Dark Angel Ch.7

Story by Silnis on SoFurry

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#7 of Dark Angel

Featured in this chapter of my story are two of Castro Talon's ...

n Featured in this chapter of my story are two of Castro Talon's main characters, Collin and Talbain, in his series, The Scent of a Lover. Don't worry, I got permission from him and he got my permission to use my two main characters, Silnis and Kain, into his story. If you haven't read any of his stories, or checked out his profile, then I highly recommend that you go take a look. Presenting Chapter 7 of Dark Angel!


While Kain was away training, I took the chance to go out and walk around the city. The streets were busy, and merchants lined the side, shouting their wares to passing customers. As I passed by merchant after merchant, an elderly woman called out to me, beckoning to come over to her. Her stand was small, but it held an exquisite variety of clothing.

"You young man, take a fancy to robes I can see," she inquired, studying my robe. It wasn't in the best shape as it had a large tear on it and blood stains, though how they got there remained a mystery to me. "I have just the thing for you," She stood from her chair and walked behind her stand where I could hear her rummaging through something. Soon, she came back in, holding a beautiful robe in her hands.

"It's...it's so beautiful!" I said in awe. The robe was made of an unknown material, though it was very smooth and soft, and was dyed in silver. The fabric had many intricate designs embroidered into it, too small to see what they actually were. The elderly woman let me try it on and moved a mirror over to let me see how it looked. I was dazzling in the new robe, feeling light and graceful at the same time. Then I remembered, I had no gold coins to pay for this outstanding robe.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have the coin to pay for something like this. I apologize for wasting your time," I told her, about to take off the robe when she stopped me.

"Keep it, a young man like you should look his best every day. Consider this as a gift of kindness for a nice young man like you," she said. I thanked and hugged her before leaving, beaming with joy in my new robes.

I spent the rest of my day wandering through the city, stopping every now and then to taste a dish or admire a work of art. Dusk was arriving and I had to get back to the academy before night. Making my way back to the academy, I stopped by an alleyway and heard some shouting and a scream. A normal person would've just walked on and pretended that they didn't hear a single thing, but I knew what was going on in that alley. Walking into the alley, I followed the voices until I spied a gang of humans, surrounding a boy of about my age. The boy was cornered and looked like he was limping on one leg, probably the sound of that scream. He had a sword in one hand, trying to defend himself, but he was losing a lot of blood from all the cuts he had. I also noticed that he had his other arm wrapped around something else...no not a thing, a young wolf pup. The young wolf was whimpering and looked like he had bruises all over him.

"Give me the wolf pup or you die with him!" the gang leader threatened, slashing his blade across the boy's arm. He screamed in pain, but stood strong, trying to protect the wolf pup.

"Never...," he said weakly, wrapping his arms tighter around the pup. The gang leader looked like he was about to deal the killing blow when I quickly teleported in between them and blasted his sword aside. The gang backed off in shock, seeing the intruder pop out of nowhere.

"Leave them alone or you'll suffer the consequences," I warned, drawing my new daggers. Honestly, I wanted to slice these goons into pieces with my daggers, but I had to think about the pup first. He was watching and was already afraid, so killing these goons in front of him would only give him nightmares.

"This is none of your business stranger! Leave or you'll die with the boy and pup!" the gang leader threatened. I shook my head, staying my ground. "All right then. If you want to die then so be it. Get him men!" His men all charged at me, weapons drawn. I quickly erected a barrier around the two behind me and blasted the first man to approach me. I only wanted to scare them off or hurt them enough to retreat. An arrow whistled past my ear and deflected off the barrier, breaking against a wall. I encased the archer in an earth tomb and put another man in a water bubble. It was now down to four men now, including the leader. I was about to blow them all away with a strong gust of wind when a wolf jumped down from the building roof and on to one of the men. The man was slaughtered as he was shredded by the wolf's claws, his screams echoing through the alley. I made the barrier black, blocking the pup's view from the carnage that was going on. The wolf moved on from one man to the next until he had the leader in his clutches.

"You hurt my mate and now you'll join the rest of your men in hell!" The wolf slit the man's throat and threw him into a wall, the sound of breaking bones could be heard clear. I summoned away the barrier and turned around to be met with a blow to my stomach. I slid against the ground and hit the wall, clutching my stomach. I coughed up blood and the wolf held me by the neck, rage in his eyes. His knuckles cracked as he was about to deal the final blow when I heard a familiar voice.

"Silnis!" I heard, just as wolf who held me was tackled to the ground. I gasped for air, but looked up to see Kain and the wolf throwing punches at each other. I coughed up blood again but got to my feet, trying to stop this misunderstanding.

"Kain...stop! He only misunderstood me!" I shouted, falling back to my knees. I coughed up more blood, starting to feel a little bit dizzy.

"Talbain...listen to him...please...stop fighting," a weak voice begged. I looked over to the boy who was now sitting against the wall, the pup still in his arms. Both wolves stopped fighting after hearing their mates beg them to stop. Kain went over to me and helped me up to my feet...well actually carrying me.

"Let's go," he said, glaring at the other wolf. He turned to leave when I stopped him.

"No...take me to the boy...I need to...help him," I told him, pointing to the boy who was now in the other wolf's arms. What did the boy call him, Talbain? Kain understood and laid me next to the boy. I wasted no time and went to work on him, healing his wounds and those of the pup's. Soon the pup was fast asleep in the boy's arm and I used what energy I had left to heal my stomach.

"Thank you for helping me earlier. My name is Collin. Had you not come then I wouldn't be here along with this wolf pup," Collin said, cradling the pup in his arms.

