Zero Wing: A yiffy space-love story

Story by Beaverspear on SoFurry

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"A.D. 2101 war was beginning." The captain lifted his space-pen off the electro-pad, looking at the silver device in wonderment. He read the sentence over in his head and with a crimpled forehead; he erased it, and wrote it down again, "2101 A.D. war was beginning." That sounded a little better, but something still was off. The blond haired captain, defeated by his own problem, leaned back on his chair and wiped the sweat off his forehead. Journal writing was tough work, but he knew that it had to be done, especially since his days were limited with CATs army growing bigger every day. The captain went back to his electo-pad and thought hard about what was wrong with the sentence. A few minutes later, he decided this to be too much work, and went over to his space-auto-bar to get himself a space-ice-tea. But then the space stresses of his previous space work lead him to order a long-space-island-space-iced-tea. He took the space glass from the space-auto-bar and went back to his space desk. He sipped the space drink and back to his space work he went, "2101 A.D. war was beginning." "Sir, the base calling!" One of the captain's faithful space men came rushing through the space door. He was unimportant extra and therefore lacked little (space?) description. "What wrong with sentence?" The captain showed the unimportant extra the electo-pad and the unimportant extra looked at the writing displayed thusly. "What you say? 2101 A.D. war was beginning? Fine sounds!" The unimportant extra shrugged. "Fine sounds?" The Captain looked back at his work and shrugged back, "I right, suppose." He stood up and eyed at the space man before him, "What you say?" "Sir, the base is calling!" The extra ran out the space door and beckoned his captain to follow. The captain did so, and he raced towards the space bridge following the unimportant extra. The bridge of course not being a bridge where you cross from point A to B over some non-travelable terrain, but of a bridge like from Star Trek. Entering the bridge, the captain swished back his blond hair and but on his captain gloves. The white space-silk, had always been there for him during tough times- and he had a feeling a tough time was to come. He looked over his bridge crew, blue clothing and blond hair. Perfect conformity, a deviant of genetic manipulation, something the current human government seemed to prosper on. There were the blue dressed, blonde haired military and tactical units, and the brown haired purple clothed operator and technical units. "Sir, we look CATS ship nearby." One of the brown haired purple clothed soldiers looked up to see his captain had entered the deck. The deck not being a deck of cards, although that would be bizarre, rather a deck like you would experience if you were standing on a ship. "What you say?" The Captain darted for the control space chair. A space-chair that had a semicircle of computerized mumbo jumbo in front of it that would appear to hold some important function (however it was known that this was used for space games of space Halo 10 (which was really like every other first person shooter)). "Sir, do what now?" The operator looked back at his screen and then looked at the captain worryingly. The captain with the Space-Xbox 1080 controller in hand gave him a worried look back. If CAT was around that meant serious business, and this would seriously affect his pwnability. That really space-pissed him off. "Wary be not! I will be no fear!" The captain took his gloves and rubbed them against his face. They were so smooth and nice; they really helped him when he needed to be calm. He looked at the start up screen to the game of space Halo, and before he was able to select space Multiplayer a fierce space shake and fiery inferno blew across the ship. "What happen?" The captain raised his head to see his heavily damaged ship interior on the space-screens before him. The space screens always made him smile, as he remembered the deal he got on them when he bought them from Space Best Buy (Beta). "Somebody set up us the bomb." The mechanic jumped onto the bridge, but left moments later, as he was on fire and in immense pain. "We get signal." An operator turned over his shoulder to address his captain. The captain looked at the hi-tech space-mumbo-jumbo before him and responded with a crisp and firm, "What!" "Main screen turn on." The operator pressed on the line 1 button and a holographic image began to appear before the captain. "It's