First Impressions Chapter 13

Story by RuthofPern on SoFurry

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#13 of First Impressions

Here we go...sorry for the delay in publishing this one. Big thanx to Mysterydude who rejoined me to edit this one.

Yours R.o.P.

Chapter 13.

Felix looked at Charity aghast, his bottom jaw dropping open as he tried to comprehend his mates actions. "I...I..."

"Well, you do fancy Jessica, don't you? She is one of the sexiest dragoness' that you have come across, and you have mentioned her in you nocturnal ramblings when you are asleep on occasions," Charity said, interrupting his stuttering.

Jessica placed a hand on Ruth's arm with a wink, stopping him from saying anything to break the conversation up. The lift chimed and came to a halt, the doors opening onto the private landing that their two suites shared.

"I talk in my sleep?" Felix said, desperately trying to change the subject.

"For as long as we have shared a bed dear. Now, stop trying to stall and change the subject. If you hadn't noticed, neither Ruth nor Jessica have said anything, so they are offering no objections."

Ruth paused, but Jessica nodded, nudging him, until he tilted his head is acquiescence. "Felix, you know a lot more about me now than you did earlier...the choice is for you both to make," he said quietly, as Jessica smiled down at the two cats.

Felix glanced at Jessica, then at Charity who was looking expectantly at him. "You sure this is not just the wine speaking dear...we have been together too long to throw our relationship away on a drunken spur-"


"Felix Yucsum!" The Persian rubbed at her paw where she had just swiped her mate. "Forty-two years, and you can't tell if I'm drunk? How many times exactly have I ever been drunk in that time?" she scolded him.

Felix rubbed at his face where her manicured claws had just parted his fur. "Once...and we were both drunk at the time on our wedding night, and we resorted to the bottle to calm our nerves..."

Charity pulled him into a hug, grooming his ruffled facial fur back into place with her tongue. "Then you know that when I say that this is what I want...I mean it. Yes, I have had a bit more wine than is usual, but..." she hesitated for a second, "but having discussed things over dinner with Jessica, I feel that I may have missed something from my experience. If I have, then I know you have too. I feel the time is right to find out, and if it is a disaster, then we are in the perfect company for it to stay a complete secret."

Felix took her into a long and sensuous kiss, nose touching her gently until she sneezed, causing her to giggle and withdraw. He looked up the two dragons who were waiting silently for their mutual decision. "How do we go about doing this?" he asked quietly.

Jessica pulled her entry card from her clasp purse, and placed it against the suite's plaque. "We will lead, and all you need to do is follow." She looked at Ruth who nodded.

"You are smaller than we are in body size, and I imagine that may cause some difficulty..." Ruth started as the door swung open.

"Amy is a rabbit and smaller than me...why should there be a difficulty?" Charity asked, as she followed Jessica into the antechamber with Felix.

Ruth closed the door as Jessica continued for him, "Amy as you mentioned is a rabbit...she is also rather a lot younger, and at her peak of receptiveness. She has been testing her limits from puberty as all rabbits do, so she can accommodate Ruth, but only then at certain angles."

Charity looked at Ruth's smooth-fronted trousers, shaking her head. "Well I can't see where he is hiding I assume it can't be that large..."

"Ten inches from balls to tip, and four inches in diameter at the base," Jessica started.

Felix gasped, "How the hell I am meant to satisfy you, Jessica, if you are used to that?"

"It is not what you've got, it's what you do with it," Jessica said firmly. "As Charity knows from our conversation at dinner, I have had many partners in the past. All but one was smaller than Ruth. They were more than capable of performing adequately when the opportunity was presented to them. Remember, Felix, you have your cute little tongue as well..."

Charity was looking a little uncertain after Jessica's revelation.

"Look, Ruth and I will remain totally passive for the do to us, or use us to whatever extent or little you wish. We will both lie on our backs on the bed, and leave it up to you. Should you then wish us to demonstrate our experience on you...we can exchange favours," Jessica said before Charity could form an objection.

Charity nodded, turning to Felix. "It would appear that you are going to have to work harder than usual, love... I imagine that Jessica will need more than your spines to satisfy her."

Felix straightened himself up, huffing slightly. "It would appear then that I will have to try the other way first. It is a shame that you have never really been that receptive to me that way."

"Sandpaper tongue know I have always been sensitive." Ruth and Jessica exchanged a glance as they listened to the couple's debate.

"Erm do understand that Ruth is scaled all over... You sure your sensitivity won't cause you trouble? It is the main reason why dragons don't form mixed species mate-hoods. Bare skin tends to chafe with repeated contact against scales, for both for males and females," Jessica said, making sure she knew what the Persian was letting herself in for.

"If it starts to cause me a problem, I will stop, Jess. I think I know myself by now. I am nearly old enough to be your grandmother." Charity waved a claw at Jessica who smiled.

Ruth grinned at Jessica, who smiled. "Well in that case, gramps and grandma, please lead the way and we will begin, unless you wish for some more wine?" he said, bowing.

Felix punched Ruth on his thigh, and Charity grabbed him by the waistband, pulling him behind her as they made their way to the bedroom. Jessica clapped, bringing the lights down to just the back-lighters behind the bed.

Ruth slowly undid his shirt and tie, then stepped out of his trousers and pants before walking naked to the bed, and sitting on the edge, trying to avoid sinking into the cushions. Jessica placed her purse on the chair, then peeled out of her dress and stepped out of her thong, placing them on the chair with her purse, before joining him. The two cats were standing, just watching as their new partners for the night undressed in front of them. They looked at each other when both the dragons were naked. "You sure you want to go through with this, Charity?" Felix asked. She nodded, and gently placed her bag on the floor next to the wardrobes.

Gingerly, she reached behind herself and unclasped her neck fastening on her dress, then shrugged it off her shoulders, allowing it to pool at her feet, before stepping out of it. She then undid her front hooked bra, allowing it to drop with her dress. She hesitated a few seconds, then removed her large knickers before walking over to Felix, and kissing him, before going to stand in front of Ruth with a glint in her eyes. "Here you go then, Ruth... Apart from Felix, my doctors and my late parents, you are the first male to set your eyes upon me as you see me now. What do you think?"

Ruth smiled and leaned over and kissed her, "I think that should I retain even half the youthful figure that you or Felix have when I reach your age, I will be delighted." He inclined his head towards Felix who had also undressed by that time, and had joined her.

"I agree with Ruth, dear. You look a lot younger than your age, and so does Felix," Jessica said, smiling.

"Then why are you not aroused?" Charity asked, pointing at Ruth's still smooth ridges. "Felix is!"

Felix blushed at Charity's declaration. Just the sight of Jessica undressing, and his mate's nakedness had brought him to a full state of arousal, his much slimmer seven inches waving in the bedroom's warm air. "How could I not be, love, when you have just undressed in front of me? You know that even in bed you wear clothes."

Charity nodded knowingly, "You had a problem before I even undid my dress, so I know you want her..."

Ruth cleared his throat. "A dragon is slow to arise Charity, but trust me, your contact will be enough for my body to reveal itself. You are not generating musk, so my olfactory senses are not bypassing my eyes. Jessica, being pregnant, isn't either. Although dragons admire the feminine forms of our furred companions, our instincts can still say 'food' without other overriding inputs."

Jessica nodded in agreement. "Felix, how long do you think you can last?" she queried, noting the light beads of pre forming on his tip. His spines were also fully inflated, indicating to her experienced eye that his eruption was imminent.

"Ahem...I daren't touch it, to be honest, until I can regain control mentally," he said, turning his head towards Charity, who was staring at him.

"Then allow me..." Jessica dropped to her knees off the bed and took his tip in her lips, gently running her tongue in a tight spiral around the cat's shaft until he shuddered, holding tight to her head horns as he erupted into her mouth with pulses of salty stickiness. His knees folded from under him as his orgasm was spent.

"What did you do that for?" he panted through his purrs. "Now I will not be able to pleasure you!"

Jessica finished cleaning Felix's rapidly retreating shaft gently, allowing him to pull himself back to his feet with her horns. "Of course you will be able to pleasure me. Was that not enjoyable?"

"It was extraordinary...but I am not as young as I used to be," Felix said, as Jessica stood and reseated herself on the bed.

"Then you will have to provide the oral stimulation you talked of to me, and we will see if the situation doesn't bring forth a second performance a little later. A second flush should allow you time to engage with me. As it was, you would not have even passed my lips before you shot your load, and then it would have been wasted." She paused and sniffed at the air, turning to look at Charity, who had one paw cupped over her mound. Ruth's glans was also starting to show itself to its audience. "It seems that Charity has enjoyed the show as well-"

Charity blushed crimson under her fur, pulling her paw away from herself, realising that Jessica's play with Felix had caused her to start masturbating herself, which had triggered her body into producing the musk that had been absent before. Jessica looked at Ruth and nodded, and he shuffled himself fully onto the bed before lying back, propping himself up slightly with some cushions. "I will remain as I am Charity, and will not interfere unless you ask me to. I will warn you when I can hold no longer though, so you have the option of withdrawing if you wish," he said, lying his arms to his sides, allowing her to join him between his legs.

"I thought you were bigger than that, you have barely two inches showing," Charity said as she climbed up, kneeling between his thighs and studying his glans up close.

"The rest of me is still within my protective cavity, what you can see now is only my glans. When you are ready, and you wish to initiate contact, I will emerge fully..." Ruth was finding the idea of being studied in the same way that he had been forced to study Heidi rather erotic, and his shaft continued to emerge inch by inch as he spoke. "I am not at full inflation until my cavity inverts, and my balls will lie free in this position."

Charity purred deeply, hesitating, before extending her hands and gripping him below his glans, slowly beginning to massage him gently as his girth began to reveal itself. She found herself being pulled forward by its simultaneous lengthening, and she lost her balance, falling forward and found her nose in contact with the fine scales at it's base. Ruth sighed heavily, before pushing internally with his diaphragm, exposing his balls to Charity's long chin fur.

Charity released his shaft with a curse as she planted herself in his crotch and pushed herself back upright. She sampled the residue that had been left on her nose with her tongue, and smiled, deciding that the taste was passable.

"There you go, Charity. I am fully exposed to you now, though I am a way off completion yet. You will find that my girth will increase as my body gets ready to release," Ruth said, looking at the cat with interest to see what her next move would be. He was aware that he was not the only one observing her, as both Felix and Jessica were watching with interest as well.

Charity nodded, considering her next move. She hadn't believed it before, but she knew in her heart that there was no way that more than half of what she had before her would fit. Deciding it would be best to see what the whole marvelous appendage would be before committing herself to its pleasures, she bent and began fondling the orbs that were lying next to her knees.

Ruth grunted as her attentions were granted to him. "That's just the spot dear, but watch for them retracting, or do you want me to warn you..."

