Dark Angel Ch.9

Story by Silnis on SoFurry

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#9 of Dark Angel

Silnis' View


My mating with Kain last night was a night to remember. I considered it my first, but Kain constantly insisted that it my second time with him. I didn't want to argue with him so I put up with it and accepted it. Though the mating was something I would remember for years to come, I still couldn't get over the fact that I heard my spirit, Alexander; speak inside me just last night. I tried to speak to him mentally but he still seems shy to talk.

Kain was busy practicing for his final test, which was in a week, and that gave me plenty of time to study more magic tomes. I sat on the sidelines of the training hall, while Kain was sparring with another student, and reviewed several tomes I had borrowed from the Library of the Gods. I had finished a chapter on healing magic when I heard someone approach me. Looking up from my book, I saw that it was Xeres, a fox that Kain told me he had met when he first arrived at the academy. Kain didn't like him at first when he met him, saying that he had a look of lust in his eyes for him, but these past few months have given Kain a chance to observe him and change his views on him. Xeres had just gone through a break-up with his boyfriend and was in a desperate search for another lover. He would've gone for Kain had he not noticed the bond between him and me.

"How are you Xeres? Are you ready for the final test next week?" I asked, closing my book. He nodded and looked nervous almost.

"Silnis...I...I have a question to ask you," he said, playing with his fingers. I sensed the seriousness about this topic and got to my feet, giving him a warm and comforting smile.

"Go ahead, ask," I encouraged. He seemed to tense down a little after agreeing to hear his question.

"Well...there's this tiger I like...and I don't know how I can confess my feelings to him," he explained, swaying side to side.

"What does this have to do with me?" I asked.

"Well...you and Kain are closely bonded, that I know, and I see every day how you two are unafraid to show your feelings to one another, you especially. So what I really want to ask is that can you show me how have confidence in myself and not be afraid?" he asked, even more nervous now. I gave him a big smile and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Of course I'll help you, but tell me who this tiger is. I need to know how your relationship to him is and how much you like him," I agreed. Xeres looked like he wanted to jump up in joy and hug me but I told him he could thank me later. We sat down and talked about Xeres' attraction to this tiger, his name being Dennis, and his relationship to him. I listened intently, wanting to know more about this situation and at the same time wanting to help Xeres.

"So let's get this sorted out. The tiger's name is Dennis. He is a long-time friend of yours who you have an attraction to. He was the one to help you get back on your feet after your previous break-up and you want to confess your love to him," I summed up, looking at Xeres for approval.

"That's about it. I know it's silly to fall in love with your friend but I just can't help but feel weak whenever I'm near him," he admitted, blushing at the thought.

"There's nothing silly about that at all! As long as you love someone from the depths of your heart then you have no boundaries. Kain tells me that we were childhood friends and that he loved me at first sight when we first met. Though I don't remember, I still find nothing wrong with loving Kain. He's my mate and a friend. He's someone I can turn to when something troubles me. He's the one who will always be there for me when I need him. Love has no boundaries, remember that," I explained. Xeres pondered this and gave a small nod, understanding what I had just said to him.

"You're right. Love has no boundaries so nothing can stop me from choosing who I love," he concluded. I spotted someone eavesdropping from a nearby beam, a tiger from what I could tell. This was perfect.

"You're right Xeres. Only you have the rightful choice of choosing who you love. So...tell me...why do you love Dennis?" I asked, keeping a small eye on our eavesdropper.

"Well...I like how he's always been there for me when I needed him, especially during my last break-up. That was such a depressing time of my life that I was considering doing suicide, but Dennis gave me hope again for a better life. I also love how he's so funny at times, always making me smile or laugh just when I need it," Xeres said. I had to make sure his words were pure and from his heart.

"Are you sure like him only because he's muscular and handsome?" I asked suspiciously.

"Sure he is gorgeous and all that but that's what hurt me the last time. My last boyfriend was just as gorgeous as Dennis, but he lacked the heart. He lacked everything that Dennis had, everything I needed," Xeres admitted, recalling his last lover. Xeres was pouring out his heart into his words. His love for Dennis was pure and true.

