy and I'd already had three straight girls hit on me on top of that. Sometimes, I almost wish I was bi just so I could at least take advantage of that. I'd tried having sex with another girl once though, years ago, and found that it wasn't for me. Nothing about them turned me on compared to the sight of a nice thick piece of male meat. Still, this was going nowhere fast, I thought with an inward sigh, so I might as well head home.

Swigging the last of my mug, I placed the tip and payment under it and made my way between the tables to the door, giving Maurice a nod as I passed by. The badger bouncer was a nice guy off the clock, but on the clock he was all business. I'd tried chatting him up once after-hours, but once I found out he was married and had a 5-year-old kid, I quickly wrote him off as a possibility.

After a short bus-ride, the setting sun found me back in my little two-room apartment, laying on the couch-slash-bed and pondering what to do. Almost without thought, I found my hand stray towards my crotch, sliding underneath my pants and panties and brushing a gentle touch along my nethers. It looked like it was going to be another lonely night, and with spring in full bloom, I was feeling a bit more 'antsy' than normal. Ah hell, let's call it what it is; I was feeling horny.

Leaning my head back against the headrest, I gently traced my fingertips over my pink folds, a quiet murr rumbling out as I every so lightly teased myself. "Eh, screw it," I muttered to the empty room, then removed my hand from my pants to unfasten them and push them down to my knees, baring my already slightly-damp vixencunny to the cool air. With the obstacle gone, I returned to stroking along those warm netherlips, teasing a fingertip just inside that dampening passage as I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensations.

My other hand found its way under my shirt to cover the entirety of one small breast, giving the pert mound a gentle squeeze as I started to slowly work my first finger into my warm, wet passage. Though it was far from filling, the sensations of the furred digit sliding within me was turning me on even more, and I found myself panting softly as I gently pumped it between my slickening cuntlips.

Licking my lips, I slid the finger out only to replace it with two, giving them a soft squeeze with my inner walls as I spread my entrance and worked them into that tight foxy tunnel. A soft moan escaped my muzzle as I slowly pumped them within my slickened snatch, my other hand sliding partly off my pert breast to gently pinch and tweak a stiff pink nipple, toying with it lightly.

I was feeling a growing need to be filled with more than just fingers, but my toys were in my dresser in the other room, and I didn't feel like taking the time to go get them, and I was doing well enough without anyways. My clit was already sliding out of it's hood, and I let out a soft involuntary yip as it brushed against my pumping hand, a shiver of pleasure rolling through my heated body.

And then I heard a knock at the door.

My eyes snapped open, my fingers freezing mid-plunge. 'SHIT,' I cursed mentally, 'why NOW?' Quickly pulling my fingers from my slick cunny, I stuck them in my muzzle and tried to lick them clean while I pulled my pants back up with my free hand. Normally I don't care to taste my own juices, but this was the only way to get them clean fast enough.

Whomever it was knocked again, and I called, "Coming!" as I quickly wiped the wet fingers off on the couch and fastened my pants. As I dashed over to the door, I found myself hoping it'd be someone I could send on their way again so I could get back to my quality time with myself.

As I swung it open, the words I'd had ready to unleash upon my inopportune visitor dropped away faster than an anvil off a cliff. Standing in the hallway was a todd I hadn't seen in-person in years. We'd gone to college together, but after that he'd gotten a job halfway across the country, and we'd just kept in touch over e-mail and IMs. Including some very... personal... IMs, I couldn't help remembering in my current mood.

"Sorry for the surprise visit, but I was in town on business and thought I'd stop by," Jer said with a smile. I hope you don't mind...?"

"Not at all," I said, swallowing as I felt the dampened cloth of my panties rubbing against my heated folds under my jeans. "Come right on in."

As I stepped out of the way, he walked in, tailswishing slowly as he looked around at my modest apartment. Thankfully it wasn't super-messy, but I hadn't done any major cleaning the past week or two either. As his eyes roamed the room, I found my eyes going to his rump, eyeing it through the fabric as I closed the door. Now I had a nice-looking guy alone in my apartment, and yes, he'd been plenty interested in text sex, but I had no idea how he felt about doing the real thing with me. It had been him who'd made the first moves online though, now that I think about it...

I cut off that line of thought as I realized he'd been speaking and I'd totally missed it. "Sorry, what was that?" I asked, blushing a little and hoping he hadn't noticed where my attention had been directed.

