XXX-mass part 3: and we all support the team

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#9 of Bob's Special events

Bob's Holiday Special Christmas part 3

By BunnyBoy

This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy.

Warning the story contains semi consensual sexual encounter between adult males and a male cubs. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

Every one was starting to settle down. The boss had gone off with his newest "elf" and presented him to the missus. His helpers had limped back to the lodge to rub in plenty of needed ointment into there sore backsides after entertaining the team during the night's pit stops. In fact the only place there was any activity going on was in the team's own stables.

The bucks were in the locker room, steam pouring out of the showers as they rinsed off the nights sweat. It's not a bad life, one day of work a year but they do train hard the rest of it. After a successful run they just can't drop off to sleep no matter how tired they are. The shower helped with that, got them feeling fresh and new. They messed about lots of pushing showering and in general a lot of grab ass going on. Nothing to serious though just the guys letting off steam.

Some of the younger members of the team, the rooks and reserves stared on in awe of the old pros as they cavorted. A few of them had taken part in the nights run. Some of the standbys had gotten to take over when the varsity needed a breather. Some times it was serious after all it's the whole world they cover. Other times rumor has it that they'd been peeking at the naughty list and spotted a particularly wicked piece of tail to chase. But through it all a few of the team had toughed it out the whole night Comet, Prancer and Rudolf had all lasted till the bitter end. Each of the rookies trained hard and waited for the day when they could finally take there place on the starting line. Only the best of the best made it to starters and got to take over the name of a retiring team member.

Rudolf strode out of the shower yawning to himself, steam rising off his wet fur. He drapes the towel casually over one shoulder, and he heads to his locker. He reaches in and grabs the harness. Unlike the others he wore his year round. He liked the harness, the leather strapping cinched down tight pressing into his muscles it just felt good. He was one of the biggest Rudolf's ever to make it onto the team, a veritable slab of venison, in more ways then one. He nods to one of the young rooks and the boy scurries forward. "Straps" Barks the big buck.

The little button buck nods, "Yes sir!" Before he scurries around the large deer's frame tugging on the appropriate straps, tightening up the red leather frame work just the way the big guy likes it.

With the harness adjusted the big deer rolls his neck flexing and stretching making sure the fit is snug and tight. "Good." Grunts the older buck. He smiles as the little button doesn't wait for a command he slips behind him and up onto one of the stepping stools. Rudolf sighs as he feels strong young hands working at his shoulders. All the rooks know his routine by now first the shower then the harness then the massage. He relaxes feeling the knots slipping away. It was rougher then normal this year, maybe he's getting too old for this line of work, or maybe he should start using the subs some. Nahhh it was just a rough run that's all. Hell it's probably all down to global warming anyway. He smiles feeling the tension just melt away. But as those fingers work tension starts to build up in some places rather then slip away completely. He smiles looking back at the rook and nodding down with where the dull glow as started. Pulsing a deep red it starts to grow both bigger and brighter.

The little rookie on the sled team scurries down the step ladder and round front. This too is expected. Ohh not everyone on the on the team was gay, despite the training regime and the efforts of the older bucks in weaning there young to male milk early, but they all sucked and were fucked. He was aware of the envious glances from some of the others as he knelt before Rudolph. At least two thirds of the reserves, rookies and trainees were looking on with envy. As his lips parted and he leaned forward he wondered how many of them really liked it as much as they put on.

The big male moans as he feels those lips stretched round his massive girth. The button's hollow cheeks seem to blush as the head slips inside. He knows it's not embarrassment just that heady glow. The more excited he gets the brighter it gets. He sighs pushing it in deeper sinking his cock into the little rookies throat watching the bright length slowly vanish between those tender young lips. "Good god boy you really are good at this. I guess those late night training sessions paid off." Even with the long night of flying and fucking Rudolph's churning nuts had plenty to give. Generations of selective breading had given the team truly supernatural amounts of stamina. With a loud groan he grips the button's head and cums.

The lad squirms as the big deer pushes into his throat and what feels like a fire hose has pumped into his gullet. If feels like hours, but he knows that's impossible, when the pressure on the back of his skull releases allowing the small buck to slip to the ground. Sliding off the long red dick with s sloppy wet sigh. Spill over falls from his lips splattering across the floor.

Rudolph stretches and stands up stepping over the recumbent form of the boy. Across the room he smiles the rest of the team seems ready to move on as across the benches and floor of the locker room sprawl the forms of spent rookies.

Leaving the locker room and it's passed out and used up youngsters. The team starts to grab the bottles. It's a celebration after all, another hard year is behind them and they mean to party.

The stables are comfortably appointed in a rustic manor. Rough hewn hard wood flooring and walls built to last forever. Each member of the team has his own stable, a large comfortable bed, and there own collections of nicnaks and keepsakes. Each room is fairly private though members rarely sleep alone. The central room is the common area for the team comfortable couches, chairs and futons fill the space and against one wall is a large screen plasma screen TV, with the latest game systems, working for the big man had more then a few perks, on the other wall were a number of fridges one labeled food, the others labeled drinks.

The rookies have a barracks style dorm they share off the men's stables, long rooms where they slept on cots, with a foot locker for there possessions. They have there own common room, not nearly as well appointed but nice enough for those times when the team doesn't want there company or they need to get away from the team.

On the other side of the stables is the female's dorm. The girls are almost always present even though most of the males tend to ignore them. There stables are well appointed and not nearly as rough and tumble as the rowdy boys. Mostly they kept to themselves, though the younger females did help out the male rookies with chores and cooking and cleaning around the stables. On nights like this thought the does kept a close eye on things. Most of the males didn't spend time with them. Oh there were a few around with no ambition to be on the team, or who were willing to risk getting caught banging a doe who came a calling but it was only on the nights after the Christmas run that the best mates would get wasted enough to be drug off to the ladies side of the barracks. The men didn't interfere so long as the girls were able to get the man back to there dorm on there own. It's the only way that the varsity ever managed to pass on there genes. The drunken buck would be ridden as many times as possible, by as many females as possible. Even if he couldn't get is up the girls would milk him as many times as they could and store it up for use. The next morning the male would be unceremoniously ejected from the female's dorm and be roundly ridiculed by his fellows. As far as the girls felt it wasn't the best system but it was the best they could get considering.

