The Adventures of Dingo Dan, Part Two

Story by Triple xXx Werewolf on SoFurry

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#2 of The Adventures of Dingo Dan

The Adventures of Dingo Dan Part 2 By TriplexXxWerewolf (

Two weeks went by, and Dan was getting along really good with the F.S.I. couple.

Staying true to their words, nothing sexual happened between the three of them until Dan was fully healed.

Since then, the dingo's been active, despite the fact that he'd been in the wheelchair most of the time, helping out when he could in any way.

So far, over the course of those two weeks, Dan's been hanging out mostly with Kraig, watching movies, playing games, and having (strangely enough) wheelchair races around the house.

The dingo was having a lot of fun with the white fox, until he tried to get out of his wheelchair one morning, falling over in a heap.

"OW! Oh-ho-ho, oww, hehe. Ahh..."

"Dannie, you okay?" Kraig said as he heard the dingo scream and curse as he face-planted.

"I tried gettin' outta the chair, but i fell and can't get back up!"

Kraig struggled somewhat to get Dan back up, when the dingo stood on his good leg and took the surprised fox into a waltzing stance as Lupo came in to investigate the noise.

"You must be feeling better after two weeks in the chair."

"Er, kinda, i fell down after trying my good leg, but your son here got me back up."

"He's teachin' me how to dance, daddy." Kraig said.

"Okay. Well, in my training as an ex-paramedic, i'm gonna need Dan to stay in the chair for awhile longer. We don't need him hopping around like a pogo stick, and break his leg twice."

"You used to be a doc?" Dan asked.

"Yup. Were i not, you would have been out of luck when you crashed. Speaking of which, it's kinda funny, how the timeline has moved us around. I was lookin' for a mate for my son when fate kicked your ass off your bike and into my Camaro. You had a busted leg, i took you in to fix it, and let you stay with us. Y'know, i think it was Fate, because after all that had happened, you and Kraig have been as tight as a virgin ever since."

"Well, i still can't thank you enough for what you did. Right now, my leg's stitched up enough i can move it aound, without as much pain as before. Perhaps we can break our abstinance deal tonight and play, uh, 'Ding-ee' in the middle."

"Are you sure?" Lupo asked.

"It's a win-win. Kraig an' i are so close to each other, we're practically mates, and like you said, i'm his an' only his. So if this goes to plan, i can tie with Kraig, and you can tie with me, and everyone's happy."

"Well, if you're up to it, okay." Lupo said, standing next to his ear. "But first off, i gotta test you to see if you got the goods."

"Whas' that mean?" Dan asked.

"You and me play around first. How's eighty bucks sound?"

Music to Dan's ears. "Er, okay. But it'll hafta be private." Dan said, turning to Kraig. "Sorry, Kreggie, but you'll hafta stay outta the bedroom tonight, your dad an' i have some business to conduct in there, to make sure i'm the right guy for you."

Kraig thought it over a while before crossing his arms. "Okay. I'll watch the action from the peephole in the next room."

"No, Kraig, you're gonna have to stay down here for the night. You can sleep in my special chair, or watch the porn on the laptop if you want, just stay off the second floor."

"Yes, daddy."

"Thank you for understanding, son."

(One Kiss From You by Britney Spears plays)

The rest of the day was spent outside, the pair having another wheelchair race that ended with Kraig launching off the diving board and into the pool while still hanging onto the chair as he plunged into the water. Dan slowly rolled to the pool and called to him.

"You alright, Kraig?"

It was obvious that the little fox was fine, as he surfaced like a female swimsuit model, throwing his head back as the wheelchair shot out of the pool, wheels first, and over the water by three feet, landing back in the water, splashing him.

"Top-notch, Dannie."

"Thought you were stuck to the chair for a second, and i woulda had to jump in to getcha."

"Not with that leg'a yours."

"You're quite the troublemaker, aren't you? No wonder your dad never let you have friends." Dan joked. Kraig splashed him as a response. Dan blocked it with his hat as he came out of the pool and shook the water off him.

