Fireside Seduction

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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Holy shit, you actually clicked on this story? Even though there is no CAWK anywhere to be found in any part? Holy.... crap. Seriously, I'm already impressed.

Well, when you look at the absurdly tiny amount of lesbian content in the fandom, you'll see why I'm surprised. There SHOULD be a market for this stuff. Lesbians/bi girls are damn hot. But everyone in the furry fandom just seems to be like "OMFG CAWKS EVERYWHERE!!11!1!" and its seriously more common to find stuff like inflation and vore than something simple as two females making love.

... which makes no sense to me. Ah, whatever...

So let me say: thanks for going against the grain! ^_^ Get your girl-love on and continue reading!

Kate looked around the room, taking inventory of everything she was packing for her camping trip.

"Hmm... okay, I think I have everything..." the timber wolf anthro muttered to herself.

Crammed inside a large duffel bag lay a small, two person tent, a rolled up sleeping bag, a foam mattress, extra clothes, food, various toiletries, survival gear, lube, two vibrators, and a strap-on dildo.

This was not a normal camping trip. The confident timber wolf had been planning for a way to come on to her roommate and crush, Allison, for weeks now. The bisexual canid had taken an interest in the girl since first moving in with her in the freshmen college dorms two months back. Allison was a beautiful arctic fox anthro, and her luscious white coat and pretty blue eyes had always struck a twinge of envy and desire in Kate, who felt her own yellow eyes and mottled gray coat seemed boring in comparison. Although the two anthros became quick friends as they settled into college life, Kate had spent many nights in her bunk bed fantasizing about becoming a bit more than that. Freely admitting her tomboyish personality, the wolf had always taken an interest in the outdoors, and when she finally got Allison to agree to a weekend camping trip, Kate had decided to make the most out of the situation.

"Hey Allie, you ready yet?" The timber wolf called over her shoulder.

"Um... yea... I think." The arctic fox anthro appeared from the closet wearing jeans, a pink halter top, and dragging a very large suitcase. "I packed what you told me to bring..."

Looking at the overly large suitcase, Kate rolled her eyes. She walked over to the suitcase and unzipped it. "Looks like that and more: you packed way too much..."

"But I don't know if I'll need my stuff or not!"

Allison watched as Kate reached in and started yanking stuff out. The timber wolf laughed when she pulled out a large hand mirror and an over-filled cosmetics bag. "Really, Allie? Gawd, that's a lot of stuff." She raised an eyebrow.

The arctic fox shrugged. "Um..."

Kate laughed. "You wont be needing this.... and you don't need half the clothes you packed either. Come on, we're gonna be alone in the wilderness; Its just you and me... there's no boys to pretty yourself up for."

"Oh, fine.... but I'm still taking my brush. I don't want to get my fur all matted."

Kate smirked. "Okay. But let's get going. I'll meet you downstairs with the car ready. "


The car ride went as about as normal as one would expect for two college girls going on a trip. There was laughing, giggling, loud pop music playing on the radio, and lots of girl talk.

"... and I can't believe she did that! I mean... she leaves ALL her fur trimmings in the shower and pretends its not hers! Um, HELLO? We can hear the trimmer buzzing from the hallways. Its so gross walking in to the bathroom and seeing her wet fur trimmings EVERYWHERE on the shower walls." Allison grimaced. "And did I tell you that her roommate, Maria, practically never showers? Like, ew. Girl, seriously... go take a bath."

Kate tried stifling a chuckle. "Well hold on a second, Allie. Maria is a lioness... you can't fault her for not liking water too much."

"I don't understand what the big deal is, though! You get wet, you wash, you towel off, you use the blow dryer, you comb, and everything looks great when you're done..."

"Yea, but you know how cats obsess over their fur, though. They don't like washing away their scent and natural oils..."

"But she SMELLS! You can smell her coming before you even say hi! Uhg! Girl doesn't even use deodorant."

"Haha... I know...." Kate trailed off, hoping to try and steer the conversion to a more pertinent topic. "So... What do you think of the boys on our floor? See anyone cute yet?"

"Mmm... there's that one wolf boy we sometimes see on the other end of the hall... Derek. He's got a cute butt."

"Yeah he does!" Kate giddily yelled, and both girls giggled. The two of them had the fortunate timing to catch the male wolf as he walked from the shower to his room without a towel, with only his bunched-up clothes around his front. "You think he'd be a step up from Travis?"

"Ugh, ANYONE would be." Allison griped. "He was such a dick. All the bull wanted was sex. I'd want to go out or watch a movie, and he'd be like 'Babe, how about a blowjob?' We'd compromise, saying we'd go out later, but then he'd say he suddenly ran out of time and leave. That's all he wanted! No dating, no spending time together, just sex. I'm glad I got rid of him, that douchebag. He also told me my boobs were small!" She lifted up her womanly bits to emphasize. "These! And I'm a C-cup! If he wanted boobs, then he should go back to his own species and find some cow whore with double Ds! What an ass. Ohh, hold on, I like this song!"

Allison reached for the radio and turned up the volume just as "Baaaahd Romance" from the hit singer Lady Bah Bah came on.

"That lamb... I love her voice!" the fox gushed. She began to sing along.

"But you DID give Travis blowjobs, right?" Kate teased, jutting her in the stomach. She wanted the conversation back on the topic of sex... this was too good of an opportunity and she didn't want to miss it.

Allison gave a sheepish grin. "Mayyybe." she giggled. "He tasted bad, though. But he'd always insist I swallow. I hated it. Ugh, I don't want to talk about him anyway. So... what about you, Kate?"


"See any cute boys in our dorm?"

Kate took a deep breath, and made her first move of the game tonight. "Oh... well, a few... but I've been looking at the girls too. I'm bi."

Allison cocked her head. "Really? I... I guess I'm not too surprised. You seem like you're half-boy, after all..." She chuckled.

There was an awkward pause for a bit as the girls continued to drive.

"So... um... what do you like about girls? Just curious."

Kate smirked. "Okay with me being bi? Check. Curious about it? Check. This could be easy..." She thought. "Oh, I dunno... the whole body, basically. I like the curves and shape of a female. I like their lips..."

