
Story by Anima on SoFurry

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(A furry/human fantasy by Anima. F/F, F/M, unbirth, oral)

Teddy sighed, staring disconsolately down at the bar. Amazing how the littlest things can occupy your mind when you're miserable. Circulated the thought through Teddy's brain as he counted the overlapping rings of old stains on the dented and worn wood of the bar. Rolling his eyes at the tourist who'd barely touched his first drink, the android barkeep spit cleansing fluid in a glass with a programmed "h-aWWK," and stuffed a towel into it. Teddy smiled just a little. The planet Gunsmoke was all it was touted to be, and up until yesterday, Teddy'd been having a great time! Of course the cybernetic bull-rides had been worth it, despite the bruises from those rivets. Another bonus were the shoot outs with prison planet imports, their desperation making the experience so authentic! Everything from the dusty tumble weed towns to the classic saloons. But for some reason, the light skirts employed in the saloons didn't interest him or weren't interested in him, for after all this was still a civilized tourist-world. Even the whores had rights and choices. Teddy made mournful eyes into his drink. He could still see the face of the tall raven-haired woman from last night in his mind, smirking at him over and over again. Only one more day left in his vacation package, and he hadn't tumbled a single Gunsmoke femme! Gripping the tiny glass with his forefinger and thumb, he was just about ready to toss it back and order a second, when the swinging doors banged inward. Four creatures stepped in, the sun streaming in behind them making anything but their silhouettes hard to make out.

"Four bottles of your best, tin-can!" One of them hooted, chrome spurs jingling as she strode further inside. "We jest bagged us a big one!" His plastic lips twitching in what might have been a smile trying to surface in a face incapable of one, the barkeep crouched and began pulling dusty bottles from beneath the bar. Teddy, like everyone else in the saloon, had turned halfway to eye the new arrivals. Eyes wide as he took them in, Teddy realized that the four new comers were exotics, critters put together in labs, for the most part. The one who plumped down on the leather-covered stool beside him was a raccoon-woman. Her frame was lean, and rather petite, but hardly delicate. Scuffed chaps, iron-studded jeans, brown-leather vest and a button-down shirt open too far all pointed to this lady's status as a working gal. And when his eyes fell on the massive pistols riding easily on the curves of her thighs, he realized what line of work: bounty hunter.

Not all of the tourists on Gunsmoke were incompetent with weapons, but the vast majority *were*. Some of the imported prisoners escaped, and that's when the hunters were called in. They were all over the planet, supposedly, but in his three weeks here these were the first Teddy had seen up close. By now the raccoon had been joined by her companions: a calico cat-morph, what looked like a kangaroo mouse-morph, and a wolf dressed all in creaking black leather. All were armed to the teeth, literally in the wolf's case, as Teddy noticed when she flashed her

deadly teeth at the barkeep. All of them were women? Teddy found that a bit odd, but he had to admit to himself that the concept of female bounty hunters was quite sexy. Attitude, the thrill of associating with such dangerous people. Teddy felt his pulse race! He hardly had a chance with any of these of course; most exotics segregated themselves from humans when they could. Teddy turned back to his drink, pickup lines swallowed.

"I'd hazard Danelle got this one? She's the only one I see missing. Or did you deliver already, ladies?" The barkeep chirped, uncorking bottles of some dark blue glass and pouring green liquor into ranks of shot glasses. "Hah! We only found the bugger yesterday, so Danelle's not done with him yet. We'll turn him in by, oh, the end of the week. That is, unless Dan gets attached to the scum," the 'coon girl giggled, jostling the cat with her elbow. Teddy raised his eyebrows at that. One of the exotics liked humans? Even criminals they'd been hired to capture or kill? Hey, he might stand a chance with them after all! He tossed back his drink to steel his resolve, and turned to his left, lips parting. He found himself nose to nose with the raccoon, and let out a little "Eep!" She just grinned, and bumped his nose with hers.