"You guys chillin' out?" Lupo asked as he strode over in nothing but a pair of red-tinted shades and a bright red Speedo.

"Howdya keep findin' us?" Dan asked back, rolling away from the pool. Lupo pointed to the house, and in the corner, was a security camera.

"Not much privacy, eh Kraig?"

"I don't mind it." the fox said as his dad lay back in the lounge chair, legs spread open.

"No shame, either. I like your dad, he's pretty cool."

"Makes you wanna touch him, don't it?"

"I know."

As Lupo lay there, Kraig jumped back into the pool, doing a few laps. Dan decided to risk his leg again and stood from the chair, testing his bad leg. Pain's not that bad, he thought. He hopped to the pool. Once... Twice...


(Record scratches as music stops)


He slipped and fell on his butt before sliding into the pool. It was now Kraig's turn to ask the dingo if he was okay.

"Perfect-o, if you don't count the wipeout i had." Dan said as he floated near the edge, grabbing his hat as it floated past him.

"As long as you're not doin' that for sympathy."

Kraig and Dan had a splash-fight over it, before Lupo did the biggest cannonball Dan had ever seen.

"CAANNNONNNBAAAALLLLL!!!" the wolf roared as he hit the water, back-first, creating a giant wave that sent Dan and Kraig flying out of the pool like flying fish, and into the bushes for a soft landing.

Lupo resurfaced to find neither of them were in the pool, while his Speedo floated next to him.

"Oops. Kraig, Dan, Where'd you guys go?" he called out.

"OVAH HEAH, MATE!" Dan shouted from the bushes, waving his hat above the foliage. Kraig yipped from the bush nearby.

"Oh, man..." Lupo said as he jumped out of the pool. "Me and my jackass stunts."

The wolf helped his son out first, then Dan. "Sorry guys. Long as you're okay."

"I'm fine, Loop."

"Same here, daddy."

"Good." He turned to Dan. "I've been watching Jackass online."

"That was a huge one! How'd you do that?"

"I hit the water back-first."

"Nice. Sure won't be doing that anytime soon."

"Cool. How's about we dry off and do a bit of karaoke?"

"You guys got that?" Dan asked.

"Yeah, i got the machine and everything, but we barely use it." Lupo replied as he toweled off, Dan and Kraig doing the same before going in the house.

They entered the living room, and the wolf opened up the cabinet doors to the entertainment system, pressing a few buttons on the remote he currently held.

In seconds, the fifty-two incher flat-panel, stereo, and karaoke machine all came on at once. After messing around with various controls, he stepped back wih mike in hand.

"So, who wants to go first?" he boomed over the fifteen-inch speakers. "Dan?"

"Alright, guess i'll give it a go."

"Okay, pick a song and ledder rip!"

Dan flipped through the list, finding nothing interesting, until he found one that matched his feelings for the white fox:

"For your love, by Chris LeDoux, off the Greatest Hits album. Perfect." Dan said as the music started.

For your love i'd rope the moon, and put it in a blender Mix up a conception that might make you surrender I'd bide the brand off a buckin' branded bull Rob me a gin mill, i'd fill the ocean full I'd take on the army, her majesty's marine Your love ain't just a cover, it's a whole magazine

For your love i'd stop a freight train single handed Spreadin out the bends in the Rio Grande I'd climb the tower at the TV station Broadcast my affection to the united nation I'd take on the governor in Washington DC Your love ain't just an engine, it's a rockin' machine

For your love, i'd stop the hands of time For your love, i'd dig a diamond mine For your love, i'd do it all the time

Yes I would

For your love i'd walk a tight rope and wrestle anacondas Jump a motorcycle over half a dozen Hondas Carve your initials on a forest of bamboo Paint the Brooklyn bridge, baby, paint with a boom I'd take on the press from Tokyo to Prada Your love ain't just a hot sauce, it's a whole enchilada

For your love, i'd stop the hands of time For your love, i'd dig a diamond mine For your love, i'd do it all the time

Yeah now

(Song ends)

The whole time Dan was singing, he kept his sights locked onto the fox he'd grown to love. Heck, he even got out of his chair during the chorus, swinging and rocking to the last verse. Lupo and Kraig were amazed that the dingo was standing on both legs. They applauded as Dan tipped his hat.

