Never Have I Ever

Story by AbelNezumi on SoFurry

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Never Have I Ever

©2011 TheOrigamist

Short Forward: My very first story introduced the character Abel, who happens to be my Fursona as well. Looking back, I think that a new introduction is in order. And yes, it's more shota action. I needed to write something that wasn't [totally] melodramatic as well. Enjoy!


Rain beat down on the windows like a marble avalanche, lighting up the inside of the dark house with blue shadows and elongated shadows of the windowpanes, streaming down little droplets with the evening storm. The empty house stood quietly, sturdily built to withstand this weather. The digital clock above the stove blinked a neon green 6:43. Suddenly, a lightning bolt shone out and the thunder shook the edifice to its core, and the clock panicked and started to rapidly shine 00:00 over and over again. But yet it stood and resumed its' peace, just as all the other houses lining the suburban block. The perfect green grass had turned into navy wet mess, the sidewalks darkened, dreary gray, and the roads were nearly invisible. The first summer storm was doing a good job.

The front door slammed open and two young figures ran inside past the mat, their sneakered paws skidding on the hard floor. The smaller of the two, a black rat, closed his eyes and giggled as he slowed his frantic pace, his white t-shirt wet to the point of showing his skinny chest and his jean shorts, soaked and black with the water. His companion, a grey husky lad, turned to him and sighed, rested his paws on his knees and breathing heavily. "Dang, dude," he panted, "I'm really sorry about that. I thought we could walk over without the storm coming onto us."

But the young rat chided him, prancing back over and poking his canine friend playfully on the nose. "Oh, c'mon Sam, I'm not afraid of any showers!" The husky stood back up and blushed, although the darkness and his matted fur covered it up. He looked down at his basketball shorts and his dripping hoodie, and reached into the pocket to pull out his cell phone. Thankfully, it was still dry enough to be working. Sam walked over and put it on the counter, flicking the kitchen light switch. He frowned, and his rat friend walked over, looking over his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"I think the power's out, Abel," the husky replied, flicking the switch multiple times before giving up, his tail twitching nervously back and forth. The two stood in silence for a second before another lightning crack shook the house. In the freeze-frame, Abel saw the look of shock cross his friends' face. After the resounding thunder had subsided, he smiled to himself as he placed a placating paw on Sam's shoulder. He knew that the tough-acting dog wasn't as really tough as he seemed on the outside, but that had been their shared secret and had remained so for many years.

"Hey..." Sam jerked his head towards the sound, and smiled sheepishly when he saw the outline of the young rats' grinning face. Abel stepped back and pointed down the hall to the stairs. "We should change and you should probably call your mom. If I know her, she won't be likely to head out in this weather."

"Yeah, you know my mom alright," Sam joked, and laughed as Abel stuck his tongue out at him and turned around. The husky felt his stomach turn a little as the ratboy stripped out of his t-shirt and headed up the stairs, the wet denim sticking against his skin and bringing out the contours of his smooth body. Taking a deep breath, Sam reached for his phone and tried to forget the thoughts racing through his head.

Speed-dialing the familiar key, Sam turned towards the window as he listened to the sound of wet paws receding up the stairs. The metallic ringing sounded until he heard a clicking sound, an indication that his mother had picked up. When she spoke, he heard the heavy rain pounding against the windows in the background; she had decided to stay inside after all. "Hello? Hello?"

"Mom, it's me, I- "

"Oh, thank God you got home! You are home, right? Is Abel there, hon?"

"Yeah, mom, he's- "

"Great, great, he can keep you company. Sorry, but I'm not gonna be home tonight again. The roads are just awful, and you can't see your paw in front of you."

"That's alright, mom, I- "

"I'm so sorry, Sammy, but you and your rat can fend for yourselves for a night, right?" She laughed, and Sam rolled his eyes at her airheaded voice.

"Yeah, we- "

"Okay, gotta run, but thank you so much for thinking of me, baby. Bye now!" The dial tone receded as Sam brought the phone away from his ear and shut it. He absolutely loved his mother, but there were moments that she just pissed him off with her self-infatuation. Leaning against the way, the husky cub sighed and listened to the pattering of the gale until a thundercloud shook him out of the stupor. Turning, he decided to follow Abel up the stairs, presumable to Sam's room or maybe the bathroom

The staircase wound up around a bend, various family pictures hanging on the walls, some from trips they had taken, old disposable film in wooden frames. Other pictures were from Sam growing up, taken by the school companies for yearbooks and for the purpose of emptying parent's wallets over their darling children. He glanced over his portrait from first grade, second grade, third, all the way up until sixth, this year. He had worn a black polo, and his grin was suddenly sarcastic and 'cool', harshly contrasted to the poses of previous years.

Where had his innocence gone? He slicked his ears back as he tried to remember when there was no such thing as sex, or drugs, or thinking about driving. He thought about when his parents weren't always arguing, and when his dad still lived with them and not in some friends' apartment out on the heights. Probably, he was living with some housecat broad, adulterating behind closed doors.

The outside lightning struck an image through the open doors, illuminating the windows outside and casting an eerie glow over the hallway for just long enough so that Sam got spooked. He growled and tried to flatten down the hair of his tail, raised up and spiking from surprise. He was the captain of the schools' football team next to that Damien kid, and he wasn't about to be scared by a little storm.