They have spotters even now watching the goings on waiting for that buck who'd had one to many. The boys are acting like they can go all night Vixen the fae little buck had slipped into a pair of thigh high fishnets and a black leather vest. He's dancing on one of the tables as the others hoot and holler up at him. Cupid on the other hand had settled on a love seat a fifth of whiskey on hand and three younger bucks he's trying to talk into something really kinky back in his room. And that's just a portion of the goings on.

Comet tosses back another beer and looks around. He'd fucked all these bucks, he needed something new, something fresh. "Hey you!" He snaps his fingers at the closest doe. "You got any boy's ready for us back there?"

The doe looks around nervously. "Umm yes I think we do." She turns around and looks back there were a small huddle of bucks all playing together on the floor. The girls knew this call would be coming so they had the bucks who'd turned 5 pulled aside and let them color, play and stay up late. Till they reach five years the cubs are watched over by the does, and then the boys get introduced to the bucks on a regular basis. Most of the boys stay with the males after that but a few return to there mommies. But even those get taken back to the carnal pits when ever the bucks demand them. Some times one of the even younger boys wanders over. If that happens the lad is fair game and if he comes back with spooge on his lips and a sore backside well the ladies should have kept a better eye on him.

The doe ushers the five little bucklings up off the floor and out the door. "It's time to meet your daddies. You all remember who your daddies are right?" The little foals nod. Not old enough for a rack, not even old enough for buttons but a few of the boys have little tender lumps on there heads marking where the horns will be coming in. "Remember boys be good, be courteous, and listen to the men. If you want to get on Santa's team then you have to be good little bucks okay." She sighs watching them go. It's always so hard to see this, its worse knowing your own foal is in the group, and knowing what he's in for. Comet had better be good to that boy.

The cubs carefully walk out lining up in front of the TV smiling at the gathered males. There eyes goggling as a few of the grown ups already have the buttons and spikes down on there knees. Donner steps up to the boys marching up and down the length of the procession. "Okay boys when I point to you I want you to tell me who your daddy is." He paces back and forth a few more times his cock firming up as he smiles down at the boys. "Eenie meenie miney moe... "His fingers dance through the air before the boys. The team members settle down watching the procession. Even Vixen has stopped dancing his legs crossed and his breath held, he knows none of the bucks are his, He's proud of the fact he's never touched a female, but he's still hoping for first draft pick anyway. The big buck stops his paw pointing at the forth cub in line "You!?"

The little foal takes a breath. He the second tallest of the group but with a light build. "Umm well mommy always said it was Cupid sir."

Donner looks over at Cupid who lazily takes a swig from his bottle, his eyes never even glancing towards the boy. He doesn't even replay he just waves the boy off as he keeps chatting with his entourage, the subject turning to maters of leather and latex, restraints and paddling. Subjects he's found that fresh cubs don't tend to take to and hence his disinterest.

With a barked laugh Rudolph stands up beating Vixen to the punch. "Ha if his daddy don't want him then I'll take the boy. He needs a real man his first time anyway." This last bit seems like a shot at Drancer, or Vixen the two more effete member of the team. Though stung by his poppa's apparent rejection the little buck walks over to Rudolph wondering if the dull throbbing glow means what he thinks it means.

Donner's paw returns to it's dancing over the cubs this time stopping on the middle boy. He's a bit plumper then the others but not to bad his balls seem more developed to and the lumps on his head seem close to erupting. "Err Mr. Comet's my daddy sir."

Comet slaps his thigh with a happy hoot. "Come on over boy I was hoping one of my sprogs was in with you lot." He gooses the boy. "My, my, my what's your momma been feeding you, or have you been dipping into Mrs. Clauses Christmas cookies." The little boy just blushes at this.

The next boy answers Dancer and the femme little buck in ass less chaps pulls him over to Vixen where they debate on teaching him to pole dance or strip first.

The forth boy blushes as the finger falls on him... he doesn't speak but instead runs forward to hug Donner. "Daddy" He squeaks. And the big buck strokes his head smiling at the boy.

The last lad doesn't wait for the finger to fall he steps forward and stutters out the name of Blitzen. "Well, well, well While I'm not gonna be the first I think I'll watch so if Prancer and Dasher is interested. I'll let them go first." He grins at the boy and winks at his two buddies.

The boy's look around now paired with there partners for the night. They think they know what's coming tonight but they only have the vaguest notion. They know tonight is the night they join the men on there side of the stable. They have all been looking forward to this for so long. They also know there is a special initiation for them but they don't know exactly what that means, there is some pain involved but they've been told it's a passing thing. A few wonder if it has anything to do with what the buttons and spikes were doing when they came in. The two boys who's daddies passed them off to other furs felt a little upset rejected by there flesh and blood like that but Cupid's boy feels especially low. I mean his dad didn't even look at him. The little buckling almost cries.

Donner smiles at the scattered cubs. "All right now you're going to be initiated into manhood tonight boys. Now for most of you that's gonna be dear old daddy but if it's not, that's fine too I mean my daddy wasn't the one to pop my cherry either." He looks down at his cub a finger sliding up under the tail prodding the pucker. "But I will have you know that it won't be stopping with your initiation tonight. After that's done, some of the others will take turns, and round and round and round you'll go. After those that choose to can go back to your mommies or you can live here. But now that your men you will have duties on this side no matter where you live."

The does are gathered at the shuttered doors. Just like with the boys they had kept the female cubs up late. Atleast the ones they felt are ready for this. Each one is set near a peep hole with instructions to watch and learn. The ladies feel it's important for the girls to know what breeding is like so when they do get a chance with a male they know what to do. Some of the older females have toys and are more then willing to help the little ones understand what they are seeing and how it'll be different when it's male and female. Some of them can be quite hands on with there explanations. If they do get a male from this party the older does will alternate with the foals.

Rudolph smiles down at his boy. "Don't worry boy I didn't get my daddy on my first time either. In fact kid my dad wasn't even on the team." He picks the boy up and leads him over to sturdy wooden chair. The big buck sits down and looks at the boy. He stands the unnamed boy up on his knees. By tradition only the team had names and those were dictated by there position. Some times the rooks and cubs gave themselves nicknames but they weren't allowed to use them around the adults. The man's legs are spread slightly but with one of the boy's little hooves on each thick thigh the boy can stand there rather safely. A dull glow starts to throb bellow the foal as the big male's member arches up behind the boy. Though it had so recently been polished by the spike's tonsils it was now dry as a bone and throbbing for action. He hands the little buck a tube of oil and smiles into his eyes. The trusting soul hadn't seen the slab of venison creeping up behind him. "So do you know what's expected of you boy?"

