The Start of Something New

Story by Kerilus on SoFurry

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#1 of The Start of Something New

This story is intended for a mature audience of 18+. Please do not read if you are not of age! Don't be afraid to leave comments either, and thank you for reading!

Part 1

It was just another day working in Cleeman's grocery and fruit market. A simple Wednesday, halfway through the week, yet another half to go before Forge the husky could finally sit down and work on his game he was trying to develop. As he stood at the counter waiting for something to do, he noticed a mare about his age enter through the west side door. His ears perched high in the air to try and listen for her hooves, but all he could hear was the crappy music they looped over the intercom and the rustling of shopping carts as they slowly piled their way to the registers.

"Forge! Quit daydreaming and do your damn job or I'm going report your lazy ass." A voice called out from behind the counter.

"Is there something I should be doing right now? You know I'm apart of the fruits and veggies section..." Forge replied to his co-worker.

"Something that doesn't involve standing in my way? I don't know! Go stack fruit you stupid dog." His co-worker barked.

Without arguing, Forge let his ears droop and he slowly made his way to the fruits and veggies isle. He really did hate his stupid job, but after failing three classes in college, he had just given up and wanted nothing more than to finish his game in development. Walking through the isles he finally made his way to the clementine stand and started fixing all the boxes everyone had managed to screw up. How hard was it to place a box of clementine's after you had just picked them up? Are furs really that lazy? Forge didn't really mind picking up after people, considering that's what he had always done being the youngest in the family. The only part of this job that he truly liked was being able to smell all of the sweet fruit waiting to be picked up by some other fur. He took a deep breath, letting the smell of surrounding fruits fill his nose, but something was off.

As he stood motionless while everyone walked by him, he smelled a strong mix of fruit and flowers, something that should not be with his section. He walked around every table trying to find the flowers which shouldn't be in his section, mostly because it was something to do, but also because he was curious as to what it was. Eventually he made his way to the tomatoes, finding a bouquet of roses laid next to them. He picked them up and started to carry them away to the floral section of the store, but then the same strong smell of flowers entered his nose. It was clearly not the same flowers he was holding... He turned around, walked back to his section, and continued to sniff the air. Closing his eyes, he breathed scent after scent trying to find the source of the smell when all of a sudden it hit him like a home run. A sharp pain entered his gut as he stopped dead in his tracks. He opened his eyes to find an angry face glaring at him as he stood in front of the furs shopping cart.

"Would you watch where you're going?!" The customer said in a harsh tone.

"Sorry ma'am, I will next time." Forge replied as he stepped aside.

The old beaver walked on shaking her head, but Forge didn't care. Instead he resumed searching for the scent of spring flowers. Leaning over a table of fresh oranges, he sniffed the air wildly in hopes that he would be close to finding the flowers, when all of a sudden he heard the clopping of hooves. He spun around quickly, almost knocking over a banana stand as he looked for the mare from before. She stood at the wall, debating which bag of apples would be the better buy. He stared at her figure for at least a minute, watching her beautiful curves fit so nicely with her light pink blouse and flowered skirt. Her fur was well groomed and a lovely cream color; not blonde but not white. She had mid shoulder length blond hair whichvery beautifully curled. As he slowly looked upwards on her body, he noticed her breasts. They were large, yet not too big for her height. Then he looked at her face. She had full long eyelashes and stunningly beautiful light blue eyes. The look on her face was that of happiness and disappointment. It was then that he realized she saw him checking her out.

"Mind helping me sir?" She called out in a rude tone, yet still soft and beautiful.

"Sorry ma'am, what did you need?" Forge said as he walked up to her, shaking out of his daydream.

"I can't decide which is the better deal, or which I'd like more, could you give me some advice?" She asked in a sweeter tone.

The flower smell was coming from her. He looked at the roses in his paw and set them aside, taking the two bags of apples from her so he could decide. He took in a deep breath, but all he could smell was the heavy amounts of perfume she was wearing. It was almost as if she went to spray her perfume and ended up taking a shower in it. He shrugged it off, stuffed the bag to his nose and took a shorter breath. These apples were good, Granny Smith apples, but didn't look like something this mare would enjoy. He picked up the other bag and took a short sniff, noticing they were Washington Golds. They were a much sweeter kind of apple, yet nothing too extraordinary.

"In my opinion, I would go with this pair because they're much sweeter and you seem to be more of a sweet girl to me." Forge said as he handed her the bag of apples.

She blushed a little at his comment and bit her lip, holding back words and accepting the fruit.

"Thanks for the help, um..."

"Forge." He replied, smiling to her.

"Ellanay, but you can call me Elly for short." She said admiring his good looks.

"You're very welcome Elly, I hope you enjoy the apples." Forge replied, this time staring at her beautiful eyes.

