A Predatory Ravaging

Story by Kirsen on SoFurry

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The sun was just beginning to sink in the sky over the jungles of West Africa, and the heat was finally beginning to abate, becoming more tolerable from the muzzy, stifling heat that made it so hard to stay awake in the afternoon. For one, the desire to lie down and sleep away the worst of the heat had become unbearable. Shifting sleepily, a pangolin began to slowly return back to reality, much to her chagrin. She was having such a wonderful nap...but now it was time to take care of more worldly concerns- like the grumbling in her stomach. She hated to move herself from her comfy tree nest, but the persistent gurgling in her belly wouldn't let her rest any longer. Sliding out of the hollowed-out trunk she called home, she hit the ground with a dull thump and stretched, the scales that covered her back and tail rising like a feathers on a preening bird.

Walking slowly at first to let her legs stretch out after being curled up so long, she soon began to pick up speed, her hunger driving her onward in the pursuit of sustenance. Fortunately for her, what she sought was not far away: her ears picked up the subtle skitching sound of her favorite food crawling around in the trunk of a nearby tree. Quickly jogging up to it, she stopped and listened intently. Yes, she was sure that she could hear the pitter-patter of tiny insectoid feet as they marched underneath the bark. Without another moment of hesitation, she tore open the tree trunk with her massive claws, revealing lines of ants moving up and down its surface.

Her tongue, a long, ropelike piece of flesh that stretched further then one would have imagined possible, flicked out from between her lips, sweeping across the wood to pick up the tiny creatures before retreating back into her mouth with a wet slurp. It moved incredibly fast, the sticky organ entrapping the ants before they could even think to fight back. So she continued to enjoy her meal, blissfully unaware of the predatory eyes watching her from a carefully-chosen position in the nearby brush.

The hyena that spied upon her was certainly an imposing figure, to say the least. Nearly seven feet tall with rippling muscles flexing beneath her coarse, spotted, tan fur, few could say being in her presence wouldn't be a unnerving. Her black muzzle housed a mouth full of yellowed fangs, designed to tear through flesh and crunch bone so no part of a catch went to waste.

Times were getting desperate. Normally her tribe hunted as a pack, not alone like she was now. But prey was getting scarce- spreading out was necessary to have even the slightest chance of finding anything, even if it meant being less likely to take something down when they found it. If she was lucky, she would find another predator that wasn't, and haul its corpse back to share with the others with little fuss. Even if she found something with more fight in it, she wasn't worried. She was the best hunter in her entire tribe- and had yet to find a creature, living or dead, that she couldn't take back with her.

At first, the huntress couldn't believe her eyes. The creature before her was unlike anything she had seen before. It was covered from head to toe in golden brown scales, each overlapping with the next to form a near-impenetrable suit of armor. Taking it down would be a challenge, but if she succeeded she would be bringing back both meat and the raw materials for a new battle tunic. The tribe would consider her a hero. It was worth the risk.

The hyena crept quietly around her prey, sneaking downwind so as not to alert the scaly beast to her presence. It was almost too easy, the pangolin too focused on gleefully tearing apart the tree trunk in search of food to pay attention to its surroundings. It didn't even notice the rustling sound of the hyena moving through the underbrush. The huntress was incredibly wary of the creature's claws, each one nearly as long as a finger and more then capable of inflicting grievous wounds upon her if she wasn't careful. With a deep, steadying breath, the spotted predator tensed every muscle in her body, preparing for the upcoming pounce. Best to make this quick then, before they could be used against her.

Finally, the moment to strike came to pass. Letting out a cackling whoop, the huntress burst from her hiding place and into the open. The pangolin didn't even have a chance to turn around before she felt a furry mass crash into her from behind. She was slammed roughly into the tree, the breath rushing from her lungs in a painful woosh as stars danced in front of her eyes. Before she even had time to think, the pangolin was face-first on the ground, muzzle shoved roughly into the forest floor. In a state of blinding, instinctual panic, the armored insectivore gathered what was left of her wits and struggled with all her might to curl herself into a protective ball. Whatever was attacking her was certainly not an incompetent predator, however, and its massive weight on top of her prevented her from implementing her species favored defensive tactic. Further, her arms were forced together and pinned to the small of her back so she couldn't fight back with her claws. Both of her normal defense mechanisms were denied to her, and all she could do at this point was struggle helplessly.

