Unexpected discovery

Story by silentsz on SoFurry

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Grant carefully worked his way in through the opening, the ferret fully aware of the danger he was taking. He lifted up his light after emerging from the small hole wiping away the dust, and sneezed. His heart was racing with the thrill of what might be found here as well as the danger he had placed himself in. It was foolish to rush in like this, into an unknown area before they properly assessed it, but he just couldn't wait. Something was here and he wanted to find it.

Years of work had gone into such a moment as this. Tiny discoveries over many years pointed at the solution to many unanswered questions and they could alter the history books.

"It doesn't add up," Grant recalled from a conversation years ago with Gary. "The whole region was perfectly capable of supporting their growth into a larger nation and yet they only settled in these areas." The Rat shook his head as he worked on this strange culture.

"Well we don't have a complete understanding of them yet," Grant said. "Half of what we discovered said they were a surprisingly advanced people and the other half defies explanation. Pottery, farming, weaving, and iron tools tell me they were among the most advance people of their age but without a way of deciphering their writings, we will be stumbling around in our understanding of them."

That particular problem was something they had yet to have a breakthrough on. Looking about, he recalled the endless debates on what the meanings of what that strange writing meant. Very small glimpses into any understanding had been made and they were of the broadest meanings. Danger, home, animal, and river were the only accepted possible translation out of all the writings and those were still open to debate.

"There are accounts from other nations and tribes at this time of strangers bearing trade goods from a distant land," Marilynn said.

Grant looked at her and shook his head as he replied to the lioness. "Most of these accounts are from far distant lands and these mysterious people know the language and writing style of those people. We need the earliest accounts of their first meetings."

"It just doesn't make any sense when you look at the ancient written accounts from the other cultures. They describe trade with people from a far distant land, one they couldn't travel to, and yet these strangers crossed that vast distance. We have nothing that ties these strangers to any known ancient tribes and kingdoms but the trade goods we have from these strangers is an exact match to what you discovered." His tail swished about excitedly as she went through the evidence they had.

"The physical evidence in pottery and other artifacts conclusively makes a connection between the various cultures we looked at and yet the trade route was one way. The people they traded with could never find the route that these mysterious people traveled upon. It almost seems like they guarded themselves from the outside world they traded with. After decades of trade they vanished and were never heard from again."

"So I take it your interested in joining with me on this ancient conundrum?" Grant asked.

"Yes," she nodded, "I just hope we can get something to start making sense of this puzzle."

Years passed as they explored various possibilities. The mystery only deepened as they gathered more clues and gained more unanswered questions. The big breakthrough that had lead to this expedition and site was nothing more than a huge gamble based on speculation.

Shining the light around, he examined his surroundings. He carefully panned the light about and was met with the frustrating sight of nothing. The entrance here bore the marking of the word "danger" as well as the smaller opening he had crawled through. Why would the writings or danger be here if there was nothing?

Looking back to where he crawled in revealed the entrance here was once bigger. Had this area been purposely sealed in or was it a natural collapse? No it couldn't be natural. Where was the rest of the rubble further in here? Was the collapse too localized or was he just getting his hopes up?

He turned back to the rest of the cave as he moved in deeper.

After nothing and more nothing he stopped dead as he saw something unnatural. A plan white, smooth patch on the wall roughly 2 and a half feet around stopped him dead in his tracks. A throrough look all around revealed nothing else.

"Why would this be here," he asked perplexed at this strange feature. "It has to be..."

The white patch crumbled as he touched it, making him sneeze as it seemed to disintegrate with the lightest of touch. He hacked and coughed his throat raw before he recovered and drank some water from his canteen.

The questions he had then simply evaporated as he stared at a clay box covered in the strange writing and sealed with an amber colored substance. He set the flash light to shine on the box and then pulled his camera out.

Snap. He took a picture and then gave a loud curse as the camera grew hot and sparked as he dropped it. Hitting the rock floor, it shattered as he stared at it, dumbfounded to explain the strange event.

