A Bound Kitty

Story by AnubusKiren on SoFurry

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Author's Note: The character named Sasha belongs to Panthress over on FurAffinity, used with her permission.

Her wrists were tied. The soft, silken cloth that he'd used to bind her in such a compromising position didn't hurt, nor were they indestructible... but she didn't move to escape. The tall white tigress sat on her knees, her arms held above her head by those soft bindings, which in turn had been tied to a hook in the ceiling. The feline had accepted a very kinky owner, indeed. Tonight was one of those nights where he proved it. She heard the door open. The fox had chosen to have her face away from it, to heighten her anticipation. What would it be tonight? Vibrators? Dildos? Something yet unexplored by the two, if there even was such a thing? She would soon find out, footsteps moving slowly across the floor behind her. Two hands slipped around her waist, petting through her fur gently. A deep, masculine voice met her ear, "Comfortable, Sasha?" "Of course, Foxy." she giggled. She might be a 'captive' of sorts, but she was by no means an unwilling prisoner. It was rare for the fox to get into those dominant moods these days, and she considered it a pleasant treat when he was actually up for taking control. Not that she didn't enjoy dominating him, of course... but she had submitted long before she'd taken hold of his collar. Tonight was a step back to those days, where more often than not, she was the one kneeling at his feet. "Good." the voice came again, and the fox's fingers scratched gently into her belly fur, bringing a deep, rumbling purr from her throat, "Now what do you think I'll be doing with my Kitty tonight?" Sasha tilted her head to one side, then another, offering a vague answer, "Something naughty?" "Well that was a given." he chuckled, slipping onto the bed and letting his hands wander up and down her front, "Maybe it's best just to show you then, hmm?" "I think so, Ildac... I think so." The fox grinned a bit and gave a little nip to her ear, "Just 'Ildac'? I think, for now, you ought to address me properly." "Mmm 'Master', then." "Much better." he helped to turn the feline so that she was facing him. Ildac was already nude like his tigress, though it was a slightly bigger deal for him, considering Sasha never wore clothing. The fox leaned in and kissed his pet, his hands sliding down her hips and over her buttocks, squeezing gently, making the feline squirm and whimper. "Naughty fox." she commented, her cheeks slightly reddened by his teasing, "Lucky I don't just slip out and pounce you." Ildac grinned, "There will be another time for that." "More like every other time." Sasha's grin matched his own, though there was a certain smugness in it. The fox wouldn't have that coming from his pet, oh no. He squeezed her backside again, snickering at the moan that escaped her throat, "No backtalk. Foxy gets the final word now, doesn't he?" "O-Only if you... earn it..." "Oh, I intend to." his hands moved away from her butt, one sliding between her legs and rubbing a teasing finger along her slit, making her squirm and writhe on the bed, "Should have gotten you a spreader bar so you couldn't close your legs... but I think I'd rather hold them open myself." Sasha didn't try to disguise her pleasure. She began to pant softly, her head rocking back and forth, tail twitching behind her, "Nnh... Kitty would much prefer that too, mewf." "Well good." Ildac smiled and kissed her again, planting little smooches on her lips, neck and chest, all the while letting his finger slip into her sex, finding her clit and rubbing little circles around it. The fox basked in the sound of her moaning and whimpering, and he could smell her arousal before long, "Do you want more, pet?" "Yes..." "Yes?" "Yes Master..." Sasha's cheeks were bright red, and she was playfully glaring down at him now, "Don't make me come and take it." "Such bold words, Kitty!" the momentarily dominant vulpine grinned, using his free hand to cup her chin, "You won't be so defiant once I've worked my 'magic' on you." Sasha's eyes widened as the fox's own began to brighten. She recognized this hypnotic attack quickly and closed her eyes before the mind-numbing silver light could penetrate through her defenses, "Not gonna get me that easily!" "I'd be disappointed if you didn't resist." the fox snickered and pressed his nude body against hers. Sasha could immediately feel her Master's erection pressed against her lower belly, and had her hands been free she might have given it a little love. She let out a sharp gasp when she felt that stiff cock slip between her legs and begin to rub and tease against her dampening sex. "M-Master... no fair." her complaints were half-hearted at best, though, for she found herself slowly grinding against him as his cock slid up and down against her, bringing moans from both fox and tigress alike. "You know you want to give in. Remember how good it feels?" Sasha was quiet, trying to resist the seductive vulpine's temptation. "Remember how nice the warm, silver light feels in your mind?" Sasha slowly admitted, "Y-Yeah..." "Then you remember how good it was to submit and let your sexy Foxy think for you." the tip of Ildac's cock pressed against her clit, bringing another gasp and a moan to go with it from the blushing tigress. "I-It was..." Sasha took a moment to steady her breathing, "Yes, I remember." "Why don't you open your eyes then?" Ildac's eyes took on that mesmerizing silver glow once again, waiting for her to expose herself to his mind-numbing assault. The