Comet meanwhile has his boy sprawled over his lap, one paw rubbing the little deer's back gently. "Mmm I want you to make me proud, this is a big day for you no matter what happens I want you to take it like a man. That means no crying, no whimpering, no bitching or complaining no matter what happens okay? You take it like a man you learn to love it and you might be able to grow up big and strong just like your daddy. Hell you might even be Comet someday. But if your gonna be Comet you'll need plenty of thick salty buck milk."

The boy looks back at his daddy over his shoulder, feeling a gentle paw on his ass. "Buck milk. Daddy what's that? And why would I cry?"

One finger slides up the crack of the cubs ass teasing the pucker, "Ohh Buck milks the best stuff in the world boy. Not like that sissy stuff the does make in there tits. Buck milks made here." He pauses to grip the little lad's nut sack. "Its thick and strong, makes you grown big and strong. As for the reason you might cry well you see there are two ways to feed a boy his buck milk. In the mouth, or..." A squeal of pain cuts him off as Dasher forces an unlubed cock deep into the butt Blitzen's little lad. "Or like that, Bum fed buck milk is the best you know. Course not every one is as gentle as some others."

Dasher grunts as he crams his length deep into the boy's tender rump. The boy's pained squeals don't last long though as Prancer comes round on the other side shoving his own cock into the squalling bucks muzzle. The pair moans softly ignoring the tears as the stream down boy's face. Damn it feels so good to break a new bitch in. Blitzen leans back watching the whole scene as he strokes his throbbing cock. He's careful so his paw doesn't move to fast and his grip is just right, not to soft or to firm just enough to keep him on edge as he watches his own little boy crammed full from both ends.

Dancer and Vixen on the other hand have pulled there own little one off to Dancer's room they want to get the boy dressed all nice before they put on a show.

At the first squeal the boy's head whips round, almost losing his balance on the adult's knees. He wobbles a bit and almost sits down on the glowing package. Before he can see too much strong fingers grip his chin and turn him back round to face Rudolf. "Now nothing for you to see over there, never you mind neither. Dasher and them they can be real animals. A boy should never take his initiation unlubed like that. It's just not right."

The little buckling tilts his head to one side at that, "Lube sir?" He asks puzzled.

"Yeah kid, lube," He points to the little bottle of oil in the boys palm. "It's just a little something to help you go down." He reaches out grasping the cubs paw making him take a step backwards till he's balancing on his knees.

The cub feels something brush is bum as he steps back and over it. The pulsing red member passes into view and the boy's eyes go wide. It's definitely glowing but it's a dull ruddy sort of glow, and the massive member seems like it must be as tall as he is. The man's hands slip down to his hips balancing him safely and freeing both the cubs paws to handle the bottle.

Comet's boy squirms as the paw tickles his pucker. "Now son you said you would listen. Everyone here has gone through this very same initiation. Don't you dare embarrass me." Though he's spoken softly there is a hint of iron in his voice that quiets the cub.

Donner sits down next to the other father and son pairing. He hadn't wasted anytime scooping his boy up in his paws and flipping him upside down. As he sits the fawn's face is being battered by his drooling cock and the little cub's thighs brush his ears. The cub panics but Donner manages to get the little lad's legs tangled into his antlers giving him just a little more control.

The little boy squeals, he's a little dizzy and his daddy's thingy is bopping him on the nose. "Daddy what's going on?" Thick white gunk splatters against his face it's grody but he can smell the big males rutting musk and knows something is expected of him.

The buck flicks out his tongue catching the cub's mini sheath and balls, flickering across them tasting the boy. "Well buddy this is how you're initiated to the team, and to manhood we each do our own thing here. Now open wide and be careful with those teeth."

Blitzen's boy starts to tear up his butt hurts and the bucks behind and in front of him don't seem to care. He glances over at his daddy, the big buck stroking his erection slowly as he watches. He doesn't catch his eye but it's not due to any evasion on the man's part he just doesn't seem to care. The boy starts to cry in earnest now as he feels both bucks working there shafts deeper and deeper. They alternate there rhythm so that as the muzzle full is drawn back, the rump full is plowed deep. He grunts and groans below the two fast pounding bucks the moan in pleasure.

In Rudolf's lap the boy manages to get the bottle open and a generous helping of the slick warming lube on his paws. He hesitates to reach down but at a nod from the adult the little fawn reaches down. His paws can barely fit around the glowing slab of meat. He starts to move his paws up and down slowly working the warming lube up and down the whole of the big man's shaft. It's an odd feeling he'd never touched anyone else's thingy before, and Rudolf's was weird, he knew most didn't glow like that.

At each stroke the glow gets brighter as the bucks lust grows. And though the boy is doing a wonderful job on his meat the tip is still dry and untouched. "You're doing good lad but you need to get your coverage a little more even. You haven't even touched the tip, I mean that's not gonna slid in easy at this rate." The boy's paw comes away from his cock for a second not sure what the big deer means but as he reaches up to rub the lotion on his skin, a shake of the head stops him. "No boy not like that. If you do that you stop lubing the shaft and that's important too. Use your tongue boy, lick it good, make it nice, wet and sloppy."

Astounded by this declaration the cub just whimpers thinking the buck must be joking but a quick glance tells him other wise. Under the watchful eyes of the leather bound buck the little boy leans in, tongue out. His first attempt isn't so much a lick as a tongue first Eskimo kiss as he presses his muzzle to the tip. Now glowing like a red hot cherry coal. Hesitantly he starts to lick, it's not hot, for some reason he thought it would be hot, it's warm alright, there's a heat coming off it but not the searing heat he thought there would be, and it's not bad. The taste any way rather earthy, with a hint of grasses and hay, with a salty tang. Conscious of the big man's words he tries to work him self up, to try to savor the taste. The big buck moans as his oiled paws work the bright glowing brand and his sweet lips suckle the tip. Rudolf groans as a fat spurt of pre spatters the little lad's nose.