"I don't believe it, i'm standin' on the broken one! Guess it ain't busted now."

"It sure isn't." Kraig said. "You must really like me, 'cause you had your eyes on me the whole time you were singing."

"Well, it's my way of saying 'i love you', through song."

"Well, you said it perfectly. Abstinance is offically broken." Lupo said. "My room, after dinner."

"I'll be there. Sure thing, that."


Dan decided to walk a few laps around the house, but the wolf insisted he use the treadmill instead. Lupo showed him the in-home gym, which looked like a commercial gym room, complete with what one would typically see in them: weights, locker room, showers, 'the whole enchilada' as Dan said, referencing the song as he went straight to the treadmill. Lupo cut him off, and redirected him to the locker room to change.

"Oh, yeah, that's right, i forgot. D'oy!" Dan said.

As Dan stripped down to his knickers, Lupo watched intently as the dingo changed, raping him with his eyes. Good form, he noted, muscles toned...

Tight ass.

He was still staring as Dan got into the outfit that was in the locker behind him, stopping him as he tried to put on the shirt, telling him he wouldn't need it, that he looked better in just the shorts.

"Y'know, even though i've 'been around' for awhile now, i'm getting uneasy with you next to me." Dan remarked as he went to the treadmill again. Lupo set it to 'Rehab', a mode on the machine that was rarely used. That setting forced it to go no faster than normal walking pace. Baby steps for now, walk before you run.

Dan was on the machine for half an hour, followed by a fifteen minute break for refreshments, then another half-hour on.

After about two hours in, Dan had Lupo turn off the rehab mode, stating that he could walk faster than it could go. After the third hour, the dingo had his speed on, he was jogging, then running, then sprinting, turning the speed up each half-hour.

In no time, he beat the machine, which topped out at sixty-five, a cheetah's top speed when chasing prey. After running that fast for twenty minutes, the treadmill began smoking, the motor throwing out sparks, and the pedometer was beeping like crazy as the circuitry in the control panel literally exploded in the dingo's face, shattering into pieces, forcing him to stop, throwing himself off. Lupo was reading a book and listening to music at the same time. What kind of trainer does that?

The electromagnetic field the malfunctioning equipment gave off shredded the mp3 player, forcing the lupine to put down his book to inspect his player, instead looking at the machine, then Dan, sitting behind it, his arms keeping him in a reclined position.

Tossing the earbuds, he walked over to the machinery and watched it for a moment as it sparked and rattled itself to pieces, before turning to the dingo.

"Accident, i kinda went a little too fast for it."

Lupo sighed. "Don't worry, i'm not mad."

"Yer gunna gimme the boot, aren't ya?"

"No. I'm not going to let myself do that. Not to you. It was only an accident." Lupo said. "How fast did you say you were going?"

"About as fast as a cheetah."

"Shit. Okay. Lessee, what time is it?" he looked at the dieselpunk-styled clock on the wall. "Seven-thirty? Oh crap, dinner!"

Dan and Lupo raced each other to the kitchen, to see the white fox cooking something that smelled awfully delicious.

"Hi, guys." Kraig said in a happy tone. "Steak for Daddy, and a big rack of venison ribs for Dannie."

"How'd you learn to cook like this?" Dan asked as he re-fitted his bandana, converting it into a bib.

"Daddy taught me. You didn't think we sixty-nine all the the time for nourishment, did you?"

"Hadn't crossed my mind, no."

"Three, two, one, done. Here we go, guys." Kraig said as he set dinner in front of the two. "Don't get sloppy, now."

Dan tried the ribs; they were exsquisite! He had eaten deer before, but that was a different story. Lupo ate his steak like normal. Kraig had made steak for him a few times before.