Maybe not scared, but everyone teased the poor canine about being too skittish. He never ran from the ball, but didn't trust doors slamming. He could stand up in a fight against the roughest, toughest bully, but inhaled sharply when the ice cream truck drove by. Sam never knew what was wrong with him, but he always made a tough guise at school to cover for it. It was only when he came home, or when something completely surprised him that he "freaked out", as some of his close friends called it.

Some...but not Abel. The ratboy may tease, but Sam smiled to himself as he neared his door and thought of the wonderful and strange relationship between the pair. They had grown up in the same school system, and when kids were splitting into cliques and groups, they still reached out to each other across the stereotypes. Abel was a reserved, polo-and-khakis boy who held close to the nerds and geeks, played card games, and always raised his paw in class. Sam was the sports nut, wearing undershirts to school with ripped jeans, and always used the term "hang out" when he was going to meet with someone. The husky grinned again and stepped into his room. "Home sweet h- "

He quickly blushed and turned his face away from the naked rodent, who smirked as he folded up his clothes. "Sorry, thought you would take longer calling your mom," Abel said nonchalantly, ignoring the clear embarrassment on his best friends' face. He turned and opened a drawer to Sam's dresser, rummaging through for something dry to change into.

Sam looked away, and then his eyes roved down to the mirror on the ground that he had taken down when he was rearranging his room. He could see Abel paw through until he found what he was looking for - a pair of plain navy briefs that he had long outgrown; they were too small for the athletic husky but fir the slender rat just perfectly. Abel bent over to slip them on, and Sam bit his lip to keep from whimpering, his basketball shorts not incredibly helpful in concealing his twitching bulge.

The rat glanced back, his eyebrows narrowing in concern. "Dude, are you okay?" he murmured to Sam. "You seem more nervous than usual." He smirked and opened the next drawer down, picking out a t-shirt.

The husky chuckled under his breath, turning his head just far enough so that he could reply without giving the appearance of spying. "Well, I come into my room and you're stark naked. I mean, we change in the gym lockers, but not that far down."

"That actually might be changing," Abel replied, his voice muffled by the white undershirt he slid over his head. Sam raised his eyebrows as the other boy continued, "I heard from one of the administrators that they're gonna install showers over the summer, and that showers'll be mandatory next year."


"Yeah!" Abel wiggled his ears as the shirt popped over, and he knelt down to the last drawer. "Where do you keep, y'know the pants..."

"Like, P.J. pants?"

"That sounds so weird now, for some reason."

Sam laughed and turned, leaning against the doorway, closing it behind him. He looked down and sighed inwardly at the recession of his erection, cracking his knuckles absentmindedly. "Oh, to be young again," he chuckled. "And they're under the jeans on the right."

Abel pulled out a pair of red-and-orange plaid fleece pants, and sat down on the ground to pull them on. "Have we really grown up?" he asked, looking back up at the husky. His smile was only a trace now, and his paused in sliding the fabric over his thighs.

"Well...I dunno," Sam muttered, breaking eye contact to look down again. He turned his feet towards one another, curling his toes inside of his soaked sneakers. He was suddenly aware of the water seeping through the laces and framework of his shoes, and slid them off, not bothering to untie the laces. The silence, that uncomfortable, unfathomable silence draped down over them like a blanket, the rain and distant thunder the only sounds they could hear. The lightning lit up the windowpane again, weaker than before, the storm starting to dissipate slightly. "'s starting to let up," the husky murmured, nodding his head towards the window, desperate to break away from the dreary conversation.

The young rat shrugged in agreement and stood, gesturing to the still-dripping canine. "You should change clothes too, dude," he remarked. "I'm going to go to the bathroom."

Sam grimaced as Abel walked past him. "Remember, the power's out? Get one of the jugs from under the sink before you finish."

"So that's what those are for!" Previously in the year, on one of the many occasions that the two spent together at Sam's house, the ratcub had been just looking around and found several gallons of water under the sink. When he has asked Sam about it, the husky just shrugged it off and replied that he didn't know either. Thank God that his mom had explained it to them, something useful right now.

Abel continued down the hall, his feet padding almost silently on the wooden floor. Sam listened for the door to close, then began to strip off his clothing as well. Tossing the articles in the general direction of his hamper, he also slipped off his boxers and stepped back towards the wall away from the mirror to get a look at himself. A few years of junior athletics, and a lot of time just running about had given him a rippled tone of young muscle, combined with the barrel-chested body shape given to him by his fathers' side of the family. Stocky and tall for his age, he reveled among his peers in that regard.

He tilted his head, and reached one paw down to give his groin a gentle nudge, the gray fur from his belly extending down and covering his sheath and testicles. Just being naked gave himself a slight rush, and he soon stopped staring as he could feel an awkward boner coming on. Nudity, as they aged, had become more and more taboo, the locker room a silent, simmering pot of nervous boys, with most, if not all of them trying not to look around at the same time. Some were more apathetic, but the general atmosphere was a ritual of keeping to oneself.

He opened his drawer and fished about, sorting through plaid boxers and random gag underwear he sometimes got at holidays, or his birthday. Truth be told, he preferred briefs, or even boxer briefs, but who could break from the standard? At least he hadn't gotten rid of anything, and he eventually settled on a striped pair, bright blue and white, stretch boxers. He pulled them on with a quick shimmy over his thighs and snapped the waistband around his hips. They were still a bit small, like half the clothes he had outgrown in his drawer, but as long as nothing got too erotic, he would be fine.