He was further confused as he looked back to the box and noticed the amber seemed to have melted some. He touched it with a handkerchief and pulled it out but the amber was solid despite the fact that it was now covering some of the rock in the niche.

"It can't be. Must have been mistaken," he dismissed what he saw as a mistake. He had to have been wrong about where the amber was when he first looked. The excitement of this strange find had him seeing things.

Staring at the box again, he touched the amber. It was like a hard glaze. How could they get a hard glaze on it and the rock around its base without firing it in a kiln?

He gasped in shock as he discovered the box could be moved. Lifting the box up, he saw an amber free area in the exact shape of the bottom of the box. He shook his head in absolute disbelief. It made no sense whatsoever. A wall to cover this up that breaks apart at the slightest touch and now this.

He paced as he pondered this, totally forgetting he was carrying the box.

He finally gave up as he realized he wandered back to the small opening he had crawled through. He shook his head at how careless he was acting and yet thankful that he had somehow remembered to pick up the flashlight.

"Might as well take you back with me." He patted the box and set it down as he turned around to crawl out backwards. It was the only way he could safely get the box out. Carefully working his way out, he dropped down to the floor and then reached back in to retrieve the box.

Smiling, he turned to leave only to cry out as he felt a sharp pain and was blinded by a flash of light as he dropped the box. He groaned in agony for a long while before he opened his eyes again. His hands felt raw and burned like they had been touching a hot grill. Sitting up, his nose twitched as he smelled a strange aroma. Gingerly picking up the flashlight, he looked around for the box, certain it was broken from the fall.

Right next to him he found it and his mind raced at the strange sight he saw. The amber was covering the rock and was totally gone from the box as if it melted off it. The box was also slightly open and unbroken.

"How is that possible?" he asked, forgetting his pain as he pulled the lid off the box. Inside he saw the top of two round objects that were submerged in some kind of gray colored liquid. His nose twitched again and he smiled as he recognized the scent of honeysuckles. It reminded him of the first time he had gone out on a date when he was in school. Mary loved honeysuckles and he gave her a bouquet of them on their first date. He missed her. She had died in a car crash with a drunk driver and he had never gotten the chance to tell her how much he really cared.

Shaking his head, he pulled his mind back to where he was and looked at the box again. How could that liquid be in there in this arid climate? What was it? The scent of honeysuckles distracted him again as he moved and discovered that he was fully erect. He stared in utter disbelief at the bulge in his pants and sneezed as he smelled honeysuckles again along with a tingling sensation in his pants.

He groaned out as he touched his bulge and his mind flashed back to the first time he had sex. Diana had smiled as she rubbed his cock and then gave him a blowjob. It was pure bliss for the few minutes he had before he came in her mouth.

His mind came back from the memory as he found his pants and underwear open and on the floor as he was stroking himself hard. Why was he doing this? Despite how confused he was he continued to stroke himself as he felt himself getting close to climaxing. He groaned out louder as he went faster until he cried out and came sending ropes of hot cum onto his shirt and floor as he shuddered in pleasure.

He suddenly felt thirsty as he was panting from his orgasm. The scent of honeysuckles filled his nose again and he looked at the open box. He hadn't smelled this until the box had opened and without any real thought he picked it up and moved it closer, the scent growing stronger as he pulled it up to his face.

His thirst grew as it got closer and then he tipped it over as he began drinking the gray liquid. He drank every last drop, then removed the two eggs in the box and lapped away at the interior until it was clean. Tossing the box away, he groaned out again feeling horny as a warm feeling spread inside him.

He looked at the two round eggs from the box as he began stroking his cock again. He laid back as he continued and picked up one of the eggs. He gave little thought as he spread his legs wide and placed it at his anus. He grunted out as he pushed it in, stretching himself wide until he felt it slip fully inside. A sudden surge of heat hit him as he came hard again sending more ropes of hot cum all over.