you!!" The captain looked at the almost real image before him; there appeared a purple cloaked representation of all that is evil in the whole space-wide space-universe. With tall space-teal (which was like teal: only in space) hair he looked from his cyber space-techno eye piece with great joyousness and evil space-mirth, "How are you gentlemen !!" His holographic space image smiled at his recent, and about to be announced victory, "All your base are belong to us." He paused for a bit and then presented the rest of the situation, "You are on the way to destruction." The captain was in awe, he knew this space-day (which was Space-Monday) would come, but he didn't expect it to be so soon, "What you say !!" He whimpered eying at his conqueror before him. "You have no chance to survive make your time" The evil being continued to smile out of evil space-mirth. He ended his transmission with a space-laugh, "Ha Ha Ha Ha." The operator felt like crying at this point, the space evil of the evil space being showed no space bounds, but instead he forced his last bit of space manhood to come out in a single space word, "Captain !!" The Captain paused, thinking into his white gloves, there was only one thing he could do now, "Take off every 'Zig' !!" He sighed, "You know what you doing." He sighed again, feeling his white gloves against his skin, "Move 'Zig'" And with a great powerful fist he raised into the air as he screamed into a wad of space gum that had been stuck in the ceiling, "For great justice." The wad of gum responded by staying firmly into the roof. Sadly it could not fly a zig, because it never passed space-university. It was now doomed to obliteration. But that's O.K. because it was pretty depressed after its wife, Dentyne Ice Peppermint wad of gum broke up with him due to his erectile dysfunctions, and then after that his children we're all shot by a gumball after he accidently left them behind in a gas station. Yes, the wad of gum defiantly was ready to die. Then it realized it wasn't living in the first place, and continued to seize all thought. The operator nodded and without question he launched those Zig's, he launched them deep into the space-space of space, and there they would work to destroy CATS. Perhaps they would be successful, perhaps not, this is never to be known, as Zero Wing ended with a cliff-hanger and a sequel was never made. However, back on the space ship the crew of the bridge awaited their time, which they had no chance to survive. Fire had engulfed most of their ship, and the bridge was losing its life support. The crew sat silently at their computers, thinking about their loved ones and happy thoughts. They were doomed, and there was nothing the captain could do. Then hope came upon a fiery and totally real, non CGI explosion in the wall. A spaceman, dressed in space clothing came through the recently created space-entrance, appearing through smoke and debris. The captain looked wide eyed at the visitor. "Who's you?" "You mean, 'who are you?'" The visitor spoke through a silver space-helmet. "What you say?" "You mean, 'what did you say'"? "What you say?" "Look, just forget it." The visitor took his helmet off, and the captain's jaw went slack. Standing before him was a fox, only he was standing like a human. His fur was red and white, and he seemed to have a head of long blond hair that flowed majestically out of his helmet and onto his shoulders. The Captain couldn't help but wonder what conditioner he used to get that effect. With a scar over his eye, and impressive shiny silver armor, he looked to be a space pirate, only a fox. "The name's Foxy Mac-Loud. I'm here to rescue you, now come with me." The captain could barely understand the horrible grammar skills of the fox but decided to listen to instruction, but before he entered the mysterious being's space ship he looked back and then touched the creatures elbow, "What be of crew?" "Huh?" Foxy Mac-Loud looked back, "Yea, they are all dead." And indeed they were, "Now let's get a move on; this ship is going to blow." The captain ran with the fox into his ship and quickly they set off, the captain's ship blowing up only seconds before they left. It was a really big explosion but due to lack of funds little description was put on it. The fox's ship was small and unimpressive to the Captain but he had saved him, and for that he was forever in his debt. He sat beside Foxy Mac-loud in the co-pilot seat looking at his white gloves before him. He felt guilty about his crew, but now knew deep down in his heart that those Zigs would destroy CATs and get a high