It's just then Dancer and Vixen burst from there shared stall dragging the little cub along between them. The boy is dressed in a pair of blue leather chaps, and shear black panties that clearly show the imprint of his tight white balls and sheath. He's also panting a bit, so the grownups must have done something to get him worked up. It's finished off with a blue feather boa. They gather him up taking the little fawn to a stage, with a pole. The start some music and shout encouragement as the boy starts dancing. It's only as he moves that any observers might notice the little black wire leading from something tucked into the chaps. The little wire that can be seen through the shear panties, and framed by those pale white furred cheeks only to disappear between the boy's heavenly rump pillows. There is a second wire leading to something wrapped around the boy's teeny balls and sheath too.

The two hooting and hollering bucks shout out commands, suggestions, and encouragement. All the while playing with a set of controls in there paws. Twisting knobs and pushing buttons in time to the little lad's dancing. Giggling to one another at the facial expressions the manipulations are bringing about.

Dancer smiles at his long time boyfriend. "The fat man should really think of marketing these things. He'd make a mint." The older deer then twists a knob, pushing the dial all the way up to eleven making the boy on stage squeal.

Comet's son is shocked. The little boy's eyes go wide as next to him he sees one of his friends open his mouth wide and suckle on his daddy's wang. Donner has the boy upside down too, that's gotta be hard. He looks back over his shoulder wondering if his father wants him to do that too. From the way he keeps watching the other father and son the little fawn thinks he just might. He whimpers as he starts to crawl, trying to be brave, and if that's what daddy wants that's what he'll do.

A strong paw grips his leg. "Where are you going my boy?"

He squeaks, "Daddy I thought you wanted me to kiss your thingy. I had to get down to do that right?"

"Aww your so sweet son. But no that's okay you don't have to kiss me like that. At least not right now. I've got something better planned for us." He grips the boy spreading his legs and letting the little lad hang down against the couch cushions. He hauls the boy up leaning in to lick at the little boy's taught tail. His broad tongue brushes this pink little star bringing forth gasps and moans from lad. "Good boy, do you like how that feels? Well just wait it gets better." He lowers the boy, wondering if the spit slick hole is enough or if he should use something else. He decides to err on the side of caution reaching into the couch cushions and pulling out an almost used up squeeze tube of jelly lubricant.

The little fawn whimpers softly, supporting his body weight on his arms with his feet resting on the cushions to either side of his daddy. Something cold and gooey squirts over his rump, it just sort of sits there as the boy wonders what's next.

Behind and before him the bucks moan nearly in time with one another and Blitzen's little fawn is left gagging on the thick salty spunk even as his rump gets filled with the same sticky white load but from Dasher not Prancer. Both bucks pull back letting there cocks slip free with a wet loud slurp and the pitter patter of spent cum. Dasher takes another swig off his bottle, and Dancer passes him half a joint. As the two pass the time puffing and drinking the little boy looks over to his daddy. Blitzen's no longer stroking himself, he's leaning forward on elbows on knees, and his erection is dangling down under the boy's line of sight. The little cub whimpers and coughs up a wad of cum.

Blitz just nods and snaps his fingers calling the other two back. This time Dasher takes the boy's muzzle and Prancer comes up behind him. The boy squeals as his head his gripped and his muzzle is forced over the turgid deer cock. Strong fingers pressing down on the sensitive nubs that will, in a few years time, sprout into the start of his antlers as he pushes his way in deep swabbing the boy's throat with his bulbous cock. Just then Prancer makes his presence known ramming his rod deep into the boys much abused anus. If he could the lad's shouts would bring down the house.

The boy balancing on Rudolf's knees is startled by the squirt to the face, almost falling backwards off the man, his paws gripping the cherry red erection for support but slipping off that slick surface. At the last possible second the man caught him up tugging him forward. He sniffles loudly, and his nose hurts, in shock he'd inhaled some of the deer's pre. With a whimper he wonders what's next, worriedly licking his lips and catching a taste of the big deer before him.

"Sorry bout that boy, my bad I should have warned you." There is a twinkle in his eye that seems to put a lie to this apology though. He smiles to see that sudden tug back had pulled the lad forward into almost the perfect position. "Now for the next part." He says, his voice gone husky with lust, and his dick almost strobbing with his desire. "I want you to reach down and pull your cheeks apart." He reaches out paws under the boys armpits to support his weight.

"My cheeks sir?" The boy whimpers trying to figure it out. He thinks this has something to do with why the other lad had been squealing in pain but he never got to see so he doesn't know what to expect. Delicate little fingers grip his butt as strong arms balance him. He spreads himself wide feeling odd and vulnerable. "Like this sir?"

"Yes perfect." One hand slips down knowing he just needs the one to balance the boy. The other grips his shaft angling it up into the boy's wide open rump. He snorts feeling himself resting against the sweet pink flower. "Now sit down boy. It may burn a bit at first but that's what the lube is for. And after you're used to it it'll feel really good I promise. I'll hold your hands to keep you balanced but you can move at your pace."

The little fawn whimpers He knows what is beneath him, he'd spent the last 5 minutes polishing it so it shone like the sun. He now knows what's expected of him. Looking up at the big buck he thinks that this man can't possible want him to. But one look in those hungry eyes tells him that yes, he does expect him to do this. He lets his weight pull him down, feeling the wide head start to press into him, his muscles resist but, he'd spent a lot of spit on that broad expanse of venison, and mixed with the pre his innocent hole never stood a chance. The lube does help, it slips in past that struggling ring of muscle but still there is some pain. "Ow, ow, ow, ow..." whimpers the boy as he is stretched open. Though he can't see it the bright glowing cock pressing into him causes his little bubble butt to glow with a faint pink like.

With his cock firmly wedged deep with in that chubby butt Rudolf no longer needs to support his member and his paw slides up till he's holding the boys own hand. He smiles at the lad, marveling at the look of concentration on the boy's face. He lets out a moan feeling that warm tight little bottom. "Ohh yes boy just like that." He keeps the lad centered letting the boy go at his own pace but trusting to gravity and the lube to bring him deeper and deeper.