All had gone to plan. The prey was immobilized beneath her, the long claws she had worried about out of the picture. Now all that was left was to deal with the armor that separated the hunter from her target's tasty flesh. Writhing in panic, the pangolin's scales were rising from her body, giving her the appearance of a living pinecone. It would have been more amusing to the hyena if those scales weren't also incredibly sharp. All the wiggling of the creature below her was causing the scales to roughly scrape against her, leaving numerous nicks and cuts. She needed to end this now before she began to look like she had dived headfirst into a thorn bush.

Easier said than done. From this angle, she couldn't use her teeth to break the creature's neck. Even if she could, and with all the armor plating that seemed doubtful, she would end up with a mouth full of razor-sharp scales. She would use her claws to slit it's throat, but that would mean letting go of the it's wrists and freeing those gnarled claws. Which meant her only other option would be flipping her prey over so she could get to her throat from the front. She growled in anticipation. That would mean she would get to see the look of terror that crossed its face right before its blood spilled. All the better.

Making sure her prey's clawed hands remained pinned, the hyena lifted herself up for only a moment, roughly grasping the strange creature's shoulder with one hand and twisting her onto her back. Just as she had predicted, a look of absolute terror was plastered across its face, eyes wide open in fear. But as she prepared to tear out the creature's throat and claim her victory, she couldn't help but notice something of great interest to her...two very important somethings.

From behind she had been unable to tell what this creature's sex was, but it was quite obvious now that it was female. Though her back was covered in hard, chitinous scales, her front was covered only in a thin coat of white fur that allowed her pinkish skin to be easily visible ...and most importantly to the huntress at the moment, was adorned with two mounds of flesh each capped with a dark pink nipple.

This gave the huntress pause, as it presented her with quite a rare opportunity. In her tribe, even though the females were dominant, mating with someone of the same sex was viewed as...distasteful, to say the least. A rather frustrating problem, as she was far more enamored with the other females then she was with the males.

And now, she had another woman pinned underneath her, completely helpless to resist her advances. She could ill afford to pass up such an opportunity to indulge herself.

Meanwhile, the pangolin was nearly going out of her mind with fear. Being able to see her attacker somehow made the situation worse, not in the least because her soft underbelly was now exposed. She struggled with all her strength to try and get free, but with the hyena's weight pinning her legs and each of her arms grasped at the wrist and pressed firmly into the ground, all she could do is wiggle in futility. She knew her death was imminent, soon to be delivered by this massive hunter that had so easy wrestled her into submission. One bite from that fang-filled maw and it was over...So why was it hesitating? She traced its gaze as the hyena began to lower its eyes from her face down to her chest, an evil grin spreading across its muzzle as it did so. No...it couldn't be...was it actually...? She almost immediately dismissed the thought as absurd, and as her attacker lowered its muzzle down to her throat, it seemed like it was finally going to finish the job.

She closed her eyes and whimpered, waiting for the inevitable feeling of teeth closing on her windpipe to signal the end. It didn't come. Instead came the feeling of a broad, flat tongue dragging itself slowly up her neck and the side of her face, leaving a damp trail of saliva in its wake. At first, the pangolin thought that the predator was simply tasting her, making sure her flesh was succulent enough for its pallet.

But the strokes were strong, deliberate, and traveled lower with every pass, moving down her neck and tracing pass the crease of her breasts. The warm, wet muscle was obviously doing more than tasting her as it lapped over her, flicking over her nipple and causing the soft, sensitive flesh to yield beneath the firm strokes. The pangolin began to tremble, tears forming in her eyes as she began to comprehend exactly what was in store for her. This monster was going to enjoy her flesh in more ways than one...

The revelation brought a second wind, and she struggled with all her strength in the dirt and leaves of the forest floor. It was no use. All it did was further grind the debris into her skin, further sprinkling salt on this horrible wound.. She couldn't believe this was happening. She always thought her death would be quick if nothing else, not maliciously slow. The worst part wasn't that she was going to die, but the ambiguity as to when. Raw, blazing fear boiled up in her because at any moment, the predator could stop flicking her tongue across her sensitive tit and instead sink her teeth into the juicy flesh. It was exhausting. She couldn't let her guard down for a moment because she knew the second she stopped her flesh would be torn from her. Perhaps it would have been better if she could have relaxed and enjoyed the pleasure before the pain but she couldn't. Instinctual terror was a fairly difficult thing to suppress, after all.