"So tell me everything you said to me in one sentence," I asked.

"I love Dennis because he's the light in my dark world," Xeres said, looking me straight in the eyes. Perfect. I looked over to where our eavesdropper was to find him gone.

"I'll think of something to help you Xeres. For now why don't you go and practice with others until I can think of a solution," I suggested, knowing what was to come.

"Thank you Silnis. You don't know how much this means to me," Xeres thanked me, walking away to a sparring ring.

"You're a good person Xeres. Someone like you deserves true happiness and love with the one who was meant to be with you," I said to myself, picking up where I left off in my tome. Was it getting warm in here?

Kain's View


I found Silnis asleep by the wall, surrounded by his wall of books. He got so absorbed into books that he would sometimes forget how tired he was. I stepped over his books and picked him up, nuzzling him, though something wasn't right. His skin was blistering hot and his breathing was hoarse and irregular. His eyes slowly opened and he saw me, a look of worry on my face.

"Kain...I...don't feel very good," he said weakly.

"What...what happened? You were fine this morning!" I said, rushing him to our room.

"Don't know...felt very warm...when reading tomes. Then...fell asleep," he told me, closing his eyes again.

"Don't worry...you just caught a fever. You'll feel better by tomorrow," I reassured, opening the door.

"Maybe...you're right," Silnis said, falling back to sleep. I put him to bed and pulled the blanket over, kissing him before returning back to training. As I was thinking about what to do with Silnis, Xeres came up to me, awfully happy for some reason.

"Kain, there you are! Do you know where Silnis is? I wanted to thank him for helping me," he asked, looking over my shoulder to see if Silnis was behind me.

"He's not feeling well so I put him in bed. What did he do to help you?" I wondered. Suddenly, a tiger came up and tackled Xeres in a tight hug.

"There you are my little fox! I've been looking everywhere for you!" the tiger exclaimed, giving Xeres a kiss.

"Dennis, not now!" Xeres said, pushing himself off the tiger. "Anyways, I wanted to thank him for helping me confess my feelings to Dennis. Could you tell him that?"

"Sure, I can," I agreed, looking at the couple.

"Thanks!" Xeres shouted, being carried off by his new lover. So that was why I saw Xeres and Silnis talking together earlier. I couldn't help but chuckle, seeing Silnis as a love doctor. He was good at giving advice, and people always came back to him for more help. That's why I loved him so much. He was always willing to give up his time to help others.

Training for me went by quickly as I was too concentrated about Silnis to notice the time. There was time still left in the day so I took the opportunity to buy Silnis something nice to make him feel better. I went to a nearby merchant who sold jewelry of the highest quality. I knew Silnis had a thing for rubies so I bought a ruby pendant with a silver neck chain. I knew he would love it when he saw it.

I quickly went back to the academy, wanting to give Silnis his new present. My mind was racing as I sprinted through the streets and down halls, thinking of what Silnis would say at the sight of his new present. Nearing our room, I paused for a moment and calmed down, wanting this gift to be special.

"Silnis...I have something special for you," I said, opening the door. I looked at the bed where Silnis was sleeping to find someone else sleeping there. It was another wolf. Where Silnis should have been was another wolf sleeping there. I put the necklace down on the desk and yanked the stranger off the bed, anger building up in me. He hit the floor with a thud and woke up, looking up at me.

"Kain...what are doing?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. I didn't answer him as I threw a punch at his eye, sending him sprawling to the floor.

"Where's Silnis!" I demanded, looming threateningly over him.

"What are you talking about I'm right here!" he said, clutching his eye.

"Where is he?!" I repeated again, holding up a knuckle.

"Kain, are you crazy?! I'm right here!" he repeated, getting to his feet. I was about to throw another punch when Carlos stopped me.

"Kain, stop, it's Silnis! Look closely!" Carlos said. I looked at the stranger, studying him. His fur was...silver and so were his eyes! He stood at the same height as Silnis and had his scent all over him. No...it couldn't be.

