The grey Dawn.

Story by Beaverspear on SoFurry

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#2 of The Trials of Dewie

The bat woke up from his slumber. A bit tired he still felt like he could use a few more minutes of sleep. It was true normally bats were nocturnal, but the bats that live in the city had to adjust themselves to the world around them. And most furs of the city sleep at night and were most active during the day.

Dewie sat up from his bed. The cum stain still visible on his chest, he stretched out his wings with a long yawn. Looking over to his bedside table to the alarm clock that rested there, it was now 10:00 in the morning. Not having to really get up until an hour before noon, technically he could get some more sleep, but having a nice warm shower sounded a lot nicer.

Looking out his room window he took a deep breath standing in complete nudity as his eyes fixed over a city landscape, cars flowing like water over the roads, pedestrians like ants walking sing-minded along the sidewalk. The sky was painted grey and told of a smoggy and polluted day. The air would be thick, and not very fun to breath, along with a dreaded heat that already created an omen for this day

He backed away from the window, and opened the door to outside his room. Without grabbing a bathrobe (he didn't expect his roommate to be awake yet, and it was a mere shuffle of the feet to the bathroom), he stepped outside, quietly, not wanting to wake anyone who was in their small apartment. However coming into the main room he immediately found himself embarrassed as he was standing fully nude in front of his roomies griffon friend from the night before. She sat looking like she was in a rather sad state. Her voluptuous body melted, wilted over the kitchen table. Small hints of depression coming off her delicate form, as she sobbed quietly to herself. Wearing Jon's bathrobe, indeed it seemed a raincloud was storming over her body.

Dewie was about to say something, but noticing she hadn't looked up at him he quickly slipped into the bedroom and came back, wearing a bathrobe. Making sure the bathrobe hid his chest he walked over to the sobbing female and joined her at the table. Pulling in a chair loudly, he sat up waiting for her to say something. Her eagle head just remained wilted as she cried silently to herself.

"Hello there? Can I get you some breakfast?" The bat asked, tapping the griffon on the shoulder. Her body immediately jolted back into a tainted happiness. Like putting on a mask she turned into a radiant figure.

"No, No. I'm fine really." She sniffed, whipping a paw under her delicate eye.

Dewie sighed, "Why were you crying then?

The griffon lady look at him cautiously before the tears started to creep out from her avian eyes, "I fucked up. I fucked up. Because of my mistakes, Jon has to suffer. He was happy with me...he was happy with me."

Dewie looked at the griffon blankly before wrapping an arm around her, "Oh come on, it can't be that bad. What happened?"

"I fucked up, I fucked up, I fucked up. I should have never been involved with the mob. I just needed some cash. And I'm done for. I owe them a favour! I owe the Mad Dogs a favour! Who knows what gross disgusting favours I'll have to do for them! I'm ruined...I'm going to be a prostitute, what else could a girl like me do?"

"A drug mule?" Dewie laughed and the Griffon gave him a long stare before laughing herself. Tears no longer hid by a mask but absorbed by cheerful chitters of her beak. When she laughed her breasts bounced in a way that would be appealing to ANY man, except for Dewie. She had a soul of gold, she was innocent, and she didn't deserve to have to deal with the mob. He could tell all this just by looking at her. Looking at the way she could so easily recover from such darkness.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that. It's just, it's stressful. I've made a stupid mistake, and now look where I am." She paused before sighing, "Can I hug you? I just need someone to hug right now, and Jon is asleep."

Dewie nodded his head silently as she wrapped her delicate arms around him. Dewie returned his winged arms a bit reluctantly, as the girl had more embrace and enthusiasm. She began to sob quietly again to herself, as wings acted like a blanket around her body. Dewie just held her and remained silent as he thought to himself.

Was this an omen? What had he done, they've practically ruined her life, would they do the same to him? No, this is different. He wasn't technically part of the mob, all he was doing was signing up for a dating program. The mob is a whole different story. The mob is way out there, just because the mob leader is associated with the dating program, does not mean that Dewie was not part of the mob. Everything would be fine, everything will be alright.

"Enjoying my new girlfriend are we?" Jon's easily recognizable voice laughed from behind the two, wearing nothing but boxers.

