When will the time come? Chapter I

Story by Trey Oran on SoFurry

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#1 of Doom Series: When Will The Time Come?

When will the time come? Chapter I

By Trey Oran

Author's note: I was just playing Doom for the SNES {on the computer} and for GBA. It really gave me some ideas lately. Once I was done beating the game, I started thinking "maybe I should make a yiffy {porno} story about this. But I should make some different characters in my story." So I've started to think, Kira... Nah, too girly. Vega, that's not good. So I thought Terry would do. I've decided that I should make this fanfic have some romance with some action and blood, because to tell you the truth, I've never read a doom fanfic with any romance, and if there was, I probably didn't notice. Oh yeah, expect a few chapters on this. Anyway, here it is. Enjoy.

Day I: Morning

I was going though the maze looking for a way to a next place to rest. Damn, these demons did a number on my armor, I thought. I looked at the remaining magazine of my weapons. Pistol/ Chain gun: 97, Shotgun: 21, Plasma gun/ BFG: 90. I really didn't have much left, but it should do for the time being. I started to think about my team, how they have been massacred by those demons. And most of them were my friends. My team captain, Jack, told me to reach for the ship and rest for some months, but I refused. I was ready to die with him. But he push me inside one of the escape pods and locked me in, while he was out there, unloading bullets on the monsters, then, out of nowhere, an imp bit his shoulder, couldn't fight it off, and died a terrible death.

The reason why I came back was to avenge my team so they can rest in peace. I was hesitating at first because of what happened to Sam when he went there alone. He was alive and well, but it turned out to be brutal for him. When he went there, it turned out that all of them were male. At first, I told him why are you telling me if they all male. How do they reproduce without females if there are a lot of males? He told me that there's a chance that they could be gay. I didn't believe him that time.

I continued my search for shelter, room by room a demon or a group of them came after me. All had to do was to conserve my ammo and use mostly my combat knife. It worked but some of them escaped.

"Pussies!" I gloated.

"You're gonna be our pussy later, human." One of them said. They were Imps. They usually have brown fur all over with red eyes and nipple rings on them. They shoot red fireballs but hard to kill since they're quick in a way. So when they left, I went following them, until I stopped in an empty room. I was getting tired of this. Where the fuck is they, I thought. I started to check on the walls just to look for a secret passage. I started to feel hopeless. I dropped myself in the middle of the room. I was getting desperate. I need to find them, I thought. Suddenly, the floor stared to move, like an elevator. "Have I reached to the next area? I said out loud.

"Yes. And it's hell!" A voice boomed out outta nowhere. It sounded like it came from behind. I looked behind me. Then I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a Hell Knight. Sam told me about these creatures before. Sam told me that they will take almost all of your ammo to kill, they shoot green fireballs from their hands, and they are strong. I was scared shit! I wouldn't think that these would be here. I ready my weapons and started to fire. I used my pistol. The bullets wouldn't go though him. Then it was the shotgun's turn. He used his fireball to dissipate the shell pellets. Then I used the Plasma gun. He fired another fireball just to stop it, and then fired another one at my gun. It melted, and then I dropped it. Next was the Chain gun but this time I'm gonna use all the ammo. He made a barrier around him to protect himself, but I didn't care. I just want this beast dead. So I used all the ammo from the chain gun and it still didn't disappear. Shit. He has a lot of ways to stop my attacks. My BFG wouldn't work since all of my ammo was in the plasma gun. So all I have is my fist. I didn't want to fight him with my fist and kicks because if I even did, it looks like he could kill me in one blow.

We was standing for a long time, expecting one of us to make a move. Suddenly, he had spoken.

"I could tell by you shaking that you are scared, human. I don't want to fight either since I'm in a bad mood for the moment." I was shocked that he could talk, especially in English. He talked again.

"Why don't we just sit down and talk? I think you would make a great friend." I was puzzled. Why would a race of monsters that supposedly hates humans would want to make friends with me?

"Look dude, I like the offer, but I got shit to do that doesn't concern you. Later."

"Don't you have any time to spare? Besides, this is my first time seeing a human close up and talking to me." I again was puzzled. Then I started to think. The demon started to scare the shit outta me with that elevator, then the voice, then the whole battle, then with the English. What in hell is going on here? Then something pop up on my head. For the whole time, he didn't try to attack me. But what if it was a trick? I decided to take my chances.

