Dragon Boosted

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#7 of Nicobay Commissions

Beau stretched out on his bedding with a groan, muscles aching from a long day of racing. ...

Beau stretched out on his bedding with a groan, muscles aching from a long day of racing. At least they hadn't had to fight anything that night, which was actually a relief. A deep purr rumbled out of his throat as he let his eyes drift closed. The lights clicked off in the stable and the door slid shut, leaving him mostly alone. A few other dragons shifted around in their stalls, but those were all known sounds. All muffled by the thicker walls surrounding his area. They were soothing, lulling him to sleep. Rolling his head to the side, the red and blue drake let out a low yawn. He could feel himself quickly slipping away into the clutches of sleep. His lips curled up in a grin as he thought about Decepshun. The bad girls seemed to know how to play the best. They'd had a couple trysts before, usually after one encounter or another, she seemed to like it rough.

Half-rolling onto his side, the dragon made room for his erecting manhood as the dreams became more and more vigorous. Memories flashed through his brain as he slipped towards slumber. Those lips of hers wrapping around his pole, both sets of them. The roars, screams, grunts, and snarls filled his mind. What he remembered began to mix with fantasies, the black dragoness's form shifting to several other dragons he knew. The half-asleep drake pawed at the ground and uttered a soft groan as he pushed his hips forward slowly, length sliding across his bedding.

The sound of the stable's doors rolling open entered his sleepy brain, jarring his dreams. The dragon grumbled and rolled over onto his other side, trying to regain his dreams. Probably just one of the humans, forgetting something in the stables again. He let out a snort when the doors slid shut again and closed with a click. Beau would have drifted back to his erotic visions, if an odd scent hadn't drifted across his nose. That jerked him awake, the dragon lurching to his feet. Eyes locked onto the stall door as a growl rumbled up from his throat. He could hear four feet shuffling through the dark stables. Didn't sound like another dragon, possibly someone on his hands and knees.

Lips pulled back to reveal dangerous teeth as a hissing note joined the growl. The footsteps inched closer before it was near his stall door. Beau arched his back up, claws digging into the ground as he prepared for what might possibly be a fight. His growl ended with a confused note as a leaf popped up over the stall door and wiggled around. Tilting his head, the male voiced a confused noise as the handle that closed his stall door rattled. He stood his ground as his tail lashed behind him, narrowing his eyes. Head tilted as the door opened and this strange creature stepped through, looking at the wary drake and making a shushing noise.

Nicobay wasn't sure how he kept finding himself in places like this, but he wasn't one to complain. Wasn't too hard to figure out where he was, then to sneak into the stables. The only hard thing was finding the right stall, but the growl helped him out. Using his vines, he opened up the door and was nearly face-to-face with the dragon. Lifting a vine to his lips, he shushed gently and stepped inside of the stall, shutting the door behind him. Shuffling closer, he uttered softly, "Shhh, it's okay. Here to play, nothing more." Beau tilted his head to the side with another confused noise. He understood what the strange creature was, but he had no clue what it meant.

He relaxed a little when the creature moved in and nuzzled into the dragon's neck. Beau offered a soft purr, but rolled his eye to keep his gaze on the thing as it moved in. Nicobay purred and nuzzled the dragon's neck gently, extending his vines to rub over the drake's neck slowly. The other male sniffed at the vine before licking at one, drawing a giggle from the bayleef. It didn't seem to be dangerous or anything, just rather affectionate. Those strange vines were gentle too, rubbing against his neck and sides lightly. A soft purr came from him, which turned into a grunt as one of the vines ventured between his legs to grope at his pole. The dragon let out a louder grunt followed by a purr as the vine coiled around his shaft, stroking it slowly. Beau was still partially worked up from his dream and those tendrils did a great job of bringing him back to full mast.

Nicobay used his vines to feel over the hard pole before looking up at the dragon. Beau moaned at the strange creature and rolled over onto his side, lifting a leg to expose his length. The Pokemon eagerly dove in for his length, using his vines to pull the pointed tip to his pursed lips. A groan came from the dragon as those tight, wet lips rubbed over his tip for a moment. Soft lips stretched out over his cock, taking him into warm mouth as a velvety tongue slid over his hard pole. The dragon purred as he rolled over onto his back, giving his new friend more access.

