Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles - Chapter 5

Story by Artomis on SoFurry

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#5 of PMD: Twilight Brigade Chronicles

PMD: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles Chapter 5: Cavern of Doom

Even though Artomis was exhausted, he found it really hard to fall asleep. His body was really sore and his mind in a daze. Just lying there, time passing by ever so slowly. Soon the pain in his body started to melt away and his mind began to clear. He looked to his left to see Zaphiel passed out, but his body had a strange look to it. There was a bright orange hue floating over his sleeping form, Art couldn't figure out what it could mean.

"Ah, I see you have at least learned a little bit about yourself. Quite reckless today, you were, but it had a good outcome. Just remember that you won't always get so lucky."

With a slight jump, Art began to look around to find who had spoke. "Xatu? How did you know what happened?"

"Oh, I know much more than you think. I was wondering when you would fall asleep so I could speak with you."

"I'm asleep? How would I be asleep when I'm completely aware of everything around me?"

"You will have to get used to it. What you call 'sleep' will now only be a period of time where your body rests. Your mind will stay fully active and as you grow stronger, will you see the uses of this ability. You are no normal Riolu, remember."

"How do you know all this? You seem to know more about me than I do!" Beginning to get frustrated, Art scratched his head. "And so far you haven't said anything about the voices that I've been hearing in my head!"

"...I can't give you an answer, not to that. I can say this, though. Keep your faith and be brave. You have some hardships in the near future, but you cannot let yourself get discouraged. You are on the right path to possibly regain your lost past."

"Alright! That's exactly what I'm talking about! How do you know what's going to happen to me? I need answers..." Artomis began to feel the burning sensation again, bringing an irritated look on his face.

"Calm down or you'll wake yourself up. The sun is going to rise soon, I shall answer all your questions the next time we meet."

Art gave a stern look. "Even about the dreams?"

"I can't make any promises, but I shall try. Until we meet again, little warrior."

"Xatu? Hey! Damn it!" Art flopped himself on the floor, for the first time noticing his passed out form on the bed. He listened to the dead silence, letting out a sigh. He felt alone. This sucks, but what else can I do? It's not like I can rely on myself on anything right now. He heard a groan from Zaphiel and he felt his body cringe as the pain started to return. It was much weaker than before, but the burning sensation was never pleasant to him. His eye lids became heavy for a moment, but reopening them was a bit harder. Light began to shine into his eyes from the open window, lake glistening in the morning sun.

"Ah, you're up too. How do you feel, man?" Zaphiel now sat up in his bed, a smile on his face.

Before answering, Artomis took a second to feel his condition. The out of body experiences were starting to get to him a bit. "I think I'm okay."

Zaphiel showed a slight frown. "You still look tired. You sure you're fine?"

"I'm good. Let's just say it was a long night, but it's nothing I can't handle." He formed a fist and thrust it up level to his head and gave a smile. That brought Zaph's mood back up, but it truly didn't help himself.

"Are we done yet? I never though my paws could hurt so much in my life!" Letting out an exhausted sigh, Artomis set the brush he had strapped on his paw into the water bucket next to him. They were standing in the center of the mess hall, the entire room now gave off a light shimmer.

"Yeah, I think that's the whole Guild besides Cyrus' room. I wonder when we will get to see him." Zaphiel set his rag in the soapy water and sat down on the ground. He let out a sigh before looking at the doorway. His ears twitched slightly as they both heard the door start to open. In came Ruby, her wicked smile made Art smile back.

"Hiya guys! Looks like Cyrus wants us to go on another mission, I hope you're ready for it!" She walked up to Art and Zaph, looking around the room. "You two do a good cleaning job. Instead of a Guild, you should have joined a maid service." She let out a small giggle and ignored the annoyed grunt from Zaphiel. "Cyrus said that as soon as the mission is complete you can go see him, though. Just a bit of an incentive for you."

Art showed a small grin. "I'd rather go on a mission than to have to clean the Guild again. You ready for this Zaph?"

Also smiling, Zaphiel picked up the bucket in front of them. "After I take care of this, I'll meet you guys at the front gates."