They stood there for a couple seconds, almost as if she wanted to say something, but she put the apples in her basket and walked away, hanging her head as low as it could possibly go. Forge felt like stalking her for a bit, but chances are he wasn't going to get anywhere with her anyway. He was always a pretty shy dog, especially when it came to females. Instead, he placed the other bag of apples back, picked the roses back up, and headed towards the floral section of the store. Walking along and weaving through all the customers, he looked down every isle to watch the shoppers while the flowers in his hand ached for water. All of a sudden, Elly appeared from around the corner of an isle, almost knocking into him. She was blushing, but smiling all the same as she stood there with her basket.

"Sorry there, didn't see you..." Forge said.

"I saw you Forge... I had a few questions I was hoping you might be able to answer?" She asked softly so know one overheard.

"I work in the fruits and vegetables, but I can try. What do you need?" Forge asked smiling.

"Are you single?" She asked, her fur almost turning a solid red from blushing so hard.

"Um... yes?" He replied scratching the back of his head, not sure to feel uncomfortable or relaxed.

"What time do you get out of work?" She asked, this time leaning in and glaring into his green eyes.

"Well, I don't get out for another hour or so, if you wanted to grab a coffee or something..." Forge replied, not too sure what to say to her.

"An hour? there any way you could help me unload my groceries then? If you're not too busy..." She replied coyly.

"I suppose if you needed help, sure. I really don't have anything to do right now." Forge replied.

"I'll meet you at checkout then..." Elly giggled excitedly.

Forge watched her head towards the registers, still admiring her body. She was beautiful from the front, but from the back she was just as beautiful. She had a nice round curvature, her figure held itself against her clothes very well. Her lower body was nice and round too, which made Forge a little excited just from staring. He snapped out of it and walked fast, carrying the roses back to the floral department, placing them back with its kind, and rushing to the checkout lanes. His heart was beating a mile a minute, mostly because it had been a long time since he had been hit on, yet somehow he felt like he could be with this girl as a couple.

Forge got to the registers, finding Elly almost done with the eight bags of groceries she had. He figured she didn't really need help with her groceries; she just wanted to hit on him some more, which was fine for him because maybe he could end up dating her. He noticed that she wasn't even paying attention to her cart while it was loaded; instead she kept staring at him, almost with lust in her eyes. Forge quickly rejected the idea and walked up to her, smiling as he pushed the cart behind her. It's not like she wanted him for sex because they had just met. Even if they did hook up over time, how would he be able to tell her he was a virgin? After all, not a lot of programming nerds like him got a lot of action besides rosy palms and her five slut daughters.

Before he knew it, Forge's self esteem issues evaporated into thin air as he broke his daydreaming once again. Elly's voice called out to him in a sweet tone...

"Are you okay Forge? You've been in quite the daydreaming mood since I've met you..." Elly asked with concern on her face.

"Sorry ma'am, just have a lot on my mind right now." He replied as he unloaded her groceries into the trunk of her car.

"Well how about I take care of that..." She said as she closed the trunk of her car.

Elly grabbed his paw and led him to the backseat door of her car. Forge stood there unsure of what she was doing, but when she took his paw and placed it under her blouse, he got the idea. He stood there groping her breasts in the far side of the parking lot, amazed at how they felt and how soft her fur was. She was wearing a bra, but he could tell just from feeling that they were incredibly nice and most likely hiding perky nipples. She reached for the door handle behind her, opening the door and shoving him in the car. Before Forge could even say anything, he quickly crawled to the opposite side as she stepped in, closing the door behind her. Elly started to undo his belt when he grabbed her hands and stopped her dead in her tracks.

"Whoa Elly... this is moving way too fast. Not to be rude or anything, but I'm at my workplace, I'm still on the clock, and I'm a virgin." Forge said, trying to figure out why he just gave her reasons not to screw his brains out.

"I promise I'll go fast, please... I really need this..." Elly replied, this time looking into his eyes with more love than lust.

"I don't know... I always wanted to loose my virginity to someone I loved, and I don't know you at all. Besides, I don't even know how to pleasure a girl." Forge replied, feeling silly for coming up with reasons not to have sex, yet feeling good about himself.

"That's fine, I can respect that. I won't take your virginity, but I'll show you a good time and I can walk you through for me..." Elly said, giving him a smile before undoing his belt.

Quickly she unzipped his pants, reaching a hand in and fishing around for the button to his boxers. She kissed him on the stomach and whipped out his solid cock, looking like a child that just walked into a candy store. Impressed at his size, she took one look into his eyes before leaning down and licking the tip of his cock. Forge gripped the interior seat and the door as he felt her tongue tease his cock. He had never done anything sexual besides masturbate, and Elly pleasuring him was by far the best thing that had ever happened to him. Elly kept licking the tip of his cock, occasionally squeezing out the pre and letting it drip down his shaft. She began licking all around his hard cock, listening to his soft moans as she worked her magic tongue. After a few minutes of teasing him, she gave one last lick to his tip before taking him whole.

"Oh Elly that feels amazing..." Forge choked out, watching her head slowly bob up and down on his erection.

