zaphiel dashed at it and jumped into the air, launching a thunder shock at his target. the snake swiftly dodged the attack and leapt at zaphiel in midair. zaphiel gave a shocked look, and narrowly dodged the bite attack the seviper used.
Dungeon, Mystery, Pikachu, Pokemon, Riolu, Sableye, artomis, kadabra, xatu, zaphiel
Once zaphiel got close, she slightly lowered her head, then suddenly raised it, head butting zaph's face with the back of her head. from the impact, zaphiel flew into the air and landed just a few feet away.
Dungeon, Eevee, Mystery, Pikachu, Piplup, Pokemon, Riolu, Scyther, artomis, cyrus, kadabra, ruby, zaphiel
Letting out a sigh, zaphiel stepped forward. "she's right, let's get going and find raithe." turning back to ruby, zaphiel held up a finger. "no touchy the gems here. this place is unbalanced already, no need to mess it up more.
Dungeon, Magmar, Mystery, Pikachu, Pokemon, Riolu, Sableye, Typhlosion, artomis, cyrus, kadabra, ruby, zaphiel
That being set, zaphiel, i need you to move aside. it's time for his test."
looking at his friend, zaph frowned. "...i'm sorry, but this is a duel... i've got to sit this one out."
artomis nodded at zaphiel.
Dungeon, Mystery, Pikachu, Pokemon, Riolu, Sableye, artomis, cyrus, kadabra, ruby, xatu, zaphiel
As he was digging through, art looked back up to ask zaphiel what this was for, but zaphiel had now been wearing the same red scarf he had and had a belt around his waist with a pouch on it. "those are for you from cyrus.
Dungeon, Mystery, Pikachu, Pokemon, Riolu, kadabra
zaphiel... hi..." he said, just before falling onto the ground, face first.
"on second thought, maybe he did." zaphiel sighed and ran up next to him, making sure the fall didn't break his muzzle or anything.
Dungeon, Mystery, Pikachu, Pokemon, Riolu, kadabra
He began walking to the doorway and zaphiel followed, listening intently. "basically to make a long story short, he extracted some of my aura so he could get more answers."
Aura, Dungeon, Eevee, Mystery, Pikachu, Pokemon, Riolu, Sableye, Scyther, artomis, cyrus, kadabra, xatu, zaphiel