Family Ties: Finding Home

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#4 of Family Ties

Finding Home

A SideProject by Kyuuketsuki

Kyle was still asleep when Anthony got up at nine a.m. the next morning. He found the larger human's thumb just before his lips, having slipped from his mouth in his sleep. He still remembered the taste of Kyle's seed from the night before. The half-demon grinned and pressed his lips to Kyle's for a moment before making his way down to Drayke's room.

"Hey, Drayke. Are you done with my... clothes." He found himself staring at the lithe human's penis again.

Drayke was sitting naked in his desk chair, facing an iron-framed cheval mirror while he drew himself. The human glanced up at Anthony's reflection behind his own; waving with the hand he drew with. "I'll play with you in a moment, handsome. I'm just about finished here." Drayke said, barely moving his lips while he finished the last few lines in his sketchbook. "Why don't you have a seat? I need to pin this up" The naked human turned into his desk, opening the top drawer on his right to find tacks.

"So... did you have fun last night?" Anthony asked, still nervously doing is best impression of an adult.

Drayke shook his head. He got up from his chair and closed the bedroom door to pin his new art to the back of it. "Sat on a washing machine naked for twenty minutes and turned down four guys, one of which damn near begged to suck my dick."

"I don't get it." Anthony said, hugging his knees to his chest in the corner where the twin bed met both walls it was against. "You left here to get laid. You had the chance, but didn't."

The human turned around and swaggered back to the bed. Drayke climbed in and locked his arms behind Anthony's lower back, yanking him toward himself so the almost naked teenager fell on his back. "What's not to get?" he asked. "I told you yesterday that I've left mid-fuck to come home to Kyle."

"But you didn't come to Kyle." Anthony replied shakily while Drayke licked at his nipples. "Kyle slept on the living room couch with me."

"Slept with Kyle, eh? Scandalous." Drayke almost purred. "I was wondering why his pants were down when I got back."

"I found him like that." The boy defended.

"Relax." Drayke said. His tone was commanding but still playful as he kissed a line down from Anthony's chest to his navel. "I know you didn't. He was like that when I left." The human tugged at Anthony's black boxers, threatening to pull them off before he crawled back up to kiss him on the cheek.

Anthony forgot what he'd been curious about. His thoughts turned to the torrid lover that Drayke seemed to be. If this was how the human was with him, Anthony couldn't imagine how Drayke behaved with Kyle. As awkward as he felt with this man touching him all over, he couldn't help but also feel a little envious of Kyle. The larger one didn't have him all to himself, but if Drayke was telling the truth about leaving strangers to come home, then Kyle definitely had all of his love. Drayke hadn't abruptly left Anthony yet and he was a stranger, so what he reserved for his mate had to be immense.

"Are you a virgin, Anthony?" he asked, gently stroking the half-demon's stomach. When Anthony nodded, Drayke chuckled. "Please don't blame me if I try to take that from you." Anthony didn't say anything and the human continued. "You lie so still. Are you aware that you're allowed to touch me?"

"One thing I learned from my adoptive parents." Anthony said. Nothing could stop the laugh that came of the absurd idea of actually taking something from that place. "I shouldn't touch things that aren't mine."

"Speaking of them, you might want to come see this." Kyle's voice came from the door.

In the living room, the television above the fireplace was on the news.

"Police are looking for a runaway by the name of Anthony Watkins. According to his adoptive parents Matthew and Lara Watkins, the sixteen-year-old fled their home after a violent attack that left Matthew blind in his left eye. If anyone has information on the whereabouts of Anthony Watkins, please call 911. Anthony Watkins is to be considered armed and dangerous. "

Kyle and Drayke looked at each other, then to Anthony.

"You're not going to give me up, are you?" he asked, looking at the both of them.

Kyle's square jaw tightened. The man was grinding his teeth. He shook his head, returning to the couch. "I noticed they didn't mention what caused said violent attack. They're painting you as a criminal. I know you want to look for your dad, but if you go out there right now, you're probably going to jail."

"I should've clawed his eyes out..." Anthony mumbled through his teeth, sinking back onto the couch with Kyle. The larger human put one of his arms around the half-demon in an attempt to console the shaking teenager.

"Couldn't agree more." Drayke said, black lips pulled into a mischievous grin. "So tell me, how'd you do it?"

