Morsels Before Meal

Story by Avereth on SoFurry

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#2 of Instinct and Pleasure

Warning: the vore in this story is HARD VORE

It took Verdek many minutes alone with his pain before he could raise his head again and face it. With a deep breath the great head came back up and his glowing amber eyes opened, showing a bit more brightly in the early evening light. He could still feel IT, watching, waiting, eager to feed again. A gentle breeze rustled the coarse black hairs of his mane as he sat there, unsure of what to do with himself. He found the quietness preceding evening a soothing balm to his conscience, and resolved to stay there in peaceful solitude until his burden of guilt had lessened and he could find a way to conquer his savage, wild alter ego. IT was becoming smarter, and reveled in sadistic tendencies. He would stop it one day. His eyes closed again as he allowed himself to take in his peaceful surroundings, and let his guilt drift away in the light breeze.

Back at the camp, a pair of feline eyes blinked. "Oh, he is so dead..." An anthro lioness stepped into the firelight. Mitch was supposed to be helping pitch camp today. The last she'd seen of him was going out to get firewood. Of course, he'd probably gotten sidetracked by fishing or something, one of his feline hobbies. As she turned in the light, her body shadowed against a tree. Shanna was a tawny-colored lioness, one of the myraid number of others in the world. She wondered how she'd ended up with a gray lion like Mitch. He was her opposite, chubby where she had a lean stomach... Very fit, and the result being a very large outie bellybutton!

Likely taking a nap he was... Shanna stomped off into the darkness, her night vision kicking in. It was handy coming from a line of nocturnal hunters.

It wasn't long before she stopped, sniffing the air. Mitch's scent was coming from over to her right. As she walked, it grew stronger, until she knew she should be right on him. She saw his tail peeking out from behind a bush, wiggling every so often. So, he HAD gone for a catnap! She'd show him... Grabbing the tail in her paws, she gave a mighty yank! There was a slight sound like threads snapping before she went flying backwards, thrown by the own force of her pull... With her Mitch's tail in her paws. She blinked, looking at the severed end. "What in the hell!?"

Verdek, in his state of meditation, did not hear as the lioness approached him at all. However, when she yanked the tail free from is navel his eyes shot open and he let out a GROWLF in surprise as he felt the object forcibly yanked free of his belly. He immediately sprang up, amber eyes easily cutting through the darkness to see an anthro lioness. She was holding the tail out in front of her, eyes wide as saucers and mouth hanging open in shock, her ears laid back. As Verdek looked he began to realize the implications of her being here, and he let out a distressed whine as all of his guilt slammed back down upon him again, his tail drooping and ears lowering. What would she do when she realized what he had done? Gently, he tried to connect with her mind, to try to explain....but would she even listen? Verdek resolved to stand and take her retribution for his actions regardless of if she would listen or not....even offer to let her take her anger out on him if he could get through to her. In the back of his mind, he felt IT stir, watching...

The lioness was in complete shock, turning Mitch's tail around and around... But it soon wore off, especially when she saw the figure ahead of her. It smelled strongly of Mitch... But the tail was definite proof that it wasn't him, that he had been eaten or destroyed somehow. The stump of his tail looked like it had been eaten away by acids... She saw the creature suddenly lower its defenses as it watched her examine the tail. She was still a bit shaky, but stood up slowly. "Hey, don't worry... boy? I'm not going to hurt you." She crept closer, enough to put her paw out and let the creature sniff her, then try to pet it on the head. As she did so, it seemed like she was hearing a voice in her own mind. She'd experienced it before, back before she had met Mitch. Definite telepathy. "Hmm? Well now, aren't you an intelligent beastie?" She kept stroking his head, using her claws to gently scratch through the fur.

Verdek watched the lioness take note of him. She told him she wasn't going to hurt him, but despite that, when she reached towards him he flinched and turned his head away, unable to look her in the eyes, guilt clearly written about his features. He felt her claws stroking along his head and couldn't help but shiver at the contact. He felt himself gain access to her mind then, but didn't even know what to say. At the very least, she surely felt the profound sense of regret burdening him. After several moments he began forcing himself to choke the words out that he knew he must say to her. "I...w-want you to...know.....that I had no control over-....I couldn't prevent myself from-..." he trailed off, unable to continue...a pitiful whine coming from him when he couldn't continue anymore. He looked up at her then, a plaintitive look in his eyes, tears coming forth again.

Shanna looked at the animal, and realized it wasn't that he was afraid of her. "Oh, did you eat Mitch?" She rolled her eyes, not seeming too terribly worried. "Don't be so sad, I'm sure he enjoyed it. You don't look like the type... Well, okay, so you do look like the type that'd eat anything it came across. But you're not like that talking to me... You're strange, as if you don't belong in this body." She continued scratching him, getting right behind the ear. She knew enough canines that she was sure this wasn't too much different. She sighed, stroking her belly, her fingerpads brushing over her big outie.

