The Digimon Wars Chapter 3 The Nightmare

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Michael was having a dream

In the dream it was foggy, very foggy. He couldnt even see anything a meter away.

He then could start seeing forms, people. Human soldiers and tanks, he couldnt recognize what country thou.

It looked like they were laying an ambush, but the troops looked like they were about to piss themselfs.

Then he heard it, like an army marching in unison.

He turned to see who was marching but couldnt see througth the fog, but after a while he saw it. A huge line of Greymon and his transformed form leading them, they were marching in unison.

The loud sound they made while marching seemed to scare the humans, they opened fire.

The tanks and the soldiers started shooting like no tomorrow but the Greymon didnt even flinch, his transformed form Greymon started charging his Mega Flame.

As he was about to unleash his attack the other Greymon charged up their attacks as well, the humans ran and fleed but it was too late...

Michael woke up sweating and breathing heavily.

[What was that?]

It was midday.

Michael had already got the digimon moving, they had got out of the forest and were now on their way to the Machine Empire.

Michael wanted to adapt human military tactics onto the digital world but nothing else.

Michael didnt want anything reminding him of the corrupted world. He didnt want to have human culture economics and especially religion, instead he wanted to keep the digimons culture and economics.

They had stopped for a quick bathroom/lunch break, they had gotten out of the forest and were now on a hilly field.

Michael was talking with Tailmon when some kids ran to them with horrofied faces.

They were the same kids from yesterday but Plotmon wasnt with them.

''What's the matter?''

As the rest were catching their breath Patamon yelled.

''Something took Plotmon!''

Without wasting anytime they ran to the place the kids showed, they were running up an high hill.

Once they had reached the top of the hill they saw it, they saw a huge digital gate on the ground.

Other digimon had come to see what they were looking at and they were horrified as well.

Patamon was sobbing.

''S-She got dragged into that... Thing.''

Michael didnt know what to do, if that gate lead to the human world...

He started walking towards it, Tailmon stopped him.

''What do you think you're doing? What about if you don't come back?''

Michael shook her off.

''Plotmon's one of us, and I will NOT leave anyone behind!

I will go to throught that gate and I will bring her back!''

He turned to face the digimon.

''I will go throught this digital gate! If this portal goes to the human world then Plotmon and the digital world will be in huge danger, and I will not leave my friends to face danger alone.

I don't know if I can come back but I will not leave anyone behind! I will not! So who of you will come with me?''

The digimon wanted to help but no one stepped forward, Lilymon and stepped forth. After her a Greymon stepped forward, after that all of the Greymon, Garurumon and some rookie digimon stepped forward.

Michael was pleased.

''Sorry nut I'll take only 12 Greymon and 5 Garurumon and also Lilymon with me, I will not risk your trip to the Machine Empire.''

Displeased some digimon stepped back and the rookies started to protest.

''Quiet! You are too weak to go to the human world, also your place is here.''

He turned to look at the digital gate, and the he looked at Tailmon who was getting tears on her eyes.

''Don't worry about me. Now Greymon, Garurumon and Lilymon lets go1 We will go to the human world and we will bring Plotmon back no matter the cost!''

He didnt notice it but he was begining to shine.

''We will come back! Mabey not tomorrow but we will come back, and I shall carry Plotmon in my arms!''

He was starting to grow.

''We will all come back, this I assure you! I promise that I will come back! I promise to you all that no one shall be left behind!

His transformation was complete, he had now become the blue Greymon with a metal tail tip and a metal helmet.

''Are you ready!''

All of the Digimon started cheering, he turned to walk to the digital gate with all the digimon he had assinged for this mission.

In the human world Plotmon was crying, she was crying in a cage.

''Right this way mister president.'' She heard a voice.

Plotmon couldnt see anything because the only parts of the cage she could see out of was right infront of the cage.

''It's right in there, you can take a peek it won't bite.'' The man laughed.

Plotmon saw an old man and a young woman looking at her.

''Please let me out! Patamon, Napoleon where are you!? Help meee!!'' She cried so much that the tears were starting to make a puddle.

The woman stood up and started to yell at the man.

''Can't you see that this creature is intelligent? That it has feelingS?''

The old man stood up as well.

''I want it quaranteed and to be researched, make sure no one cuts it open.''

''Mister president how can you? Can't you hear its cries?''

The other man spoke.

''We think that its only doing it to confuse us, when ever it got close to an electrical device all data was corrupted.''