"Oh Jon, Dewie was just helping me sort some things out. That's all." The griffon said, standing up to wrap her paws around his equine body. The way she hugged him, made Dewie blush a bit. Her angelic form pressing up against Jon's strong masculine frame, soft and large breasts pushed against his defined pectorals, feather with feather and fur with fur they were certainly a cute couple.

"Girlfriend?" Dewie managed to squish out of his vocal cords.

"Yah, we met last night after work, and sorta took off from there." Jon smiled, nuzzling her beak with his own.

"Well who could resist such charm?" She smiled, pulling her head back from Jon's.

"Well, nice to meet you...uh...I don't think I caught your name." Dewie said standing up to give her a paw shake.

"Dawn." She smiled a most delicate of smiles.

"Well then, nice to meet you Dawn." As he shook his paw with her smooth lady like fur he couldn't help but get a rotten feeling in his gut. All of a sudden he craved what Jon had. To have a match to hug in the morning, to have someone always willing to cuddle with you, to kiss you, and to sleep with you. He let out a near silent moan before Dawn looked at the clock.

"Oh. And everything had just gone perfect again." She whispered to herself quietly before kissing Jon on the beak, "I've got to go, hun. I'm really sorry. I've just got to go."

"Alright then, bye!" Jon said smiling as the avian ran out the door, "She just stole my robe! It doesn't matter though; I've never met a girl like her before. Energetic, kind, sweet, and beautiful, I think I've found my match. There's just something off about her."

Dewie paused for a second and looked at Jon, "I'm sure it's nothing."

"Yeah, but perfection does come with a price. I mean, nobody is truly perfect right?" Jon shrugged and looked at Dewie, "So anything special happen to you last night?"

Dewie considered not telling him, but knowing his roommate all too well, he would defiantly find this cool, "Oh yah, you'll never believe this but guess what happened to me!"

"You signed up for a dating service?"

"Wait how did you know?"

"I was the one who suggested you!"

Dewie opened his eye wide in disbelief, a wideness that should've not been achievable in the morning, "What? You signed me up? Why would you do that? Are you aware that the dating service is run by a crime lord?"

"Ha, yah, but Don is a nice guy, when not in crime mode. Honestly, you'll be fine; there isn't anything to worry about. Trust me; I've just done you a huge favour. Don is one of those people that won't stop until something is done. You should be really happy; Don can work miracles in both the crime world and the pickup world."

Dewie just looked at Jon coldly, but realizing that Jon was one of his best friends he decided to trust him. "If you're sure it's wise, I'll do it. But how did you ever meet a crime lord?"

Jon just shrugged, "When you work at the bar business you make some unusual friends. I know working with a crime lord can be scary, but you have to trust me, he is completely different in his personal life." Jon's face dropped into a form of a way to feminine glance, "Oh dear, you don't think I misjudged him? I've done that before. Oh shit! What have I gotten you into! Listen, if anything happens tell me and I'll call some of my buddies, and we'll deal with him. You should be fine though."

Dewie shook his head at Jon, "You sure you're straight?" He laughed before giving the clock a look: 11:40, "Shit! I've got to go!"

Dewie ran off from the kitchen table, leaving a worried Jon to his peace. Jumping into his room he took off his robe to realize that his fur was still cum stained. He let out a moan as he darted across his room; there was no time to shower. What to wear? What to wear? What should he smell like? Ox or Stag? He thought to himself holding two aerosol cans in his paws. Finding Ox to be the better scent to attract a women he quickly sprayed it in an X over his body. The strong musk was supposed to tell of country hills, with a hint of rustic spice. It smelt sweet, no country or rustic-ness to it. It did still smell good anyways. Running over to his closet, he gave the outside view of his window an analysis once again. Hot, smoggy, and gross. He threw on a white t-shirt. So that this time his wings we're scrunched a bit. He went to his dresser and pulled out a pair of army green cargo shirt. He could already feel it was too hot for underwear, so he decided it would be best to go commando.

Running out the door of his apartment, he only gave Jon a quick wave. Jon responded with a smirk on the corner of his beak, and Dewie was out of the door. Running down the hallway, he was just about to call the elevator when he felt a familiar paw touch his shoulder.