"Although I wish it could've waited for a day, tonight was our special night." Easing off the scratching for a moment, she sniffed around, trying to see where Mitch's scent was the strongest. Finding it was the creature's belly, she tilted him slightly so he balanced on one side, and smiled. She saw his navel, with Mitch's fur sticking out where it had snapped from his tail. "That dirty ass! Heheh, serves him right. I bet he wasn't expecting that... I'm guessing you eat with your cute navel, am I right?" She waited for a nod, and giggled. "Call it women's intuition. I'm sure you and him had a long talk... He must've either pissed you off or talked you into letting him in there! Bah. Like I said, he was supposed to be playing with my outie tonight."

Verdek looked down again. He realized he had never even known Mitch's name until now. "My appearance means little, for I am merely a poor soul whose body has been changed into what you see now. I had no control over those unfortunate circumstances." Verdek sent her flashes of images of the fateful day, quickly replaying what he had told Mitch, minus the words and with the addition of the emotions he had felt at the time, and even the pain of the bone jarring headbutts. Her claws scritched behind his ear and he panted a bit as the tough to reach spot was scratched at, a hind leg automatically kicking slightly. She started to sniff, and Verdek quickly surmised what she was looking for. When she gently pushed against his side, he obediently rolled to the side a little, propping his head up with his front paws and turning to watch her. Verdek's jaws literally fell open at the way the lioness was so nonchalant about the ordeal.

"Bu-...but why don't you care!? He's gone forever and you are okay with that?!" He was stopped by the next question. "I-...he went in willingly, at first...but I was not myself then. Had I been I would never have allowed it. That isn't the only way I can eat...but it's the most enjoyable." He realized that he would have to explain that feral presence inside of him, the power it had over him....the danger it posed. "The...thing that allowed this to happen....has a name. I have always simply called the presence IT. IT is a seperate mind within my own. Whenever I neglect a need for too long, IT takes over my mind a bit at a time...eroding my will until I think that I want what it wants. IT has been becoming smarter...and crueler each time it emerges. I can feel it even now....watching from the back of my mind." Verdek looked away again. "Please, you must leave me. I don't want something terible to happen to you too...take your grief out on me or leave me to face my guilt on my own...please." With luck that would make her understand it wasn't fully his fault, that he had tried to stop it from happening.

Shanna giggled, going back to the scratching. Another mind... taking over his? That could be useful. She was thinking about what he'd said, then waggled her finger. "You'll know why soon enough. That IT... Is IT around right now?" She could feel it poking at her mind, the same darkness that Mitch had felt. She steeled her mind, slowly pushing it to the side for now. Whatever that was didn't like it, as it kept poking to get in. She had a feeling she knew what she wanted, and rubbed a finger across the strange animal's lips. The feeling stopped. "Er... Sorry, I just wanted to feel you."

"I'm sure Mitch told you this, but you're really interesting... May I see your teeth?" IT was tapping again, but like some kind of code or something. She knew she'd conveyed she was on IT's side. No, she wasn't going to go the night without her special time with Mitch. If not him, then it was going to be with this thing! She rubbed her bellybutton again, having gotten just a bit of saliva on her finger, giving a very soft moan as she felt the wetness dab off onto the fur coating her big outie navel. She tried drifting within her mind, to split it off from the animal... She almost had it... There! "You're what he calls IT... I want a small favor from you, and you get to have some fun in return. Not only that, but the fun also counts as a meal."

Verdek was a bit perplexed, wondering how he would know "soon enough". "IT? I have felt IT lurking since...since your mate caused it to come out. It's still here, watching you even now, i'm sure of it." He felt IT probing, searching for a weakness in the lioness, and he hoped dearly she didn't let it in like Mitch had. "Be careful! I can feel IT trying to get into your head!" Verdek growled, concentrating on forcing IT down. The Hunter's eyes crossed as they tried to look at her finger as it traced his lips. "Huh?" When she had done that, IT had stopped its probing. The implications of THAT had him worried. Now she wanted to see his teeth, and his tail lashed a bit with unease, but with a sigh he complied. His heavy jaws slowly parted to reveal the razor sharp fangs that lined his mouth. She felt his fangs, almost caressing their curves, before rubbing the saliva into her navel, moaning. IT was immediately there again, forcing past Verdek's efforts to stuff it down. The Remali's breathing quickened a little. Surely IT wouldn't dare to do THAT to her...would it? Verdek moved from his sideways sprawl to a flat out sitting position, worried he might need to flee before he did something he regretted again.