tigress did just that. One eye opened, then the other, but instead of quickly glazing over, they began to glow as well. This glow wasn't the alluring hypnosis that she herself often used, but the tiny bit of resistance that she was choosing to put up. However, she never really chose to fully resist him when he was in these moods. This last act of defiance was merely a way to make him work for his victory. "That's a good girl." the fox added a second finger to his teasing between her legs, slowly and gently pumping them in and out of her sex, "Don't fight. Just relax. Surrender to your Master." "Nnn... not... gonna..." any attempts at speaking were cut off by her moaning, the gentle touch of Ildac's fingers wearing down her resistance all the more. It wouldn't be very long before she fell under his power. "Yes you will." he said, making the silver glow in his eyes swirl and flow enticingly, leaning in closer to fill her vision with its hypnotic light, "You want to. I know you do. It's in your nature to be mindless, submissive kitty." Sasha tried to close her eyes again to try and drown out some of that light, but she couldn't. It was true what he said. She did want it... quite badly, in fact. Her desire to make him fight for her mind was quickly waning, and the glow from her own eyes was beginning to fade. Before long, she would want it that way. "Damn you and your... compelling arguments... Foxy..." she giggled softly and slumped in her bindings, the protective glow fading from her eyes completely. Now completely defenseless, the tigress could do little but stare helplessly into her Master's eyes, the wonderful relaxing sensations quickly washing over her mind and body, quieting her thoughts and making her all the more eager to look into the pretty light. "That's a good kitty." the fox praised her, stroking under her chin gently and smiling, giving her his full power now, watching as her eyes began to glaze over, "Nice and blank for Master. Nice and empty." "Mmm... empty..." she repeated his words as they echoed through her mind, replacing the thoughts that had once filled her head. A dull smile formed on her lips, eyes lidding half-way as she fully surrendered to her Master's will. Ildac smirked, rubbing his pet's ears and kissing her lips gently, slowly moving his fingers away from her sex, leaving her squirming and wanting more, "Now that you're nice and complacent... let's take things up a notch." Sasha wiggled in anticipation as she watched the fox move around behind her. She let him move and shift her about, until she was sitting in his lap, with him leaning against the headboard, his hands combing through her fur and... tickling. The tigress gasped, blushing brightly and beginning to squirm against his warm body, but to no avail. The hypnosis had weakened her body as well as her mind, and she was still very much tied to that hook in the ceiling. All she could do was squirm, giggle and whimper. "Aww, poor Kitty. Completely helpless before a naughty fox's kinky torment." Ildac snickered as his fingers danced over her underarms and sides, moaning softly as her squirming body pressed against his erect member, "Hmm, let's make this more interesting." Sasha felt him lean up to her ear, whispering something into it. She didn't quite hear it physically, but her subconscious picked it up with ease, and her body responded in kind. What had started as a tickling sensation now turned into something far more pleasant, and yet far more tormenting. Now as the fox's fingers teased and tickled her vulnerable body, not only did she feel the tickle, but a slight feather's touch to her sex as well. A phantom set of feathers brushed right against her clit each time the fox tickled her, making her gasp and whimper all the more. That damn naughty fox knew just how to push her buttons, and he knew it. "Enjoying yourself, pet?" he smirked and whispered into her ear again. "Y-Yes-- Aahhh!" Sasha squealed out in pleasure as another set of feathers attacked her feet, sliding over the sensitive pads with merciless determination, in turn adding more sensation to her clit, "Yes Master..!" "Well good... because I'm not letting up." the naughty fox continued to poke, prod and tickle in every place he could get a reaction from, and there were a lot of those. He felt her thighs become quite wet, her arousal dripping into his lap. Soon he would take full advantage of her situation. Right now, he was having way too much fun. Sasha, on the other hand, wasn't fully sure whether she was having fun or not! It was that familiar love-hate feeling about being tickled. Everyone 'hates' being tickled, but they all laugh when it happens. It was just like that with her... but with the added stimulation, she wasn't so sure she hated it at all. The feathery touch against her clit was getting her so worked up, her squirming and thrashing weakened by her Master's hypnosis, but still enough to show him that she was really loving what was going on between her legs. "M-Master..." she managed to whimper out, "Please..." "Please what, pet?" Ildac took a momentary pause in his tickling, much to the half-relief, half-displeasure of the tigress. "Please... more..." Ildac smirked, kissing his pet's neck and nodding to her. He figured now was a good enough time, and he was feeling really needy as well. The fox whispered to her again, and the phantom feathers vanished. He wouldn't need them now. Slipping his hands under his pet's thighs, he lifted Sasha a little, carefully setting her down to a more comfortable position for what he had in mind, "Ready for me, pet?" "Mmm yes Master..." Sasha knew what was coming, even