"I'm jealous of course, we all are. With a single like this, the rest of us have to find other ways to entertain ourselves." She was still speaking to the barkeep, but that last phrase (And the way she licked her black lips) told Teddy he was either about to get lucky, or beaten up. When he felt slender, furry fingers sliding up to tickle his adam's apple, Teddy hoped desperately for the former! "Whaddaya say, pardner?" She drawled, liquid brown eyes capturing his. "Would you like to show a lady a good time?" Behind her, the wolf and cat simultaneously snorted at the idea that their fellow hunter and the term 'lady' could ever find themselves associated. The little mouse-girl frowned, and seemed about to scold the 'coon. Teddy gulped, and made his move.

"I, I'd love to," Teddy squeaked, the sound of his own voice in his ears making him flush. The lazily smiling lips inches from his own parted in shock! Teddy realized she'd only been teasing the 'tourist', expecting him to faint, or perhaps run off screaming. Now all three bounty hunters behind the 'coon were shocked into silence for a moment, before they started in on their companion.

"Oooh, Marie, looks like he'd like a fur coat!" "How many drinks has he

had, tinny? Stick a fork in him, he's done!" Marie the raccoon actually blushed slightly, though Teddy could only tell by the increase in heat radiating from the cute furred face. She grinned, and rapped on the bar with her knuckles.

"Well, how about that girls? First time that's worked! You play nice down here, mummy's gonna go upstairs and see what Mr." She arched a soft brow, and Teddy nearly fell off his stool in his haste to dismount and bow.

"Archer, ma'am. Teddy Archer," He stammered, twisting his ridiculous ten-gallon hat in his hands. Marie jauntily snatched a bottle of the green stuff from the bar, and slid off the stool to the floor with a jingly thud. Cocking her hips and placing a hand on her belt, she exhaled, jutting her chest out against Teddy's.

"Come on then Teddy, we'll leave this motley crew to their drinkin' and babbling and see what your idea of a good time is." She turned to wink broadly at her friends, "I'VE got a date." She bounced off between the tables towards the staircase leading to the notorious second floor, bottle in one handpaw and the other's thumb tucked into her gun belt. Teddy stood there like a statue for a second, before his brain's screaming command to *follow* made it through to his legs! But the barkeeper's voice stopped him.

"You should be careful with that one sonny," He murmured with a hand hiding his plastic mouth from the other three bounty hunters. "She...she's a pistol, s'what she is."

"More like a cannon," The feline guffawed, tail writhing behind her as she laughed. Teddy just nodded hurriedly, and turned to go. Marie had waited at the top of the stairs for him, her eyes glistening in the mask of black fur on her face.

"Not getting yella, I hope?" Came the chuckle. Teddy shook his head violently as he took the creaky wooden stairs two at a time. "No, I guess not," She laughed as Teddy reached the top and took her arm in his. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek, her cold nose an unexpected sensation there, contrasting her warm lips. Grinning, Marie tugged him down to the end of the hall, and tugged a key (with some effort; those jeans were tight!) from her pocket. Click-clack, the door swung inward on an opulent little room, appointed as well as modern hotels. Off through a tiny door lay a bathroom with an actual *bath* in it, the first he'd seen on this world! Taking up easily half of the room was a huge bed layered in silken sheets like layers of a pastry, along with a big comfortable-looking love seat and a night-stand or two. These all made the quarters look eminently livable, and when Marie lit the lamp and closed the shutters. Not quite believing this was actually happening to him, he let Marie pull him inside and shut the door. The past five minutes suddenly dizzying him, Teddy sat abruptly on the edge of the bed, his hat set aside. He hardly noticed when she locked the door from the inside with the key, and laid it on the night stand.

"Don't want you leaving before I'm done with you," She grinned, stepping close and leaning waaaaay over to rub noses with him again, showing off her furry cleavage to stunning effect! Eyes fixed on the flaps of her partially-undone shirt, Teddy found his fingers undoing the rest of those buttons, while the little raccoon chuckled and wriggled her hips.