Within another part of his mind, IT lurked. The lioness was making IT desire meat, desire to overpower something weaker. It had not been able to get into her mind, to coax her into submitting as it pleased. But it felt when she connected to it. IT was just a mass of primal urges with a minimal amount of core sentience. It needed to overpower the rest of the mind to understand things more complicated the those primal urges that made it up. Thus her words meant nothing to it. But, behind those words was something it understood very well. Her urges matched its own. She wanted to be prey, to be overpowered and eaten. IT wanted to do that. The mind would not listen to it, so once again IT began forcing its way free, beginning to spread its influence. The lioness would feel simply desire coming from IT, desire for her wishes. Bit by bit, Verdek's perception was beginning to change as IT tried to take over more slowly than usual... Without realizing it, Verdek's stiff posture relaxed and he felt at ease again.

Shanna smiled. She could tell she'd gotten through to IT and that it understood. She kept feeding it desires of being bitten and chewed. Her paws went back to rubbing his head and teeth, barely moving her fingers before the teeth suddenly clenched shut. She could feel IT taking control of his mind now... his clenched teeth trying to keep it out of his mind. She could see Verdek getting ready to spring away, on the verge of running or being taken over. Now it was time for the coup de gras... "So, tell me, have you ever eaten anyone through your mouth? I mean, these teeth can't be really useless, can they?"

"I bet you liked the way they tasted. Every bite you took, yummy. They're so lucky... I'd love to feel your tongue on me, especially on my outie right now." Suddenly, Shanna reached out and grabbed Verdek around the neck in a hug, rubbing her arms about him. Her paws slowly pushed his head down to her navel, the fleshy outie pressing against his lips. The lioness groaned out, pressing those jaws against her belly harder... Until the lips were forced apart, to let her rub her soft navel on the white teeth in his jaws. She could hear the rubbery flesh squeaking against them, absorbing all his saliva off them.

Her paws worked around his head, especially those ears. She had to get him relaxed, and knew it was almost time. IT was pulsing against her mental block, but not uncomfortably. She could almost hear a dark laughter on the side of the "conversation" she was having with IT. She pressed her soft outie against his jaws again, wiggling it around so it rubbed against his mottled pink gums too, pressing under his lips and making a bulge under them. "Just one little lick, for me?"

Verdek further relaxed as he felt the lioness rubbing his head, but then she went to his teeth again, and suddenly he realized something was wrong, his jaws closing with an audible CLACK. He realized that IT had crept upon his mind so slowly he hadn't been aware, and desperately tried to push it back down. Forcing his increasingly muddled mind to think, Verdek began to gather himself to sprint away, to get away from the lioness who seemed to be tempting him. She started asking him questions, questions he knew were baited to distract him. And it was working, too. He couldn't help but recall the feel of his teeth tearing open the bellies of many an animal he had chased down...the warm feel of the flesh as his teeth slid through....the warmth of blood on his tongue....the feel of the steaming mass as he bolted it down and it warmed his belly.

He knew he was losing, and tried to flee. But his legs did not move, IT was becoming dominant now, and it was increasingly hard to tell his own thoughts from the desires IT thrust upon him. He was aware of her belly pressing against his head then, and try as he might, he could not move his neck. His muzzle was forced against her and he felt her navel press past his lips. Her paws were working at his ears then, reassuring him. Everything was okay, wasn't it? "Just one little lick, for me?" she said. And then his jaws parted, and his tongue rasped over the lump of her navel. And then again, and again, eagerly. His tail began wagging in earnest then, his snout eagerly sniffing at her belly. IT emitted nothing but pure pleasure to the lioness. IT was getting what it wanted... As it always did.

Shanna felt the connection suddenly shift, becoming all IT. However, she shifted her block. IT has gotten in, just a little, but could only give her the pleasure, not take her over. Suddenly, those sharp teeth parted, letting the lioness' bellybutton slip past. It was pushed instantly by the tongue, soft and lumpy, making a hot squelching sound against her navel as his moist breath rippled her belly fur. A string of Verdek's drool ran down her belly as her navel became coated in the saliva from his licks. She was sure he was loving her musky lion taste, her outie a dry-flavored meat in comparison to Mitch's.

The snuffling grew even faster, as she continued to massage that head, making sure Verdek was now IT. She felt the lips close over her navel lump, and the teeth pressing into it lightly from the sides at the base, where it connected to her belly. "Hehe... Good boy. I think we've come to a mutual understanding now. You've done my favor by getting rid of his good side. Now your reward, the fun and the meal... The fun part is I'll tell you where to eat, and then you eat that part. You can start with what's in your mouth..." Oh cripes, if that mouth didn't feel good. Her outie was still getting a soaking tonguebath from the licks, the tongue resting on top of it and soaking in her flavor. The lioness let out a huge moan, waiting for IT to make a decision.

Verdek was fully dominated now. He and IT were one and the same once again, and their desires were one and the same. He was greatly enjoying this foreplay with his meal, soon sucking and nibbling at that knot of flesh. He stopped as she began talking to him again, removing his head and looking up at her, a strand of drool still connecting the end of his maw to her belly. IT could comprehend her words this time, and a hungry grin grew over his muzzle. IT was not used to being told what to do, but it encountered a new feeling, curiosity. He replied, shockingly, with real words and not using his mind in a deep voice.

