To Break him

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#1 of The Dark Saga

To Break Him

By Kendo Kawabata

The digital world had once been on the brink of destruction. A world created within a simple computer program had ended up becoming an entire universe teeming with life. The worlds inhabitants, known as Digital Monsters, or Digimon, were all aware of just how strong, and fragile their world was.

Apocolymon, the digimon within the negative side of the digital world, had pulled many strings in order to bring about the worlds destruction. He used many dark digimon to do his bidding. Digimon such as Devimon, Etamon, and Piedmon and his dark master underlings, had gladly joined his side. Ultimately, he and his coherts had been destroyed, by children of all people. And when he had been destroyed, the children, known as the Digidestined, had returned to their world.

And so the Digital world had been restored, in a way, rebooted. The world was reset and peace ruled. Until a new threat emerged. That threat came in the form of the Digimon Emperor, a child genius intent on recreating the world in his ruling. New children were chosen to team up to take him down, only to reveal that he was the pawn of Malomyotismon and his dark henchmen; Mummymon, Aruchenninmon, and a man named Owikawa. However, he was eventually destroyed along with his cohorts And the digital world was restored, thank to the parting gift of Owikawa, whos guilt over what he had done enabled his spirit to help restore the world back to its former glory.

The digital world was soon forgotten to the mortal realm, restored to nothing more then a computer game, as the digital world found that interaction with the human world did have its consequences. But once again, a threat emerged, a being known only as The Entity, had merged inside the digital world and, through its belief of 'destiny', it had tried to delete the world, and attempt to destroy the human world as well. But once again, a trio of Digidestined proved that Destiny could be changed, and in the end, saved the world once more, sealing it from the human world and restoring it.

But peace never lasts forever. A being known as Lucillemon, after the previous restoration, had vowed to protect the world and keep it safe from corruption. But, his vows were soon forgotten as he saw the world as nothing more then something that would forever remain corrupted. He pulled the strings to set about the worlds destruction, and end it once more. And the digital world set its hope in a new group of Digidestined with the ability to turn themselves into digimon. That hope was rewarded as Lucillemon was destroyed. The children returned home, and once again the digital world was restored.

But the humans could not leave the digital world alone. While one group set about to not only keep the digital world safe, and keep it from causing a war between the two worlds, a new threat found a way to delete the digital world permanently. This group sought to not only delete every digimon that it could, but destroy the very core program that had created the world in the first place, the being known as Yygdrassil. It was not without pain and suffering, and the eventual war between the two worlds did the Digidestined finally reset the Yygdrassil program, and restore the digital world once more.

The human world would eventually forget the digital world once more, as both world realised neither could live with the other, but at the same time, live without. The human world required the digital world for its pure imagination and wonder, while the digital world required the human world for its creativity, and its power.

But that did not solve the problems of the digital world by far. For the citizens of the digital world had vowed to never let the rise of the dark digimon ever occur again. And many would take measures against it.

"Bring him in" called out the voice from the throne. A large and very dominant looking digimon sat on the throne. By all accounts he looked like a Weregarurumon, a hard muscled and tough looking werewolf. But he was a different version, a Geoweregarurumon. With the power to match a mega level digimon, he was larger, almost eight feet tall and his body was bulging with huge muscles. He looked almost like a biker, a pair of studded leather pants creaking to hold in the bulging muscles of his thighs, and a black studded jacket that did nothing to hide his immense pectorals and hard eight pack abdomen.

Black gloves adorned his hands, each with a golden skull across the back of his palm. Three silver earrings sat in each of his ears, and a thick silver chain ran around his neck like a collar and tie, the end barely brushing against his navel. His fur was a deep blue with purple stripes crossing across his fur like a tigers stripes. His eyes were an intimidating colour of red, and a deep black scar ran from his across his left eye down across his snout to end at the right corner of his mouth.

The throne sat in the middle of a Cathedral. It was a large and empty gothic style church, but the pews were missing, and the stained glass windows showed not the religious saints, but the battles of long past. An Angemon facing against a Devimon. a Zudomon facing a MetalEtamon. A Magnamon facing a Chimeramon. And so many other scenes of battles, as if to pay tribute to the previous history of violence and bloodshed.

The darkened Cathedral itself sat on an impossibly structured tower, nothing holding it up but an almost razor thing pole in the ground holding everything up like a weird and twisted umbrella. The only way over was an iron spiked bridge that connected the front doors to the cliffs on the other side. Underneath, swirled dark and menacing fog. No-one knew what happened if you fell, because no-one returned to tell.

Geoweregarurumon, or Geo as he preferred to call himself, sat back on his throne as he watched the doors at the end of the cathedral opened and a trio of digimon entered. Two walked, and one was dragged.

The two walking were two Leomon. Both of them were large muscled lion men, each one heavily set with bulging muscled, but nowhere near that of Geo. The one of the right was a regular Leomon, wearing tight dark green pants and a sheathed sword on the back of his waist, and a beaded necklace across his thick neck.

The other, was a mirror image of his twin, but an image if it was covered in ice. He was an IceLeomon, a Leomon who's elemental attacks consisted of ice. The only real noticeable difference, was that his fur was white, while Leomons was an orange brown.

" Leo. Ice. Did he put up a fight?" Geo addressed the twin lions as they dragged the unconscious digimon between them. Geo always addressed them by part of their name, rather than the full version.

"He's a champion level, like us" Leo said as they stopped in front of their leader. "But he's as strong as an ultimate level. He did not get taken down easily" he said.

What appeared to be a flamedramon was being held up by his arms, his legs dragging across the floor. But now that he was up close, the differences were too obvious.

This flamedramons colouring was off. Flamedramon looked normally like a sparsely armoured blue and white dragon. However, instead of a blue covering with a white front, his skin was almost the colour of ebony, and his front was a light grey that stretched from his muzzle down between his legs. His fiery colourings on his armour were darker, almost blood red and golden yellow.

His mask, which should have covered the top half of his head with a large blade emerging from the top, was instead moulded across his face like a full helmet, and the blade was styled as a Mohawk.

Instead of a shirt that covered his chest, it was more like a mesh singlet of dark red webbing. His torso muscles were more tightly defined, his body leaner and more toned than normal. A flamedramon never wore pants of any kind, as his genitals were always internal. But this one wore a curious looking blood red thong that seemed to be a triangle connected by golden rings to the straps that ran up across his slender hips and between his legs. From the look of the bulge, it was already tightly packed across the appendage.

There were the regular black straps across his arms, but his gauntlets were more like armoured gloves that covered his arms up to his elbows. The tri blades that would normally be on the front were instead on the back of his hands like Wolverine, Geo noticed, from those comics that had leaked into the digital world from the internet in the human world.