"I'm sorry?" Anthony had heard Drayke perfectly. He didn't ask the human to repeat himself because he missed it. The half-demon couldn't exactly say he'd breathed fire into Matthew Watkins's face without blowing his own cover and risk scaring these two humans into throwing him out.

"How'd ya blind him?" The naked man asked, sitting Indian style on the floor in front of them. "Did the little wife see you do it?"

"Drayke!" Kyle growled. "You don't really believe this boy hurt that man, do you?"

"Hell yeah, I believe it!" Drayke laughed. "I dunno if you've noticed it or not, but this boy has a fire in him."

The little one didn't know how right he was, Anthony thought. He cleared his throat and looked to Kyle. "No, he's right. I did try to blind him." He looked back to Drayke. "When he tried to brand me, I threw bleach in his eyes, but it looks like I only got one." Anthony turned to Kyle. "You don't think I'm a bad person, do you?"

Kyle shook his head. "You did what you had to do. Your father would be proud, I'm sure." The human said, a knowing smile on his face.

Anthony got that feeling again. Like when Drayke talked to him on the kitchen counter yesterday. He felt as if Kyle knew something that he didn't know. Now he'd gotten it from the both of these humans. Where they really hiding something from him? He shook off the thought. Neither of them had known him for more than two days and both of them had been at least a little naked in front of him. What would they hide? He sighed and leaned into the human on the couch with him. "I don't know why I thought this would be easy. Matthew hated me from the start and now he's gonna do whatever it takes to get me locked up."

"That won't happen." Kyle said, patting him on the head. "Don't worry about it. We'll keep you safe here."

"You're putting yourselves at risk for me. I don't want you to do that." Anthony replied, looking between the two of them.

"Too bad, kiddo." Drayke chuckled. "We're both of age and you're not, meaning we get to make that call."

Anthony opened his mouth to protest, but Kyle spoke before him. "Listen to us. Ever since you stumbled up to our door, we've been with you. We won't abandon you now."

The half-demon sighed carefully. The tension was igniting the air in his lungs and an inopportune fire might turn these humans away from him. That was the last thing he needed. Anthony rested his head on Kyle's chest and immediately felt the tree-like human stroking his dark hair. The lithe human got up off the floor and came to sit with them, putting an arm around Anthony and his head on the boy's shoulder. If he couldn't look for his father right now, at least he had Kyle to hold him and Drayke to love him.

"Are you okay now?" Kyle's voice rumbled in his chest against Anthony's ear. When he nodded, Kyle grinned. "Good. Now on a more interesting topic; I see Drayke is getting you more comfortable here."

"What do you mean?"

"He means you're still almost naked." Drayke answered, nuzzling the teenager. "Though, of course if I were doing a good job of that, you'd be as clothed as I am." The thin human almost sounded annoyed. Anthony grinned at that.

"I guess I just haven't noticed." He said, scratching his head. "I really am comfortable here with you two. When I find my dad, can I still come visit you?"

Drayke shot Kyle a venomous look behind Anthony's back. There was no question as to why. He was over hiding from Anthony for no reason. Why exactly would he be afraid of them? Anthony was half demon himself and probably just as tired of hiding what he was.

Kyle couldn't continue making Manya hide behind Drayke's face. The human steeled himself and nodded to Drayke. "Anthony, what if you didn't have to keep looking? Would you be happy here?" The teenager looked up at Kyle. "What do you mean? I gotta keep looking. My dad's here in Hightown somewhere. I gotta find him."

"I know, but what if you had no way to find him. Would you want to stay here with us?"

Anthony looked from Kyle to Drayke, who only shrugged. He turned back to the larger human and put an arm across him. Kyle held him closer. "I dunno. I think I would. You two have been great to me." He tilted his head up to meet Kyle's gray eyes. "Do you want me to stay?"

"More than you could possibly imagine." Drayke chimed in. " Anthony, does the word 'Erebus' mean anything to you?"

"Erebus..." Anthony repeated. He'd never heard it before, and yet something about it was familiar. The word struck him like Blacktongue. There was no conceivable way he could have known what it meant but it still meant something to him. He shook his head. "I don't know. What is that?"

"It's your name." Kyle said. The edges of his eyes were turning reddish again like when Anthony told his story. "You didn't stumble up our steps by accident. No one, human or otherwise, can see our home from the outside without some kind of magickal means. Erebus... I'm your dad."