Eudaemon: Part 10

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#10 of Eudaemon

Later that night found Zerrex sitting quietly on the couch with his arm around Cherry, Cindy quietly going about making them supper - she had insisted. Most of the day she had cried, done a little of her own quiet ranting, even shown her anger in her own gentle and innocent way. But overall, it was more adjustment than anything else... Cindy was too pure to allow the past to change her motivations or tamper with her emotions, no matter what it was. She lived in the now, and she lived by her heart, and that was something that Zerrex could only feel massive respect for.

Then the two looked up from their silence as Cindy came in with a large tray of burgers, and from the smell floating out of the kitchen Zerrex guessed they were bacon cheeseburgers, all of them fixed in the way he liked... and then she left and came back again with two bottles of whisky, placing them down before quietly sitting herself not beside the reptiles but in Zerrex's lap and cuddling back against him, closing her eyes as she laced her hands into fists and placed them above her breasts, resting against him as he silently reached around her and began to eat: Cherry did the same.

They ate it silence for a while, the two larger Drakkaren both taking a bottle of whisky for themselves - but then, as Zerrex went to put his mostly finished bottle down, Cindy grabbed it from him and wrapped her arms around it, curling it against her as he looked down at her with a blink, a mostly-finished burger in one hand before she quietly took the neck of the large bottle in both hands and tipped it up to her mouth, drinking down the small pool of amber liquid at the bottom of the bottle and then dropping it as she began to cough, eyes watering as she leaned forwards and Zerrex quietly patted her on the back with one hand, quickly finishing off his burger so he could wrap his other arm around her waist and pull her back against his muscular, bandaged chest.

"Careful, sweetheart. You ain't a veteran drinker like us." responded Cherry, tilting her head sympathetically and taking another slow drink of her own bottle; firewater like this had really ceased to bother her, for the same reason it didn't bother Zerrex - they had pretty much lived on much rawer alcohols in the Goth Legion. Then, as the little female looked up at her with watering eyes, she added in a gentle voice, as if speaking to a child: "Thanks for the food, girl. I enjoyed it."

"You're welcome." Cindy spluttered, then she coughed again, her voice trembling slightly before she looked up at Zerrex and asked quietly: "Did you... like it?"

Zerrex looked at her softly, then he gave a smile and responded: "It was good, Cindy. You fixed it just how I like it." He stopped, then he laughed faintly and glanced from her to Cherry. "I'm tired now, to be honest... and I'm sure you two can't be feeling well. So... should we go to bed?"

He paused as the two females looked at him, then at one-another nervously before Cindy took the lead and said in a quiet but firm voice: "I'd... I'd like that, Boss... I mean... Dad." She halted, hesitated, then looked at Cherry and asked in a nearly-silent voice: "You have any problem if I... we... sleep together with him? Or... do you just want-"

The older female looked at her softly, then she smiled and cut her off, saying gently: "I don't have any problem with a threesome..." she stopped at the look on Cindy's face, then blushed as she realized the smaller female only meant non-sexual contact, and quickly corrected: "I mean, three of us sleeping together and cuddling and shit and... shit. So long as Ra... - I mean, Zerrex... doesn't have a problem with it."

She glanced up at the male, looking lame and slightly embarrassed, and the reptile quickly nodded and then put an arm around her shoulders, squeezing her gently around the neck as he looked from one to the other. "Not at all... in fact, that's what I was hoping for." He stopped, then smiled and leaned down to quietly nuzzle Cindy, making her close her eyes... but for the first time he'd seen since shopping with her that morning, she gave the faintest of smiles. "Now come on... let's head off to bed and get some good sleep, huh?"

The two nodded, then the Drakkaren gently lifted Cindy and carried her to his bedroom as Cherry gave her own faint, touched smile now, thinking of the past again as she got up and followed to find Zerrex gently, slowly stripping off Cindy with a look of soft appreciation and loving affection... and the usually rough, sadistic female couldn't help a bit of a laugh, saying teasingly: "Hey, you fucktard. With the way you look at her, I can't believe you didn't figure out that you were family sooner."

Cindy blushed, crossing her arms over her naked breasts... not out of modesty, but just as a defensive reflex as she looked at her with a quiet warmth in her eyes that Cherry hadn't intended to cause. Then she nodded and said softly: "Thank you."

"No problem." The larger female replied in a tone that was almost apologetic, then she coughed and walked into the room, beginning to strip off her own clothing without any sign of humility as Cindy watched her, but the tall female only stared up at the corner of the room as Zerrex gently slipped the oversized sleeping shirt over his newly-learned-to-be daughter's head, before stepping back and smiling at her, crossing his arms with a strange feeling or pride and approval as he looked at the still-innocent, still-young Drakkaren, who smiled up at him faintly in return.

"There." He said softly, then glanced around to see Cherry was already naked: the way she'd always slept. Personally, he'd always kept his pants or boxers on... more so he didn't have to leap out of bed and fight in the buff if he was attacked in his sleep, an old habit from the Goth Legion. But as he looked at Cherry, who crossed her arms behind her back and winked at him as she lifted one naked leg and stretched it out - completely unmindful of the blush that came over Cindy's features - he couldn't help but feel the faint strings of desire in his body to sleep with her nude... at the very least, they could grope and touch if do nothing else, while Cindy rested against his back or side, hopefully falling to sleep quickly...

But then the female-in-question was standing up, and she quietly stripped off the dress shirt and her then the panties she'd left on beneath as she walked over to Cherry, the taller female blinking and then smiling amusedly as she looked up at her with childlike awe and emotion, then she wrapped an arm around her waist and turned towards Zerrex, naked, eyes soft and affectionate but tinged with passion of a different sort as well, and Cherry dropped her own arm around her shoulders as Cindy slipped a leg behind her and reached the other hand down to rest gently on her own inner thigh, continuing to stare at the male as she said softly: "Give to me... whatever you're going to give to her, please, Daddy... because we've already sinned together once and so the rest makes no difference..."

"No Cindy, it does make a difference... that's something I've learned over these years, being with you... Sarah... and Mary..." Zerrex responded in a quiet voice, as Cherry studied him with eyes that were both curious and seductive, putting her free hand on her hip as the younger Drakkaren's face fell slightly. But then she blushed deeply as the male continued in the same soft tone: "But we never sinned, Cindy. Social rules are not sins, nor did you know. Even asking me now, that's no sin... because sex isn't sinning. And you have always been too pure for even my darkness to touch, corny as that sounds."

Then Zerrex reached down, stripping his pants and boxers off and stepping out of them before holding out his arms, and both females went to him willingly, one pair of arms embracing him around the neck and the other around his waist, and he traded a quiet kiss with either before letting them guide him to bed and softy making love with them; in the strangest of situations, breaking the sexual and family rules of their society and yet making it gentle and wonderful for them all, exploring, becoming familiar with their bodies and sharing love through physical affection. Two of them there were twisted in so many ways that this had become the only way for them to truly show their feelings... but the third, the innocent, the pure young girl, didn't mind: in fact, she reveled in the strange erotica and the deep passion of her lovers, her father and the female that she looked up to in awe at her physical power, her shapely body - with its thick muscle, firm and huge breasts, long legs and attractive features - and most importantly, her dedication to her lover-father, Zerrex.

Zerrex guided Cherry onto the bed first, giving her a firm look and rolling his eyes towards Cindy, and the femme fatale gave the slightest of nods with the faintest of smiles: she wouldn't do anything too nasty with the other female around... at least for now. But hey, who the hell knew what would happen later on, right? Maybe the three of them could one day enjoy some hard bondage together... Zerrex's daughter or not. She's hot for him, I'm hot for him... and there's more than enough of this guy to go around. Hell, we could cut his cock in half and it'd still be a good three times bigger than most males.

She couldn't help but grin a bit, her eyes tracing over his masculine, muscular form before settling on his huge, flaccid shaft, licking her muzzle slowly as she glanced over at Cindy and marveling at the softness the other female viewed him with as she slowly climbed onto the foot of the bed, a slight blush on her features as her eyes traveled over to Cherry. Despite her embarrassment, she was looking at her with definite interest, and the far more sexually-experienced female winked as she let one leg drape over the bed and brought the other up, spreading it wide with a cheerful wink as she put one hand in the center of her back and let the other rest on her knee, arching her back slightly to push her breasts out towards the shy Drakkaren and keeping her legs wide to give a good, clear view of her sex. "Be honest, Cindy... am I sexy or not?"

"You... you're definitely... attractive." Cindy stammered in response, blushing deeply... but letting her eyes take in all of the muscular femme's curves and slopes, eying her large, voluptuous breasts and the tight, slightly-bulging lips of her vagina. Then she dropped her gaze to her own body, studying her still-large - but certainly not as huge - bust and shifting a bit to gaze over her own vagina, which had so recently had its cherry popped... and then she looked up, watching the hardened female studying her before she swallowed and then said in a firmer voice: "I find you sexy, Cherry."