The bayleef shifted to half-lay on top of the dragon as he ran his tongue over the cock. Beau had a very strong flavor and scent, the dragon's musk filling his senses. Using his hand, he angled it upwards as his mouth played with the cock, tongue dancing over it. He looked down at the length, examining it with sight as well. For what was suppose to be the strongest, most perfect dragon in the world, this male wasn't that big. Nicobay was actually able to easily take him down to the root of his length, tongue dancing across it. He had some nice girth, and those V-shaped ridges looked like they could be great fun when the fucking started.

Turning his head to the side, he pushed his head down, lips pressing against the male's slit. Beau's tip easily pushed into his throat, muscles squeezing around it as he swallowed. Drawing his head away, Nico licked over the cock, tongue gliding across the flesh. The male under him groaned in desire, body arching up towards the tongue, wanting some more. A devious giggle came from the Pokemon as he stepped away, one of his vines giving the length one last rub.

Beau lay on his back for a moment longer, turning his head to look over at the creature with a purring growl. The odd creature had lowered its front down and hiked it's tail. The creature wiggled it's rear and cooed at him, showing off it's pucker and erecting length. While he might not know exactly what his odd little visitor was, some things just didn't need translation.

Rolling over onto all fours, he immediately sauntered over towards the waiting Pokemon The dragon easily stepped over Nicobay, feeling that soft hide rubbing against his belly. A churr came from the male under him as he felt a vine wrap around his cock, moving to guide him towards the waiting rear. Beau growled at the assistance and shoved forward, angling his body just right. A smirk curled across his maw as the male squealed in joyous pleasure, his ass getting stretched open by the sudden plunge. Tilting his head back, the dragon purred smugly as he drew his hips back, giving the Pokemon another firm thrust. Scaled hide slapped against soft flesh, making the other male squeak as his feet scraped the ground.

The dragon stood easily over the smaller male as he began to thrust. His powerful legs easily drove him hard against the smaller male, each thrust drawing a soft grunt and a moan from the bayleef. The male's rear clenched around him, squeezing each time he buried his length inside of the waiting body. It was soft, the insides cool, like the inside of those melons he liked to eat as snacks on a hot day. Leaning his head back, he purred as his body smacked against the male's with each thrust.

Nicobay moaned out loud, vines pulling back as the dragon began to ride him nice and hard. Those ridges on his length rippled as they slid into his body, making him shudder and gasp. His prostate, which was swollen with arousal, was being tortured so nicely as those rubbed and pushed against his inner walls. His length was already hanging below his body, throbbing with his lusty need. Pawing at the ground, Nicobay moaned happily and leaned up to nuzzle into the larger creature's chest. Beau purred at him and arched his back proudly at the wordless, wanton praise that he was receiving. His ass was starting to develop a pleasing burn as the dragon rutted him without mercy.

Craning his head around, the blue and red dragon licked over the bayleef's neck. Nicobay moaned, leaning his head over to lick back at Beau's tongue. Long, serpentine tongue played with thick, velvety tongue. Pressing forward, the pair kissed each other, the drake's tongue exploring the deepest depths of the Pokemon's mouth. The dragon purred at the taste of the bayleef's fruity saliva, lapping up what he could as his tongue fought with the other. The thicker tongue pushed against his, trying to muscle it out of the way. His own coiled around it like a constrictor, squeezing and wrestling with it.

Beau broke the kiss, lifting his head and moaning as his thrusts shortened. Stepping his feet apart, he moved in closer, forcing the creature to lift his rear higher. Dropping his heavier frame down against the prone male, he began really slam. His internal balls churned with lust, their liquid heat bubbling and building. Soon his magma would burst forth from his volcano and erupt into the willing creature beneath him. Normally, he would withdraw at this point, finish on the rear of the creature, or fill their mouth with his lava-seed. That was another dragon through, since this thing wasn't a dragon, and was male, it was safe to blow inside of it's ass. Probably safe anyway, there had been a few instances of a gold making another male gravid.