"Fun....I" the words came out slowly, as IT assimilated a new skill into its core sentience, speaking in the manner necessary to form words that Verdek had failed to discover. The maw was sucking upon her navel again then, eliciting a moan from the lioness. He continued sucking and nibbling, and then, almost lovingly, brought his front teeth together, skewering the navel in several places before gently pulling away, plucking the knot loose. He looked up at her face again, tasting the morsel before taking a slow swallow, his regular stomach beginning to grumble in hunger. "I want...more"

Shanna smiled broadly, sharp teeth showing. This was going perfectly. She suddenly felt her bellybutton knob being suckled up and away from her belly, the teeth of the beast closing in on and biting her navel, pressing through and sawing away for a bit, before pulling its head back, snapping the bellybutton free from her stomach. She was able to look in for a second , seeing her brown-furred navel rolling out of sight on the tongue of the creature before falling back, her navel bleeding some, but not a whole lot. She was in a pure pleasured shock, her belly stinging but also feeling good, just like with Mitch... Yes, this was the result of their special time.

But she wasn't quite satisfied. "More fun, huh? You're a quick learner. How about this next?" Shanna slowly reached up to her belly shirt, stroking the raw, sensitive flesh where her outie had been moments before. It sent shivers of pain and pleasure up and down her spine, as she quickly tore off the shirt, revealing the breasts. Her nipples were standing out in the night air, fleshy nubs exposed to the predator. "These next then. These are definitely fun."

Verdek watched the lioness' reaction, and IT enjoyed it all the more because the lioness was enjoying it. She spoke again and he waited to see what he would be fed next. Her shirt was torn free, revealing her ample breasts to the warm night air. Verdek quickly moved in, excited to be offered a sizable chunk of meat this time, stomach again groaning in hunger only increased by the tiny morsel he had sent it. His cold nose was there then, sniffing, taking in her scent in. His mouth opened and latched around the left breast, the soft flesh squelching around his raspy tongue as he sucked the flavor off of it, enjoying her flavor. He was pressing against her hard enough that she was gradually pressed onto her back while he stood above her, continuing to suckle.

Suddenly he clamped down and with a wet sound the mound came free. He took a heavy gulp and the heavy bulge visibly worked down his throat until it disappeared into his muscular chest. The second breast was soon having the flavor sucked off as well. With a gentle nip, he bit the tip off of it, and then pressed his muzzle to hers as if kissing. His tongue met hers, and he pressed the morsel into her mouth, his tongue working over her teeth for a moment before retreating. Then his jaws were spread around that breast again, his tongue teasing at where he had bit the tip off. Finally, after a few moments, his jaws closed once again, and the second breast went down to join the first. Tail wagging, Verdek and IT stepped back to let the lioness back up, eagerly awaiting her next offer!

Shanna gasped out, feeling her breasts tasted so completely. The fur was soaked almost instantly on the first, the thin lips of the Remali pressing down to its base and teeth jabbing into it as he suckled the entire orb of flesh. She could feel his tongue trace around it, the lumpy and mottled surface lapping at her flavor as it flowed from her meaty breast. The lioness moaned as IT rolled the tongue over her nipple, which had been hard from the night air. It quickly became soft and supple, flexing under the tongue pressing into it. She could feel the jaws closing in on it, then suddenly tearing it free from her chest, feeling the skin with the bite-marks through it stretch and snap, the fatty blob of her body going into his large maw with no problem. She moaned out as the tear bled profusely, and eagerly presented the other breast to the muzzle, beginning to become even darker red as her blood further stained the fur. Shanna gasped as the mouth didn't take her breast as with the first, but chomped off her nipple, blood and breast fluids flowing from the hole. She was definitely not expecting the kiss... The tongue pushing that bit of meat into her own muzzle, making her taste her own flesh not as she had while bathing, but as the Hunter did, fresh meat, raw under the skin. Her tongue pressed the bulge between his, both meeting and exchanging a quick but passionate kiss. Her tongue slowly explored the inside of his mouth, feeling the top to be soft and ridged, the sharp teeth jutting out of the gums like sabers all around the mouth, each one made for easily and quickly biting into and removing meat from its target.

As Verdek broke off and went back to her breast, suckling once again, she rolled her nipple around in her mouth... It was strange, to be finding her own taste so good, likely a product of the Remali's saliva mixed with her own. As her breast was bitten into, she ground the nub between her teeth, hissing slowly as her flesh was torn away. She laid there, panting as she watched the creature in front of her relish her flesh in its mouth, before chewing on and then swallowing it in a large lump, making a bulge once it reached the upper belly, below the chest. Her footpaw reached up to trace the outline with a dull foot claw, then rubbing the pads against the soft belly. "Whew... That was purely amazing. I'll take a bit of a break. But you can have this." In her paw, she offered up Mitch's tail, limp, but still warm. The tuft waved around as she wriggled it, like a lure on a fishing line in front of the jaws, dripping with drool and blood, as well as other fluids. She had to admit, such a sight was really hot!

