Fire and Flame

Story by Arghos on SoFurry

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So here is a new story, Fire and Flame, that is not affiliated or a continuation of Kindling: the frozen cave. I didn't like how that story played out, so here is a complete rewrite of it.

I do not own pokemon, just the OC.

Fire and Flame

Sometimes being a trainer sucked. I sat cross-legged on the grass and scratched my head. Abby, my oh so faithful Combusken, sat with her back turned to me as a older man and his Alakazam sat in front of a statue of a Zatu and prayed silently. "So... how is this going to teach Abby Telepathy?" I asked, afraid of another twenty minutes of silence. The older man sighed and tugged at one end of his beard, while the Alakazam also shook his head. The elderly trainer had agreed to meet with me when I had read his ad in the paper to teach any pokemon how to communicate with their masters. I thought it would make combat with Abby easier, but the requirements were almost as hard on the human as the pokemon. "In order for Abby to learn telepathy, she must be in tuned with you. You must show each other that you are more than trainer and pokemon, you are partners, friends." "Alakazam." His Alakazam said while nodding his head. "But Abby is a pokemon, she should do whatever I tell her." The old man closed his eyes and re-opened them, looking at Abby and then back to me. "She does not respect you. You have not earned her trust." Once you have earned her trust, then the first steps can be started. I scratched the back of my head and sighed. "I'm the only 18 year old in this town who has a disobedient pokemon. I thought you were going to help me." The old man sighed once more and placed a hand on my shoulder. His wrinkles almost covered his eyes, but I saw a hint of wise green beneath the folds. "Come back when you have earned her trust. When you do, her form will reflect your friendship. Now if you excuse me, my other student awaits." I looked over my shoulder and saw a girl I quickly recognized. Joyce, her green hair shined like grass in the morning, as did her partner, Lelenoire. The Gardevoir saw Abby and I, and laughed at the seat we both decided to take. Both wore a white gown and bowed to the old man, both staying until he nodded. "Fine. Come on Abby, lets go home." I sighed in defeat. "Good luck Apollo, tell your mom I said hi!" Joyce called out. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." I walked down the grassy path to the village I called home. It was small, and nestled in-between a bowl shaped mountain. We called it the Empty, but all others knew it as Evergreen. True to the name, we had spring all year round. The citizens were nice, not a single cross face on the streets, and all the shop owners laughed and waved at me. I took off my blue school jacket and slung it over my shoulder, sighing as I entered my house, expecting another lecture from my father. He stood in the kitchen, his black apron stained with flour, and smile on his face. "How did it go son?" he asked as I let Abby close the door behind me. "He said Abby and I don't respect each other. Some crap about respecting them as partners." My father pointed a mixing spoon at me and pushed his fedora back, exposing his cold blue eyes. "Pokemon are our partners. At any time a charmander could burn a city down, but they don't because we all need each other to survive. That's how I feel about Nero." He said as he turned and stroked the Haunchcrows ears. It let out a content caw and resumed staring at me. "Nero creeps me out." Dad sighed and went back to making dinner, looking at me once in a while as I plopped on the couch and turned on the TV. Abby sat on the floor and smiled as she spit a cinder at me, and I leaped off the couch slapping my pants. "you see that? She will never respect me!" "Sleep on it, tomorrow you are still going up and training." Dad called from the kitchen. Dinner went on without a word and I quickly excused myself to sleep. I laid in bed and saw Abby as she crawled into her own. Dad had a bed for every human and pokemon that lived with us, and I couldn't figure out why. Why would we treat them as partners?