What could possibly be erotic? He was alone with his best friend, two guys, nothing more and nothing less. He glanced over and did a double take at how determined and, for lack of a better word, angry he looked at himself in the mirror. He sighed and bent his head forward, ears slicking back in shame, his facial muscles falling back into place after the contortion.

Denial. The word haunted him, turning over and over in his mind. His fingers gripped the wooden bureau and his claws dug a score in the smoothed top, gouges in the perfect polish. He swallowed hard and forced the pinprick of tears from behind his eyes away, closing them tight. He forced himself to breathe deeply, in through the nose, out through the mouth, in through the nose again. There you go. He stood once again, paws by his sides, collected once more. Sam was not going to let this overrun him. He could go one night without drama and confession.

A flushing sound washed him out of his meditation and the husky bent down to hurriedly root through his drawer for another shirt. He decided on an oversized black sleeveless shirt, noting how much black was in his drawers. Pricking his ears up, the puppy heard once again the soft rodent paws down the hall, and Abel soon appeared again, smiling at the canine. "Pants are overrated, huh?" the rat remarked, his tail swishing behind him.

Sam smirked back. "Too mainstream," he sighed airily, and both of them shared a giggle. Both boys jumped back on the bed and laid down, their chests falling simultaneously as they stared at the white ceiling. Their puerile tradition, usually when they were done with their video games and their movies and whatnot, was to do this, lie back, paws behind the head until one of them struck up a conversation. The husky sniffed, feeling slightly awkward. Power outages threw them off, as they simply went to bed, usually with nothing to do, no electronic addition.

"So...truth or dare?"

Sam glanced over, noting the bemused grin on his companions face. "Well...truth, I guess. Not sure if I'm up for a dare."

"Alright," Abel said, "Well...have you ever kissed a girl?"

"Well, yeah."

"I mean kissed kissed."

Sam stuck out his tongue with mock disgust. "Like, with the tongue and everything? Nooooooo thank you."

The ratboy laughed, and turned his head to face Sam. "But seriously, you've kissed someone?" The sixth-graders were starting to get into the whole relationship drama, digging up what dirt they could get.

"I...yeah," Sam sighed. "One of the seventh grade girls said she was into football players, and she was my age. I dunno, it was after practice, and she just leaned forward- " The boy paused, and put his fingers together with the thumb underneath, making a kissing-scene with his paws. "Then she called me and said she wasn't ready for anything, and I'm all, what the heck?" He grimaced and shook his head. "Girls are still weird."

Abel nodded in agreement. "True that, bro." He turned over onto his stomach, and whisked his tail back and forth, expertly raising an eyebrow at the husky. "Your turn."

"Okay, well, truth or dare?"

"Dare," the rodent replied, winking and sticking his tongue just out of his mouth. Sam's heart fluttered for a second, and he had to clear his throat to speak again.

"Well, uh..." He thought for a second, before his stomach did a barrel roll and he felt a grin spread across his face, the words that followed from his mouth causing instantaneous regret. "Off with the pants."

Abel shrugged, and raised his rear in the air, pulling the plaid flannel down around his bent knees before turning his back on Sam, giving the husky a fleeting moment to take in his backside with his eyes, the briefs bending perfectly around those curves. The canine snapped his head up to make eye contact with the other cub when he turned back over, grinning as the pajama pants fell to the ground with a fwump. "There. You sick puppy," Abel grinned, and Sam laughed gently, his blush spreading in the darkness. "Now, truth or dare?"

"I guess I have to do dare, huh?" the husky replied, and to his slight dismay, he saw the rat nodding. Abel always had some sort of clever idea, some comeback, revenge up his sleeve. Even though they were close friends, he could still be mean, the kind of mean that siblings shared.

"I dare show me your porn." Sam froze, and the rodent laughed, raising his eyebrow again. "C'mon, you're an adolescent with a laptop. Don't pretend like you don't paw off," Abel replied, making the universal masturbation motion with his own paw.

Fuck. Sam swallowed hard and turned aside, and regretted that at once. He already knew that Abel could tell when he was nervous or submissive, ready to be taken advantage of. He could feel the other boys' paw snake over, and the rat was soon hugging him from behind, his head poking right over the huskies' shoulder. "I'm not gonna let you out of this," Abel whispered gently, poking Sam right on the tip of his nose. His breath smelled of spearmint gum. His body heat radiated across the puppies' back.

Sam sighed reluctantly and pulled away, contemplating giving a homosexual insult back to his friend but choosing just to give him a short glare instead. For one, he knew that he was the one who often ended up enjoying the hugs, and for two, it would be hypocritical considering what he was about to show. Or... The husky grinned and let out, inwardly, a deep breath of relief. There was a way out of this - thank the internet for underground, all-inclusive sites. He padded over the floor to the mahogany nightstand where his white notebook sat humming, the green light pulsing, his very own information firefly.

He sat on one side of the bed with his legs hanging off, and Abel crawled over and resumed his position of a ebony fur-scarf, arms clasped together around his best friends' neck. The husky shoved his head to the right rapidly to knock against the rats', and both of them winced with the impact before giggling. Like their mothers said, all boys have heads like petrified coconuts, and with the same internal components. The login screen faded in, and the rat reached his paws down. Sam rolled his eyes as his password was typed for him - was there nothing he could keep from this guy? "You're so easy to read," the smaller male chuckled into his ear, and Sam had to grip his paws to the sides of the laptop to keep him from shuddering. It was normal for the pair to be this close, but not while looking at yiff. Hell, it wasn't normal for the pair to be looking at yiff in the first place.