Giving a nod, both Artomis and Ruby turned towards the doors and began a mad dash. Zaphiel let out a sigh as the two left the room. "Such kids, jeez..."

"Damn! You can see me in the shadows and beat me in races! I've got to learn your secret!" Ruby was eying Art with a questioning look, at times coming a mere inch from his face.

"I have no secrets, honest. I just do what I do." Wrapping his scarf around his neck, Artomis gave another smile. Ruby returned with a wicked grin, which made him want to laugh.

Inching closer, Ruby watched as Art's expression changed to confusion just before she gently pressed her lips against his muzzle and gave him a kiss. Art's eyes went wide in surprise, unsure of how to react. Ruby slowly released the kiss and had a small grin through her slightly blushing expression. "That's your reward for being able to beat me before. I figured it was best to do when we were alone."

Just as Artomis was about to reply, Zaphiel turned the corner with a wide smile on his face. "So, you guys ready to go?" He soon noticed Ruby blushing, but shrugged that off. He then turned to Art and saw a slight hint of red showing through his fur. "...Did I miss something here?"

Making a smile, Ruby reached into her newly acquired item pouch and pulled out a small band. "You see, I was just asking Art here to help me get this on. I'm kinda embarrassed to admit it, but I can't tie knots for the life of me."

Zaphiel gave a nod and his smile reappeared on his face. "No need to be embarrassed about it, I actually can't tie knots too well myself. I'm sure Art here can do it with ease, I mean, his scarf is always on nice and tight."

Handing Artomis the band, Ruby gave a small wink, then turned around to face Zaphiel again. "Just tie it around my head, then it won't be in the way of my attacks at all."

"Yeah, sure." Looking at the material he was handed, Art could tell that it was no ordinary item. It was actually a Focus Band, which helped a Pokémon take an enemies attack if it would cause them to faint. How do I know that...? Have I used this before?

"You gonna stare at it all day or are you going to put it on me? We don't have all day, ya know."

With a slight nod, Art wrapped the band around Ruby's head once and began to tie it off. He watched himself as he did it and began to wonder why he could do it with ease compared to two different Pokémon with thumbs. Once he was satisfied with his work, he stepped out in front of the two. "Alright, so what is our mission Ruby? If it's investigating another name, I swear, I'm done."

"We need to go to a place north of the Shimmering Forest, called Doom Grove. There we are to meet with a Typhlosion named Avel, he will tell us what to do then." Adjusting her head-band, Ruby then turned to Cyrus' office. "Cyrus said he would meet us after we're done. Hell, I don't even think he's here right now."

"Wow, what an appealing name of an area. They must not like neighbors," Art said with a chuckle.

With a smile, Zaphiel pointed towards the Guild's gates. "What are we waiting for, then?! We gotta hit the road to our Doom!"

It only took the team about an hour to reach their destination, but when they arrived, everyone's high spirits began to drop as they looked at the dying scenery around them. The edge of the forest was not a rich green like the rest of the forest, but more like a brownish-black. The scent in the air reeked of charred decay. The entire area seemed to give an eerie orange glow.

"Ugh... This place is not one I would make a home. This stinks!" Zaphiel was covering his nose with his hands, tears forming in his eyes. "How can you two stand this?"

Ruby laughed, "I can't, I just don't show it like you do. Notice how you went from excited to revolted, you sound like a new recruit!"

With a stumble, Zaph let out an annoyed grunt. "Look who's talking, newbie." Ruby began to laugh hysterically and Zaphiel's ears cringed at her high-pitched squeal.

"Ugh, let's just keep moving."

With a nod, Artomis stepped forward and began to lead the party from the edge of the deep grove into its depths. It was quite a steep hill, so it was common for someone to stumble every now and again, in which Ruby couldn't contain her laughter. Eventually, they made it down to the bottom and there they saw the reason for the crisp, smog smell in the air. They were standing just before a field completely engulfed in flames. "Wow, a burning gorge, no wonder they named it Doom."

"It's really a lovely place once you get used to it. I presume you are with the Twilight Brigade, correct?" The party turned to the new voice to see a Typhlosion sitting next to a large rock. "I'm glad you came. You see, my son has been missing for days now. I've used up all of my energy looking for him, but I've had no luck. I was hoping you could help me out."