score while doing it. Foxy smiled looking over at the Captain with a smile on his face, the captain turned up the space-radio which was now blaring the sounds of Jordan Debit, "I fell down into a blackhole. I went down down down and the hole became blacker. And it was black black black, the blackhole, the blackhole." The fox smiled and looked over at the Captain, "You know, this song was called racist." "Really?" The captain looked over to the fox, whose face was now smiling dumbly; he turned his focus back to his front. Suddenly things started to get a bit awkward. "Ya, apparently the counsel of African American Holes found the lyrics offensive." The fox paused and waited for a response from the captain, but got none. "Neat huh?" "Yes." The Captain continued staring in front of him, there was a wide piece of space-window that showed passing stars whiz by. This space-window was known as a space-windshield. Which protected the pilot of the space ship from a small space parasite called windius minamaus. Or wind for short. After a long silence, the fox frowned a bit and put a paw onto the captain's lap, "You don't recognize me do you?" The captain shrugged and said, "What you say?" "You don't recognize me. I guess I was being a bit stupid. How could you recognize me? After all you only know me under the name of Foxyshooter400." The captain's eyes went wide, "What you say?" "You know, from Halo 10, I'm Foxyshooter400. God it's so nice to finally meet you! I knew from the first moment we had private message cyber sex that you were the one for me. The way you handled me was like no way a man had ever held me before. I mean off or online. You were just so awesome." "Wait your minute! Foxyshooter400? What sex you?" "Lots of things. Docking, cum swapping, rim jobs..." "No. What sex you!" "Huh? Oh I'm a male. Can't you see that sweetie? Is something wrong?" The fox kneaded his paw on the captain's knee. "Yes! Something wrong! You are female not!" "No, why would you think I am? I mean, if you looked on my profile it clearly said I was a male." "All my chat sex girls!" "You didn't even look at my profile did you! You're just the type of guy that fucks for fun eh? Not even bothering to look at my profile. God I thought we had something special." "All my chat sex GIRLS!" The captain slapped the foxes paw off his knee and the fox looked at him, his eyes starting to tear up, but he huffed his breath in and stopped them from arriving. This meant that the family of tears inside the foxes eyes would have their vacation delayed, and their Christmas ruined. The father tear could only help but beat his wife in frustration, as the tear kids stood back in shock, wondering how it would affect their future. Indeed it would affect their future as little-Suzie tear drop would grow up to own 100 tear-cats and little Billy tear drop would grow up to beat his wife. Then they all remembered that tear drops didn't have families, and they ceased their human natures. The fox then opened a compartment from under his pilot seat and pulled out a binder, and opened it. It was dressed in pink lace with silver glitter all over it. "Okay mister. If you were sexing a girl then why would you write: Zigmasta takes off all your clothes and pushes you onto the bed. Foxyshooter400 moans, waiting for you to punish him Zigmasta smiles, pushing down his pants to his ankles, and then steps out of them. Foxshooter400 starts to whine, pretending that this situation was unpleasant Zigmasta touches the back of Foxshooter400's neck and rubs it gently. Then he prepares his meat for penetration. Then he pushes his meat into Foxyshooter4000. Zigmasta lets out a hrad moan!11!11!!1" Foxy then gasped, and lifted his eyes off the binder, it now all made sense, "Oh my gosh! It totally sounds like you are doing a girl! Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" The captain remained silent rubbing his gloves slowly though his blond hair, this situation had gotten a bit awkward, "Here I am, coming to your rescue, thinking I'm about to save the love of my life, and he's not even gay! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" The captain shrugged, "Now I tired." The fox started to cry, "Yeah, just go to the back *sniff* there should be a bunk set up for you. Don't mind the candles. I really thought you liked me. I'm sorry." The captain looked at the fox and placed his gloved hand on his shoulder, "I like you." The fox smiled and sniffed back a tear, "Really?" The captain sighed, "A woman" The fox shrugged, "I guess we just weren't meant to be." The captain nodded, "I guess."