Wave after wave of sheer pleasure rocked his body as he moaned and groaned. He furiously stroked his hard cock as the pleasure consumed him and never took notice of the changes taking place. With each and every orgasm, his body shuddered and began to grow until he was a foot taller. His mind slowly cleared from the intense pleasure as he looked at himself. He was shocked to see his cock had enlarged to 11 inches and his balls had swelled up to the size of golf balls.

Grants first thought on the changes was not how they had happened, however, but to the burning desire to go back and find Marilyn or Sue.

"I'm going to kick his ass," the lioness growled out as they pulled up next to the jeep.

"Save it for when we are back at camp, Marilyn." Gary replied to the lioness, "I am not dragging his unconscious body back into camp. Besides, you know how excited this made him and how long we have been at this."

"It doesn't give him the right to go in without proper precautions being taken, let alone going in on your own."

Gary, Marilyn, and Sue walked over to the cave entrance and turned on their flashlights.

"Grant," Sue yelled out as they waited and heard nothing.

"The other small entrance with the mark further in." Marilyn said.

"How far in?" Gray asked.

"Far enough to require lights," Marilyn spoke as the darkness enveloped them.

Sue sneezed. "Do you smell something?" she asked as she wiped her nose.

"Yeah but I can't quite make it out?" Gray said and then sniffed the air.

"That's odd; we didn't take notice of any unusual smells in here." Marilyn said as her nose twitched at a faint odor.

"Shouldn't be much farther," Marilyn said as they turned a corner and then stopped. "Did you hear something?"

Gary listened and shined his light about. "No." They all started moving further in.

Marilyn's nose twitched as she recognized the odor. "Smells like violets, but what would they be doing here?"

"Are you sure? It smells like strawberries to me." Gary replied.

Marilyn would have questioned his sense of smell but she spied something in the distance. She moved closer and then saw the broken remains of a clay box. "What have we here?"

"You didn't mention there being anything here," Gary said and then he stopped as he heard something odd. "Did you hear that?"

"Sounds like it's up ahead," Marilyn replied. "Grant are you here?"

"Sue, did you hear any..." he turned around and was shocked to see Sue had stopped walking with them. She was twenty five feet back just standing in pace rubbing her crotch and breast. "What are you doing?" He asked as he watched her and found himself turned on by what she was doing.

Marilyn turned to see what Sue was doing and then heard something move ahead of them. "Gary, snap her out of that," she said and started moving ahead again.

"Sue you need... to stop...," he trailed off as he watched the tabby undo her belt and drop her pants. Moving closer, he saw her open her shirt up as she groped her breast and slipped her hand into her panties. He was captivated by what he was seeing and then he realized he had a rock hard boner. Hearing Sue groan as she groped herself, he dropped his pants and approached Sue.

Marilyn advanced another twenty feet and heard a moan. Shining the light around a rock, she gasped out at the sight of Grant sprawled out on the ground naked, stroking himself hard with his chest splattered in cum.

She was totally at a loss for words but found herself feeling aroused by the sight of him.

"Grant?" she managed to get out as he stopped and looked at her.

"Just what I need," he said to her as he sat up and moved back against the rock. Spreading his legs apart he spoke again, "Want to join me?"

She hesitated a brief moment and then moved over to him, dropping to her knees. He smiled as he placed his hands on her face and moved her over his cock. No other guidance was needed as she swallowed his cock and rubbed his balls. Licking every last bit of cum from his cock, she started suckling hard on him as he groaned out in joy.

She was in absolute bliss as her tongue covered every inch of his shaft. He groaned out again as he caught the heated scent of her lust and he had a burning desire to fuck her but she wouldn't relent as she kept suckling on him.

She tasted a trickle of pre and moaned out in joy as she started giving him a hummer. He gasped out as she did and shuddered as he came, filling her mouth. Swallowing every drop she could, he groaned out as he felt his balls contract, a steady thick stream of cum filling her greedy mouth with a sweet tasting cum. She moaned out as she swallowed everything he gave and felt warmth fill her body. She marveled at how long this was lasting and gave up counting when his twentieth blast shot into her mouth.