A shame, because the predator had no intention of stopping anytime soon. This was far too good an opportunity to pass up. The hyena wanted to enjoy every bit of flesh she could reach before finishing her. She didn't know whether at the end, she would make it fast or slow for the strange, armored creature. It was so hard to choose, but unfortunately, her prey did have only one life to take. Oh well, she did still have some time to think on it...And until she did, there was nothing the pangolin writhing beneath her could do, only try and block out the horrible situation as best as she could, and even that was proving near impossible. She wanted to so bad but reality would not let her go, no matter how nightmarishly surreal it may have seemed. She couldn't stop feeling the hot, pungent breath washing over her nipples, or distance herself from that tongue tracing circles around them. Then there was that muzzle, pushing against her chest to wetly plant brutal kisses upon white-furred mounds of flesh. The pangolin's skin flushed even pinker than before at such ministrations, radiating heat that made lapping at it that much more enticing for the hovering predator.

Though her sense of touch may have been the hardest to ignore, it was by no means the only offender. She knew she could close her eyes, stop witnessing what was happening to her, but she didn't dare. The only thing more unbearable than watching herself be abused by this predator would be not watching it and letting her mind fill in the blanks from what her other senses were telling her, and they told her far too much. She could hear the delicate scraping of the tongue rubbing against the fur on her chest and neck, feel the hot saliva cool and evaporate as it dripped onto her in warm globs. Overarching it all was the panting, the horrible bestial panting and grunting that escaped from the tormenters maw, forming a savage soundtrack to her ravaging.

And the scent, that earthy, musky scent that she could smell all too well, her muzzle all but pressed against her tormentor's hide. It wasn't actually unpleasant, but it was near-overpowering, filling her nostrils with an odor so strong she could almost taste it. Even as her brain was screaming at her that it was a predator's scent, in different circumstances it would have been intoxicating.

That was when it hit her. As absolutely terrified as she was, she could feel her arousal rising so quickly it would soon match her fear in its intensity. The two were feeding each other in an endless spiral: she was terrified that she was aroused, and aroused because she was terrified. She didn't want to believe it, but it was the truth. There was something undeniably stimulating about being dominated by this magnificent hunter.

She had only mated once before, and the male had simply mounted her and left. In front of her was a creature that savored her body, made every moment count. It was strangely flattering. She was so entranced by the epiphany she barely noticed that the hyena had changed the focus of her attention, tracing a path down the center of her body, stopping at her naval. She wanted to go lower, get a sample of her prey's flavor to tide herself over, but couldn't quite stretch her neck far enough. So she settled for exploring that shallow depression in her belly. Her tongue was so close to the meat and entrails she desired she could almost taste them. Every instinct was telling her to tear apart that delicate midriff and feast upon the contents, but she ignored them. For now, anyways. There would always be time for that later. She couldn't wait much longer, however. There was only so long she could stoke this flame before it erupted beyond her control.

Meanwhile, her prey was caught between reason and lust, and reason was fighting a losing battle. The fire was starting to burn in her as well, her body responding even if her mind didn't want it to. Instinct was taking over, the slit between her legs becoming pink and puffy in anticipation. Just the weight of the predator was enough, one leg so tantalizingly close to the aching, needy sex she wanted to scream. She hated this monster on top of her, hated it for attacking her and making feel weak, but she needed it now, needed it to finish what it started- even if it meant her death.

Luckily for her, the hyena was finding the temptation to devour her growing too strong. She had to change her tactics, or she knew that the next time that soft breast was slurped so hungrily into her maw she wouldn't be able to stop herself from clamping her jaws shut and feeling the hot blood spurt onto her eager tongue. Up until now she had kept her species signature clitoris hidden, but now it began to swell with blood and arousal, emerging from between her legs like a thick black snake coming out from its den. Though she couldn't crane her neck to see, the pangolin could feel it pressing against her. She thought it impossible, but there was no mistaking that sensation of hot, rigid flesh pressing against her skin from the last time she had mated. Her eyes grew even wider in shock. She had been certain it was a female ravishing her, if the twin orbs pressing against her own had been any indication.