"Hello there." Grog smiled, his paw gently rubbing at the bats shoulder.

"Grog?" The bat turned his head, to see a wide grin on the greyhound's face, "Are you my driver? Don't you think we should get going, we're going to be late."

"I don't think that matters-" Dewie paused, as the greyhound placed two paw fingers under his fox-like chin, gripping it between thumb and index. Dewie looked at the greyhound eyes wide in shock,

"What are you doing?"

"Relax." The greyhound winked at Dewie, and immediately the bat felt a shiver through his spine. He knew what was coming next, and normally he would respond to it with a punch to the chest, or a shove away, but this time he didn't feel like fighting back. Instead he just closed his eyes, and raised his head slightly at the command of the two fingers. Grog moved his lips closer to Dewie's as he pushed the bat's head up lightly. Closer and closer, the world seemed to slow down as the greyhounds head came closer. The blonde hair of the flying fox smoothly swished to the side as they met at the mouth. Soft pillowed lips matched with small trembling ones as the bat started to shake in nervousness. He didn't know why he let this male come close; something just seemed right about him.

The hound pushed harder on the kiss, his free paw coming out to touch the bat on the side of his cheek. As he pushed with his lips, he pulled the bat into his body. Through the hounds jeans and t-shirt the bat could feel the canines strong muscles press against his satisfactory frame. It was at this moment the bat believed he was in paradise, but it was not till the dog slipped his tongue deep into his own head that he knew it was heaven they were standing in.

DING! A faint ring was heard from below; the elevator had indeed been called and was at the fifth floor. As the elevator silently whispered its sweet call, the greyhound broke his kiss and the bat was sent back to hell.

The bat felt like saying something like, "Why did you stop?" but managed to say, "What the fuck? Just because you kissed me, doesn't mean that we're going to have sex. You just caught me when I was feeling down a bit, alright?" The bat looked at the greyhound. He turned to stone yet again, "Hey? What the fuck is wrong with you! You're all horny and all in my pants, and now you are acting like I'm not even here."

DING! Sixth floor, the elevator door opened and there was standing the small pug from last night. Now wearing a pure white tux, a white fedora with a large red feather coming off its top, a white diamond encrusted parasol, white gloves and a long gold chain at his neck, he looked more like a pimp, then a crime lord.

"You're on time, Dewie. I like that. If you come downstairs the limo and your date is waitin' for ya."

Dewie looked at the Grog whose face was still stiff like stone, he was about to say something but decided that it was best to address the powerful pug.

"Sure." Dewie smiled, walking into the elevator. Grog following.

The elevator ride was quick and silent. The three sat inside the confined box, like bowling pins waiting to be knocked down. The elevator hit the lobby with another DING.

"Your chariot awaits." Don said pointing to a window. A large frame portrayed a limo on the other side, it was almost picture perfect. Congregating just before the door, Don bowed down his head and placed his paws on the vehicles back door handle. The tinted windows made no hint of what laid on the other side, blackness mended with blackness and that was that. The muscles tightened on the pugs small wrist as his open the limo door, and there sitting innocently and beautifully was -

"Dawn?" Dewie's jaw dropped as he took a step back.

"Dewie?" Dawn did a double take before firmly placing her deep blue eyes on the form of the bat.

"Oh good, you guys know each other. Well no time to wait, we got an appointment at the tennis club to get to." The pug body checked Dewie into the Limo and with a thud he landed into its spacious, white carpeted, exquisite inside. Moving in a circle, tan coloured cushions sat around the small compartment of the limo. A small table with champagne and two glasses was set up in the center. It resembled, in its own respect, a romantic suite at a holiday inn. Dewie got up and sat beside Dawn, they both gave each other uneasy looks. Dawn especially, due to the fact that the limo wasn't high enough to support her height.

In her sweetest voice Dawn whispered to Dewie, "I can't do this, this isn't right."

Dewie held onto her hand and looked at her tearful eyes, "It'll be alright. At least you're not a prostitute."

"I feel so rotten right now. I'd rather be a prostitute then where I am right now."

"I know, I know, but we can get through this. It's only the one date."