  • * * The captain lay down in his bunk; he could still hear the screams of his crew as they we're killed. Wasn't the captain supposed to go down with his ship? How could he just leave his crew? Then he remembered that they died pretty much silently, and that those screams we're merely the screams of the horror T.V that was at the corner of the room. He turned the TV off and lay down in darkness. Pondering where all the "space" had gone before each word. Then all at once they charged into his room. SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE There that was better. The captain smiled and pulled the space-covers over his shoulder as he turned around to look at the small space-window before him, his back now to the space door. There were stars, and a pretty nebula that contained colors of shit brown. The captain closed his eyes, and began to drift into sleep, but not before hearing the SSSssshhhttt of the space door opening, and then sound's of footsteps. The captain's eyes jolted open as he felt a paw brush through his hair. The fox was in here. In a way it felt good, in a way it felt calming, and it was the type of calm he needed after losing his ship. His eyes closed again. The captain would object to this, if it hadn't felt so good. So he pretended to sleep, and told himself, if the fox did anything else then he would immediately demand that he would stop. But would the fox stop? The fox continued to brush the Captain's head, and then stopped. He sighed, and the captain heard the fox stand up and move to leave. But only seconds later would the captain hear the sound of a space stool being dragged across the space floor. The fox sat on it, and continued to stroke the captain's hair. "So soft" he said silently to himself. The captain liked the compliment. His hair was soft, it was pretty damn soft. And no one tended to notice how nice his hair was. Even if it was from another male, it was pretty nice of him to notice. There was a pause in the stroking of the hair, as the fox seemed to be contemplating something. As though he was going through some sort of a cognitive dissonance as to what to do next. The fox was shaking nervously through his paw, as the captain felt a furry hand slowly slide down the frame of his well-toned (he had to admit) body. Where was this fox going with that naughty paw? The captain started to get scarred all over his body. He had to object, he would have to do it now. But then again it felt kind of good, as long as the fox stayed away from his danger zone it would be okay. The fox's paw went up and down the curvy landscape of the captain's body, before pausing again. The captain thought, no don't do it, don't go the next step. And at the same time he thought, Go, Go, Go! The fox paw did slide. It slid right down into the captain's jeans, as though it was on a slip 'N' slide it slid. The captain couldn't help but moan in satisfaction. It WAS another male, but it also felt pretty good: the furry palm tickling his genitalia, those little hairs feeling mystical against the sensitive nerves of his penis, and the soft breath of the fox as he sent warm wind against the back of the Captain's neck. This wasn't right, but it felt right, but it wasn't right, the captain's head started to hurt. The fox moaned silently to himself as he felt the captain getting harder. He played with his balls, and they seemed to be swollen enough to say this man hadn't slept with anyone in years. He rolled the two little guys around a couple of more times, before giving the shaft some attention now. The musk now filling his nostrils, his was hit by an erotic euphoria. This wasn't right, but it felt right, but it wasn't right, the fox began to whimper. The captain heard the fox whimper as it stopped, the captain finally spoke, "Stop never." He said in an almost whisper, and the fox smiled to himself, climbing into the captain's bed, giggling girlishly. They now spooned under the covers of the bunk. The captain with back to the fox's front, and the fox's paw slowly gliding up and down the captain's shaft. The captain moaned and the fox giggled, as the two shared a session of foreplay. The captain couldn't help but wonder how far this fox would take him, how far this fox would bring him, how far this fox would send him over the rainbow. The stroking stopped, and the captain heard a click of the belt, as the fox spoke, "How far do you want me to go?" He said, the question being a bit awkward for the captain. "As deep as you want." The captain laughed, trying to mimic the fox's poor grammar skills. Jingle Jingle, the captain heard the sound of a metal belt slide down the fox's legs as the swish swish of clothes glided against his fur to join it at the bottom of his ankles. The captain now felt his own pants slowly drive over his erect penis, following later would be his underwear. The fabrics of his clothes caressing his erect head as they came off. The fox licked the back of the captain's neck, as head went to hole. The captain felt as though he was doing wrong, but he knew it felt right. The fox slowly began to push his head in, the captain grinding his teeth together. The head went in with almost discomfort, the strange shape of the fox's penis feeling quite pleasurable inside of him. The fox finally pushed his member deep into the realm of the captain, pausing a bit to give him a love bite, on the neck. Then he pulled out, and then he pushed in. His movement still slow, the captain found this feeling weird, but enjoyable as the paw continued to smoothly stroke his penis, and the fox's penis continued to stroke his prostate. BOOM! The ship ignited into a explosion of mass proportions, immediately engulfing the two lovers in a disaster they could not escape, the last words they heard was the evil laugh of CATS as the two died silently in the space blackness of space-space. ================================================== Alright, I don't usually write fanfics. Actually I hate most fanfics written just because they lack originality... But a while ago I re-heard the "All yur Base R Belong to Us" song(?)...and I just had to write something to tribute such as awesome use of Engrish. And so I did, with a little added yiff for flavour. And in my last story I mentioned this long story project. It's on hold, due to I'm knee deep in busy stuff right now. I was going to say, shit, but some of you kinkier furs might take that too literally. Oh...the moral of the story: Use a condom or CATS will blow you up :D.

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