"My name is Silnis, but there's no need to thank me. I did what any good person would do and that was to protect those who are in danger," I said.

"This is my mate, Talbain, I'm sorry for what he did to you. He gets very protective, especially when my life is at stake," Collin chuckled, Talbain nuzzling him while giving Kain suspicious looks.

"I am Silnis' mate, Kain," Kain introduced himself, wrapping his arms around me. The two wolves exchanged looks and went on a competition of showing their affection for their human mates.

"That's enough you two!" Collin and I exclaimed together. We couldn't help but giggle at our wolf mates, seeing how much they loved us but got too competitive.

Collin took us to his and Talbain's home located only a few buildings from the academy. It was a small, warm home that was big enough for the five of us as we squeezed in. Collin went to put the pup to sleep as Talbain and Kain conversed. I browsed through all of the portraits in the house, looking at how happy the two were together. One showed Collin and Talbain happily in each other's embrace out on a golden field of grass.

"I remember that day as if it were yesterday," Collin was next to me, staring at the same photo as I was.

"How did the two of you meet?" I asked. Collin took a happy sigh, recalling how he and Talbain met.

"He came to my home one night and asked if I could lend a bed for the night. He looked breathless and was panting really hard as if he had just ran from something. Being the generous soul I was, I let him in as I prepared a bed for him. I had to admit, I had my fears about him, thinking he was some thief or killer. As I prepared his bed, I always noticed that he stared at me, a lot. He was attractive, but he was a complete stranger to me. He slept that night with no trouble and the next morning he asked me if he could stay for a while longer, saying that someone was out looking for him and that he didn't want to be found. I should've turned him in but something about me thought it be wrong to turn him in. I agreed to let him stay for a week and that's when things started to form between the two of us. He wouldn't stop with the staring and I was starting to develop feeling for him. Soon the week turned into two weeks and then three. Talbain had confessed his love for me after a month and I happily accepted him as my mate. There were fights and arguments between the two of us, once making me run away, but our love for each other always brought us back,"

"How did you and Kain meet," Collin asked, changing the subject to me. Why did he have to ask me of all people?

"I honestly don't know. I've been asleep for a quite a while and when I woke up I couldn't remember anything about Kain. He tells me that when he died, I couldn't bear it and used my magic to revive him but at the cost of my memories. I don't know if I can believe him. It all sounds like some fairy tale to me, but some part of me wants to believe him. Sometimes when he kisses or hugs me I get this warm feeling as if I've felt it before. I just...don't know what to do," I said grimly, my head in my hands.

"Kain loves you, right?" Collin asked.

"He loves me but I only see him as someone I can trust," I told him.

"If he still loves you then why not start over again and make new memories? Trying to get back lost memories doesn't seem to be helping you so why not start over again and fall in love with him," Collin suggested.

"Well...I do kind of like him. I mean he's incredibly kind, honest, and seems to care about me a lot," I admitted, blushing.

"See...you already have feelings for him, that's a start," Collin encouraged me. True, I did like Kain a little bit and Collin's plan doesn't seem all that bad.

"But...before...Kain said we were deeply in love. How am I supposed to replicate the same love I "supposedly" had with him?" I questioned.

"Don't replicate the same love you "might" have had with him before. Give him something new that he'll love better than the old one," Collin explained.

"I...I guess I'll try," I agreed.

"Silnis it's about time we head back to the academy!" Kain called.

"It was nice to meet you Collin, and thanks for your advice, it really helped me out," I said, bowing in gratitude.

"It was also nice meeting you as well. I hope you and Kain have a happy life together," Collin wished me.

"Oh, one last thing before I go. Who is the wolf pup? Is he Talbain and yours?" I asked. Collin shook his head.

"No, he's Talbain's friend's son. We're just watching him until his father gets back from work. Those thugs earlier aren't particularly fond of furries and try to ambush furries and kill them during the night. The pup got lost from me and I found him just as the thugs were beating him. I have to thank you again for coming to our rescue Silnis," Collin told me.

"It was no problem Collin. I'll see you and Talbain around the city then, bye!" I shouted, turning to leave. Closing the door, I was suddenly scooped up in Kain's arm and had his lips pushed forcefully onto mine. I was about to push him away when I thought about what Collin just said. Slowly, I opened my mouth and let our tongues play with each other's. The kiss lasted until I broke it.

"Kain...I've been thinking. Even if I can't remember you from my past...I can at least start a new life here...with you. I like you...but I don't know if I can be the person I used to be and...," I was interrupted with another kiss from Kain, this time more passionate than usual and with more feeling.

"You don't have to be your old and usual self. I'll love you no matter what. I agree though, we can start a new life here and love each other all over again. I love you," Kain said, gazing into my eyes. His words...were so heart-moving. He was willing to start a new life with me and would still love me no matter what.

"I...I love you too," I said, tears falling from my eyes. We met for another kiss, starting our new future together.

Dark Angel Ch.8

Silnis' View \*\*\*\*\* It has been six months since our "unexpected guests", Collin and Talbain, left for their world and life has been wonderful between Kain and I. Kain only has one more month of training before he graduates and can leave....

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Dark Angel Ch.6

Kain's Perspective \*\*\*\*\* "Who are you?" he asked. I pushed away from him, confused. Was he playing with me? If he was, then he was doing a good job at it. "Silnis, don't play with me like that please," I told him, studying his face. He was...

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Dark Angel Ch.5

Kain"s Perspective \*\*\*\*\* It was a normal day and I laid my head back, exhausted from training new recruits. Hearing someone approach me, I looked up to see a human boy walk up to me. Something inside me screamed at the sight of him, making...

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