"Ok, I'll stay for a bit." On our way I saw Imps, those Hell Knights and other types that I don't know; some with disgust, some with gossip, and others with something else on there minds. We went to a hut looking place, which looked big. We sat down and started talking. We were having a friendly conversation. Minutes after, he served me some meat and somewhat unknown drink.

"It's not poisonous if that's what you're thinking, he said with a grin. I was getting cautious at first, but I drank it anyway. It had a good taste to it, with a touch of blood in the mix. I kept drinking until I was done with the whole glass. This refreshed my energy and I was feeling strong again. I started to eat the piece of meat he gave me. It made me full to the soul.

"Thank you" I said. "You can really cook."

"My pleasure, human. Please tell me more about yourself."

And that I did. We were talking for like it felt like 2 hours. I didn't really pay attention to the mission through those hours. After I was done, another thing popped up my head.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"For what?" The being asked me, sounding puzzled.

"We didn't introduce our selves!"

"Oh yeah, that's right. We've been talking the whole time; I guess we forgot our manners."

We both laugh at the fact that we have forgotten our manners. I thought about the demon. He's a nice one once you get to know him.

"Ok. My name is Terry Rider.

"I'm Larik. Please to meet you, Terry."

"Now if you excuse me, I gotta go do my business out therrrr!" I almost trip on the floor. Maybe it was the fact I was getting tired.

"Terry, are you alright?" Larik asked.

"Yeah, I'm good, just a little dizzy."

"You gotta stay here and rest, and it's almost late to leave, especially in this condition."

"No need to be worried. I'm just as good as a..."

Then blackness started to overcome me. I couldn't stand straight, couldn't see straight, and I was saying some words that sounded scrambled. After a few minutes, I drift into sleep.

Day I: Evening

I woke up on a bed. I examined myself for a minute. Hmm, shirt off, a wet cloth on my forehead, and equipment is somewhere in Larik's Lair.

I guess he is someone to trust, I thought. My doubts were wrong. He didn't attack me; he was just trying to defend himself. I started it because I was scared of what I saw on the outside. What's in the inside is a kind, sweet demon who just helped me recover. I got a lot of things I gotta apologize to him about, but I hope he understands. I try to stand up and try to look for him. I heard some noise in the next room. It sounds like...crying! So I rushed to the next room just to see Larik on the table, head on the table, sobbing.

I walked up to him and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It was my fault that you fainted. It was my fault that you're injured. It's my fault that you're even in this condition."

I was surprised by his words. Really, it was my fault that this happened. And it was my fault that I was in this condition. I don't know why he's blaming all this on himself. I tried to calm him down, but he didn't listen. All he did was point at a room, and then when I looked in, there was my equipment, with full ammo for my weapons, and a chainsaw.

I looked at him and said, "What does this means?"

Larik stopped crying, just sniffling. "It means that you are leaving first thing in the morning."

I was shocked by his response. We were getting along so good, now he says that he wants me to leave. I know that he didn't ask me to stay, but I was hoping that since he was interested in humans like me, I thought that he would let me stay. I was going to tell him something but I started to hesitate. Was I really in love with him, I asked myself.

"Larik, please don't do this to me. I don't want to leave."

"Terry, I already know who you are. You're with the marines. I could tell by the insignia on your uniform." Larik told me. He found out who I am. I feel like I betrayed him. It was really my fault that I didn't tell him. I don't know what to say...

Larik was calming down. I couldn't tell by his face if he was mad, sad or worse, betrayed. I went up to him. I was right about myself. I was in love with him; it's just that I couldn't find a way on how to tell him. I guess its time for desperate measures. I put my face up with his own. Slowly, I went up to him and gave him a passionate French kiss. He was surprised and I could tell, but he stood with it. It was a very long one too.

Finally, Larik broke the kiss and said, "What were we doing? In a sense, it felt weird, but also...good."

I turned my face away, but he turned it back facing his direction. "I don't know how to say this, but...I...I..."

"Just say it."

"Ok. I love you, Larik."

He looked shocked of what I said. To think that a human would say that to a demon and while both were males too? We just stood there for a very long time. Then finally, Larik had begun to speak.

"I don't know what to say. I don't know if we should be doing this. I mean, aren't you even married, Terry?"