Charity bent and took a few full length swipes at his shaft with her rough tongue, teasing at his glans where the first beads of pre were beginning to form on the tip. She continued to fondle his balls, lifting and weighing each one in her hands, then opened her mouth and started to gently suck them in one at a time. "You don't need to teach your grandma to suck eggs!" she mumbled around the scaly treats, as Ruth grunted from the sensations.

Jessica laughed and looked to Felix. "Well, come on then, or do you want to just watch the show? It would be better if all of us reached our climaxes at the same time you know." She shuffled herself up the bed until she was lying at the same height as Ruth, gripping his hand in hers, to share their mutual pleasures through contact.

Felix harrumphed, but to his surprise, he could feel the effects of the incredibly erotic show being put on by his mate starting to arouse him again. It had been a long time since he had performed twice in one evening and he wasn't about to waste the opportunity. He eagerly scrambled up onto the bed between Jessica's thighs, and bent to examine the task that lay ahead of him. The pinkening lips in front of his nose were larger and fuller than he could have dreamed of. He gently parted them with his hands, noting the swelling nubbin towards the top end.

Felix smiled to himself. 'Well at least that's the same!' he thought, and applied his tongue gently to his target, eliciting a quiet moan from Jessica. He started to run his hands up and down the inside of her lips gently at the same time, using his finger tips to dip within the tight inner muscle, though not penetrating it yet.

Jessica's nubbin visibly swelled from his tongue's attentions, and her glands were running with a slightly milky, but sweet tasting fluids. He switched his tongue's attention to the tightly sealed muscle that his fingers were dipping through. The lubricating fluids she was spilling quickly soaked into his fur, starting to form mats, but he resisted the feline urge to sit back and groom himself of the dampness. Dutifully, he kept lapping, slowly slipping his slender hands through into her inner sanctum together --something that he could not dream of doing to Charity's much smaller aperture. Jessica moaned as she felt herself penetrated, smiling at Ruth as Felix learned how to use what he had available in the strange situation.

Ruth smiled back at her as Charity -with a few final licks- let his balls slurp free of her mouth to drop back onto his tail base, covering the scaled ring that was also showing prominently now that his body was reaching full arousal. Charity considered for a moment the aperture that was now neatly concealed by the orbs that she had abandoned for the time being. She knew from accompanying Felix to the doctors for the uncomfortable checks, that it concealed something that could be used for sexual gratification in males, as well as being the usual unsavoury exit point. Though Felix was never exactly thrilled when his yearly appointment came to pass, it was the only time she ever saw him erupt outside of a sexual act with her. Looking at her slender paws, she knew that she should be capable of reaching it, as even in its closed state, the ring was large enough to allow her wrist access, but she shook her head in dismissal. She wasn't ready to try that yet.

She transferred her lips and mouth back to the now fully stiff shaft. She couldn't get her hands and fingers to meet around it at the base, and was beginning to wonder if any of it would fit at all. Ruth's glans tip was flaring in her warm breaths as they tickled his most sensitive of scales. It was at least twice the thickness at the flare as Felix's...even with her mates spines. Play licking at his eye with her tongue, she used one hand to start spreading the copious amount of pre that she was agitating into production thoroughly across the glans head, and down half the length of the shaft. It was salty to taste, but more pleasant than Felix's.

'Maybe it is the forbidden thrill of the situation that is making this enjoyable to me for the first time,' she thought, as she used her free hand to transfer some of the strings of fluid to her own neatly trimmed mound, gently massaging them in, encouraging her own arousal. She could feel herself dampening, and it wasn't entirely from Ruth. She carefully watched the state of the Ruth's balls, ready to react at the slightest sign of them tightening within their sack.

Ruth was breathing heavier now, carefully controlling his reaction, as he had had to do for so long when he was attending to Xiu and Heidi's needs. Charity was far better than he had expected, the rough nature of her tongue making it very difficult to maintain his stamina and control. The air in the bedroom was becoming very heavy with the four combined musks, and he could hear Jessica's breathing growing short along side him. He glanced down the length of her body, and smiled at her as he watched Felix's tonguing of her clit, combined with a double fisting, noting that the cat was starting to snag on the bed sheets with his reinvigorated shaft.

Jessica nodded to him, reading the signs in her mate's face that he was fighting to control himself, as much as she was fighting against her own impending orgasm. They opened their mouths to speak in unison, but Felix paused then and looked to Charity, who winked as she spotted the movement that she had been watching for. They lifted off together, and Felix moved up Jessica's belly until his tip was at her entrance, watching Charity, as she had a far more difficult obstacle to traverse.

Charity took a final lick at Ruth's eye, driving her tongue deeply into his urethra to put a minor hold on the impending eruption. She straightened her legs, and reaching with her arms, pulled at his folded wings that he was lying on, and slid herself sinuously up his chest, flattening his shaft between their bellies, her soft fur enveloping it in a cocoon of silkiness. She found herself nose to chin with her mount, until his tip slid into position at her gates, before it sprung upright, fluffing her tail in its passing after her weight was released from it. "I am ready..." she whispered, and pushed herself upright on his pectorals.

Ruth nodded, remaining still as she gathered her knees underneath her, raising her ass until she could feel his tip at her entrance again. She reached underneath herself, and gently parted her lips, before letting his glans press against them and slip through. His slight flare caught on her clitoris, causing her first vocalisation of the evening that was louder than a purr. Gently she massaged the ridges below with her juices, then let her weight settle gently on Ruth, as he slowly but surely slid into her vaginal entrance. She could feel herself stretching around its intrusion, but stopped when she felt something tear at her entrance. She was just over half way down his length, but knew she could go no further as she pulled her hand away from the pain, noting in the subdued lighting that it was glistening with more than just sexual fluids.

"That is as far as I can go at the moment," she said quietly, and looked at Felix, who was astounded that she had managed to sink as far as she had. He nodded at her indication, and gripped one of Jessica's nipples in his teeth, before switching his hips, and sliding himself in a single smooth movement into her awaiting lips, not stopping until he felt his furry balls resting on her lower ring.

Jessica gasped, and Ruth groaned as the opposing sensations enveloped them independently of each other for the first time. They gripped each others hands tightly."We are ready!" they exhaled together.

Charity placed both her hands flat on Ruth's pecs, and, nodding to Felix, lifted herself slowly off Ruth's member as Felix withdrew from Jessica. They both paused before they slipped free, and returned to the positions they had started in. They synchronised their rhythms until they were both at full depth at the same time, and Felix raised his left hand, reaching across to Charity to grip her right. Her eyes were closed in bliss, but they cracked open as she felt the familiar hand close around her wrist. Altering her position slightly, but not letting off her rhythm she placed her left hand between Ruth's nipples and lifted her right to hold her mates in a mutual grasp.

A look of intense concentration passed over Felix's face, as he was desperately trying to fight off his second orgasm. Ruth could feel his concentration slipping, as with each downward plunge Charity took more and more of his shaft. He knew he or Jessica would have to do some healing repair to the cat before she would walk again. He had a more pressing problem though. "Charity, if you want to withdraw you have no more than a few more seconds," he gasped as he fought to give her the option before he released.

Charity smiled down at him, and nodded, leaning across to take Felix into a kiss, before releasing all her weight from her knees as Felix hilted himself for the final time within Jessica, his spines beginning to flutter. Ruth gasped, and with his last conscious action, took Jessica into a tongue entwining kiss. He shuddered, releasing the pent up pressure from within his sack, and filled the panting Persians womb, as she had only stopped sliding when his glans had locked tight against her inner ring.

Jessica took Ruth into his proffered kiss and felt a shudder ripple though his body, transmitted through their locked lips. Felix started to pump inside her, and the fluttering of his spines against sensitive vaginal walls was enough for her to let herself go. Felix felt his mate go stiff as she was filled with Ruth's pulsing member. She mewled through his lips, and her cheeks flushed as she began shuddering in her own orgasmic response to the pulses that were fluctuating up and down Ruth's shaft buried deep within her.

Felix was already at the height of his own release, as he felt his own shaft being clamped upon tightly by Jessica. Her much stronger internal muscles were clamping, releasing, and pulling him tighter and tighter to her crotch. He felt his ball-sack stretching against his gouch as his nuts were sucked into the maelstrom of activity he had initiated within the dragoness, the pain of the tugging skin almost causing him to break his kiss with Charity. He thought he was spent, but the milking contractions pulling against his spines and his balls, caused his body to release its reserves, and he hit a third orgasm of the evening, just as her internal pressures were starting to ease.

All four broke from their kisses at the same time, exclaiming together in a chorus of noisy ecstasy. Of the four of them, only Ruth appeared to be continuing to orgasm, but his fluids no longer had anywhere to go, and they were being forced out from around his tightly enveloped shaft, until his balls were spent. A pool of pink cream was leaching from under the Persians tail and soaking into her hair and the bedsheets. As Felix opened his eyes from his relief, he noticed the staining on Charity's tail, and looked up at her, concerned.

She was panting hard, a look of extreme something on her face, but he couldn't tell from her expression whether she was suffering, or in the heights of her pleasure still. He could feel a wetness around his own tail that he knew wasn't his own seed. There was no way he could have filled Jessica to the point of leaking, but although he knew he was torn, he wasn't in much discomfort. From the staining that was seeping into Charity's finely groomed white hair, he knew she was far more badly injured than he was... She was also settling down to within a few inches of Ruth's balls which confirmed his worry. "Charity, are you alright dear?" he asked quietly.

Charity didn't respond, but Ruth did. "She is still in orgasm Felix, her walls are still trying to milk me."

Charity then let out a huge sigh, and opened her eyes in response to the talking. She frowned for a second, then looked down at herself, gasping in pain as her brain slowly overrode her pleasure cortex. She looked up in horror at Ruth as she realised how low she was, and what was inside her. She could feel him deflating slowly, but every twitch of his retracting scales was pulling and tearing at her bleeding lips. "I think I may be in trouble," she said, flinching as his micro-scales pulled at more and more of her torn epidermis. She gasped as his shaft retreated enough to allow her to settle on his hips. Ruth's balls had already withdrawn into his concavity, so she found herself sitting ass to ass with her mount.

Jessica looked down at Ruth's stomach where it merged with Charity's stained belly hair, and released her mate's hand. "You've torn her Ruth, we will need to heal her quickly as it looks fairly serious." She looked up at Felix. "You had better dismount Felix, so I can ease her off gently, and check exactly what has been done."

Felix nodded, looking concerned. He started to slide backwards, wincing as his own damage became exacerbated. His own over-milked member had long since retreated into his sheath, but as he cocked his leg to step over Jessica's thigh, the dark staining on his own tawny fur was all too obvious in it's evidence. Jessica noticed the trail he left on her scales, and as she slid off the bed, unceremoniously flipped Felix over onto his back, carefully examining the intimate area under his tail. He was torn, stretched and part of his anal ring was out of shape, but the blood was only beading in small pinpricks now.