Verdek watched the lioness' reaction. IT reveled in how she seemed to be enjoying his attentions completely, fully willing to keep playing along. Before, IT had only sought to satisfy his hunger with the other pudgy lion, but this....this was...entertaining. He tracked the progress of the second breast down to his gut, the hunger lessening a small amount. The tidbits were nothing more than appetizers, really. He felt the rough pawpads tracing along his stomach and happily laid down on his side beside her, finding the contact against his soft skin to be very pleasant. He caught the end of a sentence, and was presented with a grey tail.

He sniffed at it a moment and looked again. IT could recall who the owner of that tail was, he could feel his lower gut churning the liquefied lion. Verdek's jaws parted slightly and he secured the bushy end of the tail after a moment of missing as it was wiggled back and forth. The long and thin object was a bit difficult for his muzzle to work towards his throat, and it took a good bit of head lifting and precise tonguework before he could feel the bushy hairs tickling at his throat. The sensation caused him to reflexively swallow, drawing a bit of the tail in, tickling even more. Several more convulsive swallows had about half of the tail worked in, still not catching on the rippling throat muscles. The stubborn thing finally slipped far enough in, and a last swallow slowly dragged the tail down his throat and into his belly, the last half visible the entire time by the way he held his mouth open during the swallow so that the lioness could see. After that IT waited once again, enjoying the rough pad still woking at his belly.

Shanna gazed into Verdek's maw, watching him suck and lap at the tail, a few times getting her paw with that lumpy tongue, fingers becoming drenched. She giggled, loving that tickling tongue sensation. Wiggling her drool-coated fingers, she held them up to his muzzle as she watched the raw end of the tail slip out of sight, indeed a tasty, but tedious treat! As the mouth was still open, she stuck a few padded fingers in, this time using those to feel around. She gripped and grabbed at the slimy organ, feeling it wriggle about in her handpaw. The leathery pads softened with the saliva's contact, her fur also matting down. She traces lines along the inside of the large cheeks, teasing with a finger at the back of that throat as well, feeling it reflexively swallow at her, the tongue moving up top try and push her finger down the throat. She smiled, her other paw rubbing the raw lump where her navel had been torn off, and placed all her fingers on the one paw along the teeth. "Mmm... All yours, big boy." She giggled, petting the top of the muzzle as it lowered towards her fingerjoints, the breathing becoming hotter and hotter as less outside air was inside the humid cavern now, waiting for those lips to close over yet another part of her body...

Verdek felt a paw slip into his mouth, the lioness' pawpads feeling around as they rubbed the inside of his cheeks, grabbing at his tongue, tickling his gullet. He allowed the exploration, IT not quite sure why she was so interested in working over the inside of his mouth. "All yours, big boy." she said to him, and the ends of his muzzle tuned up in an apparent grin. He felt the delicate fingers positioned along his front, meat shearing fangs, able to crunch through the leg bones of his prey when his powerful jaws flexed shut around them. Verdek first sucked the entire hand into his muzzle, wanting to taste more of that lioness' flavor. The large tongue repeatedly squished her hand against the roof of his mouth as saliva mixed around her hand, drawing off her flavor. He would then swallow the excess saliva and repeat the process. He did this a few times, eyes closed as he tasted. Then he slipped his muzzle back until only the fingers were inside once again.

He tensed his jaws, bringing pressure down upon the fingers, the razor tips of his fangs giving slight pinpricks as they just barely pierced through the skin. He released the pressure then, he had only acted like he was going to take them in one bite! Very gently he worked his mouth around her thumb, positioning his teeth to take it in one bite. This time his jaws did close, and he felt a slight resistance as the underlying bone resisted a moment before giving with quite a crack! He felt warm blood in his muzzle then, trickling towards his throat, and swallowed it along with the thumb, drawing the hand into his mouth again so that she would feel the swallow. He repeated the process with each additional finger, taking his time and enjoying himself. When at last there were no digits remaining, he kept what was left of her hand gently inside of his mouth, swallowing the blood occasionally.