With a final groan, she released his cock and licked her lips smiling with satisfaction. His balls were much smaller now that they had unloaded in her as she rubbed his sticky chest.

"I hope you are ready for more," she cooed as she felt the burning lust for more and then realized her shirt felt tight. Looking down, she noted her breast had grown larger. Touching then, she groaned out finding that they were very sensitive.

She undid her top and tossed it aside as she noticed her bra was wet at the nipples and was straining to hold her breasts in. She freed her swollen breasts and laughed at what must now be double D's. Both nipples had a trail of milk leaking from them and she smiled as she leaned in closer.

"Drink," was all she said as she pressed her breast to his lip. He gave her nipple a quick lick and then took it in his mouth, suckling on her for the sweet, sugary milk. She moaned out at the pleasure of his feeding as he suckled harder and harder to get more and more milk.

Marilyn moaned out as he drank from her breast and it visibly began to shrink in size after a few minutes. She cooed out as Grant moved over to her other nipple and then slipped her hand down to her panties. She found them soaked as she slipped her fingers into her hot, wet folds. She groaned as she fingered her pussy in rhythm to his suckling mouth until she felt something press against her leg.

Looking down, she smiled as she saw his cock had grown even larger. It was a full hard 15 inches and his balls were now the size of tennis balls.

Pulling her breast away from him, she laid down on the ground with her leg wide open. Not a word was spoken as he followed her wanting more of the sweet milk but he stopped when he caught the scent of her sex.

"Mmmm, you're so ready," Grant said after sniffing at her hot, wet lips. His tongue tasted her as he shifted himself over her body. Marilyn purred as she watched his hard cock sway with his massive balls as he moved closer and then stopped.

He gave another sniff and then picked up the other damp egg from the box. Without any thought as to why, he took it and then shoved it into her cunt. The moment it touched her lips, she moaned out as her pussy began to pull it in deeper. His fingers followed it as he helped to pushed it in deeper until she came and covered him in her juices. The egg moved in deeper as she orgasmed.

Grant smiled as he pulled his fingers out and moved in closer, his large cock and balls brushing against her. Marilyn hardly noticed until she felt his cock part her lips and push in moaning out as he hilted himself into her. He groaned as he felt her pussy suckle and milk his hard shaft. Pre started to leak and mixed with her femininejuices, allowing him to more easily slide within her tight pink walls.

Calming down from the ecstasy of the egg sliding into her, she murred and look him in the eyes as she realized he was just as tall as she was. Grant had grown in more than one way. Grabbing hold of his waist, she pulled at him with each of his pushes. Growls of lust punctuated every deep push into her as his cock touched her womb. His heavy balls brushed her legs as they bounced with each thrust as she eagerly awaited the blast of their contents within her. Her pussy milked at his cock with each pass as a steadily expanding puddle of their juices coated the rocky floor.

Their moans and groans grew with each passing moment as she grew more and more restless to feel the hot cum. Tightening her pussy on him only seemed to drive him wilder as he was forced to thrust in harder. Gripping his ass tightly, she helped him push even harder. The sound of their loud, wet slurping and squelching mating filled the cave until their groans covered it up.

Filled with a burning lust,Grant was now wildly pounding her cunt as she cried out in joy. With a final loud smacking thrust, he shuddered as his cock unleashed a torrent of hot cum into her. Marilyn gasped out at the intense rush within her as his cock seemed to swell up within her to form a tight seal against any cum leaking out.

Blast after blast of cum filled her as she lost count and time seemed to lose meaning. Grants eyes rolled up in pleasure as his throbbing cock worked relentlessly to drain his balls empty. Grant gave a final shudder minutes later, as the last jet shot into her, and he collapsed on top of her panting hard. Marilyn hugged him very content and marveled at how his hard cock still tightly sealed his cum inside of her. A warm feeling filled her belly and she wondered if it had grown any with the endless flow he had given her.

Her ears twitched as she heard distant groans as she smiled and recalled having come with Sue and Gary.