"How's the ribs, Dan?" the fox asked. Dan was about to speak, but gave him a thumbs-up instead since his mouth was full.

They ate until there was nothing left, leaning back in their chairs, rubbing their guts, which had expanded to twice their normal size.

"Wow, i plumped you guys up really good, didn't i? Guess i did a good job with my cooking, then."

"You are quite the chef, there, Kraig. Those ribs were veerry goood."

"Now, about your 'business', that you were going to conduct in the bedroom. Daddy, i wanna yiff him first. You said he was all mine, even though-"

"Kraig?" Lupo said.

"Please, daddy? Otherwise, if you yiff him first, i won't want anything to do with him, and we would hafta let him go. You can trust me, daddy, i'll play nice with him, i'll be safe. Please, oh, please??" the fox whined.

Lupo sighed with a miserable look on his muzzle. "I'm sorry, son. I'm putting myself first again, i've been ogling your soon-to-be mate like a pedophile. Kind of akward, with things being like that and all. You two deserve each other. If you'll excuse me..."

The wolf got up and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his bedroom. Dan and Kraig were confused as to why Lupo was acting like that, as they cleaned up.

"He's never been like that before you showed up." Kraig said.

"I know. Your dad was, well, rather eager to get it on with me that he forgot about you. First time i've seen him like that since i been here."

"And he's got friends he can tie with, and i know i can handle it from using his toys."

"You-" Dan started, before a noise resounded from the bedroom. "Uh?"

The pair went upstairs to investigate. Dan opened the door, but staggered back a few steps as Kraig caught up. They gasped at the horrifying sight. Lupo had hung himself using an old choke-chain leash from the eighteen foot high canopy of the bed.

Dan covered the fox's eyes, and closed his own as he brought him out of the room, closing the door with his foot. Releasing the stunned fox, he leaned his back against the door, and slowly slid downwards until he sat on the floor. He brought his hat down on his face and screamed and cursed into it, the brim hiding the dingo's face as he convulsed in a fit of tears.

"I don't believe it... My daddy, he's..." Kraig paused, tears welling up. "He's g-gone.."

Dan was still kicking and cursing and crying into his hat for a long while. Kraig fell to a crouch, shutting his eyes tightly as he curled into a furry little ball.

"I-i'm sorry, Kraig. Th-this was never meant to happen-n!" Dan choked out. Kraig heard it clearly through the sodden hat, but he said nothing.

A few minutes later, Dan was over the shock of seeing the fox's father in that way, and they had both calmed down.

"We'll just have to face facts, fox. I brought this on you, it's my fault. My own damn fault that your dad hung himself for not having sex with me. I didn't want to be a burden on you guys; yet your dad insisted i stayed."

"I am partly to blame as well. I pressured Daddy into finding me a playmate for when he wasn't around." Kraig replied.

"Well, kid, you got one now." Dan said, still sitting with his back on the door. "I think we're both in need of a special someone right now, so why don't you come over here, and give ding-ee a hug?"

Kraig, still sniffling somewhat, crawled into the dingo's arms, and pressed his body into Dan's, wishing for things to get better.

"It'll be okay, Kraig. You may have lost your dad, but you now have another to call your very own. You've traded one for another. If it were not for your dad, i would not be here right now, with you in my arms."


"Yeah. Now, if i were not here, you would have been an orphan, with no-one else beside you, you'd be all alone. But i am here, and you're here with me. Two loners who found each other in this big ol' world, just in the nick'a time."

The fox smiled a bit as he looked up into the dingo's eyes, which to him looked like a pair of the most perfect gold marbles he'd ever seen, as they stared back into his own soft blue ones.

They stared at each other like that for some time, before closing in on the best kiss either of them ever had, slow, passionate, and moving, they twirled their tongues against each other.

When the kiss was broken, they hugged each other, laying their head on the other's shoulder.

"I don't think i'm gonna be able to get over this." the fox whispered into his newfound mate's ear.

"Me neither."

They shared a long moment of silence for Lupo.

