Some Thoughts About Myself, Humanity, And Furries.

Story by Werefox Inari Sachi on SoFurry


Yes, I do think that we can be boisterous, overly bold, and write shaggy-dog stories.

Yes, I do think that we are longing, lustful humans, many of which have been deprived of company for far too long.

Some of us can be mean, cruel, teasing, taunting, or wear a chip on our shoulder--even I do, at times.

But what I hope for from us, is to help humanity push through a period, where what is natural for us as the creatures that we /are/--not the creatures that we dream of being mind--but the creatures that we exist as: humans--is found backwards, unecessary, or in violation of how we were made.

Some of us long for claws and fangs. Some of us want to let our tails hang down, just dream of beautiful fur, of freedom. Others are filled with more outlandish fantasies: slimey rubber coats that wrap us tight and turn us into bondage slaves, toys for pleasuring another; or make us inflate like balloons, full and ready to burst, or grant us the parts and pieces of beasts as if they were our own.

Some of us are drawn back to natural impulses--the smell of sweat and urine, the urge to ease our bowels freely, without restraint or inhibition--free a part of us that society tells us to chain. Some want to be pregnant forever, or to suckle children at our teats--or even be the children once more, suckling from the teats of a mother.

And I empathize with those who find disgust in these things. They are special things to the one who develops an attachment to them, certainly--but like a stranger coming into our home at night, they can bring disturbance and revulsion to those who have not. I wish the urge to agitate was not part of our nature--that we could stand not in alienation, but in collected respect of each other's wishes.

As this is not the case, I myself bear prejudice against those who wish to repress sexuality, or use it as a weapon, to say that another's dreams are of lesser quality.

But I'm growing long winded now, and I begin to sound full of myself--my writing ever scarred by that certain longwindedness that is a result of my personality--my neurological tick.

To all of you, I want to see you keep on dreaming, unafraid. Maybe one day we'll burst forth from our own oppression and alienation, and become beautiful beings like the ones we so often write of and illustrate.

And to some of you, who are lucky to find something you enjoy...

Have really, really hot sex, tonight. =)

Eau de Kitsune

A pretty girl, the stink of fur: a trollop and an unwashed cur? No: she smiles, she has her way, with men she visits day to day. She slinks about in leaves and vines, Comes closer to you, and she pines, To taste of you--of humankind. She's...

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