Felix protested at his treatment, but paused when Jessica placed a firm hand on his sheath to hold him still. "This will hurt Felix, but it will start the healing progress. Your skin is out of shape and torn quite badly under your ball sack. I will have to reopen the wound again, or you will struggle to perform in the future, you have also been partially prolapsed from the stretching, so this will be very uncomfortable. Hold as still as you can please."

Jessica started by licking heavily at the affected skin, reopening the wounds as the coagulated blood was removed by her tongue. Felix started squirming and mewling like a kitten being stimulated into passing waste by his mother. The anaesthetic quality of Jessica's saliva started to work, and the wounds slowly started to stitch themselves together under Jessica's ministrations. Jessica extended a single talon, and prodded gently at the displaced muscular ring until it slipped back into its usual configuration. She spat a gob of saliva directly onto the muscle, then worked it in with the tip of her tongue until it lost its swollen redness.

"That will have to do for now Felix, but it should allow you to move around a bit. You need to hold Charity as still as possible as we attend to her. We can clean you up and complete the deep cleansing when we are in the shower or the bath, though I wouldn't recommend that until the morning."

Felix nodded, and righted himself back onto his knees, going to kneel beside his mate, who was still straddled across Ruth. She was breathing heavily, but not looking too well in his eyes. "Thank you Jessica, but I think that more may be needed for her...she is still losing blood," he said in a very concerned voice.

Jessica nodded, and knelt on the floor between Ruth's legs. She lifted Charity's tail, and winced as she saw the damage that her mate's shaft had done to the Persian. She looked up as Charity shifted, muttering something quietly.

"What was that dear?" Felix asked, leaning closer to try and discern what she was saying.

"Not a girl...not a girl. If I must be healed that way, get Ruth to do it...I will not be touched sexually by a female..." she whispered out in quiet gasps.

Felix looked up at Jessica, who shook her head confirming that she had heard. "She has very strong beliefs, Jess, so if we can move her I will give my consent for Ruth only to approach her orally in that way," Felix said firmly. "We had to locate a male midwife and gynaecologist for the pregnancy and kittens."

"She has torn in the same way she would have done when giving birth, but she is a lot older and is not self knitting as she would with afterbirth. We must roll her onto her back as you were a minute ago, then hold her still until Ruth can complete the actions that she would naturally be doing for herself in the same situation."

There was a slurping noise, as Ruth's glans finally pulled free of the badly damaged Persian's labia. A fresh outpouring of white creamy cum followed in a steady rivulet that ran down Ruth's thighs. The good sign was that until it contacted her torn flesh, it was not stained pink with blood, so the damage was only to her first two rings of flesh and muscles.

Charity mewled and flinched as the vacuum was released, and her stuffed and flooded womb started to empty of the built up liquid pressure. She was listening of course to what Jessica was saying, and allowed the dragoness to gently lift her bodily by the shoulders into Felix's arms, and he lay back, allowing her to rest on his stomach, belly up within his comforting embrace.

Ruth sat up smoothly as the limp Persian was lifted off him, and slid to the floor with his mate to examine the damage visually. He shook his head as he parted the matted hair, and revealed the torn flesh. "It is as bad as what Jessica said, Charity. You are torn form above your clitorial hood, and also down virtually to your ring. I can heal you, but in giving birth the skin would have been cut cleanly by the midwife, not torn. You do realise that unless we call a doctor, penetrative sex will be impossible for at least a couple of weeks, and my healing will have to be attended to for at least the next couple of days. I would also advise never trying with someone bigger than your species again, as the scarred tissue will not repair itself for a second time." Ruth said seriously, worried about the extent of the damage. It was by far the worst wound that he would have tried repairing with saliva only.

Charity whimpered something from above, but neither Jess nor Ruth caught it. "She says to do the best you can...she doesn't want the embarrassment of a professional seeing her in this state at her age. Go ahead and do what you wish. Until today we haven't had sex more than every three or so months for many years, so as long as she is not in discomfort for her other natural functions, there is more than enough time for her to heal." Felix answered for her, hugging his mate closely.

Jessica looked at Ruth and he nodded, bending to his task. He started spitting saliva on the worst areas, hoping to numb them slightly before he examined them manually. Charity was squirming a little with the damp sensations, but Felix held her as still as possible. He gently parted her puffy, swollen lips until her urethra and labial muscles were visible. Sighing in relief, he noted that although very swollen, no tears were evident in the labial ring. Her urethral pipe exit though was swollen badly, and was virtually merged with the clitoral hood. He glanced at Jessica, who was watching with interest as he parted the swollen flesh with a talon. She nodded, standing to lean over to speak to the cats.

" you need to use the toilet? Your bladder must be full from the wine," she said quietly.

Charity nodded, squirming a little.

"Then relax as you are, in the position that you are in, when you feel Ruth's touch. Unless he can access your relaxed urethra, you are going to need medical assistance in passing water. He needs to be able to bring the swelling down." Charity shook her head urgently, starting to open her mouth, but Jessica forestalled her. "Ruth and I practice watersports, and he has done so with others as well. There will be no embarrassment to him or myself, and he will take what you drain with no mess. It is either that or you will need medical aid, which you wish to avoid." Charity turned her head to look at Felix under her, a range of emotion passing across her face. Felix nodded, and Charity turned her head back with a sigh.

"J...just be careful...I feel like a day old kitten with my mother. It is so embarrassing that I don't know if I will be able to look at anyone in the face again." Tears were beginning to form in her eyes, and Felix hugged her harder. "Just get it over with she sobbed, I won't resist the stimulation..."

Jessica nodded at Ruth who rolled a ball of saliva onto his tongue tip, parting the flesh around the tube again with a talon before planting the gob in the tract. He started the tickling of the tightly sealed entrance as Charity mewled. As the first spot of acidic taint touched his tongue tip, he formed a vacuum with his lips, allowing the copious fluid that followed to pour into his mouth over his tongue and down his throat while constantly massaging as much of his saliva into the wide open aperture as he could. The Persian must have been very full, as he found himself having to swallow many times to avoid choking. She finally came to a dribbling halt, and Ruth transferred his tongue to stem the dribbles and started to massage more saliva into her clitoral hood, causing Charity to gasp. He let off, knowing that the last thing she needed for the night was another orgasm to rip through her sorely abused body.

Jessica was watching, and took Charity's hand in hers as an act of reassurance. Despite the seriousness of the situation, she found herself fighting the urge to slip one hand down to her own sex, as watching Ruth take water from the cat was as stimulating to her as the experience when he did it with Amy at the hotel. She resisted though as she felt that the Persian had gone through enough tonight, and from her medical beliefs, the idea of a female finding her sexually attractive in her actions would probably cause a breakdown.

"If you can hold off using the toilet for a few hours now dear, you should be able to pass yourself again, albeit with some discomfort," Ruth said, looking up. "I will now start repairing the torn skin, but as mentioned before, I will have to do this again tomorrow and probably Wednesday a couple of times."

Without waiting for a reply, he lick healed the wounded areas as quickly and as painlessly as he could, though it took over thirty minutes of concerted effort to stem the re-opened tears as he adjusted the loose skin into its approximately correct locations. Giving the whole area another final and thorough saliva bath, he licked at his still leaking cream that kept creeping out from her vagina, then stood stretching and cracking his wing and knee muscles from the position he had been forced to adopt.

Glancing at the illuminated clock on the T.V he noted that it was past midnight. "What time will H.O expect us Felix?" he queried the quiet cat, who was still comforting his mate in his arms.

"Around nine-thirty I would imagine. I doubt Mr Jupiter will be there much before then, despite his protestations of invulnerability after tonight in the club," Felix said quietly.

"Well neither of you can walk tonight, and the bed is big enough for us all. I will set an alarm for seven, as I am guessing that a communal shower and more healing will take at least an hour when we wake." He bent, and with a hiss of discomfort caused by his still sore shoulders, he effortlessly lifted the two cats -still embraced together- clear of the damp and stained area of the bed, and placed them in the pillows at one side of the head.

"Thank you, Ruth," Felix said for the both of them, as Charity had fallen asleep in a state of total exhaustion.

"No problem Felix... I just hope she doesn't regret her actions tonight. You know as well as we do, she was given the chance to change her mind by both you and us many times, but she refused. I will know better in the morning, but I have a feeling unless she has a strong constitution she may still need to see a specialist for the damage," Ruth said, shaking his head as he walked around the bed to join Jessica where she was plumping up the pillows on the opposite side.

"I hope for the sake of her self esteem that that won't be necessary," Felix answered with a yawn through half closed eyelids. His actions with Jessica had taken far more out of him than he had expected, but then again he hadn't been up for -two never mind three- orgasms in a session since his twenties, and that was far too long ago.

"Goodnight Felix," Jessica said to forestall any further conversation as she slipped onto the bed, resting herself in the middle next to the two entwined cats. A light snore infused purr was all the response she received, causing her to smile up at Ruth.

Ruth grinned down at her as he turned to sit on their side of the bed. His genital cavity squelched noisily as he bent at the waist, and he considered going to the en-suite for a preliminary cleansing, but the late time decided it for him as he knew he would be busy with Charity in the shower in the morning. The bed clothing was ruined anyway, so the whole thing would have to be stripped tomorrow while they out...a little more staining from leakage higher up would be neither here nor there. Sniffing the air, he could tell that Charity was still leaching despite his best efforts, but the taint of fresh blood had at least dissipated for the moment.

He lay back with a sigh, turning to envelop Jessica with a hug, "Not exactly what I thought our first encounter as a swinging couple was going to be, but I have a feeling that at least three of us enjoyed it," he whispered, kissing Jessica gently on her lips.

"I will admit that I was going to save it for a more experienced couple like Giovanni and his daughter. Charity's declaration was as much a surprise to me as it was to you and Felix. She pushed at me to reveal what I did for a living, and I wasn't going to lie to her. I have a feeling though that the alcohol had a lot to do with it. Only the morning will tell though... I hope she didn't injure herself too badly," Jessica whispered back gently, returning the lip kisses.

Ruth sighed. "What of Felix's injury? I have a feeling that he is putting a brave face on what happened to him."

"He will probably need attending to after he next passes solids. Everything else will be fine on its own, but his anal muscle was displaced and will need checking if it is strained again in the next twenty-four hours."

"Then I will hint that even if he doesn't need to go in the morning before the shower, he does. I have a feeling that he wouldn't take well to me attending him at work, even in privacy."

"Mmm, yes. If Charity has such strong beliefs in no intimate female contact, I would guess that the same for males applies with him. I wonder where she got that from? It also makes me wonder why she suggested tonight, as in the course of our meal conversation it came up that I am regularly intimate with females as part of my sales routines. You would have thought that would have put her off completely," Jessica said, yawning.

Ruth yawned in return. "Maybe it was the wine, or maybe she trusted you not to interfere as she was swapping mates for the night. I for one won't be broaching the subject unless she does. After all from what I have read the usual conclusion to a night like this is that we would all be involved with each other at the same time after the initial acts. Though I know you are bisexual, I am not sure I could bring myself to be intimate with a male, so I admit that that aspect worries me a little."