"No, it's not. I'm the poster girl, a slut for his business. I show my tits distracting the police, while he gets away, dealing coke to anyone who's got money for it. And there's nothing we can do. He wants me with you. And that's how he's already planned it out. Its worse enough that Jon has to find out, but now I'm going to be responsible for the dealing of drugs. In a way, I am a prostitute. I'm a god damn whore."

"Don't talk like that Dawn. We can just not like each other." Dewie began to feel like crying himself, as tears ran down the eagled-head madam's bright once cheerful cheeks.

"No, he wants us. Don is the type of guy that won't stop until something is done. He wants us, and he will get us. Oh God, I wish I was dead. I feel so horrible." Don, who was standing outside talking with Grog, and was about to enter the limo. Dawn stopped her weeping, and put on that horrible fake smile of hers. Her eyes still wet, her smile could not hide the disgust she was feeling. Don entered the limo; the first thing he did was pour the two glasses on the table full of champagne and passed it to the two "lovers." They drank it sourly, as they pathetically made small talk to satisfy the power hungry pug. This continued as Grog drove them to the tennis club. The pug smiled and sat looking at the couple,

"What?" Dewie said, his arm wrapped around the griffon as he sipped champagne. Dawn still had that fake smile, now more nervousness was held behind it, her mask cracking a bit. Dewie whispered into Dawn's ear quietly, "Come on, we can get through this."

"What? Well, you've been getting along so well. I think we need a kiss before we continue this date."

"No, I don't think we ready for that step." Dewie's heartbeat cranked fast as he stuttered his speech.

"Yea, yea, we just met." Dawn said, giving an extremely uneasy look at Dewie.

"Fuck off. I'Ight, we don't have time to fuck around with this kindergarten bullshit. You two have to be in love by the end of this date, because I got a photo shoot with you two tomorrow. So fucking kiss, and let's go."

"You slime dog. I'm not fucking kissing her. I told you I would've preferred a man." Dewie said, flipping off the pug with a claw finger. His anger just erupting from him, he immediately resented that action.

"Oh really? You're a fag? Then let me give you an added incentive." The pug dog flashed metal and before Dewie knew it he was looking into the barrel of a loaded gun. "So fucking kiss her, and let's get this date going." Dewie and Dawn looked at each other with feared eyes. A feeling of guilt and sorrow darkened their souls as they moved reluctantly closer to each other. Eyes matched with eyes, tears making their ugly faces peek off the lower lids of the pair's glassy orbs. They moved closer, Dawn's breathing rapidly increased, Dewie did the same. The pug smiled, dreams of fortune dancing through his small skull.

"Hurry the fuck up, ya got a tennis game to play!" The pug laughed, watching the two submit to his might. They paused just millimetres away from each other's lips until Dawn finally cracked,

"I can't do it! I can't do it! Let me out of here."

"Bitch, don't you fucking leave this limo." Don, pointed his gun at Dawn as she tried to sit up, she let out a yelp before sitting back down, her mask broken, the tears flowing like a cracked dam.

"Dawn be cool." Dewie cried.

"Yea Dawn, be cool." Don pointed his gun steadily at Dawn still.

"I can't, I can't, I can't." The female griffon cried to herself.

"Don please don't do this." Dewie said, "Dawn be cool."

"I can't I can't, I can't do this." Dawn cried out, head in lion paws.

"If she doesn't fucking calm down, I'm going to shoot. " Don growled.

"Please, calm down." Dewie now found himself crying, something he hadn't done in a while. "Please, she's no good if she's dead."

"This bitch is to winey, I want a new girl for you." Don said, and in a flash, he squeezed the trigger of the gun. BANG! The bullet flew through the air. SPLAT! It landed square in Dawn's heart. She could only let out a gasp before her body fell forward, bleeding blood on the white carpet of the limo. "There, that's better."

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Dewie screamed out in distress, as he stared at the bleeding and shivering corpse of Dawn. "Are you on crack?"

"Actually yes." The pug smiled, as he whipped under his nose with his own gun. Dewie just looked at him in disbelief before falling to the limo floor, picking up Dawn in his arms. She was shivering and running cold. The blood crawled out from her wound and imbedded itself into Dewie's white t-shirt, staining it.