"I just commented on what a nice place you have here. Not real big, but kinda cozy still." He turned back around and I resisted the urge to eye his crotch as I shifted my hips, my soaked panties still uncomfortable against my nethers. "Don't have visitors often, I take it?"

"No, still single at the moment." The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them, and I cursed inwardly as I felt another blush creeping up. That wasn't what he'd been asking, but my sex-addled brain was running off on its own before I could rein it in.

Thankfully, he took it in stride with a chuckle. "Yeah, I remember you bitching about some unobservant guys a few days back again. I guess they still don't know what a prize they have here then."

I felt a shiver run through me as he said the same words he'd typed to me after that rant last week. I found myself remembering what else we'd done in that IM after those same words, and I had to resist the urge to reach down and give at least a rub. "You really think so?" I managed to ask, mentally working to keep those sexual urges in check. I still didn't know whether to be happy or annoyed that it had been him of all people that had interrupted me mid-fingering.

"I've said it enough times, haven't I?" He paused a second, seeming to take a sniff, and I found myself worrying how strong the scent of my arousal was. Was he able to tell how horny I am right now? "I know we never did much in college, but that was because I already had a girlfriend at the time-"

"I remember her." I cut him off with an involuntary growl. His girlfriend at the time had been a stuck-up sorority bitch(figuratively and literally) from his old hometown. We'd hated each others guts, despite how me and Jer had gotten along. I'd just about cheered when I learned she'd failed some critical classes and had to re-take them the next year; which meant she'd graduated a year or two later than us.

He perked an ear at the growl and gave a small smirk. "You two never did get along, did you?"

I snorted. "That's putting it mildly."

He shrugged, his fluffy copper tail drooping a little while dark ears folded back slightly. "Well, she's long gone now. Ended up dumping me about two years ago for some construction worker that she'd been screwing on the side and apparently gotten knocked up by."

I did the math mentally, then tried to suppress my reaction as it all clicked. Two years ago was about when he'd started making advances on me in our IMs. Which meant...

"So," I said, letting a bit of the horniness I was feeling into my voice, "Are you still single then too?"

He gave a small nod, a curious expression on his face as his ears perked back up. "Pretty much. Being a 'road warrior' tech has its downsides, and one of those is a lack of meeting people that you'll be able to meet again."

"Then perhaps," I continued in a sultry tone, softly padding right up to him while keeping my eyes locked to his, my cinnamon-furred tail swaying with nervous energy. "We should do something about that for both of us."

He rested a hand on his hip nonchalantly, but the growing grin on his face told me I'd hit the bullseye. "Why Kira, are you asking me out?"

"You could say that," I said with a soft murr as I brought my muzzle to within a few inches from his, raising my hands to his clothed chest. "Though I'd rather stay here tonight."

"Got something planned, then?" he murmured as his dark green eyes gazed into my hazel ones, and I could feel his arms sliding around me in a soft hug.

"You could say that," I repeated, before planting my muzzle firmly against his, giving him a heated kiss that left no doubt as to what my intentions were. His tongue greeted mine as it slipped between our pressed lips, gently teasing each other as he hugged me tight against him.

As the kiss ended, leaving us both breathing a bit heavier, he gently touched noses with me. "I didn't exactly bring any condoms," he murmured, "so-"

"Don't worry," I answered as I gave my head a small jerk towards the bedroom. "There's some in there. Bought a box but never got a chance to use them."

Taking the bottom edge of his shirt in hand, I lifted it up and off as he lifted his arms to make it easier for me. As the cloth went flying to the side to land on the couch arm, he returned the favor, revealing my smallish breasts, my nipples stiff and poking out softly from the pert mounds. "No bra?" he commented with a smirk, and I just grinned.

As we came together for another kiss, one of his hands slid up to cup the soft mound of warm titflesh, covering it in his grasp and giving it a gentle squeeze that drew a quiet murr from me. This kiss was shorter, but for good reason. As soon as our lips parted, he raised his muzzle to give one of my large ears a gentle nip. "I wonder if your ears are as sensitive as you said," he whispered into them as I let out a soft gasp. Being a fennec, I had much more ear area than any other fox, not to mention being much more sensitive to touch on them as well.