"... and I like girls' boobs, too." She giggled.

Allison frowned, suddenly becoming aware of her own chest. The arctic fox had been blessed with a rather voluptuous and shapely bosom. She had been topless before in front of her roommate, and had just started to feel a bit uncomfortable over the conversation. She started wondering if her roommate had been checking her out every time she changed clothes.

Keeping her eyes on the road as she drove, Kate was unaware of her roommate's troubled expression. She continued to prod. "So... have you ever kissed a girl before?"

"Um, Kate... I'm not exactly comfortable-"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Allie... I didn't mean it like that. I'm not trying to come on to your or anything!" The timber wolf laughed, trying to sell her blatant and utter lie. "Just forget it. Besides... we're here."

The two anthros pulled into a gravel road that lead to the campgrounds. The area was very secluded and the forest stretched for miles. No other groups had come to spend the night. Kate parked the car, got out and stretched.

"We'll pitch our tent in the grass clearing."

"And then what?" Allison asked, also jumping out of the car.

"Well, then I think we should go for a hike. And after that, it'll be getting dark and we'll make dinner."

"I'm hungry already, though...." The arctic fox put a paw to her furry stomach.

"Grab some food for now, then. You'll want the energy. We'll cook hotdogs when we get back."


Hours later, and it was dusk. The fire was roaring in the firepit, the tent had been pitched, and both girls were tired and panting from the hike. Kate had gathered a number of sticks to skewer hot dogs on, and she had propped them up over the fire. They had been cooking for several minutes and the meat was almost about to sizzle. Kate had brought out the buns and ketchup in preparation. She set the dinner tools out on a large stone.

Allison unhappily sat down on a stump in front of the fire, warming herself in the quickly cooling night.

"I was hoping we'd have one of those grills they put in public parks out here..."

"Fire-roasted is more fun than grilled." Kate proudly proclaimed. She liked to cook over an open fire.

"I'm all sweaty and icky from that hike, too... My fur is damp and my halter has tree sap on it." The fox pouted.

"Then change and air your fur out, Allie! Come on... we're camping! We're supposed to be tired and dirty! That's part of the fun."

Allison looked away, grumbling. It was obvious she was not the outdoorsy type.

"Look, I'm gonna change. Its getting dark and we need to slip into pajamas anyway," the timber wolf said. Without skipping a beat, she removed her t-shirt, bra, and jeans in front of her roommate. She meandered over to her duffel bag and paused with her hands on her hips, in no hurry to get more clothes on. Kate then quietly peeked behind her to see Allison get up and slip her halter top off.

"Sure... I could use a change of clothes, at least... though I really want a good shower."

Kate quickly turned, excited to see the show. Allison's pristine white fur was hampered by her jeans and black bra still... and the timber wolf watched as Allison, with her eyes watching the fire, slowly slipped her hand behind her back and let the bra fall forward as she undid the clasps. The arctic fox's bosom was a beautiful sight to Kate... perfectly shaped, covered in short, white fur, and seemingly unaffected by the pull of gravity: Allison's breasts didn't seem to sag at all and kept their round shape even unassisted by the brassiere. Her pink nipples were already erect and standing proud in the cool air of the wilderness.

Kate could feel a little tingling between her legs at the sight of watching her roommate strip. She breathed in deeply, already a bit aroused. "Soon... its gotta be soon... I cant wait to have her on the ground. Mmmm... I wanna dominate her... have her screaming and writhing in pleasure.... oh gawd, that would be so hot. Maybe I could even get her aroused enough to lick me..." The wolf let out a quiet croon as she imagined aggressively climbing on top of her roommate, kissing her deeply on the lips, letting her hands run down her furred chest and groping the female's perfect, supple-


Kate snapped out of her fantasy as she realized Allison had noticed the timber wolf's staring.

"Ah, nothing... I've just always admired your boobs."

The arctic fox guardedly brought her white-furred arms to her bosom, covering herself. "What do you mean?" the timber wolf's earlier admission of her bisexuality came flooding back into her mind.

"It's just a compliment, Allie! You got a great rack! Geeze... don't get upset about it just because NOW you know that I'm bi... You just have a nice pair of boobs. Any guy would go crazy over them. I'm even a bit jealous..." Kate drew a paw up to her own breasts, cupping her grey-furred B-cup gently. In truth, the timber wolf felt her own bosom was quite attractive and shapely as well... she was simply trying to butter her roommate up and make her more comfortable.

Allison smiled sheepishly. "Oh, come off of it. Your boobs are fine." The arctic fox walked over to her suitcase and leaned over to shuffle through the clothes. Kate could not help but stare at the fox's butt as she bent forward, seeing her cheeks spread tight over the jeans and her luscious, white tail poking out underneath the velcro tail flap on her pants. Seeing her like this only made the wolf hornier... and standing in nothing but her panties, Kate could feel her woman parts begin to get a little damp. She oogled the arctic fox's body as she stripped down to nothing before she put on a pair of flannel pajama pants and a loose fitting T-shirt. No bra or panties, even! She graciously caught a tiny glimpse of her naked mound between her thighs as she bent over to slip her feet through the pajama legs. It made the wolf gasp in arousal. Kate could not help but stare at the arctic fox's perky nipples as they poked through her shirt.

"Well, Allie... I'm gonna stay topless for now... I'm still a bit hot," the timber wolf said, grinning to herself. "One step closer to both of us being naked..." she thought.

Allison giggled and blushed. "Kate..."

"What? There's no one out here but us."

The arctic fox shrugged in response. "True..."


The two canids sat down at the fire to eat. Dinner was plain, but for the hungry and tired carnivores, the food tasted better than it normally should have. Both girls scarfed down hotdogs, munched on chips, guzzled soda, and shared a large, overturned log by the fire in the serene dusk of a warm summer night. Kate was conspicuously still topless, wearing only a pair of gray pajama boy-shorts and feeling rather horny.

"So..." Kate decided to play another move in this chess match of seduction. "Allie... you're not uncomfortable that I'm bi, are you?"