''You mean?''

''Just like an electric magnet, it destroyes all devices near it from with in. We are going to transfer it to a research center in an European country.''

''I want to be there, I must know if this is one of the animals the Russians are doing tests on.''

After a while some kind of gas was starting to get in the gage, Plotmon panicked and screamed for help and foe Napoleon.

After Plotmon had been put to sleep some guys went in with hazard suits and placed her in a plastic box.

The woman talked with the president.

''Look Bush, I know that we have find out what it is but we cant torture it!''

''I know, that's why you are going to ask it what it is.''

Then he walked away, the woman was so angry she kicked the wall.

Michael dropped from the sky, he had come throught the gate to midair and wasnt really that high.

When he hit the ground he realised his form.

''Wou! Now this is cool!''

He was a little startled by the loud bangs that the Greymon did when they landed, oddly enought the Garurumon didnt make much noise.

Lilymon flew to his heads level.

''So this is the human world huh?''

They were in a forest and the sun was up, he could guess that is was 6pm.

Michael was a little concerned, he started walking forward but then he stopped.

''Lilymon, fly high and check if there are any cities near us.''

She nodded and flew high.

''I can see a city alright!''

''Does it have a large tower with an M?''

''Yeah it does, why?''

''Come back here!''

After Michael had waited for Lilymon to get back and for his 'army' to regroub he started talking.

''This is my home.''

Lilymon was a little happy.

''So you know this place? And what about Plotmon?''

Michael looked a little dissapointed.

''Theres a very small possibility that she's even here, come on!''

He started running into one direction, they all followed,

After some running he stopped infront of an abanded mine, he turned to talk to the digimon.

''This is where you will stay, unless I or Lilymon give the order none of you leave got it?''

They all nodded and started going into the mine, one Greymon hit his head on top of the mine.

''Ahh! Why you little....''

Michael waited for them to be inside and hidde, he then started running into another direction with Lilymon close behind.

After a fifteen minutes or so they had reached a park near the city, Michael turned back to a human.

''Cool! I can kinda control it now.''

Lilymon landed next to him.

''But what about me? I don't have a disguise.''

''Don't worry, first we have to find a- Ha there it is! Stay here.''

Then he ran to a bullet board that had an newspaper stand next to it, he went on to the stand and a man inside the kiosk asked.

''How can I help you?''

''Oh yes, I need the date of today please.''

The man looked at one of the newspapers, this wasnt new to him at all.

''It's the 7th of September.''

''Alright thanks!''

He then ran back to Lilymon who was hiding in the bushes.

''I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that it's the wacky costume week so no need for a disguise.

The bad news is that since I left from here it has been a couple of weeks, meaning that the time goes a lot faster here than in the digital world.''

Lilymon nodded and stood up from her hiding.

''Oh also Lilymon, I have to call you Lilly from now on so don't worry.''

Lilymon blushed a little.


''Because 'Lilymon' isnt a human name, and we need to blend in.''

Michael now started running to the direction of the mine.

''Come on we need to get going, we need to make a plan and rest. Oh and also don't fly, humans can't really fly.''

Lilymon started running after him.

''Stupid humans, can't fly....''

It had been a day, Plotmon was awakening in her new 'cage'.

She started to awaken, she was in a big room full of plants trees and flowers.

Plotmon fought that her kidnapping had been a dream and started to run around.

''Hey guys I saw this really scary dream, wanna hear it?''

''As a matter of fact I would.'' Said the same woman from before, she was a long haired brunette waring a lab coat.

Plotmon got sso scared she couldnt move.

''I'm not going to hurt you, I only want to talk to you.''

She said and then walked over to a chair that was placed for her, she had a paper and apen for notes.

Plotmon was still so scared she couldnt move, then her stomach growled.

 The woman took a mic from her chest pocket and said.

''Some food for the little one please.''

Then a hatch of somekind opened next to her on the wall and gave an antre full of various foods.

''I didnt know what you like so I got a bit of everytihing.''

Plotmon still refused to come near her, but her hunger got the best of her.

She slowly came closer and closer.

''That's right, I'm not going to hurt you.''

Plotmon was so close to the antre she just jumped to it and started eating whatever it had.

After a while Plotmon was full, she jumped on a small rock infront of the woman and took a resting position.

''Can I ask some questions from you?''

The woman asked.

Plotmon hesitadet for a moment and then she said.


''Thge woman readied the pen and asked.