Jessica shook her head. "We will cross that bridge should it ever be presented. From my experiences at college and school, the males usually just stand and watch the females put on a show in a partner swapping night like tonight. I can only remember one occasion where the males did anything other than jack themselves off over us...and that was only jacking each other off. You would need further training anyway before anything more could happen comfortably. The few inches of tail play I have initiated with you, in no way prepares you for the real deal. You wanted to know what Henrietta was hinting at earlier in the cab; well I have ordered a harness and a few accessories for us to play with as well for when I become egg-bound. It should be interesting for you to be truly receiving from me for the first time."

She yawned again hugely, and kissed Ruth before he could react to that revelation. "Goodnight love...let's try and get at least six hours tonight, and then I will solve your usual problem in the morning for the first time with an audience."

Ruth quirked his lips. "Only if they consent, dear. Goodnight." He kissed her again as her eyes closed, and then relaxed into the pillows, allowing the lost hours of his jet-lagged body to take him into a merciful and much needed nirvana of sleep...


Jools watched as his second cousin left with the rather unusual party that had dined at his establishment that evening. The discussion that had occurred over the cash register had had little to do with the bill. Arthur often used him as a location for business meetings, as he knew that everything that was said within the walls of his establishment would not reach any unfriendly ears. The restaurant area was still rather full, but the diners were all well into their meat courses, so as the desserts were all pre-prepared he washed his hands carefully, and hung his apron up.

Walking casually up to his deputy and dessert chef, he tapped the dragon on the shoulder as he was putting the final cream twist on a confectionery tart. "Leonard, can you cash and lock up tonight please. Something has come up and I need to go and have a word with my brother in person."

Leonard turned quizzically, and looked up at the order magnet, noting that there were none of the steaks that required Jools' prized special touch were still outstanding, then glanced at the clock. "Sure, Jools. Nothing wrong I hope?"

"Nah, nothing wrong. Just something of a familiar nature has come up. Too sensitive to just ring Lance about," Jools said, shaking his head. "Thanks."

Leonard shrugged, and delivered the dessert to the servers counter as Jools went and fetched his light flying jacket from the rack at the rear of the kitchen, slipping it on over his chefs whites.

The night was cool and clear, so without delay he walked out to the road, and launched himself skywards with a few flaps of his light blue wings. His colour was fading now as he was in his mid-fifties, but working long hours preparing meat in the kitchen had kept his muscle tone superb. In his own mind he was still pleased to retain his colour, because despite modern technology, a dragon's scale colour could not be enhanced or changed reliably, without losing the natural translucency that polished keratin retained in its natural grown form.

In the worldwide western dragon hierarchy, only the true and primary colours generally held positions and had breeding of importance. Red, Green, Blue, Gold and Silver, plus the variations that resulted in mating across the ranges. Those dragons of other colours were classed by the old school aristocracy as inferior interlopers, even if they managed to work their way up through the financial and business ranks into secure positions that rivalled the few remaining pure bred, great draconian families in both wealth and power.

Lance -his elder brother- was the current head of the Giles family, and in his opinion very closed-minded to the modern society that they were all living in now. The affair with his eldest child and daughter, his heir apparent Jessica, had nearly torn the family apart when he had disinherited her on the spot for mate bonding with one of the unrecognised colours ten years previously, rewriting his will and making James -his younger son- his heir. However, although nothing but gossip had reached his ears -none of which was confirmed- James had been mate-bonded to a scion of the Strailine family for seven years now, and no children had appeared. That was rather odd considering the family breeding patterns.

The only reason that Lance had not mated and produced children earlier, was that no suitable female was of age until Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the Gruber family, had turned eighteen when Lance was thirty-seven. Jessica had arrived nine months later, and James two years after that. It was assumed that the single egg births were due to the natural decline in fertility that older male dragons suffered from. No further children resulted from their union, leaving James as Lance's only option when Jessica was disinherited.

Suddenly, around six months previously, the word had been spread amongst the extended family and relatives that Lance and Elizabeth wanted to re-establish contact with Jessica as a matter of urgency. She had effectively vanished after the rift, and all the information they could provide from their memory of that final visit was that her mate was white in colour; they couldn't even remember his name.

Jools shook his head as he approached Regents park, and stiffened his wings into a glide heading for the city residence of his family on the parks boundary. As a younger brother amongst seven siblings in the inheritance, their dead parents had left him enough to set up whatever business he wished when they passed, or as a trust to ensure he could just join the jet-set and do bugger all until he settled and found his niche in the investment markets.

Having never been a lazy person by nature, he had set up and become the owner and head chef of the most popular, dragon run steakhouse in London for the last thirty-five years. In all that time -and even in his living memory- he had seen, never mind met a white dragon until tonight. He also had twenty-one franchises around the country and Northern Europe, so was doing more than comfortably for himself and Adam...his wolf mate. As far as Lance was concerned, he was a bachelor through and through. He could imagine the the reaction if his elder brother found out that he was gay, but him walking out of the room alive would not be the result.

Arthur, when he was settling in kind the bill at the register, had revealed that the white dragon that was dining with him and his party was one Ruth Ruatha, and that he was mated to a female dragon called Jessica. The coincidence was too much to ignore, but as Arthur was not of a true colour, despite being family, getting to see Lance at short notice would be difficult. The other tidbit of information was that they were expecting triplets. Jools had made a firm promise to Arthur that the source of information would be credited to him when and if it was passed onto Lance directly.

Landing smoothly at the electric gates, Jools folded his wings and buzzed the call button. The remote CCTV camera revolved in the bubble housing on the wrought iron gates pillar with a slight hum, and Malaprop the butler's voice sounded over the call buttons speaker. "Yes?"

"It's Jools, Malaprop, I could do with speaking to Lance and Beth on a matter of urgent family business."

"Do you realise what time it is? The master and mistress have already retired," The booming tones of the pure black dragon sounded into the park's still air.

"Have they had their evening supper yet?" Jools persisted.

"No...I was about to deliver it..."

"Then ask then if they will see me. I would not have abandoned my establishment early if I did not think it was something important," he interrupted with impatience.

"I will see if they will entertain you then," Malaprop sighed. "Wait there please."

Jools shook his head. He knew the butler and bodyguard was doing only what he had been ordered to, but the idea of forcing family members to wait on the curbside for admittance was ridiculous in the extreme. When his father was alive, all true colours were admitted without prejudice, but with the advent of his untimely death at the hands of thieves, Lance had overreacted, and assumed even those that were known to be suspicious.

Where the hell Lance had dug Malaprop up from over thirty years ago, he didn't know, and the butler wasn't telling, but he was a pure black dragon of almost feral proportions, standing well over seven foot at his shoulders. There wasn't a door in the family estates other than the main entrances that he didn't have to bend to get through. Jools had a suspicion that he was a retired wrestler from Mexico or somewhere, as his accent was unplaceable, despite his attempts at proper English.

There was a electronic click, and the gates swung open just enough to allow him entry. "They will meet you in the study," Malaprop's voice announced as Jools entered the manor's immaculate gardens. The gate swung closed almost before his tail had cleared it.

Jools shook his head, and walked up the path. You would have thought that he could have just landed on the manor's porch, but from past experience he knew that was impossible. The wrought iron fence around the property also supported an infa-red laser net that covered the whole garden neatly at a height of ten feet. When he had passed through it once without knowing it had been installed, he had been met at the door by Malaprop and a very large gun. That was the last time he triggered the alarm!

Malaprop was waiting for him at the reinforced oak door, bowing gently as he entered. Jools handed him his flying jacket, and turned to the left without a word to enter the study off the hallway. The butler nodded, all business now that he knew the visitor was a guest, and closed the door with a solid thunk.

Knowing Lance and Beth always sat on either side of the fire in the antique, real leather wing-backs, Jools took a seat on the equally old leather couch opposite the hearth. He always felt uncomfortable using the ancient suite, as he couldn't help think that they may still be inhabited by the ghosts of the criminals whose skins were flayed in order to upholster them. He had to admit though, they were comfy.

He heard voices from out in the hall, and then the door was opened by Malaprop, who bowed with more reverence to Lance and Beth as they walked in, dressed only in night clothes and silk bathrobes. "There had better be a good reason for this disturbance, brother, or I will not be best pleased," Lance announced as he took his seat opposite to Beth.

'He's showing his age...' Jools thought, as he took the still powerful frame of the blood red dragon in. 'His scales are starting to peel and fade around his eyes and nostrils...' Beth was as ravishing as she always had been, but then the emerald green dragoness was the youngest in the room by a fair margin. He couldn't help but notice signs of unease about her face though.

"I assure you I wouldn't have bothered you over trivialities at this time of the evening Lance, Beth. You know that when I have something to say, it usually has some substance."

Lance snorted, settling himself back into the chair more comfortably, the heavy shadows cast by the wings enveloping his face in darkness, so that only the yellowing irises of his eyes reflected the lamplight from within their depths. "Well what is it then?" he queried.

"If I may ask a personal question first... As you know, I don't visit much, and I have heard a few things through the grapevine in the city." Jools asked, shifting slightly as what was visible of Lance's eyes narrowed slightly.

"What would you like to know? I will only answer if I see fit." Lance's voice asked, emerging from the darkness.

Jool's cleared his throat nervously. "What is your new interest in my niece, and your offspring?"

Beth looked up from where she was sitting as Lance leaned forward back into the light. "What is it to you? Surely you have not come here at this time of the evening to ask that?" He queried in a dangerous tone.

"No. However some information has been disclosed to me of her probable location, but I will not reveal it to you if I believe your intentions to be anything other than gentle in nature. You know as well as I do that Jessica was the daughter that I would have loved to have, should I have been gifted with a worthy mate. The rift caused by your short sighted actions is the reason you have not seen me, brother, more than four times in the ten years since it occurred. Oh and before you ask, no I have not been in contact with her for all that time. Until a couple of hours ago I had no more idea of where she was than you did." Jools rushed it all out in a hurry, as he could see the tension and anger rising within his brothers face.

"And should I ask Malaprop to retrieve the information from you in a less than gentle manner?" Lance said, trying to stare his brother down.

"Then you will have to explain my disappearance to the police. My deputy, the staff at the restaurant and at least one other of the relatives know where I am. It would not benefit you anyway, as I would not tell you no matter what you did to me," Jools said, dismissing the implied threat.

Beth reached a hand out, and touched Lance's shoulder, breaking his stare. She cocked her head, looking into her mate's eyes for a second. The tension flowed from his body in a rush, and suddenly he looked every hour of his age.

"James has been proven to be infertile... Therefore unable to continue the bloodline within my direct branch of the family. He is in his disgrace now, unfit to inherit. Beth and I were hoping to re-establish contact with our errant..." Beth placed her hand on him again, interrupting him for a second before he continued. "With Jessica, in the hopes we could persuade her to divorce her mistake, and marry one of the many males that would take even one of her used status."