The arctic fox bit her lip. "Um.... no. Not really... Okay, maybe a only a little."

"How come you didn't answer my question when I asked you if you've ever kissed another girl before?" the wolf asked, trying to steer the mood of the night towards sex.

Allison sighed. "Well... I.... okay, Kate." The fox sighed. "Fine. Yes, I have. I was at a party my second week here at some sorority house my friend invited me to, and this drunk fox came up to me and just started making out with me, out of the blue."

"Mmmm... that's a bit hot." The timber wolf wiggled in her seat. "And? Did you like it?

The arctic fox blushed and put a hand to her chest. "A bit. I think girls are better kissers than guys are... She was a better kisser than Travis!" She giggled for a second before turning serious once more. "I pushed her away when she started groping my crotch, though."

"Aww..." The timber wolf felt a bit let down. "The story just started to be getting interesting...."

The fox frowned, feeling a bit uncomfortable at her roommate's eagerness. "Why are you so curious?" Allison asked, already afraid she knew the answer. She had noticed that Kate seemed oddly interested in talking about sex tonight.

The timber wolf played her next move: hinting at her interest in Allison. "Because I like girls, and you're a hot fox yourself, so its fun to imagine you with another hot girl." She bent down to take a swig of water from her canteen.

"Oh, stop!" The arctic fox embarrassingly laughed and waved her off.

"What?" The wolf drew closer to Allison's side and leaned in. "I'm serious... nothing wrong with saying you're a hot little fox, Allie... not when it's true. To be honest, I've always been a bit jealous of your sexy, white fur..." She drew a finger across Allison's thigh in slow circles, watching her claw part the short, soft fur.

Allison tensed up but let the wolf continue her tease. "You think I'm hot.... like, coming from a straight girl or as a bi girl?" The look on her face was hard to place as she stared into the fire, but the question certainly hinted at a bit of curiosity coming from the fox.

"Oh gawd, she's reaching... she's reaching! Allison, you hot little thing..." Seeing the white-furred fox let her thigh be caressed was encouraging, and Kate was swimming in her head from the excitement of trying to seduce the sexy white fox. In fact, the wolf was trying incredibly hard not to jump her roommate right then and there. Taking a deep breath, she decided to to step things up a notch. "Mmm, I think you're hot as both."

The unsure vulpine laughed uneasily once more. "Kate..." She turned and looked at her roommate, suddenly finding her gray muzzle really close to her face.... close enough to kiss. The burners suddenly turned on: Allison felt a rush of warmth through her body and she took in a deep breath. She paused to take in the unmistakable look of seduction coming from those yellow wolf eyes.

"Kate.... I'm not sure if I'm ready for this." the fox whispered, and she suddenly tuned away. The wolf's heart instantly became crushed. She went on the defensive immediately, hoping to not scare off the fox too much.

"Ready for what, Kate? I'm not saying we have to do anything just because I think you're hot.... Take it as a compliment."

"But I don't like you in that way... its a little freaky, cause you're a girl and all... I mean, I'm not a lesbian or anything!" She drew her lips into a conflicted pout.

"Don't think about it like that....when it comes to sex, I'm up for whatever as long as it feels good, you know?" Kate leaned in closer, her muzzle inches away from resting on her roommate's shoulder, hoping to rekindle that one moment, that one pause where she saw in those fox's blue eyes... that split second awareness of her own arousal.

But Allison abruptly stood up to pace, denying Kate the opportunity to be more physical, and the horny wolf frowned.

"Its just.... weird, Kate. Wanting to have sex with another girl, I mean. Its weird! Kissing and cuddling I can see, but that? No." She turned to face her roommate and gave a little shrug.

The horny timber wolf decided to back off for now, seeing that it was unlikely she could flirt her way into the fox's pants. She now knew that she couldn't seduce the wolf without something drastic first. "Okay, well.. I guess you don't have to understand it. Forget it. Wanna make some S'mores?"

"Mmm... sure! I'll go get the stuff for it!" Allison got up and bounded towards her suitcase, fumbling around for chocolate and marshmallows. Once again the Arctic wolf had bent over, unknowingly showing off her rear to the air. She was wearing cute flannel pajamas and her white, fluffy tail poked out cutely from the velcro-fastened tail flap in the back. Kate stared with unbridled lust at the sexy little fox only a few feet away.

"I can do it... I can get her to explore... I know it!" the timber wolf thought. "She let me flirt with her for a little... she let me play with the fur on her thigh. All it will take is a little prodding... a little... persuasion. Gawd, she has a hot ass.... I wanna grab it... to squeeze it and spread her ass cheeks open and fuck her hard with my fingers.... I wanna hear her moan my name... Gawd!" Kate's arousal grew as she continued to fantasize about her roommate. She could feel her heartbeat increase. The wolf knew she wanted to make her final move: seductive persuasion.

"I LOVE melted marshmallows... Mmm." The arctic fox licked her lips with her long, canine tongue as she skewered a few marshmallows on a roasting stick and held them out over the fire.

Suddenly she gasped when she felt Kate's arms wrap around her from behind.

"Mmmm...." the timber wolf sighed in pleasure from feeling her arms around the fox and placed her head on Allison's shoulders.

"Drop that stick." The wolf knocked the roasting stick out of Allison's hands.

"Hey! Kate, I-"

The arctic fox felt Kate's hands travel across her bosom, fondling her breasts gently through her thin shirt. "Allie, you have such a hot body, you know that?" the wolf huskily whispered.

"Stop!" Allison squirmed in Kate's grasp. In return, the timber wolf tightened her grip and drew a hand down her roommate's belly.

"No... I don't want to. Gawd, Allie, you're such a hot little fox." She slipped a hand under the fox's t-shirt, traveling up to her breasts. She had almost reached the soft mounds, and inched ever closer....

Suddenly, the arctic fox wrenched away and angrily turned to face her roommate. "KATE! What the hell? Why are you being so pushy all of the sudden? I thought I said no! This is weird..."

The timber wolf licked her lips and advanced slowly. "I told you... I like girls... and you're really hot." She leaned close and planted a sensuous kiss on her roommate's neck. "And we're in the perfect place to fool around."

