Gulping A Dog Demon
Gulping A Dog Demon
By Jag
Contains M/M vore, slight M/M cock vore, macro/micro situations, young pred and some underage stuffs
Characters (C) Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise animation
A slight belch escaped from Inuyasha's mouth as he slept, breaking the small snores that were escaping him. Those snores returned anyway right afterward, but were soon replaced with a soft panting as Inuyasha's body began to heat up underneath the blanket he was currently sleeping under. Beads of sweat began to form along his brow when suddenly the dog demon gasped and sat up slightly, the heat finally snapping him out of his sound sleep. His stomach gave a slight sick squelch, causing Inuyasha to look down at his belly and rub it over, a smirk soon forming over his face a second later. His belly seemed to have done the work needed on Shippo and after the brief nap Inuyasha felt at least five times better and was ready to head back into the woods to find that missing jewel piece.
Yawning out loud, Inuyasha lifted his arms up to stretch them, but felt them run against whatever blanket was on top of him. Blinking several times, Inuyasha tried to remember if he had gone to sleep using someone's sleeping bag, but came to the conclusion that he didn't. Flicking his ears several times the dog demon began to flail underneath the blanket, wondering what was going on and hoping that this wasn't some sort of trick one of his enemies were playing on him. Working himself out from under the blanket, Inuyasha stood up and quickly stared in awe up at the huge items all around him. A couple of toys nearby seemed huge compared to him and after a quick spin in place, everything else seemed bigger as well.
Rubbing the back of his head Inuyasha tried his best to think about what was going on and then noticed the cold breeze move along his body. Looking down at himself, a loud yelp escaped Inuyasha's mouth as he noticed he was naked. Stumbling backward, covering his lower body as best he could, he found that the blanket that he had been sleeping under was in fact his clothes. A panic swept over Inuyasha as he stood there, trying to remember what had happened before he fell asleep. He remembered trying to find something to eat and starting to cook the ramen he had found. After that he searched Shippo's bag, ate some mushrooms and then enjoyed a nice fox meal. Poking at his stomach, it let out a hungry growl and turning back to Kagome's sleeping bag, Inuyasha found the ramen still there, uneaten. Panting with anxiety Inuyasha couldn't remember what was going on. Had devouring Shippo all been a dream or something? It could have been, due to having had similar dreams in the past couple weeks.
Swallowing hard Inuyasha couldn't come up with any real sort of answers about what was going on. Sitting down to try and calm himself down the dog demon began to take slow breathes to clear his mind. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed something in a nearby bush and then the sound of humming. A gasp came from Inuyasha as Shippo walked out of the forest and toward their camp, humming to himself and playing with a yo-yo. Using his fingers, Inuyasha pinched himself on the arm, grumbling as he hurt himself and didn't seem to be waking up from any kind of dream now. Covering his privates with one hand, the dog demon began to wave his free hand at Shippo, yelling at the fox demon as he got closer.
"SHIPPO!! Get over here and help me!"
Shippo didn't hear anything at first, but as he got closer to his sleeping bag he noticed the sounds. His eyes quickly picked up the shape of the small Inuyasha waving to him from the ground. Hurrying over, Shippo squatted down next to the dog demon, eyeing him over and tilting his head down at him.
"Inuyasha? Why the heck are you so small?"
"I don't know Shippo. I was just trying to find something to eat and I guess I woke up like this!"
"Something to eat...?"
Darting his eyes around the area, Shippo spotted his bag that he had been keeping all his things in. Reaching over and grabbing the bag, Shippo looked inside and saw one stray mushroom. Pulling it out he held it down to Inuyasha.
"Did you eat these?"
"Yeah! What kind of mushrooms are those?!"
"Just a little trick I've been working on. Basically shrinks anyone who eats a few and leaves them powerless. I was making them so we could try them on those tougher demons that seem to kick us around."
"Well we didn't use them on those demons! You should tell people about these mushrooms before they go around eating them! Now how do I turn back to normal!"
"I think you just need to let it wear off, but I've never tested it on anything before so I'm really unsure Inuyasha."
"WHAT?! You mean to tell me I could be stuck like this for weeks?!"