His legs were anthrosized like a canines, with his boots more armoured up his bipedal legs. There were no claws on the end, which Geo figured would grant him extra movement speed. He still had a tail, a long thick dark looking appendage that hung limply between his legs.

"Did you get his name?" Geo asked as he looked up at the twins.

"DarkFlamedramon" Ice said as they kept their grip on their captive. Geo nodded once. He thought it was a dark type. Yet another dark version of a regular digimon that would no doubt be turned evil if not taken care of.

"String him up" Geo said as he said back, his hands resting on either side of his large frame. The twin lions nodded and dropped the unconscious digimon on the floor as each crossed to the other side of the room.

Leo grabbed a very solid looking wooden frame and easily carried it over to the centre of the room. Ice picked up several leather ropes and attached them to the corners of the frame.

Between them both, they easily lifted the digimon up and attached him into a spread eagle position on the frame. His gloves and boots were removed as his wrists and ankles were securely attached. The darkflamedramon merely hung from his suspensions as he was secured in place.

"Leave his clothes on" Geo said and the twins nodded. The removed the leather straps from the digimons arms and carried his removed goods to another spot on the room, well out of reach. Leo then carefully removed the digimons mask. Geo leaned forward a little. The dragons face was almost similar to a flamedramons, but his face was more smooth and rounded, rather than the ducklike face that many artists seemed to give him.

But rather than being bald as a normal flamedramon would be, he had hair. A thick crop of long dark red hair with purple tips flowed out of the constraints of the helmet and fell in thick waves around his neck. His head hung forward when Leo let go of his chin.

The two lions stood on either side of the frame, their arms crossed across their chests like guards as they waited. Geo too sat back and watched silently, in no rush to begin.

Eventually the darkflamedramon began to stir. He groaned as he twitched and began to squirm against the restraints. He lifted his head as he blinked into the light. Geo saw that rather than red, his eyes were a very deep and brilliant green, the colour of emeralds. The darkflamedramon looked up when he saw he couldn't move his wrists. He gave the bounds a few tugs, but said nothing as he quickly realised he was secured in place.

Geo had to give him credit as the darkflamedramon did not show any signs of fear of confusion.

"You're awake. Good" Geo said as the darkflamedramon turned to the sound of his voice. He said nothing as he stared down at the immense beast.

"My friends tell me you have the power of an ultimate" Geo said as he leaned forward, resting his hands under his chin as he supported his head on his arms. "Not surprising, for a dark type like you" he said.

The darkflamedramon said nothing as he gave a sideways glance to the twin lions on either side of him. He resumed his glare at his captor sitting in front of him.

"A darkflamedramon. I think i know how you were created" Geo said. "Leomon, is a regular designed digimon created by our maker, Yygdrassil. Iceleomon, is the same template, but exposed to the element of ice" he said as the leos nodded their head at the mention of them. "I, am Geoweregarurumon. A mega version of Weregarurumon, a template exposed to the mega level" he said as he looked the captive digimon over.

"What's your point?" the dark flamedramon said flatly. He didn't look intimidated or even sound scared. His voice was a bit deeper and even then the normal voice a flamedramon had.

"My point is, everyone in this room, is a normal digimon. Except you" Geo said. "You, Dark, are a flamedramon exposed to the negative element, a corruption, or to put it more bluntly, a mistake" he said as he sat back again.

"Untie me, and I'll prove how much of a mistake I am when I beat you down" Dark said with a sneer across his lips. He was rewarded with a punch to the side of the face by Leo.

"Do not talk like that to our master" Leo said angrily. Dark just looked at him with a sneer.

"Why, you going to punch me again? Pretty strong for someone who attacks in a group, and someone who beats on someone tied up" he said flatly.

"We will be doing more than that" Geo said evenly. "You see, it is the dark type digimon who, in the past, have risen to overthrow our world and plunge it into chaos. Your kind oppress us until we are forced to call for the Digidestined in order to protect us" he said.

"And?" Dark said, sounding almost bored.

"So we will prevent that from happening this time around" Geo said.

"How? You going to delete me? I'll just end up at Primary Village on File Island with the rest of the babies" Dark said. "I'm not afraid of deletion"

"Oh, we won't be deleting you" Geo said. "This chapel is our Chapel of the Order, a group who will find the dark types of digimon in the world...and break them."

Dark felt the silence ring around them all for several moments before he felt like laughing.

"You'll what?" he said with a grin on his face. "You're going to...break us? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard" he said.

"GAGH" he groaned as Ice slammed his fist into the other side of his face, the impact making his body shake slightly in the constraints.

"I said, we're going to break you. Not just physically, but mentally" Geo said, not showing any indication of what just happened. "If we break the dark types down, they won't think of trying to overthrow our world again."

Dark just laughed again as he lifted his head up to look at Geo.

"You think you can break me just by punching me around?" Dark said with a grin across his face. Geo and the twins said nothing for a moment. They had expected him to start shivering or acting scared by now, but he was laughing at them.

"We have methods of making you break" Geo said. "And we will do what it takes to break both your body, and your spirit."

"Go ahead and try" Dark said with a sneer. "I suggest you look at those pretty pictures on the walls" he said as he moved his face around and nodded at the pictures on the windows. "See all those dark types there? When have they ever, and I mean ever, gave in?" he asked.

"Some have" Geo said. "And you will add to that list" he promised. "Get started" he added.

Dark opened his mouth to say something, but Leo took the opportunity to jam two very thick fingers into his nose. Caught off guard by his face being lifted up by the fingers, he gasped loudly for breath. He was rewarded by a thick ball gag being inserted into his mouth. He choked as his air supply was cut off and he struggled to breath.

Ice grabbed the back of the gag and quickly tied it close, securing the gag in place. Leo removed his fingers as Dark gladly sucked in a deep breath as he glared at the lion in front of him, before he felt the back of his head get pulled back. He felt the cold hands of Ice wrap around his tail and lift it up. His struggles did nothing as a thick cord was wrapped around the tip and was secured to the back of the gag. Now his tail was lifted and completely exposed.

"Hey, look at this" Ice said with a smirk as he looked at the dragons ass. It was very well rounded and muscled, a perfect set of round globes that jutted out under his tail. He could see the straps of his thong frame his ass so nicely, but Leo took a look and laughed as well.

The tough digimon had a heart shape across his backside, the grey of his front spreading under his crotch and up across the insides of his cheeks, giving his backside a heart shape that was visible when his tail was raised.

"Look at that. His little ass has a cute little heart on it" Ice said as he lifted his hand and gave a hard spank across the cheek. Dark oomphed against the spank and glared at Geo with anger as he was laughed at for something he really couldn't help.

"Bet i know what his ass likes most. It's practically advertising" Leo said as he struck the other cheek, landing an equally harder spank across the cheek. Dark oomped again as his hips were jutted forward slightly from the impact.