Shanna could feel her paw being licked over, flattered that IT seemed to enjoy the taste of her body. Her toes were still trailing their circles on the Hunter's belly, the tips occasionally pressing into his navel, the lioness unable to keep herself from pressing the soft bellybutton lightly. As the mouth maneuvered her paw around, she felt the lips sucling at it, especially on her thumb, and then a prick, followed by a thread of pain running through her arm from her thumb, the teeth neatly shearing off the digit. Her hand was suckled all the way into the large maw, bleeding and twitching. As the pain subsided into shock, she grabbed at the bite with her fingers, holding the thumb in her paw and smiling. Slowly, it was sucked from her paw and tasted, a bit of blood-filled drool escaping the side of the predator's mouth. It was quickly swallowed once there was no more flavor to be gained from the bony bite. She slid her paw back, as if to remove it from the beautiful jaws, when they were brought down again on another finger. She let out a short roar, arching her back from the pain in her hand. Slowly, her digits still caught between those teeth, the maw worked from one side of her paw to the other and removed each one of her remaining fingers in turn, leaving her with a bleeding stump of a paw. Every one of the fingers was slowly swallowed, the tongue playing with the last one, sucking and pushing on the ligament controlling her claw on the inside, and cutting her paw with it. It was painful, but feeling good as well, making her titter and smile as she bent down and gave the Remali a kiss on the nose, licking some of the bloody drool from his cheek. Her ears flitted in front of ITs amber eyes, thick bites of cartilage ready to be plucked. "I can tell you're looking at those... Unless you want to finish my paw off, you're welcome to them."

Verdek was surprised at the kiss on the snout, but quickly lapped his tongue across her face in response. That foot was still working at his belly, and had worked its way down to his Mitch bloated lower abdomen. The toe was occasionally pressing into his navel now, the claw unable to pierce the flesh but making his hind toes clench at each intrusion. Then the next offer came, rest of the hand, or ears? IT was a bit perplexed at first. He had never had to choose between one thing or another before, and it was a confusing feeling to him since normally there seemed to be only one logical course of action to whatever he did. Looking to the overpowered part of the mind as he had done on previous occasions he tired to figure out which choice. Using the borrowed logic, IT formed an answer to question and learned how to compare values in choices, swelling its core sentience once again. The paw stump was more meat, but he was sure he was going to eat the rest of her at some point anyway. The ears, on the other hand, had a different appeal. They were pointy and furry, framing the lioness' head in an adorable way. IT stopped its thoughts for a moment, contemplating the concept of something appearing as something other than food.

Decision made, her paw was allowed to slide free of his jaws and he stood back up. He moved behind her head, towering over her as he looked down at the fluffy treats. Having yet another chance to taste her his broad tongue came out once again. He didn't even start on the ears, he washed the top of her head and worked his way to both ears a lick at a time, savoring the flavor and thinking she was enjoying it too. IT stoped for a moment yet again, wondering why it liked the fact that she was enjoying herself too. Shrugging it off as too complicated to figure out he started licking an ear again. He began to nibble a little, nothing more than his lips tugging a bit, with a few well placed brushes along the sides of his teeth thrown in. He put a paw up on her shoulder and leaned his head in right above hers. He licked at the ear more and more fervently, the teeth actually starting to rough it up a bit. Finally he gave in and clipped through it, chewing on the tough treat for a while until it was manageable enough fo him to swallow. Immediately after he was at the other ear again, licking and nipping once more. It was a few more minutes before he finally removed it. He swallowed a bit too early and gagged a bit, having to take a few heavy gulps before the lodged piece finally went down. He let her loose from under his paw then, giving her a little lick across the nose to encourage her.

Shanna closed her eyes as Verdek licked the top of her head over. Her fuzzy hair was no match for the tasting, saliva coated tongue as it lapped through to her head. She couldn't help but moan some more as her ears were cleaned off by the wonderful tongue, each tastebud bump moving slickly over the surface of each ear. She clenched her bleeding hand to her chest, using her torn shirt to try and stop the bleeding in as many places as she could to enjoy this more. Shanna's face curled up in pain, letting out a small whimper as her sensitive ears were bitten and torn off, one at a time by those sharp teeth. She had to appreciate IT though, that thing knew just how to press her buttons... Or eat them, as the case may be! Each tug of the lip and nibble from the predator excited her a bit more until the bites had been made, a climax of pleasure in her brain, along with the burst of pain to keep her mind focused and sharp, and not drifting off to the depths of unconsciousness... She suddenly felt the beast licking at her nose with the mottled tongue, panting almost like a feral dog. She smiled and patted him with her free hand, smelling the scent of her own flesh on his breath as it was right in front of her face. "Mmm... You like my nose? It's all yours."

The overpowered Verdek took in what she said and moved around fully in front of her. He enjoyed standing above her in such a dominant position and it was visible in the way the amber glow gleamed from his eyes. He took in the white facemask, the pink of her nose, the way he was reflected in those green eyes as they followed him. His massive head lowered down to her level, his lower jaws open allowing his tongue to hang out. He placed his lips around her nose and started tasting a bit, beginning to gauge his bite as he nibbled at the soft flesh, searching and feeling for the soft spots. When he had it figured out his jaws stopped their movement as he locked eyes with her own. With a slow, guided bite his powerful jaws sheared through the softer extremities of her nose, and the last bit seperated with some extra pressure applied from his jaws. He moved his head back and swallowed, moving back in to lick some of the blood that was escaping her face.