~~Two Years Later~~

I raced up the hill, knees soaked in water and mud as the torrential rain did not stop. The flood inducing rain had almost reached the town, but that was not the worst part. Boulders had been dislodged due to the rushing streams, and the men of the town were fighting to hold them off or break them apart. I saw an old man and an Alakazam in the horizon, and rushed to meet them. "Master!" I called out. He looked at me as he held a boulder back, his feet digging into the earth. "Go back Apollo! This is too dangerous!" "I wont!" I cried as I stood next to him and pushed the boulder back. It kept rolling, slowly as the old man and I fought to hold it in place. I looked with amazement as the Alakazam closed his eyes and held off three large boulders with telekinesis. I heard a loud chirp and saw Abby stand next to me, a look of worry on her face. "Go back home Abby, you're too small to do any good here." Another loud chirp and she was at my side, pushing against the rock with her back. "Abby, go!" She looked at me, and in her eyes I saw a fiery passion to protect her home, no matter the cost. "Abby..." I cried out and pushed with all my might. The boulder moved backwards, and I thought we might have it until the man next to me yelled in pain and loosened his grip. "Master!" The boulder swerved towards him and rolled past us, making a bee-line towards the town. "Alakazam, teleport me in front of it!" He yelled. The Alakazam shook his head at him, a look of worry in his eyes. "Don't worry about me old friend, the town comes first!" The old man glowed a dull purple and suddenly disappeared, and I looked down to the see the boulder slow down. It crept to a halt as thunder roared in the sky. "Come on Abby, we have to help him!" I yelled as I ran down the hill, sliding where I could. I made it to the boulder and saw my master pinned beneath the boulder. "Master, no!" I ran to his side and tried to push the boulder off of him, it had stopped on a flat surface, so I could push it off of him. My wet body and the weight of the boulder proved to be impossible for me to move alone. I saw his hand move and he opened his eyes, coughing blood as he held out his hand. I fell to my knees and lowered my ear to his mouth, but only groans of pain escaped his lips. "I'll get this off of you master, I promise." I said as I pushed with all of my might. It wouldn't budge. I slumped down on my knees and cried out, the rain mixing with my tears. I felt a surge of heat and saw a burst of light from behind me, and I saw two arms push against the rock. It was a Blaziken, only with a white diamond patch on its head. "Who?" I began to ask. "Help me." Came a voice in my head. I suddenly knew the voice belonged to Abby, and I cried out as we both pushed against the rock. Her eyes were closed in concentration as the rock suddenly began to budge, and then roll off of my master. I knelt by him and held his hand, his eyes clouded and hazy. "You see? Now you are more than human and pokemon, you are..." He rasped. "Partners." I finished, tears running down my face. He closed his eyes and sighed, the last breath escaping his body. I felt Abby place her hand on my shoulder, and I looked at her, seeing tears running down her face as well. We sat there in the rain until men arrived to help us, but by then it was too late.