"Did your dad have a will of some sort?" the dingo asked.


"Just asking, i didn't mean to offend you. Sorry."

"Well, he did say he'd give you his bike..."

"If i can fix it." Dan finished.

"True, although he also told me that, when he left, i'd inherit everything."

"Came too soon, did it?"


"Should i get started on the bike, then? Shouldn't take too long."

"Go. I have to take care of this."

Dan stood, helping the fox up, and made his way into the garage. Kraig, on the other hand, reached for the phone.

"Hello? Yes, i'd like to report a suicide. My dad, he hung himself."


Dan flicked the switch, light flooding the room as he inspected the bike.

After a few minutes of taking the engine apart a bit, he found the problem as to why it wouldn't run anymore.

"Aha, there's your culprit." he said as the fox stood in the doorway. "Piston arm in one cylinder's shattered. Messed up the walls, though. The other side's not too bad."

"Does that mean we're not going anywhere?" the fox asked, worried.

"Not quite, i think i can MacGyver this thing, coax it into running on the one good cylinder."

"Okay, if you can get it to run like that."

"Oh, i know i can. Pack what you need, but pack lightly. You and i on the bike it'll tolerate, but anything else'll weigh us down a lot."

Kraig nodded and walked into the bedroom, trying to ignore the dead body in the room, and packed as per Dan's suggestion. A few changes of clothes for both of them, a couple of sleeping bags and raincoats, and a thirty-six ounce bottle of lube, all in a small camping backpack. He tested it's weight on the bathroom scale. Twenty-eight point three pounds, good enough.

Coming out of the closet, but not in that sense, he went downstairs to the kitchen and filled a portable icebox with bottles of water, and snacks for on the road.


Dan had the bike put together, when he heard the fox talking to someone. he went into the house to see Kraig talking to an old bloodhound, somewhere in his fifties, as a bulldog and a terrier carried a bodybag outside, containing the wolf's body.

"Kraig, who are these guys?" he asked. The bloodhound introduced himself as William Gyian, as the fox shared his story to him.

"Kraig, if i could interrupt. I'm kinda doubting my mechanical skills right now, meaning we might hafta take the car."

Willam overheard this. "Unfortunately, the car will have to stay with the house until the reposessors come to pick it up."

"Okay. Anyways, you ready?"

"Yeah. Is there any more you'd need to know before we leave?"

"That should be all. Thank you, Kraig, you did the right thing."

"You're welcome."

Dan and Kraig readied themselves for what would be the crappiest ride ever on a motorcycle, as Kraig grabbed the laptop with the power cord, putting it in it's bag as they went into the garage.

Kraig put the bags in the sidecar and got in as Dan mounted the one-cylinder steed.

(Engine starts, revs once, and idles)

The engine roared to half-life as Dan gave it a bit of throttle, watching the garage door open.

"Ready yourself, Fox. It's gonna be a rough ride."

As soon as the door was fully open, Dan gunned it out of the driveway, the rear tyre squealing as they sped off of the property onto the highway.

They were going thirty-five miles an hour, barely past the mile marker, when it started misfiring.

"Shit!" Dan cursed as he pushed the machine to it's limit, bringing it up to ninty-two, passing a big rig, the wrong way. The driver, a grizzly, Bear Hunter being his call sign on the radio, raised a brow.

"Oh, no you don't!" he said as he downshifted to low third, the stacks blowing heavy smoke as he accelerated, flipping a switch that was labeled "HDRV" for Hyper-Drive, those giant chrome pipes wailing now as the heavy truck gained speed at the pace of a sports car equipped with NOS, keeping a safe distince as he caught up by a quarter-mile.

"I've been through here before. There's a truckstop near."

They were cruising at eighty-three when the truck caught up with them. Seeing it in his mirrors, he recognized the plates and paint job on the truck, an old burnt-out looking Peterbilt three-eight-nine. It only looked old and rusty, when really it was painted like that. Noting the CB radio on the bike earlier, he clicked it on, autoscanning until it stopped on channel fourty-two, as the Rx light blinked.