Geo simply sat back and watched, a grin across his muzzle as he watched the bound dragon. There was more to come. This was simply the starting point to the whole thing. Breaking a digimon, even a dark one, was no easy matter. But he had no intention of going easy on him.

"You call that a slap?" Ice said with a smirk as he spanked across the cheek at his side. Dark oomphed again as he felt the hard sting across his backside.

"Yes, I do" Leo said as he landed another hard slap. Dark felt the sting across the already slapped surface as his backside started to tingle a little.

"No, this is a slap" Ice said as he drew his open hand back and landed a hard smack, this one making Darks body jolt forward as he grunted into the gag. He struggled a bit, but the bounds were holding him too tightly in place.

"No, this is" Leo said as he drew his arm back and landed another hard smack, his open palm not only making Darks body jolt forward, but making his cheek ripple slightly.

He felt his ass start to burn already from the few spanks he had received. His hide was starting to tingle a bit more as he glared at Geo, who hadn't moved an inch and seemed to be watched the display without emotion.

"Well, I can hit harder" Ice said as he landed another hard slap. Dark grunted and oomphed out loud as he heard the two tough champion level digimon start to act like a pair of competing children. The two lions started to try and one up the other as they each slapped their chosen cheek. Each spank was landed on a different part of Darks ass, his supple backside started to darken and the grey began to turn red from each continuous slap.

But Dark refused to show how much it hurt. It did, he couldn't deny it. But the pain wasn't something to cry about. His ass was starting to ache and he felt his legs begin to quiver a little as his backside was spanked over and over again, and he even felt his cheeks start to go numb slightly, but he continued to glare in defiance at Geo.

If this was all they were going to do to break him, they were going to have to try harder.

How long the spanking lasted he wasn't sure. But soon the argument stopped and the spanking ceased. His ass burned and his legs indeed did quiver a bit as he looked over his shoulder to see what was happening, but he couldn't see them.

Dark shook his body a bit, but the restraints still held him in place. He looked back at Geo, but the big digimon gave nothing away as he sat back and watched.

"I can't believe those two, acting like a couple of kids" Dark thought angrily. "First they gang up on me from behind, and now they think they're tough just cause I'm tied up and they aren't" he thought as he risked a glare at Geo.

"They think they can break me with a spanking?" He thought as the moments began to tick by. What those two were doing, he wasn't sure. "But..he did say physically and mentally. How is he supposed to do that to me? I'm not giving in to him" he thought in defiance.

"GUARK" Dark screamed into his gag, his eyes bulging somewhat as he felt something very big and hard slam into his stomach. It had come so suddenly he had not expected it. His body tried to double over, but the restraints made it hard for him to do more than just bring his legs together.

He sucked in a deep breath as he felt the fist leave his stomach, but then another slam erupted at his stomach, his breath being forced from his lungs as he coughed up a load of saliva against the gag. It leaked around his lips and the corners of his mouth as his body contorted as much as it could.

"Ha. See, I made him double over more" Ice said with a smirk. Dark managed to open his eyes in time to see the angry look on Leos face. Not to be outdone, Leo drew his arm back and landed another heavy punch into Darks gut.

"UUURK" Dark cried out into his gag as his stomach was slammed. He had seen the punch coming, but trying to tighten his muscles so quickly hadn't worked and he felt the pain blossom in his stomach.

"No, i did" Leo said with a satisfied smirk on his face as he removed his fist from the digimons tight stomach. The dragons tight defined abs were now slightly red.

"Fine. First one to make him vomit is the better" Ice said with a large grin across his face. Dark heard that comment and his stomach made a violent lurch at that.

"What?" he thought to himself. "They can't be serious, can they?" he thought. He thought back to the spanking and their brief display of competitiveness. "They are" he thought as he glared at them both with fury in his eyes.

"Oh, look at that. I think he's pissed" Ice said with a smirk as Leo cupped the dragons chin.

"Had enough?" he asked with a smirk. Dark just glared back at him, defiance and fury in his bright eyes. He was not going to give in after a spanking and a couple of punches.

Geo watched silently. He had to admit, the digimon had a spine. But spines could be broken.

"He hasn't" Leo said with a grin before he leaned in close and pressed his lips on the digimons. Dark was caught completely off guard as he felt the thick warm lips press against his own. For a moment he was overwhelmed with confusion. The kiss was very tender and soft, the hand on his chin holding him so carefully. He heard a sound vibrating in the air and realised it was the leomon purring into the kiss.

"What the?" Dark thought. This guy was kissing him like some sort of lover. But the moment the kiss ended, Dark felt another huge slam into his stomach.

"GUARRGH" he screamed into his gag as the cold fist was removed. But almost immediately it was replaced by another fist. His chest heaved as his breath was forced out of his lungs and he quickly tried to refill them.

Geo watched as they twin lions starts to bounce on the heels of their large feet, their fists raised in front of them like a pair of boxers. They began to trade punches on the digimons stomach, each one slamming their fist in once or twice, either one or one and the other, before the other took over.

Dark felt nothing but repeated slams into his stomach. His body jerked and twisted in the restraints as his stomach was assaulted. The sounds of fists on hide echoed around the spacious chapel as the digimon screamed and grunted and cried out into his gag.

His lungs were screaming. Each breath was forced out with every impact against his abs. And between every punch he tried to suck in as much air as he could before it was forced out again.

The two lions began to talk to each other as if they were doing nothing more than sparring with a punching bag. One would complement the other on the way their fist impacted, or the other would suggest an improvement on how his arm moved.

Geo just sat back and watched. The twins were good at what they were doing as he saw them start to work up a sweat. It was almost like a training session between them as they worked to their goal. Geo knew it was only a matter of time before the digimon would no longer be able to hold it in. The only thing he wasn't certain of was how long it would take.

Dark was seeing stars. His vision was blurring and blood red stars were erupting in his eyes from every slam. He could barely hear them now, their voices nothing but blurred background noises. Every punch into his abused gut sent his body racking, his body wanting nothing to do but contort to protect the abused muscles.

He felt his stomach contort inside him as his stomach contents began to boil. He knew what was coming as they continued to slam their fists into his stomach, his internal organs signalling they were quickly losing the battle.

Leo stopped and withdrew his fist when he saw the digimon start to convulse. His body began to jerk as the restraints were roughly pulled at. He put a hand on Ices' shoulder and pulled him back as they saw the digimons throat convulse. Gurgling sounds were heard in his throat as the contents of his stomach were forced up his throat.

But with the ballgag in his mouth it had nowhere to go, and Dark began to choke. Small spurts of vomit began to spill out of the corners of his mouth as he thrashed against his bounds. His heart raced and his lungs screamed as his air supply was cut off and his throat was clogged with a stream of regurgitated stomach fluids that fought to go either up or down at the same time.