"Ooooh this is gonna be nice," She breathed, running her clever little hands through Teddy's thick brown hair. Her own tresses were just more fur, grown longer than the rest of her pelt, and striped just as her bushy tail was. With the last button undone, Marie took Teddy's wrists and guided his hands into her shirt to cup the silken mounds of her breasts. Making an odd, but sexy 'chrrrrrrr' sound, the 'coon melted into his hands, eyes drifting half shut. "And you," she murmured,

fingers flying along the buttons of his shirt with a deftness Teddy'd never seen before. His shirt was hanging on the bed post the next time he thought of it, and his jeans were halfway down his legs. Running his thumbs over the exotic's firm nipples, Teddy tried rubbing noses with Marie, as she had with him a couple of times now. Her chrrrrrr grew in volume, and the scent of her heated body increased.

"MMmmmm, what a surprise to find you here, Teddy...someone willing to roll in the hay with a furball like me," she mmmmmed, raking her claws carefully down her man's back, leaving glowing red trails of stimulated skin.

"You're beautiful," He replied simply, kicking his jeans off, and starting to slide one hand from her breast down to undo her own jeans.

"Don't you dare," she breathed, making Teddy freeze. Had he gone too far, too soon? Was she going to hole him?! His breath came quicker, and sweat trickled down his nose. But all she did was replace his hand on her warm tit, and undo her own pants, letting the weight of her gun belt slide them off her silken hips and carry them to the floor with a twin-clunk.

"Now my hardware's out of the way, lemme see yours," She grinned, leaning in close against him and dropping a hand between his legs. Teddy's arousal was already quite evident, and swirling of a clawtip around the hot glans of the man was enough to complete his erection. Groaning gently, kneading her breasts, Teddy filled his hands with this strange, wonderful creature, and wanted more. She gave it to him, backing him up onto the bed and straddling his hips. Her fur slid against his skin like a dream, making her feel slippery and electrifyingly sensual. Marie quivered as she raised her hips, tail flagging as well to wave gently behind her. Teddy looked down along his body, watching as Marie encircled his cock and guided herself down onto it, wedging it between her sweet sex petals. Grunting, she removed her

hand and let herself slide down over Teddy's maleness, stiffening like a stretching cat as she impaled herself. Teddy gasped sharply at the heat of his lover, intense and liquid, soaking into his flesh along with her slippery nectar. Silken tissue, softer and more heavenly-feeling than any of the rich sheets they lay on, rippled up and down his buried shaft as Marie flexed her loins.

"Ooooooh yeah, MMMmhmm, that's it," She chrrrrrred, tongue hanging from her mouth and eyes squeezed shut. "That hits the spot. Just a little to the, mMMMmm," She shifted, then began to rise and fall, squirshing herself full of cock with each fall of her hips. Teddy wasn't about to lie still, and timed his thrusts to

complement Marie's rhythm, something he found surprisingly easy to do. This only coaxed more pleasured sounds from the raccoon, and eagerly, Teddy increased his efforts again. Creaking with the urgent movement of the lovers, the bed grew scented with sweat and the smell of sex as the two enjoyed each other, exchanging little requests and compliments between gasps of joy and whines of lust. Marie came with a cry, her tail bottlebrushing and sex spasming slickly around Teddy's bloated cock.

Forced over by the sucking-feeling of the muscles in Marie's cunny all contracting at once, Teddy jetted sticky white cream into the dark fertile depths, growling as he spent himself firmly within her. Panting with her cute little tongue lolling from her lips, Marie collapsed atop his chest, arms sliding down to encircle his sweat-slick neck.

"Ooooooh, mMMMph, mmmmm, chrrrrrrrrrrrrrr." She smiled, nestling her muzzle into the join of Teddy's neck and shoulder. "That's sure a relief." She moaned happily, hugging Teddy closer. Laughing into the 'coon's hair, he stroked her back, lingering over the gorgeous shape of her buttocks.

"Tell me, about it," Teddy panted lightly, lips curved into a peaceful smile.

"Mmmmmmmmm. Think you're ready for more?" She nibbled at Teddy's earlobe, making him squeak again when he felt the teeth graze his skin.

"So soon? No--but in a few minutes?" He whispered, shocked at the speed of her lust's return. Her body quaked as she laughed silently, then rolled off of him and snatched the bottle from the floor. She took a long pull, wiped her moist muzzlefur off with the back of her paw, before handing the liquor to Teddy.