Warm murrs rumbled through me as I felt little shocks of pleasure running through my body on each nibble, his hand gently kneading my perky tits as well. My hands went straight for the fastenings on his pants, fumbling with them as I tried to get them off him as quick as I could as a small moan of pleasure slipped out of my lips. Before I'd just been horny, but now I had a burning need to be filled with something hard and thick. As I finally got it open, the cloth dropping down to his ankles, I found to my pleasant surprise that I wasn't the only one missing pieces of underwear.

"Going- mmmmm- commando?" I asked as I gently stroked over his swelling sheath, a bit of pink already poking out as I traced my fingers down to his furry balls and cupped them gently in my palm. His gentle nips grew a little erratic as I hefted them and rolled them in my palm a moment, before releasing them to hang naturally while my fingers returned to urge more heated foxcock from that cream-furred sheath.

"Well," he murred, pausing in his teasing as his hands left my small breasts, sliding down to unfasten my own jeans. "It makes laundry easier when you're on the road."

"Suuuure it does," I responded with a smirk as I gave his foxy sheath a gentle squeeze, making him yip in surprise and urging forth more of his thick foxhood. Sliding my hand up, I wrapped my fingers around the firm flesh and gave it a few gentle strokes. "It makes certain other things easier too, doesn't it?"

Finally, he managed the catch on my pants, letting them drop as his fingers found and unsnapped the fastenings on my panties. I had to suppress a gasp as the soaked cloth fell away and the cool air hit my heated folds, soaked with my desire and need. The smell of my arousal hit like a freight train, and I could feel his length surge a moment in my grasp as it reached my new boyfriend's nose.

"Well now," he murred, licking his lips as he lowered his gaze to the joining of my legs, "Someone seems more than ready."

While I continued to gently stroke along that firm length with one hand, I lifted his muzzle back up with the other, the breath from our soft pants mixing between us. "Wait right here," I murmured, planting a gentle kiss on his nose, "then when I get back I want to to give me a nice firm fuck."

"Who am I to deny a lady in need?" he said with a grin, and I couldn't help but return it, giving his nosepad a lick.

"Damn straight," I responded, reluctantly releasing that thick foxflesh I'd been rubbing, and turning to walk to the bedroom. I couldn't help but hike my tail to give him a good look at my soaking snatch, hips swaying as I padded over to the dresser I'd mentioned. Several sets of panties went flying as I dug through the top drawer, but a few moments later I was walking back, condom in hand as I tore open the wrapping. As I rounded the corner, I found him stroking himself slowly, and I almost stumbled as I got a good look at that nice thick piece of hot foxflesh.

It'd felt big against my fingers, but I hadn't realized how large it had been until I saw his hand around it. I'd seen plenty of pictures of cocks of various sizes, and I could swear his was on the upper end of what I'd seen. Frankly, I was surprised that wench he'd been dating had let him go with that piece of meat between his legs! As much as I wanted to feel that directly, there was no way I was ready to have kids yet, so condom it was, and hopefully it'd be large enough.

I could feel his gaze running along my naked body as I sashayed my way over to him, a dribble of my honey trickling out and down my inner thigh as I kept my eyes on that thick pink prize between his legs. He opened his mouth to say something, but I placed a finger over his muzzle and he simply closed it again as I knelt down, getting a nice, close look. I was so tempted to give him a blowjob too, but I needed cock in me, and I needed it now. Pinching the reservoir, I placed it over the head, then rolled it down the thick shaft. Thankfully it stretched properly over all that fat cocklength, down to about where his knot should begin.

"No knot?" he asked curiously, and I nodded.

"Not this time, but maybe later," I responded, giving that covered foxcock a gentle squeeze that made him gasp. After that, I rose back up and plopped myself on the sofa, spreading my legs wide to give him a good view of my soaking, virgin cunny. You see, though I'd broken my hymen long ago with toys, I'd never actually had a real cock in me, and I was more than ready to change that. "Now why don't you put that nice cock of yours to good use?"

"As you wish," he said with a grin and a wink, and I had to stifle a small giggle. Of -course- he would make a reference to one of my favorite movies, even at a time like this. That was one of the reasons I-

I caught myself before I finished the thought and blinked. Was I about to think what I thought I was about to? Before I could ponder any further about my choice of words though, he'd already moved over me and was teasing my soaking entrance with the rubber-covered tip of his foxhood, and any thoughts I had about anything other than getting filled with that meaty shaft fled like mist. "Mmm... d-don't just tease," I murred to him, my attention focused down on the sight of that wrapped foxcock brushing against my pouting folds, the head getting coated with a thin layer of my slick nectar.