"It's possible. At least you won't be able to pick on me at your size. Being only half a foot makes you look cute too, hehe."
"This isn't funny Shippo. You need to fix this before Kagome sees me!"
"I'm sure she'd like to see you this small."
Inuyasha growled slightly and ran forward, leaping up onto Shippo's pants and then starting to scale up them as best he could. Getting up to his shirt, Shippo giggled to himself as he watched Inuyasha try to hurt him, but at this height and without any of his normal powers it would be almost impossible to do anything. Reaching his hand up, Inuyasha swiped his claws at Shippo's chin a few times. Inuyasha was able to make a small cut on the third swipe, causing him to grin as Shippo glanced down at him slightly annoyed. Grabbing Inuyasha around the chest, Shippo raised him up to eye level, smirking at him slightly. The tiny dog demon began to wriggle about, leaning down to try and gnaw on his thumb. A quick squeeze was able to get Inuyasha to stop and Shippo raised an eyebrow.
"Cut that out or I'm going to make you stop."
"Once you help me I'll cut it out Shippo!"
Inuyasha drove his claws into Shippo's finger, trying to work them down into the flesh, but couldn't do much but tickle the outside. Working his claws over Shippo's hand, he tried to hurt him in any way possible, but just couldn't use his full strength while this small. Getting another squeeze, Inuyasha gasped for breath slightly and then watched Shippo shake his head and giggle some.
"I told you to stop, now I'm going to pay you back for all the times you picked on me!"
Inuyasha noticed that as Shippo said this he was being lowered and looking down as best he could he watched Shippo use his free hand to pull his pants open. Struggling slightly in Shippo's hand, the tiny dog demon was soon dropped down into the fox demon's pants, landing right in the center of the pants, staring at a rather erect member. Shippo let go of his pants, snapping them back in place and causing Inuyasha to get pressed right into the warm cock, causing him to start struggling against it. The smell of young fox musk surrounded Inuyasha, making his body quiver as he pushed against the cock, soon finding himself hugging against it as he couldn't move. Inuyasha could feel Shippo rubbing against his body from the outside, giving him a casual squeeze every so often.
Shippo's soft snickering could be heard by the dog demon inside of his pants, who kept struggling as best he could against the cock. Inuyasha's struggling only got worse as pre began to leak onto his head, soaking his head and ears. Shippo gave out a moan, the wriggling inside of his pants being quite pleasurable for him, even with Inuyasha trying to work his claws into him. His throbbing member continued to wet Inuyasha with clear pre, soaking his nude body easily. The smells inside Shippo's pants got worse for a moment before Inuyasha got used to them again, the musky scent trying to work into all of Inuyasha's senses. A few more gropes made Inuyasha squeak out and a sudden rush of warm air came into the pants as Shippo opened them up. Reaching a hand down, the small fox lifted Inuyasha out of his pants and chuckled at him, giving him a few sniffs.
"Well you smell better than you usually do."
"Shippo! Stop this or your finished when I get big again!"
"Stop being so mean Inuyasha. You pick on everyone and you never say your sorry, well maybe being someone will help you understand better."
"I am someone Shippo. I'm me!"
"Well your about to be part of me, hehe."
Inuyasha stared at Shippo and watched as the huge maw of the fox demon opened up in front of him. Struggling about in Shippo's hand, Inuyasha found himself being moved closer to the maw, the warm breath washing over his small form and making him shudder. The dog demon soon found himself being raised upward, his legs being held by Shippo as he was dangled over the mouth. Being held upside down in the air over the maw made things even more creepy for Inuyasha as it looked weird at that particular angle. Shippo began to lower Inuyasha down towards his maw, hovering the dog demon just above his lips as he began to breath on him. Inuyasha began to flail about as the smelly breath washed over him, making him cough and cover his nose with his hands.