"Oh, alright. Maybe you can exercise a different part then while we wait for you to recharge? Say, your tongue?" She giggled, watching as Teddy took a cautious sip of the green stuff and coughed violently.

"My tongue?" He rasped, setting the evil bottle on the night stand. Marie grinned, nodding, and sat up, scooting back and spreading her thighs. Teddy licked his lips, eyes wide, and rolled onto his stomach, curling about to reach a comfortable 'dining' position.

"Mmmhmm, to play with mine." She grinned, and gently stroked her clit. Teddy was about to ask how he was supposed to use his tongue at both ends of her at the same time, when something slithered from the 'coon's plump glistening sex lips. He jerked backwards, recalling horror stories about parasitic worms that took over people, seducing new hosts with the old, but soon realized that it wasn't a worm, but a tongue. A long, slippery, *forked* tongue, like a snake's or lizard's. He touched it tentatively, and it wrapped itself slickly around his finger!

"See? It's friendly," She laughed, resting a paw on her softly furred tummy. "It doesn't bite. Sometimes Danelle's does, but not mine." Marie giggled, and flexed a muscle. Teddy yelped as the tongue was drawn back inside, dragging his finger with a squish in after it. Marie kissed his forehead, "Kiss me lover, kiss me down there." Teddy hesitated, and she chuckled, patting his head. "Haven't you ever done anything like this before? Well, just pretend it's my mouth." The raccoon's voice was soothing, almost hypnotic, and after he'd been instructed it felt like the most natural thing in the world to bow his head and lock lips with the 'coon's vulva, sharing tongues and fluids, tasting traces of his own pleasure amidst the nectars of hers.

"Mmmmmm, *slurp* mmmmmph, *slish* *suuuuckle*" Teddy lost himself in the kiss, while Marie's loins heated at a frenzied pace from the intense, probing attentions of her lover. Coiling her nether-tongue around Teddy's, she held him in place while her fingers slid over his sweat-sheened back.

"OhHHHhh GODS!" She cried, grinding her pink flower into Teddy's face. A gentle but firm circling of the man's finger around her clit, as unexpected as it was wonderful, shoved her screaming into an abyss of ecstasy! Her warm furred thighs locked around her lover's head, trapping him against her suckling squirting sex, while Teddy swallowed and slurped up his reward. All this of course had been enough to arouse a *dead* man, and as for Teddy, he worried his cock would burst. He shoved the silly thought away, and squirmed between Marie's silky-strokable thighs. She moaned apologetically and released him, eyes wide and glazed over.

"Alright Marie, on your back...my turn to mount up." He grinned, sliding forward to press Marie's yielding body down into the sheets, and bring his needy hips up level with hers. When his cock slid into her once again, Teddy saw her eyes cross, and soon he was following suit. It may've had something to do with the slow slippery sliding of her cunny-tongue along his buried shaft, teasing and caressing the meaty length nestled in Marie's loins. When Teddy reluctantly backed out to start thrusting, the tongue let itself be drawn out...then snaked down towind around the root of Teddy's scrotum! Marie had only partial control of her nether-tongue, and smiled lazily as she felt the length of flesh wind around the warm neck of the man's sac. Chrrrrring, she wriggled beneath Teddy, working her back into the mattress while her knees rose on either side of her man's naked hips. So warm, she thought, as her hands trailed across his smooth shoulders.

So *tight*! Was Teddy's thought as he plunged back and forth, cock dripping glistening drops into the sheets as he sexed the cute raccoon. Marie's succulent

sex had obviously regained its normal size since the first stretching session, and now suckled firmly at his swollen penis, as if determined to keep it buried in the hot channel.

