True to Yourself Ch. 2

Story by Arghos on SoFurry

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#2 of True to Yourself

This chapter was easier to write, thank god I acted for a few years. so no sex scenes really here, but more steamy stuff ahead. Who is this mysterious Sergal? will Thren get to find a mate? will I stop asking dumb questions? Find out in Chapters 2 and 3!


True to Yourself Ch. 2

After Zaraks display from the previous day, I was more than eager to leave the apartment as soon as possible, regardless of how early I would be for class. I crept from the bathroom after showering and saw Zarak passed out on the couch. I tip-toed past and almost made it to the door when I noticed his menacing shadow hovering above me. "We need to talk." I grumbled and followed him back to the couch, and he reclined on it as I sat on the recliner. "Is this about yesterday? I'm sorry about that." I pleaded, fearing for my frail body. "You an actor?" He simply asked. I was confused over the nature of the question until he pulled the poster I had picked up from the Sergal female the previous day. "EUA presents Romeo and Juliet, tryouts are today." He said with a raised eyebrow. "Oh that? Its nothing..." The look in his eyes told me he wasn't buying it. "Fine. I ran into a girl yesterday and thought it looked fun." I said over his raised eyebrow. "The play, not the Sergal..." I stopped and rubbed my brows while he chuckled lightly. He shook his head and went to the kitchen , grabbing a cup of coffee as he muttered to himself. He came back and promptly sat on the couch while handing me a cup. "Then we really need to talk." He stated with a laugh. "Sergal biology is much, much different than a humans. I mean, sex is possible, but if you plan on..." I interrupted him and waved my hands in the air. "What makes you think I want to have sex with her?" He smirked and pulled out my sketchpad from my book bag and flipped to the new sketch of the face I had seen. I lowered my head and nodded for him to continue. "As I was saying. Sergals are primal, ferocious, and so good at giving good head." I cringed at the last comment. "The only thing you're going to have to worry about is the biting. Its something that cant be controlled, and Sergals have thicker skin than humans. If you manage to miraculously get it on with... what's her name?" I shrugged and pretended this conversation was normal. "Anyway, if you two hit it off, you just need to beware of the bite. It could kill you if she gets worked up enough." He looked at me and sighed, knowing that I had heard enough. "You better get to the tryouts then. Says on the poster they start in an hour." He said reassuringly. I gave him a pound and headed out, snagging my sketchpad and the poster from him while he was occupied. No doubt he would have been studying the drawing to see if he could get her himself. It wasn't everyday I found any woman attractive, during my stay at the orphanage, there weren't enough human girls to see if relationship was even possible. And now, 24 years later, I still live with my close friend and walk home to see him passed out with one or three women at once! I cleared my mind and continued to walk to the campus auditorium, with a small sliver of hope that I would meet the woman again. The leaves were changing to a shade of red and orange, fall quickly approaching. I came to the doors of the auditorium and heard the excited talking, and taking a deep breath, I opened the door and stepped inside.

~+Back at the apartment+~

Zarak stared at the copy he had made of the drawing and smoked a cigarette while trying to remember where he had seen the Sergal woman before. "White hair, feathers behind the ears... well, definitely didn't sleep with this one." He said with a shrug as he crumpled the paper and tossed it into the trash, smiling ear to ear as the doorbell rang. He pulled his pants off and grabbed his hard member with one hand as he unlocked the door with the other. "Glad you came. I was just about to rub one out."