"If I was married, would I not do this to you?" I started to caress his chest. I could here him breathing heavily. I started to lick his nipples. He was moaning loud. I started to think that he was a virgin. I could tell by the way he was enjoying it. I continued the rhythm until he told me to stop.

"What happened, Larik?"

"Terry, tell me something, if we keep doing this, would this affect our relationship?

"We could be friends outside the area, but we could do whatever we want inside."

"But wouldn't your kin kill you because you have a human for a lover?"

"Yeah they would, but they wouldn't say anything if I have you as some sort of slave."

I nodded. "Well...at least they wouldn't be able to find out...but I still wonder. Forget it, Larik. Let's continue."

"Well, in that case, get down."

And that I did. Down there I saw his erect cock between his furry legs. I put my mouth in it. I started to suck on it. Larik was moaning again, appreciating at the fact that I really loved him. I was really excited that I could interact with a demon like this. It felt like 30 minutes before I could feel his dick pulsing. I also knew that it was that he would climax by the loud moaning he's making. I stopped doing I was doing, letting his steams of cum shooting in my mouth, swallowing it willingly. I let some of the salty taste stay in my mouth. We kissed again, letting him taste some of his cum.

"Hmm, I never knew that I tasted that good." He joked.

I was laughing at the joke. He hushed me and gave me another long kiss. Then he broke the kiss. He came up to me and started to rub my chest and nipples. I was moaning by his rubbing; his touch was warm and his claws made me moan even louder, but gentle.

"I want more, Terry. I want more then just fondling on my chest and licking my nipples. I want more than just sucking my dick and making me cum, and kissing while tasting my insides. I wanna take you, Terry, until my pleasure last for this night. Will you let me take you?"

He sounded that he was ready for this. I started to get tired but I still have enough energy to get fucked. I went up to him, giving a slight rub on his chest.

"Larik, I've been waiting for this since I met you. When I seen you, I thought, you had to be the one to take me. I also thought that you were a sexy demon, but I never have thought that you would take interest in me. I was very shy early this morning, and early this evening, but now I feel like I could tell you anything I want to tell you. What I'm trying to say is...that I'm supposed to exterminate your kin and other demons."

"I already knew that, Terry. No need to feel ashamed."

"You already knew that?! How?"

"Don't try to act like you don't know. Do you remember early this morning?"


"Remember that the time we met at the secret entrance; you were shooting at me and I nullified your attacks. After a one-sided battle, we went to my place. I figured that other demons such as me and others would look at us, but I didn't care. After our conversation, I drugged your drink and used the meat as a strengthener. I wanted to find out myself if you were those human marine that always come in our labyrinths trying to hunt us down. When I looked at your badge on your uniform, I felt like you couldn't trust me. That's why I started to cry."

I saw some tears coming from his eyes. He continued.

"I thought that you couldn't trust me at all. I thought that you would change unlike those other marines until this very evening. You came clean during that time but I don't know if I should still trust you."

I felt really heartbroken after the statement he told me. I felt tears coming through my eyes as well. I didn't know that he was this sad. I got up, regretting that all of this ever happened. I went to the room where it had my equipment and clothes. I put them on but I left the weapons on the holster, and then went towards the door. He rushed towards me and asked me, "Where are you going, Terry?"

A lot of tears were running through our eyes. Before I left the hut, I said my final words. "If you still can't trust me after all thru those hours, then there is no reason I should stay."

Suddenly, he came up to me and gave me a huge hug.

"Please don't go. I don't want you to go."

"You said you don't know if you still trust me, so what's the point?"

"Before you leave, I need to tell you something"

"And that is?

"I...I...I love you and I want you to stay!"

I widen my eyes and was crying for what he had just said. I didn't realize that he had feelings for me. I thought that our one night stand were just gonna be for lust. I've never knew that he wanted to mate for love. Oh, what a dumbass I had been. I looked at him, tears on both on our eyes.

"Larik...you're serious? You really w-want me to stay with...you, even after t-t-that confrontation by the elevator?" I said, rubbing the creature's chest while I was facing the floor.

Larik smiled and pulls my face up, looking at him. "Terry...if I've ever asked you to live with me, doesn't that give you a hint that I don't care about what has happened this morning?"

I smiled and hugged him. Larik hugs me back. We stood there hugging for 7 minutes. After we were done, I gave a grin and said, "So...wanna do this?" The demon gave me a lick and grinned as well. "Okay, Terry. Don't worry, I'll be gentle." He gives a wink.