Allison pushed the horny she-wolf back. "I don't want to do this... Kate, please..."

"Oh, I think you might warm up to it. Besides..." She leaned in and whispered into the arctic fox's white-furred ear. "I have the car keys.... you're stuck here with me."

Allison bit her lip. "This is... this is ra-"

"Oh, don't be ridiculous, you silly little fox." Kate chuckled and wrapped a hand around Allison's back and pulled her body close. The two females had their hips pressed tightly up against each other. Kate looked into Allison's bright blue eyes, seeing her displeased expression with her ears flat against her head, and she smiled.

"Just open your mind a bit and let loose... and I'll show you how girls have fun."

The wolf began to kiss her white-furred roommate's throat and neck once more, planting a series of pecks and smooches across the fox's furry skin. She heard Allison gasp softly at the attention as she put her hands up to weakly press back in defiance, though both girls felt that it was a half-hearted attempt. Kate felt her own breasts, open to the air, press up against her roommate's, with only a simple T-shirt keeping the two apart. With her nose buried in the fox's white fur of her neck, Kate inhaled deeply and caught a strong whiff of the female's musky vulpine scent.

"Kate..." the fox trailed off, her tone of voice sounding like a plead. It was unclear if she wanted the wolf to stop or not.

Seeing her roommate distracted by the sensuous kissing, Kate quickly placed her other hand at the arctic fox's belly and stroked the naked, white fur under her shirt. A finger traced around the shallow indentation of her belly button. She began to inch closer, farther down as she drew back and planted a firm kiss right on the fox girl's lips. Kate kissed her deeply, drawing her in with a moan and despite the weak struggling of her roommate's arms, she felt the fox begin to return the kiss. Taking that as a great sign, Kate slipped her hand further down her roommate's belly and planted her fingers on the outside of her pants crotch. She immediately felt the fox's vulva and moaned into Allison's mouth as she gently fondled the soft, yielding mound between her legs. She pressed in, feeling the flesh indent around her fingers, and rubbed in a slow circle, eager to arouse. Just being able to finally touch Allison between her legs was sending the wolf into overdrive, and she thrust her tongue into the fox's maw.

The arctic fox writhed in Kate's grip. She gasped at the tingling sensation from the fingers prodding her slit and she squirmed away again. Allison put a paw down between her legs, guarding her crotch from any more groping.

"No... stop. I don't want to do this, Kate..."

The sultry wolf approached her prey once more. "Oh, I think you do... you were enjoying yourself just a few seconds ago. I liked the part where you lapped at my tongue inside your mouth. Gawd, that was hot, Allie..."

The arctic fox frowned, feeling a bit embarrassed at her own forwardness. She hadn't meant to let herself go like that.

"And by the way: you're right... girls are much better kissers than guys. At least, that's my own experience." The she-wolf gave a pleasured growl.

"But I-"

"Oh hush up." The she-wolf cut her off. "You're just a bit uncomfortable, that's all.... you'll come around."

"NO! I... I don't want to..." Allison whined.

"That's not what your tongue was saying." Kate huskily growled.

In an instant, the wolf had pounced. She wrapped her arms around the fox and as Allison tried to take a step back, the two canids fell to the ground with a thud. They found themselves right next to the fire, Kate watched the shadows and firelight dance across her roommate's chest and face.

"Just relax..." the timber wolf cooed as she positioned her body over top of the fox.

Allison frowned, but said nothing as the horny wolf planted herself firmly on the fox's own furry hips. She watched passively as Kate leaned forward and placed her hands on the arctic fox's shoulders. Overcome with lust, the timber wolf began to grind her hips against her roommate's own, smiling giddily and licking her lips. Her boy-shorts had already begun to show a noticeable wet mark from arousal. Kate felt the warm crotch of Allison's press against her own repeatedly, and the husky wolf gasped softly at the incredible experience.

"Kate!" Allison gasped. She grunted at the stimulation between her legs.

"Oh shush up and kiss me." The wolf barked, and leaned forward to plant her lips on the fox's own once more. Kate mashed her lips against Allison's, inhaling strongly as she felt her almost immediately return it. Moaning into her mouth, the timber wolf continued to grind her hips against the lithe fox's body, grunting at the pressure and rubbing sensation on her labia and clit. The wolf's lips were deeply set against her lover's, lipping and mouthing frantically in arousal.

"Kate, I..." Allison trailed off between kisses and her jumbled words finally devolved into a loud moan as she let herself go. The wolf that was on top of her was so persuasive, so dominating and assertive that it was driving her wild... and adding to it, the kinkiness of her being another female made things all the more naughty and exciting. She felt her desire to resist slip away as she was seduced by her roommate's aggressive tactics.

"That's my girl." the timber wolf growled, feeling giddy that she had won her roommate over. She bumped and grinded her hips over the fox's crotch a few more times as she brought her hands down to her friend's shirt. She pulled up eagerly, grunting, eager to see the fox's beautiful bosom once more.

"Lets get these clothes off."

Allison looked unsure and the fox held her ears back. However, she submissively lifted her arms and let her roommate undress her. In an instant, her shirt came off and she laid back down only to find Kate yanking her pajamas off. Casting the pajamas aside, Kate then stood up and dropped her shorts in an instant. Looking down at her roommate's naked body, she breathed in a gasp of arousal.

"My gawd, Allie, you are such a hot little fox."

The arctic fox looked even more beautiful with her clothes off. Her slim waist and shapely bosom accentuated the female's curves. Her flat belly, the result of a dedicated workout schedule, looked dead sexy attached to her wide and full hips. Between her legs lay a warm slit, the sight of which was partially obscured by a tuft of pristine, white fur. Kate's own vulva was already swollen and showing a bit of her sensitive inner folds. She practically dove on the naked fox, and ravished her mouth with kisses as she cradled her head between her paws. Gasping, Allison slowly brought her arms around the wolf in an embrace. The feeling of another girl on top of her own body was more than a bit kinky... it was exciting and naughty for her. She moved her hands all over the timber wolf's lithe body, running her fingers through the soft gray fur and feeling her sensuous waist and butt as the wolf's hips dipped and rubbed against her own.