The femme fatale smiled slightly at this, meeting Cindy's eyes as she glanced at Zerrex, watching him idly dragging his large penis around and stroking his fingers down the black shaft to gain slowly towards arousal, putting his arm around Cherry's waist as he smiled amusedly in return to her, then nodded and patted her side gently, giving her the go-ahead as he saw the wanting look in her eyes. Cherry nodded back, then turned towards Cindy and said in soft, gentle voice: "That's good, girl... I find you sexy too. Come here, let me show you just how sexy."

Cindy swallowed a bit, glancing at her newly-discovered father with apprehension, but Zerrex merely continued to smile, gesturing his muzzle towards Cherry as the female leaned forwards, bringing both legs up underneath her in a V and placing one hand out in front of her. She raised the other, beckoning with a single finger as Cindy looked back at her, then she slowly slipped forwards over Zerrex's legs, crawling up the bed before sitting with her legs folded under her, feeling Cherry stroke a finger under her muzzle and draw her forwards, watching her eyes slip closed, then moaning softly and feeling her own closing as Cherry's mouth met hers and she kissed her.

The first moment was surprise... the next was elation, and Cindy found her mouth opening willingly, working forwards against the fellow female Drakkaren as she reached up with trembling hands to grasp Cherry's shoulder, moaning quietly again as she felt the hand that had been stroking under her muzzle wrap around her neck, holding her close and continuing the slow kiss, their tongues working together but Cherry easily slipping hers deeper, snaking hers with more dominance against Cindy's as her other hand moved up to gently grope and squeeze a breast of the child of Zerrex.

The father watched his new daughter and old lover, feeling a faint thrill of pleasure: usually, watching two females had never done much for him, but since he knew both and shared a special relationship with both... this was certainly helping to bring his massive shaft towards erection, as he lightly toyed with his growing penis. And Cherry had always been good at doing exactly what he looked... so he couldn't help but leer and grin as the larger female worked herself forwards against Cindy, reaching her arms around her body as Cindy trembled with nervous anxiety as Cherry slowly pulled her down atop her own strong body, her arms wrapping around the waist of the other Drakkaren to hold her tightly down.

She worked her jaws against Cindy's slowly, kissing her passionately and working her muzzle upwards as she held her down against him, then she let their mouths part, half-opening her eyes as Cindy ground against her automatically, the smaller, less experienced female letting out a soft moan and blindly pushing her muzzle into Cherry's neck, nuzzling her slowly. She panted softly, kissing up and down it as she felt the muscular, larger female's hands working slowly up and down her back alongside her spine, massaging it slowly, sapphire eyes and a wide grin turning up towards Zerrex, who watched with lust and entertainment. Then Cherry winked at him and jerked her muzzle down towards the submissive female, licking her maw slowly at the sight of the gigantic, erect penis of the male but giving him a look that Zerrex easily interpreted: take her first, like this...

Zerrex rolled up on his knees, then he slowly slid behind the two groping females, licking his own muzzle with luxurious hunger as he stroked his massive rod of flesh slowly. He murred quietly as Cherry nudged Cindy with her body, bucking her hips lightly upwards to stimulate them both further and causing the daughter of Zerrex to raise her own hips slightly in the air, letting out a soft moan as Cherry gently nipped at her neck and slid her hands lazily up and down her back... but still had enough firmness to keep her dominance, despite the younger female resting atop her. It made the male Drakkaren feel strange shivers of bliss and interest roll up and down his spine, his eyes hungrily taking in the sight of the groping females as he carefully wound his way forwards.

Cherry's hands slid down as she bucked her body upwards, moving over the firm buttocks and then tracing along the inner thighs of the younger female atop her, making Cindy release another short moan of surprise and anxiety, her eyes still closed as she pressed herself down against the larger female. Then they snapped open in surprise as another pair of strong hands gripped her hips, and Cherry's arms wrapped tight around her back, swiveling her head up to gaze down at the other female's grinning face as she felt her father place his huge, firm cockhead at the entrance to her vagina, the rounded tip nudging forwards before Cherry let out a soft cry as the large male rocked his hips and plunged the obsidian member forwards with no wait for her to adjust or even prepare herself, making Cindy cry out and spasm, her hands instinctively moving to clutch Cherry's shoulders before she shrieked again in a mix of shock, pain, and definite pleasure as Zerrex gave another short thrust.

The male grunted, feeling his thick length sinking into her vagina, making the lips of her sex gape wide... but so far only a few inches of his great length was buried in her past the bulbous head of his penis. He leaned forwards, muscles flexing and bulging slightly as he grinned, hair falling over his face as he rocked his hips almost teasingly, edging his huge penis into her and causing his daughter to moan lustily, shoving her body down against Cherry's curvaceous but muscular form. Her eyes closed tightly as she curled slightly down against the dominant female, her hands squeezing into her shoulders as Cherry pushed her breasts up against the body of the female and bucked her own hips slowly to grind her own hot mound against the penetrated one of the smaller Drakkaren.

"Oh God." Cindy moaned, then she let out another cry, her back arching and body shoving down into Cherry's as the stronger female squeezed her down against her body, her eyes burning as she watched the expressions of pain and pleasure mixing on Cindy's face, as she enjoyed both her screams and the sounds of Zerrex's workings above and behind. Then Cindy arched her back, her eyes opening wide as she let out what was definitely a scream of pain, and Cherry released her own deep murr of pleasure at the feeling of the smaller female's breasts pressing down against her own huge swells, at the sensation of her body spasming and convulsing, at the sight of what was almost panic on the reptile's face as Zerrex impaled her with his gigantic black penis.

The male Drakkaren had thrusted forwards hard, burying more than twenty inches into the small female... and at the sight of his daughter spasming and Cherry grinning - one in absolute pleasure, the other falling more into the pits of pain - he couldn't help but release an animal growl of want and scoot forwards, feeling Cherry's legs moving to clamp around his waist as his knees spread in a V and he sat back slightly, sliding under the thighs of his former beloved and lifting her slightly. Her body ground up against Cindy's as the female cried out again, her arms squeezing her down into her stronger, larger form, one arm easily pinning her against her waist and the other reaching up to wrap around her neck, squeezing her head down under her muzzle, feeling her body shoving forwards slightly as Zerrex pistoned forwards and Cindy shrieked again.

The reptile halted, panting hard, his fingers sunk slightly into the scales covering her hips as he rested with his massive shaft hilted in her stretched and torn passage, staring down at her back as the massive musculature covering his body bulged and flexed, Zerrex grinning equally with viciousness equal to the expression upon Cherry's face... but then he softened slightly as he heard the sound of his daughter crying quietly, her body pinned against Cherry's, legs spread wide. So instead of simply beginning to pump viciously, to satiate both his and Cherry's needs, he leaned his huge body over the smaller female, his hands rolling up her hips and over her sides to settle on her breasts, resting his muscular form atop the small female and sandwiching her between the two hardened reptiles.

His hands slowly squeezed her firm swells as he ground his crotch forwards, groaning softly as he gently rubbed his huge shaft forwards into her tight passage, feeling her stretching and blood leaking down his massive length as he let her adjust to his massive length, his daughter shivering and moaning quietly as she rested atop Cherry's body.

Cindy moaned quietly as she felt her father's hands begin to slowly work her bust, and then she tilted her head upwards, eyes sliding closed as Cherry trailed kisses up her throat, then lightly bit into the base of her neck, making her spasm quietly as the larger female rolled her hips back against Zerrex, her hot folds leaking a bit of their sweet juices as she felt them bump against his enormous testicles. Then the older female grinned a bit up at Zerrex before she slowly slid backwards, Cindy opening her eyes as Cherry slid in front of her and then put a hand down on the back of her skull firmly, looking down at her dominatingly but with a certain gentleness as well as she murred quietly and said softly: "Start licking. You'll figure out what to do fast enough."

The younger female looked up at Cherry with a slight tremble, but then she felt the dominating femme fatale pulling on the back of her head before she could even nod, and Zerrex ground his hips forwards at the same time, licking his muzzle slowly at Cherry's display of power as he let his shaft draw slightly free of his daughter's wonderfully-tight passage, then thrusted slowly forwards again, letting out a quiet grunt as he felt his hot flesh slipping to the hilt into his child, causing her to rock forwards and bump her muzzle against the lips of the other female's sex.

Cherry gave another amused murr at this, tilting her muzzle slightly upwards with a bit of a grin as she felt Cindy let out a moan against her sex, her eyes looking down at the other female lustfully before flicking up to Zerrex and sending a signal with a look. The Drakkaren glanced up, caught her expression, then he paused for a moment before shrugging inwardly and nodding, figuring that his daughter knew what she was getting into when they started this.

He drew his huge shaft back, then thrusted in hard, grunting quietly again in pleasure as his huge penis tore down her vagina, burrowing into her to depths that were both amazing and painful, then he pulled back before staring a rapid but controlled thrusting, making Cindy's body tremble, her breasts bouncing firmly in the hands of the huge Drakkaren as he rammed her again and again with his enormous cock, blood and other fluids forming a slow, small flow out of her vagina as his gigantic member pushed into her again and again. The smaller female moaned, then winced as Cherry's hand squeezed insistently on the back of her head and she glared down at the younger female, bucking her hips painfully against the young adult's muzzle and saying softly: "I told you what I wanted you to do. Get to work."