"Just hold on, everything will be alright, just hold on." Dewie cried as her breathing remained rapid, and her blood turned cold.

"Oh come on, enough of this already." BANG! Another bullet flew through the air, and sunk in between the eyes of the griffon. Dewie just hugged her cold corpse, shivering in fear as his blood soaked t-shirt now stained his fur. He could only weep for her now.

Don starred at the two before smiling, as he put away his pistol, "So shall we go find ourselves a new girl then?"

"You disgusting pig." Dewie looked up at Don, his eyes colder then the arctic itself, "How could you do this?"

"It was kind of fun actually." The pug dog said the bags under his eyes even gross for a pug. Dewie was about to retort, but that wouldn't settle the anger that had brewed in his body. Instead he responded by a strong fist into the ugly face of the pug. It made a squish sound as it pushed in his wrinkles.

Immediately he was knocked out, his drug fried brain unable to resist the trauma of an angry paw to the skull. The one hit K.O. did not satisfy the bat however, so he let down a few more punches into pug's face, until he was sure he was dead. Then, he breathed, and collapsed.


Dewie woke up in a cold shiver, he was naked but he could see his clothes neatly folded off to side. Red in blood. Warm water sprinkled onto his blood stained fur as he turtled himself into a ball. The water cleaning the blood off his body but leaving it in a puddle around his essence. He was in the tennis club's shower. Sobbing to himself, he felt a foot on his side.

"Thank you." A familiar voice hovered above him. "I'm free."

"Grog?" The bat said unfolding his body and looking up at the greyhound, "Is that you?"

"Yes, thank you for setting me free. Are you okay?"

"No, I feel so horrible. But, what are you talking about setting you free?"

The Greyhound smiled as he sat against the wall where the shower head connect to. He was still clothed. He pulled the bat over and sitting cross-legged, rested his fox like head in his lap as he petted at the wet head fur. "I was a slave to Don. I was his lackey. His hit man, I wasn't allowed to show emotion, love or anything. Especially towards a guy. But now that's he's dead, I'm free. Free to do anything I've ever wanted. Free to experience anything, including love."

"Love? Do you love me?" Dewie said, blinking a bit.

"Could you not tell from the kiss?"

"I made nothing of the kiss to be honest. It was enjoyable and all. You just seemed to be some sort of psychopath."

"Then why did you let me do it?"

"I don't know."

"Because you love me?"

"I can't love."

"Is it really that hard?"


"Then can I at least love you? You saved me, and for that I am grateful, so please, let me love you. You don't have to love me. Just let me worship you, do anything you desire. What do you desire?"

The bat looked silently at the greyhound, he knew there were probably more questions to be answered, but he didn't feel like interrogating. He felt like one thing and one thing only,

"Yiff. Yiff me. I've had a fucked up day, and I just need to feel someone's warmth."

"I understand." The greyhound said, as the bat rearranged his position so that he was kneeling in front of the greyhound. The canine smiled before pushing his body forward, greeting their lips once again. The kiss felt so good, like it was healing his tainted soul. Leaving no room for gentleness the kiss exploded into a passionate exchanging of tongues. The bat greedily tasting the greyhound's mouth as they swirled their saliva inside of each other. Grey against brown, they were together in a pool of blood.

Grog pushed on Dewie's head with his lips, as he laid the bat on his back. Rain from the shower warming his cold body, he felt good once again. The greyhound gave him a wide smile as he pressed his paw on the bats sheath. Dewie gasped, this was a big step, and something about it made him a bit uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, I'll make the pain go away." The greyhound cooed into the bats ear as he gripped the sheath that was growing erect up along his chest. Slowly he lovingly caressed the member as it grew longer, the water from the shower pressing itself onto his more sensitive parts. It felt good. A shiver electrifying his spine.

The greyhound continued to massage the bat as he lay still, caught shocked in this sexual experience. Grog began to undress himself, his top flying off, his chest was fully exposed. He was a god. Muscles toned perfectly, fit of a killer. His legs were mountains, the rounded parts of which were the perfect pathway for any hand to travel up. His arms, strong and protective, he needed protection. Grey fur milked smoothly off his body as the water plunged its way onto the angel before the bat.