"Just making sure things go a bit smoother," he said, as he gently nudged the tip between those needy cuntlips, the juices I'd already covered it with easing the passage as it slowly spread my virgin entrance. As that first inch slipped in, I closed my eyes, a soft moan escaping my lips as I felt that hot, thick flesh sliding into my horny body, spreading my passage wide around his girth as he slowly fed each inch of that condom-covered foxcock into my slick vixencunny.

"Geez, you're tight," he murred as he finally hilted himself, and I could feel his hot breath blowing against my ears as he panted softly over me. Tentatively, I gave his buried cock a soft squeeze with my inner walls, my eyes opening as it pulled a soft gasp from him. He'd braced himself against the couch, his hands on the back of the couch on either side of my head, leaving his muzzle about even with my large ears.

I smirked and gave him a lick on the underside of his muzzle as I adjusted to the feel of having so much thick cock filling my tight cunt. Despite the condom dulling the sensation of his heated flesh, I could still feel the pulse of his lifeblood throbbing through that fleshy sword, and I knew any toy I could find would be only second best after this.

Slowly, he began to raise his hips, another soft moan escaping my lips as I felt his thick shaft withdraw partway, an almost empty sensation following it before he pushed those wonderful inches of hot cock back in. The rubbery smoothness of the condom made me wish I'd spent a bit more money for the ridged ones, but it was still rubbing my heated passage in all the right places as my inner walls stretched around the massive girth, grasping at the thick intruder during those slow withdrawals and deep plunges.

It didn't take long before I was panting heavily, warm moans slipping from my muzzle as his wonderful foxcock picked up from where my fingers had left off. The pace of his thrusts began to increase as he got used to the position, and I found my eyes glued to that thick pink foxcock sliding between my widespread cuntlips. I couldn't help but watch the condom-covered shaft, coated in my juices, driving so deep into my heated body and sending ripples of pleasure rolling through me as I lay there propped up on the couch.

"Haaa... harder...aaahhhaaa..." I found myself panting out as his pace increased, my eyes closing again as he put more force behind his thrusts, rocking my body against the couch and making my small breasts jiggle with each slap of his hips against my dripping vixensnatch. Even if I couldn't hear the soft yips and murrs of his pleasure above me, the feel of his knot beginning to grow was unmistakable as it stretched my glistening cuntlips a tiny bit further on each firm plunge into my hot, wet passage.

It wasn't long before his strokes shortened a bit, the hard thrusts no longer quite as deep as his growing knot pressed firmly against my spread cuntlips. I resisted the urge to pout, as now I was finding I wanted that thick knot in me, but the chances of losing the condom outweighed that, even with the haze of pleasure clouding my mind... at least for now.

"Getting... close..." he whispered into my ear as he panted, but I wasn't ready for what came next. Gently, I felt teeth close on the edge of my large fennec ear, and my eyes shot open as intense waves of feeling washed across me. Loud moaning yips echoed from my throat as the earnibbles combined with the quick, hard thrusts of that large cock to set off a small orgasm, my well-pleasured vixencunny rippling around that thrusting foxcock stretching it so wonderfully.

Jer, evil fox that he was, continued to give my ears gentle nips as he pounded away at my convulsing cunny, keeping those wonderful waves of pleasure rolling through my body, flooding me with warmth as my slick nectar leaked out around his foxy cock and dribbled down onto the couch. I could feel a second peak approaching as I panted and moaned under my wonderful foxy lover, unable to form any words as the feelings within me grew. I wanted- no, I NEEDED him to cum, and I mustered what little control I still had to give that driving meaty shaft firm squeezes as it thrust into my grasping, quivering vixencunt.

His muzzle left my earedge as loud yipping barks of pleasure filled the room, his large foxy knot pressed firmly against my entrance, and I felt a growing warmth within my heated passage as he filled the condom's tip with hot foxcream. Though my body was aching to feel that hot cum splashing directly into me, it was still enough to push me the final bit further to my second peak, and my moaning yips joined his as a powerful climax tore through me. My slick inner walls firmly milked at that pulsing shaft, trying to draw out his thick foxcream as he poured it into the condom's ballooning reservoir, filling it with his foxy seed.