The two lions looked over at their master, who showed no emotion to the digimon choking in front of him. He let it happen for several more moments, before he gave a single nod. Nodding back, Ice stepped forward and reached behind Darks head to unsnap the fastening.

Almost as soon as the gag fell out of Darks mouth, a large amount of stomach fluids splattered onto the floor after it. Dark gulped and panted and heaved as his stomach forced itself empty, everything he had to eat that day ended up on the floor in front of him. His tai slapped to the floor once it was free of the restraint, but he didn't notice.

"looks like I win" Leo said with a smirk as Ice pouted in a sulk.

"Not fair. If i got that extra punch in I would have won" Ice said sulkily.

"Yeah yeah. Details details" Leo said as they ignored the digimon trying to get his breath back as he heaved and panted. "But I got the last punch in before he started puking so there" he said pointedly.

Dark heaved, his heart racing hard as he gulped for air. His lungs filled with the life saving air as he gulped into it greedily. His stomach heaved again and he groaned from the pain. Not only was his ass numb and aching, but his stomach and abs felt like it was on fire. He gulped in again and looked down slowly.

He winced when he saw the battered mess that was his stomach. What before was a defined and toned set of washboard abs, was now a dark red patch of deeply bruised flesh. He felt like he was going to be sick again as he saw the damage to his gut.

Something grabbed at his chest and a moment later his mesh singlet was torn straight off. Now wearing nothing but his thong, his hung exposed to the lion in front of him. His chest was nicely toned and slender for his frame, and two black nipples were visible against the light gray hide. He felt a hand lift his chin up and he looked into the unmerciful smirk of Leo.

"Had enough now?" he asked with a smirk.

He staggered back as Dark spat a wad of stomach fluids, saliva and something from his stomach contents into the lions eyes. Leo growled as he wiped his stinging eye clean and looked at Dark, who was glaring at the leo with hatred and fury in his eyes. There was no sign of submission anywhere on him.

"You'll fucking pay for that" Leo shouted as he marched forward. Dark saw him approach, and then he began to feel pain all over again. But this time the punches into his gut were much harder and much faster than last time. There was no competition, no one-upmanship, no steady even movements.

What he got was a barrage of heavy hard punches from both fists of the angry leo that not only pummelled the air from his lungs, but gave him no chance to breath back in.

Darks mouth hung open as his eyes bulged, his body contorted in half as much as it was allowed as the leo let loose his angry tirade of punches.

"You...fucking...dark....bastard" Leo shouted into the digimons face as he slammed his fist again and again into his stomach. Somewhere in the back of his mind, past the pain that seemed to hit him repeatedly like a sledgehammer, he vaguely wondered if the lion was leaving bulges in his back, as if he was trying to drive his fist all the way through his stomach.

Geo did nothing to stop this as he watched Leo lay waste to the digimon in front of him. Punch after punch slammed into the grey and red gut, Leos body glistening with a sheen of sweat as he worked himself up. Geo calmly rubbed his chin a little as he sat back in his throne.

It was only when Leo felt his arms get tired that he stopped, panting slightly from the energy he had just spent on the wretched dark type. He rubbed his hands and stretched his fingers out as he watched Dark slump against his bonds, panting hard and heavy as he gasped, grunted and heaved.

"Clean up the mess before it stinks" Geo said at least as he nodded to the puddle of fluids on the floor, then to Leo. Leo nodded and walked off, returning with a bucket and mop.

As leo mopped up the mess, Ice collected a rag from his pocket and wiped it over Darks drooling mouth. The digimon had stopped moving, simply hanging there from his bonds as saliva and stomach fluids drooled from his open mouth. Dark could not see anything. His vision was too blurred from the pain for him to see anything but a blurry pair of legs in front of him.

Once the floor, and Dark had been cleaned up the two lions stood at either side of the frame, waiting for the next command from their master. But Geo simply waited, giving the digimon a brief respite from the beating.

Slowly Darks vision began to clear as he swallowed, his throat burning. He managed to see the floor come into focus, a light shine to it from the mopping as it slowly dried up. He winced as he lifted his head up, a sharp pain in his stomach from the abuse. He chanced a look down and saw his stomach was now riddled with bruises, his abs a mess of battered and abused flesh and hide.

"Have you had enough?" Geo asked calmly as he looked at him. Dark looked up at the digimon sitting in front of him. He said nothing, he just glared at him.

"If you are ready to submit, then tell us" Geo said as he looked at the defiant dark digimon in the frame.

"Go....go to hell..." Dark managed to get out as he glared at all three of them. Geo had to give him credit. He was still defiant after that. Although, he had to admit, it really wasn't the worse they could do.

Geo nodded to Leo, who without hesitation lifted his arm up, his fist raised. Then Ice lifted his hand as well.

"Fist of the Beast King" Leo shouted.

"Fist of the Ice King" Ice shouted.

A glowing orange fist and a glowing white fist both collided into Darks abused stomach. This time the restraints were not enough and he was literally torn out of the frame, the wood breaking as his body folded in half from the two powerful attacks.

His contorted body flew through the air, dragging the remains of the wooden frame with him as he slammed into a stone wall. The wall cracked and shuddered as a small crater around Darks back was pushed inwards, cascades of dust and small rubble fell around his body as he slumped to the floor.

The two lions brought their fists down as they turned to their master. Geo gave a pleased nod.

"You two did well. That was a nice touch" he said.

"Thank you master" they both said, the two leomon looking pleased with themselves.

"Now go get him. We will continue" Geo said.

"The next part already?" Ice said, the two leomon suddenly looking eager, like two kids who had free reign in a candy store.

Geo grinned and nodded as the two lemon walked over to the fallen digimon. Geo slowly ran a hand down to his pants and gave his crotch a firm groping. He felt his length start to harden and emerge down the side of his leg like a snake. He was looking forward to the next part.

Dark lay on the floor on his side, his stomach burned a deep and angry red, small smoking trails rising into the air steadily. Leo looked down and saw the digimons eyes were open, but glazed over. He was breathing, but it was a ragged breathing. He had fallen unconscious from the double attack.

"No way he can fight back now" Ice said with a grin as he walked up, holding two long thin sticks. He handed one to Leo who took it gladly.

"Wake up slut" Leo said as he prodded Dark with his foot. Dark did not move, or make a sound at first, but a few more prods got him groaning in pain as he started to come too. The pain in his abused stomach hit him like a tonne of bricks and he coughed, dry heaving a bit.

"On your hands and knees bitch" Ice said as he shoved Dark with his foot, kicking him onto his back. Dark cried out in pain as he balled himself up a bit. He panted and groaned in pain.

