The Only One Left

Story by whitney rhodes on SoFurry

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I was in high-school at the time of the raid. It was 25 mins until three and I was ready to go. I was dosing off during the lesson but somehow i knew that it was near time to leave for our homes. In order to remain awake, I attempted to finish my half written story on the history of human dominancy and downfall of the human race.

"Azzuri!" came the scratchy voice of my 78 yr old teacher.

"Ma'am?" I answered.

"Read what you have written so far." she replied.

"Yes Ma'am. 200 years ago, the human race stood dominant over all. All was as it should be, until the humans finally found the lost city of Atlantis. What they found there was a new species that were believed as the missing link. They stood upright like a human but they were somewhat different. No scientist had ever come upon anything so remarkable. We welcomed the creatures to the above world in which we learned thier ways and they ours. Everything was peaceful and enjoyable, until the creatures began to mate with animals. Thats what made them different from us. They possessed the ability to mate with all other creatures, whether they were 4-legged, scaly, or feathered. The humans were unable to tell what was what after that. We called the new breeds furries. After a span of 20 years, there were as many furries as there were humans. They were all just as smart, just as independant, but had more strength. They aged as we did but they could not catch diseases. So as you know, humans just have to experiment. They tortured and coducted experiments on the furries so that humans could be disease-free as well. The humans tried to keep the experiments secret but that was highly impossible. The furries soon found out and rebelled against the humans.There was a great war, The Furry Rebellion, in which not many humans survived. Only a few hidden human cities remained and even fewer remain today. Our city is one of the 4 known cities that are still here. Our great magical concealing shield has kept this city hidden since before the war. There is not a known date to when our shield's power will expire or any of the other shields that hide the other 3 cities. So we"---BOOM! Just then the left side of the room was blown in. Everyone began running around in a panic, screaming in terror as what we all knew was the inevitable for humans. Our city was being attacked. Everywhere I looked, I saw classmates being bitten, stabbed, shot, beaten, clawed, and taken. There was no time for me to think. I ran down the south hall, past the attackers, past my pleading schoolmates, past the carnage, and made it to the long staircase. I took a glance behind me and saw what looked like a werewolf furry, running a few yards behind me, advancing closer to me at each step he took. I looked down the long flight of stairs and leapt. I stayed in the air for what seemed like minutes before I hit the ground. I stubbled and fell, but hurriedly got back to my feet. Ahead of me were three more furries and still behind me, the werewolf furry. He was now on my heels and I knew I wouldnt be able to make it but I tried anyway. I was grabbed from behind and slammed into the floor. Lying on my stomach, I felt the heavy werewolf on top of me. It leaned over to my ear and growled, "I dont care about the rules, youre my slave, human girl." Then he secured my wrists tightly with cuffs and a chain. I guess he was the leader of the group that were in the hall, for he merely motioned for the others to go and they retreated. In that i saw chance for me to escape. He got to his feet and barked for me to get up. I didnt move. He knelt down to grab me up and I dodged him. I rolled out of the way and flipped onto my feet. I high kicked him in his shit and made a run for it. He was stunned and no one else was in the hall except for us. I assumed that everyone had evacuated the burning building and I made a run for the nearest exit. It was only a few feet away now and all i would have to do after that was make a break for the south gate of the city and head for the underground shelter. I heard a loud, ear-shattering howl from behind me. It shook me up so bad that I froze and turned in horror as the wolf lounged at me and pinned me down hard. " Listen you human bitch! You better stop running and fighting or you wont live to see another damn day! Youre lucky that i want to keep you as a pet instead of killing you like all the others!" he barked. An unusual calm sensation passed over me. I could feel his weight on me. I could smell his scent. I shuddered from how close his cold nose was to mine. I dont realize what made me do what i did but i kissed him. It was short but nice and I knew it would puzzle him. This was the start of my plan. I stared into his light brown eyes as he stared dumbfounded into my blue ones. "Come girl." he commanded. I followed. Once outside I looked around for the last time at my school. Once large, beautiful, burned to the ground. As I walked behind the werewolf, I looked at all life taken bodies: some with heads completley gnawed off, some with large punture wounds, some with swords and knives still implanted and even more gruesome to be seen. The wolf lead me on past the residential area. Tears began to fill my eyes as I thought of how the whole city was taken down in a matter of minutes. I gathered myself, which was the first step to enable endurance, resistance, and strength. I kept my head hung and my eyes low as the wolf lead me on. We made our way to the woods and I realized something.....he was leading past the south gate! He knew about our underground shelter! I gasped aloud. "Now where is it?" he demanded. "I dont know what youre talking about." I replied. I attempted to act stupid but to now avail. He back handed me and grabbed my face. "Show me where the entrance is!" he barked again. Blood dripped from the sides of my mouth. But I refused to cry. The pain was intense but I still didnt say a word. Before I could even draw another breath he firmly grasped my neck, his claws digging into my skin. I couldnt breathe. After about 40 seconds, I became exausted and he still wouldnt release me. I was ready to tell. Forty seconds turned into a minute and I started to feel faint. I did a quick kick at his left leg but missed. *Oh, no I will surely die now.* He let go. I took in a deep breath, coughed a little and feel to the ground. He lifted me right back up by my collar and demanded for the entrance to the shelter once again. "Follow me." I said. As he followed behind me, I felt his stare. I looked back at him to find that he was looking at my body. "What are you staring at me for? Havent you ever seen a 16 year old human girl before? Listen you may be my 'master' but I dont give a damn. You can kill me, you can rape me, you can torture me, I dont give a flying shit. I may be your slave but I wont act like one if you piss me off like youve been doing." I said angrily. He chuckled softly then broke into a laugh. " I knew you were different." he answered. "What? Listen wolf-boy, you have killed everyone ive ever known and destroyed life as I know it. I will kill you and anyone else that i can if i get the chance." I said. "Shut up, were is the damn entrance?" he growled. " Up ahead." I replied. Just a few feet away was the hidden door. I removed the grass and vine camoflauge. "Well there it is. Go in wolf-boy." I commanded. "After you.." he replied sarcastically. I looked at him with a scowl on my face. He gave me a fake smile. As we made our way down the ladder, I shivered. The air was cold and damp. About 10 feet before we could reach the floor, the step that I was on broke and the rest of the ladder went with it. I lost my grip on the wet metal and fell. In a blur the wolf was on the ground below me and i landed in his arms. He dropped me soon after. "Proceed." he commanded. I looked back at him. Questions arising in my head. I couldnt see a thing in there but I knew where I was going. I had been down there many times before on practice drills at school. As we walked on, I felt him close behind. He was so close that I could feel his clothing touch the fabric of my mini schoolgirl skirt. I looked over my shoulder at him. He merely smiled. I frowned at him hatefully and turned around. "You know that I can kill you now that I know where your little shelter is dont you? Why are you so different from all of the other humans anyway? Whats your name...slave?" he asked. " You could have killed me at any time. I am no different than any other human. My name is Azzuri." I answered. As we continued to walk along the corridor, we talked. " My name is Quest. Im the leader of the raid groups. I hate humans. I like to watch anime, hentai, porn, and you" he added. " I thought you hated humans?" I asked sarcastically. "I said you were differ---Roooooarrr!"