On stage the little boy's movements have started to slow, not only is he tired but the vibrations of the various toys that made him jerk around and move like daddy and his friend wanted him to have just pushed him to the edge. The little node resting against his prostate is buzzing at nearly full blast, and his erection is straining against the shear fabric over his crotch. It takes the entire boy's concentration to stay on his feet let alone follow the older deer's orders. He comes to a shuddering stop, falling to his knees with a whimpering moan. His legs have gone to jelly and he doesn't know what to do as this rolling feeling hits him.

"My, my" says Vixen. "I think he's ready." He grins evilly over to his lover. "So top or bottom Dance. He's your boy, so your pick."

"Ohh thank you Vixy, I think I'll take top. I want to be able to see his eyes as we do this." He grins back, both deer making there way toward the stage.

They pull the boy's legs out from under him landing him on his rump before tugging off first his panties then carefully pulling out his toy. The set the little marvel of technology to one side before Vixen pulls the week little lad into his lap. The boy is limp like a rag doll, the exercise combined with his first ever orgasm seemed to drain him completely. That's one of the reason's they do it like this. It leaves the boy of so pliant. But it also makes for a wonderful show. Dancer steps up to the pair smiling down at his son the other deer has the fawns knees tucked up to his chin leaving his pretty little rump exposed for the grown up. With a smile Dancer reaches down gripping the other adult and lining those both up with the tight little hole. "One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, cause here we go!" Comes the chant from both grownups.

The little fawn's eyes go wide as he feels himself nearly split open. Before he can think to cry out or struggle, his daddy's weight is there holding him down, and his daddy's lips are there kissing him. Quieting the lads shout with his own muzzle. The boy is rocked between them moving back and forth slowly at first then with building speed.

Dancer breaks the kiss with a pant and the boy starts to whimper. "Ohhh you're such a big brave boy you are lad." The boy is too weak to really fight back, just then and the two big bucks hold him there smooshed together in a fawn sandwich. "Just wait this will feel just as good as the dancing did."

The pair of bucks move together at first, working as one, stretching the little boy so he can accommodate them, and to prepare him for the rest of his night. As the boy's whimpers turn to moans they change tact. Vixen stays at the nice slow pace but Dancer picks it up a bit. Slowly at first just a little bit out of phase, pulling back a fraction of a second before his partner, but they fall more and more out of sync. They moan softly, all three of them panting and grunting. The fawn wondering at the feelings that the men's pistoning maleness' have brought out in him and the grownups reveling in the feeling of his tight warmth, and as there members rub together balls jostling one another. With his hard pounding pace it's Dancer who goes first, grunting out his orgasm and plastering his tight hole with daddy's love. Feeling the sticky warmth spreading around him as his partner drives deep Vixen bucks up, driving his cock to the balls into the spasming little cub and adding his own snowy sample to the boy's growing cocktail.

Comet uses one hand to spread the boy wide open. The boy before him his rump raised high has been staring at the stage eyes focused on the scene of Dancer and Vixen. He pushes the head of his member down resting it against the boy's little cubbyhole. The little lad has just enough warning to take a deep shocked breath as he feels something sliding through the jell smeared across his bum and pressing into him. "It's okay take deep breaths, and it'll be fine." The deer leans back using his hands to push his hardening member into the young buck's ass. When it's in as deep as he can manage there is still an inch or two of the pink throbbing meat that doesn't have a home. It's not that he couldn't drive it in and find it a home. He likes to make the boy's do all the work so he can take it easy. The boy is whimpering a bit and gulping his breaths. One calming paw rests on his rump fluffing his tail. "Easy, easy boy take deep breaths. Tell me when it stops feeling so bad."

The little buck whimpers with the pained expression as his butt is stretched wide. He tries to do like is father tells him, taking deep calming breaths. He's surprised to realize that the pain does seem to fade as he relaxes. "I think its okay now daddy?" Says the little boy, not really sure of himself.

"Good." Grunts Comet kneading the buck's tail. "Now I want you to move yourself." He looks down, the boy's legs are tangled up in the sofa cushions so there's no leverage there. "Use your arms. Pull forward, and push back. It'll make Daddy real happy, and it'll start to feel good for you too."

With a whimper and a moan the little fawn does as he's told, starting to rock himself back and forth. He whimpers softly his anus still burning and sore from the experience, and his arms wobbling a bit from supporting his weight.

The boy's a little awkward at first but Comet knows he'll get the rhythm down soon. He leans back in his seat feeling the tug of the anus on his hard dick. He likes to be lazy when he can, making the little bitches do all the work. He reaches behind the sofa, fishing in the cooler set there for a beer. The boy's still whimpering and working the cock in short strokes, that just won't do. Looking down at the little lad's rump and marveling at the obscene way it's wrapped around his mighty cock. An Idea comes to him then, a terrible, awful, evil idea. He takes the cold can and presses it up under the buck's tail, being careful not to let the fridged metal touch his shaft. The little buck squeals in sharp surprise and brief pain and he tries to pull away. He works his way almost free when paws grab his hips and pull him back hard impaling the cub. "Like that boy, work as much of the shaft as you can." The boy whimpers and tries his best to comply wobbly arms pulling him as far forward as he can before sliding back. "Ohhh yeah that's how it's supposed to go." He grunts as he cracks open the can of beer.

Dasher grunts and moans loudly, his churning nuts filling the little cub right up. The boy whimpers as the bucks cock withdraws. He swears that his butt couldn't hold another drop. But even as one end finishes he tries to focus on the other.

Prancer humps forward his balls slapping at the little bucks chin. It's taking him far longer then it should though the boy doesn't know this. It's not just because he'd already cum but it was the better part of a fifth of whiskey in his systems that was slowing him down. He grips the cub's ears, none too gently, pulling him up close as he rocks hard into that muzzle. "Damnit" mutters the man, "your gonna have to try better then that boy. I'm gonna be here till I get my rocks off, I don't care if that takes all fucking night. Cup my balls, stick a finger up my butt, and use your damn tongue, but do something or this will never stop." The buck growls as he grips the boy's ears, twisting them painfully as he rams his member down the gagging boy's throat.