The small female Drakkaren nodded quickly, then she stretched out her tongue and lapped slowly at the dominating femme's vagina, letting out another sound of pleasure-pain at the same time at the feeling of the gigantic shaft tearing into her from behind, making her body shiver with every powerful piston forwards. Every time she moved forwards, the top of her muzzle bumped the larger female's clitoris, and the lips of her mouth pressed to the lips of Cherry's sex, her tongue dragging deeper with every push forwards. It caused the dominating female to groan a bit as her grin spread a bit wider, her eyes dancing as she felt Zerrex already upping the speed and power of his thrusts into his daughter's body, probably for both their pleasures... or all three, from the sounds coming from the female below.

Zerrex grunted quietly as he rocked his hips harder, back arching as he continued to squeeze and fondle his daughter's breasts in his hands, loving the feel of the firm swells under his fingers and the hard nipples scratching lightly against his palms almost as much as the wonderful ecstasy caused by her tight but ravaged passage gripping his monstrously-large member, feeling her hips automatically bucking against him in time, her passage clenching a bit around his huge girth as he pistoned in and out of her body. His breath panted hungrily in and out as he tilted his head upwards with a slow groan of pleasure, eyes roving over Cherry's large breasts and firm, perky nipples before he leaned forwards slightly to lap slowly at them for a moment, making the other female release a quiet sigh of pleasure as she wrapped an arm loosely around his neck and let her hand play gently through his ivory locks.

Cherry arched her back a bit as she felt the tall male lightly nip one of the small, hard nubs of flesh, then he settled his jaws around her nipple and suckled lightly back, making her murr and drag his head forwards against her, at the same time slowly urging Cindy's head a bit closer to her leaking passage, feeling the powerful thrusts of her father vibrating through her body and down her muzzle. Her arousal was quickly climbing as she felt Cindy's hands reach up and grip her waist tightly, the female burying her mouth against the dominant female's sex and sending her tongue probing inside as she continued to moan and cry out quietly with her father's powerful thrusting.

Cindy worked as best she could with her tongue, nudging the fellow reptile's clit gently with her nose and letting herself rock forwards with a bit more force now, as she heard Cherry release her own quiet grunt-groan, a strangely masculine sound... but the female herself was strangely masculine as well, so she decided it must be a good thing. She rolled her long tongue against the walls of the female's passage, smelling her, tasting her, the new sensations setting off some exotic, erotic desire inside of the younger Drakkaren as she felt the pain that had torn through her body fading into the powerful, growing pleasure as Zerrex continued to bury into her again and again. She could feel Cherry pulling forwards on her head, urging her on, and she did so with a growing excitement and heat burning throughout her body, desiring and enjoying this strange feeling of being controlled and dominated from both sides, of her father pounding her and the strong female she could almost think of as a mother forcing her to eat her out.

The male's body flexed, muscles bulging powerfully as he rocked his hips and weight against his daughter, using that to slam himself forwards with greater speed and force, enjoying the sounds the smaller female was making as he began to piston in and out harder and faster, feeling his testicles smashing forwards to slap hard against her thighs as he hungrily suckled and lapped at Cherry's breasts, then he slowly drew back, a string of drool hanging from her nipple to his mouth for a moment before it broke and he murred hungrily, leaning down and focusing his attention back on his daughter as his hands squeezed her bust almost painfully, making her half-cry out before she did release a small shriek as he suddenly hilted into her with tremendous force. It slammed her muzzle forwards into Cherry's sensitive and wanting vagina, making her release a sharp grunt as well as she bucked her hips hard back against the female, both hands grabbing the back of her head. "Ooh, yeah, keep it that close, that hard, little bitch!"

Cindy found herself almost smothering as Cherry squeezed her muzzle against her passage, working her tongue furiously and feeling her hips bucking hard against her face, now working the muscles of her mouth as well as she felt Cherry responding when she tried to speak. She mouthed the lips of the other female's sex, her tongue swirling and pushing in deep as she pushed harder forwards, feeling her thick muzzle almost pushing into the other female's passage with what was almost shock. And all at the same time, she could feel the mounting ecstasy from her father's girthy member tearing into her again and again, driving her with an almost vicious single-mindedness towards orgasm, as she cried out again and again, inhaling the other female's sweet scent and the taste of her hot sex and sending whooshes of her own warm breath rushing down Cherry's desiring passage.

Cherry began to buck harder against the female, grinding muzzle to crotch as she grinned down at the submissive daughter of Zerrex and rocked herself powerfully against the fellow reptile's features. She could feel a heat rising rapidly in her loins, her passage beginning to clench against Cindy's searching and surprisingly-long tongue, and her hips were already picking up in power as they rocked hard against her features, grinding her sex up and down against the end of her muzzle as she panted hard and moaned lightly. She could feel the younger female just working harder and harder at her passage, as her father rammed the smaller Drakkaren powerfully from behind over and over again with his girthy shaft.

The larger, dominant female tilted her head back and released another groan as she felt her passage clenching down against the moving tongue of the female, then she began to grind her hips hard forwards, squeezing the smaller female's head forwards as she rocked her hips hard in time with the rhythmatic clenching of her passageway, feeling her juices spilling forth as she reached a powerful orgasm. Her back arched as her hips bucked hard forwards again and again, the dominating female's eyes sliding closed as she let out a long sigh of pleasure, her juices pouring forth into the working muzzle of the female between her legs and splashing out over her features.

Cindy moaned a bit as she felt the muscles of the fellow female's vagina contracting again and again, feeling the fluids of her orgasm pouring down into her mouth and washing over her muzzle as it ground hard against her sex, all of her senses flooded by the dominant female even as she felt her father picking up in speed behind her: but for a few moments, she was stunned and could only revel in these new erotic, exotic desires she felt and loved as she tasted Cherry and worked against her, enjoyed her orgasm, inciting her own arousal far higher than she thought was possible, sending her over the edge of pleasure as well as she began to rock her hips hard back against her father. Suddenly she was distinctly aware of the huge cock filling her up from behind as Cherry continued to hold her almost painfully close, still rubbing her slick and hot vagina against her muzzle and forcing her to lick and mouth hungrily, but now Cindy could barely put forth the effort she wanted to towards the other female, only able to respond to the powerful male behind her and rocking hard against him as she felt her own passage clenching tight, her fingers digging into the hips of the Drakkaren female in front of her as she pushed her face against her crotch and began to release short shrieks as Zerrex's thrusts suddenly became almost vicious in their power, the huge lizard pistoning his gargantuan cock in and out of her with amazing speed and power, slamming her body forwards with every shove as his hands slid from her breasts to her hips, the lizard straightening slightly over her.

Zerrex had taken the visual cues from Cherry and figured it was time for his own orgasm, now rocking himself with violent force as he growled and grunted like an animal, taking his daughter almost savagely as he felt her juices and blood leaking from her stretched and ravaged passage. Then Cindy let out a cry that was both louder and lustier, and she began to buck harder back against him even as Cherry held her head firmly against her crotch, clearly enjoying the screams and vibrations rocking the smaller female's form.

A few moments later, Cindy hit her own orgasm, her passage clenching tight on the massive meat of the Drakkaren and squeezing him with almost painful force before it began to release wave after wave of her sweet fluids washing down his girthy obsidian member. Zerrex groaned and arched his back in pleasure at this, a grin spreading over his features as he moved a hand to settle on Cindy's back and shove her harder forwards against the other female as he pounded her with his gigantic penis, dominating her, controlling her as he felt her fluids pouring forth and more of her blood leaking out of her stretched vagina as his massive length slammed to the hilt again and again.

Then the Drakkaren grunted harder, huge muscles flexing and body bending forwards as he began to ram her more violently, making the shivers of ecstasy and the contractions of her passage against the thick meat of her father lengthen out, continue as she screamed with greater pleasure into the crotch of the other female she was being forced against, Cherry watching lustfully and enjoying the shocks of pleasure that ran through her with every contact the female made against her vagina.

Zerrex continued to thrust powerfully, bending forwards a bit now, then his eyes slipped closed and he released a roar of pleasure, arching his back and ramming his daughter with unrestrained power, throwing his weight into each thrust and sending his gigantic penis ramming deep into her with every shove, rocking her hard forwards against the female in front: had Cherry not been there to half-pin her against her crotch - grinning savagely all the while and leaking her sweet juices again at the sight of it, lust and pleasure burning in her eyes - then by now daughter would have long been rammed against the wall by her father and taken that way.

The reptile's shaft was harder than steel as he pounded the female beneath him, one hand still holding her hard down against Cherry and the other clenching into her hip, claws digging in deep enough to draw blood as his stiff shaft began to release burst after burst of load, as he released another roar of pleasure and power, loving the control, the dominance, the forbidden ecstasy and enjoying the once-forgotten feelings of taking power over another with his former partner and love. His seed jetted deep into the Drakkaren beneath him as he rocked his hips hard again and again, throwing both strength and weight forwards as his testicles swung hard against her thighs, slapping with violent force against her legs as Cherry let out a loud murr of pleasure. Cindy, on the other hand, shrieked and spasmed, her hands clutching the sides of the female before her tightly as she felt tears rolling down her features, the pain intense but the passion and pleasure she felt like nothing before as she felt her father filling her up with his hot load, hearing his cock squelching deep again and again and finding she wanted nothing more than this, that she wanted the pain despite how bad it hurt, that it only added to the exotic desires she felt and the ecstasy at being filled with her Daddy's seed.