Zaphiel smiled and stepped up to the new Pokémon. "We would be glad to help you, Avel. Where was the last place you saw your son?"

"The last I saw of Raithe he was heading to his favorite cave to the east. Usually it's calm and peaceful, but lately weird things have been going on. There's been much more volcanic activity and the Pokémon around here have been effected by it."

"We'll get right on it! We'll find your son and have him home in no time, you just get some rest." Patting Art and Ruby on their shoulders, Zaphiel gave a wide smile. "Maybe this place isn't so bad after all. Let's go find the kid!"

"You are something else Zaphiel. I wonder how long it will be until he changes his mind again." Ruby let out a small giggle while stepping forward.

"Oh, it won't be long. I say once we enter the cave." Artomis said with a smile, following Ruby's lead.

Looking at his team mates, Zaph slapped the palm of his hand against his forehead. "I guess I'll have to just prove them wrong." He said, going into a mad dash ahead of the two. "Last one there misses dinner!"

"Why is it that whenever I call for a race I always lose?! I think my own race is rigged against me." Letting out a sigh, Zaphiel made it to the mouth of the cave where Ruby and Artomis stood. "Man, I hate this place just by the look of it."

Hearing that, Ruby let out a frustrated snarl. "Damn it, you win that bet Art. I thought he would last just a bit longer."

Art gave a smile. "I guess so." He looked down the deep entrance, feeling a bit uneasy. He felt his heart pulse, pressure building slowly in his head. It's just like the first time in the forest... What the hell is going on?

"Eh, once we actually find the kid you'll feel better, Zaphiel. We need to keep moving. I need to find all the gems in this joint." Ruby's grin was enough to leave a chill down both her allies' spines.

Both Art and Zaph looked at each other, both shrugging. Letting out a sigh, Zaphiel stepped forward. "She's right, let's get going and find Raithe." Turning back to Ruby, Zaphiel held up a finger. "No touchy the gems here. This place is unbalanced already, no need to mess it up more. Don't get me wrong, treasure is great. It's just that something doesn't feel right."

Maybe I'm not the only one who can feel things. I wonder what's down there... Looking down, Art took a glance down at his body. He still wasn't sure why he was lost in this mad new world, but he would at least do what he can until he could get his life on track.

"You coming, dude? We gotta go!"

Looking up, Art saw both Ruby and Zaphiel waving at him. "Yeah, I'm coming." Rushing ahead, Art decided that his personal life would have to wait. There was someone who needed help and he wasn't going to let them down.

The party had traveled quite a ways down into the dark catacombs, but still had no sign of the lost Cyndaquil. Now looking at his map, Zaphiel was trying to figure out which path to take at the fork in the road they were currently stuck at. "I think we should split up for a moment. We'll have one of us stay here while the other two investigate each path and report back. The main question is who will do what." Raising her hand, Ruby shook with anticipation. "I'll go down the left one. I can't stand sitting still for too long."

"Alright, that's fine. What do you wanna do Art?" Looking at his companion, Zaphiel noticed that his Riolu friend wasn't looking so well again. "Maybe I'll just take the right path, you just stick here for a bit and we'll be right back."

Only half paying attention, Art gave a nod to Zaphiel. He watched as both members of his team split and go their own ways. Once he was alone, he let out a soft sigh and sat himself on the ground, leaning against the dark stone behind him for support. The further they went, the worse his condition got. It's not even like we have had many battles. Sure, we've had a few encounters, but why would I start feeling like crap now?

Closing his eyes for a moment, Art began to feel the weird sensation start to build in his head again. He began to breathe deep, hoping to clear his mind, but the blue haze would not go away. Soon he felt his mind blank out, but instead of pure darkness, he saw two forms in front of him. They were all distorted, but from the look of them, Art would have guessed they were doctors.

_"So, how did it go?"

"It was a success. After they recover, dump these two in the lab for more testing. I plan on using them as our top weapons against that pesky Union."

A third form appeared in the back, this one in red._

"Yeah, well the 'pesky Union' you speak of is taking you down!"