The screen faded to black with a quick stroke of the enter key, and Abel retracted his paws as the other males' wallpaper opened up, a snapshot of the young rat himself from a hiking trip the pair had done together. He had dressed in khaki shorts and a white t-shirt again, his frame muddy, sweaty and showing his boyish, tired grin to the camera. Sam smiled whenever he saw this image, remembering the car ride back, where the exhausted pair had fallen asleep on each others' shoulders, and awoken by the car stopping at Abel's house. Both of them had been surprised when they woke up, as during their slumber, their paws had entwined, fingers curling over fingers, the kind of touch Sam dreamed of over and over.

"Sam? Sam-bo? Snap out of it, dude."

The husky reluctantly woke to reality, with Abel sitting beside him. The boy could feel the absence of the rats' presence on his shoulder, and the rodent put one arm back to drape across, as if reading his friends' mind. "Are you alright? You seem out of it. It isn't even, like - man, it's wicked early," he said, squeezing the canines' shoulder with a hint of concern in his voice, his face tightened like he was trying to delve deeper into Sam's psyche.

"I'm fine, sorry. Just never done this sort of thing before," the husky said with a small laugh, feeling the smile start to melt off his face. Truth be told, he didn't even know he was smiling in the first place. Moving the touchpad with one finger, he moused over the neon blue "e" in the browser. "And not a word about Chrome," he said with a warning finger, just as the rat was about to open his mouth in protest. Abel pretended to sigh with disgust and shake his head, taking a sarcastic role as an art critic of the web browsers.

After a white blank page moment, the purple and white layout of Yahoo! made its' way down the screen in less than a tenth of a second. Ignoring the new messages, he went straight up to the browser and typed in the address. Abel squinted as he saw the writing, giggling when the husky had finished typing it in.

"'Fuck International'? I've seen better names come out of Capcha."

Sam glowered at him as the page came up asking for certification that he was, in fact, a responsible 18-year-old. "Hey, I'm sure there have been worse names. Like, imagine how hard it is to come up with a name for one of these things."

"How about 'Yiff-stars'?"

"Okay, that's one, and not too bad, but- "

"'Un-Guilty Pleasures'."

"Well, maybe- "

"How about overnight porn delivery? 'Jack in a Box'!" Abel spread his paws in front of him like he was framing a billboard and both boys had to break down in a small laughter fit. Shrugging, Sam clicked on the button to get them into the site, and his chest loosened up when he saw that his data was not saved from his last visit.

He let his paws down, shrugging. "So, this is it. Not a whole lot, amateur things." Under the logo, there was a menu of YouTube-like options, the most viewed videos, the most popular of all time, and under that was a whole list of recently added videos. There looked to be about one video uploaded per hour, and the list ranged from guys just masturbating to a preview for some new video entitled Lemon Stealing Whore III.

Abel nodded slowly, and turned to Sam. The huskies' stomach turned when he saw that grin, and his mind raced as he tried to find out what the rat had seen. "Tell me, Sam," the rodent cooed with a sophomoric tone, "what's your favorite thing to see on here?"

The canine swallowed silently and turned back to the screen. "W-well, I like it" He fumbled, his eyes shooting around the recent videos and search topics. "When a girl and a guy are...outside...wearing...fishnet."

"Why does your search bar say 'gay anal glory_hole'?"

And that's what he forgot to clear. Quickly, his mouse shot up to the white bar underneath the web address and backspaced, but accidentally hit the enter key, and his stomach flipped up as the list of topics dropped down, revealing exactly what he had been looking for in recent searches. Abel squinted as Sam froze, his fingers unable to click on anything, paralyzed with embarrassment. "So," the rodent giggled, "That says you've been searching for 'gay', 'gay anal', 'zebra cock' and..." He peered even closer before turning and raising an eyebrow at his friend, looking like a bemused scientist watching a subject fall down over and over again. "Whoa! I had no idea you were into tha-"

Sam slammed the computer down onto Abel's fingers, and the rat yelped with surprise as the room went black. Then it went silent.

"Dude, that hurt." There was no answer. The young rat paused, then reached over, where he could feel his friend's shoulder. Before his paw even came down he could feel the heat radiating off his body. "Sam, I'm sorry, it's-"

"Screw you," the husky growled. Abel decided to withhold his paw, and sat back on the bed facing the same wall at which he presumed his friend was staring, or perhaps glaring.

The storm rumbled on in the background, and a fresh burst of lightning shone through and cast light on the dark figures. Samuel's face was drawn taunt, as if he was trying not to shout, or trying not to cry, or both. Abel wanted so badly just to look at him, but he didn't dare. He didn't want to hurt the husky any more than he already had.

But never once in the silence in which they sat, never through the pained, stinging minutes, did the ratboy hear Sam cry. He knew exactly when his friend would have emotional moments, the science down to clockwork. That had prevented fistfights from breaking out at school thanks to a soothing touch, and had stopped the husky from crying when he broke his arm at summer camp, Abel's voice and manner making magic for Sam, an emotional puppeteer. There was so much trust in between them and just in a second, with the click of a button, it was shattered. It would take some time before Abel could speak up again.