"Did all that training do something to your head?! Pulling me out of bed is crazy enough, but giving me a black eye is insane!" he yelled at me, putting a hand over his eye and healing it with magic. Magic...he could use magic...like Silnis.

"Silnis...is that you?" I asked, moving slowly towards him.

"Of course it's me! Who else would I be! Honestly, I wouldn't expect you to hit me of all people!" Silnis said, brushing him robe. He had the same voice as Silnis. Every about him was like Silnis. He couldn't have possibly turned into...a wolf.

"I'm going back to sleep. When I wake up tomorrow I expect an apology from you!" he said, climbing back to bed.

"Silnis...you...you're a wolf!" I said, pulling his arm out for him to see. He stared blankly at it for a few seconds before turning wide-eyed and looking at the rest of his body.

"I...I...I have fur! I have a muzzle! I have a tail! What happened to me?!" Silnis exclaimed.

"The mark on his back...it's gone," Carlos observed. He was right. All of Silnis' markings except for the one on his back were still visible through his fur. It's as if the marking on his back caused him to...change. Silnis getting sick must've been the start of this change. If one marking could do this much change, then what would the other two do?

"Kain, what happened to me?!" Silnis asked, starting to freak out.

"It's okay Silnis. It's just another change. You'll be all right," I reassured, wrapping my arms around him.

"But...but it's never been this big before! My silver hair and eyes were only small changes, never anything like this!" Silnis argued, looking at his body. I pushed our faces into a kiss, hoping this would calm him down. It felt odd now that I was kissing a muzzle instead of a lip. I had to angle my head a bit to get it right. I felt Silnis tense down and start to enjoy the kiss. I broke the kiss, taking in the new sight of my mate before me. Damn was he sexy. As much as I wanted to have sex with him right here and now, I had to face the situation before us.

"Silnis...you're just going through another change. I'll still love you no matter what. When your hair and eyes turned silver, I was shocked, but that didn't change my love for you. Even now I don't care if you're a wolf. I admit, I find your new form almost seductive," I told him, nuzzling affectionately.

"But you hit me just a while ago. I'm still waiting for an apology," Silnis said, giving me a small smile.

"Sorry about that. I just saw you asleep in your wolf form and I thought you had done something to your human form. I kind of panicked and got mad when I saw you in your wolf form sleeping on the bed," I apologized. "Which reminds me," I went back over to the desk where I retrieved Silnis' present.

"What's that you got?" he asked.

"Close your eyes and open them when I say," I said, holding his present behind my back. He shut his eyes tightly and waited for his present, his tail wagging without notice. I put his necklace in front of his eyes and told him to open his eyes. His eyes slowly opened and saw the ruby necklace dangling in front of him. He screamed in joy and jumped on me, making the both of us fall on the floor.

"Kain it's beautiful! Thank you!" he said, taking the necklace and putting it on. "How do I look?"

"As beautiful and sexy as ever," I said, taking his hands and pressing him close to my body. "I love you no matter what Silnis,"

"I know, I love you too," he moved in for a kiss and used a lot of tongue, playfully exploring my mouth. Silnis may be a completely different person on the outside, but he's still the same old human I fell in love with when we were kids.

Dark Angel Ch.10

This chapter will go back in time to when Silnis and Kain first met. The flashback will switch between Kain and Silnis. Anyways, enjoy! Silnis \*\*\*\*\* The day came when Kain took his final test. No one was to witness it so we all stayed in...

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Dark Angel Ch.8

Silnis' View \*\*\*\*\* It has been six months since our "unexpected guests", Collin and Talbain, left for their world and life has been wonderful between Kain and I. Kain only has one more month of training before he graduates and can leave....

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Dark Angel Ch.7

n Featured in this chapter of my story are two of Castro Talon's main characters, Collin and Talbain, in his series, The Scent of a Lover. Don't worry, I got permission from him and he got my permission to use my two main characters, Silnis and...

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