Yet it was clearly a cock pressing against her, the meaty girth hovering just over her lower lips. She didn't know how it was possible and she didn't have time to think. Her predator was clearly done holding back, and now pure, untamed lust was seething to the surface. With a few awkward positioning thrusts, the hot shaft sliding over her labia, it finally reached its target. In a single thrust the hyena's strange clit was hilted inside the nubile pangolin. If she had found it difficult to ignore the situation before, now it was completely impossible. The clit was all but splitting her, just big enough to stretch her insides uncomfortably. She had kept her cries and whimpers soft up to now, but with that one massive thrust filling her up, forcing her inner walls apart and sliding against every possible spot of flesh, she let out a deafening scream. Equal parts pain and pleasure, it reverberated against the canopy and echoed through the trees. She squeezed the intruder reflexively, muscles clenching in shock, but the added tightness only made her captor more pleased. Wildly thrusting her hips the true mating began, powerful grinding that pushed the hyena's length as deep as it would go before almost removing itself completely.

The hunter could hardly contain herself, it felt so incredibly good to be surrounded by those slick, hot walls trying unsuccessfully to tighten enough to prevent her from pushing in. The pangolin, now that she was slowly becoming used to the invasive presence, was starting to enjoy herself as well, much to her chagrin. She knew she shouldn't but there was something undeniably erotic about the situation. It was terrifying, but the fear made it exciting, giving her a thrill she had never felt before in her humble life. As it moved in and out of her, shoving itself relentlessly into her depths she could do nothing but squirm and moan while tears of every emotion imaginable streamed from her eyes.

It was so oddly flattering that this beast wanted her body so bad, wanted to violate her for a sense of twisted pleasure. The powerful hands clamped around her wrists in a stony grip, the hunter's chest bouncing and swaying with every thrust. How ironic that right before her death she had never before felt so alive. Goodness just the thought of it was making her feel all...strange inside. She had felt something similar when the male had mated her, and on a few occasions when she had pleasured herself, but it was nothing like she felt now. One could not compare the level of discrepancy in words- if her other adventures had brought her a puddle, a pond of pleasure this was a sea, an ocean of ecstasy being held back by a crumbling wall.

The pangolin's squeezing, undulating walls were providing a similar experience for her tormentor, caressing her throbbing clit like a skillful hand. She was reaching her own climax quickly, but it wouldn't' stop her. She wasn't like a male, going soft after a single blow, oh no, she would keep going, keep plowing her new toy. She let out a shrieking howl as she achieved her first climax, the strokes becoming more erratic as the pleasure washed over her, and though she was distracted temporarily, that fist powerful orgasm only barely satisfied her. She wanted more, so much more! Her hips were an unstoppable engine, grinding her loins against that cum-soaked labia over and over again, parting the pangolins nether lips without remorse and sending that pillar of pulsing black flesh into her depths.

Soon after the pangolin reached her breaking point as well. She had never reached a peak with another's help before, how unfortunate it couldn't have happened under different circumstances. But reach it she did, and her tormentor rode her through it mercilessly, not pausing, never ceasing in her continued lust and pursuit of gratification.

How long this lasted, neither creature could say. The pangolin lost track of time, lost track of how many peaks she reached as the hunter's meat slid back and forth between her legs. They had been going at it so long the ground was literally soaked from their combined fluids, and both were starting to get uncomfortable in their current positions. Nothing good could last forever and even though the hyena was beginning to run out of juice, her momentum slowing and her breath coming in ragged pants, she didn't want to stop. But even a powerful hunter like her had limits, and soon her motions ground to a halt. She didn't want to give up such a beautiful opportunity, but she was exhausted. What to do, what to do. In the meantime she simply enjoyed the pleasure of being inside another creature, watching her preys nervous eyes dart back and forth.

Taking a close look at her prey's jaws, a new idea began to form in her mind. Though her claws were large and deadly, the strange creature didn't appear to have any teeth to speak of...something that could easily be exploited. She could see the fear shining in her preys eyes now that the thrusting had stopped- the creature believed that its usefulness had passed and soon it would as well. But no, not yet. There was more than one way for this predator to enjoy her body...

Shifting her weight, the hyena tightly clasped the pangolin's wrists and brought them closer to its body, all but pinning them to its sides. Then, as she slowly withdrew from the pangolin's sopping passage, she leaned down and briefly clamped her jaws around the pangolin's throat before raising her head with a warning growl. It was a clear message. Though her hips were moving forward, freeing the armored insectivore's lower half to move, it would be...unwise for her to do anything rash. Slowly, she brought up her hips right up to the poor creature's muzzle, the enormous clit pressed against her lips. Reflexively, she drew away, but another growl made her freeze.

