[Cure] Silver Tongue

Story by Th3Shadow on SoFurry

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#13 of Cure

Less than a mile from the ruins of downtown Goldston, nine months since the infection...

A figure moves through the overgrown grass around the city. They're bundled up tight even though it's only September. A chain link fence, covered in a thin coating of white slime rises up from the grass in front of them. The figure doesn't lessen their pace however, if anything they walk faster. Inches from the metal their clothes melt away, leaving the obviously female form naked as she plowed towards the fence. When her outstretched arm pressed into the crossed wires, the flesh tone faded, replaced by a silvery metallic luster as her fingers simply slid through the gaps in the fence. Her body followed suit and with no trouble the being once known as Revolver was inside the perimeter.

She had been drawn here, pulled by a compulsion she couldn't resist, ever since the day when she stopped being human. Even before her mind returned, it was the only thing her altered body could think of. Now, with her mind almost back to normal and only a few feet left until she reached the mystery pull, she was almost beside herself.

Walking down into the basin left behind from the bombings in the early days of the infection, she could see movement on all sides. Vaguely human shapes that slunk along in the shadows, their dark forms blending into the slime covered ruins. The further she ventured, the more plentiful the creatures were and the thicker the slime on the buildings became.

Rounding a corner, her breath caught. Stretching out before her was a lake of milky white liquid. It poured down in falls from buildings all around the edge and the surface seemed to move with a life of its own. Even as she stood there, totally at a loss, it felt like being home for some reason.

On the far bank, two massive creatures, each with four arms that put trees to shame, hauled a cage full of no doubt infected, but still very much human captives. Reaching the edge of the lake they gasped their prisoners and flung them into the lake. As each neared the writhing surface, the fluid lashed out and enveloped them long before they had even come close to splashing into it. Wrapping them up, it pulled each of its victims into its depths leaving no sign that anything had happened.

"Marvelous isn't it?" spoke a soft voice from her left causing her skin to shift back to it's metallic sheen in surprise. Whirling around, Revolver found herself faced with someone she did not expect. Danielle Smith. Granted, she was nothing like the woman that had been pictured on the news any more. Not unlike the vision from that night, the first victim of the Cure stood over seven feet tall with breasts at least twice the size of her head, hips that competed with them for width, and a pair of cocks most men would have died to have. This time though she wasn't an illusion created by Revolver's decaying mind as the virus took over, it was the real thing.

Revolver felt a warmth stir within her and she tried to speak, but no words came out, like her new body was unable of doing such a thing. If Dani noticed she made no indication. With a happy sigh Dani turned back to look out over the lake, her hand absently toying with her giant breast. "Jay would be so proud, knowing that, thanks to him, I have mothered an entire new species."

Even as she spoke, forms began to climb out of the goop. Their bodies much like the others that were moving around. Dark and only vaguely still human, though much more well endowed. Once free of the lake's surface however, their bodies contracted. The skin pulling tight and constricting their rounded forms into much leaner, bony, silhouettes, reminding Revolver of big hunting cats.

"I've taken the virus to the next level," Dani continued, her fingers running around edge of her nipple. "Perfected it even. Now, my children are capable of spilling over the wall and spreading the first wave of infection to the rest of the world, rendering all they come into contact with unable to resist the call I put out to finish their evolution." By now her nipple was leaking milk, the drops falling to her hardening cocks and rolling down them.

Suddenly feeling uneasy, Revolver began to inch sideways. Dani's wet, milk covered hand clamped down on her arm, turning the flesh on Revolver's arm around her fingers black like the creatures born from the lake.

"Where do you think you're going?" she said, almost with a purr. "Your evolution contradicts mine. I can't have you out there, fucking with my plan, spreading your own strain over the vast expanse."

The blackness spread over Revolver's arm, making the material she was made of bubble and hiss. Clenching her free fist, she swung at Dani. As her arm was coming around, it shifted, becoming a curved and shining edge. Forced to let go, Dani chose to throw her.

Landing dangerously close to the lake. Revolver got back to her feet intent on charging at the behemoth of infection.

"Come, my children," Dani said, raising her hands above her head. "Cure our enemy of their treacherous disease."

Realizing that she would be totally outnumbered, Revolver turned and ran with all her might towards the lip of the basin. The crumbling ground shifted and rolled under her feet, but she kept scrambling towards safety. Climbing, she felt her body shift and change to better move of the broken terrain, though she was far too busy trying to flee to really. By time she topped the crater, the sounds of pursuit from behind had dropped off and she flopped to her stomach in the tall grass. She thought she was in the clear until the sounds of giggling started to surround her. Shifting back to an upright stance, she rushed off again towards the fence and the vast expanse beyond.