"Grant," she whispered softly, "Drink up we have more work to do." She gently moved his head to her breast and squeezed some creamy milk onto his lips. For a full minute, she murred as he suckled on her again and miraculously recovered from his fatigue.

An audible wet pop was heard as he pulled his still hard cock from her. Marilyn patted her belly as she stood up. A slight bulge indicated how much Grant had filled her up and yet his massive balls appeared to have not shrunken in the slightest.

They closed the distance without the need for the flashlights and soon were standing near Gary and Sue. Both were stark naked, smelling of sex, and covered in sweat and cum. Grant and Marilyn kissed quickly as Gary cried out and came into Sue's ass.

"Time for a change in partners," Grant said to the pair as Marilyn took hold of Gary. Any potential complaints were silenced as she gave him a taste of her milk. Grant watched as he settled down a few feet away, suckling hard on her breast. His softening cock gained renewed stiffness as Marilyn stroked it.

Grant rubbed Sue's chest, and smiled as he searched and found two more sets of nipples.

"Were going to need all of them working," he said and then straddled her and guided her to sit up. Sue then licked his cock and purred in delight at the sweet, salty taste. Fondling his balls in one hand, she stroked his hard shaft with the other as she swallowed the head of his cock. He moaned out as she suckled on him and took in as much of his length as she could handle.

Looking back over to Gary, he smiled as heard him groan out, his body shuddering as hot cum erupted from his cock. He suckled on Marilyn's nipple swallowing every last drop he could even as he unleashed jet after jet of cum but even as his balls were being emptied, they still visibly began to grow in size along with his cock. A full minute later, he had grown to a length 9 inches with tennis balls dangling below his hard meat.

Grant turned his attention back as he felt Sue massaging both of his balls. "Okay, I guess you earned this," and with that said a steady flow of honey, sweet cum started to fill her mouth. He moaned as she frantically started to swallow every drop filling her mouth. Gulp after gulp was audibly heard as he looked down at the Tabby. He smiled as he saw her breasts grow steady bigger and a puddle of juice forming on the floor below her.

Minutes passed as he watched her breasts swell up to double D's with her nipples leaking milk. A groan from his partner had him look over to see how they were doing. He was greeted by the sight of Marilyn driving herself down onto Gary. He sniff the air and caught their scents mixing as he felt a burning need to fuck.

"Let's see what we have," he stated clinically as he pulled himself out of Sue. She whimpered as she was denied more of her tasty treat but Grant hardly cared. He pushed her onto her back and smiled as he saw that all six breasts she had had filled out and were ready.

"Spread your legs," he spoke as he watched her obey his command. He quickly lined himself up with her hot, wet sex and they moaned together as he drove himself deep into her. Even with her juices flowing, she was a tight fit. Every move within her gave him much more pleasure then Marilyn's cunt.

He tried to savior his time now that his mind was clear, but Sue squeezed and suckled on his hard meat and kept him focused on fucking her. Several minutes later, he came into her as she orgasmed, filling her with thick ropey blasts of cum.

Snuggling with Sue, he turned and watched Gray and Marilyn as he wildly pounded her pussy. Minutes later, he groaned out as he came hard for several minutes. His balls slowly shrank as his cum shot into her, her belly swelling up.

A silence fell over the as they all rested for several minutes.

"Would you care to head back to camp?" Gary asked Marilyn.

"I would enjoy that but it'll take some time to prepare them."

"Already taken into account, my queen." He helped Sue sit up and groped at her breasts.

Marilyn purred with excitement. "You're spoiling me, my king. Providing us with such a sweet gift and I have nothing for you."

"Just give me a pick of our first breeder and I'll be happy."

"You have a deal," she cooed as she got up.

Grant walked on over and rubbed her belly. "A half dozen more should help you fill out but until then we'll have to add some to you."

Marilyn kissed him. "What a wonderful idea. Sue can drive while you two attend to my needs." She chuckled as she gave him a few strokes as they walked out, their eyes softly glowing as the all left the cave.