It was fascinating, in a strange way. She couldn't take her eyes off of it as it dangled so close to her mouth, but her tormentor was growing impatient. Whimpering pitifully, her lips parted to allow the organ inside. There was nothing else she could do. The only other option was death, and even if she knew she was going to die eventually, she still felt the powerful urge to grasp on to every moment of life she could.

The thick clit was pushed inside immediately. The pangolin's maw was long enough to take it all in without problem, but the girth of it made her jaws ache. So the assault continued, this time on a different orifice, and a tad more awkwardly because of the new position. Now she could taste the invading object, feel it's contours in greater detail. Her curiosity was peaked. As this fleshy invader thrust back and forth into her mouth, her tongue crept forward and flitted over the smooth appendage, exploring its length. She had seen its entrance when it was brought up to her face. It was much like an external version of her own passage, even if it superficially resembled a male's shaft. She didn't know if it was a good idea, but she didn't care. She was going to die anyways, what was the harm?

So her long tongue slipped into the fleshy tube, going down, snaking ever deeper. Now it was the hyena's turn to be surprised. She hadn't expected her prey to be so...compliant in its own ravaging. The tongue may not have stretched her out much, but this was a tongue designed to probe long, narrow tunnels, and did it ever do the job well. Between that long, tight maw rubbing her on the outside and the delightful tongue tickling her insides, she lost control in a matter of moments. She had literally never experienced something like this before. She could feel the long muscle slipping as deep in her as possible, deeper than she even knew that she went. It squirmed and rubbed against every possible bit of internal flesh that could be stimulated. Another howl came, one that matched the intensity of the climax reached. It was so loud and long that had she the ability, the pangolin would have covered her ears to block it out.

The thrusting stopped and her captor nearly collapsed on top of her, driving out what little breath she had left. She didn't know what to do as the hyena, shaking from the force of what she had just experienced, stared down at her panting. Her tongue withdrew back into her mouth with a single slurp, making the predator shiver one more time in pleasure. Now she knew. This creature was a rare find. Far, far too valuable a find to be brought back as a piece of meat to be shared with her tribe mates. Time stood still as neither of them moved. The pangolin no longer knew what to expect. Why couldn't this predator just get it over with? Why couldn't she bring this torture to an end?

Golden eyes stared down at her and spotted fur shifted as the hunter's chest heaved. And then, the impossible happened. The hyena let go of her wrists.

She didn't know how to react. Was this just a trick? A spot of false hope to make the end that much more painful? No, the hunter slowly rose to her knees, and then to her feet, and stepped away slowly, keeping her eyes on the prey the hole time. She didn't doubt she could take it in a straight fight, but a lapse in attention could lead to a nasty slash from those claws.

At first, the pangolin lay there frozen, waiting to make sure nothing else happened. Then, without thinking, she all but leapt to her feet, but was so stiff she immediately fell back to the ground. Crawling away, muscles screaming in protest, she scrambled to raise to her feet and back away at the same time in a blind panic. Though she tensed at the movement, the hyena did nothing else but watch. Then, with a flash of pointed fangs, she smiled, mouth splitting into a toothy, knowing grin. And then, she too began to back away, before turning and starting to walk away. Looks like her record was finally broken- she had found something she couldn't bring back with her. She was strangely at peace with that. What she had found in return was far more valuable.

That smile spoke volumes, though the two creatures couldn't understand a word of the other's language.This wouldn't be the last time they would be seeing each other. Not by a long shot. As she ran away to continue her search for other prey to bring back to her tribe, she could hardly wait for the next time was sent out alone. Now that she had her prey's scent, there was nowhere it could hide...

For a long time after it left, the pangolin stood rooted in place, motionless except for her uncontrollable trembling. Then the tears began to come in earnest, tears of anger, tears of exhilaration at being alive, tears of confusion because she didn't know whether to sob or laugh. The sun had long since set when she finished. Her belly rumbling, she realized she had never gotten to finish her meal. Though her stomach protested, she was too exhausted to bother rustling anything else up, and too distraught to eat anyways. All she wanted was to return to her nest and fall asleep so she could put this entire day behind her.

Still, she knew on some level she would never forget. She couldn't. She knew that someday the beast would be back to claim her once more. As she stumbled back the way she came, what bothered her the most, the one thought she knew would haunt her in the days and moons to come, was whether the thought of the hunter's return filled her with dread...or burning anticipation.