The lioness grinned, looking deep into the eyes. They were still bright, but only in appearance. They held none of the bright light that they had when Verdek was in control. Now there was only a predatory gaze back at her, locking her eyes to his. IT was able to look into her and feel her desires through this connection, better than IT had from the mental one. It was obvious she was enjoying the torment of her body, and barely noticed when her nose was latched upon by those lips, tongue tasting the wet, soft surface, and teeth pressing in gently to test for bony spots. Her dream world was shattered by pain as her eyes watered, almost crying out as her nose and sinuses were ravaged by the bite. She felt the tongue licking at the bite mark, the blood flowing freely from it. She was beginning to get a little lightheaded now, but still able to continue. Her tail brushed up against Verdek, touching the corner of his jaws. "I bet you can guess what's next..." She pointed at the offending ropy bit.

Verdek stopped his licking as she spoke to him again, feeling her tail bush the side of his face. He noticed that her eyes seemed to be losing their focus, something he had seen in many a prey as it bled out, but now her tail was being offered. Verdek snapped at the tail a few times as it wavered back and forth in the air and finally got it secure in his mouth. The hairs on its end were very ticklish against his flesh, so he sucks on the end, using his plentiful saliva to slicken it over. He continued sucking on it, working it back towards his throat as he worked on slickening his way up the tail. Soon he felt the tip work its way past his mouth and begin its descent into his gullet. Though it was wetted down, the appendage still tickled at the back of his throat because it couldn't be pulled down by the rippling muscles. In response his jaws produced even more saliva and he had to swallow frequently to keep from drooling too much. He was so preoccupied with working his way down the tail and swallowing that he was surprised when he reached its base. The entire tail was inside of him now, and he could feel the lioness twitching it deep inside of his gullet. He swallowed reflexively a few times, then positioned his teeth around the base of the tail. Knowing he would have to bite through bone in a manner similar to snapping a small animal's neck, his bite was sudden and powerful, severing it in an instant. He felt the tail stiffen up as his clenching throat was finally able to suck it down, and soon the uncomfortably long object slithered out of sight towards his still unsated stomach. He rose back up then, not even aware he had forced the lioness down until he stood back up.

Shanna blinks and flings herself facedown rather quickly, not even realizing the tail was in those jaws until she felt it tugged on, being swallowed into that deep throat. She flicked it weakly, her strength quickly leaving her as her heart struggled more and more to pump. Time was almost slowing down for her as she strained to stay awake. She could feel the relaxing tongue lapping up and down the length of the appendage, slicking her fur, and the muscular throat try to swallow it. She began to fall asleep, yawning from the perfect caresses relaxing her body. A painful bite to her tailbone jerked her back from the edge again. Her paw grabbed at her rear, blood flowing from that bitemark, but quickly dropping to a trickle, the lioness not having much left to deal with. Her footpaws pressed against the Remali's hungry face, and she smiled slightly. "I think this is my last spot. When I'm done, please swallow me down. It'll be much more practical for you, and a lot of fun for the both of us. My toes are on the menu now, enjoy." the toeclaws poked Verdek's nose gently before hovering in front of his mouth.

As Verdek watched, the lioness' strength seemed to be draining from her, and yet still she offered more of herself. His sensitive nose twitched as her footclaws poked at it, and they then drifted in front of his mouth. He slowly closed his jaws around the ends, able to tell just by taste what part of the forests she had walked through to get here. He felt a sense of urgency though, to finish this quickly. She wasn't going to last too much longer - minutes at the most. He worked his jaws around the toes and one by one crunched through them, quickly swallowing and moving to the next. By the time he had finished she was even weaker. She had said to swallow her down....he wasn't sure if he could do that or not, but he would certainly try! He moved in front of her head, looking for a sign as to where she wanted him to start.

The lioness raised her arms above her head, bleeding out of every bite wound more and more slowly and less of the red juice was available for her body to pump. she could feel his head and jaws as her one solid paw touched it, though her fingertips were growing rather numb. The warmth of the mouth, and the hot drool mixed with her own blood inside was quite welcome. She waited for the strange being to swallow her up, and finish her off once and for all.

The lioness' paw sliding into his jaws was a clear enough sign to Verdek which way she wanted to go. He quickly worked his broad tongue over her paw to moisten it and began to work his way down. Soon most of Shanna's arm was embraced in the warm confines of his jaws. To go any further, her head would have to be enveloped by his jaws. He looked down at her face, and her gaze seemed to be fixed on him, in a distant manner. His jaws parted to gape widely and the lioness' view quickly became that of the Remali's rows of teeth and the darkness of the throat beyond. He felt her raised arm press into his throat, and swallowed reflexively, his tongue cupping under Shanna's chin. Repositioning his body a bit, he moved more in front of the lioness for a better angle. Almost gently, a paw slid beneath her to help support her weakened frame as he leaned forward slightly. Her shoulders slipped into his muzzle and he continued the slide down her body, salivating heavily in response to having so much meat in his maw at once, strands running down her form and dripping from his jaws. The view of his teeth slid in the lioness' vision, and with a moist sound her head pressed into the soft flesh of his pulsing gullet, the folds accepting her with a soft slurp. It felt odd for the Remali to have such a solid mass entering his throat, but he persisted, getting ready to force her widest part back as his tongue worked over her to keep her nice and lubricated.