Half an hour ticked past, and the young rodent desperately wanted to check his watch just to see the time, to gage the exhaustion of the pair. Sometime soon, perhaps, they could go to bed and forget this had ever happened, wake up to breakfast with awkward smiles and perhaps a hug. But for the moment, Sam appeared to be made of stone, stoic and silent. His friend glanced over eventually, and saw with relief that he was no longer glaring at the wall, but was instead swinging his eyes away from Abel, to the floor, then to the opposite wall, and he kicked his legs in an off-beat rhythm against the bed. Low bumping noises made a heartbeat noise against the rain before they silenced again.

For his part, Sam was about ready to face the facts that had led to his withdrawal. His tail kept swishing back and forth on the comforter, and the canine had to clench his muscles like a clamp to keep it from making noise. Not that it mattered much; even though the rain was letting up for a change, it still beat on the window, as if trying to be a part of the action, whining to be let in. Sam closed his eyes and sighed. The rustle he heard meant that Abel had turned his head expectantly, knowing that the husky was about to speak. After more thought, he opened his mouth.

"You always knew, somewhat. If you didn't, well, you at least had some impression, right?" Sam chuckled under his breath, shaking his head. "You never stop surprising me, man. I...just thought I'd let you know. You do." He paused, and the words hung in the air to join their brothers in a dying bond. "Anyway, why do we even bother to stop and talk? We both know the truth. I'm pretty gay. And if I'm not mistaken, you're either in the same boat, curious, or just a really, really nasty tease." The husky opened his eyes and cast them on his rat friend, who was struck by the little speech.

Sam raised his eyebrows in expectation, and Abel nodded, biting his lip as he realized he owed some sort of explanation, or perhaps just justification. "Y-yeah. Um," he mumbled, rocking once to steady himself in a more comfortable position. "I knew that you were gay, and I guess I was just waiting for you to tell me something. Anything!" Abel raised an empty cupped paw, gesturing to the amount of feedback his hypothesis had gathered from waiting for his friend. He let out a nervous laugh, and crossed his arms, breaking away from looking at the husky. He stared out the window instead, murmuring, "But I didn't want to come on to you. You're fragile. Your heart's a bit weak. You know what I was afraid of?" He turned back and gave a sad smile. "I was afraid you were straight, and if I hit on you, you'd lie to me just to keep us together."

This made Sam stagger on his words a bit, not because it was weird, or because it was a lie - the exact opposite. "That's...true. I'd do that, for you!" he added, smiling again. He held out his paw, but Abel stopped returning the smile and turned back to face the window, sighing. Sam swallowed, and his ears slicked back. "What's wrong?"

"You've held your feelings down," Abel scoffed, his laugh bitter and stinging to Sam's ears. "You know what it's like. But can you imagine hurt you'd be if you pretended to be queer? It's like pretending to be straight, but you put yourself in the place of the guys who would be hurt. You'd just tear yourself down." The rat shot a glare at the other boy, but his angered expression collapsed into exhaustion, his face worn beyond his years.

"Fuck." Abel jerked his head up, surprised at the open language, but Sam ignored his friend and stood up, placing his laptop to the side. He paced over to the window, strolling right past the rodent, who stared after him as he looked out at the storm. "Fuck!" It felt good for him to swear, and the extra slam against the window with his fists helped. He bared his teeth and leaned against the glass, his athletic frame silhouetted against the pane as he leaned his head down. It wasn't supposed to start like this. "It's not time," he muttered, tapping his fingers against the glass.

Abel kept staring, and cautiously got up off of the bed, sliding off the comforter and gently stepping over the carpet, his feet crunching against the polyester of the strings. From an unknown opening in the room, a draft blew across and the air chilled his bare legs, his fur standing on edge. "What's not time?" he whispered, clasping his paws together. The bedroom all of the sudden felt cold and clammy, as if it was slowly filling with ice water and suffocating them both.

The husky breathed out slowly, and he swore he could see the vapor on the glass. Shaking his head, he turned slowly back to Abel. The other boy took a step back and slicked his ears down as Sam approached, but Sam reached out and grasped his wrist, his paw a vice. The rat gasped and stared into his friend's eyes, and saw the same ageing he had felt minutes before, the same unwanted maturity. "C'mon, I'll show you. It's too late to be a surprise anyway," he snorted, his smile stale and humorless.

He led the other boy out of the room, bending down to his discarded pants from earlier and rummaging through the pockets. Flipping his phone out, he checked the time, the battery dwindling to one blinking bar. 5:03. Seriously, it was that early? Sam nodded to himself and stood back up, glancing back to make sure that Abel was following. The rat was confused, the expression plainly pasted on his face, his ears slicked back against his head. As soon as the husky looked into his eyes, he saw familiar worry, the subconscious preparation for placating words and calm touches. Sam turned away again and walked out of his room, keeping in mind to loosen up his grip on the rat a bit.


The basement door creaked open, but the room in question was not dusty or old. It has been refurbished into a recreational room. The boys made their descent into the depths, pitch-black and cavernous. Even the walls, a bright green that they had in fact picked out together, felt more like pond scum dripping down onto them. But despite the darkness, Sam found a way to lead his companion through the maze of couches and to the little cupboard underneath the television. It was here that Sam crouched, letting go of Abel's paw to open the wooden doors noiselessly, strain to get some things out of the far back.