The boy tries to obey, and through his tears he reaches out fumbling the man's package. Inexperienced little fingers grope at the firm round orbs as he tries to work out what he could do with his tongue. Despite the pain in his ears he thinks of a Popsicle, he loves popsicles and momma and the elves would often give him one if he was good. His favorite was the lime ones. With out even thinking about what he was doing, with just the thought of his favorite treat in mind he starts to work over the big buck like it was the best ice pop ever. His fumbling fingers start to knead the ball sack, as thoughts of his momma bring back warm comfortable thoughts.

"Oh damn boy, now that's how you do it." Grunts Prancer letting go of the little deer's ears as he humps. "Oh yeah work it you little bastard." It had taken a while to get to this point but all he'd needed was that little extra tug to get him over it. With almost a canine howl Prancer cums, flooding the tight little gullet with another dose of the salty sticky semen. "Hot damn that was good." He pulls out and doesn't even notice the boy coughing up half his load, "but not nearly as good as that ass." He gives the boy's pained rump a swat as he takes another pull on his mostly gone whiskey. "You gotta try it Blitz." He stumbles over taking a seat on a stool watching his buddy.

The little cub lays on his belly across the coffee table, he whimpers for a moment knowing it can't be over with yet. His head comes up and he looks over his shoulder, surprised by what he sees there. "Daddy?" He whimpers, the buck stands before him, leaning over to roll him over onto his back. Hanging between Blitzen's legs is what must be the largest member the cub has ever seen. He whimper's softly at the sight already knowing what's going to happen next.

"Shush boy, quite your whining, I bet you're glad I let those to have you first to loosen you up for this babymaker." He reaches down and pats his erection, feeling it wobble at the touch. "The course I could have let them ease you into it, but where's the fun in that. Sides boy you are mine to do with as I please now. That's what it means to be a daddy round here. And boy did you put on a good show, got me all primed and ready." As he looms over the little lad something happens that Blitz only catches out of the corner of his eye.

Prancer leans back to get the last drop of his whiskey and tumbles ass backwards off the stool. Even as the inebriated buck giggles like an idiot a trio of does swoop down and drag him off to there own side. They get him back safely in this shape he's no good to them. However the girls are prepared, after a muzzle full of little blue pills his flagging little soldier is back at attention. The ladies all gather round knowing what comes next. It's an ordered affair, each gets a ten minute ride, if he doesn't pop by then she gives up her seat for the next one in line. The pills will keep him going all night so with luck there might be one or two fawns in the future. First though the youngsters who have been patent all night need to have one last lesson. They virginal girls are lined up before the dosing male, most look worried at there mama's but each one knowing that after tonight they will be a real doe. The first one straddles the man lining up like her mom showed her before pushing down.

Donner smiles at his little boys cock, he just loves suckling on the sweet meats, feeling there cute little members twitches they dry cum. Once it starts spurting oral looses his interest but with these little guys that's no problem. They always taste so clean and fresh. He lets the boy fall from his lips as his tongue travels up to the boy's firm little sack. The man feels like a cubs first time is a delicacy, I mean he'll never be quite as pure as he is right now, and it's made all the better when it's family. He isn't immune to the boy bellow's frantic endeavors on his own erection, oh no it's just that he's so busy enjoying the scents, and flavors of his son that it just seems to take a back seat. There are so many tastes to find, the salt of sweat, the hints of hay, the sharp tang the lad's natural flavor every boy is a feast for the senses and Donner's favorite is taste.

The boy twitches and whimpers he'd climaxed at least three times, but he wasn't sure what it meant. To him it was just a wash of powerful emotions rushing over him as his daddy licked and cleaned his private places. He tried to do the same, but Donner was bigger then he was and he kept moving around. He suckled and slurped on the big man's rod but nothing seemed to happen.

Out of the corner of his eyes he spots Blitzen about to mount his own lad and he knows it's time to finish up. They can't monopolize a boy during the initiation, it's just not allowed. Well there is an exception but Donner doesn't fall into it. He lays the cub back over the table in front of him, he manages to scoot over with out letting his dong slip free from the little boy's lips. The boy lay's on his back, his well cleaned cock having retreated back into its sheath. "My, my, my, I must admit boy you are one savory little morsel, but I can't keep you to myself so I've gotta finish up." He tilts the boy's head angling it so it all lines up. With a loud moan he pushes forward thrusting into the boy's muzzle and into his tight suckling throat. He groans looking down at the boy, watching the little legs kick in surprise as daddy drives it in deep. He's really putting his back into face fucking the cub. He grips the boy by the hips holding him down as thrusts forward, loving the feeling of plunging his cock into that warm wet gripping hole. With a loud shout he grinds against the boy's muzzle, feeling the lads sniffling nostrils on his balls. He smiles watching and waiting as his cum pours down the little buck's throat. He swears he can almost follow the pulses of buckshot and see the little boy's belly grow as hits filled. With one last sigh he pulls back letting the rather scared cub take his first full breath in a while. "Mmmm that was good boy" the cub looks startled, he'd really been scared. "It's okay lad its okay it's all part of the initiation, we all had to do it." Not exactly true Donner had never been face fucked till he could barely breath but it's all the same. "Isn't it better that it's your daddy doing this rather then some stranger?"

Sitting next to Donner was Comet and the other deer just shakes his head. He didn't approve of all the rough treatment the cub's sometimes got here but it's was out of his hands. It's tradition by now and there is nothing he can do to change things. With a sigh he leans back into the couch and sips on his beer. He closes his eyes feeling the boy griping him tight like a silken vice as he drags himself back and forth across the fat cock. Comet just relaxes letting the cub do the work. It's harder on the cub to get the rhythm right. The others, the more practiced members of the support squad know just how he likes his sex, For the most part he's rather laid back about it letting them go there own pace. He grunts softly feeling the spry young boy pull him in deeper. Oh god it's feeling good now.

The little cub whimpers hearing his daddy moaning behind him. He wonders if that means he's doing it right. He's not sure, but he thinks so. From the section his mommy is still in he can hear little squeals, similar to the one from the boy Blitzen took away, but different too some how they don't sound like they hurt the girls as much. He grunts as, distracted by the sound of cherries popping next door, he pushes back a little harder then before. The grunt turns into a squeal as that big rod of meat is jammed onto his button. The boy's eyes cross and his arms go weak. The boy slumps forward with moan, collapsing onto ground. He's not sure what that made him do that the feeling just seemed to hit him so hard. He struggles to get back up but his arms won't support him. "Daddy," he whimpers, "I've fallen and I can't get up."