''Can you tell me what you are?''

''I'm Plotmon.''

''Is that your name?''


''Well what excactly are you?''

''I'm a Digimon.''

''I'm sorry waht?''

''A Digimon, digital monster.''

''Interesting... Now, why are you here.''

''Somekind of an portal dragged me here, then when I asked some humans where I was they just screamed.''

''So you know what a human is?''

''Yes, Napoleon told me a lot about them.''


''Yes, our savior.''

''Alright who or what is this Napoleon.''

''He is a human who will save us from the virus types.''

''Virus types?''

''Yes, Digimon who are virus types.''

''Okay. Now can you tell me where is this 'Napoleon' so I could talk to him.''

''I don't know where I am, how can I tell you where he is?''

''True, say have you heard of a groub of t´people called Russians?''


''Alright, next question. How can you talk?''

''What do you mean? All digimon can talk.''

''Alrigth, I have asked enought. See you later Plotmon.''

Then she stood up and walked to a door, the door opened and quickly shut.

''Wait! Where am I?'' Plotmon yelled after her.

In a room full of computers a military general was looking at Plotmon throught monitors.

''What the hell are you?''

The woman came in, she sighet.

''Poor little thing, what are you?''

The general turned to face her.

''Well one things for certain professor Jane, that thing is intelligebt abd uf there's more they must be found.''

''But she's not dangerous.''

''IT, it is not dangerous but what about if there are more of these 'Digimon' that are dangerous.''

Michael had a perfect plan, he had to go around the city with Lilymon to find out if Plotmon had been discovered.

If the humans would have found her they would have probably told the media abouit it, or they would have hid it from the media. It was a fifty-fifty chance.

After that he would take her by force, if the humans would see the might of the digimon he believed that they wouldnt use heavy artillery or anything like that in a place like this.

Michael was with Lilymon or Lilly who still blushed everytime he called her that were at the city looking for a free newspaper.

Lilymon was confused why humans would dress up for an entire week, so Michael explained him.

''You see at the end of the week people are asked what was the most impressive costume they saw and the winner gets a lot of money.''

''Ohh alright.'' Lilly answered, she still didnt feel confortable because of all of the people looking at her.

Every now and then someone complimented her 'costume' and wanted to know how she could make it so realistic, but Michael didnt let them know.

They had been walking for a while now and Lilly was getting a little tired.

''Where are going? I'm tired.''

Michael walked for a bit then he saw it, the huge library.

''There, there we can find out if they have found her.''

Lilly was impressed of the building, it was so huge.

They went in and headed for the section where they could get their hands on a newspaper, once there Michael took a paper and sat with Lilly.

He looked around the paper because the first page was missing.

''You humans are wierd, why do you use so much paper?''

''It's a good way of storing information, and humans tend to have a bad memory.''

Michael turned the page and found it, there was Plotmon with a huge headline. He started reading it.

''A mysterious dog like creature was found near New York a few days ago, the wierd creature could talk and was looking for 'Napoleon'.''

Lilly was so happy about this.

''So she is here! We can save her now!''

''No.'' Michael said in deep depression.

''New York is a huge city on the other side of the world, even if we could get there there's no way for us to locate her.''

That's when Lilymon startyed crying, Michael could only listen to her sobbing and couldnt do anyt-

''Wait a minute!''

Lilly stopped her sobbing and looked at him into his eyes.

''I can mabey find her, mabey.''

Lilly exploded in happiness.


''If I can get home to my computer, that is if it's still there. I can mabey locate her somehow, I have ways of finding anything with my computer.''

''Come on let's go.''

They stood up and almost ran from the library, they had just stepped outside when someone yelled and tackled Michael.


The Digimon Wars Chapter 4 War

The one who tackled him was his sister, Phione='Katie'. Katie was a blonde girl but she had dyed her hair, she was wearing identical clothes with Michael. Red jeans white T-shirt and a black and white hoody. She was crying heavily as she hugged her...

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 2 Getting Filled In

Authors note: God damnit! I just remembered that I forgot to describe his clothes! Fuuuu- Anyway he's wearing red jeans black sneakers white T-shirt and a black and white hoody. Oh and he also has short dark hair. Sorry for this but, well.... Off to...

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 1 Confusion

Authors note: This story is meant to show that I love Digimon just like I love Pokemon. But this story took a while to write, why? Well it's because when I started writing this It accidentaly got into the length of three chapters and I hadnt 'made'...

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