Abel couldn't see what the husky was retrieving, and he rubbed his wrist from where he had been led. It didn't really hurt his wrist, but it did injure his feelings - and to an extent, his pride. Sam got up and turned away from him, his tail curled stiffly, no movement of friendliness, or fear, or really any emotion. The rat felt his ears go back in - it couldn't be, could it?

But for the first time, he felt afraid of his best friend. There was no harm that would be dealt to him physically; he knew that for a fact. He knew that he was afraid because Sam didn't need him. Sam was acting completely on his own motives towards a goal that Abel honestly knew nothing about. The boy had never felt so alone with his best friend. So shocked was he that he made no move to follow the husky, his toes curling into the carpet like a limpet in a hurricane.

Scuffling. The sound of wood scraping against itself.

Finally, there was a small poof, and a ball of flame descended onto the candle that Sam had reached inside the cabinet. The couch in the basement was set up in an "L"-shape, and the husky sat on one side, facing parallel to the other leg, the tray table he had set up in between the sides so that they could both sit at the angle and have access. The tray tables were at the end of the couch, leaning up against it for when somebody decided to eat in front of the television, or just have somewhere comfortable to sit and eat, work, what have you.

In the light of the candle, Abel saw that his friend was not crying, nor had he anger across his face. Surprisingly, to him, he didn't even seem tired. "There was a plan," Sam said, and the break from the silence made the rat jump, pulling his shirt down around his exposed thighs. Abel finally got the emotion that the canine conveyed - disappointment. At whom, he was unsure.

"Mom knows this girl who works at the coffee shop downtown where we do our homework," Sam continued, "and I had a downtown date set for us. Mom doesn't know about me, but the girl does. Ellen, I guess. I forget her exact name. She had a table ready for us after hours, and I was going to tell you everything then. Everything you ever wanted to know about me, all the things you were too kind to ask. Although, I'm constantly questioning your limits."

Abel burned under Sam's steady gaze, his eyes roving down to the carpet. Sam said, "It felt so good to keep a secret from you. I was the one who was going to be the one to answer the questions and you were going to be dying for answers. You were going to be waiting on me. I don't even know why I did this." The husky sighed, leaning back. The shirt wrinkled as he removed it none too gently, tossing it over to the side. His body seemed to glow in the candlelight, an angel of judgment. "When were you going to make a move? Were you going to catch me unawares? Try to get me while I was flustered? Use porn as a hook? I'm not in the mood for fucking mind games, Abel."

The cuss was sudden and flowed so naturally from the boy's lips that the young rat almost forgot they were friends. "I just wanted to love you like I thought you wanted to be loved," he whispered. His voice was raspy from his prolonged silence, and he cleared his throat, still staring at the ground. "Why didn't you tell me you wanted this?"

"I- " Sam paused, his eyebrows furrowing as if he was going to explain something moronically obvious, then he paused. His face lifted and he turned away, his own shame not enough to cause a change of heart, but enough to change his mood. There was silence for a moment more. Both boys looked up at each other and saw everything they didn't want to see. Both boys looked into each other and saw what they had done. Both boys looked into themselves and realized they didn't know what to do.

Sam sighed. "Sit...sit down."

Abel did just so. As soon as he had reached the cushion, the husky leaned over and moved towards the rat, ending up sitting right next to him, their legs rubbing side by side, with Sam's paw curling around the other boy and grasping his side, the curve of his body. His head leaned back and he gently kissed Abel's neck as he leaned his whole body forwards, his bulkier frame pushing them down onto the sofa, one on top of the other.

The canine moved back and spooned with Abel for the first time in a long time. "Do you want to love me?" he whispered as he shifted, his paws moving underneath Abel's shirt, his right leg gently curling over his best friend's. The young rat opened his mouth to reply, closed it again. It was hard to collect your thoughts when someone was gently tracing and squeezing your nipples, warm paws over a warm heart.

He opened his mouth yet again, but this time, Sam had already covered his mouth with the t-shirt he was pulling off of the other boy, and he had to lift his arms over his head in compliance as the husky slowly undressed him, their only protected areas probably not far off. Two thin shields of cotton protected Abel's backside from the slowly-growing erection he felt slipping into the base of his tail.

Abel smiled to himself and took a deep breath. This just might be the night. He had always known that when this moment came, Sam would be the one giving, but he still wanted to be able to control the situation. He moved down and lowered his tail, teasing the head of his friend's member, feeling the strong shudder, the clench as his muscled paws clamped down on the smaller male's breast. "I've always loved you, pup," he murmured.

The paw over his pectoral loosened its grip and began to slowly slide lower and lover, tracing its way around Abel's navel. He shivered as Sam slid his fingers down and into his waistband and gently massaged his pubic crest, much to the smaller male's aroused vexation. He had a feeling that the husky was going to be a tease tonight, and he squirmed but couldn't move from the iron grip of Sam's other paw encircling his chest underneath his left arm.

Abel's erection was already halfway to completion, and the transformation accelerated as soon as his friend went lower to massage the outsides of his sheath, rubbing the skin downwards and upwards, coaxing the preteen's penis out to form the sizable and aching bulge in the front of his briefs. The rat gasped and the bigger boy just smiled as he took the base of his thumb and forefinger and rubbed the base of the cock, sliding it to the side to avoid chafing.

"You always were the smaller of us," Sam growled into his ear, and he blushed in the warmth of the candlelight. It was true, although he didn't mind - as one of the benefits of the sheathe was that penis size was harder to determine, the locker room often was a calmer place until someone got an erection. It was infrequent, and neither of the pair had experienced that embarrassment. The husky gripped the full length in his paw and stroked gently, the warmth of it surprising him.