~~Two weeks later.~~

I sat with Abby in an office as a portly man in a suit began to read my masters will. I was shocked when a lawyer appeared at my door and handed me the summons, I had never expected him to leave me anything, after all I was his worst student. I waited until Abby nudged me, and I promptly sat straight and looked at the man. "Yes sir?" He cleared his throat and began to read the last paper. "And in the matters of my dojo, and all of its contents, I leave them to Joyce and Lelenoire, my beloved granddaughters." I saw Joyce stand, wearing a black dress as she nodded her head. "Lelenoire and I will do our best to keep his teachings." "And in the matters of my finances, a sum of about twenty thousand credits, and my home on the coast of Westberry, I leave to my proudest student, Apollo and his partner, Abby." I gasped, as did the rest of the room. I would never have expected this, let alone twenty thousand credits. "On the condition that he travels to the assigned home and pursues a closer connection with his partner." Always a Catch 22. "I will leave immediately." I stated as I rose from the chair and proceeded out of the room. I made it to the entrance of the building where Lelenoire and Joyce waited for me. I hoped they weren't there out of anger. "Leaving so soon?" Joyce asked. "Why do you think they are in a rush?" A foreign voice echoed in my head. "Because we will live up to the will." Lelenoire whipped her head around and turned her head to the side. "Can you hear me?" She asked inquisitively. "Yeah, your aiming that telepathic link at me aren't you?" I asked. The expression on her and Joyce's face told me otherwise. "How can you hear Lelenoire?" I shook my head, as I focused I realized more voices came into my head. I looked at Meowth on a trashcan and suddenly heard him as if he was speaking to me. "Magikarp? Why does this guy throw out good Magikarp?" "I can hear that Meowth too." I whispered to Abby. "How is that possible?" Abby whispered. Joyce grabbed my arm and stared into my eyes. "He has Grandpas eyes..." "What?" Joyce looked at Lelenoire and they both pressed their hands to my forehead, and suddenly the world swam around. I felt like they were probing my mind, and they found what they were looking for. "Grandfather passed down his ability to you. I cant believe it." Joyce stated as she collapsed on the ground. Abby helped her to her feet as she took my hand in hers and teas welled up in her eyes. "My grandfather trained himself to hear other pokemon, to understand them. Alakazam helped him, and now you have his power." I didn't believe a word of it. Humans possessing pokemon powers, it was impossible. "So what am I? A pokemon psychic?" Joyce merely nodded her head and had Lelenoire carry her away. "Well that's just weird." I muttered. "But helpful." Abby said with a chirp. " you honestly don't believe it do you?" Abby shrugged her shoulders as we walked home. I opened the door and ,made it to the stairs when I heard my father walk into the room. "Finally leaving the house huh?" I turned around and saw him take his fedora off, which he seldom did. "Yeah. Its what master... What Roshi wanted." Dad just nodded his head and bit his lower lip. "I told your mom I would protect you when she died. But it seems like you wont be needing me anymore." I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed, feeling the tears well up. "Dad. I'll be fine. You have protected me. You and Nero, and Abby too." He smiled and wiped the tears from his face. He looked at Abby and beckoned her with his arm. "Your right son. Abby has done a fine job of protecting you." He whispered as Abby joined us in a hug. Nero flew in and perched on dads shoulder, his eyes filled with worry. "They will be fine. She is a strong one, and he is a smart lad." I looked at dad and smiled. "Nero seems to think we'll be fine." Dad laughed and patted my back. "I know son... I know." I went upstairs and packed my bags, taking little as I would buy new clothes in Westberry. I went to the dining room and shared one last dinner with my father, and he hugged me again and kissed Abby on the head as he waved us out. "Call me twice a day, stay away from strangers, and be careful! it's a three days walk to Westberry!" I shook my head at my over-defensive father. "Dad, I'm taking the bus." "Well, that works too." Abby cooed at him and we walked to the bus stop. "I wanted to say something to you Apollo." Abby said with a tinge of fear. "What is it Abby?" "I wanted to thank you for not giving up on me. You never waited for us to spar together, even though we almost hated each other. But over the last few years, I have seen both of us grow and become strong, and that's what the master wanted all along." I nodded and patted her on the shoulder. "I sure hope so." We got on the bus as I looked at her, regretting never seeing how powerful and protective she was. I took her poke ball from my pack and she looked at it quizzically. She gasped as I opened it and broke it in half.. "we don't need this, were partners now." She cooed happily and sat next to me, ready to begin a new adventure.

~~One day later~~

I made my way up the stone path towards a house shrouded in trees, hoping to find a bed to sleep in. Abby followed suite, her arms filled with our luggage. Dad had decided to supply an army, and sent enough love meals to feed one. "Where did I put the keys?" I muttered as a chuckle came from behind me. I whipped around and saw Abby swinging the keys around one finger, her body language issuing a challenge. "We have not sparred in a while." "Can it wait? I'm pretty tired." I said as I surprise tackled her. She let out a surprised yelp as I hovered above her, the keys dangling in my mouth. "Very clever. But this leaves us in a bit of a predicament." "Oh yeah? Why is that?" I managed to say with the keys hanging from my tongue. She spit an ember onto my coat, and the keys fell into her waiting beak. "Because you are flaming today." she chuckled at her own joke. "Very funny. Now could you open the door?" I laughed as I dusted off my coat. She smiled and spit the keys out, and gingerly opened the door as we stepped in. The place was immaculately clean, no dust even on the red hardwood floors. Abby was careful not to scratch the floors as she walked in, her eyes drawn to the huge rack located against the north wall. She pulled out a sleeve and dusted it off, pulling out a large black disk. "Apollo, what is this?" she asked as she went to nibble on it. I grabbed it and breathed a sigh of relief. "This is a vinyl disk. These things are ancient." I wondered if it would play and found the player near the shelf, and dusted it off before putting it on. A beautiful soprano voice ascended form the speaker, engulfing the room in Phantom of the Operas "Music of the night." "Oh gods to find a woman like that..." I sighed as I noticed Abby picking up the sleeve. She pointed at the singer portraying Christine, and tapped at it. "Like her?" she asked "No. Any woman that can sing like that. Hell if a Lapras could sing like that, I would be on her in a second." I joked. Abby laughed and looked back at the sleeve, her eyes evaluating it. I shrugged it off and looked in the fridge, yelling as what looked like a baby Muck mixed with carrots stared back at me. "I'm running to the town for some food, you coming?" I peaked around the corner and saw Abby scanning the shelf. The sunset sent rays of light against her figure, and for a second my mind trailed away to forbidden thoughts. "Hmmm... No I think I will stay here, clean up a bit." I nodded and closed the door behind me, getting ready to head down to grab some food.