"I can't...I can't let them break me" He thought as hard as he could. But the thought of more pain was starting to make him afraid. His ass was still tender and numb, and his stomach was on fire. The thought of them being tortured again was starting to make him shiver.

"No, no I can't be afraid" he thought harshly. "I can't ... I can't give in" he thought desperately. He closed his eyes briefly as he fought to regain his strength. He was not going to allow them to break him in, no matter what they did to him.

"I said on all fours bitch" Ice shouted as he brought the stick up. With a swishing sound and a loud crack, he landed a hard blow across Darks leg. Dark let out a scream as the hit did what it intended, and sliced into his skin, leaving a long and thin gash that started to bleed.

"He meant now" Leo shouted as he struck at Darks exposed arm. Darks body jolted and he cried out as another gash opened up on his arm. He hugged his injured arm to his chest as he rolled onto his knees and propped himself p on one hand.

"I said all fours, not three" Ice shouted as he landed a heavy blow across Darks bruised ass. The sudden hit on injured flesh made him scream as his body spammed and he landed on his injured stomach, the injury making him scream out more .

"Please, let me pass out' he thought desperately. At least if he passed out he wouldn't feel anything if they kept it up. But the sweet embrace eluded him as a swish was heard in the air and a crack erupted across his back.

"NOW" Leo shouted as Dark screamed from the crack across his back. He used everything he had to force himself up, his body and limbs quivering as he struggled to get onto all fours. His wounds were on fire and his legs and arms wobbled. He felt like he had no strength as he brought himself onto all fours.

The two lions stopped their assault as they saw Dark get to his hands and knees. He gulped and panted from the pain, his body struggling just to stay upright.

"Bout time" Leo said as he flexed the stick in his hands. Dark panted and looked up as he heard something unzip. Wait, two things unzips. Then he heard two sets of things fall to the ground and were kicked aside. Two bare sets of feet, one brown and one white now stood in front of him. He really didn't want to, but he looked up.

Above him, the twin Leomon were stark naked, each one gripping the rods in their hands, and two very large and thick cocks were hanging in front of their legs. They were very well hung for their size, and they had the balls to match.

Dark forced himself to stay on all fours. He mustered all the strength he had to glare up at them both.

"I don't think he wants to play" said Leo with a smirk.

"I think he needs to be punished" Ice said with an equally deviant smirk on his face. Without hesitation or restraint Ice swished his thin stick across Darks face. Dark screamed as his cheek was sliced into and he felt the liquid heat of his blood start to trickle down his face.

"Now, stand up" Leo ordered as he tapped the other cheek on Darks face. Dark clenched his teeth and grimaced from the pain of the cut. He forced his eyes open as he glared up at the two naked lions in front of him.

"No" he said with as much anger and defiance as he could muster.

CRACK. Dark cried out as the stick slashed against his injured arm, creating a second gash over the first one. He almost doubled over as his arm gave way and he sat himself back up against his hind legs as he cradled his arm against his chest.

"We didn't say kneel. We said stand up" Ice said with a smirk. Dark looked up and saw the two lions were now using their hands to stimulate the other. With slow movements, they stroked each other with their free hand as their lengths lengthened and hardened up. Two very hefty cock were soon standing at attention as they removed their hands from the other.

"Is your pride really worth holding out for through this pain?" Geo asked, speaking after a while of silence. Dark looked over as he saw the large digimon openly groping the huge bulge in his tight pants.

"He's getting off on this?" Dark thought to himself. That made all three of his captors getting aroused from what they were doing to him.

"Just submit, and the pain stops. The sooner you give him and start doing what we say, the sooner the pain will end" Geo said firmly. "Now, is your pride really worth suffering for? " he asked.

Dark just took a deep breath, swallowed a lump in his burning throat and glared back at him. He was in pain, his body was hurt, but he wasn't about to be broken in just yet. His pride. He still had some left. But how much?

"Now, stand up" Leo ordered. Dark shut his eyes for a moment then opened them again. He clenched his teeth together and looked at them both.

"No" he said angrily through his teeth. But his heart wavered from that single word. Horrified at himself, he realised he was actually starting to be scared. And if he gave in... Leo stepped forward and raised the stick. Dark saw it coming and his heart pounded in his chest like a sledgehammer.


The single word shouted echoed through the cathedral as Leo stopped and looked down. Dark had his hand up against his face, his body cringing away from the advancement.

"S...stop..." he whimpered. The fear had hit him like a tonne of bricks. It had finally broken through and had raced through him, making his heart almost freeze from the advancement of the large naked lion. He couldn't deny it. He had been afraid of the next hit.

"I'll...I'll get up" he whimpered. He closed his eyes as he felt the tears begin to spring in his eyes. But they weren't from the pain. He felt the tears in his eyes from the utter shame he felt from giving in.

"So get up" Ice said with a grin as he gave his throbbing cock a good squeeze. The two lions watched as the trembling dragon in front of them slowly hoisted his body up. His legs wobbled and he swayed on the spot slightly as he stood, holding his injured arm against his even more injured stomach.

The tears stung his cheeks as he felt the cold liquid seep into the cuts. He could not look at the lions and looked down at the floor. He felt disgusted with himself for giving in like this and his tears fell in utter shame.

"Take it off" Leo ordered. The two lions felt their cock throb from the sight of the abused dragon in front of them. He was cracked at the moment, and he would be broken soon enough.

"Take...take what off?" Dark asked as he risked a looked up at them. His heart raced as he felt for a moment they would strike him again.

"Your thong. Take it off" Ice ordered as he flicked his stock in front of Dark, making him cringe as it swished in the air.

Dark whimpered and trembled as he let go of his injured arm and reached down. With trembling fingers he unfastened the gold rings in the red cloth and it fell between his legs to land at his feet.

"Look at that, he's fucking tiny" Leo said with a sneer as the two lions laughed. Dark felt his cheeks burn and he whimpered from the laughter. He wasn't the biggest around, which was true. He was average to say the least. His length was the same ebony colour as his hide, and his hanging sac was a light grey colour. His size looked normal on his body, but it was much smaller than the two lions cocks.

"Bet he can't even pleasure a Biyomon with that thing" Ice said with a smirk. Dark wanted to cover himself up. He found it hard to believe that not that long ago he had a lot more strength inside him then he did now.

"So who gets his ass this time?" Leo said.

"Play you for it" Ice said.

Dark looked up as he saw the two of them shake their fists at each other three times before they played their hands. Leo held a fist while Ice held two fingers.

"Rock beats scissors" Leo said with a smirk.

"No bloody fair" Ice said with an annoyed look on his face.

"Fine. You take his ass. I want his pretty little mouth anyway" Leo said, making Ice look happier at that. Ice moved away, leaving Leo to walk up to Dark.