Lips curled back into a grin as he hissed out a laugh, picturing that in his head. He pressed almost flush with the other male, rolling his hips in quick circular thrusts. Nicobay moaned under the dragon as he was jerked and pulled around on that length. He groaned as the dragon shoved against him hard, feeling those ridges flare inside of his ass and hook against his insides. They throbbed lightly as the dragon's hot, thick cum flooded his ass. The bayleef moaned out with a mixture of joy and sorrow. Joy at being filled, and sorrow because for something that was suppose to be legendary, Beau had been far from his best rut.

Beau purred over the bayleef and looked down at the creature, seeing that spark of disappointment in the male's eye. Turning his head, he winked down at the creature and grinned, uttering a deeper purr. The dragon threw his head back and uttered a low growl as his body stretched out. Light flashed along his body as the noise deepened, vibrating through the drake and into the Pokemon The dragon stomped his feet, the noise thundering inside of the stall as his colors shifted and his body grew. Muscles rippled across his form as his true colors were revealed. Nicobay's eyes shot wide as he gasped, feeling the cock that was still buried in his ass suddenly grow far larger, stretching him wide open.

Before the transformation was complete, the dragon was already trying to thrust, his thick cock dragging at the male under him. Nico squeaked as it's far more pronounced ridges, and the general thickness of it, actually pulled him backwards. The golden dragon snarled as it tried to fuck the creature, feeling it sliding around under him. The bayleef pawed at the ground, trying to gain some form of traction under the fully revealed power of this beast. Not that the dragon was helping him much, since the male continued to plow his raised rear even despite the fact that he was barely budging at all.

Throwing his vines out, Nicobay wrapped them around the dragon's forelimbs and shoulders, pulling himself forward. Both males shared a groan as the dragon's massive post finally pulled out of his rear. Beau huffed and powered forward, prompting the bayleef to wrap his vines around the dragon tighter. The more powerful, unleashed form of the gold dragon was everything he'd been hoping it to be and more. It had been forever and a day since something had stretched him this wide. Given a chance, he could probably remember what it had been. Right now, he couldn't care less. Not with a masterwork slab of man-meat tucked under his tail and fucking him like there was no tomorrow.

It took surprisingly little time for the Pokemon to let out a squeal, body jerking under the dragon. His ass clenched around the invading sausage, as if trying to snap it in half. Beau took the clenching as a challenge, fucking the tightening hole ever harder now. Nicobay almost screeched as he popped. The constant rutting made him blow his load hard, seed splashing across his belly and the ground. The dragon shoved into him, grinding hard as he snarled. Nicobay groaned, eyes rolling back in his head as he felt some of his seed splash against his chin and throat.

The fruity scent of the creature's cum filled the dragon's nose, making him purr and tilt his head back smugly. His thick cock continued to plow the rear, only aided by the scant amount of spittle that remained on his length and the cum he'd pumped into the male earlier. He growled and chuffed, pounding against the male. Leaning back, he moved a hand over to the creature's back, pinning Nicobay to the ground. Curling his body around a little, he fucked the male harder with quick, shallow motions. If he hadn't blown his wad a few moments before, he could have probably lasted well into the night. As it stood, there wasn't too much longer before he uttered a deep roar of his own. In his true form, his spunk was even hotter, even thicker. The Pokemon's belly bulged out slightly under the flood of seed he was putting into the creature.

Both creatures offered a purr and a groan as they slowly separated. Nicobay tried to stand up, but fell over after a couple steps, panting happily. Beau returned to his normal form, purring smugly as he shook out his body. Venturing over to a water feeder, he took a long drink, feeling the cool water rushing down his throat. Angling his head, he froze as he heard the sound of someone approaching.

Artha turned on the light as he walked into the stables, peeking into the stalls. He paused at Beau's and looked inside, seeing his dragon stretched out awkwardly, snoring away. He shook his head and chuckled softly before heading back out. All he'd heard was his friend having a dream, nothing more. Clicking the light back off, he headed back to his home to finish his night's sleep.