The rat let out a ragged gasp and pushed back, feeling the bulge that pressed into his back throb and the hips attached to it grind forwards. He could feel his lower body tugged back by a silvery leg arched over his, and the heart behind him beat calmly, the only increase being there to pump blood down to where it mattered. Sam let go for a moment and tugged the lip of the briefs down, fondling his friend as he released his slender member into the open basement air, giving his package a firm, fraternal squeeze.

Soon, he reached back to tug his own underwear down, and Abel's eyes widened for a moment before he closed them, trying not to overexcite himself. All the fantasies that he felt were becoming real, the thick canine bone nuzzling against his back, his best friend grinding his swollen knot over his smooth buttocks. "I know we can't go in there without the preparation," he murmured, "but I want you to take me as much as you know you want me to take you." The paw squeezed once again around the young rodent, and he gasped aloud, another throb resounding in between the dog's fingers.

And Abel had to agree; it was a bit of a guilty pleasure, his fantasy about dominating the husky. But he was sure he was going to be the bitch tonight, until Sam said, "I think we can both get something out of this." He felt, to his disappointment, his friend letting go and straightening up, jostling behind him. He started to turn his body, but a strong paw reached up and covered his eyes. "Keep still," Sam said, and Abel turned himself back, his toes curling with anticipation. Suddenly, he felt the warmth of the tip brush across his shoulders and back, then across his neck. His mouth went dry as he realized what Sam had in mind, and then he heard his voice say, "Okay, you can turn around now."

As he expected, he saw the tip of a thick, gently throbbing canine length nearly poking him in the face, bright pinkish red and pushing the sheath back by an immature, but still intimidating, knot. The warmth of the basement made the rounded orbs hang downwards towards the couch cushions, perfect orbs in a gently fuzzy sack, and Abel just had to reach out and pet them, then, encouraged by a low moan from near his groin, give them a gentle squeeze. Nothing too hard for his best friend.

Sam stared at the bobbing length in front of him, the silhouette of the smaller penis of his pal so enticing, no longer tantalizingly out of reach. Reaching back, his left arm hooked around those smooth thighs and behind, to grope and grasp the larger balls of the rat, a trait he so admired. Without any delay, he leaned his head forwards and kissed the tip of Abel's shaft before slipping it into his mouth, his lips caressing its entry as he took every inch of the organ.

The younger boy gasped at the touch and froze to the spot, his chest tightening and his lungs short on air as the husky fondled and sucked on him, all the way to the ring of his sheathe. He whimpered, and opened his mouth to do the same. Closing his eyes, he leaned forwards, using the heat of the meat as a guide, until his chin touched the very tip of his friend's member, already dripping a small globule of viscous pre. Lowering his head, he wrapped his mouth around the head, sucking out the first juices of his lover, tasting the salty flavor as Sam moaned and clenched his muscles, squeezing out another round into the other boy's mouth.

It was almost sweet if it weren't for the salty overtones and the musk secreted onto his tongue. It was the taste of distilled sex, plain and simple, and Abel swallowed it all and sucked out more, moaning softly around the thick member as his head slowly edged down Sam's cock. Even though neither boy was finished growing, the bigger of the two was impressive for a fur of his stature, and the rat had to open wide to take it all in. His eyes had closed, and he opened them suddenly when he felt the warm bulb of the knot push against his lips.

Sam, for his part, was already sucking and licking the smaller male with ease, his head moving back to wrap his tongue around the sensitive glans, then all the way down until he could rim his tongue around the inside of that ebony sheathe. The thrusts and squirms he could feel in his mouth told him everything he needed to know, and he teased mercilessly, his paws stroking the firm rear behind his assignation, one finger rubbing up and down the little fuzzy ridge of taint behind his smooth balls.

After the plans for staying over, Abel hadn't fooled around with himself for over a week, and he was regretting that in every way possible. His hips thrust forwards with a spasm under Sam's not-so-gentle touch, as deep as he could into the warm caverns of the husky's mouth. He tried to move himself faster, to elicit some reaction, but the desperate bobbing and nursing only made those drops of pre slip out one by one, gradually increasing in volume until a fine line of silvery liquid dribbled down the side of the rat's mouth as he greedily took his friend's meat into his mouth.

It didn't take a genius to figure out how close Abel was. As he licked and gently eased the small member, Sam swallowed thin but copious amounts of the translucent fluid, the rock-hard tip and pulsating throbs enough to get him ready for the first cum he had touched besides his own. Suddenly, he let go of the cock and felt Abel's shuddering groan of pleading disappointment. Pulling his hips forwards, Sam gently took one of the voluptuous orbs into his mouth and kissed it, rolling it around his tongue, feeling the fuzz and tasting the desire and sweat pouring off of it onto his taste buds.

Abel couldn't stop himself. His balls tightened in the husky's mouth, and his small pink cock gave one pulse before it shot out a healthy glob of white seed into his friend's fur, coating his neck with his orgasm. He let out ragged squeaks and moans as he came harder than he ever had before, the thin cum sticking to Sam and dripping onto the couch cushions as he continued to suck on the other male, feeling an increase in the pre spewed into his mouth.