Elly didn't stop for one second. She continued her motions; tasting his juices and feeling his hips jolt every now and then to her touch. She could hear him panting hard now, so she began moving faster, hearing him whimper with delight as she sucked his cock. It was only a few more moments before he unloaded his cum into her mouth. She looked up at him almost angry, but saw that his eyes were closed and how hard he was gripping the interior. It was also his first time, and he looked like he enjoyed the show, so she swallowed and wiped off her lips before getting close to his face.

"How was that for your first time?" Elly asked as she waited for him to get his breath back.

"Words...cannot...describe..." Forge replied as he slowly regained his breath.

Elly smiled at him before climbing up next to him on the backseat. She placed her hooves in the air and slid off her panties, but left the rest of her clothes on. She then turned her lower half towards him, exposing her soaking wet pussy to his view. Forge swallowed his saliva and crawled to the floor, not really sure if he should use his paws or his tongue. She did use her tongue, so he decided to do the same. Forge bent over and looked her in the eyes, smiling at the beautiful mare that sat before him. He placed his nose under her skirt and took a deep breath, realizing the reason she had so much perfume on... she was trying to cover up that she was in heat. Forge actually liked the smell of her wetness, so he placed his cold nose against her walls and took another deep breath. She gasped at the cold feeling against her slit, but all she really wanted was to orgasm. She had been in heat for a couple days and after leaving her asshole boyfriend, she was glad that Forge was so willing to please her.

"Don't worry Forge, it won't bite; go ahead and give it a taste..." Elly urged him on.

Forge did as she said and took a lick, surprised at how her juices tasted. They had a slight sense of sweetness, but at the same time it tasted a little sour. He enjoyed her taste, so he began lapping at her slit, slowly pushing his tongue against her sensitive clit. Elly was beginning to moan with lust, pulling on his hair as if to draw him in closer. Forge was licking all over and going into her tunnel, extracting more juices and hearing her moan, so he kept licking just as he was. He felt like he was doing it right, but Elly then started to shift her body, resting her hooves on the back window and the passenger headrest.

"Forge, do you feel that little bump near the top of me?" Elly asked as he began searching for what she was talking about.

As soon as his tongue started to lick her clit, her legs twitched and she let out a loud moan.

"Right there Forge don't stop! Lick hard and fast!" Elly almost yelled.

Forge felt excitement take over his inexperience and soon he was trying his hardest to lick her clit hard and fast. Her juices were leaking all over the car seat as he lapped at her sex, making him feel like a man as he extracted loud moans from this beautiful mare. He could feel her walls tense up and relax on his tongue, which made him want to feel what a real girl's orgasm was like. Sure he had seen it in porn before, but he was finally getting to feel what it was like. She was breathing faster and moaning louder, which made Forge lick even faster.

"Oh Forge don't stop! Keep going!" She screamed with lust.

Forge did as she said, continuing his pace and occasionally looking up to see her light blue eyes focused on his. She moaned really loud and arched her back, letting her head fly back as she rippled into an intense orgasm. Forge continued licking fast and hard even though he knew she had just had an orgasm. She was panting heavily, but she pushed his head away from her pussy, causing him to stop in his tracks. He sat there staring at her face as she let breath after breath escape her lungs, happy that he could make a female orgasm so fast. Then again, she got him to cum in no more than 10 minutes.

"Forge, are you sure that was your first time? Because you were amazing!" Elly said as she regained her breath.

"It is that I know of!" He replied, his tail wagging excitedly.

Forge climbed up next to her on the seat and handed her panties to her, which she put back on while he zipped up his pants and tucked in his shirt. She smiled to him and reached in her purse, pulling out a pad of paper and a pen. She giggled to him still blushing, and began scribbling something on to the paper. She ripped it off and handed it to him, which Forge gladly accepted. The note said; Ellanay - the mare that gladly pleasured you! 430-3559 - call me... Forge looked up into her eyes and smiled to her as she smiled to him. He could tell she was very interested in him, even though she didn't know a thing about him. Then again, he didn't know anything about her.

"Thanks for giving me a cunnilingus of a lifetime! But please, call me when you get off work or something. I'd really like to get to know you better Forge..." Elly said with deepest sincerity.

"And thank you for my first blowjob... it was amazing! I will call you, but it might take me awhile." Forge replied as they crawled out the doors.

"As long as you call I'll be the happiest mare in the world... Take care Forge, it was nice meeting you!" She replied as she got into the drivers seat.

Forge took a few steps back and watched her back out. She honked her horn and zoomed out of the parking lot, leaving Forge standing there alone. It was one of the most random things that had ever happened to him, but it had changed him completely. With a big smile on his face, he walked back in through the double doors, greeting every customer with a hearty hello as he made his way back to the counter. His co-worker was standing there with an evil grin on her face, which she didn't even need to speak words. She pointed to the manager's office and almost instantly Forge's heart sank. He walked into the manager's office with his ears drooped. He knew he was busted, and awaiting the consequences would not be fun. Elly ran through his mind a million times, and he wasn't mad at her at all. In fact, she might have saved his life.

"Mr. Forge, please close the door behind you..." His manager asked with a harsh tone.