Comet chuckles at the boy, "No problem son, I'll take care of it." He grips the boy's legs, balancing the lad as he stands. He grunts loudly thrusting into the still tight little hole. The boy manages to rest his head on his arms as daddy rocks into him like a wheel barrel plowing his tight little ass like there is no tomorrow.

The cub starts to squeal again as the full length of the old man's member is driving into him. He doesn't know it but the faster pace has Comet jabbing his prostate like it's a punching bag. The little cub is just drooling now as he rocks back and forth waves of pleasure running up and down his spine as untouched his immature prick grows hard and desperate for attention.

Comet groans feeling his balls slapping against the kid's. He likes feeling the boy start to squeeze and groan as he drives it in deep. "Wow!" he mumbles, "I think my boy is a born bottom. He's really close, I think he's going to cum just from being fucked. He's making Daddy so proud." As he drives himself deep the boy squeaks louder and louder with each downward drive till a squeal splits the air and that sweet little tail hole spasms around him gripping him tight and milking his cock like a machine. With a shuddering groan Comet cums, flooding the little fawn's rump with his churn style buck batter. "Ohh yes good boy!" Shouts the proud poppa with a moan.

Meanwhile across the room Blitzen holds the squirming cub down as he works his knobby head into that well fucked ass. Even after all it's been through, and with the full loads of two separate bucks, it's still a tight fit.

The boy tries to squirm away over the table he stretched out on. "Oww daddy you're hurting me." He squeals and hiccups with fright, accidentally blowing bubbles in the cum that's leaking from his nostrils. It feels like he's being split in two, he knows this is what he felt when Prancer had taken him, but this is still worse.

"Ohhh yes boy that's tight. Fuck you're a good ass." He humps forward working a little more into him. He puts his arms on the boy's shoulders gripping him tightly. "Aren't you glad I let those to work you over first? I know it hurts but think how much worse it would be if you were still virginally tight." He grins down at the boy smiling into his eyes as he worms a few more inches into that tight little hole. He arches his back and moans still thrusting up and in, determined to plant his root deep into the fruit of his loins. "Come on you little slut feel the burn, let me in. The quicker I'm in the quicker I'm done, and you can move on to my more, diminutive team mates." He leans in nibbling at the fawn's neck as he pushes just a few more inches in.

The boy just whimpers, wanting it over soon, but not knowing what to do to let his daddy take him. He squeaks as he feels something new. Before when the other two had been taking him he'd felt something tingling in his butt during the thrusting but he was to busy trying not to drown from the other end to think much on it. Now though there is no distraction, nothing keeping the feelings from flowing up to his head. Something is different though, with the other two it had been something tapping at him a switch that felt really good then stopped, but with daddy it felt like some one was leaning on it as that cock fills up the boy so well there is constant pressure on his trembling little prostate. With all these new sensations the boy involuntarily seizes up clenching down on the cock that made him, even as paws reach out to clutch daddy's chest fur.

Blitzen just moans feeling the boy gripping him, damn it never fails they always do this on the first time. It feels wonderful, that tight little hole but fuck if it just makes it over all the quicker. He grunts and pushes in the pain, of stretching those tensed muscles, is enough to deaden some of the pressure on the little one's prostate. No nice long leisurely fuck for me tonight. Oh well. His paws slip to his hips as he feels his nuts churn, its not long now he knows. He drives in deep, in just one hard thrust, feeling his balls drag against the table even as he works his hips. It's a short back and forth, the big buck not bothering to pull out cause he knows it won't last long. It's three more strokes, good long and deep to the boy, his head lolling side to side as daddy's goes for that brass ring. With a grunt of effort he jabs forward planting himself deep and letting his own seed pump into the cute little cubby's bowels.

The little fawn squeals as daddy's member goes off. It feels like a fire hose, and he almost starts to shout, as the pulsing member pumps what feels like gallons of cum into his tight little hole. "Daddy!!" Comes the little boy's whine. It's all over soon though as the big deer pulls back with a wet slurping sound the little fawn pants softly his tail hole gapping open bright red from the abuse.

Rudolph sighs just holding the boy's paws as he lowers himself down. He grins to see that brightly shinning length of deer meat vanishing into the fawn's tight little hole. The boy's cheeks glow a pale pink as the cock slips in deep. The big deer smiles and thinks to himself "It'll happen soon, any minute now in fact." He grins down at the boy as he waits.

The cub frowns a bit, it's not all that comfortable but it's not that bad either. He whimpers a bit, sticking his tongue out the side of his mouth as he concentrates on the task at hand. His face is serious now doing his best to slide down on that lick glowing pole. However something happens that he never expected. The little lad squeaks feeling the big man's cock tap him in just the right spot. Shock floods his features, quickly followed by a silly, quirky kind of look. It's a rush of an emotions, and it was just a quick tap but there was a feeling there a feeling of near release. He's not sure how to explain it, he'd never felt anything like it before. It was so short lived though it hit him like a punch in the stomach. His legs go to jelly and the only thing that keeps him from tumbling down to the floor was the adults supporting paws. Gravity however takes over pulling the boy down firmly.

The moment he'd waited for finally came. It was a wonderful sight to see that little face screwed up with determination suddenly go blank. The big deer almost burst out laughing as he saw the little one's tongue still sticking out of one corner. As the cub wobbled he kept him centered and almost roared as little legs finally gave out slamming the boy down, and planting the bug deer's cock in deep. He moans feeling the little one's tail dusting his gleaming balls. The orbs pulse with contained radiance like cherry hot coals.

The boy's yelps as he's driven down taking it deeper and faster then he knew he could, but he's also surprised by the feeling. On the trip down something must have shifted, because what at first was a light tap now felt like something rolling and grinding along it. He takes a deep, sharp breath, starting out pained but ending up almost a purr. His eyes seem to glaze as his legs splay a bit and the boy whimpers.

"Feel that boy." Growls the big buck in a rather possessive way. "I'm in deep, balls deep in fact. Feels good doesn't it?" He doesn't even register the cub's confused look as he rocks him back and forth. "I know it does, in fact this is the exact same way I was initiated so I know just what you're going through." He reaches up still holding the cub's hands. "Now this is still up to you, you're guiding this for now. I want you to find what you like, and then a little bit later I'll show you some stuff I know that makes little cubs swoon. For now it's all you. Use your arms, grip my hands, pull your self up, use your legs, your really gonna have to work for it cub."