As the electric-like intensity of pleasure began to fade, leaving a gentle, warm sensation flowing through me, I opened my eyes and found myself looking right into Jer's gentle green gaze, a soft smile on his muzzle as his hand rose to stroke my messy hair. "Sounded... and felt.. like you really... enjoyed that."

"That's... putting it mildly..." I said between pants, lifting my head to give him a soft kiss on the lips. "That was... way better... than anything... I'd imagined."

He perked an ear at my choice of words, returning the kiss gently. "I'd thought you seemed awfully tight... was it...?"

I nodded at the unspoken question and gave him another kiss, this time on the nosepad, my breathing about back to normal. "And there's no one else I would rather have given it to."

He lifted his muzzle to lightly kiss the tip of one of my large fennec ears, making me murr softly. "You should have said something... I would have given you a bit more foreplay."

I had to let out a giggle at that, though it was interrupted by a soft gasp as he gently withdrew his spent foxcock from my pleasured passage, leaving a sensation of emptiness behind. "Oh, I KNOW the sort of foreplay you'd do, but I really needed that. I was a bit.. ah... 'busy' when you knocked."

My eyes widened slightly as I caught sight of the amount of cum he'd shot into the condom, leaving the tip ballooned out far more than I'd expected. Mentally, I thanked the powers that be that it hadn't broken, though a small part of me almost wished it had so I could have felt all that hot foxcream squirting into me.

Slowly, he worked the femcum-coated rubber off his erect foxcock, the knot gradually shrinking... and was it my imagination or was there still little dribbles of cum leaking out the tip? No, I had to be imagining things... or maybe it was because we hadn't tied?

Once he got it off, it was plain that I had been correct. A small bit of pearly cream was still oozing out the tip as his knot deflated, and I couldn't help but lick my lips slightly as I eyed it. Luckily or not, he didn't seem to notice where my gaze was directed. "Wait right there," he said with a wink as he walked off towards the bathroom and I simply stretched out, watching his rump as he walked, his bushy tail swishing contentedly.

When he came back a moment later, he'd obviously wiped up. His shaft was still mostly erect, though the knot was pretty much gone, and so were those last dribbles of male foxcum. As I watched with a warm smile, he padded over to the couch and dropped down onto it next to me, giving my cheek a kiss and one of my small breasts a fondle as he snuggled up against my side.

I returned the kiss with a nuzzle, murring softly at the touch to my chest as I pressed back against him. "Think you can stay the night?" I murmured as I rested my arms around him, hugging gently against his warm naked body.

"Anything for my Kira," he responded with a murr, softly stroking the fur along my side. "Or perhaps I should say, 'As you wish'?"

I choked back the giggle that tried to bubble up and gave him a playful swat. "Oh, you!" As he gave me that foxy grin of his, I planted a soft kiss right on his nosepad. "Though that's not a half-bad idea."

The grin was replaced with a slight look of confusion. "What is?"

He watched curiously as I gently pulled away from him, and walked over to the box of DVDs next to the TV. I rummaged through them a moment, before pulling one out and putting it into the DVD player. Grabbing the remote, I padded back over to my new beau, re-taking my seat and snuggling into his side as I hit the power and play buttons.

"That," I said with a smile as the opening narration began to play for the very movie he'd been referencing. That got a chuckle from him as he planted a kiss between my large foxy ears and hugged me tight, my small, bare breasts squishing against him as he murred softly.

"As you wish."

Dinner at the Club

"Remember, at eMa-" With an irritated grump, Jake hit the power button on the TV remote and tossed it onto the table next to him. He'd tried those online dating sites before, but had never gotten any results from them, and he didn't need the reminder...

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An Afternoon Snack

Jake sighed as he trudged down the sidewalk, people passing around him as if he wasn't even there. Of course that was nothing new for him, and in part responsible for his depression at the moment. While he was a decent looking wolf, he wasn't exactly...

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A Gryphon's Heart

"Life ordinary? Boring? Try NuLife Systems today, and we'll guarantee you'll never look at yourself the same! In fact-" With a click, I turned off the smiling face of the announcer and tossed the remote on the couch. Originally the whole thing had...

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