Being lowered down deeper into the huge maw, Inuyasha waited for the tongue to lick him or for the hand to let go of his legs, but instead he watched as he was moved straight to the back of Shippo's throat. Wriggling about Inuyasha lowered his hands and was about to say something when his head hit the throat, a sudden swallow pulling half his small body inside. Shippo gave out a happy moan, reaching his other hand down to his pants and pulling them down some. Fondling his still hard cock, Shippo held Inuyasha in his throat, bobbing him slightly up and down as his other hand pumped slowly at his shaft. Inuyasha kept muffling something from inside the throat, but Shippo didn't care what those words could have been at the moment, being too busy pleasuring himself. With Inuyasha being pulled up and down the throat, the fox demon's cock squirted pre out every few seconds.
Shippo suddenly tensed up and let out a loud moan, opening wide in the process and pulling a slimy Inuyasha from his throat. The dog demon sputtered out a few pleas to stop, but found himself lowered right back to the cock. A sudden warmth around Inuyasha's legs got the dog demon to wipe saliva from his eyes and then glance down, a confused look coming over his face as he watched his legs being shoved down Shippo's cock. Trying to move his feet, Inuyasha found them to be held tightly in place, his legs forming a bulge that began to work down Shippo's cock as he was squeezed deeper inside. Soon his own waist was pulled down into the fox demon cock, his hands being worked into the slit and Shippo's paw starting to press down on Inuyasha's head, making the dog demon grumble loudly as he tried to think of anything to say to Shippo.
At this point Inuyasha was more embarrassed about what was going on then worrying about being let go. He would rather get eaten than have someone wander by and see him being worked down Shippo's cock. The deep smell of musk soon reached Inuyasha's nose as his shoulders were pressed into the cock, pre slightly leaking out but being mostly blocked by his body. His body formed a smooth outline inside of the fox demon's cock and each squeeze made Inuyasha sigh as he was used as a toy to pleasure the smaller demon. Staring up at Shippo, Inuyasha watched the happy faces of the fox demon before a gasp escaped from his lips. Inuyasha then watched Shippo look down at him with a grin and start to bend his body, opening his mouth wide again.
Trying to figure out what Shippo was doing, Inuyasha came to the conclusion when the warm maw wrapped around the tip of the shaft, making him look into the dark throat of the fox demon. A couple loud squelch noises were heard as Shippo swallowed and saliva began to rain down on top of Inuyasah's head. The dog demon yelled loudly for Shippo to stop and for a second it looked like it did. That was until the feeling of warmth pressed against Inuyasha's legs and started to slide him upward. A tight squeeze around his body came next and soon Inuyasha exploded from the cock, ending up laying right on Shippo's tongue in a pile of the fox demon's cum. The slimy tongue quickly began to react to the presence of the salty mixture and the small dog demon. Lifting the smaller demon up, the tongue squashed Inuyasha into the roof of Shippo's mouth, covering his entire front side with cum and causing him to squirm about, his arms soon wrapping around the tongue to hold on as the mouth swished saliva everywhere to get a good taste of everything inside. Grasping tightly to the tongue, Inuyasha lost his grip and slammed into some of Shippo's teeth causing him to growl slightly. Before Inuyasha could react to anything else, he was tucked into one of Shippo's warm cheeks, being held inside and probed with the tongue.
The salty mixture and sweet taste of Inuyasha made it so that he was basically a piece of candy to the small fox demon, who was enjoying himself as he put his pants back on and wandered around the camp, a wide smile on his face as he sucked on Inuyasha. It was only a matter of time before Shippo would swallow the dog demon down, but he much rather enjoyed his taste and wondered how long it would last for. Beside, this was good torture for all the times Inuyasha had hit Shippo for asking questions and being curious. Slathering Inuyasha with more drool, Shippo began to just suck on his small form, returning him to the center of the mouth and grinding his body into the ridges on the roof of his mouth. The flavors were slowly fading away as the cum washed down Shippo's throat, being easily removed from Inuyasha's nude body, although twirling around the dog demon Shippo found something interesting, that being an erection from his snack. Muffling a faint giggle, Shippo began to swish Inuyasha around in a pool of saliva, soaking him up good for the trip he was about to take. With a quick tilt, Shippo grinned to himself and began to swallow a few times, lifting his tongue up under Inuyasha to help guide him down to the throat.