I nodded and rubs his muscled chest a little, going across his nipples and twisting them. I used my other hand to caress his arms. With that hand, I tried to get to his height to kiss him. He grinned and took the kiss, making soft moans. I pulled out my tongue and lapped it all over in his mouth. He moans a little louder and he did the same with his tongue, making me moan as well.

Larik went a little further and used his left hand to take off my clothes and used his other hand to zip off my pants, unbutton it and pulls it down. He also takes off my boxers, exposing my semi-hard 9 inch cock. He breaks the kiss, looks down at my flesh and grins. He goes down to his knees to take a better look, taking a good whiff of my musk, and suddenly uses his hand to stroke my flesh. I shuddered and made small moans from the demon's grip, expertly stroking my length. Suddenly, I felt something wet and warm. I moaned and looked down a little and saw that the Hell Knight was giving me a blowjob. As soon as I felt that wetness, my cock grew erect in his mouth. I gritted my teeth and petted his head gently, showing him that I appreciated the blowjob and wanted more.

To be truthful, I've never did it with anyone since I've hit puberty. Ever since I've hit 12, I've turned down a lot of sessions because I've said I wanted to save my virginity for someone else, and all of those one night stands were all in for lust. I couldn't stand sluts and whores those times. I couldn't stand it. Plus, I've felt as if I wanted to do someone other than my kind. That was one of the reasons why I joined in with the marines, even at a young age of 16. Now that I'm 18, in my first mission to exterminate the demon king, I feel as if I had a change of heart for these beings.

He continued the blowjob and I continued moaning. I felt his warm hand on my ball sack, rolling my testicles as if they were dice. He wanted me to cum early and I knew that. I was halfway close to hitting my peak, and decided to thrust my hips into his maw, trying to fulfill his wishes. Larik picks up the pace with the blowjob, wanting to taste my load. I've never had this pleasure in my life before. I feel so wanting, so useful. I felt as if I was really compatible with the hell knight. I, Terry Rider, now know how it feels like to be loved by another species.

Suddenly, my erect flesh begins to throb. I thrust even faster than before and the hell knight picks up the pace on his blowjob. As soon as I reached to my peak, I yelled out as I ejected my seed, shooting my load into his mouth. Larik stopped, my flesh still engulfed in his maw, drinking my human seed hungrily. I keep thrusting my hips until I was spent of my seed, tired and I laid down on the bed, panting heavily.

When I recovered few minutes later, I got up a little and widen my eyes as I saw the erect flesh of the hell knight Larik. I went closer to take a closer look. 12 inches in front of his face, bobbing in front of me, I was practically drooling when I was mesmerized by the size and beauty. The smell of the musk made my mouth water. I looked up to the hell knight with a slight smile.

"You...y-you really want m-me to..." I said, too nervous to say the rest.

"Yes...you do deserve the return of the favor...there will be...a slight change, however." He gives me a wink.

I gave a puzzled look and shrugs. "Just keep it a surprise. I don't mind." I returned the wink. I looked at the huge cock, in front of my face. I stuck out my tongue and gave the cock a little lick. I recoiled myself as I tasted the other's cock. It had a musky, salty taste, but I didn't care. I went back to licking his flesh, giving him the cock worship he wanted. Larik moans and arches his back, laying down on the bed and rubbing my head. I cupped his balls and roll them like dice, the same thing he did to me when I came. I reached my hand to his chest and twisted his nipples and flick them. He would moan in return, spraying some pre from his cock and I would drink it gracefully.

After 10 minutes of the blowjob, he told me, "That is enough. Now I have to give you the surprise." He gave me another wink. I stopped giving him the blowjob. Have he sensed that I was a virgin and never went further before, I thought. Then again, maybe he's just tired. I waited to hear his instructions to do the "surprise".

Larik grins and said, "Turn around and show me yer ass."

I widen my eyes as I've heard the demon give me the instruction. I panted heavily and nodded, was quite nervous about this part. I turned around obediently and showed him my tight pucker. He ran his claw though it, making circles around it and then push his claw in me. I gasped loud, and then it turned into a moan. I was so submissive to his wishes, his commands, I was his attention, and he liked it. Then I felt something warm and wet that made me make a loud moan. I didn't bother to look since I knew he was rimming me. Larik was swirling his tongue around my anal ring, making me mix my moans with my sudden gasps.