Zerrex continued to rock his hips powerfully for a few more moments before he finally began to slow, panting hungrily as he made his thrusts gentler and weaker before slowly pulling free of his daughter, a small flow of their mixed fluids flowing free as the Drakkaren slowly stroked his gigantic cock, licking his muzzle hungrily as he gazed down at her with a slow grin. Then he glanced up at Cherry, who grinned viciously back before she toned it down to a slight smile and instead carefully lifted Cherry up, noting her trembles and tears: she gazed into her eyes as Cindy flushed and shook slightly, then the smaller Drakkaren closed her own as Cherry slowly dragged her tongue up either side of her way, licking away her tears.

"Innocence tastes so good, you know." She breathed softly, then turned her around and forced her gently down, pinning her to the bed and then kissing the female hungrily, rocking her body down against the smaller female's and sliding her tongue into her muzzle, rolling it slowly with Cindy's and tasting her own fluids and sex. Cindy kissed her back slowly, almost hesitatingly, and then Cherry smiled playfully as she felt Zerrex slide a hand gently up and down her back, moving close before she glanced over her shoulder with a slight grin at the powerful male. "Your daughter looks all tuckered out. Maybe we should have a rest for now."

"Maybe." Zerrex smiled slightly in return, then he gently turned Cherry over and pushed her down against Cindy, the strongly-built male leaning down to quietly kiss her now: Cherry eagerly met his mouth, and their jaws worked hungrily for a few moments as she reached down to squeeze his huge shaft with one hand and give it a playful, slow stroke, making the larger reptile murr into her muzzle. But the day was already catching up to her now, and so instead of trying to continue the play, she merely let the kiss break and her hands slid up to grasp Zerrex's shoulders before gently wrapping around him as he let himself fall to rest his head against her bust.

They rested in each other's arms, Zerrex's head on Cherry's bust, who in turn rested quietly on Cindy's bosom, the innocent, smallest one breathing quietly and bleeding slightly, but overall there was nothing but a quiet bliss as she gazed down at both the mostly-asleep Cherry - exhausted from the day's ordeals and her own continuous self-arguing - and the curled up, for once peaceful-looking Zerrex. She smiled quietly as she began to fade towards sleep, laughing softly at the fact she had such an odd, incestuous relationship with the one she now called 'father...' but there was only gentle joy in her thoughts as she relaxed, innocence above brutality above sadism... and like that, the three slept, shifting quietly in the night, but maintaining that same stack no matter how they tossed and turned.

In the morning, Zerrex and Cherry awoke at the same time, their arms around one another, now on their sides but with Zerrex still pressing his head against her bosom, and around the neck of each tall reptile was one of Cindy's arms, Cherry's head against her chest and Zerrex with his resting on her stomach as the last two exchanged a look, then glanced up at the small female and both of them laughed quietly.

Then they gently disentangled themselves and left her to sleep, both of them dressing silently before her father gently pulled up the covers over her, making Cherry smile a bit - not feeling the contempt she would in any other case, but instead again bringing back warm memories that softened her considerably. At least, in the good way, not to say it made her 'soft' in metaphor: she thought she could still kick a baby across a football field and laugh at the sound it made. Then, with a pause and a glance to Zerrex as they walked out of his room, heading towards the kitchen, she figured that he would probably crack a smile at it himself... the last thing she wanted to do was underestimate the now-called Boss.

"So, Ravenlight, what are you planning for today?" she asked querulously, then blinked as Zerrex winced slightly and glanced over his shoulder at her before turning to rummage through the fridge for food.

"Don't call me that anymore, okay, Cherry?" His voice was strangely gentle, and Cherry frowned a bit: it was one of the last requests she'd expect from the ex-Captain of the Goth Legion. They had chosen their nicknames, after all... and Cynthia Blossom certainly had no issue with her old call-by of Cherry: for whatever reason - but most likely because of the sexual metaphor it summoned up in connection to her, a female - it caused a logical fallacy in the minds of most people and made them picture her as all innocent and virginal and shit. So the following words from Zerrex made her blink and feel surprised as he said plainly: "I don't like that name anymore. It reminds me of the past, and unlike Cindy, I tend to bear grudges and be unable to let things go. So I think it's best if I just do all I can to forget about it and move on."

"Hey, fucktard, I'm a remnant of your past." Cherry retorted, feeling strangely hurt: but then she blushed and simply felt like an ass as Zerrex turned mild eyes on her and she glanced down, reaching up to rub the back of her head. "I'm sorry, Zerrex. It's just..." she managed to bring her eyes up, meeting his, and then gave a faint smile. "It's been a trying last few days. Hearing you were still alive... meeting the other remnants... attempting to kill you... getting fucked sideways by you, literally and metaphorically... and then dealing with this... new knowledge that you got a daughter and shit and all that shit..."

Zerrex softened a bit and nodded, but he still looked a bit more than irritated with her; oddly enough, that made her feel better. It let her know the dominating, master-of-all part of Zerrex was alive and well, and she liked that: it was a side of him that could always be counted on to lead in any situation, and react with pure honest instinct when pressed. It was the side that would do the right thing for him and his teammates, if not the good thing. "Yeah, I understand, Cherry..." he stopped, then he suddenly turned fully to her and stepped forwards, grabbing her shoulders and shoving her back against the counter, her eyes widening as he leaned down and half-snarled, his eyes locking with hers. "But that doesn't make me willing to accept or be happy about it, bitch. Now, we're going to go back to the old ways, where I say suck and you don't ask how hard, you beg on your goddamn knees to suck hard. Got that?" he paused as she continued to stare at this resurfacing of the old, violent Zerrex, then gaped as he smiled and gently patted her cheek with one hand. "Just kidding. I'll make you eggs. I hate them myself but I guess I can throw on some noodles or something like that for me."

"You fuck!" was all that Cherry managed as Zerrex stepped away, then he cocked his head, made his creepy impression of a raised eyebrow... and they both burst into laughter; and it had been a long, long time since either of them had laughed truly or with real happiness.

Cindy, however, did not share in their merriment as she came out to the kitchen mostly-dressed, looking sleepy and dragging the bloody sheet with her, glaring at them both as she mumbled tiredly about it only being eight in the morning before she retreated to apparently wash the plain sheet, off of which she'd pulled the duct tape Zerrex used to keep it from popping up. At the sight of her leaving with a long strip of the gray stuff stuck just below her tail, however, both Zerrex and Cherry collapsed into merriment again and Cindy muttered under her breath as she headed for the washing machine, then to shower. When she finally emerged, revitalized somewhat by the cleansing water, she was pleasantly surprised to see that Cherry had taken over Zerrex's bumbling efforts in the kitchen and made pancakes and bacon to go with the scorched eggs and soggy noodles.

Sitting at the table in the living room, Zerrex once more seated between the two females, the reptile ate heartily as his fellow Drakkaren did the same: in the end, however, it came down to between Cherry and Zerrex... and Cindy was astonished to see the female keep going long after the Boss retired to lay back against the couch and drowse, somewhat amused by the fact that Cherry could continue to put away food at a pace and quantity that even he couldn't match. Then she too had finally stopped, offering him the last few strips of bacon and the half-eaten but oversized pancake on her plate - slathered with butter and syrup - and the Drakkaren had sighed before forcing down the last serving and then looking from one to the other with faint amusement. "Well, that was good, Cherry. Thanks for that."

"Beats your shitty cookery." The female remarked agreeably, and Cindy couldn't help but snort at her utter and complete lack of modesty. Then she smiled a bit as the larger female turned her eyes on her, and looked up at her with the remarkable warmth only Cindy could manage for any and everyone. "What?"

"Thank you for the food, Miss Cherry." She said bashfully, tilting her head as she looked at the older female with a mix of appreciation and awe, making the tall Drakkaren laugh and reach up to rub the back of her head, arching her back a bit as she looked down at the young one with uncomfortable entertainment. "It was quite good."

Cynthia Blossom coughed, then she glanced back and forth before shrugging and smiling vaguely. "Hey, look, it's just Cherry, okay?'s really nothing special. I used to be a waitress myself in a shitty little tavern, so I learned to cook there and shit. Nothing big."

But this merely got her another look of admiration from Cindy, which caused Cherry to flush a bit deeper as Zerrex laughed quietly, looking from one to the other with amusement. "Oh wow, really?"

"Really." The taller female nodded, then she quickly turned her attention to Zerrex, becoming more serious now as her expression changed from embarrassment to a more solemn face. "Anyway... hey, R-... Zerrex, what are you planning to do about... you know..."