~+EUA Auditorium+~

I walked past the snobbish actors and the jittery production crew, looking for a person that might be the director. I nearly fell backwards as a Sergal, nearly twice the size of a normal one, towered above me and clapped his hands together. "All try-out actors assemble here please!" He yelled, his voice ringing across the walls. He wore long black pants, and a white button-up shirt that was only buttoned half-way. For a Sergal he was slender, and his long black hair was tied in a knot, much like myself. His piercing yellow eyes fell on me, a grin spreading across his face. "You, you must be trying out for the part of Mercutio! You have the face of a peacemaker." He announced loudly. I cleared my throat and craned my head back you see the director, and nodded my head in response. "Any part you find suiting." My eyes wandered as I saw the red Sergal woman come up from behind the director, her eyes surveying me in curiosity. "Mercutio?" She asked, walking a circle around me while one hand was on her lower jaw. "He is strong, slender, and a full head of hair... Perhaps Mercutio is not the best roll father." I began to feel a warmth in my gut and looked back at the director. He stroked his chin thoughtfully and looked back to his daughter. "Me thinks you doth protest too much my daughter. Have you met said male before?" He asked over an arched eyebrow. She nodded and averted my gaze. "We... bumped into each other yesterday. He was kind enough to help me pick up my things." The director nodded his head slowly and bent down to shake my hand. "My name is Lorenzo, I see you met my daughter, Ketheren." Wow. What an interesting name. I shook his hand while the actors lined up to deliver their parts, and I noticed that Ketheren was standing in line to try for the part of Juliet. I stood in the back of the line for Romeo, hoping to make a striking first impression. But I never acted in my life. The line progressed as I studied my script intently, watching as a few delivered their lines very well, while others sweated pools and ran off-stage. Finally after what seemed an eternity, it was just Ketheren and I, with one other candidate for Romeo on the sides. He had delivered his lines flawlessly, and looked the part to boot. I placed my script on the floor and looked at Ketheren, suddenly wishing I hadn't. In the light, I had time to see her in her entirety, and for the first time in years, I had no words to say. Her long crimson hair had a white streak at the end of every thread, and in the light it shone. Her face was far more angled than a normal Sergal, much like a reptiles jaw, my eyes were drawn to the diamond white patch of fur directly under her eyes, and the eyes froze my very soul. The eyes were not green like I had previously thought, but a stunning shade of aquamarine. Her tail swished in anticipation, and I suddenly realized I was to deliver the opening line. I took a deep breath and focused on her, after all, wasn't Romeo infatuated with Juliet? "But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou her maid art far more fair than she: Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green And none but fools do wear it; cast it off. It is my lady, O, it is my love!" I broke off the rest, since the director waved a hand to signal me to stop. I wondered if I did bad, the thought drowning out Ketherens words. She stopped and the room silenced, all eyes watching the director as he surveyed his notes. Suddenly he stood and put on a pair of circular glasses, looking first at me, and then to the other actor. "It seems I am at a draw. Each of you delivered the part well. Alex, you were very forthcoming about the way you spoke to Juliet, and Thren, you added a sense of emotion that I myself could not deliver. This is a difficult choice indeed." He said as he placed his head into his free hand. "Drama queen." I heard Ketheren mutter. He snapped his head and glared at her, smiling softly as he pointed to me. "would you take the part of Romeo if Alex casts down his role?" I nodded my head, I was a double. Oh joy. "Then let us proceed with rehearsal." The following hours were spent learning my lines and places, in case Alex could not perform, I had thought of breaking his knees. We went through the play sparingly, just skimming along the surface of the play until we got to the final scene. The lead actor laid on the ground as Juliet hovered above him, grieved over the loss of her love. I had to say, Ketheren was one hell of an actress. I saw she was about to kiss him until I noticed she was opening her jaws and about to close around his neck when he pushed her away and stood up. "What the hell!? She was going to bite me!" He yelled as the director slumped to the side with an un-amused expression. "Well the Capulet's are Sergals." Alex shook his head in disbelief. "so?" Lorenzo shook his head and walked up the stage, trying not to yell at the idiotic actor. "Sergals do not kiss. We bite for the same purpose, and getting the poison from your neck would be much more believable than sucking it from your lips." Alex backed away and brushed off the explanation. "Fuck that! I am not going to get bitten." And with that he left the auditorium, leaving the director and other actors appalled. "Well. I think that's a good start, Thren, will you be Romeo from here on out?' I had to contain the urge to yell triumphantly. "Yes sir, it would be an honor." He nodded his head, following the actors as they left the building. I picked up my bag and began to leave, noticing Ketheren as she lingered at the entrance. She walked with me in silence until she stopped and brushed her hair from her face. "I think you make a better Romeo." I smiled and scratched the back of my head in a nervous response. "Thanks. Was it your fathers idea to make the Montague's human and the Capulet's Sergals?" She nodded and shrugged at the same time. "He thought it would bring in more people. A forbidden love between Sergal and Human he said." "Definitely an interesting concept." She paused and turned her head to the side, and for a moment I thought she was really thinking about it. "Definitely interesting. Say, some of the other actors are heading to the club down the street for a couple of drinks, you want to come. Mr. Lead actor?" She laughed. "Sure. And I guess I never got to introduce myself, my name Is Thren." I said extending my hand. She took it in her silken hands and shook slowly, her eyes shooting to mine as her fangs appeared in a grin. "Ketheren."

True to Yourself Ch.3

Yes! two chapters in one night, wait... 1:30 in the morning!? ah damnit... ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ True to Yourself Ch.3 I had never been into a club before. Ketheren led the way while I trailed closely behind, my mind...

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True to yourself. Chapter 1

So... I'm sorry. It has been a long time since my last submission, and that is un-excusable. Anyway, here is a new story for my readers, since I have acquired such an interest in Sergals and the like. A little different than my usual styories, but its...

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Kindling: The Frozen Cave

The Kindling Wow, just browsed through Ticklishways AKA Zachdragon Gallery, and found some real inspiration for new stories! I don't know how many of my readers like Pokemorphs, but here's my first shot at a new short...

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