"Anyone on channel four-two, this is Bear Hunter, come back. Repeat, Bear Hunter to anyone on four-two, please acknowledge."

"Ten-four, this is Dingo Dan, what's your twenty, Bear Hunter?" the dingo replied, making use of the older ten-code.

"Right behind yeh, buddy." the trucker bear replied, blasting his horn twice.

Dan looked behind to see the driver stick his hand out the window.

"I thought it was you."

"How come yer in such a rush that you'd pass me on the white line?" the bear asked.

"I got a thirty-three- en route to truckstop."

"Ten-four, eighty at the water-hole. I'll follow you the entire time."

"Thanks. Ten-ten."

A few miles later, they arrived as expected. The truckstop was one of those old classic ones from the golden age of the trucker, a parking lot big enough for fifteen, at least three working diesel pumps out of five, and a lone garage to fix broken rigs and get them back on the road.

The garage was empty, so Dan parked his ride in there as Bear Hunter went to the pump.


Dan shut of the tired engine, backfiring on the last exhaust stroke.

"Top'er off, Jake." the bear said.

"Can do."

"So.. What was your thirty-three?" the older grizzly asked Dan. The bear was a head taller than the dingo, Kraig noticed. These were the kind of guys Dan hung out with?

"Engine, V-twin's runnin' a single."

"Never heard'a that before. What are ya, some kinda MacGyver or sumthin'?"

"You could say that. Er, by the way, this is Kraig."

"Nice to meet yeh, little feller." the bear said, crouching to get on the fox's level, holding his big hand out.

"Likewise." Kraig replied as he shook the bear's hand.

"Hey, scud, no bikes allowed here!" a bull said as he came out of the diner, a bottle of beer in his hand.

The bear stood and walked away from the young fox. "Can it, John! We've been over this already, bikers are welcome here, and you know it!"

"Fuck that, and fuck you, homo, i'm outta here!" the bull shouted as he walked over to his own truck, a newer Peterbilt cabover, starting the engine and peeling out onto the highway.

"Yeah, an' i hope you slip on black ice!" The bear turned back to the dingo. "You guys okay?"

"We're fine."

"Good. Let's get to work on your bike."

"Can i help?" Kraig asked.

"There's not much you can do... Aside from handing us tools and parts." the grizzly said.

"I can do that."

"Alright, let's do it to it!"

They got the engine cooled off enough that they could remove it from the frame. a half-hour later, they got the engine disassembled completely.

"Like takin' apart a frog. Not too easy, not too hard. Ain't no rocket science, either." The bear told the fox.

"My daddy never showed me this before, but this is pretty fun!"

"Yer dad?" the bear asked, curious.

"Uh, yeah."

"His dad passed away recently, i'm looking after him now." Dan said.

"Oh, i'm sorry. Sad when that happens. Tragic, especially at your age. Speakin' of which, how many candles you burnin'?"

"He's still kinda shy from his recent loss. He's twelve right now. Um, Kreggie? Mind if i tell the gentleman about you a bit more?"


"Okay." Dan turned to the bear. "That's all he's willing to share."

"I won't press the matter any further. Okay, lesee now, Honda Valk..." he said, writing it down. "Alright, i got the info i need, now i'm off to pick up them parts."

"Alright, have a good one."

Bear Hunter got back in his rig and rumbled out of there.

"What do we do now, Dan?" the fox asked.

"Ya hungry? It's almost lunchtime if you want a bite."

"I could go with that."

"Lunch it is, then."

Taking one last look at the pile of parts that was the engine, they headed towards the diner.

The Adventures of Dingo Dan, Part Three

The Adventures of Dingo Dan Part 3 By TriplexXxWerewolf ( As the engine of the bear's rig rumbled away, Bear Hunter got his speed on, as he hit the road in search of the nearest motorcycle shop. He was on...

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The Adventures of Dingo Dan, Part One

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The Dream That Turned Real: The Canine Underworld

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