"Good boy." The big canine smiled as he let go, the dripping testicle relaxing next to its companion. Abel groaned and pressed his lithe thighs together once again, and the final little shot landed on his chin. He took one finger and scooped it up, licking it like frosting from a used bowl. It was stronger than he had expected, but still thin and immature. Just like his little prick, Sam thought to himself, giving a chuckle as he eased his hips into a steady rhythm. It felt good to be in control, and he raised himself up, gazing down at the smaller boy. "Hold up, honey."

The ratboy looked up, his mouth at the head of the canine cock, sweat dripping from his brow and the shame of submission reflected in his eyes. He let go of the shaft with a wet slurp, a bridge of saliva and precum arcing from the tip to his lips. Sam sat himself up and turned the thing cub over onto his back, turning his body around until his back was facing his friend. He moved backwards, until his hips were hovering around the other boy's face. "Stay out the back door for now," he growled softly, "but other than that, have at it."

With that, he bent his knees and let Abel bury his face deep into the underside of his groin, feeling the whiff and deep moan rumble throughout his privates. The young rodent moaned as his tongue ran alongside the gently swinging orbs, taking the whole sack into his mouth and playing with it with his tongue. Sam put his paws on his knees and gritted his teeth, his cock swelling up even more as it dripped onto his friend's chest.

Then, the other male reached up and gave his knot a good squeeze. The husky growled and just pressed himself lower, but he knew that he wasn't far behind. He bobbed his hips up and down over Abel's face, and his nuts kept on in his mouth, the small bag gently pulled down and stretched so gently by the boy's tongue, the sensitive balls getting ready to churn out a load of the bigger boy's thick seed. The paw gripping his knot moved up to the head of his dick and rubbed the leakage around and underneath, coating all his nerves with pleasure.

"Oh gawd..."

Sam poked Abel's stomach and the young rat gasped, giving Sam just enough time to pull himself up and out of his mouth. He turned himself over and pressed himself down, teasing his cock just along Abel's lips again. The surprised young rodent opened up without another word of protest, and the husky just had time to slip his hips forward and his body over, leaning against the cushions as he came into his best friend's mouth, letting loose a half-howl, half-groan of boyish euphoria.

His knot pulsed with blood and energy as he shot his loads straight down the rat's throat. The small male had just enough warning to stick out his tongue and catch one of the gobs of seed, tasting the strong and virile liquid as he was forced to swallow it. He gulped several shots of the boy's cum as he pumped himself into him, the hips occasionally drawing back to let the coughing Abel breathe, and subsequently his face became just as sticky a mess as his throat. Abel closed his eyes and tried to take it like he knew he should, his paws gripped around his friend's hips as he attempted to keep him at bay, spluttering white jizz and taking what he could, with some still dripping out the sides of his mouth.

Finally, Sam rolled off of him and onto the wide couch cushion, and an eerie silence filled the room. It was only broken by Abel's shuddering coughs and a loud panting coming from the both of them. The thunder receded into the distance, the storm replaced by an eerie gray evening, the miniscule window to the outside blocked by condensation. Even if they could see, it would be too dark. Blackness settled over the floor, broken only by their afterglow.

The husky rolled himself to the side and leaned his head down, taking a long, sloppy lick down his friend's face. He could taste his own semen, the sweat and salty flavor of both of them being so close, and he swallowed it all in a lustful breath. For his part, the smaller boy bent his head down to lick the seed he had spilled onto Sam's neck, held close by the muscular paw of his lover. Lover. A strange word, and it nearly made them both shaky.

"You don't have to say it," the canine whispered, as he held Abel close. "I already know what you're thinking. And I love you too." The rodent tried to lean his head back, but the bigger male held him down. "You're my master no longer," he growled, "and I'm done with being your slave. We're going to kiss in the hallways. We're going to dance in the rain. We're going to hold paws and skip down the beach. I'm not going to tease you because I'm in love. I'm going to love you."

Abel didn't say a word. His head just lay nuzzled into the dog's chest, and his body curled up into a ball. Sam let his legs move up as he held him close, their bodies drifting in the comfort of naked perfection. As the lightning struck, far, far away, the rain fell on the house built for love, the water washing away the grime and painted the glass clear again.

The only thunder was the feel of two heartbeats, pulsing together.


O, that you were yourself! but, love, you are No longer yours than you yourself here live: Against this coming end you should prepare, And your sweet semblance to some other give. So should that beauty which you hold in lease Find no determination: then you were Yourself again after yourself's decease, When your sweet issue your sweet form should bear. Who lets so fair a house fall to decay, Which husbandry in honour might uphold Against the stormy gusts of winter's day And barren rage of death's eternal cold? O, none but unthrifts! Dear my love, you know You had a father: let your son say so.



Penalty ©2011 The Origamist The red ember begged for one last second, but just crumpled in a cloud of acrid smoke in the ashtray. The orange cat, a female in her mid-30s, sighed as she twisted the cigarette back and forth, outing it...

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Under the Endless Sky (Complete version)

Under the Endless Sky ©2011 The Origamist I never really wanted to go to summer camp, but mom and dad always said I needed to get out more. Why get out more? Where do I have to go? It's not like anyone's expecting me. My name is...

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Under the Endless Sky - UNFINISHED

Under the Endless Sky T.O. I never really wanted to go to summer camp, but mom and dad always said I needed to get out more. Why get out more? Where do I have to go? It's not like anyone's expecting me. My name is Timothy Ross, and...

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