Cindy too became quiet, looking from one to the other in a silence that spiraled out for a few moments before she stood up and then shook her head quickly as Zerrex reached a hand out, quickly putting her own down on the top of his muzzle gently as she said softly: "No, it's okay, I understand... not time for the little girl but the adults to talk, right?" she stopped, then gave her faint smile as she nodded and hugged herself gently as she stood back, then glanced around the house before laughing a bit. "I'll make myself useful for you, Boss... I'll go fix up the stuff while you and her talk about... about Lone and stuff..." she hesitated for a moment after this, then added in a low voice: "But... I would like you to tell me about it later, okay, dad?"

The two larger reptiles looked up at her softly, small and meek but all the same trying hard for the one she called lover and father... and the huge male couldn't help but give a faint laugh and nod slowly as he said gently: "Okay... then why don't you go and clean up outside a bit, get our weapons and bring them in... and take care of the laundry then, since I still haven't gotten around to it and I've been wearing the same pants for about a week... and then after that you can make us some lunch, huh? I think there's some meat in the fridge..."

"Okay, Boss." Cindy replied softly, then she turned and walked quickly to Zerrex's room as the large male turned his attention to Cherry, who had tilted her head and was smiling slightly at him.

"You got your own little maid service, huh?" she asked amusedly, then winced at the look on Zerrex's face. "I mean... sorry about that." She halted for a moment, looking at him with slight embarrassment before he merely nodded and she continued on, trying to act as if nothing had happened. "In any case... what are your plans for dealing with the fuckheads, R-... I mean, Boss?"

Zerrex looked at her thoughtfully, then his eyes took on the hard, calm gaze that they always did once he got around to planning out any sort of mission, be it a one hour assault or long campaign. "Well, let's bring things back to Goth Legion terms, shall we? The mission is simply enough. To eliminate the threat posed by Lone: but in order to do that, we'll first have to take care of the defectors, Vampire and Tinman. Of course, the priority there would be Vampire... and you already know the reasons why."

"Fucker is hard to kill." Cherry muttered under her breath, then she stopped and added slowly: "And we know ninety percent of his abilities... but remember. We were all trained to keep at least one trump card... we kinda figured yours out, though." She smiled a bit as she glanced towards his room, saying softly: "That's a big fucking sword. And I'm rather scared to think of exactly what you could do with it."

"Well, you'll probably get a chance to see." Zerrex responded with a slight smile, then he became serious again as he nodded and continued to speak: "But you're right. As well as that, there's the fact we don't know what he and Tinman may have learned over the years. Tinny, at least, seems to have a bit more manipulation over metals... and a lot more stamina, if he could throw things and then continue to run around and be a nuisance and even help Vampire out after I pinned him."

Cherry nodded, making a slight face. "Yeah. That's true... so let me guess. You want to separate them, right?"

Zerrex looked mildly amused at this, nodding and then reaching up to push his hand against her muzzle. "Shut up and listen, alright? Back to the old rules, if just for a few minutes. It makes things easier." He waited for a moment to see if she'd talk anyway, then took his hand down and gently squeezed her shoulder as he continued to speak: "I'll get to separating them in a moment... but for now I just want to present what I expect to encounter in the future.

"Lone, is a coward. He's like any client we've ever had... he hires us with money, he pays us with money, he believes money is power. He will not present a threat physically or with any weapon you give him... but he has no issue bringing in as many soldiers and of whatever brutal nature he thinks will help. Obviously he wasn't acting as leader in anything but name and voice when he appeared with you three... so I predict he's not going to call in any others like us - although I doubt there's any other organization that could compare to us - but he will probably attempt to call in more mercenaries and soldiers, and buy off the police. I have my doubts the last will cooperate unless he can offer them an army-"

Cherry snorted at this, interrupting the reptile again and earning a glare, but she went ahead and spoke anyway, ignoring the dark expression of the Drakkaren. "Well, how many of them did you kill then? Or did you just ask them nicely to stay away?" she paused for a moment, then steamrollered the larger male before he could speak again. "Then again, how many were female? Screw that, how many of them did you rape and torture, girl or guy?"

"Eat me." Zerrex retorted, then as Cherry grinned widely, he rolled his eyes before raising a fist and shaking it threateningly. "Look. I'll punch you in the face if you keep interrupting me."

The female immediately titled her head and winked, smiling sweetly as she batted her eyes at him; it was a look that made her look remarkably more attractive and innocent... had the reptile never spent time with her torturing people to death and even eating parts of them. "Aww, you wouldn't do that to my face, would you?"

"I don't care about your face. I care about your boobs." The Drakkaren shot back, then he reached up and squeezed one as she made a face and leaned back, but now her eyes were sparkling playfully as she rose her hands: before she could do anything, however, the muscular male slipped one strong arm around her neck and dragged her in a headlock against his chest, making her gag and reach up to grab his arm, wincing. "Look Cherry. I'll choke you into semi-consciousness if I have to. Just frickin' listen to me, okay?"

He slightly relaxed his hold around her throat, and the female took a deep breath before glaring up at him, then she muttered under her breath: "You fuck."

Zerrex looked down at her with irritation, but then he continued his talk on Lone and the police, holding her against him now around the neck in a way that was half-comfortable and half-dominating, but full of the old, strange mix of eroticism and a certain dark warmth for them both. "The police won't help Lone, let's leave it at that; nor will they help me, however. And I have connections in Apple Villa that I can use to cause trouble in the political segments to cause even more trouble for him..."

"Nice wording there, Zerrex... you suck." Cherry muttered, and then she winced as Zerrex tightened the hold around her neck, her own muscles bulging as she tried to yank his thick arms away. "Hey, hey, hey! Sorry! Fuck!"

Zerrex rolled his eyes, then he said flatly: "Look. We have to lure Vampire away and take care of him, and that shouldn't be too hard. I can't see Lone getting too much firepower anywhere else. Tinny will probably cry and run away at the sight of us walking in together... which is what I want to do right after we deal with Vamp."

Cherry struggled slightly, then she mumbled before looking up at Zerrex and asking: "Fine, I get it... but then tell me just how we're gonna get that big dumb fuck somewhere without Tinny, huh? 'Cause Tinny clings to him like shit on white."

"You are so... vulgar." Zerrex responded mildly, then he squeezed her around the neck again before he laughed dryly. "And exactly. So if I say I'm going to duel him after having taken care of you, then what harm is there in that?"

Cherry snorted, then looked up at him with a slight grin. "Oh yeah, but you'd have to provide pictures and-"

Before she got any further, Zerrex's fist slammed into her stomach, making her gasp as her breath whooshed out of her, his arm coming from around her neck as she fell forwards onto the table, and then he gave her a hard boot in the ass, shattering the table before he pounced on top of her and slammed his fists into her back, making her scream and spasm before she rolled over beneath his straddling legs, snarling, and kneed the reptile hard in the center of the back... but he only responded by dropping his elbow straight down onto her face as he dropped his full weight on her already sensitive stomach, blood flying from her mouth and nose from the force of the hit before he slammed his palm flat down onto the end of her muzzle, crunching her head against the floor and knocking her into a haze of gray and then black, another series of blows descending on her as she heard Cindy scream.

A few minutes later she came back to consciousness to see Zerrex standing over her with a camera, a grin on his features and a hell of a shiner developing around one eye as Cherry stared up at him, then she narrowed her eyes as she forced her aching body up to her feet... but then she realized, aside from her muzzle - which hurt like a bitch - and a few wounds from yesterday... she didn't think she was really bleeding or hurting. Zerrex had laid into her with hard combos, true... but he hadn't apparently been aiming for anything. And then she added the camera to the fact she was sprawled on the floor in the splinters of a broken table, and it clicked as she jumped to her feet and yelled, hands clenching into fists at her sides: "Tell me when you're going to beat the shit out of me next time, you... you fucking fuck!" she paused, gasping for breath, glaring at him, then frowned slowly as she said in a slow voice: "I don't remember punching you in the face..."

"Yeah, that's 'cause you didn't. Cindy did." He paused as Cherry stared and blinked slowly, then he shrugged, playing with the digital camera in his hands as he looked down with a faint blush and coughed. "Well uh. She is my kid..."

Then he glanced up and met her eyes, and then both of them laughed a bit before the female gently punched Zerrex in the shoulder, and he reached out to stroke gently under her muzzle before adding: "And it hurts less if I take you by surprise, anyway. Plus you don't get a chance to hit me back, like in a sparring match."

"I fucking hate you." Cherry said morbidly, glaring at him for another moment or two before shoving roughly past him to head to the bathroom... but the moment their backs were to each other, both their eyes softened and they smiled as Zerrex held the small camera in his large hands and Cherry's fists loosened... if only so they could tie together in front of her.

Cindy, standing nervously in the archway that led into the hall, saw the expression on her face and felt confusion roll through her body, since the female looked both bruised and beaten... but then she looked at Zerrex, and saw the faint smile on his features as he looked over his shoulder and decided that she didn't have to understand, just accept and perhaps even enjoy it a little bit as she crossed her arms and said an a voice that was childish to the point it could only be described as being mad instead of angry: "You know, it's not nice to just randomly go up to people and beat them up."