"Wake up! Artomis, you need to get up. If you don't, your charge could be in death's grasp."

His eyes shot open, but the blur in his mind prevented him from seeing clearly for a moment. "...Cyrus? What are you doing here?"

The Kadabra stood tall in front of him, a concerned look on his face. "More importantly, are you alright?"

"I'll live. Where are the others?"

"That's why I'm here. You have been gone for hours and I couldn't wait any longer. I have seen both of your partners, but both are struggling greatly. I can help one, but I fear I would be too late on the other." He turned to the two paths before them. "I'll go help the one on the right, you will go left."

"Alright, let's get moving then before anything else happens." Art began to stand up and step forward, but Cyrus held out his arm and stopped him. "What? What's wrong?"

"You had quite the interesting dream, I saw it this time and I now understand what you mean." Artomis gave him a shocked look and opened his mouth to say something, but Cyrus interrupted. "I cannot give you the answers you are looking for, but don't let these thoughts over-ride your goal in times of desperation."

Hearing a cry from one of the tunnels, Cyrus flipped his spoon out and held on to it tight. "We will talk more of it later, we've got things to do."

"Let the kid go! What did he ever do to you?!" Ruby jumped forward, looking to do a scratch attack on the inflamed foe, but he nimbly avoided the attack. The Magmar ahead of her was holding on to the scared Raithe, who was letting out a cry every now and again.

"You punks need to be taught a lesson. This is my realm and no one comes in unwelcome." Holding out his free hand, the Magmar began to charge up a fire attack.

Just as he was going to shoot the Fire Blast, Artomis did a drop kick on his arm, causing the attack to fly right by its target and hit the wall behind. "Do what the lady said, pal. Look, we've already had an interesting day, we don't need any more problems."

"You having problems? I've been having problems since the night darkness flooded the sky!" Now quite agitated, the Magmar threw the only thing in hand at Art, which happened to be the Cyndaquil that they needed to rescue.

Ruby let out a sharp gasp as she realized what the Magmar had just did. Her fear soon melted away once she saw that Artomis had things covered and caught the small Pokémon in his arms. Ruby then made a dash and was next to Art. "Nice job, I almost died right there."

Smiling at his ally, Art noticed what damage was already done to his team mate. Both her arms were seared and even were still smoking a bit from the Magmar's fierce attacks. "Take Raithe and go to the meeting spot. Zaphiel and Cyrus will be there soon."

"What about you? What are you planning?" Taking Raithe from Art's grasp, Ruby gave a questioning look.

"I'll be fine, just get going while I hold him off."

"Hold me off? Well, I hope you can give a better fight than girly there, but it won't matter anyway." The Magmar gave a smirk. "They won't get too long before I start back on them, beating them just as good as before."

Art gave a coy smile. "Yeah? You'll be lucky I let you out alive once I'm done with you for what you did to a lady and kid!" He took a small step back, half turning to Ruby. "I've got this, just get Raithe to Zaphiel and Cyrus. If they are not back when you get there, just wait for them, they won't be long."

Hesitating a second, Ruby then gave a nod and turned, starting a light dash towards the rendezvous point. Art then turned his full attention to his new enemy, his smile fading. He really wasn't confident about this, but he had to make up for his mistake.

"I hate punks like you. Always think you're a big bad ass, but you are nothing but wimps!" The Magmar began to step forward, a smile forming. "You'll just be the first to feel the pain in it all."

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles - Chapter 6

**PMD: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles Chapter 6 - Radiance** "You're in over your head, kid." Without a moments hesitation, Magmar blew out a stream of flame at Artomis, who did a side jump to avoid it. The attack caused the flame Pokémon to leave...

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Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 6

**Shadows of Birth Chapter Six - Fall to Darkness** "Heh, you surprise me more and more, boy. I'll have to learn this new trick of yours." Venair stared at the new form of his son. He was a full body drake, just like the girl and her mate were....

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles - Chapter 4

**PMD: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles Ch. 4 Battle of Wits** "Hey Whirlwind, have you seen Cyrus around? We need to tell him of our mission status." Zaphiel entered the Twilight Brigade base with his Riolu companion behind him, looking at the...

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