Thats the spot By bluecayman

Story by Kael Falconvale on SoFurry

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How can a chance circumstance be the best thing that ever happened to you? How can meeting just one fur change your life? Obviously, there would be more than just a small conversation.


Kontraaband had been talking to Kael, wolf living in Indiana, in chat rooms for a short while, and the conversations were always interesting. During one chat session, K mentioned that he would be traveling in the States and just might be in the area.

"So.I'm taking a short vacation soon in the States."

"Uh huh, and?"

"Well, I thought I could stop by and maybe hang out with you or at least get to meet you."


"So, what do you think? Could I pay you a visit, maybe hang around your place?"

"Well".I don't know."

"Oh come on, I'm a five-foot nine-inch tall fox; you're a wolf. I think I'm more likeable than harmful."

"Ah, what the hell? Why not? So, when were you planning on coming down?"

"I'll be flying down tomorrow morning, actually."

"That's a bit sudden, but I think I can make it work out."

"Are you sure? I don't want to be pushy."

"No, no, it's fine. Really."

"Great, I'll see you Saturday then."

"Yeah, sure thing."


K stayed up all night, though packing his one bag just took a few minutes. As the sun began to rise up over the horizon, K made himself a cup of strong coffee and left after he had finished drinking it. Driving on the 401 at about 4:30 in the morning would mean little traffic, and at that time the airport wouldn?t be too terribly busy.

"Why do I stay up all night like that, especially when I have to go out in the morning?"

K sat down in his car and started the engine, and then put on his seatbelt and put in a Slipknot cd.

"Fucking yeah! Metal is always the best way of starting a day."

K felt a bit uncomfortable sitting still, but it took him a few seconds to realize why.

"And speaking of starting a morning, how did I forget to tend to you?"

K looked down briefly at himself, seeing his pants starting to tent and said, "You'll have to wait until

later. Don't think that I can paw off and drive."

K laughed at himself and then began driving to the airport.

He made his way down the 401 to the Toronto Airport and proceeding in finding a parking space in the lot.

"That's the best thing about early flights: being able to find close parking in here."

He parked his car and made his way into the terminal to print out his ticket and make his way to security. Of course, the security official would ask questions to K about the leash and collar in his luggage.

"Going to have some fun, are we?"

K smiled briefly at the official and said, "I hope so. Think my friend will like it too."

The two furs chuckled a bit before the official cleared K.

The rest went by rather quickly, and apparently K's plane had already arrived at its gate and was scheduled to take off earlier. K made his way to the gate and presented his boarding pass and passport to a short corgi by the gate. Then K walked quickly on to the plane and found his seat in First Class. He put up his bag and sat down, immediately closing his eyes and leaning back to fall asleep.


K woke to feel the plane touching down; he actually slept through the whole flight without realizing. For some reason, his only thought was, "Good thing I took a shower at about two in the morning. I'd probably have a pretty strong musk if I didn't."

K shook off the remaining amount of grogginess and waited patiently for the plane to reach its gate. Soon the plane came to a halt and K took his bag out of the overhead compartment and made his way off the plane and into the Indianapolis Airport. He walked briskly through the terminal and outside to find a taxi. He stopped near a cab and handed the driver Kael's address; which he had gotten a while beforeand sat in the back of the cab.

K watched as trees and cars seemed to fly by and waited until the cab stopped at his destination. It seemed the young fox had lost track of time and did not realize it until the cab stopped outside of a small house in a suburban area. K stopped daydreaming and paid the driver, grabbed his bag, and opened the door to step out of the cab. He stared at the small house while shutting the cab door and hesitantly began to make his way to the front door. The cab pulled away as K began knocking on the door; while he waited for an answer, K simply moved his ears in a few different directions. The door swung open and K saw the wolf standing there. There was a bit of awkward silence before K spoke to Kael.

"I guess you're Kael?"

K found it a bit strange that the wolf had green fur, but he probably found it strange that K was blue with lightning-like streaks down his arms.

"Yeah, and you must be Kontraaband?"

"Yep. So, can I come in, or are we just gonna talk outside?"

Kael watched K wiggle his ears around and replied, "Yeah, come on in. And, what are you doing with your ears?"

K stopped himself and let one ear flop down.

"Oh that? It took a lot of practice, and besides, it's pretty unique for a fox to be able to do that."


K made his way inside of Kael's house and promptly found the living room and tossed his bag on the couch.

"Would you mind if I just spent the night?"

"No, not really, but you can sleep in a bed."

"It looks like there's only one bedroom through."

"So what? You can sleep in the same room as me?"

Kael grinned at K and said, "You look a little tense. Is there anyway I can fix that?"

K was silent for a few seconds before replying, "Well...There is one thing that helps me relax."

"Okay, and what would that be?"