"how do.... how do girls..." Allison trailed off, caught up in her own arousal.

"Like this," the timber wolf whispered.

Allison gasped as another pass of Kate's hips brought their clits rubbing up against each other. Giggling at her reaction, Kate began to grind in earnest, passing over Allison's clitoris repeatedly. The two were able to feel each other's slits easily, with no clothes hampering their sensation. The arctic fox moaned as she gripped Kate's furred shoulders. The intense pressure from the constant grinding felt wonderful. And just looking at the female body on top of her, seeing Kate's breasts jiggle and shift as she bumped and sensuously drew her hips over her own foxy slit was incredibly exotic.

The timber wolf was in bliss. She was watching her crush and fantasy partner gasp and moan in her arms. She felt the fox's beautiful white fur rub against her belly and crotch. Allison's supple hands were traveling over her own back and waist slowly and sensually as she grinded. The feel of the fox's soft mound pressing against her own was sending waves of euphoria throughout her. A hand drew to the fox's C-cup breast and she kneaded the flesh slowly, bringing her fingertips to Allison's nipple and rolling the nub between her pads. Feeling Allison moan in her arms, and already highly aroused from the foreplay, Kate felt her own orgasm approaching quickly. Feeling the warm fur, soft mound, and tiny little nub press all over her crotch, she closed her eyes and let out a growl as she came. The timber wolf lifted herself up with her arms and grinded fiercely against the fox's slit, caught up in the excitement of having another girls' pussy against her own. Allison stared up with a mixture of shock and arousal as her roommate humped against her naked body. The fox had brought a hand up and was cupping her other breast as she watched her roommate climax.

Allison then felt the wolf grab her wrist. "No no no.... Touch mine instead," she huskily growled. Grinning, the wolf brought Allison's paw to her own fur-covered breast.

Allison took in a deep breath as she felt the wolf's bosom in her paw. The were warm and heavy, covered in short, gray and brown fur, and the nipples were rock hard from arousal. Allison found that she, surprisingly, enjoyed fondling another girl's boobs. She kneaded them and squeezed them, giggling at her roommate's forwardness as she began to lap and moan into her mouth. The glow from the fire cast large shadows of the two canids among the trees.

Kate loved the feel of the fox's lips. The way she would kiss back, the softness of her skin, the feeling of her tongue as she lapped inside Kate's own mouth, the soft grunting noises she would make... making out with this female was incredible. Slowly, a paw made its way down Allison's own chest again, cupping the fox's full bosom and giving it a squeeze. She pinched the erect nipple between her fingers and tugged lightly. Allison softly yelped into her mouth at a squeeze on her nipple, and Kate giggled. She continued to make out with the naked fox, finding the exploratory hand at her own bosom to be incredibly enticing.

She broke the kiss with a gasp. "Suckle me," the wolf whispered.

Allison bit her lip in hesitance.

"Oh come, on!" Kate said, sounding exasperated. "Quit being so self-conscious."

Nodding meekly, Kate lifted herself up onto her hand and raised her body over Allison's head. The wolf's gray-furred, shapely breasts swayed mere inches from Allison's face. Gingerly, the fox leaned in for a lick across the wolf's teat. Kate watched her roommate's every move as she closed her lips and teeth around the erect nipple and began to suckle. The pulling, tugging sensation felt so good... such a relaxing and intimate sensation. Kate gasped as the fox became more eager, nipping and squeezing the breast she was tending to. She licked and flicked her tongue against the erect nub, letting out soft moans, closing her eyes and inhaling the scent of the wolf deeply as she closed her lips around the teat and began sucking in earnest. The crackling and popping of the fire nearly drowned out the soft suckling noises escaping from the fox's lips.

She came off the nipple with a pop and quickly found the wolf's other breast, bringing the nipple straight into her mouth and squeezing the wolf's bosom gently as she suckled.

"Gawd, Allie... seeing you do that is making me wet."

Kate could not help but grind against her roommate's body as her gray-furred boobs were squeezed and sucked.... watching another female play with her body was just too hot. She let the white fox suckle as long as she wanted, content to watch her body being serviced by another female.

Slowly, the timber wolf creeped her hand lower, sliding her fingers between the beautiful fox's snow-white fur. She watched Allison's gaze widen as once again she felt the timber wolf's hand creep to her mound. She gasped at the sensation of those fingers exploring her intimate parts. Kate ever so slowly drew her fingers across the soft skin of the fox's pussy lips, spreading her fingers until her entire palm came to rest on the fox's mound. Licking her lips, Kate massaged gently, cupping the fox's crotch and kneading it slowly.

Allison gave a soft gasp as she felt her slit being groped by her roommate, and the wolf's nipple fell from her open mouth. Kate looked down at the fox with a lust-filled grin and dipped her shoulders lower to bring her teats back within range of Allison's face.

Closing her eyes, Allison leaned in and began to suckle once more, whispering around the nipple she lapped at. "Oh geeze, that feels good, Kate... Mmm."

The experienced, dexterous fingers on her mound touched and rubbed everywhere, and the arctic fox found herself starting to undulate her hips gently into the hand. She switched nipples again, grabbing Kate's breast and squeezing it as she lapped and licked.

"Kate! Ah!" the fox gasped. Allison squeezed the wolf's shoulders in reflex and moaned as she felt two fingers slip into her cunt. "Oh gawd!" Allison uncontrollably bucked into her roommate's hand, feeling electrified by having those feminine fingers pump in deep.

Kate seethed with arousal. Allison's pussy was surprisingly wet already, and knowing how aroused the fox was made Kate even hornier. Slowly she pumped in, resting her palm on her roommate's mound as she penetrated her. She felt Allison clamp down around her fingers as she pushed in to the knuckle. Seeing the fox like this... with her eyes shut tight and moaning into her breasts... it was nearly enough to set the wolf off!