Dark almost took a step back, but felt the hand of Leo close around the back of his neck as he was pulled close. He struggled to move away, but Leo forced him against his muscled body with a very heavy squeeze on his neck.

"If you use your teeth, I'll break them one by one till you have none left" Leo threatened. "Understand?" he ordered. Dark whimpered and struggled. He didn't anser, he didn't want to. But screamed as a thick hand grabbed his balls. Without mercy they were squeezes hard, the digimons body tensing and quivering all over as the horrible pain imobolised his body.

"Understand?" Leo almost roared into the dragons face.

"YES YES YES YES" Dark screamed back. The hand finally let go and he cried loudly as his body was rendered defenceless and weak from the sudden and overwhelming agony he had just endured.

He sagged against the big muscular body, his hands weakly gripping the thick arm muscles as his body trembled to stay upright. He sucked in a deep breath when he felt those heavy fingers dig into his neck. Then he clenched his eyes shut as his head was pulled back the lion gave him another kiss.

Before, the kiss had surprised him. But now, it disgusted him as he felt Leo hold his head in place by the back of his neck as his other heavy hand ran softly down his back. He felt the heavy muscled press against his body as he was held close.

Dark whimpered again as he tried to struggle, but Leo refused to let him go as he pulled him as close as he was able to, his hefty cock grinding against the battered flesh of Darks stomach. Dark cringed and whined from the pain as he tried to push away.

A pair of hands closed around his wrists and yanked them behind his back. Something metallic snapped around his wrists and bound them together. He whimpered as he realised he was now cuffed and couldn't use his hands to protect him.

He felt Ice lift his tail and slide it under his arms, hooking it in place as the chain of the hand cuff rested between the gap of his tail and his ass. Exposed again, he whimpered and cried silently as he was once again helpless to their actions.

Something warm and wet pushed itself into his mouth and he clenched his eyes shut as he realised Leo had shoved his tongue past his lips. He felt the contact of the foreign tongue against his own and he whimpered to the electric feeling it seemed to give him. Leos tongue started to dance against Darks as he began to purr deeply, his cock spurting a few splatters of thick pre against the digimons navel.

Ice grinned and slid his own hefty cock on the dark ebony and grey ass. He placed his hands on the digimons hips and pulled backwards a bit to grind his cock on the darkened cheeks. Dark whimpered as he felt that thick cock slide over his cheeks.

"Please...don't...." he whimpered, but with the tongue in his mouth he could not be heard. Leo seemed to really get into it as he began to grind his heavy body against the slender form in his arms. His hand left the back of Darks neck as he used both hands to pull and press the smaller form against him.

Dark kept his eyes closed and whimpered as he felt the tongue continue to wrestle in his mouth as he felt those huge hands roam over his body. Ice was grinding his length over the crack of his backside, almost hot-dogging his rump. Ice growled and murred as his cock throbbed over the warmth of the digimons ass, a thick stream of cold pre leaked over the bubble cheeks.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" Geo said with a grin, which made Dark open his eyes. He had almost forgotten about the digimon on the throne. But when he looked over he saw the huge wolf had his own cock out of his pants and was openly stroking it in his hand.

It put both the leomon to shame with his huge size, the mega cock looking almost twice the size it should have. It was a potential weapon to be used.

" its' not's not good" Dark thought to himself as he felt Ices hands run from his hips, his grinding motion never stopping as he ran his hands over the digimons sides. His hands almost tickled Dark with the feather touch he used before his thick fingers traced across his torso and across his chest.

"Please...please stop" Dark whimpered loudly, but Leo continued to tongue wrestle with him, making anything Dark said unable to be heard as he purred loudly against the digimons muzzle. Two sets of hands travelled over Darks body, Leos rubbing over his hips and Ices running over his chest.

Dark gasped as he felt ices' fingers brush over his nipples. The contact felt electric to the touch as he couldn't help but moan from the stimulation. Hearing the sound, Ice purred and started to rub and pinch at the nubs.

"Stop...stop" Dark whimpered as he felt Leo finally pull his tongue from his mouth and started to chew softly on the digimons lower lip. Dark whimpered as he panted softly, his body starting to arch into the soft touches of the lions.

"What was that?" Leo asked as he trailed his lips down to Darks chin before finding his neck and kissing his way along the soft flesh.

"We didn't hear you" Ice said as he leant forward and began to lap at the other side of Darks neck, not once stopping his grinding or his fingering of the digimons nipples.

"Please...please stop....stop" Dark whimpered loudly, struggling briefly against the cuffs, but his movements felt strangely forced. Like his body didn't want to co-operate.

"Why?" Geo asked loudly. He placed his hands on the armrests of his throne and slowly stood up to full height, his thick cock bouncing slightly from his movement.

"Please...please stop" Dark whimpered between pants. He felt an intimidation by seeing just how big the digimon really was. But the two lions continued their manipulations. It felt so strange to him, that not that long ago they were inflicting hurt and pain on him, but they were so tender to him.

"Why? Don't you like it?" Geo asked calmly as he slowly strode over, one hand on his huge length as he squeezed himself as he crossed the distance between them. Dark panted and inhaled as much as he could before he answered.

"No..." he whimpered. He gasped loudly as he felt Ice pinch both his nipples at once, an electric current running through his body from the contact just as Leo began to suck hard on a part of his neck, the hide bruising in a rather delicious way.

"You don't like it?" Geo asked above the purring of the horny lions before him as he watched them both continue their manipulations. Dark whimpered and nodded as he gasped no.

"Please...I...I don't" he almost begged. "Please...make them stop" he whimpered.

"Then why aren't you fighting back more?" Geo asked.

"What?" Dark asked, a feeling of confusion hitting him as he momentarily forgot what was being to him as he looked at the towering wolf.

"You're not fighting back. You resisted begging for mercy during your beating" Geo stated. "But now you're begging. Why do you want it to stop?" Geo said, before he nodded at something. "When you seem to be enjoying it so much?"

A cold and sudden torrent of horror pierced through Darks body and mind as he realised just what Geo meant. He was hard. His own cock had become hard and was standing at attention between his legs. A grasp of Leos hand confirmed it as he felt the large strong paw wrap around his length and squeeze it.

" I don't like it. I don't" Dark whimpered as he felt fresh tears stream down his face. The aches in his abused body were forgotten as the lions continued to bring pleasure to his body.

"Oh, you do" Geo said with a grin that spread across his face. "You do like it. You can't deny it" he said.

"NO..." Dark pleaded as he started to cry properly, his body starting to rack with sobs as the last of his resistance finally broke through. "No, no i don't. I hate it. I hate it. I HATE IT" he screamed as loudly as he could, his cries echoed through the cathedral. But the lions get going, their hands and mouths working on the digimons abused and heated body as Dark was wracked with sobs.