"Should the information I have been provided prove to be correct, you are too late for that," Jools said firmly.


"Should it indeed turn out to be Jessica that has been relocated, the dragoness in question is pregnant with three eggs. She will not be divorcing voluntarily, nor will she be deemed suitable as a single mother to re-marry one of the autocratic puppets that you want to set her up with."

Beth looked interested for a second, but her jaw dropped at Lance's next words after a few minutes of pondering. "Well that does cast a different light on the situation. At least it proves her to be fertile. They would not consider it degrading to marry a widow though, and the eggs could be 'lost' within one of our distant relations somewhere in Europe...she need never see her bastardised sports, or even know where they are..."

The slap resounded through the oak panelled room, echoing loudly off the ceiling. The room's door slammed open into the dresser with a thunk, as the brooding form of Malaprop burst in like a furious shadow to take in the scene and assess the threat to his master. Jools chose to deliberately remain seated, though his greatest wish at that time was to leave the house as rapidly as possible. He knew that if he made even the slightest of moves, Malaprop's attention would be focused on him.

Lance just sat there silently, staring in shock at Elizabeth. Blood was pouring from the full length of his muzzle, the scales raggedly torn from just below his eye all the way to his nostril on the right hand side. Elizabeth was crying, and nursing her hand where one of her manicured talons had been snapped clean in half.

"Malaprop...close the door," Lance said quietly. The butler started to back out of the room. "No, you stay in here on guard. No one is leaving until this settled in its finality."

The black dragon nodded, and closed the door firmly, before taking a stance effectively blocking any chance of a quick escape. Lance never broke his gaze from his mate while the scene played out around him, fighting his immediate instinct to ensure that his humiliation at the hand of a female would never leave the building. His fists were clenching and un-clenching repeatedly as he directed his next singular word at Beth. "Why?"

Beth stared at her mate, "Do you really have to ask that question? Really? If you can't answer it for yourself, then I will be leaving this property of my own volition or in a casket. Whichever way, your life and reputation will be over," she said quietly.

The room fell deathly silent for a few minutes, just the heavy breathing of the four tense dragons whispering within the enclosed walls. Lance's talons slid back into their sheaths with a barely audible hiss, and the old red dragon leaned back into the chair's darkness again, though his forearms and fingers remained drumming on the arms. "Stand down, but remain Malaprop," his voice hissed, breaking the atmosphere.

Jools cleared his throat quietly, "There is something else you may need to consider Lance..."


"The white dragon, the one I assume is probably her mate. He holds a senior position within a nationwide company, and is solely responsible for the obtaining of a new, very valuable contract to that company. That is the reason why he is currently here in London, for meetings at the head office. The information I have was passed to me from the primary shareholder of that company who found himself sat at the same table as this white dragon today. Should the white dragon disappear, I am fairly sure that he will put two and two together, and compensation will need to be paid to his branch of the family for the considerable loss that the shares would take," the blue dragon said, hoping that some of the anger had dissipated from his unreadable siblings mind.

Beth looked up sharply, staring in to the chair's shadows. A loud sigh sounded from within. "That would currently be impossible..."

"So the rumours I and our mutual siblings have heard are true then?" Jools said.

"They may well be Jools...I took quite a hit when the manufacturing industries collapsed a few years ago..." Lance said.

"What exactly will your heir inherit?" Jools asked, thinking that while he had the upper hand he should push for some answers.

"Here, Castle Craic and its estate, Chateau Gruber del Sol, and it's estate, and the Villa on Garda. They will also get the remaining contents and around three million in debt," Elizabeth said, when Lance remained silent.

"If things were getting that bad, why didn't you call the family? I mean, although we all live in family properties, none of the rest of us are struggling. What happened to the other properties that dad left you anyway?" Jools said shaking his head.

"I was forced to sell the Spanish and Austrian ones to fight off the courts, that is why when the family have requested them for use I have made excuses. The Villa is on the market as well to settle the three million still outstanding. Craic and the Chateau are self supporting, but making no profits, so this place is currently looking for a tenant as well. Beth and I will end up in the front gate house when someone suitable can be found," Lance said sighing. "The material wealth that dad left me was all lost in the bad investments. All I have left Jools is the family name and reputation, so I will be damned if I lose over a thousand years of history as well!"

"Well, you will if you try taking any of the actions you just mulled over. What is worse for the Giles name? That it has an heir marrying a colour outside of the usual groupings, or that one of the patriarchs goes nuts and ends up in jail for murder, blackmail or probable infanticide? Personally, I would rather be able to keep my surname on the plaques above my restaurant's doors with pride, which I couldn't if the Giles name was sullied by a single sibling's selfish actions. Money problems can be solved Lance, all it takes is for you to open your gob and your books to your siblings, and we can help make sure the family will not lose any more assets because of a few dodgy investments. We all make mistakes, but financial ones are the easiest to correct. Jools paused to take a breath and steady himself.

"Hell I am not exactly rich, but me and my mate can throw half a million in the pot tomorrow if you are agreeable to drop any pretence of antiquated pride, and allow Jessica with her current family back under the wings of the Giles family. Hell you are worried about colours... Name me another white dragon from now or from known history," Jools finished angrily, not realising that he had let slip his and the extended families greatest secret..

Lance listened to his brother's speech carefully. His business acumen may have been faulty, but there was nothing wrong with his hearing or mind. "Mate?" he asked. His single solemn word dropping into the room like a lead cannonball in a mill pond. "I thought you were a life long bachelor. When did that happen?"

Jools went pale under his scales, realising the mistake that he had made in his angry outburst. He had no choice now but to reveal all. "I have been mated longer than you have Lance. Adam and I have already agreed to will our estate to Jessica, so any help I extend now will benefit her anyway."

"Adam, your wolf valet?"

"Yes, though he has not been my valet for thirty three years. Of course, we only formalised our mate-ship three years ago, when the laws changed."

"So let me get this straight... You are gay, and you are involved in a sexual relationship outside of your species." Jools nodded, watching to see if he was going to have to make a desperate escape attempt or not. "You are disgusting. Who else knows?" Lance finished, shaking his head.

"Father and mother knew of my sexual leanings, but chose to ignore them. To the best of my knowledge the entire rest of the family knows, as they all send us gifts on our anniversaries. They all kept it from you because of your ridiculously outdated beliefs, and they feared for my health if you found out,"

"I knew as well Lance..." Beth said quietly, causing the red dragon to look up at her, startled.

"You knew of the disgrace that is sitting in front of us now, and you said nothing?" he said, shocked, sitting forward into the light. His blood was still dripping steadily, though slower now, from his snout.

"Jan Gruber, my uncle, is gay... It never harmed my family, but I withheld the knowledge from you as I knew what your reaction would be," Beth whispered, daring her mate's ire. "It is commonly acceptable now in most societies, so even though we are upper class, it is not hidden anymore."

A range of emotions passed over Lance's face. "It is still disgusting. Malaprop, remove Jools from the property and your kind are not welcome here," he ordered.

"No." The black dragon said firmly, not shifting from his position.

"What?" Lance said looking up at the butler in shock. "I gave you an order man. Remove this filth from my presence immediately!"

"If I remove him, sir, for the reason you state, I will have to remove myself as well!" Malaprop said, still not moving from his position at the door.

Jools looked up, turning to stare at the black dragon, who winked and lifted the corner of his mouth from within his usually emotionless face. Lance's jaw dropped. He looked to Beth, who shook her head. "That is as much a surprise to me as you Lance, though I did wonder why he never seemed interested in a life outside of the one he had with us as our employee," she said quietly.

"I have had my relationships, Lady Elizabeth, though out of respect never within my own rooms," Malaprop said, in a far quieter voice than usual. "I am not currently involved though."

Jools smiled at the black dragon, relaxing to a certain degree now, as he knew he was safe from at least one of the males in the room. His mind boggled though at who or what Malaprop could have been involved with, assuming of course he was of a size below comparable to his body! Turning back to Lance, he noted that he had withdrawn back into his chair from the revelations. Jools had a feeling that Lance would be a changed dragon before he went to bed again tonight.

They all sat there in silence for nearly ten minutes before Lance shifted and stood, pacing in front of the empty hearth. "It seems that I have been naive in more than just my business dealings. I dislike being played for the fool and the blind idiot by my family, but my own instinctive reactions tonight proved that maybe, just maybe, you had some small justifications. Malaprop, I don't know what to say to you... I should dismiss you immediately, but I couldn't replace you with anyone more capable at the moment..."

Lance paused for a few moments, still pacing steadily. "Malaprop, draft an invite to all my siblings tomorrow morning, inviting them to meet here at the house on Friday for a family meeting without their mates. Do not reveal the reasons, just that I require their presence as a matter of urgency. I trust that you Jools will not reveal the extent of the problems facing me until I reveal them myself. I have a feeling from what you have said, they will all clear their schedules when the invite arrives, as the rumour mill has been working behind my back." Jools nodded, knowing full well that they would all guess.

"Now as to the reason you arrived at my door tonight...How sure are you that Jessica has resurfaced here in London?" Lance finished.

Jools hesitated, "I am as sure as I can be from the information provided to me by my source, and my own eyes at the restaurant," he answered. "After all, neither my source nor myself have seen her yet...only the white dragon that appears to be her mate."

"Who is your source?"

"I will not reveal that yet until I know for certain what you intend on doing. I will not bring another name into the equation for you to target with your irrational-ism. Know only that he is family, and that he couldn't come to you directly because of your refusal to see off-colour dragons, even if they are relations," Jools said sternly, thanking whoever above that he had not sent Arthur into a meeting with the unpredictable maelstrom that Lance had become. Nothing could have saved Jessica then.

"Ultimately the meeting on Friday will decide that I suppose, but from what you have said so far I have a feeling that this white dragon's income probably exceeds my own at present, so we will have to talk again. If you have knowledge of where you may locate him while he is down here, please go and meet him, and ascertain is he is indeed mated to our Jessica. I will take it from there if that is the case. If she is there, you may as well tell her why she is being sought by me, but you are not reveal the condition of my fortunes," Lance directed.

Jools nodded, "Very well. I do know which hotel he has been put up at by the company he is involved with. I will try and initiate a meeting there tomorrow morning."

"Then I suggest that we all retire..." Lance glanced at the mantle clock, which was reading one-thirty A.M. "I feel we have all had enough for the evening. Elizabeth, attend to me in my room and heal the damage that you have inflicted. Nothing more will be said of it. Malaprop, you of course understand that no-one else amongst the staff is to hear of what has been discussed here tonight." The black dragon nodded silently. "Then I bid you a restful night, Jools, and a successful day's hunting tomorrow." Summoning Elizabeth with a wave of his hand he walked towards the studies door, which Malaprop opened for him, allowing him to exit with her in tow.