Allison grunted as the fingers were thrust in again and she grabbed Kate around her lithe shoulders to squeeze her closer. The arctic fox braced her head against the wolf's breasts and began to pant as Kate began plunging into her depths at a fast pace. The fox was still in a state of excitement and arousal over the kinkiness of being intimate with another woman... the pair of breasts attached to the body that was pleasuring her... the scent of another female and the gentle, sensuous curve of her hips and slender waist on top of her own was simply intoxicating. She grinded eagerly against the fingers spreading pussy open and groaned.

"Kate... I, I..."

The arctic fox gasped as she felt an orgasm roll over her body as her roommate pumped in and out repeatedly. She bucked upwards and cried out, and Kate eagerly ran her palm over her roommate's clit as she continued to pump in deep within the folds between her roommate's legs. She was eager to give her roommate a big finish. Her fingers moved like a jack hammer, with the wolf's hand going as fast as she could muster. The arctic fox's ears folded back along her head as she shut her eyes to ride out her climax. The tightening sensation in her loins felt so wonderful that she let go and finally moaned the timber wolf's name in ecstasy.

The wolf quickly dropped herself down on her roommate once more, attacking her lips with a passionate kiss. She felt both of her now saliva-coated nipples slide and press against Allison's own breasts... the sensation made her moan with anticipation of what was to come. The fox's hot breath washed over her cheeks and face like a blast of air from the oven. She felt Allison insert her tongue deep into her own mouth and both women lost themselves in their heated, erotic embrace.

Suddenly, Kate broke their kiss with a small gasp. She looked back into her roommate's eyes and huffed.

Giggling, she removed her fingers slowly after the fox had had her fill. Finally being able to finger fuck this beautiful white fox was making the wolf drunk with arousal. She wanted to take things to the next level. Slowly, she brought her matted fingers to her mouth and sucked on one. She stared at her roommate while she lapped at the feminine fluids along her finger pads and the wet fur, putting on a show for her friend.

"Kate.. that was... hell, that was amazing," she panted.

"We're not done yet," the wolf growled. She inserted her other finger into her mouth and lapped along her digit, smiling giddily. She softly began to grind against the wolf's clit once more, and Allison, eager to continue, held on to the wolf's butt as the two bumped nubs.

"Are you ready to lick me, Allie?"

The fox's eyes grew wide. "What? I... uh..."

"Come on, it's just like your own girl parts... nothing new or strange, here."

"It's...." the fox scrunched her face up. She thought the idea was gross.

"It's fun. And you'll love it," the wolf assured her.

Kate suddenly got off of her roommate and spun around, lifting her tail and maneuvering her vulva above the lying fox's face.

"Have you ever sixty-nine'd before?"

"Kate..." the arctic fox whined. "I don't really feel comfo-"

"Oh shut it," the wolf barked. "I'll start, and you can go when you feel ready. It'll be fun."

The timber wolf anthro then dipped her head down between the fox's legs and immediately began lapping at her roommate's vulva. Allison immediately moaned at the sensation, as did Kate, who was enraptured by being able to lick at her roommate's fox box. She brought her tongue all the way down the white-furred mound, starting at the clitoris and lapping downward, feeling the soft flesh of Allison's labia part and spread under the prodding muscular pressure. A collection of the female's fluid pooled on her canine tongue. Licking her lips at the fox's mellow taste, she went down again, and began lapping at her clit repeatedly. She played with the little erect nub of flesh with her tongue, pushing it around in circles with her tongue and lapping at it eagerly like it was candy.

Allison bucked and swore loudly at the treatment. She lifted her legs back and into the air, and Kate wrapped her arms around the fox's thighs to steady them. She then traced her fingers up and down Allison's folds, spreading her warm mound gently and teasing at penetration.

"Kate! Gawd!" the fox cried out. She then followed with another swear and grabbed the wolf's rear, squeezing the girl's butt firmly.

The timber wolf loved to lick out other females. It was an intensely intimate and erotic act. She nuzzled and rubbed Allison's warm snatch with her snout, getting her muzzle damp with fluids. She loved how soft her mound was, how it gave and yielded so easily to her poking and prodding, and loved the taste of her skin and juices. Allison's white pubic fur was matted with saliva and female fluids. The scent of the female's arousal was almost overpowering... intoxicating, even. Moaning loudly, Kate took the fox's clitoris between her lips and began to suckle. With her other paw she rubbed the fox's labia briskly, pressing in gently and feeling the female's lips spread and press around her digits.

And with a cry of shock and arousal, Kate felt a very experimental lick across her own wet snatch. She instantly arched her back and moaned, lifting her tail high.

"Yes, Allie... lick me. Lick me hard. Gawd, I want your tongue in me now!" the wolf whined.

Allison licked her chops, savoring the taste of another female and finding the mild flavor to be surprisingly acceptable. She barely had time to adjust, though, as the wolf pressed her hips back and nearly sat down on the arctic fox's face. Yelping in surprise, Allison paused before once again sticking out her tongue and lapping at the she-wolf's grey-furred mound. She could barely believe what she was doing, but she felt alive and giddy to be doing it!

Kate giddily squeezed the fox's pristine white-furred rear as she felt the tongue on her pussy. Moaning, she slobbered all over her partner's slit, licking furiously across the entrance to her snatch. The timber wolf then took her fingers and inserted them deep into the fox, wetting her paw on the feminine fluids deep inside. Allison bucked and jerked into her fingers, gasping for breath as she was penetrated once again.

In return, Kate felt that tongue on her snatch explore more, becoming more aggressive and licking hard across her own clit. Allison was taking her time to explore. Allison lapped all over her crotch, exploring every nook and cranny, every inch of sensitive skin. She gently took her fingers and played with the wolf's soft labia, spreading her roommate open and massaging the folds with her fingers. The scent of arousal was thick in the air.

Kate suddenly bucked when she felt that thick fox tongue press in between her lips and enter her passage.

"Oh gawd, Allie...." the wolf crooned. Allison's tongue was pressing in firmly, and she moaned in pleasure from the incredible spreading sensation in her loins. Kate clamped down suddenly on the fox tongue when it pressed in several inches, causing her roommate to jump and giggle. The enraptured wolf playfully bit and nibbled on the arctic fox's white, furry mound before going back to her clit. She flicked her tongue skillfully across the button, completely enraptured by the girl parts in front of her. She nuzzled Allison's mound as she continued to service the hot fox box between her roommate's legs.