"I know, but Cherry's different like-" Before the reptile could finish, however, there came an angry yell from the bathroom and a loud series of curses before Cherry stomped out, rubbing the bruises on her face that Zerrex had given her as the Drakkaren coughed; it wasn't the fact he'd beaten the crap out of her that was bothering her, obviously, it was the fact he'd dared to bruise the beautiful features she was so vainly proud of.

This was confirmed by the next words of the tall, infuriated-looking female. "You bastard! Just because you're ugly and don't care about your scales and face properly doesn't mean that all of us are the same fucking way, you dipshit! Do you know how fucking long it takes for a bruise on my face to go away? Do you know what I have to do to make sure that I heal all smooth and proper and shit, and so my scales don't start to mull up? No, you don't, 'cause you're a fuck, and 'cause you're an uncompassionate dipshit!"

She continued to fume for a few more moments as Zerrex and Cindy stared at her seething form, eyes glaring and angry, teeth grit, leaning challengingly forwards before Zerrex turned to his daughter and said calmly: "See? Cherry's different. She doesn't give a damn that I beat her up. All that matters to her is that I busted her face."

Before Cindy could respond, Cherry had tackled Zerrex to the ground, the digital camera flying from his hands - thankfully landing safely on the couch - and then they both were wrestling on the ground, grappling and actually biting at each other as Cindy merely stared and watched. After a few minutes of the growling, feral snarling and battering at each other, she walked out to the kitchen, got the broom and came back in to attempt to poke them apart with it as she muttered under her breath about overgrown children.

Despite the issues of yesterday, Lone felt that overall he had made some progress with this whole issue of the Boss. After all, he'd shot that bitch and he swore that Zerrex looked like he was going to cry - despite the fact that he'd thrown up afterwards, but he attributed that to the fucking painkillers and the fact that Zerrex had hurt his stomach so bad and for whatever he'd had for breakfast... 'cause he'd eaten breakfast, right? Right? - and then the scary guys had chased Zerrex off... and sure, it looked like they were down one, because Cherry had apparently gone off after Zerrex on her own, and Vampire said that meant she was probably dead now, but that was okay, 'cause Lone thought from the rapidly-healing wounds on Vampire's body that he and the cowardly badger would be enough to take on the Boss, since Cherry would have probably at least done some good damage to him...

And okay. So Lone's car had been royally fucked, and Vampire had been forced to steal someone else's car and the three of them had taken it to his hotel before he'd gotten the rest of his cash... and then okay, maybe it had been a bit rough there because then Vampire had wanted to go to another hotel...

Once in a much crappier room in a crappier hotel - but Lone had been adamant on not going into the Comfort Town side, citing all the things about the idea he didn't like: no room service, no pools, no exercise places, the wrong kind of crowd, bad food, etcetera - and once settled in, Vampire had then gone over with Tinman some plan thing, and then he'd asked Lone to give him all the information he had on Zerrex. Lone had done so, quoting everything he could remember from his destroyed paperwork and wrecked computer, then adding in his personal experiences, smoothing over the finer details - like the fact the reptile had made him piss his pants in fear just from the whole gun-to-head thing...

He'd made sure to go over in detail though, so that the two wouldn't miss anything or any details, but Vampire seemed almost bored with the wolf as he tried to get across to the fellow lupine the total and utter seriousness of the reptile, until finally Vampire had tilted his head and said in an irritable voice: "Hey, moneymaker, I dealt with the fucker for like, years and shit. I know the asshole's methods inside out, so fuck off, will ya? Fucking shit, man, you're getting on my nerves!"

Lone had retreated to the other side of the room, feeling slightly hurt at this, then he'd frowned before turning around again and asking meekly: "Um... Vampire? There's only two beds..."

"Yeah, for me and Tinman, shit-for-brains." responded the black wolf dryly, then he'd snorted at the look on Lone's face. "Hey man, you can have the fucking couch or the floor, whatever suits you. This is still too-classy shit for me, with those beds there, this fucking kitchenette next to it and the fucking ass couch and entertainment shit over there." He jerked his head towards the furniture, snorting. "Damn, man! You hired us, you have to take care of us!"

"Um... it's okay, Drake, I can take the couch..." Tinman said meekly, then he shrank down a bit as Vampire narrowed his eyes at him, leaning across the table on the massive print-out schematic of the entire town, which Vampire had produced from... somewhere. In any case, he didn't look pleased at the badger's docility.

He laced his thick fingers in front of his muzzle, then he jerked his head at Lone and spoke in a dark, loud voice: "Two things, assmook. First... don't fucking call me Drake! Second's a question: you scared of that fuck, Tinny?"

Tinman winced and blushed, then he tried to shake and nod his head at the same time, looking both ludicrous and submissive as he attempted to please who was becoming clearer and clearer as the head of the operation. "I'm sorry, Vampire, I just... you know how I am, I just like your name and it's a good name and stuff-"

"Look, man, don't avoid the fucking question!" Vampire said angrily, leaning forwards to grab the collar of the badger and jerk him forwards, Tinny grabbing his wrist as his eyes widened and he stared at him fearfully, ears flattening back as he trembled rapidly, then the black wolf tossed a disgusted look at Lone, which made the smaller lupine shrink back and then gladly turn with a mumble about answering the phone as the object-in-question rang. "Look! Shithead! He's-"

But then the small, battered lupine was ignoring the larger one as he picked up the receiver and said as briskly as he could - but with a voice that still trembled a bit with fear - "Hello? Lone Wulfe speaking."

Then the wolf frowned and swallowed as all he heard on the other end was harsh, scared breathing, and he looked up with worry in his eyes at the arguing Vampire and Tinman: arguing because Tinny was at least attempting to make some weak defense of himself and was trying to tug Vamp's hand away from his throat, where his fingers had already left bruises on the sensitive skin of the badger. The whiny, cowardly one might have offered some defense, but the black furred wolf looked like he was in a full rage now about whatever offense Tinman had committed, or merely because he was trying to argue with the giant... but then the person on the other end spoke in a strangled, whiny tone: "Mister Wulfe... what in the name of all that is holy have you started here..."

"Who... wait, is this Mayor Reinhold?" Lone blinked, swallowing thickly as he looked up at the ceiling. "What... I... sir, what are you talking about?"

"You... you called in those other nutjobs from the Goth Legion, didn't you, Wulfe? Don't lie to me!" The mayor's voice rose in a half-shriek before he swallowed again and then lowered his voice, whispering so that Lone had to shove the receiver against his head, pushing it against the cotton bandages in his ear with a wince. "Listen Wulfe, you get over here, just you, and talk to me about what's up. Okay? Okay?"

The wolf nodded immediately, speaking in as soothing a voice as he could while maintaining a professional, businesslike tone; after all, this just seemed like it was some misunderstanding that he could easily work out. "Alright... I'll head over there right now, I'll be there as soon as possible, alright, sir? Then we can discuss this as professionals."

"Yes... yes, fine, Wulfe, hurry..." the mayor spoke in a distracted, lost voice, then he slammed the phone down and Lone winced at the ping in his ear before hanging up, and turning back to Vampire and Tinman: the former had gone entirely silent and was looking at Lone with contempt, and the badger had his head down and was rubbing at his eyes, body trembling as he stared at the schematics on the table. The white lupine swallowed as he stepped down from the slightly-raised area beside the beds, then the black wolf stood up and sneered as he tilted his head, flicking his sunglasses down over his black eyes.

"Are we going for a ride, buddy?" he asked in a voice that was almost pleasant, except for the undercurrent of deep, biting disgust under the falsely-bright tone. But it only took Lone a moment to realize that contempt wasn't for him, and he couldn't help but twitch a bit of a smile at it, eyes switching to Tinman before looking back as he bit his lip, then shook his head.

"Um... no offense, but... this isn't your kind of deal." He said carefully, then held up his hands as Vampire tilted his head and gazed irritably overtop his glasses with him, holding his hands up and quickly lying glibly: "No, no, I mean, the mayor said specifically for me to go alone and that he's really scared of you guys... apparently he had some contacts spying on us and stuff, and now he wants to meet me alone to talk about payment and stuff for you guys for uh... helping him out with this whole Zerrex problem."

The black wolf put his hands in the center of his back and cracked it, then he leaned away with a grin, looking down at the white wolf with interest. "Well now, mister Wulfe, then the least you can do is let me drive you there. After all, I have to look out for my business interests, and, with all due respect, you don't seem to be able to fight your way out of a wet paper bag with the condition that Captain Ravenlight has left you in."

Lone allowed the comment to slip, although he couldn't help making a bit of a face, then he tilted his head and laughed a bit. "Well, yeah, but only 'cause he like... broke my... everything." He said lamely, before coughing and then continuing as he turned around and headed for the door to put on the plain sandal-slippers he'd taken to wearing... a bastard half-breed of both that were soft and fluffy on the outside, with a cushioned double-strap that went over the sensitive top of his paw... he was so used to wearing nothing, after all, except for dress shoes on special occasions; and those were just too heavy for his poor paws to wear all the time.