"If you wouldn?t mind....could you scratch right behind my ears. I'd really appreciate it."

"I can do that for you."

Kael sat down close to K and placed a hand on the back of his head and began gently scratching at the base of each ear.

"Ooooooooohhh...that?s the spot....Thank you so much."

Kael could tell that K was becoming a bit more relaxed now.

"You didn't just drop by to say 'hello' now did you?"

"Hehe.. no, not exactly. I had something else in mind too."

"You dirty little fox. Well in that case, would you mind doing something for me?"

"Not at all."

"Are you able to use your paws for something?"

K looked at his hands with a confused expression.

"No, I mean your feet silly."

K still looked a bit confused.

"It's real easy. Just run your foot up my leg."

"Okay, I guess I can do that."

"I need to get a bit more comfortable first."

Kael stood up and took off his pants, showing that he had nothing under them except his own fur.

"You can take yours off too if you want."

K smiled before rising and removing his jeans as well as his shirt.

Kael sat down and leaned on the arm of the couch.

"Well, what are you waiting for foxy?"

K grinned and sat back down facing Kael. He decided to try something else first, and he gently pushed his paws against Kael. K wiggled his toes and his feet a bit before giving Kael what he had asked for. K slowly slid one paw up along Kael?s right leg, stopping on his thigh and brushing it with a paw pad.

"Mmmmmmmmmm...that's nice."

K was sure that he could do a bit more, and went back to moving his feet up Kael"s leg. K slid his paw through Kael's soft fur and began to nudge the wolf's balls. K let that beautiful sack rest on top of his foot; he slid his foot back to Kael;s taint, pulling back his toes to gently caress his sack.

"Wow, you're getting me going now."

"Why stop here then?"

K picked up his bag and pulled out a black leash and collar.

"See, I can do a few tricks too."

K strapped the collar loosely around his neck and hooked it to the leash.

"Such a naughty little fox."

"I just like being walked every now and then."

Kael smiled and gently took the end of the leash from K?s hand.

"How about I show you the bedroom?"

"That sounds good to me. You can pull the leash, but be sure not to choke me."

"I'll be gentle with the leash, and I won't go too hard on you either."

Kael stood up with K and led him back to the bedroom.


Kael led K into the bedroom, but the fox moved ahead and made his way to the bed. K crawled onto the bed on his hands and knees, and lifted his tail up to invite Kael to join him. Kael grinned and positioned himself behind K, taking a moment to run his fingers along the fox's ass. Kael pushed K forward a bit, and then he leaned down and began to rim the fox's asshole. K let out a low moan of pleasure and gently tugged at the blanket on the bed while Kael's warm, wet tongue began to taste him. Kael rimmed the fox's hole a while longer before deciding it was time to start working him.

"Alright foxy, are you ready?"

K turned his head and replied, "Of course, I can't wait to have you inside me."

Kael had been hard for a short while, and rimming K kept him going. Now, Kael pressed the head of his member into K's hole. While he began thrusting K, Kael moved his left hand up and down the fox?s belly.

"I'm actually surprised that you're so tight."

"Well, if you like it so much, cum inside me when you're ready."

Kael continued thrusting into K, and was progressively increasing his speed. Kael felt his knot further form and could not wait until he could tie K. Kael decided to further pleasure K and slid his left paw down to the fox's hardened member. With one paw, Kael began stroking the fox, and with the other, gently tugged back on the leash.

A few minutes had passed, and now both canines could feel ecstasy approaching. Kael felt his pre streaming out into K, and could also feel the fox's fluids run over his fingers. Kael could now feel his knot began to bash into K with each thrust, and he knew he couldn't last much longer.

"Hey foxy..."

"Yeah, big bad wolf?"

"I'm gonna have to knot you soon."

"Just be sure to make a mess."

Kael grinned and began thrusting faster, slowly pushing more and more of his knot in with each thrust. In his paw, Kael felt K's cock throb and began to tease the fox's knot. Kael tugged a bit more at the leash now; he was about to burry his bone in the fox's hole. K could feel himself grow ever closer to an orgasm now, and waited eagerly for Kael to fill him. It wouldn't be much longer before both erupted with pleasure; and then, it happened.

"Oooooooooohhh! FUCK!!!"

Kael shoved his knot into K and began to blast out his load and yelled out, "FUUUUUUUCK!!"

Kael kept his grip on K's cock and began to squeeze the fox's knot.


K burst at that moment, shooting out hot strands of jizz that fell onto the bed. Kael gave K a few more thrusts before fully emptying himself into the fox; when he decided to pull out his knot, a stream of semen began to flow out of the fox's hole.

" amazing."

K turned back to Kael and said, "The pleasure was mine. Anytime you need a fox for something, just let me know. I'd be happy to offer my services, and paws, any time you would like."

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