in her emptied mind. She moaned out softly as she felt his cock press against her sex again. This time, though, instead of simply teasing, the hardened shaft slid inside of her, the tigress' walls quickly clamping around the invading member and squeezing firmly, bringing a pleased moan from the fox behind her. "Hope you can keep up, Kitty." Ildac murred into her ear as he hilted himself in her, just before his knot. Slowly he slid himself back out again, and then thrust once more, coaxing another moan from both their lips. "Kitty will try, Master." Sasha huffed out, her cheeks burning brightly. She worked her hips in time with his as he fell into a slow, steady motion, moaning and whimpering out in pleasure. She couldn't do too much while bound, but that didn't seem to matter. Ildac was seemingly content with doing the majority of the work, his hands holding her hips firmly and bucking up into her, his groans of pleasure flowing into her ears and doing nothing to lessen her arousal. "Mmh you've always been my favorite, Sasha." Ildac murmured, giving her a few nice thrusts before falling back into motion, basking in her surprised cries of pleasure. "Thank you... Master..." Sasha's hips worked faster, pushing down on her Master's cock eagerly, pressing out her chest when Ildac's hands moved up to squeeze and fondle her breasts. In this mindless state, she existed for her Master's pleasure. To please him was to feel pleasure herself. Her efforts seemed appreciated, as the fox gave a gentle pinch to her nipples, making her jump a little, a little shiver traveling outward and along her body. Ildac matched her quickening pace, giving the eager tigress just what she desired. He hardly needed to hypnotize her to get her to ride his cock like this, but it was so much more satisfying when he could command her like this, where she had no choice but to obey. It was that mindless obedience that made it so much more enjoyable. The fox's hips pushed harder against her, his member throbbing inside the tigress' sex. His knot began to swell as he neared the point of no return, and he began to press it against his Kitty's eager sex lips, murring hotly into her ear, "Relax, pet. Just for a moment." Sasha obeyed, her entire body slumping as commanded, letting her Master do all the work for now. Under normal circumstances, there would have been no way for her to fully relax with that thick shaft pumping into her. Hypnosis was indeed a wonderful thing. The tigress' eyes widened when she felt Ildac's knot push up against her once, then twice. She let out a loud, ecstatic cry as he knotted her finally, stretching her just a little bit, continuing to thrust and hump into her. "Match me again." he said, and she did. Her body immediately tensed up again, her sex clenching around the thick knot that had forced its way inside, and she continued to buck her hips in tune with him. It wouldn't take too much more now. She could feel the pressure building within her, and was certain that the fox was feeling the same. The swelling knot inside her told her that much. Ildac gave her a little nip on her neck, murring and growling out in pleasure as his orgasm neared. He went faster, pushing his hips firmly against his Kitty, his breath becoming ragged and swift. He was close. "M-Master..!" Sasha moaned out over and over, her breaths matching his, her nerves beginning to tingle. "Cum, pet." Ildac growled into her ear, giving it a greedy little nip. That was all the invitation Sasha needed. She squeezed down on his knot and shut her eyes tight, crying out in ecstasy as she came. Waves of pleasure radiated out from her center, flooding her body and mind with orgasmic bliss, doubled when she felt her Master cum inside of her, his moans like a sexual song in her ears. She grinded against his knot, squeezed his cock with her inner walls, riding him throughout her entire orgasm, bringing ecstatic sounds from the two as they rode out the waves of pleasure, before collapsing onto each other. Ildac clumsily reached up to untie her, letting the velvet cloth fall to the side as he caught his exhausted tigress, panting softly and holding her close. The two did little but lay there for a while, Master holding his pet while she basked in the mindless pleasure that he had given her. She would wake on her own eventually, but he didn't want her to miss out on the cuddles. "Mmm wake up now, pet. Slowly. Letting each second of this night sink into your mind." Ildac stroked the tigress' ears as he whispered to her, smiling as he watched the intelligence fade back into her eyes. Sasha's cheeks were still quite red. As used to this as she was, she was still a bit of a bashful kitty. She buried her muzzle against Ildac's neck and purred deeply, nuzzling into him and letting out a happy sigh, "Thank you Master." The fox chuckled and poked her in the side, "Please... it's just 'Foxy' for now." Sasha stuck out her tongue and kissed his cheek, snuggling up against him, "Of course. Didn't think your dominant mood would last that long." "What can I say? I'm just not that much of a dom." he smiled and nibbled one of her ears, "Love you, Kitty." Sasha giggled and gave a little lick to his neck, "Love you Foxy. Just beware the revenge of the tigress." Ildac blushed faintly and cleared his throat, "I'll just have to watch my back then." "And your front, and your sides." "Yes, those too." They shared a laugh and dozed off after a while. Though they might struggle for control over one another's minds every so often, at the end of the day, they were equals. Just two lazy friends who occasionally did naughty things together.