Quest's sentence was cut of by a loud roar and other such noices. "Damn!" he growled. "Well, well, well....Quest has captured a human girl. You know you haveta share with us. FRIEND..." came a demonic voice. " Yeah man, you know that our rank isnt high enough for one. You share all the others." came anothers voice. Fear began to swell inside of me. " We need a little light, dont you think?" came the demonic voice. All of a sudden the hall was lit and I could see the newcomers. One was a massive red and black demonic looking creature. Ugly as a gremlin but about 3 inches taller than me. The other creature looked like a giant lizard covered in scales. They were smiling hard at each other. They began to advance towards me and I backed up. I bumped into Quest who instead of comforting me, he gripped me around my waist. And spread my legs. " Lets get down" he said. He lay on his back, me on him with my legs spread wide open. " Roc, you get the pussy cause your dragon dick would tear up her mouth. Mar, you put your dick in her mouth. I get the ass. Yeah Azzuri, we are gonna fuck tha hell outta you. You are so beautiful with your long legs, nice round ass, smooth skin, long and wavy black hair, c-cup tits and beautiful face. You will learn to love it. I felt his paw underneath me, taking out his wolf dick. The demon ripped off my clothes and hastened to take out his 9 inch cock. He placed the head at my lips and forced if in. Before I had a chance to get the feel of it, Quest put his thing in my ass. It was so painful to me. I wanted to gasp but my mouth was too full. Quest already seemed to pumping hard and the demon, Roc, was fucking my mouth extremely fast. I couldnt even swallow my siliva. I became used to it until I felt something long, thick and hot press inbetween my legs. It was the dragon, Mar. First he stuffed 8 inches into me and began to thrust then he pushed his whole 14 inches inside of me. He pumped furiously at my sex. Harder and faster. All of them seemed to be going in rythm, pumping and fucking harder and harder. I was moaning and sceaming through the dick in my mouth. It was such an immense pleasure to me. My vagina throbbing, my ass shivering, and my body quaking. I could feel myself climaxing in just a matter of 10 mins. I came. Tired, I desired them to end thier fun. I sucked hard on Roc's demon dick until his cumm was sprayed at the back of my throat. He took it out of my mouth and lay on the floor..resting. I could feel Quest taking his cock out of my hole, and I was curious as to why. I soon found out. He lay my head in his lap and held me. The dragon was about to whip my pussy up. His dick became even thicker than before. I would say about 2 inches thicker. And he thrust so hard that I could not stay in place. My arms still in cuffs, I could not hold myself still. So that's why Quest is holding me. The dragons thrusts were too fast and hard for me to handle. Tears fell from my eyes and down my cheeks. It was sooo painful. This I did not like. He wasnt slowing down or giving sign of weariness. He even began to go harder. I didnt want anymore. He was really hurting me and I really wanted him to stop. "STOP IT!!!" I yelled. "You shouldnt have said anything."Quest said. "Awwww yeah, human youre gonna love this!" I felt his member grow even thicker inside of me. If I could rate his speed inside of my hot pussy I would say that he was going 70 miles per hour. He was going so fast! Why wont he stop?!"Aaaah, youre hurting me!" I screamed. " I aim to pain, human." he replied. He gripped my sides with his claws and dug deep. He started roaring and belowing loudly and I felt him grow even longer. I couldnt take anymore! "Just kill me now! It huuuurts!Stop!" I whimpered. "Okay...I will kill you!" he roared."Noooo!" Quest growled. The dragon craned his neck to bite me and I closed my eyes. I knew it was coming. I heard metal scratch, a slicing sound, a cry of anguish and I felt blood. I opened my eyes to see Quest, his sword grasped tightly in his hand. The end of it bathed in blood. The dragon's body fell onto me and I screamed. Quest pushed the body off of me and motioned for the demon to pull the dragons dick out of my sore pussy. He did as commanded. Quest helped me to my feet and I stumbled. I pulled myself up then everything went black. I awoke and found myself wrapped in some cloth. I was being carried. I looked up at who other than Quest. I was in what looked like a carpeted hallway, but I wasnt sure. My eyes were still unfocused. I dosed off. When I awakened, I found myself lying in bed beside Quest. I began to think about him and wonder about his mysterious ways. My thoughts came to my home. Was I the only one left?