The boy only seems to half hear what the big man says but some how his grip shifts and he tries to tub himself up feeling the man's length tugging at his tight little hole. His feet slip a little, causing him to slide side to side on the big fat dick, which sends some new waves of sensation through his body, but finally he manages to get his feet back under him. With just the head now cradled in his sphincter he whimpers as he pushes back down, bending forward some as he tests the angle and speed. The little cub murmurs some but it's not mad, or pained it seems to be pleasured. It's almost like the gym equipment he's seen the grown up use, thinks the fawn as he pulls himself back up. He thinks back to the times he'd seen the team training and how many times he'd seen bucks doing this same thing then with out him knowing what it meant. In fact it's exactly like when they use the gym machines, he leans back this time and lets out a sigh. That doesn't seem quite right.

Rudolph smiles, the little one seems to be getting into it, from his experience they usually do. All you have to do is run a cock into there prostate in just the right way, and after that they will willingly sodomize themselves while looking for the feeling again. There is nothing quite as nice as the feeling of that silken passage not just given willingly but wantonly. He moans softly, "Good boy, I'll tell you this much lad, when it feels good to you, it feels good to me too." It's hard to resist just grabbing the boy and taking him then and there but instead he just lowers them letting the boy push himself up off them rather then pull up.

The fawn lifts up again till just that tip is inside him. "Really sir this feels good for you?" The big buck just smiles down at him and nods. With a pleased and wicked grin the cub closes his eyes. He hunches forward a bit pushing down, almost instinctively following the curve of the adults cock. He gasps feeling it again, the big length of venison, just grinding against his knob. The boy's legs almost go out again as he starts to pant.

"Like that boy, I thought you would." His paws slip down resting on the cub's tight little ass, fingers exploring a bit feeling the tight muscles spread around the base of his cock. He moans softly feeling where his body meets the boy. He looks down and can see the dull glow coming from the boy's backside. "Wait till you feel this." He squeezes the boy's butt cheeks as he lifts the lad up. He leans in kissing the fawn on the lips letting his tongue press into the boy, tasting his fear, panic and excitement. He lifts the boy up a bit slowly stroking him along his shaft. With a quick jerk though he spins the boy around, twisting him about on his cock. The lad whimpers softly as big strong arms pull him back against the buck's firm chest. "Now son try this." the big buck's hands find the cub's again. He guides the little paws down placing on the boy's semi rigid erection, he makes the other cup the tiny little marble sack. He knows that the boy's finger tips will brush the man's shaft as it's pumped in and out, and shivers at the delicious thrill of it all.

The buckling grunts and groans as the adult takes over. Strong hands grip him, holding him tight and driving that member in and out. He whimpers it's almost like being strapped to a machine. He leans back and he can feel the adult's firm chest, the criss crossing leather straps and shiny metal buckles there. Almost with out thinking about it his own little paw starts to stroke, the other one clutches at his jewels. Working both in the way that the buck had taught him. He moans softly as a new sensation is blended into the first. He's never touched himself before but the feeling now is just amazing. He grunts and groans again something is coming, he's not sure what but he can feel something building up deep inside.

Rudolph moans loudly he can feel it, soon it's going to all be over. He hopes it'll never end but it feels like it'll be any second now. He leans down and bite's the male doe's ear. Not hard just nibbling along the sensitive tip trying to postpone the inevitable but knowing it's too late. The fawn gasps, at the bite, and apparently that's all he needed to slip off the edge. The little body shudders against him whimpering as all those scary emotions flood his little frame. As the boy quivers and moans, his tight tail hole spasming around the red glowing invader. With a sigh Rudolph stops fighting it and with one hard drive he shoves in hard as his gleaming seed fills every nook and cranny in the little boy's guts. The buck brays loudly as he rocks his hips, humping his way through his orgasm.

With a sigh the big buck leans back into his chair holding the still squirming cub tight to his chest even with that still pumping shaft flooding his backside. "Good job boy, I think you'll make the team yet." He nibbles the buck's ear and looks down, he can see a dull red glow in the boy's belly as his cum builds up. But something else catches his eye. There is a dull spark, it's just for a moment but in that moment it looks like the boy's nose starts to glow. A glance down at the little immature cock head rapidly retreating into his sheath and sure enough he catches just the barest hint o a red glow. "Well I'll be damned."

The little buck looks over his shoulder at the man. He's a little breathless but he manages to moan out. "What's that sir?" At that angle the nose seems a little bit brighter.

"Ohh Well your showing signs of the glow boy." The man's big paw reaches down and tweaks his nose. "That means you might be spending a lot more time with me boy. See some times when a Rudolf jizzes up a boy, sometimes the boy starts to glow and that means he might make a good Rudolf himself one day. Course it doesn't always stick and some times the glow will fade to nothing but we'll find out soon enough." He lifts the boy off his lap with a sloppy wet noise. "Hey Cupid looks like your boy lucked out of the initiation. He's not gonna get passed around I'm gonna spend the next few weeks fucking that ass till his tail falls off." There is a sound of wood creaking and the slap of leather on skin coming from a stall but if cupid heard he didn't seem to care. "Come on boy, we're gonna spend a lot of time together."

The boy looks around seeing the spent cubs scattered about the room and seeing the stirring adults as they get ready to move on to new partners. He sees Blitzen and that massive club of a cock move over to Comet's boy and whimpers. Maybe he did luck out, as the deer leads him to a stall by one paw he looks up seeing Rudolph's still rock hard cock and thinking then again maybe not.

An Illness in the family

An Illness in the Family By BunnyBoy This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy. Warning the story contains sexual encounters of a concessional nature between adult males and male cubs. So if your too young or easily...

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Sometimes The Monsters Are Not Under The Bed

Sometimes The Monsters Are Not Under The Bed By BunnyBoy This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to Bunnycub. Warning the story contains sexual encounters of a nonconcessional nature between an adult male and a male cub....

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Pastoral Pleasures

Pastoral Pleasures By BunnyBoy This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy Warning the story contains a non consensual sexual encounter between an adult male and a male cub. So if your too young or easily offended...

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