The tongue inside of Kate's passage was driving her up a wall. She squeezed her muscles on the tongue as it tried to leave and relaxed every time it entered. Allison was only in a few inches but the fox's long tongue kept pushing in deeper with every thrust. It wasn't long the pulsing tongue in her pussy caused the wolf to climax again, and Kate moaned into the wet snatch she was licking as she tensed up and released her fluids. Gasping, she felt Allison continue to lap and lick inside her vent all throughout her orgasm, and the sly fox surprised even herself to find that she was eagerly lapping up the fluids of another female.

Enthused, the timber wolf redoubled her efforts on the arctic fox's pussy, pressing in with two fingers as she lapped and suckled her friend's clit. It didn't take much longer.

"Kate... gawd, this feels so good!" She felt Allison's paws grab her butt and squeeze as she moaned from her second climax. Allison squirmed in place and writhed in pleasure and Kate felt the fox clamp and constrict the fingers thrusting deep into her vent. Panting, the timber wolf kept up each motion of her tongue and fingers, eager to keep her partner enraptured as long as possible. The sound of the eager lapping long her clit and the furry fingers pounding her snatch filled the air with wet, sloppy noises. Allison bucked and dipped her hips, gasping for breath as her orgasm rushed through her body. Moaning once more, she grabbed Kate's gray-furred butt firmly and began to french the wolf's snatch out of sheer arousal, and Kate seethed with pleasure at the unexpected attention, and already so aroused, she came once more and bucked into the fox snout pressed right up against her entrance. She even felt Allision's lips push into her slit.

Once both canids came down from her climax, Kate turned her body slowly, so that she was once again lying face-to-face with her new lover, straddling her hips.

"Mmmm." The wolf let go as she kissed her roommate once more. The two tasted their own fluids on each other's tongues. Allison looked into the eyes of her newest mate with shock and arousal.

"... I can't believe I did that!"

The she-wolf giggled. "Did you enjoy it though?"

Allison sheepishly nodded, blushing a bit. "Yes...."

"Great. I'm glad you had fun, but there's something I really, really wanted to do with you..."


The timber wolf grinned. Allison looked a bit more confident to Kate now that she had been broken in. Her white muzzle was completely matted with the wolf's own fluids, which made the fox look incredibly hot and smutty to Kate. She reached up and idly fondled the fox's beasts as she lay, giggling. Kate licked her lips as she watched her roommate grope her breasts once more.

"Mmm... gawd, Allie... you're hot when you do that. Just stay right here!" Shifting her body, Kate leaned up and dismounted her lover. Allison rolled over to her back to watch what her roommate was up to.

"Kate, what are you doing?"

The wolf had her back to Allison. She was bent over her own camp pack, rummaging through the bottom. She pulled out some black straps and hastily put them around her legs. Turning around, Allison saw a red, silicone dildo now attached to her crotch. The dildo was shaped like a normal fox's shaft, with a knot at the base and a pointed tip. The only thing unusual about it was the size: it was huge! Far bigger than any normal fox.

"Katie! Are you serious?" The fox's white-furred face contorted into a look of disbelief. "You brought a strap-on to our camping trip?!"

"I packed it in case I could get lucky with you tonight...." she giggled and stood over the fox, wielding her faux foxhood proudly with one hand.

"Now lie back down on your back... we're gonna have some fun."

"That thing is massive... Its bigger than Travis even, and he didn't have a knot." Allison bit her lower lip.

"I know, and its gonna feel incredible. Just you wait."

Setting her teeth, Allison rolled onto her backside once more and spread her legs for the wolf. She trailed a hand down between her legs and rested her hand on her white, furry mound. her fingers played at her pussy lips a bit before she took two fingers and spread her lips slightly open. Just seeing the arctic fox lie there like that, with her pristine white coat marred and matted only by both female's fluids, and her beautiful blue eyes staring into her own was enough to make the wolf have a tiny wave of pleasure just from the mere sight.

"Allison... you are such a beautiful, lovely fox... my gawd. Travis didn't even deserve you."

Kate crawled on top of the fox, and she hoisted herself up on her knees and arms. Bending down, she drew in close to kiss the arctic fox deep on her black lips. Immediately the timber wolf's hands drew to Allison's breasts and she lifted the delicate bosom in her hands, feeling the soft, giving flesh as she lightly squeezed. She felt Allison's whiskers quiver on her cheeks. The warm taste of her saliva as her tongue lashed out against her own. The white fox's hand drew to her belly and stroked her gray fur. Slowly, Kate climbed up on top of her roommate, and began dipping her hips, running the silicone member up between her legs and across her clit.

"I've been waiting for this all night..." the wolf breathed. Her light panting was washing over the fox's white fur.

"I didn't know... that you where... such a perv!" Allison breathed between kisses.

"Are you turned off by that?" the wolf huskily asked.

"Gawd, no!"

Allison drew in a sharp breath as she felt the tip of the strap-on draw back and press against her opening. She was expecting a slow entry, and was heartily surprised when Kate suddenly rammed in mercilessly, causing the fox to bulge out her icy blue eyes and gasp. Her arms shot out to the timer wolf's shoulders and she held on tight.

Kate lifted her body up with her forearms as she smacked her hips into the fox's cunt repeatedly. Ducking her head down, she gleefully watched. Her own slim hips, with black straps around the thighs and waist, connected to a silicone fox cock, was slamming against her roommate's foxy furred crotch. Each thrust impaled the pink dildo deep within the vulpine, each thrust leaving the knot mashing against her hole, teasing at being spread even wider, forcing the fox's slender body to shudder and jerk with every pound. Her hands were holding her down by the shoulders. Her thrusts were slamming into Allison's cunt deeply. She could do nothing but lie back and take it.

The fox was at her mercy, Kate thought... and she loved it.

"F-f-ffffff... Kaaaate!" the fox hissed. She dug her claws into the wolf's shoulders as she was viciously taken.