Jools walked around the sofa, approaching the door himself. Malaprop placed a hand on his arm for a second, halting him. "I will stop him from doing anything rash, Jools. You were not in any danger from me, and should you have not been in a steady relationship already, I would have approached you years ago," Malaprop said quietly.

"I am sure that would have been an experience that would have proved interesting..." Jools said, blushing slightly.

"It still could, should you and Adam express an interest. Do not provide Master Lance with any further information of Mistress Jessica unless I indicate to you it is safe. I would have refused the master's directives if he had given me the orders to dispose of her mate, as I have a soft spot for her, and will not see her hurt in any way. I will watch and listen as is my usual job for the next few days until the meeting, and upon your arrival on Friday, nod if I believe it safe for contact to be re-established."

"I will let you know on the first, and shall take your lead on the second. I could always say that it was not Jessica's mate that dined at my restaurant tonight, and therefore he will have to start the search again," Jools said with a smile, thinking of how he would broach Malaprop's proposal to Adam.

Malaprop nodded, and walked across the hall to the external door. Tapping a code into a concealed box, he opened the door with a bow. "You may take off directly, I have disabled the alarm net," the black dragon said.

"Thank you, Malaprop," Jools said as he ruffled his wings, stretching his shoulder muscles before walking out onto the porch and launching into the early morning sky.


Ruth opened his eyes and stretched, looking over Jessica's steadily rising and falling chest at Felix and Charity who were still sleeping peacefully despite the persistent buzz of his phone's alarm.

Jessica yawned next to him him as the buzzing penetrated her somnolent mind, cracking her eyelids open to see him staring at her uncovered mounds in the gentle glow of the emergency light over the bedrooms exit. "Morning, darling," she said, nearly swallowing herself with her gaping jaws for the second time. "Like what you see, or are you developing a passion for fur?"

Ruth smiled, leaning over and planting a gentle kiss on her nipple with a passing lick at where Felix's teeth had dimpled her breast scales a few hours previously. "Fur is fine on occasions dear, but scales will always be my preference as long as I have you..."

Jessica looked down her mate's body with a grin, "So I noticed dear!" She gestured at the obvious morning problem that had manifested itself in the bedroom air.

The alarm was still buzzing, so Ruth rolled himself stiffly of the bed to fetch and silence his phone, unable to adopt anything other than a crouch walk to fetch it off the dresser. The mattress shifted as his weight was raised off it, causing Charity to roll from Felix's arms and mewl in discomfort as her legs and tail shifted positions. Jessica glanced over at them, as Felix opened his eyes in response to his mates vocalisation. She clapped once, and brought the lights up, causing the Persian to fluently curse as she tried to cover her eyes with her hands.

"You alright dear?" Felix asked, trying to fetch Charity back into his arms.

She batted at him gently, "No, I feel like I have been run over, shredded, stretched, then stapled back together again. In fact, I feel just like I did the day after I gave birth to the kittens. Did I really do what I think I did last night?"

Jessica grinned at her, gesturing to Ruth who was waddling back to the bed, his problem not getting any better. "You did dear, you almost took all of him as well, but I am afraid you did yourself rather a lot of damage, as you can probably remember.."

"And you did some damage to me, or me to myself from what I recall," Felix said, wincing as he sat up, directing his sentence to Jessica.

"Do you want me to have a look again now Felix, or can you wait until I sort Ruth's issue out?" Jessica asked contritely as Ruth lay back down on the bed next to her.

Felix looked over at Ruth. It had been a long time since he had suffered similarly in the morning, but he knew how uncomfortable it was. He always used the toilet to solve his though, as Charity was never one for giving head. "Sort him out, Jessica, then we must get that shower. Neither me nor Charity will be going anywhere until you two have seen to us again in your capacity as nurse and doctor. Save some saliva for me, eh!" he said laughing.

Jessica smiled, as Charity winced her way onto her side with a few short shifts to watch the show. She was in a lot of discomfort and ached from her breasts to her tail, but as her mind slowly pieced together the memories of the night before, she realised that she was quite enjoying this new change of perspectives. Felix was as flaccid as he had been for a long time in the mornings, but she was almost wishing that she had something more to do other than watch her 'Amante' from the night before be attended to by his mate.

Jessica was well aware of her audience, and endeavored to ensure that they had the best of views. She shuffled forward before turning herself over onto her knees and settling herself between Ruth's legs in the same position that Charity had adopted the evening before. Gently massaging his taught balls with her hands she bent forward and started to tongue at his tip. She arched her neck over in a curve, resting her hands on his shoulders, slipping her parted lips over his glans.

Opening her mouth wide so that Ruth's shaft was clearly visible to the cats, she winked at Ruth, who relaxed his bladder at her queue. His urine fountained straight into her gullet, splashing off her tongues base. The golden shower was swallowed easily, the cats following her throat muscles as they ran down her neck and into her stomach. Jessica started spiralling her tongue along his shaft, keeping her jaws parted so the view was not cut off, then squeezed his balls gently until as the water came to an end, they contracted, and it was replaced with a creamy fountain that leaked, dribbling off her chin onto his stomach.

Ruth smiled, as she cleaned up the mess, and was about to sit up when without a word, but Jessica stood up unsteadily on the fluctuating surface of the bed, stepping over his legs before sitting, straddling his chest. "Your turn now, dear..." she switched her tail across his relieved shaft as it disappeared back into its home.

She glanced over at the cats, who were still watching, not quite sure of what her plan was. Ruth knew what to do though, and doubling his neck over onto her belly, he started teasing at Jessica's clit with his tongue. The position was very difficult in the extreme, and it was causing him a lot of discomfort, his neck not being designed by nature to double over so tightly. He had given himself fellatio when he was much younger once, so without warning he slid Jess back down a little so she was straddling his cavity.

She moaned heavily, and reading the signs he was so familiar with, he dropped his lower jaw flat onto his stomach, teasing at her upper vent as he had done before. She tensed, then relaxed her muscles, spraying her water in a directed jet into his waiting mouth. As she started to ease off, he hooked his tail over in a loop and gently slipped it between their kissing assholes, until it penetrated hers with a twist. Jessica gasped, not expecting Ruth's invention, and as he reapplied his attention to her nubbin she went into orgasm, spraying her own sexual release over his belly in a flood.

"We said we would show you how we play together when alone...I hope the show did not upset you," Ruth said, as Jessica was panting and coming down from orgasm on his belly. He slipped his damp tail out of her ass as he watched Felix and Charity for their reactions.

Felix looked at Charity, but couldn't read her face, as he was still hugging her in his embrace from behind. He could scent her musk mingling with the two dragons opposite, so he could guess that she had not disapproved of the display. He also knew that had he not been injured from the night before Charity would have found something poking at her tail-hole, and he would probably have ended up in hospital! "I am not sure what to say Ruth, Jessica. I can see why you are always happy, and despite your desk job Ruth I see why you have not lost your physique," he said, running a hand over Charity's shoulder.

"And I can see that despite your open relationship, which I thought could not be sustainable in any circumstances..." Charity whispered, pausing for a few seconds, "That you obviously love each other as much as Felix and I, though in a different way." Felix hugged her tight to him as she finished her proclamation, nuzzling her ears.

Jessica slid off Ruth with a smile, deciding not to add anything more for the moment. She glanced at the clock showing on the T.V. It was seven twenty. "Time for us to all get showered and cleaned up from last night and this morning. The wet-room en-suite is more than big enough for the four of us together, even if we can only shower under the water in pairs. I suggest unless there are any objections that we remain in the same couples as last night, as you and Charity will both need more healing treatments from Ruth and I this morning Felix." She raised an eye-ridge, questioning what they thought of the situation.

Felix looked at Charity, who nodded. "I believe though that I will attempt to pass water in the more accepted way can always help me if I fail, Ruth," Charity said, grimacing as she started to try and shift herself into a more upright position.

"I should be alright Jessica. I am sore, but nothing feels too bad-" Felix started.

"Have you tried to pass solids yet?" Jessica said, interrupting him.

"Well no, we haven't got up all night. I don't feel the need anyway at the moment..."

"Well I suggest that you try, Felix. I am pretty sure from what I observed of your condition last night when Jess was healing you, you will have a problem. I am also fairly sure that you don't wish it to be me that has to repair it while we are at work," Ruth said stretching his shoulder muscles as he sat up. "If you want privacy while you both try, I suggest that you precede us into the en-suite. Jess and I will try and clear up the mess that is the bed ready for the chamber maids."

Felix paused, considering the consequences of using the H.O toilets, and having to call for Ruth. Although he was fairly sure there would be female dragoness' around the place working, he knew that not many, if any, would volunteer their services if he found himself ruptured again. He nodded at Ruth, acquiescing to his suggestion as he slid off the bed to stand up wincing.

"Very well, though could Jess and I start on the bed. I have a feeling it would be better if Charity was helped to the toilet by yourself, and you can get the shower warm while she tries. I don't want her losing any more blood again, so if she is able to pass by herself, you can transfer her straight to the shower for healing and cleansing while I use the facility after her. We have all seen each other now, and though I can't I am entirely comfortable with an audience while I am on the pot, I understand its necessity in this case." Charity nodded, agreeing with Felix's statement, then she mewled loudly in pain as her mate helped her to slide towards the edge of the bed.

Ruth quickly slid off his side of the bed and trotted around to where the Persian was being held upright by Felix. She was grimacing in discomfort, so he lifted her bodily in the sitting position that she was in and carried her gently into the adjoining room as Jessica slid the concealed door open for him. Balancing himself like an acrobat in the circus, he lifted one foot and flipped the lid up on the toilet, before placing Charity down on it carefully. He slid her limply swishing tail through the portal in the rear under the cistern, then made sure that none of her long hair was trapped underneath her, so save further soiling and embarrassment.

"Take your time, I will not watch unless you want me to," he reassured her as he turned politely away to consult the myriad of controls on the wall nearest the shower head. "Just say if you require a hand with either your liquid or solids dear. Don't bother cleansing yourself, I will take care of everything when I re-heal the damage under the shower."

"Thank-you, Ruth, thank-you for everything. Last night was extraordinary, and I believe worth it despite the situation I find myself in now," Charity said as she gritted her teeth, trying to relax the swollen muscles around her urethra. A few drops dribbled out, the acid burning at her very tender new skin, then something parted, causing her to vocalise in pain as her floodgates opened. She waved Ruth off as he spun to see what was wrong, shaking her head as the sound of her water splashing in the bowl confirmed that she was managing.

Ruth nodded, and having puzzled out some of the engraved chrome pictures by the buttons, selected the main head on full, and the pulsing body massage jets on their lowest power. He pressed start, and the end of the room erupted in a cross-hatch of conflicting water flows. "You ready yet Charity, or do you want to try your bowels? Felix and I are not likely to be back before seven tonight, so I suggest that you do."