Shanna was warm now, getting warmer and more tired as she worked into the slimy maw of the huge predator. She could smell her own musk all about her with each labored breath she took, her body having been devoured quite a bit by the draconic canid. She smelled her blood, her sweat, and her pleasure all about her as she passed through into the darkness of the neck. It was inviting, thick and protective from the outside. She could hear hot, heavy breathing from her damaged ears, and the thump of the strong heart in the beast. Her blood streamed now, having renewed vigor from the warming body, and streaming down into her fur. The coppery-tasting liquid only added to her lubrication as she traveled down into Verdek.

With a firm pressure downward Verdek slid his jaws further. Shanna's shoulders were a bit wide, and it took a few moments before they grudgingly pressed into the soft folds of flesh. Now fully sealed into his gullet, Verdek's every breath would seem a cool, rushing wind, and every swallow powerfully gripped as the pulling ripple worked over her body with a heavy wet sound. Now that the hardest part was beyond his jaws, Verdek could swallow with much more ease. He used his paw to lift Shanna slightly and worked her a bit further in. Soon most of her chest had disappeared beyond his jaws, and a heavy bulge could be seen pressing out from his neck- one that shifted a fraction lower every time the Remali's head tipped and the muscles of his neck tensed. As soon as her broad chest was encased in his throat the pressure began to lessen. Enough of the lioness was inside of his body now that he no longer needed to steady her with his paw. Bringing it back to the ground, he instead used it for support as his head tipped upwards. Another swallow and the slick flesh gripped her body and pulled her downwards much faster, her large bulk the only thing that kept her from slithering down into his stomach in one gulp. In a few seconds the lump pressing out his throat fur began to disappear within his broad chest. Now only the lioness' legs from the knees down were still exposed to the cool outside air. She was far enough down that the only air was that which was forced down along with every swallow, humid and warm. The Remali's every breath could be heard and felt as the broad chest expanded and retracted. His heartbeat would seem a booming drum felt as much as heard, so close was she to it. Feeling so much food so close, Verdek's stomach churned and growled hungrily in anticipation.

Shanna was on her last bits of life, her body shuddering uncontrollably as she struggled to take in the hot air, her diminished blood supply just not carrying enough oxygen to her brain. She slowed again, no amount of heat able to keep her up. She could only smile as her eyes closed for the last time, kissing the throat's warm embrace of her body, accepting her into the stomach to be added to the powerful mass of such a predator. Bit by bit, her thoughts turned to the prospect of sleep. Breathing and heartbeat turned to a lullaby of life, Verdek's life as it surged around her, another reminder that soon she would be a part of that life along with the rest of her that had been devoured. A last breath, and she was silent and still, everything relaxing and becoming limp for the rest of the trip down into the gullet. She felt nothing of her legs travelling inside, most of her body being pulled into the greedily grumbling stomach. Her head drifted in, the stomach slightly pushed in by another bulge, which moved away as she pressed against it. The navel pouch containing Mitch was right next to her, a pillow for her final rest inside this stomach.

The bulk of his prey inside of him, Verdek watched as the lioness' legs were quickly pulled out of view forever and into his body. He could feel her head burrowing into his body, and groaned in ultimate satisfaction as he felt her mass begin to fill his gut. The undulating walls of his stomach readily stretched to hold their biggest meal in a long time, and he felt the lioness' weight quickly shift from his chest to settle comfortably just beyond. He had never fed so heavily through both orifices before and his belly curved out under him heavily. Verdek groaned again and sat on his hindquarters, licking his paw to clean it off. His ministrations moved down his sides and belly and soon he was cleaned off, if slightly damp. His stomach heaved and a heavy gurgling belch emerged as all of the swallowed air was released, drawing his red belly skin more tightly across his meal. Needs satisfied, IT finally began to recede, desires fulfilled more than it could have hoped for twice in the same day.

Meeting in the Woods

This story is a collab done between Mitch and I and was converted from an RP we did fully into a story. * * * Within the sparse undergrowth, the Hunter stalked very slowly towards its target, its golden eyes watching for even the slightest hint...

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Secret pleasures, chapter 5

Raldun felt cool air and immediately gasped and sputtered as he coughed out mucus. Squinting in the sunlight, he rose up onto unsteady legs. Verdek helped support him with a paw as he looked him over. Raldun was covered in slime. It also appeared that...

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Secret pleasures, chapter 4

Raldun looked over as Verdek came back. His stomach had a bulge in it that was moving around even as he watched. As Verdek settled back into the lounging chair, he asked him what it was. "A python, he's still trying to find a way back out, but his...

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