So instead he'd bought these at the small store in the shop, with their cushioned soles and hard bottoms, and he figured they would do well enough until his poor paws were back to healing... but, as he slipped them on, he felt Vamp loom behind him, then he squeaked and jumped as a strong hand settled on his buttocks and squeezed, making him stumble into the paw and yelp again in pain as he twisted around, ears laid back and eyes wide with shock as Vampire leaned down with that wide grin again, his hand unashamedly now groping the wolf's crotch and squeezing his groin hard enough to elect both fear and pain as his other pushed his sunglasses up, all the better for him to leer as he said teasingly: "Damn, wolf. Looks like the only thing big about you is your tummy, but I find it weird that you got such a firm ass when you got such a soft belly-welly." Then the black wolf reached up and poked his stomach, electing a wince from the frightened, white-furred lupine before Vamp laughed and tossed an arm around his shoulders as he lowered his glasses and put his other hand on his hips, the wolf breathing a sigh of both relief at the removal of the hand from his crotch but greater terror as he was pulled against Vamp's muscular side and pulled against it, then he shivered as his hot breath rolled over his face and then he felt his large muzzle press into the fur at his throat, nuzzling, then his jaws nipped him and an obscenely thick, long and hot tongue rolled over his neck before he pulled back with another grin, his glasses slipped down to the end of his muzzle so he could look over them with his eyes glinting. "I think I know what I want for part of my payment, Lone. Hope your ass can take it."

Then he laughed and turned, pushing the wolf ahead of him as Lone stumbled and then whimpered again at the forceful guidance of the black wolf, as he opened the door and then sent the smaller lupine stumbling into the hallway. Then he followed him out, yelling something at Tinman before slamming the door and throwing his arm back around Lone, still grinning down at him as he led him out to the car, expression friendly but eyes leering over the glasses.

A few moments later found them in the car, Lone trembling and purposefully sitting in the back seat to avoid any strange requests from the black wolf as Vampire drove with hard rock blasting from the speakers, tapping his booted foot in time with the beat as he sang along in his rusty, obnoxious voice, ignoring the wolf for the most part as he grinned out the window at people he passed. Roughly twenty minutes later, Lone found himself getting out of the car with a sigh of relief, then walking up towards the closed double doors of the mayor's home as Vampire called after him, leaning out the window and shouting over his music: "Hey, bitch, I'll be back here in two hours, you assfuck! If you ain't out here waiting for me, I'm going to come in there and own you, got that?"

Lone rose a hand and looked over his shoulder, nodding meekly, and Vampire snorted before he slipped back into the car and then hit the gas as he jerked the wheel around, causing the tires to scream and the engine to roar as he turned in a sharp semicircle. Then he roared back out of the long driveway, and Lone breathed a sigh of relief before taking a breath and walking to the double doors that led inside, reaching one hand up to knock firmly before he stood back, feeling anxiety rising in his gut at the prospect of facing the obviously-overwrought bear. Not at dealing with him, no... he'd been through plenty of rough business deals in his time and he knew just how to handle that, but he really didn't want the bastard to break down and cry on him... he had his own issues to deal with, like that black wolf's sexual advances upon him.

The lupine shuddered, then the door opened and the butler bowed him inside, features as stoic as ever... but a bit more set, as if he was trying hard to keep his natural expression. The wolf looked at him oddly, frowning a bit as he was led down the halls and back to the room with the nice fireplace, where he found the Mayor sitting back in a chair, trembling as he rattled through a collection of crudely-stapled papers in a file folder before he threw it down on a cluttered folding table in front of him and, instead of rising as the wolf expected, he merely sunk deeper into his chair and hissed through his teeth a frustrated: "Wulfe!"

"Your eminence." Lone said politely, then he took a seat across from him, painting a mask of deep concern and respect upon his features. "What can I do for your, sir?"

The Mayor swallowed again as he sat back in his chair, grabbing the armrests of the plushy furnishing before he said in a trembling voice that was almost pathetic in the pleading tone it took upon: "Please... oh please tell me that they aren't the Goth Legionnaires... please tell me they're fake, that you didn't get those three, of all the possible monsters in the world..."

"Your honor, I have them under my control." Lone lied immediately, smiling a warm, fake smile as he tilted his head and crossed his arms, but feeling somewhat uncomfortable all the same at the Mayor's actions: this was only compounded when the Mayor merely let out a low moan and reached his hands up to grab his face, running his hands through the fur on his features as Lone decided another tactic: act as if mildly irritated now at his lack of faith. "Sir, with all due respect, do you really think that I would-"

The hollow eyes of Reinhold settled on him, making Lone stutter with their total emptiness, and then the cracked laugh the bear gave stopped any fumbling continuation the wolf could come up with: there was lunacy in that laugh, and when he spoke next it was with definite hysteria in his voice. "Oh, I'm sure! I'm sure you can, just like how I could control Zerrex! Lone, you fool, these people are not interested in money, or whatever else you have to offer... they're only interested in carnal bloodlust! In fucking and killing and making sure that the rich get poor and the poor get rich, all the bad and unjust things in the world!

"Lone! Perhaps this is all part of some great scheme... after all, the dreaded Captain Ravenlight left you alive, and I hear in many places they tell stories about him to their children as the boogeyman!" the Mayor had lapsed into a full rant now, as Lone stared at this disheveled, formerly-respectable figure, and he realized now that he was sitting across from a male who had perhaps gone totally insane just because of the presence of a few scary and weird people: even his clothing looked ragged and worn today, with splatters of coffee on the breast and cuffs and all rumpled and wrinkled... and the wolf couldn't help his slight sneer of contempt and disgust as he leaned away, feeling uncomfortable to be in the room with this lunatic. But he was still talking, and Lone did sort of wish he'd stop the raving, if just for a moment... it wasn't like it was important, anyway. "I traveled much in my youth, after all, I did... and I heard about this Captain Ravenlight, and his vision of power and glory and in fact, it was originally I who led him to this place by putting a few things in his path, it has always been me who has tried to control him through pushing and removing the police from his path, but he is not only unknowing and heedless of my manipulations, he doesn't care! Why, he cares for nothing but violence and sadism and cruelty and..."

And now the wolf had tuned the mayor out, sighing as he nodded at what felt like the right parts, rolling his eyes mentally as he sat across from him and muttered darkly. Of course he knew what Zerrex "Ravenlight" was capable of... he'd had the shit beaten out of him, hadn't he? Look at his poor body... it had been so badly savaged that it hurt to move! And sure, so what if he couldn't totally control Vampire right now... that didn't matter that much, did it? After all... they wanted the same thing in the end: to kill Zerrex. The wolf certainly had no issues with that, so why even bother trying to exact some control - and he was sure he could, if not with his money then... then because the big black wolf was scary but a fag and he was sure he had some sensitive weak part of him - when he didn't need to? Besides. They had a good relationship going on right now, right? Working relationship he meant, just only that, because he definitely did not find Vampire attractive in the slightest, or Zerrex for that matter, who he had no relationship whatsoever with and definitely did not want one with, no matter how big he was.

After ten minutes, the Mayor finally stopped. Lone had shaken his disinterest away and once more feigned solemn agreement and curiosity, then he asked the first question that came to mind: "Alright sir. Then what are you going to do?"

The Mayor looked surprised at this, then he rolled his eyes back and forth before leaning forwards and whispering in a conspiratorial voice: "Listen to me, Mr. Wulfe. This place is extremely dangerous, and my position requires a great amount of courage... something I cannot manage any more. For many, many years I've managed this town, brought it to the utter and complete beauty you see outside of here and done all I could to quash that disgusting... pimple of Comfort Town and wipe the industrial zone off the map... or at least make it unnoticeable among the rapture provided by my little Garden of Eden..." with this, the Mayor's face took on both a sorrowful and wondrous look as he stared at the ceiling and smiled vaguely, then he looked back across at Lone and laughed dryly.

"But there are people in this town who want to take that away from me... and I cannot allow that. I cannot allow this paradise to collapse and wither, to become ugly again, like it was when I first went to work on this beautiful paradise. Nor can I stay here, however... I warn you, no matter who wins the battle between Zerrex and his ex-soldiers, there will be no good for you, Mr. Wulfe." He nodded firmly at this, and Lone winced - more at the fact that Reinhold had lost his screws then any implications it made for the wolf. But he couldn't help leaning forwards with definite interest all the same... this sounded like the introduction to a business proposal of some sort.

The lupine still found himself taken by surprise, however, when Reinhold leaned in and murmured: "So I'm going to leave town for a while, and place a temporary mayor in my stead, until the issues have been taken care of. My brother, the honorable police chief, has plans to dispose of either the soldiers you hired or Zerrex depending upon who wins this great war... but I believe, Mr. Wulfe, that you truly meant not to cause any of these problems, being unaware as you were of the implications of bringing forth such demons as you have, so I'm going to charge you with a job... no, with a quest! You will take my place, Lone Wulfe, as the Mayor of Baskin's Grove while I am gone, as I feel that I can trust you with this duty above all others here, who would perhaps betray me whilst I was gone."