Together they moved like a machine, a nodding oil derrick perhaps, the creaks and groans of machinery replaced by quavering moans of delight. As for lubrication,

the machine had plenty! Rolling on and on, the hot slippery pleasures led raccoon and man in an ascending spiral, up on a passionate thermal to another fireworks-orgasm. Marie's tongue wound around Teddy's balls helped squeeze every sticky drop from the tensing orbs within, splattering the 'coon's insides with creamy seed. Marie's own nectar soaked her pubic fur, and the sparser hair of Teddy's groin, caught in the curling hairs and sparkling like jewels in the lamplight of the

room. Gently, bathed in the incredible afterglow of the moment, the two settled back to earth.

Arms and legs tangled together, each partner rooted in each other's loins feeling the pulse of the other. Marie lay beneath the comfortable weight of Teddy, listening to him breathe while her hands explored his body.

"Teddy, my stud," She cooed, rubbing noses with him gently. "You've sated so many of my appetites. There's just one more to take care of." Teddy had blushed and smiled at first, but that last sentence made him turn his eyes back onto hers.

"One more?" He murmured, feeling his cock stiffen once more, but rather painfully. She nodded, smiling, and ran her slender little tongue up his cheek with a giggle.

"Yeah. You see, my cunny's more of a mouth than you imagine. It gets hungry, and all you've done all night is tease it, pushing that cock in and out of it, then kissing it. My second mouth's accustomed to much bigger food.

Teddy made a curious noise? unsure what to think about Marie's words. Was she used to a bigger cock, is that what she was saying? "Should I use my hand?" He whispered, eyes a little wide as he searched his lover's for a sign of approval. She grinned, and nibbled at his nose.

"That's a good start."

Jane, the calico cat, rapped on Marie's door on her way to bed. She and the other two gals had been drinking and whooping it up downstairs, speculating too on how her visit with Teddy was proceeding. Now, overcome with curiosity, she'd just had to check in. Swinging open at her knock, Jane pushed the door open a little more and peeked inside. Teddy was on his knees in bed with Marie, gingerly easing

three or four fingers into the 'coon's accommodating pussy. Jane whistled

appreciatively, startling both into glancing up.

"He must've been special to take so long getting this far!" The cat grinned, folding her arms across her ample chest. "Ready for a nice warm place to spend the night, Mr. Archer?" Now the other two girls had come up behind Jane, and peeked past her at the two in bed. Teddy had simply frozen in place, fingers twitching nervously just inside his lover's moist cleft. "I thought you'd locked the door." He murmured in an aside to Marie, who only shrugged.

"Maybe the lock's broken." She replied. Teddy didn't miss the mischievous note in her voice. "Well, come on in and shut the door, there's a draft," Marie complained. Quietly tittering, the three filed in, the wolf shutting and locking the door behind them. All three stripped and slipped into bed with the two, their individual scents rising or changing, as their own blood stirred. That wolf especially, Teddy thought, staring at her heaving furry chest and the string of slick goo drooling from her cleft, hanging between her legs as she rested on hands and knees. But Jane was the first to move, sliding on her back between Teddy's legs, and tucking his cock quickly between her lips. He squeaked! but Marie made no move to chastise the girls, and in fact seemed impatient for him to return his attentions to her fluttering cunny. So, shivering with sensation and over-strung nerves, he eased the four-fingered blade of his hand forward into Marie.

Jane suckled firmly on the nice tasty cock she'd captured, batting playfully at Teddy's balls while her rough tongue went to work. Terri, the wolf, snuffled

along Jane's thighs then buried her cold nose and muzzle in the feline's

crotch. This elicited a drunken purrrrrrrrrrrrr from the cat, and a hungry murrrring rumble from the wolf. Sandy the mouse wasn't about to be left out of course. She clambered up the bed and deliberately straddled Marie's delicate muzzle, panting as she squished her little pussy against the 'coon's moist lips.

The stage now set, Teddy focused on the task at hand and couldn't believe what he was feeling and seeing. His thumb folded into his hand, and his hand folded into a fist, buried solidly in Marie's loins! She'd taken his hand without a peep, and her muscles were still tugging impatiently on him! Slowly, he let his wrist and forearm advance, sliding up into the exquisite, moist heat of Marie's body. The 'coon writhed beneath Sandy and against the others, moaning excitedly! Her nether mouth seemed to salivate, with all the nectar she secreted...the wonderful-smelling stuff running down into her warm fur. Teddy felt his knuckles connect with something...the end of the road, so to speak. Marie just tensed her muscles, and began applying pressure to her cervix. Mouth gaped open in astonishment, Teddy felt her cervix dilate, and swallow his fist! Leaning as he was on that arm, the sudden cessation of resistance let his arm plunge in past the elbow! Startled, he tried to withdraw, and Jane gently bit his cock. Freezing, he heard Marie's mouse-muffled voice.