He stopped rimming me after five minutes to start licking me on my ball sac. Sometimes, he would go in between my sac and anal area, which would make me moan a lot. He then slips his claw in my hole to finger me. He was loosing me up for his big flesh and I moaned in return. I didn't know that it would feel good to be with a demon, especially in a time like this. I've never thought it would feel good to have sex with one, even with one as gentle as him. I wish there was more like him.

After he was done fingering me, I was thinking about how painful how this would be, making me tense my body up by a lot. He came over to my face and kisses me deeply, then breaks the kiss. "This was the first time you did this, huh Terry?" he said. I was kind of shocked to hear that he knew that I'm a virgin, but I had to come clean. "Yeah, you are really my first to gone this far, and I got no regrets!"

He kissed me again, this time with a tongue kiss, lapping his long tongue around my own, as if we we're tongue wrestling. He breaks the kiss and says, "If you feel a lot of pain that you cannot bear during the penetration, please tell me. I don't want anything bad to happen to you." He said. I nodded in response to his statement and return the kiss to him. "Don't worry, Larik. I will." Larik nodded and goes behind me, gripping my hips. I took deep breathes, trying to relax as I know that this is my first time. I tried to take off the thought of losing my virginity. Larik chuckles and makes low growls, sounding like mating growls. Then he would slap my cheeks, making me jump a little and make yelps. After he's done slapping my rump, he flicks the tip of his cock to my anal ring, and I would moan in return.

Few seconds after, Larik slowly pushed his flesh inside me. I mixed my moans with my yells, getting louder and louder as more inches have went in me. He makes small thrusts for to accommodate to his size. I moaned and moaned though each of his thrusts, gritting my teeth, wincing from the pain and shedding small tears. I've felt the burning passion inside me...the feeling of losing my virginity...the feeling of love and lust. It felt painful too...but I could manage.

After I was able to adjust to the other's size, I told Larik, "I'm ready to take you in a faster pace, love." Larik nods and picks up the pace on his thrusts, making small growls and moans. I decided to match his thrusts with my own, and then I would moan with each matching thrust. In return, the hell knight grabs my cock and strokes it, turning my moans into small pants. After 5 minutes, I've sprayed some pre from my piss slit, coating the other's hand with my pre, making him stroke my cock faster due to the slickness. He then thrusts faster and faster, stretching my hole wider and adding some sharp pain around my anal ring.

Larik continues to fuck me as I would continue to assist him with his mounting. Few minutes after, we would switch positions. The hell knight would sit down on the bed, while I would sit down on his cock and ride it, my moans coming from my vocal cords. My cock would rub onto the other's muscled chest, my body washed in ecstasy. I reached my left hand over to Larik's sac and massages it, rolling his orbs like dice. He moans, then fucks in a faster pace. I've noticed that he's wanting to cum, and I've almost reached to my peak as well.

Suddenly, I feel his flesh throbbing inside me, so I matched his thrusts with my own faster, wanting to feel how does seed feels inside me. In addition, I rubbed my cock onto the other's chest, feeling the need of release. I heard Larik roaring, ejecting his seed in me, some going through my intestines and to my stomach. I would wince some and moan as I blew my load as well onto the creature's chest. As I did to Larik's mouth, he continues to thrust until he was spent as well. He lies down on his back and I lay on his stomach, his meat still in my ass, leaking of demon spunk. The both of us pants heavily from the intercourse. I go up to his face and kiss him passionately, pull out my tongue and laps it all over in his mouth. He would join in and would make it a tongue wrestling game, except that we didn't have enough energy to go on any longer.

"So...how was your first time, Terry? Larik said after catching his breath.

"Well...painful...I'm exhausted...dammit all...felt good when I gotten used to...it..." I said in between pants.

Larik nuzzles me and licks my face. "See...told you I would be gentle."

I nodded, but then I begin to drift into sleep, didn't have the energy to talk anymore. The last thing I remembered was Larik smiling at me, and then I would hear him purring, sounding as if he was sleeping as well. I wonder what will happen tomorrow...

To Be Continued.

Author's note PT2: Whew! Finally, I'm done with my first story. Put me through a lot of hell to put this baby up. I'm kinda tired, so I'm thinking a few hours nap would do. Hope you enjoyed it! ^_^

Doom is copyrighted by id software

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