Then he was fully naked, he's parts fully erect, Dewie couldn't help but moan at the thought of being fulfilled by his offer. His member wasn't the biggest, which was good for his virgin ass, but it was accompanied by two balls that spelled out sticky sex. Dewie moaned as the greyhound continued to rub slowly on the bat, teasing him.

"Uummph" Dewie moaned feeling penetration for the first time. Two fingers working their way into his already moist tail hole, "I thought you were going to take the pain away." Dewie laughed, as he was probed by the two exploring fingers of the greyhound. His tight, unused walls now being stretched and prepared for penetration. It was painful, but also enjoyable.

"Oooohh." Dewie cried out, now it was the point of no return. Grog leaned forward pushing himself onto the bats body. His arms creeping around the bats sides, pulling him into an embrace as his strong pelvic muscles squeezed their way into his tail hole. The greyhound hugged the bat, so that Dewie's chin rested on Grog's shoulder, first he slowly pushed into the bat, rippling abs grinding against Dewie's erect cock, and then he speeded up. The poor bats member being wash boarded against the dog's hard abdominals, while his prostate was massaged from the inside.

The dog grunted sexily as he humped the bat, forward and back he went with almost viciousness in his voice. The bat just clenched his teeth, his member being stimulated by his chest muscle alone, as he rested his chin on the dog's shoulder.

Faster still, it was starting to hurt again, but there was this eroticism to it. The harder he pushed, the stronger he pushed the more that great chest's hills of his, pleasured his cock and the more the canines cock pushed against his prostate. He moaned in pleasure, what a great thing a yiff was.

The grunts became louder, and more rapid, as Dewie felt what he knew to be, "The knot." With one hard thrust, he pushed his entire member into Dewie, making the bat squeal in a high pitch. His own member squirting out juices between the two, as hot cum was shot into his prostate. The thick juices settling themselves in his ass and in-between their bodies, Dewie closed his eyes in bliss and relaxation. Past events seem to be burned history as he was pulled into a hard embrace, and then a soft cuddle. The warm water still pounding their droplets over the couple.

"Is it really that hard to love?" Grog asked, looking into Dewie's eyes.

"With you, no, it's not." Dewie said, smiling at his first love.


No this is not the end of the series, merely a resting point. I've got another short story to write before I continue on with this series....or I might not continue at all depending on how successful I am with the first two stories. So LEAVE COMMENTS =D.

I got rid of the Don's accent; I found it getting to annoying to his grammar has improved. He's hooked on Phonix or something: P. Just I did that on purpose, so don't point that out.

;-) Kinda Violent eh? Oh well...dramatic situations make sex better.

I'd also like to point out one of my pun (that I was particularly proud of), "Ox" and "Stag." Did anyone get that? Think popular body sprays. Axe and Tag. I bet someone has already used that haven't they? Oh well great minds think alike.

Nothing else really to say....thanks for reading, comments are appreciated, and please, I'm the worst editor in the world, so do not hound me about my mistakes.

Also, for you commenter's please ask me any questions you got so I can make sure to answer them in the (maybe) next chapter.

I really didn't want to kill had to be done for future stories (A huge hint at what's going to happen btw)...but do expect her to show up in other stories. I really like the Avian's.

Dawn is not related to any character's that have been drawn previously. I actually started to write/planned this out before any picture featuring a certain gryphon was drawn. I still have yet to steal her ;-).

Dewie Doesn't Do!

"Hey, I could get anyone in this bar and you know that." A voice echoed in the background, the certain sound hooking itself to Dewie's long, ridged ears, Dewie closed his eyes in annoyance. Sitting at the bar, he sighed knowing that a competition was...

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Miscalculated Canines

James sat on his bed. His head lowered as he looked at his feet. He could feel his eyes water as Cindy stood like a goliath over his body. Her arms crossed and her eyes glowing in a fiery damnation. She sighed a deep breath, her eyes cooled down to a...

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Jolted Jackal

King Fisher sat in his favorite chair. It was maroon and had patterns of purple bone shaped patches all over it. He was just about to fall asleep, a pun-filled novel known as Zanth in one paw and a teddy bear in the other. Sure he was a little old for...

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