Lone grinned widely at this, eyes glinting as he saw the title... the wealth it would bring... the prosperity... the sexy girls curled up in his arms, his bed, all around him, begging for a piece of Lone Wulfe because no, he wasn't just the Lone Wulfe, he was the Mayor Lone Wulfe! He'd have everything the chicks dug then, hell, everything everyone dug! Everyone would want a piece of him! And of course it was because he was just all that... and in no way could Reinhold's eyes be full of lucid distaste, selecting him only because he had no one else who was so obviously power-oriented and formed a strange but almost perfect nemesis contrast to Zerrex... or because he was the perfect throwaway, if things got out of hand in the town...

Then the white-furred lupine cleared his throat and nodded humbly, tuning his grin down a polite and flattered smile. "Well, sir, I'm both deeply touched by your proposal and would be distinctly honored to take upon this position... er, quest... for you. I live to serve, of course, and would most certainly both maintain your vision and aspire towards perfecting Baskin's Grove and taking care of all issues while you were gone-"

"Then it's settled." Reinhold interrupted brusquely, as he stood up quickly, then shuffled through the papers on the desk as Lone stood himself with a blink, then found a fountain pen and a contract being thrust at him. "Sign here, and I've officially handed my power over to you for an indeterminate time, only to receive it back when I ask for it. You'll excuse me now... I have to hurry out of here or I'll miss my plane: I plan to tour the world until my brother sends word that everything here has been cleanly taken care of. Good day, Mr. Wulfe. Enjoy your term as Mayor of Baskin's Grove and take care of her for me." The ursine then turned and quickly walked to the door, but then he paused and glanced over his shoulder at the lupine. "All the servants have been instructed to obey your orders, of course... just... please take care of my home."

"Of course, sir." Lone said humbly, bowing, then he looked up to wish Reinhold a safe trip but he was already gone. And then the lupine was left grinning and holding up the contract, already initialed and signed by Reinhold and some two others - to testify that Reinhold did sign it of his own free will, he guessed - and now with his own additional signature on the bottom line. He laughed as he pranced around the room with it, then he grinned widely and sat again, this time in Reinhold's cozy chair as he glowed over his luck. Mayor, Mayor Lone Wulfe! See? Didn't I say I was going to be the fucking mayor? Mayor! Yes!

Then the lupine glanced at the other papers scattered over the desk and his grin widened as he glanced at the doorway. Whatever else, Reinhold had definitely left in a hurry... and he highly doubted the old nut would be coming back for any of these... and this was technically his place now, hadn't that been implied? So everything in it must be his... including these...

The wolf reached over and picked up a file, then he brightened even further as he realized what they were: land deals and deeds, with all sorts of ownership and account information... not to mention complicated land schematics and zoning information. Maybe Reinhold had been too off to care or realize it... but Lone could whip up a very nice counterfeit document and some falsified papers to go with it to modify every single one of these land deeds into his possession... and from the basic city plan that Vampire had been looking at, he might get off Lone's... back... if he was given these maps and blueprints... and the wolf certainly wanted the black wolf to stop riding him.

The double-meaning of the metaphor made the fattish lupine shudder, then he quickly began to pile papers together, sorting them into three piles - useful, useless and useful for Vamp.

The wolf then turned and sauntered through what he was already thinking of as 'his' home, looking at 'his' possessions and going from room to room, ignoring the servants who tried to steer him away by imperiously telling him that this was his house now, blathering about what the Mayor had said, then exerting his new power by yelling at one of them - a petite young maid he came across, sweeping the floor - and demanding that she go and watch the front of the house for Vampire... and as she meekly left, trying to keep her eyes cast down towards the floor and ignoring the feeling of his crawling over her body.

Lone couldn't help but leer and lick his muzzle, giving his own crotch a brief squeeze as he realized he hadn't gotten any good sex except for the rape of that waitress bitch, and wondering how hard it would be to tie that good-looking lady down and fuck her... then he laughed as he loitered out and headed towards the plush living room he'd spotted, settling himself on a couch and putting his hands behind his head before looking interestedly at a nearby bell-toll in the shelf-lined room, then he reached up and tugged it, causing a tone to sound throughout the house and the butler to appear shortly after. The wolf grinned at this contraption, then he said rudely in the voice reserved for those under him - in his mind, pretty much everyone: "Get me those papers from downstairs, and don't you go fucking up the piles!"

"Yes, sir." The horse replied stiffly, then he turned and walked out of the room: several minutes later he came back with them on a large size silver tray, and the wolf smiled at this. This was what having power was about...

The wolf once more laid out the piles to his liking as he ordered the butler to go and get him a sandwich and a beer from downstairs, then he sat and began to go through the mess of papers, muttering to himself as he now began to set aside a forth pile for himself: files he definitely wanted to keep, while the rest were so-so and might be good for trade or liquidation, but that looked about it.

Before the wolf could manage his way through, however, angry stomping through the house exposed the new presence of Vampire, and then the black wolf threw open the door hard enough to dig the handle into the wood as he snarled at Lone, who was sitting at the couch and trying to look smug but only ended up staring as the much-larger lupine threw out his arms and yelled: "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"This is our house now." Lone replied meekly, shrinking back into the couch he was on before he yelped as Vampire snorted and stepped forwards, grabbing him by the throat and then stepping up beside the couch so he could shove the wolf down into the cushy surface: it made Lone whimper again as pain seared through his entire body from the beating he'd taken, even the plush surface of the couch not protecting him from pain. "I thought-"

"I told you to meet me at the front of the house." Vampire growled, steamrollering the wolf as he leaned down until they were almost nose-to-nose, staring over his black shades... which then fell off and bonked the smaller lupine on the head, making him blink and open his mouth to comment, but those black eyes lacked any sense of comedy as he tightened his hold around Lone's throat, cutting into his air supply now. "You listen to me when I give you a command, bitch. Or I'll kick your ass from here to hell and leave your broken body for the Captain to fuck, you got that?"

"Yes, sir!" Lone squealed as Vampire's strong fingers clenched harder, struggling against him and grasping his wrist as he shook his head back and forth, trembling hard. "But... I... I got those papers for you, too... and I was just-"

"Papers?" Now Vampire's attention turned from the lupine to the stuff on the table, and he glanced down to see the four piles. He snorted at the first two and reached down to brush them bad-naturedly off, knocking many of them flying as Lone winced and let out a quiet mutter behind the black-furred wolf, then he sat up and gingerly began to rub at his throat as the other looked first at the maps, paging through them, then he frowned and picked up something from what Lone had deemed the "unusable pile:" mostly newspaper clippings mixed in with documentation about people around the town. "What's this?"

Lone shrugged moodily, still massaging his sore throat as he squished himself back into the chair as much as he could before finally mumbling, after Vampire shot a glare at him: "Just shit that the Mayor was collecting... stuff on his enemies, political aspirations, people in the town and some newspaper clippings... nothing important, I think."

The black wolf cocked his head at the lupine, giving him a look that said plainly how stupid are you? "Yeah, because I don't want to know about these fucktards, the Ginsbury family. They're only one of Captain Ravenlight's main connections in Apple Villa." He paused, then added: "You numb shit."

Then he went back to reading over the paper, muttering to himself as he memorized locations and then grinned slowly at the home address before turning to the wolf, who was mumbling again. Vampire cleared his throat, and Lone looked up at him with his ears half-lowered, eyes widening as he realized the black wolf was watching him and probably had been for a time. "Yes... sir?" he added after a pause, whimpering a bit at the look in Vampire's eyes.

"Did the mayor say anything about this?" the tall lupine asked, tilting his head at the smaller one and trying to understand just how he could be a businessman and yet be so stupid. "Or about any of Ravenlight's other contacts?"

Lone shrugged and continued to speak in a low, sulky mumble: "I dunno. I didn't pay attention. Mayor was going fucking bonkers and just ranting on and on..." then he blinked as he saw Vampire turn and grin, still with the papers in his hand as he walked towards the door. "Hey, where're you going?"

"Out." The black wolf responded smoothly, without even bothering to look at Lone, and the white wolf made a face before Vampire came back: but before Lone could say anything, he felt himself shoved back onto the couch before he could so much as stand and then the larger lupine leaned down, picked up his glasses from the floor, then turned and left, leaving Lone curled up on the couch and quietly mumbling to himself as he realized there really was absolutely no way he could exact any control over the psychotic black wolf.

Eudaemon: Part 11

Zerrex thought that today would at least be a good day: a restful day, while he and Cherry got ready to prepare a fake body - something Cindy didn't have to know about, because it meant finding another Drakkaren about Cherry's size and killing her. The...

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Eudaemon: Part 9

Finally, he found the corridor widening out as he approached what looked like an open cement and gravel field between buildings: overall, the whole situation disagreed with the reptile's senses. It was a twenty minute walk at his fast pace to here......

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Eudaemon: Part 8

Lone Wulfe had spent a much less comfortable day being tended to by a team of medics on his hotel bed, after they had someone wade into the bathroom in knee-high plastic boots to turn off the scalding water that was overflowing - fortunately, the hotel...

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