~~One hour later~~

I knocked on the door and opened it with bags between my teeth. I heard not a sound as I walked to the kitchen, wondering if Abby might be taking a shower. I placed the groceries in and popped open a bottle of wine, hoping to capture the moment of getting our new home. I walked into the living room and almost dropped my glass as I saw a beauty before me. Abby wore a white boa of silk behind her back that wound through her arms, and she had found a black dress that seemed to fit her just right. I stuttered a bit before trying to speak, but she rushed forward and put a finger to my lips. She proceeded to walk towards the record player and started a track, and I heard nothing before an alto voice softly called from it. "I feel your fingers - Cold on my shoulder - Your chilling touch, As it runs down my spine" I walked forward and stopped the record, drawing a whine and a side look from Abby. "I'm sorry, I just heard you say... And I thought if I..." She stopped and looked down at the floor. I saw her eyes shudder and a tear form at the edge. "If you are going to sing." I said as I picked her chin up between my fingers. "Then sing with your voice." She stopped and stared at me. And I heard almost a whisper in my mind. Trembling, scared. "I'm here, go ahead." I cooed reassuringly. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. I heard a growing voice in my mind, and soon she was singing. "Watching your eyes As they invade my soul - Forbidden pleasures I'm afraid to make mine. At the touch of your hand - At the sound of your voice - At the moment your eyes meet mine - I am out of my mind - I am out of control - Full of feelings I can't define!" Her voice rang like a heavenly bell in my head, and I soon felt myself become compelled to sing with her. "It's a sin with a name." I sang as my hand went to hers. "Like a hand in a flame." she sang with a grin. I smiled as we sang a duet, with my voice and with her mind. "And the senses proclaim, it's a dangerous game." we sang. "No one speaks - Not one word - But what words are in our eyes Silence speaks - Loud and clear - All the words we want to hear!" At the end of that line I felt Abby come close to me, her chest within inches of mine She looked down and then slowly up at me, before placing a hand against my face. "And the angels proclaim..." I held her hand and then drew her into an embrace, holding her close as I sang the final part. "it's a Dangerous... Game." We stood there, a deep silence surrounding us as our minds raced. "I... I don't know what to say." I backed away and looked her over, she looked like a beautiful opera singer. Ready to show the world her voice. "Then don't speak, show me." Her eyes sparkled as she took my hand in hers and led me to the bedroom. I gasped as candles littered the room, and petals of roses scattered the bed. "What were you planning tonight?" I asked as she patted a spot near the bed. "I was hoping... That you would perhaps..." she stopped and her hands fidgeted nervously. "Abby..." I sighed as I sat on the bed. "Why didn't you tell me. Is this why you didn't speak to me for so long?" She remained silent. I leaned in and grabbed the side of her face, feeling behind the frills. She cooed softly and leaned in, our faces closing together. "I want this. I had heard a Ninetails and a human had pups a few weeks ago... I thought perhaps you would be open to the idea of...of..." I leaned in and kissed her, tasting her tongue as my hand raked across her back. "This?" Her eyes remained closed, her mouth hanging open. Suddenly she slowly looked with half open eyes at me and purred. "That's not how I planned it, but a very welcome outcome." she said as her eyes glowed with lust. "Well let me pleasure you and remove your clothing, oh angel of music." I kissed her neck and ran my hands up her arms, drawing ecstatic gasps from her. Her feathers felt silky soft in my hands, her arms strong and muscular. She bowed to my touch, her skin wanting more and more. "You're very sensitive tonight, aren't you?" I whispered as my tongue went along her neck. "I wouldn't be, if it wasn't for you." I laughed. My hands went to her shoulders and I stopped as my fingers wrapped around the straps that held her dress up. Her eyes fell on mine, and she seemed to whine because I stopped. "why stop, I have never worn clothing before this." She asked coyly. "I know... It just feels..." I pulled my fingers away and looked away. What was I feeling? Shame? No. it was as if I was looking at not just a pokemon, but a human being, one that deserved love and care. She took my hand in hers. "If you aren't ready. I understand. This is a big leap from trainer and pokemon." I smiled as a tear fell down my cheek. She