"NO! Deeper! MORE!" Shaking, he pushed his arm in, curling it into her womb. His shoulder squished as it settled against Marie's cunt-flesh. Unbelieving, he stared, then gasped as a muscular ripple tugged him sharply! His shoulder was yanked in, and his face went *splat* into the hungrily pulling sex! Marie squirmed mightily as her nether-tongue shot out to coil around Teddy's slick torso, and start tractoring him inside.

Jane nibbled and sucked, keeping Teddy docile while he was consumed. With voyeuristic fascination, she rolled her green-gold eyes up to watch the pink, delicate-seeming skin of Marie's labia strain wide around the naked bulk of the human. Inch by inch, he slipped from sight, and too soon Jane had to release his cock and let Marie draw it within herself. The 'coon's furred belly was huge, stretched as Teddy entered it, and rising higher as more and more of him was 'devoured'.

Whimpering and elbowing about inside the squishing, satiny insides of his lover, Teddy half-heartedly tried to slow his ingestion with no success. Continuing to please each other with fingers, tongues, toes, teeth and claws, the four girls drove each other to orgasm while Marie's cunny fed. Soon, Jane was watching Teddy's twitching toes vanish between Marie's dripping lips, whose moisture was abruptly licked away in a flash of nether-tongue. Sighing as one leaving a meal course to start on an even better one, Jane pressed her face into Marie's pussy and began to lick and nibble. Marie giggle-moaned into Sandy's trembling cunt, spearing it

with her tongue as the mousie quaked and came. Her belly wobbled and twitched as Teddy curled up inside, safe and snug. His outline, softened by Marie's flesh and deep gray fur, was still clear enough to leave no doubt in anyone's mind she'd taken a whole human inside herself. Utterly sated now, she let her comrades play around and against her, eyes sliding slowly shut.

"I want 'im when you let him out, Marie," Terri whined, muzzle smeared with girl-cum as she looked up from Jane's sodden groin. "Unless we're delayed delivering, and Danelle gets sick of toad-face." Her tongue lolled happily from her glistening jaws. "I don't give a darn about their looks, I just want a big heavy lump in my middle." Marie shook her head, wrapping her legs partially around Jane and Terri, drawing them a little closer.

"Hmmph. I'm keeping him for my own personal use! Maybe if you're good, I'll rent him out to you three on nights I'm busy." They all made faces at the 'coon, but good natured ones. "We'll see if he'll sign on as a...oh, what should we call him on the forms? Assistant? Procurer?" Marie puzzled cutely, between nibbles at Sandy's tiny clit.

"Rations?" Suggested Jane with a yawning giggle. Marie tail-swatted her, and ran soft handpaws over her belly.

"Shaddup cat. No, personal trainer." A crafty smile flitted across her muzzle. "He can help tone my muscles *any* time!"

"You said it!"

"Mmmmm, flex."

"Does he give private lessons too?"

Teddy fell asleep with the ladies' words in his ears, a mingled dread-joy welling up in his heart. Forget the business world...he'd found his niche! Absently, he wondered how long he'd be filling this *particular* lovely niche, and hoped it'd be a loooong time.


Old Brown Mare Ain't What She Used to Be

**Old Brown Mare Ain't What She Used to Be** A new story from Anima. M/M, F/F, M/F, cock/breast/anal vore and assorted naughtiness with equines and company. Gerald flexed smoothly in a languid stretch as...

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**Renovations** A hyper-fur story by Anima. (Herm/m yiff) You probably know the feeling. That buoyant itch. I was feeling it that night as I swayed into the 'haven... That insidious, delicious buildup of pneumatic pressure down in the...

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