Charity looked up as her bladder finished draining and nodded, preparing for what she knew would probably be pain as bad as when she gave birth. Ruth nodded, continuing, "I will run the water hot then and do my own initial rinse. Make what noise you wish, but I won't come to you unless you raise your hand." He tapped out the command to raise the water temp to eighty five degrees, watching as the room started to fill with steam, then stepped into the typhoon of near boiling water, all the while keeping an eye on his charge as he bent double and retrieved his cock, starting to clean all the congealed feline blood and his cum from it and its cavity in a well practiced manner. The side pulses from the wall nozzles helped him enormously, and pending Jessica's agreement, he put a similar set up on his mental wish list for the new house.

Charity watched Ruth as the swirls of super heated steam enveloped his body like Will 'o' the wisps. Looking at the tiles under his feet, she could see rivulets of pink running towards to the drain as he inverted his cavity. Gritting her teeth she reached down with her hand to try and hold together her lips as she concentrated hard on only relaxing her ring-piece. She almost screamed as the labial flesh tore anew, parting where it met her anal wall as it expanded under her will to allow the first of her stools to drop splashing into the bowl. She panted, hyperventilating, fighting to hold onto her consciousness with all her will as the pain ripped into her soul.

As the next stool followed in short succession, the water between her legs started to change from the yellow of her urine to a pale pink with the steady dripping of her fresh blood. Clenching her stomach muscles tight, she held her breath, willing herself not to give in and yell as she passed a further three, ensuring that even if she ate heavily today, she would not have to go through it again until she was was in Ruth's company the following morning.

She was determined to sod her prudish upbringing. They would stay with the dragons again tonight even if she could not participate. The show this morning had aroused her, even in her badly damaged state, and though she had never viewed porn with Felix, something about seeing it live in front of her had touched a nerve that she had thought she had never possessed. Should Felix feel like joining Ruth and Jess while she watched, she would not object either. They had all gone too far last night, so bending their taboos further would make no more difference.

Exhaling in a puff, she parted her legs to glance at the bowls contents. She was still dripping blood, and the heavily stained water concealed her waste from visual examination. She had no idea if anything had ruptured internally back there, but she was not too uncomfortable now that her exit was re-contracted. She watched as Ruth finished massaging his flaccid length until it glowed it's usual healthy white below its fore-scales again, and then let it slip back into its cleaned and sterilised home within him. She raised a hand, and he caught the movement, standing up straight and walking towards her immediately. "I am done with as much as I can for now. I am bleeding again, but not as badly as last night. Call Felix and Jess in, then carry me to the shower. I don't think I can walk for the moment," she said, wincing as she closed her legs again to try and preserve the privacy of showing her waste to another.

Ruth nodded, and walked to the control panel again, dropping the water temperature to forty as he opened the door and called to the others in the bedroom. As he went to collect Charity from the appliance, Felix came in with a look of concern in his face, but Charity smiled reassuringly at him as Ruth scooped her up from where she was sitting, and flipped the flush handle with his tail tip as he turned to carry her into the pulsing waters.

"You alright, dear?" Felix asked, grabbing a free hand from Charity as she was carried past him.

"No, but I will be after Ruth has cleaned me up again. Use the toilet now, so Jessica can clean you up before we have to go down for breakfast. I have made a decision, and if it is okay with you, I think we should stay with Ruth and Jess while we are still down here on this trip." The Persian glanced up at Ruth as she said it as well, hoping that she was not being to presumptuous in suggesting that she and Felix invade his and Jess's privacy...

Jessica was standing behind Felix, listening to Charity's words. She shared a look with Ruth, who nodded with a grin. "You are welcome to stay Charity, Felix...though it won't curtail our activities. I feel from your dual reactions this morning though that you didn't disapprove of the show that was displayed for you," Jessica said, watching Felix for his reaction.

Felix shrugged his shoulders. "I offer no objection then, though I seriously doubt I will be anything other than an audience after last night. I know Charity can do nothing other than watch."

"That's settled then. Now, allow me to start the cleansing and healing of your mate before my arms drop off. I am guessing that we may be a little short of time for breakfast ourselves, but our mates can stay in the suite for the day if Charity is not up for walking around," Ruth finished, and stepped into the cooler spray, setting Charity down gently on her feet in the centre of the waters activity, holding her upright as the water quickly flattened and soaked her long hair through.

Felix watched his mate being held by his colleague with mixed feelings, unable to work out if he still held a resemblance of control of the situation he found himself in. Here he was, nearly sixty, standing naked in a wet-room, watching his mate showering with his junior colleague while his colleague's mate steered him by the shoulders to the toilet, so he could defecate in front of her before she healed the damage she did to him the night before in the best sex he had had in his life.

He shook his head and turned, sitting on the seat gingerly, straightening his tail under the cistern so as to leave clear access. He glanced over a Charity, who was now sitting leaning exhausted against the wall, while Ruth knelt in front of her blocking the view of his activities. We shifted uncomfortable as Jessica was watching him, and he couldn't override the inbred instincts of his upbringing to actually pass waste while being observed.

"Jessica, could you please turn aside, or join Ruth and Charity while I do this," he said, averting his gaze from the naked dragoness who was standing in front of him.

Jessica nodded, and walked to join their mates in the edge of the shower, deliberately not looking at the uncomfortable Abyssinian. Felix sighed and turned to the task in hand. Despite it being the morning, and his bladder was full, he had not passed, nor felt like passing water yet, never mind solids. He was beginning to worry that nerve damage had been done in his activities with Jessica. Reaching his hand down between his legs he gingerly rolled his sheath back, exposing his reddened and angry glans to the air.

The moisture laden hot air of the room kissed his eye, and he let out a sigh of relief that at least he could feel the heavy, cloying atmosphere tickling at his tract. Despite his attention though, even rolling his fingers carefully over his exit while relaxing his muscles, nothing, not even a dribble of pre or urine was showing. He diverted his mental attentions to his other portal, the one that at the moment he felt he did not need attending to.

Relaxing his muscle, he clenched his belly hard and squeezed, looking up embarrassed as at first all that exited was a noisy blast of gas. They were either all studiously ignoring him, or the running water covered his faux-pas. Clenching again he felt a string of waste slip free of his tract, wincing as something tore again as predicted. Glancing at the water between his legs, he grimaced as it stained pink before his eyes. 'Shit, I am going to need her again there...' he thought, cursing quietly.

His bladder was still uncomfortably full, nothing showing from his penis tip for all that his efforts should have triggered its release; so he gave in, conceding to the inevitable. "Jess, could you give me a hand please," he said quietly glancing at the shower. Jessica looked up immediately from where she was scrubbing her scales around her breasts and walked over, proving that she had been listening all along, and therefore had ignored his fart.

"What's wrong Felix?" she asked quietly. Ruth was still washing Charity's fur of all the assorted fluids that were matted in it, so had remained where he was.

"I...I have passed waste, but I can't pass water. I think something else must be wrong as I am completely dry."

"Can I look? Do you mind?" Jessica asked diplomatically.

"I wouldn't have called you over if everything I had tried hadn't worked. What do you suggest?" he asked flushing through his fur.

Jessica knelt on the tiles in front of the blushing cat, and gently eased his swollen sheath from his hands. Peeling it back herself she checked the tip, then gently massaged his flaccid shaft, feeling it length between the tips of her fingers. She felt a slight bump roll under her claw sheath that was fairly solid around six inches from his tip. Nodding to herself she stood. "Stay there for a minute. I need to fetch something," she said leaving him sitting perplexed.

Walking quickly into the bedroom she fetched her cosmetic bag and her bag of toys, she re-entered the wet-room and placed them on the basin in front of the mirror. Selecting a course talon file from one bag, she pulled a ten inch long, two millimetre in diameter, stainless steel piercing needle from her toy kit. Though she had no piercings of her own, she had enlarged, pierced or fitted accessories to her clients when requested. Quickly and efficiently she filed the tip blunt, rounded and totally burr free, before turning to Felix, where he was watching her with increasing worry on his face.

"I can see two ways of doing this, Felix. You can trust me, or we can call for an ambulance. Your urethra is blocked by something, and it is cutting your blood supply as well causing the deadening of your nerves. What I propose is a sounding using this sterile needle, which should have you back to normal straight away. What the ambulance will do is apply a catheter, which will mean you are out of action for a couple of days. My line of work means that although I have never actually sounded someone, I am trained in the basics of it to increase sexual pleasure. All I will be doing here though is dislodging the blockage so it can pass itself naturally."

Ruth looked up from Charity who was breathing heavily with her eyes closed in bliss as he healed her newly torn flesh. A certain amount of oral contact with her sexually was unavoidable, and despite her undesirable position it was having an effect. He was keeping his ears open though, and the information that Jessica had just imparted about her side training was as new to him as it was to Felix. He winced at the thought of what she was about to do with the cat's permission, thinking that tongues were more than enough for him. Felix considered for a second, then nodded his assent. After all, she had not misled him so far.

Jessica knelt again and peeled his sheath back. Rolling the needle between her finger and thumb to warm it, she spat a gob of saliva on his dry glans then slowly fed it down his urethra as he winced from the sensation. He watched her as the steel disappeared into his shaft, following its progress as it stretched and elongated without inflating itself around it, to its erect length. Jessica felt the obstruction stop the needle's progress and looked up at Felix. "Ready?" she asked quietly.

"Just get it over with please," he replied, gritting his teeth and shifting on the seat.

Jessica patted his knee in reassurance, then without warning pushed hard. The needle slipped another two inches in as Felix gasped, spasming. Watching in disbelief as sensation flooded his numb member, it began swelling rapidly with infused blood until it was standing as clear and proud as it had done the night before. His spines were fluttering, but Jessica's hastily adapted sounding needle was still eight inches inside him. "I am going to remove this now... I would expect from what my training course told me, you will go into orgasm as it pulls clear. Don't try and stop your bladder from emptying either, I will catch everything that you pump out." Jessica said, flicking her tongue over his fleshy spines.

Felix shuddered. He didn't need the dragoness to tell him he was about to orgasm...It felt to his brain like he was already in the middle of one! He forced a nod from his virtually pleasure paralysed neck and braced himself for whatever came next. Jessica moved her mouth into the line of fire, and gently gripped the needle with her talons. Quickly in single smooth movement, she pulled the steel out, holding his shaft straight and upright with her other hand. Something small and hard struck her front tooth, bouncing onto the floor as it was forced out into the air on a fountain of creamy pink cum which she adjusted to catch in her mouth. The second, third and forth pump were completely blood free, then the colour changed to yellow as her patients over-filled bladder forced its valve open, replacing his testes efforts with its own fluidious evacuation.