wasn't my pokemon, and I wasn't her trainer. I looked back at her and let my hands grab the straps, and I pulled her dress down as I kissed her tenderly. I laid her down on her back, looking into her eyes as the scent of arousal hit my nose. Lust clouded my mind as I continued to kiss her, breaking away only for a breath. "My god... Don't stop Apollo. I want this so badly." I knew. Her body spoke wonders as my hands traced the contours of her well defined abs, and I fell back to her stomach as I pulled the rest of the dress away. She moaned as my fingers went to the tuft of feathers and fur along her quivering vaginal lips. "I thought the girl was supposed to be the tease." she sighed, her moans becoming sharp gasps as I slid my tongue in experimentally. She tasted like sweet rain, which was strange, given that she was a fire type. I licked her outer folds and held her hips steady as her body quivered. Her moaning grew in volume as she neared her peak, and I quickly stopped my session to look at her with a grin. "Now we cant have that can we?" I asked as I removed my shirt, drawing a purr from Abby. She sat up and trailed her hands against my chest with a sense of wonder, letting her claws barely scratch me. She leaned in and licked my left nipple, sending my body into spasms of pleasure. "Abby. I want to feel your skin against mine." I managed to say between her licking my chest and her hand rubbing against the fabric of my pants. "Then lay on the bed lover, and prepare to feel my heat." I took a breath and laid on the bed, closing my eyes as I felt Abby pull my zipper down, grabbing the hem of my pants teasingly. "Are you nervous?" I nodded my head as my pants went, leaving my blue boxers. "Yes I am." She laughed and pulled my boxers back, and a gasp escaped her lips. "you shouldn't be, you are very well... defined." came her husky reply as I felt a hand grasp the bottom of my member, gingerly rubbing it. "Abby!" I cried. I didn't want her to stop. Her finger went to my lips as she kneeled on top of me, her juices dripping onto my lap. The view I got was astounding, and I couldn't help but stifle a whimper as she turned her back to me and lowered herself closer and closer to my member. "Are you ready?" My reply came when I placed my hands on her thighs and gently lowered her down, a cry of pleasure coming from us both as I entered her. "Its so hot." I whimpered. Abby looked behind her at me with a concerned expression. "you are not a pokemon, if I hurt you I wouldn't know..." Her sentence was cut short as I began to thrust into her, the sound of our union growing in volume. "Don't worry about me, tonight is about you." She groaned with happiness and held onto my thighs for leverage, lowering and raising herself in sync with my thrusting. "My god." I stammered. She was so tight, it was creating a vice around my solid cock. "By the gods don't stop. Take me Apollo!" She cried in my mind. I felt myself nearing completion, and placed a hand on her back, guiding her on her fours as I kneeled in front of her, promptly resuming our activity. "all those years of yoga and sparring are paying off!" I agreed silently and pounded her as fast and hard as I could, all gentleness swept away with the primal lust that filled my senses. "Apollo, I cant hold on much longer." her body tensed up in response to our end. "Then sing for me Abby, don't stop singing." She came up and I wrapped my arms around her chest while kissing her neck. A loud cry like a bird came from her as thoughts of lust coming from her mind and mine exploded, and I felt a torrent of hot liquid burst from her as well as me. We stayed kneeling for a moment, our breaths hot and slow. "No words... I have no words to say about what just happened." she moaned. I laughed. "I know the feeling. I just hope I didn't get burned." I whimpered as I felt the resounding heat still present on my crotch. Abby broke away and laid me down, and ran out of the room telling me to wait. She returned with a bowl filled with water and ice, and she laid it on the nightstand while sitting at my side. "It would not feel right to let you feel this pain. I am sorry for it." I smiled at her and cringed as she dipped her hand in the water and ran it along my shaft. "Don't be, it will be worth it every time." She raised an eyebrow and took and ice cube in her mouth, and then let the water drip from her mouth as she licked the entire area. "Every Time?" I rubbed the back of her head and nodded. "I want to do this again, and definitely more after that." She chirped happily and laid at my side, her body pressed close to mine. "I am glad, but perhaps we should find some work in this town. Something to keep us from mating all day every day." "Yes dear." I sighed.