"You do" Geo said as he watched the Darkflamedramon break down. "You were tough. But pain is something that can break through to anyone. We hurt you to the point where you were afraid of the pain. That fear leads to the start of obedience" Geo said.

The two lions continued their manipulations as they ignored Darks sobs. Leo grabbed Darks shoulders and with no resistance he pushed the digimon to his knees. The two lions knelt at their respective ends, their cocks hard and ready for action.

"" Dark whimpered as he was pushed to his knees. But the words didn't seem right now. It didn't feel like he was trying to convince them that he didn't like it. It felt like he was trying to convince himself. Convince himself of something...something that wasn't true.

"And now your body is craving kindness to counter the abuse" Geo said. "You said before that no dark type has ever given in. They don't, until they face their inevitable end. At their moment of destruction, they know fear, and they beg for mercy" Geo said.

"No...." Dark pleaded as he broke down again, his body shuddering as he cried openly.

With a forceful push, Ice pushed his thick length between Darks cheeks and speared into his hole. Dark wailed in pain as his rear was stretched wide to accommodate the thick and hard intruder. But the wail was interrupted as the thick Leo cock was rammed into his mouth.

"Your body is past the point of abuse and it craves for kindness and care. And that's what we gave you" Geo said with a smirk as Dark cried loudly as he was bred from both ends. The two lions used their cocks on their respective end of the bound digimon as they worked themselves up. Dark gagged and chocked on the thick lion cock that invaded his throat, while his ass burned and ached once more from the slapping of Ices hips on his rump.

"You're body gave in before your mind did. And now you know you have not only given in, but you gave up when you first said no" he said with a pleased smile as he stroked his throbbing length.

Dark cried as he felt himself be used. The two lions panted above him as he felt the two thick cocks slide into his holes. His mouth and throat stretched open to accommodate the huge cock.

"Mmm, his mouth is so hot." Leo moaned as he held his hands against the sides of Darks face, holding him in place as he slid his length in and out. His balls bounced off Darks chin as he huffed above him. Sweat dripped from his mane onto Darks face as he huffed and growled.

"You should feel his ass. Fuck...I think he was virgin" Ice grinned in pleasure as his hips bounced of Darks backside. Each thrust forced the digimon forward, bouncing him off both cocks as his hips bounced and slapped against the bruised backside.

Geo grinned as he openly wanked his cock, his paw moving back and forth as he enjoyed the hot spectacle in front of him. The two studly lions were working themselves on the broken down digimon between them.

Dark felt his own cock pulse. He cried as he realised that Ices cock was pushing against his prostate, making the raping of his body turn him on. His body was enjoying it. It was enjoying the double raping of his throat and ass.

His cheeks burned in humiliation and tears streamed down his cheeks as he realised he could no longer fight it. His body felt limp as he surrendered at last to them.

"Oh fuck..." Leo groaned as he held a tighter grip on Darks face as he plunged his cock in all the way. Dark choked as his nose was buried into a thick patch of pubic fur as every inch sunk into his throat. His throat expanded, Geo easily able to see the bulge as it moved backwards and forwards. Leo sped up his thrusts as he growled loudly, deepthroating the digimons throat.

Dark cried out as he felt Ice pick up the pace as well, feeling those huge muscled thighs slapping against the back of his legs. Every slap of his hips against his rump pushed him forward, almost jolting him between the two cocks. Ice growled and squeezed down on Darks hips as he pummelled into him.

"Damn..he's so fucking tight" Ice growled as he felt the familiar tingling in his balls. "Shit, I can't hold on much longer' he growled.

"Neither can I" Leo growled as he ground his crotch against Darks face. Dark whimpered as he felt his balls beginning to churn. The stimulations were proving too much for him to handle.

Geo growled as he worked his paw up and down his own cock, the huge wolf panting as he jutted his hips forward, bucking into his hand as he felt his own large balls contracted. He panted loudly and growled as he felt his own imminent release.

Dark was the first to go. The pummelling against his prostate proved too much as his cock throbbed and balls churned. With a cry of humiliation, shame and orgasmic pleasure his seed shot over the entire floor. He sobbed and cried against the thick cock that slide in and out of his throat. His ass clenched from his spasm around the lion cock in his ass as he could not help but give in to the pleasure of his release.

Leo pulled out as Dark panted for breath and roared loudly as his cock spewed its load. Thick ribbons of pearly lion seed splattered over Darks face and across his open mouth, covering his lips and tongue as well as his mask. Like a second mask his face was covered, the seed dribbling down his face and dripping onto the floor as he panted.

Ice growled from the spasms around his cock as he roared as well, shooting his load almost immediately following Leos orgasm. Thick ropes of cold ice seed coated the insides of Darks ass before he pulled out. The rest of his thick cream splattered across his backside, plastering the bruised flesh with a cool coating of seed. The cold seed gave a soothing effect to Darks bruised cheeks and the digimon couldn't not help but moan to how good it felt.

Geo was the last to cum, the huge wolf howling in pleasure as his thick cock seemed to expand as his wolfish seed flew through the air. It splattered own like thick rain across the digimons back, cum stinging the wounds from the sticks as he cringed and whimpered.

The three larger digimon panted as he recovered from their orgasms. Dark merely fell to his side on the ground, his body and mind in a state of shock and drained energy from everything that had happened to him.

Geo grinned as his cock softened slowly, using his hand to squeeze the last of his cum from his balls. He panted a little as he took a deep breath, seeing the two lions stand up.

"You did well boys" he said with a grin as he tucked his cock back into his pants. The two lions smiled as they looked down at the broken and damaged digimon on the floor.

"He belongs to us now" Geo said with a satisfied smile. "A broken dark digimon on our side. He will be the first of many" he said.

"Does this mean we can keep him?" Ice said with a hopeful look on his face.

"Of course" Geo said. "I think he'll make a fine pet for you both" Geo said as both the leomon smiled to that.

Dark silently cried, the tears coursing through the cum and blood on his cheeks as he lay on the cold stone floor. He had no energy to move, his body ached all over and he no longer had anything left to fight back.

Only that morning had he been free. He knew he was a dark type. Known it ever since he had been born. The other digimon had treated him differently. Like he was something to avoid.

But hat had never bothered him. He had enjoyed being along, to a degree. He had no real home, finding a travelling life to be something like an acquired taste to him. Roaming through the digital world on his own terms had been good.

And then those two had arrived, jumping him from behind and attacking him for no reason other then being a dark type. They had ganged up on him, and captured him, dragging him to this cathedral where they had proceeded to break him down and reduce this.