Jessica drank it all down, as Felix's spent shaft shrank within her hand, finally dribbling to a halt as it retreated within its sheath. The cat was panting heavily, sweat rolling off his brow with his eyes shut, but though his pulse was fast, it was even, so she wasn't worried about his health. Sitting up a little while he recovered, she glanced over the floor tiles until she discovered what her sounding had dislodged. It was small, pale yellow and very hard...around three millimeters in diameter and heavily burred. She had no idea what it was, so grabbing a sterile barbell container from her bag, she dropped it in after tipping the two pieces of interconnected steel out. "I suggest that when you get the chance you take this to your doctor, Felix, and let her ascertain what it is. It looks natural, so you may have more of them up there. If she asks where it came from tell her what I have done and that I am fully P.A.S.T.A. trained. She will know of the organisation."

Felix nodded, finally being able to stand after the immense orgasm. He wobbled over to the shower with Jessica's support. Charity was still lying in the puddles of water leaning against the wall in a semi-comatose state, but he was glad to see that the areas that Ruth had been attending to now for over fifteen minutes were clear of fresh blood, and that her fur was back to its pearlescent white colouration.

Looking up into the falling spray, he allowed himself to relax in the pummelling of the jets until he was thoroughly soaked, then allowed Jessica to turn him so he could sit next to his mate, stroking her hand. She glanced across at him from the contact and smiled, leaning in for a kiss as the dragoness knelt in front of him to apply her own healing attentions to his abused frenulum and ring.

Ruth rested his hand on Jessica's shoulder and stood to finish his own ablutions as she went to work on his boss. As Charity broke the kiss with Felix, he held his hand down to her, and she took it, standing with his help so that he could move with her back into the main shower flow and ensure that the last traces of the previous nights, and the mornings activities were thoroughly excised from her fur and his scales.

Jessica finished work on the far more minor damage that had been done to Felix then after gently cleaning his fur of all his and her assorted fluids that had the congealed in the area, she stood, holding her hand out for support to him so he could stand with her. "Now, I have cleaned my upper half, and your lower...Do you want to clean me lower down while I do your back, or are you too exhausted for the time being?" she queried him, quirking her lips in a salacious grin at him.

Felix smiled up at her, considering for a second, but then thought of the likely day ahead of him with Ruth. "Do you mind if we attend ourselves now for this morning? I have a feeling that anymore will make me ineffective for the day's meetings."

Jessica nodded, "Very well...later then!" She turned into the spray, nudging Ruth to one side slightly so she could soak herself. "You have no excuses though...You are half his age!" she commented, running a finger down Ruth's pectorals.

Ruth looked upwards in the time honoured fashion with a sigh, his lips rippling though in amusement to take the sting from his exaggerated action. "Please excuse me, Charity...this won't take more than a few minutes," he said, kneeling again, but allowing Felix room to join her under the cascading water.

Jessica harrumphed. "It had better be more than a few know me!"

Ruth didn't reply, just reached out and grabbed her hips with both hands, pulling her into a lips to labia kiss without warning. He worked his jaws apart gently and slipped his nose horn and nostrils into her silky cave. Jessica thrummed in pleasure as his horn started to play with her clitoral sheath, his warm exhalations tickling the sensitive flesh around it. Not giving her a chance to protest, he extended his tongue, and worked it past her rapidly flushing ring, sampling and tasting the inner fluids of her sanctum. He was expecting it, but the far more musky and and biting taste of Felix's cum from the night before was still more than evident alongside his mate's more familiar nectar.

Breathing in short sharp puffs in order to create the maximum stimulation, he unzipped her fully, slipping his lower jaw in as well, rolling her clit's sheath back with skillful manipulations of his nose horn. He plunged his tongue in to its full depth, tickling at her sealed cervix with his tip, then proceeded to feel and spiral around into every available crevice of her silky folds the ensure his cleaning was a complete as possible. She was shuddering in his grasp, mewling almost like Charity had the night before. He felt his tongue being being gripped by both her walls simultaneously, and he withdrew it fast back into his maw, so that he wouldn't loose the power of speech if it was over-stretched as Felix's member had been. He left his muzzle in place though as she went into full orgasm for the second time that morning, this time with him holding her up by the ass cheeks.

Every shuddering ripple that ran from her toe talons to her horns though her elegant body, caused her to drop onto his horn, agitating her nubbin to ever higher throws of pleasure while her muscles were trying to draw her mates muzzle into her depths. He finally let off after she felt herself start to collapse completely, and withdrew so that her body could resume its more normal rhythms.

Ruth steadied her until her lips stopped their frenzied winking at him, then he let her settle back onto her own weight, panting. No more than five minutes had passed since her unofficial challenge. "Yes, I do know you, dear...and rather well, as you just found out!" He laughed, looking up at her through the spray.

Felix had abandoned his ablutions to watch the display that Ruth was putting on for him and Charity again. He noted alongside his mate that Ruth's actions were generating a response from his colleagues body as well, despite the supreme displays of endurance and control he had demonstrated in the past twelve hours. Charity nudged him with wink, gesturing to Ruth's fully engorged shaft that was once more on display along with its hanging accouterments. "I think it is time for this cat to finally get its cream..." she said, licking her lips, and dropped to her knees before rolling onto her back and sliding under Ruth.

Felix started to grab her, trying to stop her in case she did more damage to herself, but she was already under Ruth's belly, and pulling at her legs would only risk injuring her further. He sighed, wondering what had got into his mate, knowing that this time it was not the wine talking.

Ruth jumped, looking as he felt Charity's rough tongue run across his glans. He glanced at Felix, who just shrugged his shoulders at him, then bent to observe better what his mate was doing. Deciding that time was pressing now, and that they had two fur coats to dry, Ruth decided to let be, and not prolong his body's response. Relaxing control, it took less than two minutes of Charity's ministrations to provoke the reaction she was seeking, sending him into a paroxysm of panting as his orgasm hit.

Charity watched his balls start to contract, and quickly grabbed his shaft, directing it away from her cleansed body as he started to pump his viscous cream onto the sodden tiles under his feet. Waiting until the flow was reduced to a dribble, she then started lapping and cleaning up the remaining beads of cum as he started to shrink within her grasp. Sliding herself out as she let her prize retreat into its home, she allowed Felix to pull her to her feet. "I think we are all clean enough now, don't you?" she queried demurely, licking her lips as the other three started laughing.

Jessica walked over to the control panel and flicked the shower area into drying mode, cutting the water off as the currents of hot air started to circulate and hug them with their corkscrewing zephyrs of comforting delight. Jessica rejoined them, and started to turn in a circle with them allowing the water to be kissed and evaporated from her scales. She then withdrew with Ruth and turned up the dryer's power, so that Charity's long fur could be enveloped in a hurricane of baking air. Felix started sweating a little, and as his fur was shorter, stepped out of the twisting exhalations as soon as he was touch dry.

Ruth started to smirk a little as Charity began to resemble an over inflated marshmallow; just her piercing blue eyes being definable, set within the sea of waving hair. Jessica saw his amusement and grinned as she took in the sight as well. She cut the blowers off with a wave over the control panel, and the Persians fur started to fall back flat onto her body. "Do you have any brushes in that bag of tricks?" Charity asked, trying to smooth herself down a little.

"I am afraid I don't dear. You will need a change of clothes as well," Jessica replied, running a grooming sponge with a little Kerashine on it over her scales while looking in the mirror.

Charity sighed. "Slip yesterday's trousers on Felix, and nip over to our suite please for the grooming kit. The entry card is in my bag. You need a clean suit and pants. I will need fresh knickers, bra and that pale peach lounging dress. I don't think I will be fit to go walking today, but I don't see why Jessica and I can't at least eat sociably together down in the bar or restaurant."

Felix nodded, obeying as he always had now that Charity was back to her usual 'in-control' self. He quickly did as he was bid, walking out of the wet-room into the sleeping quarters. He returned less than ten minutes later with the required items, folding the clothes on the bed as they were all by that time back in the bedroom. Charity scooped up the grooming kit, and pulled out her wide toothed combs, beckoning for Felix to attend to her hard-to-reach places, completely ignoring the presence of an audience.

Jessica quickly buffed up Ruth's spinal ridges, and breathed heavily on his horns before rubbing them over. He returned the favour before selecting a casual summer suit from the wardrobe where it was hanging, and dressed quickly and efficiently, foregoing a tie. Jessica decided against a bra, but selected more formal panties than the night before, before slipping into a jade coloured, cotton summer dress, embroidered neatly across the shoulders with entwined stems of pale peach roses. She straighted up, looking Ruth over, "You'll do," she said, walking over and kissing him.

Charity was dressed and looking back to normal, and stole a kiss from Felix as she was straightening his tie. She glanced up at the clock which was reading eight-fifteen. "We had better head down for breakfast, or Felix and Ruth will have to leave without eating."

The dragons nodded, opening the bedroom door and entering the sunlit lounge. The cats followed them, Charity retrieving and slipping the silver entry card back into her bag, from where Felix had left it on the bed. They all took in the view for a few minutes, watching boats scutting along the Thames far below, their wakes casting miniature rainbows in the summer sunlight, then they walked out into the entry hall.

Jessica picked up her gold card from the key tray, slipping it into her concealed carry pouch as Ruth opened the suites door, holding it to allow their guests to exit first. The door swung shut behind them quietly, and Felix called the lift, them all waiting in silence on the Wilton while the numbers above it's door climbed to their floor. A soft chime sounded, and the doors parted, allowing them all board the ample car, and Charity hit the lobby's button on the panel.

The lift dropped smoothly and silently, coming to a soft stop with barely a hiccough, and the doors chimed again as they opened onto the still quiet lobby area. As they all exited, Jessica froze, causing Ruth and the cats to turn and stare at her in concern. They followed her gaze, which was riveted on a pale blue dragon who was sitting in one of the lounge chairs opposite the lifts, returning her gaze while folding a copy of the Financial Times.

"What's wrong Jess?" Ruth queried, placing a hand on her arm.

She brushed him off, walking across the tiles towards the dragon stranger, her talons clicking on the marble. "Hello, Uncle Jools," she said with a sigh, bending to plant a kiss on his nose horn.

"Hello Jessica... Long time no see eh?" The stranger replied, glancing up at Ruth who had joined his mate.

"You could say that...I gather that he sent you after the spies that were hanging around here yesterday couldn't get a definitive answer as to whether it was me?"

"Yes and no...but it was your mate Ruth that allowed us to track you down, not any contacts from here." Jessica glared angrily up at Ruth, who shook his head in denial. "Oh not directly sugarpuff... You see, he and his colleagues dined at my restaurant last night. Arthur, your cousin, is the biggest shareholder in Overland. Congratulations on the eggs by the way. Lance and the family have been looking for you urgently over the last six months. Ruth is rather unique in his colouration." Jools finished, watching them for their reactions.

"Well you had better join is for breakfast and explain what is going on. I will decide what to do when I know the reasons for your sudden appearance," Jessica said, turning towards the politely waiting cats.

She paused as Jools stood, whispering his next words. "You know me sugarpuff...The decision will be yours to make. I can always say that Ruth is mated to a different dragoness."

She nodded, then resumed her walk with Jools towards the dining area, Ruth and the cats following puzzled in their wake.