Inuyasha wasn't having the most pleasant experience of his life at the moment. While he had gotten used to the smell inside Shippo's mouth, the sounds coming from the dark throat ahead of him got his attention rather quickly. Being so slick with saliva didn't help much for trying to stop himself and the sudden feelings of warmth began to make Inuyasha hard, as much as he hated to admit it this was turning him on slightly, mostly due to the movement and heat. Still it wasn't a trip he was willing to go through and remembering parts of his dream it wasn't something he would be coming back from if Shippo swallowed him down. Trying to work himself backward along the tongue, Inuyasha found his movement to be impeded as the slick member below him began to rise upward, sliding him toward the throat. Yelling out loud for Shippo to stop this, Inuyasha slid face first toward the throat, holding his arms out in front of him in hopes to stop his decent. The throat didn't care about his hands in anyway and just opened up with the first swallow, happily sucking them down along with Inuyasha's head and upper body. The dog demon's legs kicked out a few times, making wet slapping sounds against the saliva on the tongue. Another swallow quickly worked Inuyasha almost all the way inside, the throat sealing around his ankles and holding him in place.
A sudden moan escaped from Inuyasha's mouth as he felt himself sealed in rippling flesh, the throat tugging on his form to try to work him down. Shippo prevented this slightly by not swallowing, letting Inuyasha just stay in the throat, sliding very slowly downward. The form of the dog demon could clearly be seen in Shippo's neck and one of the fox demon's hands began to massage the bulge that Inuyasha made, enjoying the feeling of the faint squirms inside. Inuyasha's mind was lost in ecstasy as the wet, tight embrace held him in place the stroking from the outside rubbing along his cock and making him squirm as much as possible. As much as he didn't want to enjoy things, his mind was telling him to do it. A loud moan escaped Inuyasha a moment later as Shippo squeezed his form, the dog demon's cock squirting cum against the throat and making his form wriggle madly. At this point Shippo gulped deeply a few times, the bulge that was Inuyasha having enough force to shoot down the rest of the length, disappearing out of sight a second later. Inuyasha enjoyed the ride for a moment before he felt his arms slip past a tight ring, his entire body being emptied into the slick gut. Trying to move around as best he could, Inuyasha couldn't do much as the stomach began to churn and toss the small dog demon around.
Shippo licked his lips a few times and then his hands, cleaning off the last traces of Inuyasha. Giggling to himself the fox demon lifted his shirt up, able to see tiny struggles inside of his belly each time Inuyasha pressed against the stomach walls. Giving his stomach a few rubs and then a couple of slaps, Inuyasha began to struggle more, yelling out as loud as he could to be let go, but it mostly came across as very low muffles. Sighing to himself as a good snack in his belly, Shippo spotted the nearby ramen that Inuyasha had been making. Smirking to himself the small demon shifted over to it and sipped on the flavored water, gulping it down and splashing Inuyasha with the warm juices. This made Inuyasha struggle more as the inside of Shippo began to fill up with water, making things twice as hard to stay still. Shippo soon decided to finish up his meal and began gulping down the noodles and water, sighing happily afterwards as his stomach filled with the food. Inuyasha suddenly got more cramped as the noodles splashed down on him, his struggling being greatly slowed as the noodles coiled around his body. Wriggling as best he could, Inuyasha came to a stop as the ramen wrapped around his arms and legs, stopping him from going anywhere. Shouting out to Shippo a few more times, Inuyasha tried to plea to be let go, but his only answer was a loud belch which drove a good amount of air from the stomach. Feeling lightheaded after a couple of seconds without all the air, Inuyasha began to weakly struggle inside the gut.
Shippo on the other hand had all but forgotten Inuyasha already. Patting his stomach after burping the fox demon yawned to himself and headed back over to his sleeping bag. Crawling into it, the small fox demon stretched out slightly and cuddled against the warm insides of the bag. Closing his eyes for a second it didn't take long for Shippo to fall asleep, the sounds of his snoring echoing around the camp. Although with no one else around it would be hard to explain what Shippo was doing back and where Inuyasha was. Shippo would come up with some tale, probably about having an argument with Inuyasha about the ramen and watching him eat it and then remove his clothes and yelling out something about a bath. From there Shippo could just play dumb as the only bath Inuyasha was going to be getting was one that wasn't that nice to begin with.