"What was that?" Kate sensuously asked. Her calm, gentle voice was a stark contrast to the powerful, frantic plowing she was doing with her hips. "What were you trying to say, Allison?" she teased. "Were you saying you want me to go harder?"

"Gawd!" the fox cried.

Allison's eyes slammed shut as the fox orgasmed violently around the pink tool violating her passage. The arctic fox came hard, with her vulpine juices welling up inside and being squeezed out in tiny squirts by the fox cock spreading her wide. The timber wolf did not relent through her climax. Kate's breasts swayed with each thrust. Her hips moved like a machine. And still the fox held on, enraptured by the blissful pounding her cunt was taking, of being filled up so fully and wanting more... her body was rocked to and fro, her legs swayed in the air, her entire body tensed up, and everything was wonderful.

"I'm going to keep going until you scream my name, Allie... I want to hear it." The wolf girl accentuated her point with a particularly hard thrust, teasing ever more at the massive knot on the end of the shaft. "I want to see you moan and yell my name as you come."

Allison weakly pushed back at her roommate's chest, giving herself some breathing room. Her other hand found the fox's bosom, and she tightly gripped the lupine's breasts as she was further ravaged. She tried to speak. She tried to scream... but she was so overcome by the intensity of the sex that she could barely work her mouth and nothing but a few bestial yips escaped her lips.

"Now, what are you trying to say, this time? I think you're saying you want this knot." Kate gave another hard thrust, spreading Allison's cunt just barely at the opening, causing her to whimper.

Each thrust stretched the fox's cunt wider. It was a wonderful ache... taking something so wide, so huge... and every time the timber wolf crammed a bit more in, Kate gave a tiny little moan. Her insides were tightening up. Her body was becoming electrified. She could feel it... feel her orgasm approaching once more and there was nothing she could do to stop it. The female wolf on top pounded her body again and again, and finally, with one large thrust, Kate felt the knot pop inside and she hilted herself against the fox with a grunt.

That was all it took for Allison's final orgasm. The fox arched her back and bucked hard. Her arms shot out and gripped her roommate's shoulders hard enough to leave claw marks. She came hard around the toy inside, her cunt constricting tight and trying to milk the shaft for what it was worth. And as Allison slammed her head against the dirt ground and opened her mouth wide, she screamed her roommate's name in utter bliss.

After what seemed like an eternity, Allison opened her eyes slowly and looked up, half surprised to see another woman on top of her, despite her body's insistence that she had just been knotted by a big fox cock. Kate was panting hard, having fingered herself throughout the fox's orgasm. Being aroused enough from watching her roommate come so hard, the wolf had managed to have one last climax as well. Grinning, she leaned down and drew the fox into a deep kiss, and the two moaned in each other's mouths as they lay, still knotted together, on the cool ground of the campsite. It was now dark, and the two females looked into eachother's eyes, watching the heavy shadows from the fire play across their snouts and faces.

"Holy hell, Kate... that was incredible," the fox gasped.

"Kinda makes you think what you were so unsure about, right?"

The fox blushed. "I still can't believe you packed a strap-on... you had this planned out!" She grunted as the wolf gently thrust into her. With the knot fully inside, the two had their hips resting on eachother, and Kate lay gently on top of her new lover, content to never move.

"I was only hoping to get lucky," she giggled. "I have a couple of vibrators and lube, too." the sultry wolf whispered into her ear. "How do you feel about tailhole play?"

Allison's eyes widened, but she grinned and drew her roommate into another kiss.


There was no need to unroll the second sleeping bag that night. The two women slept together, lying in eachother's arms, sharing the one they had out already. Allison lay curled up against her new-found mate and now best friend, her head nestled deep in the soft gray fur of her breasts, nuzzling the wolf's bosom idly with a grin on her face. And Kate, the one who had pined for her roommate for weeks and had finally gotten her wish, looked down at her mate with satisfaction and stroked the fox's beautiful white fur on her neck. She bent down and kissed her on the ear before whispering a few words to her lover in the dying glow of the campfire.

"You're such a beautiful little fox, Allison... you know that, right?"

The vulpine anthro said nothing, but squeezed her mate ever tighter around the waist.



~Whew! Okay, let me preface by saying I really like bi-girls.... females playing with each other is just so freakin' hot. But in spite of this, I really found this story hard to write for some reason. I think its because I rely on getting in the heads of my characters and I just had trouble visualizing what a girl likes about other girls and what would turn her on. I stalled for almost a week. But then I hunkered down, read a few hot stories by Xianyu, studied (yes, studied!) lesbian pron (lol, inorite?) and got myself in the mood.

~This story was written for dezz89, who somewhat forced me into writing this story for her. Okay, so not really. Mostly she just convinced me by acting really cute and teasing which I am a TOTAL SUCKER for... damn me. >__> Okay so I didn't really mind writing this for her though. You're welcome, dezz89!

~Holy shit! No feral dragons ANYWHERE in the story? ITS ALL ABOUT MURRY PURRY FURRY ANTHROS? :O It's a first for me!

~I desperately wanted to use the phrases "faux foxhood" and "hot fox box", so I did. Hooray for silly alliteration! Also, that lady ga ga reference was SOOOO BAD but I don't care. XD

~Do I get a kick out of seeing girls read, comment, and even hit the cum button to this story? .... ... ... ... definitely. >__>

Dragon Ranch: Grooming Time

_This is a STAND ALONE story. You do not need to read the other chapters. (though I would encourage it :P)_ _This is a story for Narse, as part of an art trade. He is drawing me arts of dragons from my stories. :D This story contains M/M sex (Sorry,...

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The Testing Chamber

_While I find the whole transformation concept neither fascinating nor arousing, I thought it would be fun to write about because I am a good descriptive writer and I find biology and morphology an interesting topic to explore. I approached the...

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Dragon Ranch: Beating the Heat

_(If you're new to this story you can read here without being confused because chapters are episodic, though you shold probably read the rest too. ^\_\_^)_ .._.The title refers to a dragon being in heat, but I hear Dirk Nowitzki and the rest of the...

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