He opened his eyes slowly and saw one of the windows in front of him. It was a Gallantmon fighting against a Bielzemon. Dark looked at it as he heard the three talking. What they were talking about, he didn't know. At least they were leaving him alone.

Something about the picture didn't seem right. As he looked, he realised what it was. Bielzemon wasn't a dark digimon. Well, not evil like the terms Geo had been talking about. Bielzemon had become evil on his own terms, but in the end had turned to the side of good. So why was he considered dark, if he became good in the end?

It was then that he realised something. Each picture on the cathedral depicted a digimon that had risen up to create chaos in the digital world, and had to be defeated. But dark types were not always the problem. He was a dark type, but he had not set out to be evil.

Evil was not born. It was chosen. Any digimon could choose to be evil and oppressive and destroy the digital world. And that was why the Digidestined were chosen. Not to fight evil, but to fight the oppressors.

The Chapel of the Order. Taking it open themselves to rid the world of dark types, becoming the oppressors that they had sworn to take out.

So, why was no-one coming to help him?

Dark closed his eyes and cried silently as he curled himself up into the fetal position.

"Please...anyone..." he cried in a whisper. He wanted anyone to hear. Anyone.

Suddenly, a bright light was filled overhead. Geo and the leomon shielded their eyes from the glare as they looked up at it in surprise. The light seemed to bathe them all in brightness, lighting up the windows and the darkest corners of the cathedral.

"What is this?" Geo said as he looked up at the light through his fingers.

"The time has come" a soft, yet powerful voice said through the brightness. "The Digidestined Children have been chosen" the voice said.

"What? Why?" Geo said. "We don't need them. The Order can take down the dark digimon by ourselves. We've just proven we can with that one over there" he shouted at the light. The two leomon stepped back a few steps, shielding their eyes from the light.

"The Digimon of the Digidestined have been chosen" the voice said as the light grew brighter. Geo smiled as he heard that. The light must be Yygdrassil, or the benevolent force chosen on the digital gods behalf to bring order to the digital world.

"It must be us" Geo said with a smile as he opened his arms in a welcome embrace. That's the only reason your here, isn't it? You agree with us, and you wish to help us in teh battle, because the digidestined should be on our side" he exclaimed. "Then we accept. We accept the fight against the dark digimon" he cried as he lights enveloped the room.

The computer monitor glowed with a light so bright that Kaden had to shield his eyes. The human teenager jumped back from his computer as the light seemed to intensify. His heart pounded in his chest as he stepped back.

"What the hell is going on?" he shouted as the light spilled into the room and became so bright everything was covered.

A moment later the light flashed off as something was hurled through his monitor. Kaden had a quick glance at his dark screen before something wrapped in bright lightning passed through. He ducked to the side as the lightning crackled and deposited the form onto his bed. The impact crashed the bed against the wall and made the figure bounce on it.

Kaden brought down his hands as he stood up slowly, the lightning fading away from the figure. As his eyes became used to the fading light, he saw a dark looking dragon lying huddled on the bed.

"What the..." he said as he took a cautious step forward, and his foot came into contact with something metallic. He looked down and saw several dark fiery coloured pieces of armour littered the floor across his bedroom.

"What is all this?" Kaden said, the thin gangly teen said as he heard a whimpering sound. He suddenly remembered the figure on the bed and cautiously headed over.

The figure was an ebony and grey coloured dragon huddled over on his side, crying rather hard. Kaden gasped as he saw the dark blood and bruising across his body.

"Are you ok?" Kaden asked as he knelt beside the bed. The dragon looked in serious pain, but he had no idea what to do about it. The dragon sobbed and opened his eyes to the soft words spoken. Kaden stared at the most brilliant green eyes he had ever seen as the dragon looked at him.

"" the dragon said weakly as his body shuddered from his cries.

"Ok...hang on....just...hang on" Kaden said quickly. He had no idea where this thing had come from, or what it was doing here. But one look into those hurt eyes and he felt he could not just leave him there.

Kaden sprang from his room and ran down the stairs of his house. Thankfully his parents were not home, so he didn't need to worry about them as he dashed to the bathroom. Wrenching open the medicine cabinet, he grabbed every kind of bandage he could and several packets of pain relievers, and filled a glass of water from the tap before hurrying back upstairs.

"Hey, I'm back" Kaden said as he knelt beside the dragon. "Hey, it's ok. I'm here" he said softy as he placed a hand on the dragons shoulder.

"Shh, don't cry. It's ok. I'll help you" Kaden said, concern written over his face as he rubbed the dragons should gently. After a minute or so the dragon seemed to calm down as his cries died down and his tears stopped flowing. The dragon took a few breathes and swallowed once or twice before he stopped completely.

"What's your name?" Kaden asked as he opened the packets of pain relievers and started to count pills.

"D...DarkFlamedramon" he said in a weakened voice as he watched the human.

"I'm Kaden" he said as he dropped the pills into the glass. They fizzed and the water foamed for a brief moment before the now fizzy water settled down. "Here, drink this" he said softly.

Kaden had to help Darkflamedramon drink it, because the dragon seemed unable to even hold his head up and he coughed a few times as he swallowed. But he got most of the medicine down.

"What happened to you?" Kaden asked as he put the glass down and picked up a box of bandages. But before he got his answer, something glowed beside his bed.

Kaden looked over and saw that his iPhone was glowing a bright white colour. A brief moment later, it had changed shape nd the light died down, revealing what looked like like a miniature game device with a wide screen and several buttons on the side.

"What the hell?" Kaden asked as he picked up the new device. The moment he touched it, the screen light up and a coloured prism ball appeared on it.

"Kaden, you have been chosen" a soft yet commanding voice said.

"Chosen?" Kaden asked in surprise.

"The Digital World will soon face a threat from the Chapel of the Order. A cult of digimon who wish to rid the world of digimon they believe to be considered dark and evil" the voice said softly. "If they are allowed to roam free, they will do onto others what they have done to your companion."

"My...companion?" Kaden asked as he looked over at the dragon. Darkflamedramon had passed out on the bed, his body still. The only sign of life was his chest to indicate he was breathing.

"Yes. He was their first, but not last victim. He is now your companion digimon, and he will help you fight" the voice said softly. "But first, you must accept."

"Accept?" Kaden asked, with surprise. "What do you mean accept?" he asked.

"If you accept being chosen, you will begin. If you do not accept, your companion will be returned to the digital world alone" the voice said.

Kadne looked over at the battered digimon. He saw the dried blood, the deep wounds, and the horrible bruising and burned flesh on his stomach. Whatever had been done to him, would be done to others.

But if he didn't accept..... For a moment he remembered the brilliant green eyes that looked up at him from the pain etched on his face.

"I accept" Kaden said without hesitation.

"Then your Digital Destiny awaits."

The End.